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Evaluation LO4Magazine CoversAaron Higgins

What were my intentions when I was taking this photo?My intentions when I took this photo was to create a happy vibe from the model by having them look at the camera and smile to intrigue the audience and make them feel happy.How the final image fulfils my intentions.The photo came out as I intended as the model has direct address with the camera and is putting across a happy message as shes smiling. How the image is appropriate for teenage lifestyle and the specific issue I have created.The photo I have used is appropriate to teenage lifestyle as my model is clearly a teenager, also it is appropriate to my theme which is Designer clothes as the model is wearing designer clothing within the image.The Meaning created in the image.The meaning that the image creates is that the model is happy in her designer clothes.

How well the combination of the image and text works.

The combination between the image and the text works well as the colours that I have used on the text help them stand out as much as possible upon the particular background.

The meaning created.

The meaning created from this front cover is saying to the audience that certain brands could be overpriced without them realising, this intrigues the audience to make them want to read the magazine.

How it is appropriate for the Target Audience.

The front cover is appropriate for the target audience as teenagers are well into buying designer clothes to impress their friends.

How it fulfils your intentions.

The cover fulfils my intentions as the model portrays a happy vibe to the audience and the text colours I have used stand out with that particular background.

What my intentions when I took this photo?My intentions when I took this photo were to create a happy message by having the model give direct address and having her smile, meanwhile she is eating food which tells the audience the theme of my magazine, which is food. How the final image fulfils my intentions. The image fulfils my intentions as the model is clearly eating and drinking while looking at the camera smiling which intrigues the audience as they will get a happy vibe from her. How the image is appropriate for teenage lifestyle and the specific issue I have created.The image is appropriate for teenage lifestyle as the model is clearly a teenager and it applies to my theme as she's eating and drinking.The meaning created in the image.The meaning that the image has created is that the girl is extremely happy while eating food.

How well the combination of the image and text works.

The combination between the image and the text works very well as the colours of the text stand out on the particular background, also the different colours used make the front cover look quite cheerful on a whole is its colourful.

The meaning created.

The meaning created from this front cover is that the magazine is purely about food as the cover line says Food, Food and more Food.

How it is appropriate for the target audience.

The cover is appropriate for the target audience as the model is a teenager like the audience and the bright colours intrigue the young audience.

How it fulfils your intentions.

The cover final cover fulfils my intentions as it jumps out in your face with the bright colours, also the model is sending a happy vibe to the audience.

What my intentions were when I took the photo.My intentions when I took this photo was to put across a sport/street message as teenagers these days wear this clothing while they play football.How the final image fulfils my intentions.The image fulfils my intentions my intentions as the model is wearing the clothing that I wanted and he also has a football in his hand so it signifies everything I want it to which is that hes been playing football. How the image is appropriate for teenage lifestyle and the specific issue I have created.The image is appropriate for teenage lifestyle as when most teenagers want to go out for a kick about with their friends, these are the types of clothes they wear.The meaning created in the image.The meaning that the image creates is that the clothes look comfy to play football in.

How well the combination of the image and text works.The combination of the image and the text work well as the colours of text I have used are bright colours which stand out on that particular background. Also the text is positioned so it surrounds the models face and does not go over it, I did this as the model is a key part of the cover. The meaning created.The meaning that the cover has created is that the magazine will give the audience the best tips on what to buy.How it is appropriate for the target audience.The cover is appropriate for the target audience as its aimed at teenagers who are into sports and the model is clearly a teenager that is into sports. How it fulfils your intentions.The cover fulfils my intentions as the models appearance signifies the genre of the magazine and the font and colour I've used on the text works well.

What my intentions were when I took the photo.My intentions when I took this photo was to get a dark background so that the model stands out as much as possible.How the final image fulfils my intentions.The image fulfils my intentions as the models face stands out well.How the image is appropriate for teenage lifestyle and the specific issue I have created.The image is appropriate to teenage lifestyle as the model is a teenager and has earphones in which is quite common for most teenagers. The photo also applies to my theme as the model has earphones in listening to music. The meaning created in the image.The meaning that the image creates is that this guy is cool.

How well the combination of the image and text works.The image and the text work well together as the text is placed around the models face so it doesnt interfere with him. The meaning created.The meaning created is that within the magazine there is a lot of interesting topics that the target audience will be interested in as its aimed at people that are heavily into music.How it is appropriate for the target audience.It is appropriate for the target audience as the cover lines mention lots of music related things along with the model having earphones in, this all signifies that its a music magazine. How it fulfils your intentions.The cover fulfils my intentions as the background is dark so the model stands out and the text also stands out as I've used bright colours.

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