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Page 1: Evaluating and Implementing Web 2.0 Tools in Libraries

The MaintainIT Project

Evaluating and Implementing Web 2.0 Tools in Your Library

Lori Reed

Employee Learning & Development Coordinator, PLCMC

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Page 2: Evaluating and Implementing Web 2.0 Tools in Libraries

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Cookbook Book Club

Today we will discuss What to Consider When Evaluating and Implementing Web 2.0 Tools from The Joy of Computing: Planning for Success

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Web 2.0

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Who and Why?

“Work on the Why and the Who before the What. Meaning before you decide to start a new 2.0 service, like a blog or a twitter account, first answer Why - why are we doing this? and Who - who will do the work (because there will be weekly upkeep at a minimum) and Who - who do we want to connect to? THEN you can answer the What - what type of tool should we implement?”David Lee KingDigital Branch and Services ManagerTopeka & Shawnee County Public Library

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Key Questions

• Is there a need? What need is this filling?

• What is your goal?

• Do you have adequate staffing?

• Do you have resources for training?

• What about new staff?

• How will you evaluate your success?

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Innovation Cycle

“I find & play, figure out if we can use it, find a guinea pig, get them to try, see if it sticks. Sometimes this works easily. Sometimes there’s resistance. (As with anything considered ‘innovation’.)” “I tell others to have a plan but we don’t always do that ourselves to be honest. Sometimes I think that too much planning will lead you to bypassing the actual ‘doing’ of an idea.”

Michael SauersTechnology Innovation LibrarianNebraska Library Commission

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• Spam

• Keeping up with technology and new tools

• Time. Time to play. Time to maintain.

• Purpose?

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Web 2.0

• Blogs (Blogger)

• Microblogs (twitter)

• Photo Sharing (Flickr)

• Tags (delicious)

• Video Sharing (YouTube)

• Web-apps (Google docs)

• Wikis (pbwiki)

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Creative Commons


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Crafting your message

“It’s not about the technology, it’s about the message. If you don’t have anything to say, a blog or other social media tool won’t do you any good.”

Cordelia AndersonDirector of Marketing and Communications

Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County

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What’s in it for them?

“You have to build trust with your audience and offer them something: content that is good, interesting, useful or funny. If you are just trying to sell something (even a free library service), they will tune out. This is the same audience that fast forwards through commercials on the DVR and listens to satellite radio so they don’t have to hear commercials.” Cordelia AndersonDirector of Marketing and CommunicationsPublic Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County

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Just do it!

“None of the things Lori talks about today are ‘techie’ - they are techie like a phone is techie, or a car is techie. Don’t worry too much about what’s under the hood. Just take the keys, stomp on the gas pedal, and see what happens. :-)”

David Lee KingDigital Branch and Services Manager

Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library

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What’s your next step?

• Experiment with some new Web 2.0 tools

• Develop a plan for deploying a tool

• Evaluate tools we are already using

• Train more staff on Web 2.0 tools

• Find out what tools our patrons use

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The MaintainIT Project

For More InformationContact:

Lori Reed [email protected]

Brenda Hough [email protected]

Visit our website: www.maintainitproject.org

Additional resources:davidleeking.com

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