+ All Categories

Name of Firm :

(A) DESIGN (50%)

Completed Project Cost : Completed Design Consult. Cost :

> 80% 80-50% <50%

Strong 1 0.65 0.3

Medium 0.65 0.4225 0.195

weak 0.3 0.195 0.09


(C) Resident Supervision (50%)

Completed Project Cost : Completed Supervision Cost :

> 80% 80-50% <50%

Strong 1 0.65 0.3

Medium 0.65 0.4225 0.195

weak 0.3 0.195 0.09


Relevant (Max

15 Years)Five Projects

20-Marks 40-Marks 20-Marks

(2 each) (4 each) (2 each)



Experience in

Executing high rise

buildings Project

2Senior Structure


Experience in

structural design of

high rise buildings



Experience in

structural design of

high rise buildings



Experience in

structural design of

high rise buildings

Sub Total (Part-1)0

Component Score = Weight from table x 20 % X 50% (Score A)




Part-1. Experience & Standing. (20 Marks)

Name of Largest similar assignment (High

Rise Building Project with allied

infrastructure) Completed during last ten


Relative Size of AssignmentTotal Marks




Position of





Total Marks





Name of Largest similar assignment (High

Rise Building Project with allied

infrastructure) Completed during last ten


Total Marks


Sub Total (Part-1)0

Component Score = Weight from table x 20 x 50% (Score B)

Total Score of Part-1 (A+B+C) 0

Part-2. Personnel (80 Marks)

Relative Size of Assignment

Sr.No. Name of Expert






Experience in

electrical design of

high rise buildings






Experience in

mechanical design of

high rise buildings

7Chief Resident

Civil Engineer0

Experience in

resident supervision

of high rise buildings

8Resident Civil


Experience in

resident supervision

of high rise buildings






Experience in

resident supervision

of high rise buildings

10Material Civil


Experience on high

rise buildings


Total (Part 1+ Part 2) 0.00

Expert evaluation on 100 marks.

1. Acadamic Qualification (16 Marks)

PhD. 100% Marks (2.00)

Master. 90% Marks (1.8)

Bachelor 80% Marks (1.6)

2. Working Experience:- Maximum 100% marks for 15 year experience (proportionate marks for less experience)

3. Number of Project:-Maximum 100% marks for 5 Project (proportionate marks for less experience)

Total Score of Part-2

Sr. No. Name of FirmsPEC


Incorporation /







No Litigation &

No Blacklisting


Audit Reports

(Last 3 Years)Remarks

Pre-Qualification of Consultants

( Check List )











Telephone: (042) 99212526 Facsimile: (042) 99212522


A. General

1. Scope of Application

1.1 TEPA/LDA intends to invite Expression of Interest from reputed, dynamic, experienced and result oriented Firms / Joint Ventures having relevant experience in the said assignment, duly registered from Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC).

1.2 The Employer’s Representative, to perform the duties delegated by the Employer for the Project shall be Mr. Mazhar Hussain Khan, Project Director-I, TEPA, LDA.

2. Source of Funds

2.1 The Government of Punjab.

3. Fraud and Corruption

3.1 Anticorruption Policy prevailing in Pakistan requires that firm observes the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of the afore-mentioned policy, the Employer:

(a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows:

(i) “corrupt and fraudulent practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, of anything of value to influence the action of a public official or the firm in the procurement process or in contract execution to the detriment of the procuring agency; or misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract, collusive practices among applicants/bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial, non-competitive levels and to deprive the procuring agency of the benefits of free and open competition and any request for, or solicitation of anything of value by any public official in the course of the exercise of his duty;

(ii) “coercive practice” means impairing or

harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to achieve a wrongful gain or to cause a wrongful loss to another party;

(iii) “collusive practice” means by arrangement

between two or more parties to the procurement process or contract execution, designed to achieve with or without the knowledge of the procuring agency to establish

prices at artificial, noncompetitive levels for any wrongful gain;

(iv) “integrity violation” means any act which

violates Anticorruption Policy including corrupt, fraudulent, coercive, or collusive practice, abuse, and obstructive practice;

(v) “obstructive practice” means harming or

threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons or their property to influence their participation in a procurement process, or affect the execution of a contract or deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering or concealing of evidence material to the investigation or making false statements before investigators in order to materially impede an investigation into allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practice; or threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the investigation, or acts intended to materially impede the exercise of inspection and audit rights.

(b) will reject an application if it determines that the

firm has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices or other integrity violations in competing for the Contract; and

(c) will sanction/impose remedial actions on a firm

or an individual, at any time in accordance with applicable laws and Anticorruption Policy including declaring ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to participate as a contractor, nominated subcontractor, consultant, manufacturer or supplier, or service provider; or in any other capacity, if it at any time determines that the firm or individual has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices or other integrity violations.

4. Eligible Applicants

4.1 An applicant shall be an entity or any combination of entities in the form of a JV/consortium with a formal intent to enter into an agreement or under an existing agreement in the form of a JV/consortium who submits the application (the “Application”) for the Project pursuant to the RFQ (the “Applicant”). In the case of a JV/consortium,

(a) all partners to the JV/consortium shall be jointly and severally liable; and

(b) a JV/consortium shall nominate a representative to act as the lead partner who shall have the authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of all the partners of the JV/consortium during the prequalification process and, in the event the JV/consortium is prequalified, during the bidding process, and in the event the JV/consortium is awarded the contract for the Project (the “Contract”), during Contract execution.

4.2 An Applicant, and all partners constituting the Applicant, shall have the nationality of an eligible country for Pakistan. An Applicant shall be deemed to have the nationality of a country if the Applicant is a national of that country; or is constituted, incorporated, or registered and operates in conformity with the provisions of the laws of that country.

4.3 The above requirement shall apply to the determination of the nationality of Applicant as a single entity as well as all JV/consortium partners.

4.4 The Employer considers a conflict of interest to be a situation in which a party has interests that could improperly influence that party’s performance of official duties or responsibilities, contractual obligations, or compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The Employer will take appropriate actions to manage such conflicts of interest which may include rejecting a proposal for award of the Contract if it determines that a conflict of interest has affected the integrity of the procurement process. At the time of bidding, bidders may be in a conflict of interest with one or more parties if they, including but not limited to; participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design or technical/commercial/financial/legal specifications of the works/services, that are the subject of this prequalification, or if a bidder participated in more than one (1) bid in the bidding process, either individually or as a partner in a joint venture. This will result in the disqualification of all bids in which it is involved.

4.5 Incase of foreign successful firm, the firm shall be required to obtain and appropriate license from Pakistan Engineering Council (“PEC”) for works/services in accordance with the provisions of PEC Bye-laws titled “Construction and Operation of Engineering Works Bye-laws, 1987” issued under SRO 568(I)/87 dated July 08, 1987.

B. Contents of Prequalification Documents

5. Clarification of Prequalification Documents

5.1 A prospective Applicant requiring any clarification of the RFQ shall contact the Employer in writing at the Employer’s address as shown hereunder. The Employer will respond in writing to any request for clarification provided that such request is received no later than fifteen (3) days prior to the deadline for submission of Applications. The Employer shall forward copies of its response to all Applicants who have acquired the RFQ directly from the Employer including a description of the inquiry but without identifying its source. Should the Employer deem it necessary to amend the RFQ because of a request for clarification, it shall do so following the procedure under

For clarification purposes only, the Employer’s address is:

Attention: Mr. Saif-Ur-Rehman, Chief Engineer TEPA, LDA. Address: 4-C, Lytton Road, Lahore.

Telephone: (042) 99212526 Facsimile: (042) 99212522

6. Amendment of Prequalification Documents

6.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Applications, the Employer may amend the RFQ by issuing addenda.

6.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the RFQ and shall be communicated in writing to all who have obtained the RFQ directly from the Employer.

6.3 To give prospective Applicants reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account in preparing their Applications, the Employer may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Applications.

C. Preparation of Applications

7. Cost of Applications

7.1 The Applicant shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Application, and the Employer shall in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the prequalification process.

8. Language of Application

8.1 The Application, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the prequalification exchanged by the Applicant and the Employer, shall be written in the English language. Supporting documents and printed literature that are part of the Application may be in another

language, provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages into the English language, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Application, the translation shall govern.

9. Documents Comprising the Application

9.1 The Application shall comprise the following:

(a) Letter of Prequalification Application addressed to Chief Engineer TEPA, LDA.

(b) written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Application to commit the Applicant;

(c) documentary evidence establishing the Applicant’s eligibility to prequalify,

(d) documentary evidence establishing the Applicant’s qualifications, and

(e) Any other information, as required under the RFQ.

9.2 The requirements regarding the legal instrument evidencing the authorization to represent and sign on behalf of the Applicant shall be a power of attorney, duly notarized and attested (in case of foreign entity: notarized from Notary Public and attested from Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Pakistani Embassy), stamped, and signed by all partners, indicating that the person(s) signing the Application has(ve) the authority to sign the Application for Prequalification.

D. Submission of Applications

10. Sealing and Marking of Applications

10.1 The Applicant shall enclose the application in sealed envelope which shall: (a) bear the name and address of the Applicant; (b) be addressed to the Employer, and (c) bear the specific identification of this prequalification

process indicated above.

10.2 If the envelope is not sealed and marked as required, the Employer will assume no responsibility for the misplacement of the Application, or any documents forming a part there-of.

11. Deadline for Submission of Applications

11.1 Applications shall be submitted by the Applicants through courier/ express mail or by hand at the address indicated in the EOI, above. However, Applicants must ensure that the Applications must reach no later than the following deadline:

January 1, 2018 at 11:30 hours, Pakistan Standard


Electronically submitted Applications shall not be entertained and treated as rejected.

11.2 The Employer may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Applications by amending the RFQ, in which case all rights and obligations of the Employer and the Applicants subject to the previous deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

12. Late Applications

12.1 The Employer shall not consider any Application that arrives after the deadline for submission of Applications. Any Application or any document received by the Employer after the deadline for submission of Applications shall be declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to the Applicant.

13. Opening of Applications

13.1 The Applications will be opened on the same day mentioned at 12:00 hours (Pakistan Standard Time).

E. Evaluation of Applications

14. Confidentiality 14.1 Information relating to the evaluation of Applications, and recommendation for prequalification, shall not be disclosed to Applicants or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until the notification of prequalification is made to all Applicants.

14.2 From the deadline for submission of Applications to the time of notification of the results of the prequalification, if any Applicant wishes to contact the Employer on any matter related to the prequalification process, it may do so in writing.

15. Clarification of Applications

15.1 To assist in the evaluation of Applications, the Employer may, at any stage during the prequalification process, ask any Applicant for additional information or supporting documentation in respect of any matter associated with the documentation submitted by the Applicant in its Application.

15.2 If an Applicant does not provide additional information, documentation or clarifications of the information requested by the date and time set in the Employer’s request for clarification, its Application may be rejected.

22. Responsive-ness of Applications

22.1 The Employer may reject any Application which is not responsive to the requirements of the RFQ.

22.2 The Employer reserves the right to waive deviations/omissions, if these do not materially affect the capability of an Applicant to perform the Contract. The experience of the subcontractor and resources shall not be considered in determining the Applicant’s compliance with

the qualifying criteria provided in the RFQ.

F. Prequalification of Applicants

23. Evaluation of Applications

23.1 The Employer shall use the criteria and methods defined in RFQ to evaluate the qualifications of the Applicants.

24. Employer’s Right to Accept or Reject Applications

24.1 The Employer reserves the right to annul the prequalification process and reject all Applications at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to the Applicants.

25. Prequalification of Applicants

25.1 All Applicants, whose Applications have been determined to be responsive to the requirements of the RFQ and who have met or exceeded the specified criteria shall be prequalified by the Employer.

26. Notification of Prequalification

26.1 Once the Employer has completed the evaluation of the Applications, it shall notify all Applicants in writing, whether they have been prequalified. Upon request of an interested Applicant, the Employer shall provide the names of those Applicants who have been prequalified.

27. Invitation to Bid

27.1 Promptly after the notification of the results of the prequalification, the Employer shall issue RFP TO all the Applicants that have been prequalified who will submit their technical and financial proposal.


LDA owns a piece of land (approximately 125 kanals (562,500 sq.ft. or 52,277 sq.m.) located along Ferozepur Road (Old Fruit & Vegetable Market) and near Arfa Karim Software Technology Park.

Growing population, better business opportunities and migration to urban localities have increased demand for commercial and recreational facilities in Lahore.

Keeping in view the commercial, trading, residential and other misc. uses, permissibility on this site, LDA proposes to build multi-storey & high rise Commercial and Recreational Complex on this land costing approximately Rs. 7000 Billion. For Evaluation purposes the Design consultancy cost will be taken approximately 105 Million (1.5% of the Construction Cost) can be increased or decreased as per actual estimate and Resident Supervision Cost will be approximately 140 Million, 2% of Construction Cost (To be paid as per actual man month basis).

In the First phase the Consultant will be responsible for:

Preliminary design and Detailed design of the facilities listed above

Preliminary design and Detailed design of the infrastructure related to facilities stated above

The Consultant shall provide Professional and Technical expertise for the proper execution of the services outlined below. The Consultant’s Team shall liaise and coordinate with all concerned Government Authorities/Agencies/Departments, Architectural Consultant and shall be familiar with all local government laws and regulations. The scope of Services to be performed and successfully completed by the Consultant to the full satisfaction of the Client and in accordance with the Contract shall include but not limited to the phases as described herein:

In the Second phase, the consultant would have to undertake Resident Construction Supervision for the Civil works for facilities listed above.


Stage 1: Preliminary Design and Detailed Design / Working Drawings and Draft Tender Documents, Engineers Cost Estimate and detailed BOQs.

Stage 2: Final Design and Tender Documents, Engineers Cost Estimate and detailed BOQs.

Stage 3: Services during tendering stage and evaluation process.


Stage 4: Resident Construction Supervision of the facilities stated above.

Stage 5: Services during Defects Liability Period

Program of Deliverables

Phase A: Design Work

STAGE 1: Data Collection, Survey, Analysis and Project Brief & Feasibility

The Consultant shall carry out all surveys and site investigations of the Project site as follows:

1. Clients Project brief, and site data supplied by the client, data collected by the consultant from authorities having jurisdiction.

2. Project execution strategy

3. Budget and time schedule limitations

4. Data of Site Information, such as:

a. Topographical Survey to determine and record the exact layout of Site and adjacent areas (roads, structures, etc.), water channels, physical features, site levels, location of existing roads, boundary limits, services (above and belowground), existing structures and all other pertinent information and conditions relevant to the Project site shall be used for designing as already carried out by Architectural Consultant. In case of additional information required at design stage, the consultant carryout any survey as required.

b. The consultant will furnish a comprehensive report regarding soil conditions at project site and will recommend the technically and economically viable solutions regarding soil improvement, foundation type and any other soil related problem. The report would consist of Bearing Capacity, Subsurface exploration and evaluation of other soil related design parameters. Following tests be carried out to investigate the soil by the latest ASTM Standards.

i. In situe Moisture Content Test & Results

ii. Specific Gravity Test & Results

iii. Particle Size Distribution Test & Results

iv. Atterberg Limits Test & Results

v. Unconfined & Triaxial Compression test & Results

vi. Direct Shear Test & Results

vii. SPT Test & Results

c. Use the already Identified preliminary locations by Architectural Consultant for both temporary and permanent works.

d. Statement on fundamental general and specific codes, building regulations and zoning requirements.

e. Extent of infrastructure and site constraints.

Project Design Brief:

The Consultant shall develop, along with the Client and the End Users, a Design Brief and report for the project using all relevant national, international and local bylaws and codes. The Consultant shall, in close collaboration with the Client, finalize the Project Design Brief with the objective of developing the Site and to include but not limited to:

a. Review of local municipality rules and regulations applying to the site and their application.

b. Operational requirements, in collaboration with the Client.

c. Facilities requirements.

d. Special relations between facilities

e. Interfaces with existing or proposed facilities

f. Extent of the infrastructure, landscape and external works

g. Survey of existing and projected pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and emergency and services routes within the plot boundaries for buildings

h. Principal users of the facility

i. Review of all applicable local authorities’ regulatory requirements.

j. Review of all applicable cost of financial data.

k. End user’s data.

Data Analysis:

At the end of the data collection, the consultant shall submit a data collection and analysis report for the client’s review and approval. This report shall include, but not limited to the following:

An analysis of the collected information, i.e. regulatory, physical, financial, environmental, traffic, parking, utility and demographic opportunities and constraints and their effects upon the design process and intent.

An analysis of the purpose for each element of the project, including a clear statement of goals and more specific objectives.

All plans, charts graphs, matrices, sketches and similar graphic material necessary to provide a clear analysis of the above analysis.

Project delivery approach/ implementation strategy with recommendations on the most effective means for organization and timely delivery of the project.

During this stage and in parallel with, the consultant is required to produce

and present to the client, samples of design proposals indicating design principle for the client’s review, comments.

STAGE 2: Design

The Consultant shall prepare a Design that will define the Project in terms of, structural design, internal and external infrastructure design, design of Electrical, Plumbing, Telephone, networking, CCTV and security surveillance, firefighting & HVAC Systems etc. and any other design required as per site conditions.

The Consultant shall accommodate in the Design any environmental considerations from EIA report and traffic engineering considerations from TIA report, that may be required.

At the conclusion of this Stage, the Consultant shall prepare a Design Report that will summarize all of the work undertaken during this Stage. The Preliminary Design Report shall be submitted to the Client for review and approval. Liaison with the Client, Architectural Consultant and other relevant authorities will be maintained during this period.

The deliverables under the scope of work at this stage shall consist of, but not limited to, the following:

1. Engineering Design & Drawings

a. Structural, Infrastructural, Electrical, Telephone, BMS, Networking, CCTV, Security Surveillance, Fire Fighting, Plumbing & HVAC Drawings

i. The design concept report encompassing all the structural requirements of Building code of Pakistan (BCP) and all ACI Codes and Committee reports. Based on the report the consultant will furnish the structural design drawings.

ii. Plumbing drawings

iii. Electrical drawings

iv. Earthing drawings

v. Networking drawings

vi. General arrangement plans- CCTV & security surveillance system

vii. Consultant will submit a report on the buildings means of egress in case of fire, based on IFC (International Fire Code) standards

viii. Fire Detection/Alarm System & Fire Fighting System drawings

ix. Sprinkler & hydrants preliminary drawing

x. HVAC System

xi. Detailed parking guidance system, Signage and markings

xii. Design of public address system

xiii. Road blocker/barrier design

xiv. Design concept report should contain following:

a. Design criteria shall be part of concept report.

b. Preliminary area summary sheet with floor wise cooling/heating load requirements for each block separately.

c. Electrical load calculations sheet for each block separately.

d. Weather data sheet shall be part of concept report.

e. Narrative On plumbing & drainage facility clearly showing estimated (90% accurate) water supply and sewage loads.

f. Concept report of fire protection, fuel/gas supply, electrical system, IT & security system, and vertical transport system discussing all components

g. Concept drawings complete in all respect including builder works drawings for early structural finalization of design.

h. Specification outlines of Air Conditioning, fire protection and plumbing system.

b. Infrastructure and Utilities Design

Preliminary design and drawings for infrastructure and utilities includes following systems:

i. Site development general layout

ii. Water supply system requirements and layouts

iii. Firefighting system fire hydrants and breaching inlet layout

iv. Fire reservoir and pump room

v. Sewerage and Storm water drainage system

vi. External Electrification, Power and low current distribution networks, Initial load and distribution calculations

vii. Access Roads, foot paths and walkways

viii. The consultant will recommend the best suited place for parking and will design parking facility, utilizing the available space efficiently, as per AASHTO guidelines and in consultation with Architectural Consultant & Client.

ix. Check Posts, Gates, Fence and Boundary walls

x. Water channels, Sewer Manhole details and infrastructure services co-ordination drawings with sections showing levels clearly and any

other drawings and systems as viewed necessary.

STAGE 3: Final Design and PC-I, Detailed Estimate / Tender Documents

Following the approval of the Detailed Design, the Consultant shall prepare and submit the Final Design, PC-I estimate, Detailed Engineering Estimates and Tender Documents incorporating the Client’s review/comments of the previous stage and the final Bills of Quantities.

Final Design and Tender Documents shall comprise:

Volume 1 – Conditions of Contract [PEC Standard Forms of Contract]

a. Instructions to Tenders / Bids

b. Form of Agreement / Contract

c. Form of Tender Bond

d. Form of Performance Bond

e. Form of Tender and Appendix to Tender

f. Conditions of Contract comprising

Part I - General Conditions of Contract

Part II - Conditions of Particular Application

Volume 2 – Specifications [by the Consultant]

These documents (if more than one volume) shall be prepared by the Consultant; each shall be bound and provided with a printed cover.

Volume 3 – Bills of Quantities [by the Consultant]

This document shall be prepared by the Consultant, bound and provided with a printed cover by the Consultant.

Volume 4 – Drawings

Final drawings shall be prepared by the Consultant to appropriate size and listing.

Final Design Report

On completion of the Final Design, Estimation and Tender Document Stage, the Consultant shall submit a Final Design Report summarizing all stages of the design.

STAGE 4: Tendering and Pre-Construction Activities

Tender Addenda.

The Consultant shall, subject to the approval of the Client, prepare any addendum to the Tender Documents if and when required. The addendum shall be issued to all Tenderers for incorporation into their Tender Offer in a timely manner.

Prequalification/Tenders Evaluation

The Consultant shall attend Prequalification Proposal and tenders opening meeting. The Consultant shall evaluate Prequalification Documents and, Tenderers’ technical / financial offers and shall prepare a Prequalification Evaluation and Tender Report with analysis and recommendations.

Award of Construction Contract

The Consultant shall:

Assist the Client in the discussions with the bidders throughout the process till Contract Award.

Prepare the required number of “Approved for Construction” (AFC) drawings and other contract documents for the construction contract. The AFC drawings shall incorporate all revisions and addenda issued since issue of the tender.


Stage 5: Construction Supervision

Site Handover and Preparation of working drawings

i. The consultant shall issue handover notice of the site to the Contractor

as per the general conditions of contract in coordination with the


ii. Preparation of all working drawings required in the project.

iii. Checking and approval of the Contractor's shop drawings.

iv. Mark-out the buildings within the site as per the Master Plan.

Review of Contractor' Implementation Schedule

The Contractor' proposed implementation schedule shall be reviewed

thoroughly by the Consultant. Interrelations between the various activities

shall be carefully reviewed particularly with respect to time allocation, staff

allocation for each activity, commencement and completion dates. At the end

of this procedure, an agreed implementation schedule should be provided by

the Contractor to the satisfaction of all parties.

Resident Supervision of Construction Works

i. The Consultant should provide the necessary supervisory staff to be

employed during the period of implementation in executive and

supervisory capacities in respect of the construction contracts. The

Consultant will be delegated with all normal duties and powers of the

"Engineer" for the implementation of the project.

ii. It will be the responsibility of the Consultant to supervise all operations

on behalf of the Client and to ensure that the work of the Contractor is

carried out in a proper workmanship and expeditious manner and in

accordance with the contract documents.

iii. The Consultant will check, approve, reject and record, as the case may

be, inter alia, the following:

Contractor' construction plant and equipment

Materials of construction

All testing, procedures and results

Construction of site works

iv. Review and approve all methods proposed by the Contractor for

permanent and temporary works, formwork, etc. to ensure conformity

with construction contracts and that the work can he carried out safely

and in accordance with recognized and accepted practices.

v. The requirements for the safety of the public near construction sites,

Labor working on the site and the health of the construction

environment will be monitored by the Consultant. Construction Safety

Standards will be approved by the Consultant and every activity will be

monitored by the Consultant’s resident supervision staff as per

these approved standards.

Issue of Instructions to the Contractor

These services will relate to the fulfillment of the Contractor' duties from

drawing up and approval of the work program till the completion of works.

The services will include issuing field instructions in writing as required

relating to:

Quality of materials used in the works.

Equipment and methods of construction

Supervision, checking and testing of works carried out.

Clarification of drawings and specifications.

Progress of works to ensure that the work program is adhered to.

Safety of Labors and Public near Construction site

The Consultant shall not give any instructions which in his opinion are likely to

increase the cost of works without the prior approval of the Client.

Advice to the Client on Progress of Works

It is of utmost importance that the progress of the Works be in accordance

with the programmed implementation schedule since the timely

implementation of the project necessitates strict adherence to the approved

timetable. The Consultant will keep the Client advised continuously as to

work progress. If any deviation from the implementation schedule occurs,

the Consultant will promptly or prospectively inform the Client about the

necessary measures to be taken to avoid delays of the project.

Inspection and Testing of Works

i. At all stages of implementation, the consultant shall carry out regular

inspection of materials and workmanship and acceptance tests to

ensure compliance with the specifications. Where work on site at

any time during the implementation does not meet the requirements

of the specifications, it shall be removed or rectified.

ii. Carry out inspection at time of substantial completion of the works

and arrange, for issuance of the Initial substantial completion

Certificate in coordination with the Client.

Approval of Payment Certificates

i. The consultant shall, in parallel with the Contractor, make field

measurements of all works done, which will be required for checking

and certifying the Contractor' Invoices.

ii. Certify all of the Contractor' monthly statements and final statement

within the time specified in the contract and forward to the Client for

arranging payment.

iii. The Consultant shall, during the course of works, keep accurate

records of all dates and quantities of work carried out, all payments

made to the Contractor, and all materials and equipment supplied

to the site.

Reporting / Meeting

i. The Consultant will keep the Client continually informed on the

progress of the works, and all budgetary and financial matters

pertaining to the project, by submitting to him the following reports:

Weekly and Monthly progress reports including: information on

measurements of works executed, equipment and material

supplied to site, used and/or stored – quality tests on

earthworks, concrete works, steel works, sewage and water

supply, construction materials and equipment – Safety

Measures - labor force – variation orders if any -

payments made to the Contractor – acceptance tests of

structures - problems encountered and recommendation

made by the consultant - photographs recording

(electronic/digital) the progress of work.

Final report on completion of works and/or Consultants'

assignment. The consultant will prepare and advice on the

issuance of the Initial and Final Completion Certificates.

ii. Arrange site meetings with Contractor at regular intervals required

by the Client to discuss progress and quality of works, and

resolve any pertaining problem.

iii. The Consultant shall issue Variation order and claims for extension

of time or any change in works according to the contract after

obtaining the approval of the Client. The Consultant shall also

monitor the contract costs relative to the Client's budgetary


Stage 6: Defect Liability Period

i. 12 months after Completion and Handing over of the Project.

ii. Perform at least four periodic maintenance inspection visits during the defects liability period; visits will be conducted by the different disciplines engineers.

iii. To assess defects and/or construction damage(s) and warranty status on systems. Prepare and submit visit reports with progress on attendance of Punch List.

iv. Check and recommend the final payment certificate at the end of defects liability period for the Client’s approval and comments.

v. Preparing a Final Report in a format agreed upon with the Client. This will summarize all the relevant aspects of the Project implementation, and specific recommendations on routine maintenance, highlighting locations requiring special care and attention. A suitable selection from the project photographic records shall be reproduced and included in the Final Report.

As Built Drawings

Prepare and submit complete set of as built drawings, updated after alterations/ project completion, in both soft and hard formats, on appropriate scale, within last month of resident supervision.


The Consultant is required to submit all project reports, drawings and

documents in the format listed below and recorded on computer media (2

copies) using software and formats standardized and approved by the Client.

All items to be provided are deemed to be covered in the overall price

submitted by the Consultant and the consultant would be bound to amend and

resubmit the required documents, if any change is necessary without incurring

any extra cost to the client.

Sr. # Description No. Size Scale

1 General Monthly Reports Weekly Reports



A4 A4

2 Preliminary Design 5

As per Requirement

As per Requirement Reports

Preliminary Engineering 5


3 Detailed Design 5

As per Requirement

As per Requirement

Design Calculations

Draft Specifications 5

Draft Tender Documents 5

Detailed Engineering Drawings

(Details explaining the design) 5

Final Design Reports 5

4 Final Design and Tender 10

As per

As per


Final Tender drawings (Plans,

Elevations, Sections, etc.)

Final Tender Documents Requirement Requirement

including Specifications, BOQ, 10


Final Reports 5

Final Cost Estimate 5

5 Tender Stage 5

As per

As per Issuance of Addendum

Tender and Recommendation 5 Requirement Requirement


6 Acceptance of Tender and Contract:

Tender Drawings and


7 Documents Including Specifications

As per Requirement

As per Requirement

8 As Built Drawings (updated after alterations/ project completion)

5 As per Requirement

As per Requirement


Professional liability as stands in the prevalent conduct and practice of

Consulting Engineers prescribed by the PEC and provisions mentioned in


54 of Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 issued by the Punjab

Procurement Regulatory Authority.

i. The consultant selected and awarded a contract shall be

liable for consequence of errors or omissions on the part of

the consultant.

ii. The extent of liability of the consultant shall form part of the

contract and such liability shall not be less than remunerations

nor it shall be more than twice the remunerations.

iii. The procuring agency may demand insurance on part of

the consultant to cover the liability of the consultant and

necessary costs shall be borne by the consultant.

iv. The consultant shall be held liable for all losses or damages

suffered by the procuring agency on account of any

misconduct by the consultant in performing the consulting



i. All documents, reports, designs, research work and all

deliverables prepared by the consultant shall become and

remain the property of the Client.

ii. Any future use of these documents and software by the

consultant shall not be done without permission of Client.



Submission of Preliminary

Design and Concept


Within 2 weeks of submission of preliminary

design by Architectural consultant

2 Submission of Detailed


Within 4-6 weeks from the submission of

Preliminary design

3 Submission of Final Design

and Tender Documents

Within 3-4 weeks from the submission of

detailed design

4 Submission of Tender

Evaluation Report Within 2 weeks from the tender submission

5 Submission of Construction

(IFC) Drawings Within 04 weeks after the final design


Resident Supervision

Approximately 24 months

commencing from commencement of

services by the Contractor


As-built Drawings (updated

after alterations/ project

completion) and O&M


Within last 01 month of resident supervision



1 Approval of Preliminary Design, Draft Tender Documents, Engineers Cost Estimate and BOQs.


2 Approval of Detailed Design, Tender Documents,

Engineers Cost Estimate and BOQs


3 Approval of Final Design and Tender Documents,

Engineers Cost Estimate and BOQs


4 Approval of Tender Evaluation Report 15%

5 Approval of Construction (IFC) Drawings 20%

6 Resident Supervision Man, Month Basis for 24 Months


Sr. No. Position

1 Project Manager

2 Senior Structure Engineer

3 Structure Engineer (2 N0s.)

4 Electrical Design Engineer

5 Mechanical Design Engineer

6 Chief Resident Civil Engineer

7 Resident Civil Engineer

8 Assistant Resident Engineer

9 Material Civil Engineer

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