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Evaluation of Dave Wallace’s tutorial

This establishing shot was taken by Dave in his video using a similar length jib to what we would be using. Emily and I have decided because our film predominantly takes place in the home of Ellie and Dave it would be appropriate to introduce this as the main setting. To do so, we will use a similar shot to this , using the jib to make the camera fall into the scene. Unlike this shot we will simply make the camera fall into the location of the home and make It apparent that the house is the main setting of the film.

Again this shot was taken with the jib to establish a time and setting. In our film, a shot like this would not only capture the sense of a homely setting but also would represent an element of life and the evolution of it. With our filming location being close to a local forest we can easily take some shots of this nature.

This is an example of a slider shot, showing a character in their everyday morning routine. Within our script, our film opens on Ellie and Dave going through their normal routine. Using the slider effectively could give us some professional looking shots with a simple manoeuvre of the camera. It would give the connotation of an everyday routine thus giving us the look we are aiming for in our opening sequence.

This is a handheld shot using a steadicam. The shot is similar to what we are aiming to achieve when Ellie is walking down the stairs in her prom dress. Therefore, for us to use this sort of effect we could also add edit it in slow motion and add more tension leading up to the pivotal point in our film.

Another Steadicam shot In our final scene, showing Ellie and Sam dancing together could have been filmed in many different ways. However, this kind of effect would tie the film together and represent Ellie’s happiness that she can spend her last days with Sam. It is a coming of age scene and would also represent Ellie’s love for Sam.

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