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Evaluating Your GoalsRichard Battista

Turn your all future goals into something positive.

Goals should be set with one thing in mind, a

clear accomplishment point. This is useful so there is a way to gauge when a goal has been


Commit to achieving your goals.

If commitment doesn't exist then how can

achieving a goal remain possible? Either commit or drop it! If the goal is

important enough to you you should be able

to fully commit your self..

Goals are mostly separated into two groups, internal and external.

InternalIn order to achieve an internal

goal one most become self aware of their passions,

priorities, talents, integrity, and dislikes. Once

discovering your inner motivations and inner limits it will be ever so rewarding to realize how much growing

you’ve done just by discovering your true

passions and priorities.


External goals consists of goals that do not require any growing as a person in order to achieve them, these goals

are externally completed. Some goals would be to

improve your kitchen, or to get the house painted.

Celebrate Your Achievements!

Rejoice with someone who cares about you. You should

rejoice after completing every goal to stress the importance

of achieving something important to you.

Adding New Goals to Your List

Evolving is an everlasting process. Once you’ve

completed your first chapter of goals, its never too late to

add another!

Richard Battista Massachusetts

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