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Page 1: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Evaluating the Social, Ethical, and Economic Aspects of Advertising and Promotion

Evaluating the Social, Ethical, and Economic Aspects of Advertising and Promotion

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Page 2: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Creates Needs andWants Among


Creates Needs andWants Among


Promotes Materialism,

Insecurity and Greed

Promotes Materialism,

Insecurity and Greed

Is More PropagandaThan Information

Is More PropagandaThan Information


InformationCreates Jobs and Helps New Firms Enter a Market

Creates Jobs and Helps New Firms Enter a Market

EncouragesA Higher Standard

Of Living

EncouragesA Higher Standard

Of Living

PromotesCompetition in

The Marketplace

PromotesCompetition in

The Marketplace

Is More PropagandaThan Information

Is More PropagandaThan Information

Creates Needs andWants Among


Creates Needs andWants Among


Creates Jobs and Helps New Firms Enter a Market

Creates Jobs and Helps New Firms Enter a Market

EncouragesA Higher Standard

Of Living

EncouragesA Higher Standard

Of LivingProvides



Advertising and Promotion: Two Viewpoints

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Proponents Argue That Advertising and Promotion:

Proponents Argue That Advertising and Promotion:

Critics Argue That Advertising and Promotion

Critics Argue That Advertising and Promotion

PromotesCompetition in

The Marketplace

PromotesCompetition in

The Marketplace

Page 3: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Not All Issues Can Be


Not All Issues Can Be


A Marketing or Promotion Action May Be Legal but Not Considered


A Marketing or Promotion Action May Be Legal but Not Considered


Marketers Must Make Decisions Regarding the

Appropriateness of Their Actions

Marketers Must Make Decisions Regarding the

Appropriateness of Their Actions

A Marketing or Promotion Action May Be Legal but Not Considered


A Marketing or Promotion Action May Be Legal but Not Considered


Not All Issues Can Be


Not All Issues Can Be


Ethics in Advertising and Promotion

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Ethics: Moral principles and values that govern the actions of and individual or group.Ethics: Moral principles and values that govern the actions of and individual or group.

Page 4: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

The Miller Brewing Co. Promotes Responsible Drinking

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

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Page 5: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

General Mistrust of Advertising and Among Consumers. Many Do Not

Perceive Ads As Honest or Believable

General Mistrust of Advertising and Among Consumers. Many Do Not

Perceive Ads As Honest or Believable

General Mistrust of Advertising and Among Consumers. Many Do Not

Perceive Ads As Honest or Believable

General Mistrust of Advertising and Among Consumers. Many Do Not

Perceive Ads As Honest or Believable

Abuses Involving Sales Promotions Such As Contests, Sweepstakes, Premium


Abuses Involving Sales Promotions Such As Contests, Sweepstakes, Premium


Unethical And/or Deceptive Practices Involving Mail Order, Telemarketing and

Other Forms of Direct Marketing

Unethical And/or Deceptive Practices Involving Mail Order, Telemarketing and

Other Forms of Direct Marketing

Internet Scams and AbusesInternet Scams and Abuses

Abuses Involving Sales Promotions Such As Contests, Sweepstakes, Premium


Abuses Involving Sales Promotions Such As Contests, Sweepstakes, Premium


Unethical And/or Deceptive Practices Involving Mail Order, Telemarketing and

Other Forms of Direct Marketing

Unethical And/or Deceptive Practices Involving Mail Order, Telemarketing and

Other Forms of Direct Marketing

Advertising and Promotion as Untruthful or Deceptive

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Page 6: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Objections to Advertising

Of Certain Products

Objections to Advertising

Of Certain Products

Use of SexualAppeals And/or


Use of SexualAppeals And/or


Objections to Advertising

Of Certain Products

Objections to Advertising

Of Certain Products

Use of SexualAppeals And/or


Use of SexualAppeals And/or


Use of Shock Ads

Use of Shock Ads

Advertising as Offensive or in Bad Taste

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

++ +

Page 7: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Many People Found Benetton’s “Death Row” Ad Campaign Offensive

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Page 8: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Bijan Used Shock Advertising to Get Attention

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Page 9: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Advertising and Children

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Children's TV Watching Behavior

Children's TV Watching Behavior

Children between ages 2-11 watch on average 21.5 hours of TV per week and may see 22,000 commercials per year

Children between ages 2-11 watch on average 21.5 hours of TV per week and may see 22,000 commercials per year

Television is an important source of information for children about products

Television is an important source of information for children about products

Page 10: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

They Lack the Knowledge and

Skills to Critically Evaluate

Advertising Claims

They Lack the Knowledge and

Skills to Critically Evaluate

Advertising Claims

They Cannot Differentiate

Between Programs and Commercials

They Cannot Differentiate

Between Programs and Commercials

Children Must LearnThrough the Socialization


Children Must LearnThrough the Socialization


Children Must LearnThrough the Socialization


Children Must LearnThrough the Socialization


They Cannot Differentiate

Between Programs and Commercials

They Cannot Differentiate

Between Programs and Commercials

They Lack the Knowledge and

Skills to Critically Evaluate

Advertising Claims

They Lack the Knowledge and

Skills to Critically Evaluate

Advertising Claims

Perspectives on Advertising to Children

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Need to Acquire Skills Needed

To Function in the Marketplace

Need to Acquire Skills Needed

To Function in the Marketplace

Consumer Advocates Argue That Children Are Vulnerable to

Advertising Because:

Consumer Advocates Argue That Children Are Vulnerable to

Advertising Because:

While Marketers Argue That:While Marketers Argue That:

Page 11: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Does Advertising Make People Buy ThingsThey Don’t Need?

Does Advertising Make People Buy ThingsThey Don’t Need?

Does Advertising Encourage Materialism?

Does Advertising Encourage Materialism?

Does Advertising Encourage Materialism?

Does Advertising Encourage Materialism?

Does Advertising Make People Buy ThingsThey Don’t Need?

Does Advertising Make People Buy ThingsThey Don’t Need?

Social and Cultural Consequences of Advertising

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Is Advertising JustA Reflection of Society?

Is Advertising JustA Reflection of Society?

Page 12: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Portrayal of Women to Reflect Their Changing

Role in Society

Portrayal of Women to Reflect Their Changing

Role in Society

Portrayal ofWomen AsSex Objects

Portrayal ofWomen AsSex Objects

Ethnic Stereotyping/

Representation of Minorities

Ethnic Stereotyping/

Representation of Minorities

Ethnic Stereotyping/

Representation of Minorities

Ethnic Stereotyping/

Representation of Minorities

Portrayal ofWomen AsSex Objects

Portrayal ofWomen AsSex Objects

Gender Stereotyping

Gender Stereotyping

Gender Stereotyping

Gender Stereotyping

Portrayal of Women to Reflect Their Changing

Role in Society

Portrayal of Women to Reflect Their Changing

Role in Society

Advertising and Stereotyping

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Portrayal ofThe ElderlyPortrayal ofThe Elderly

Criticisms of Advertising

With Regard to Stereotyping

Criticisms of Advertising

With Regard to Stereotyping

Page 13: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Is This Woman Portrayed As a Sex Object?

Is This Woman Portrayed As a Sex Object?

Does This Ad ContainCues That Are Sexually


Does This Ad ContainCues That Are Sexually


Does This Ad Present an Image of Sexual Submissiveness?

Does This Ad Present an Image of Sexual Submissiveness?

Does This Ad ContainCues That Are Sexually


Does This Ad ContainCues That Are Sexually


Is This Woman Portrayed As a Sex Object?

Is This Woman Portrayed As a Sex Object?

What is your opinion of this ad?

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Page 14: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Advertising is Used to Address Social Problems

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

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Page 15: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Using advertising to fight the war on drugs

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

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Page 16: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

The U.S. Government Used Advertising To Discourage Drug Use

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Should Drug Use Be Linked With Terrorism?Should Drug Use Be Linked With Terrorism?

+ +

Page 17: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Advertising Is the Primary Source of Revenue for Newspapers,

Magazines, and Television and Radio Networks and Stations

Advertising Is the Primary Source of Revenue for Newspapers,

Magazines, and Television and Radio Networks and Stations

Advertisers May Exert Control Over The Media by Biasing Editorial Content, Limiting

Coverage of Certain Issues or Influencing Program Content

Advertisers May Exert Control Over The Media by Biasing Editorial Content, Limiting

Coverage of Certain Issues or Influencing Program Content

The Media’s Dependence on Advertising For Revenue Makes Them Vulnerable To Control by


The Media’s Dependence on Advertising For Revenue Makes Them Vulnerable To Control by


Advertising Is the Primary Source of Revenue for Newspapers,

Magazines, and Television and Radio Networks and Stations

Advertising Is the Primary Source of Revenue for Newspapers,

Magazines, and Television and Radio Networks and Stations

The Media’s Dependence on Advertising For Revenue Makes Them Vulnerable To Control by


The Media’s Dependence on Advertising For Revenue Makes Them Vulnerable To Control by


Do Advertisers Control the Media?

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Page 18: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

They Must Report the News Fairly and Accurately to Retain

Public Confidence

They Must Report the News Fairly and Accurately to Retain

Public Confidence

Advertisers Need the Media More Than the Media Need Any

One Advertiser

Advertisers Need the Media More Than the Media Need Any

One Advertiser

Advertisers Need the Media More Than the Media Need Any

One Advertiser

Advertisers Need the Media More Than the Media Need Any

One Advertiser

They Must Report the News Fairly and Accurately to Retain

Public Confidence

They Must Report the News Fairly and Accurately to Retain

Public Confidence

Do Advertisers Control the media?

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

The Media Maintain Separation Between News and Business

Departments “The Wall”

The Media Maintain Separation Between News and Business

Departments “The Wall”

Page 19: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Making Consumers Aware of Products and Services

Making Consumers Aware of Products and Services

Providing Consumers With Information to Use to Make

Purchase Decisions

Providing Consumers With Information to Use to Make

Purchase Decisions

Providing Consumers With Information to Use to Make

Purchase Decisions

Providing Consumers With Information to Use to Make

Purchase Decisions

Making Consumers Aware of Products and Services

Making Consumers Aware of Products and Services

Role of Advertising in the Economy

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Encouraging Consumption and Fostering Economic


Encouraging Consumption and Fostering Economic


Page 20: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

The American Advertising Federation Promotes the Value of Advertising

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Page 21: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Effects on Consumer Choice• Differentiation • Brand Loyalty

Effects on Consumer Choice• Differentiation • Brand Loyalty

Effects on product costs and prices• Advertising as an expense that

increases the cost of products• Increased differentiation

Effects on product costs and prices• Advertising as an expense that

increases the cost of products• Increased differentiation

Effects on Competition• Barriers to entry • Economies of scale

Effects on Competition• Barriers to entry • Economies of scale

Effects on Consumer Choice• Differentiation • Brand Loyalty

Effects on Consumer Choice• Differentiation • Brand Loyalty

Effects on Competition• Barriers to entry • Economies of scale

Effects on Competition• Barriers to entry • Economies of scale

Economic Impact of Advertising

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Advertising Helps New Competitors Enter the Market

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Page 23: Evaluating The Social, Ethical, And Economic Aspects Of Advertising And Promotion

Do You Agree With Leo Burnett?

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

“It must be said that without advertising we would have a far different nation, and one that would be much the poorer-not merely in material commodities, but in the life of the spirit.”

These excerpters are from a speech given by Leo Burnett on the American Association or Advertising Agencies’ 50th anniversary, April 20,1967

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