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Josh Brown


Part1: Step by Step

For this unit we were asked to design and create our own magazine. We were asked to look at inspiration and then use our interest or hobbies to make a magazine of something we chose and were interested in. For this unit I looked into many magazines that I had interests in and have seen before, after a in depth discussion and time I decided to create my own music magazine named ‘Lyrical’.

I chose the name lyrical due to it being a musical term and will stand out and give an obvious summary to the audience of what the magazine is about and what it will contain behind the cover.

To create my magazine cover I used a programme named Photoshop this is a very simple programme that is brilliant for things like this. It took a while to get a hang of it but when you use it more often you get used and have a clear understanding of what you are doing. There are a selection of tools you can choose from which all have the own significant roles for different techniques.

Here are a few of the main tools I used:

Quick selection tool Move tool Crop Photo editing Duplicate layer

I used all of these main tools in my magazine because they all come in handy when you’re doing the basics of creating a magazine. Quick selection tool is used for quickly and simply selecting an image so you are able to do further changes of techniques to it. Crop is simply used to make an image or text smaller if need be. Photo editing come under a wide range of tools that help you edit or enhance your picture for example filters and colour pop (will be shown later in my magazine were I will identify it) and then also more complex and better quality editing with is hard to pick up and takes time and dedication.

Page 2: Evaluation

For this affect I used a skill called colour pop. This is where the image is in black and white however some is in colour. First step is to duplicate the layer and use the quick selection to cut the part that you want in colour this makes a spare layer so when you cut the part out the colour from the other layer comes through.

Josh Brown


I also used different fonts because I wanted to make my magazine more eye-catching and at a better quality it’s a simple thing to do as all you do is highlight the word and look through the different fonts. I got from 1001 fonts, and I chose it because it has a musical stave I just took it onto Photoshop and removed the background and inserted it.

I used contrasting colours to make images and text stand out so that I can make sure that people will be able to read and see the text and images. I also used this because I want it to be colourful so that it isn’t boring and people will want to read it. For this I just used the fill tool.

I used many images because I wanted to make it stand out. I used I mages that were mostly to do with music because I want it to be seen as a music magazine as people are walking past so they clearly know. For this I just used import image. I used a medium to make sure you could see the drums and this also left me enough grey space to write.

Page 3: Evaluation

Josh Brown

Part2 : Evaluation

I believe there are some strengths and weaknesses of my cover:

Strengths Weaknesses Eye catching Picture stretched Images used No left side third puffs More advertisement colour scheme More simple

Over the whole unit I have worked very hard on my magazine and I looked into many magazines for all different types of inspiration. My end result has come out well and what I believe as a good quality, I tried my best to take consideration to all the help and other ideas I was given and I think it come out rather well.

I chose a Rolling stones magazine as my project and I believe it came out fairly successful and similar to the target magazine I chose. I have compared them to each other and I think my dedication has paid of as they look the same in different sections of the magazines.

I think that if I had to do this same task in the future I would really focus on what I want the magazine to be focused on, and look into magazines with the same genres and pick up their tips and key aspects of the magazines and include them in mine.

Overall I believe it went well as an overall view, due to me working hard my magazine and additional work came out as a standard I was hoping for.

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