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Jack Rogers Evaluation for IG4 Final Major Project

Evaluation for IG4Finak Major ProjectOverall I thought that my Final Major Project went well the main thing that I used was technical quality of my final product. This covered the images footage, use of sound, editing, layout and composition. The images footage used was very effective the footage covered everything from camera angles to how long each clip is. The footage was very effective because of the camera angle used. I watched a number of mountain bike adverts trying to capture a professional camera angles and timing to use in my video. I thought that I did this very well and to my best potential. The camera angles used were very creative and well thought off with using camera angles such as a low angle camera angle this is a camera angle that looks up at the bike. This is the opposite of a high angle and makes a character look more powerful. This can make the audience feel vulnerable and small by looking up at the character. This can help the responder feel empathy if they are viewing the frame from another character's point of view. These camera angles are professional and were used in well-known Bike company’s adverts such as Specialized and Cube Aim company adverts and videos. The use of sound in my music video just covers the music in my advert I did not used any sound effects in my advert I just used music a song called “waiting all night” by Rudimental the song is fast pace and moving and when creating my survey in survey monkey one of the questions was “did you think that the music matches the fast pace of the advert video “ and all of my feedback came back with YES, with this Primary research I can say that the use of sound with in the technical quality was successful .The editing and the layout of my video advert was an advantage, this was an advantage because of the software that I used, the software that I used for creating and editing my own advert is called Adobe Premier pro. I was able to use the software well as I have used it before to create other final major projects such as a music video a objects of desire advert and of course a mountain bike advert. Whilst using Premier pro I had to sort out all of the timing of the frames such as relating it to my script which scene and what time frame it goes at. I thought that I did this well as the advert relate to my story board. The editing was however hard matching the music to my advert making the more action pace filming match to the more powerful music piece such as the louder that the music gets the faster and more action based that the advert gets. The editing was hard because of the cutting of the recordings for example I would go out and record all of the advert appropriate filming and then I would have to go through rename and then I would have to look through the filming and pick out the appropriate ones to add in to my advert however I would have to go through and cut the appropriate sequence for example the filming and recording would off been 1 minute long however I only need 15 seconds of the filming so I would cut it to make it 15 seconds to add it into my advert.The composition of my advert is the overall advert its self the evaluation for this is how well everything was out together and how it turned out in the end. Over all the composition went well I believe that everything that I put in came out very professional everything from the technical quality such as the images used the professional footage such as the camera angles and the shots them self the use of sound and the editing and the layout.

Over the entire whole final major project went well the whole project had to relate to the previous assignments of the IG4 such as the previous task of the final major project such as the story board where my initial intentions were made. I had to relate it to my story board from everything from the images getting it close to the filming and recordings also the frame seconds matching the overall final major project. I thought I did this very well and matched it to my initial ideas. My final major project matches my initial ideas because I kept everything the same from the frame seconds such as how long the filming and recording stayed on for time this is done very well in my final major project because the opening sequence should stay on for 0 – 5 seconds and this is what my final major project does the opening sequence to my final major project is 0 – 5 seconds there for matching my initial ideas. Another reason why my initial ideas matches my final major project is that on my story board scene number 5 on my story board shows a camera angel where the camera is looking up on

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Jack Rogers Evaluation for IG4 Final Major Project

the ground from the floor and the seconds are 20-23 seconds this is the exactly the same on my final major project . The time management for my Final Project went well I had time slot where I had to have everything completed by. I did this on time with no problems; also Time management can come under Hiring my Camera out, I hired out a cannon SLR camera on Monday 20th January at 2:00pm and to last me a week until Monday 27th January 2014 at 9:00am there for I had a week to get all of my filming completed. My time management went well as I completed all of my filming on time and had brought back the camera back on time there for my time management went well. Whilst editing and creating my advert I still had to leave time ready to write up my evaluation overall the editing went well creating and finishing and leaving time for mistakes and corrections there for my time management went well leaving time to go back to my final major project and not leaving it to last minute.My target audience was the tricky part to this final major project, as I had to relate everything to this making sure that I have to sell it to the audience. And always remembering this. My target audience for this was teenagers to adults and any other sports and outdoors fanatics. I had to relate this to my target audience so therefor the advert had to show all kinds of features for the target audience which is what I did. The target audience was shown in my advert buy showing the bike outdoors and the actor was an 18 year old male therefor relating to the target audience. All together I thought that the advert was very professional also I created a group on Facebook to get feedback on my advert below is an image of the feedback that I had got. Also I created a number of survey questions to put on to a website called www.Surveymonkkey.co.uk where I can make a survey full of questions and get feedback on them. I had to go out and create a primary research task.My primary research for my Mountain bike advert was to create an online survey on the software survey monkey. Survey monkey allowed me to create an online survey where I can ask questions such as what genre of music people would prefer in advert weather or not they want the video to be fast pace or slow pace and asking them what brands of bikes do the public see I asked in the survey whether or not they would like to see any other synergy products in the video such as other bike brands helmets gloves and pads. Survey monkey then allowed me to out the multiple choices in the answers for example below the bar graph allowed me to see what the audience response was to the


This bar graph on survey monkey shows that the music genre that was most popular was Rock then drum and bass and then Dub step after that was house music and last but not least Rap music. With this research I can now relate this in creating my video and advert as the graph shows that the most popular 3 was Rock Dub step and House Music, then I can see what bike videos and

adverts are out there that are popular and that have this kind of music genre in them and add these sound track to the pace of the video.

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Jack Rogers Evaluation for IG4 Final Major Project

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