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School Magazine & Contents Evaluation

Page 2: Evaluation of school mag

MASTHEAD:I made the masthead large and made it red as red is part of the school colour scheme and will then be recognised with the school. To make sure this stood out I but a gradient at the top of the page to darken the background and make the red stand out more. However next time I would choose a more appropriate font and include the masthead more into the magazine.

PLUGS: To make the plugs stand out I put a block of colour behind them. This also meant they could be easily read and would not blend into the background. Next time I would make sure all my plugs are aligned to make my magazine easier to read and look at.

FONT:All font was layed out in the same font, this makes it clear to read and also makes it look more professional. All my text is positioned around my feature photo. Next time I will consider a font that can include upper and lower case letters.

DATE & BARCODE:Inserting the date keeps up the conventions of a real magazine. Adding in appropriate features like this will help me with my final product

FEATURE PHOTO:My feature photo isn’t the as well suited to the magazine as its meant to be due to my lack of knowledge on creating the correct feature photo. Also my lack of experience on Photoshop means when cutting out my photo I left some of the background which needs to be removed. Some positives of my cover feature is that there was enough room for the plugs to be positioned around my feature and that the student links in nicely with the school in the background

Things that don’t make my magazine as professional as it could be is that my background and my feature photo are not connected as one. Also my masthead is just a standard font whereas is could be more incorporated into the market of my magazine. Also my plugs could be aligned to a certain side of the page in columns rather than just spread around the page where there is space due to my large feature photo.

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PAGE NUMBERS:Following convention I added in page numbers to both the pictures and text in my contents. I chose the same font and colour for each number to present my magazine in the right way, however next time I would make sure the backgrounds of my pictures were plain so the numbers would be seen clear and easily.

PUFFS:I added in a puff at the bottom of my page as now the world revolves around the internet and social media they are likely to be noticed by a younger audience. However next time I would maybe choose a different coloured font so that you would be able to read them easier.

TEXT:Similar to my cover I used block colours against my text to make them stand out. Something that I would change next time if I stuck with this theme of my contents page is that i would make sure that the boxes were neat and covered the whole space so there was not the other colour behind it that you could still see.

MASTHEAD:With my masthead I experimented having a larger first letter and having the rest of the text smaller however this didn’t work out so I went with a standard large header. It fits in with my theme of red black and white however is a little boring which is something I would want to change next time.

GRADIENT:I added it the gradient for effect in my contents page so it wasn’t so plain however next time I would make it smaller and make change the colour and where it sat on the page

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I used the rectangle tool in my contents and my cover page to make the text clear bold and easy to read. By doing this is stands out to the consumer and draws attention to the text.

In my cover and contents pages I used the gradient tool differently. In my contents I used it for effect to make the page look better in terms of presentation whereas on my front cover I used this tool to darken the background around my masthead to make it look brighter and stand out more.

i used the text box tool whenever inserting text into my pages. This made it easy to move and space whenever I needed to and keeps the text grouped together. I also made all my fonts the same keeping to the same colour scheme also to have a sense of professionalism.

I used the magnetic lasso to cut around my feature photo. This made it easy to cut out cleaner around the picture however next time I would take more care in cutting around my photo

The fill tool was used so that I could add colour to the shapes that I put behind my pieces of text. This made the text more effective as it stood out from the background colour(s) that I had chosen.

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