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Page 1: Evaluation of summer stop motion

How did you use technologies to create your product?

Evaluation of summer stop motion project

Page 2: Evaluation of summer stop motion

Gaining inspiration for my stop motion

To gain ideas for my stop motion I researched past stop motion on the internet. YouTube had many helpful videos which were mixed abilities. There were some extremely professional videos yet some which would be capable of a

A-level student.

This specific stop motion gave me the idea to use the children's toys Go Go's.

Page 3: Evaluation of summer stop motion

How I created my stop motion

When creating my stop motion work over the summer I used a Nikon SLR to take the individual photos of my product. I used a tripod so that

the camera didn't move within each shot so my stop motion was produced to the best of my ability. After taking all of the individual

photos I then uploaded them to my computer and created a PowerPoint that run on a timer to make my motion appear like a


Here are the toys we used to create our stop motion work.

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Uploading my stop motion

After my stop motion had been uploaded to the computer and put into a slideshow I then uploaded it to a website called slide share. I firstly had to create an account and sign up to the website

It then aloud me to access my files on my computer and choose which document I would like to upload, it then gave me the option to change the name and add any necessary details.

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Embedding my stop motion into my blog

After uploading my stop motion into slide share I then had to embed the animation into my blog. To do this I simply went onto ‘New Post’ this then brought up a new window which aloud me to insert a html code for my video.

I went back onto slide share and chose the ‘embed’ button, this then gave me the chance to copy the HTML code i would need to upload my animation to my blog.

I then pasted the code into blogger and gave the animation a title, after I published the post it then appeared on my blog.

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How did this task enable you to be creative?

Evaluation of summer stop motion project

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Working together

When we received our summer task I decided to partner up with a fellow student in the class. We thought that working together would make the project more fun and would also make the stop motion a higher standard as there would be more

thought going into the animation as there were two people working on it.

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Deciding what to use

Deciding what to use was difficult when we came to create out stop motion. We initially wanted to use Lego as we had seen many stop motions on the internet that

looked professional however we didn't have access to any. We then thought we could come up with a stop motion using fruit yet this proved extremely difficult as

there was no flat base so the stop motion was to a low standard. In the end we used the children's toy Go Go’s we had seen stop motions on the internet with

these toys and thought it would be a good idea as they were on a flat base and we could make the animation into a narrative story.

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Drafting & Building a narrative

When deciding upon the narrative for our stop motion we had some trouble. We initially wanted to create a war like scene yet due to the characters being so small we didn't have the appropriate props to make it look like a fight. It just appeared

two different colour gogo’s crashing into each other.

We then decided to make a hero type villain narrative which worked better for us.

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•First of all we couldn't create the initial stop motion we wanted to as we didn't have access to any Lego.

• The location had to be somewhere with no wind as the Go-Go’s would get knocked over and it was becoming a problem therefore we decid3ed to use a white table with a mat on so they could stand upright with no problem.

• It took us around 1 hour to create our stop motion yet if I was to repeat this activity I would take longer and make the narrative stronger so the it is a clear understanding for the audience.

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