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Page 1: Evaluation of the music media magazine


Page 2: Evaluation of the music media magazine

Question 1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of real media products? In my media music magazine, I tried to create a unique and different pop magazine. The research I found was

that the main convention of pop music magazine target market were

females. This therefore made a decision for me that my magazines

target market should be female. Furthermore I looked at ways in which ways pop magazine that were already existing created a real target market

for the female sex. The research that I found was that the main convention

they used ,which I tried to implement in my magazine was the colour

scheme. The magazines I found stuck to the traditional pink and purple colour schemes. This created an

exciting magazines which had bright colours which were aimed at the

younger girls, so by using strong, bold, bright colours they draw the attention

of their audience.

I wanted to create a pop magazine for the older females. I did this by toning the traditional pinks to subtle and classy

colour, by doing this I used a form of colour

pick that picks the colours of the

background colours and matches these colours together,

these are what real media products

editors may use to create a professional


The fonts I have chosen rot use in my final media product, had to qualify certain criteria for the font that makes the

magazine overall feel of fun and classy feel. It has to show that the target market is the female sex which means that it has to have a feminine style. This convention relates to the

real media products because the magazine producers will be thinking if the hole style and font fit together and give of the

real style they want. I finally decided to use AMERICAN TYPEWRITER. The reason for this is because it gives of the feeling

that I feel suits my target market.

Page 3: Evaluation of the music media magazine

Question 1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media



Feature Headline

Main Image

In my magazine I have used my features which are conventional to my magazine. I have placed my mastered at the top of the page, where it is predominantly located in any other magazine. This convention as shown above is in the Q magazine and in my own magazine. This helped me to place it in the correct place so that it is easier for

my readers to locate and read it. I have also used a Feature Headline on my magazine which it is also copied on the Q magazine. This tells the readers on the Q magazine

that the artist they will be reading about is TINIE TEMPAH. This is very important as it directly tells the readers straight away that he is going to feature in the magazine.

This is also a convention of a real media product which I used on mine, by telling the audience exactly what band is featuring in my magazine, this draws the reader I

because there is a big music artists that the magazine is about. It also promotes the artists as well as the magazine because the fans of that certain artist may buy the

magazine because there favourite artists is in the magazine, therefore creates profit for the magazine.

Page 4: Evaluation of the music media magazine

Question 1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media


The title of my magazine is “Unleashed” This particular name doesn't really have any connotation directly to music, this therefore makes the reader become intrigued in to why the magazine name is not directly linked to what it is selling. This is challenges the normal conventions of existing

music magazine, the name of the magazine normally reflects exactly what genre of music the magazine is based on. For example this pop music

magazine, named “TOP OF THE POPS” you clearly know exactly what type of genre of music the magazine is talking about and you therefore know

what artist you will find that the magazines writers will be interviewing and writing about.

However what Q magazine does is the same as what I have done. The Name Q is unique and unusual, it doesn't have anything to do with music. Therefore it draws

the readers in to find out what Q really stands for which is the founder of the magazine Quieten Richardson. This therefore is an underlining pice of information

that not many people know. Furthermore my magazine follows the form of Q magazine but challenges the conventions of others.


Page 5: Evaluation of the music media magazine

Question 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My social groups is represented well by my magazine. My social group is of the upper class, female and aged between 16-25. I show that I am aiming for the upper class and more of an older female target market by creating my magazine with more of a professional and classic feel to it. I do this by making the colours more subtle, this

therefore means that if I had bright colourful colours it would look tacky and more for the lower class because the price would be cheaper. I also have tried to show that my

magazine is intended for the upper class by setting the price at quite a high prise. The reason for this is because I want to make and expensive brand that the more of the lower class to working class would strive to buy and afford it. I want to make it a desirable magazine that only the people will the money can afford. This furthermore creates a certain market in which people want to buy this magazine as a luxury item

making the other customers to want it because the richer people have this, striving so they can afford it. Another way I have shown that this is more for the upper class is by

using more elaborate language. The reason being is that the upper class are more likely to be able to understand and relate better to it. By doing this I also want to add an element of learning for the people that have a lower level of vocabulary, Thus by

making the language more elaborate it will differentiate from the upper class from the lower , working class. The photography will also have a more of a professional feel.

There will be many various different types of shots used. For example my front cover will be a medium close up. In the magazine one of the bands are a girl group. The girl

band has a classy feel that fits my style of the magazine.

Page 6: Evaluation of the music media magazine

Question 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I have represented my social group through the use of mise-en-scene. My social group that I am aiming for is interested in their appearance therefore I wanted to portray the artists/models in a way that the audience look up and admire them. I used the models that were the same age as what my target market I am aiming for, this therefore directly shows them that they are the market I aiming for. The clothes that they are wearing in the photo are the same style and clothing that the audience reading the magazine would wear, by doing this it tries to connect the audience with the models showing a connection and making them feel like

they know and understand the models. The camera angle was straight on at the models this gives a sense that the audience and the models are on the same level

and that not one of them is better than the other. It also shows a sense of empowerment towards the models which are actually the band, this therefore

shows that the normal typical girl just like the people reading the magazine can make it.

The magazine Q gives a professional feel to the audience. The way it looks it looks good quality magazine which is aiming for the same type of social group as I am which is the upper class. The social group of the upper class are not afraid to spend their money so they will spend on a good quality product. The front cover isn't to cluttered with colour it is stylish which links to the social group I am aiming for because it is cool and the upper class want to look the coolest and have the most stylish

and sort after things. This Q magazine reflects what I am trying to do by using a big well known artist to intrigue and entice the audience in.

Page 7: Evaluation of the music media magazine

Question 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and


Another distributor could be Bauer. This company produces the magazine MOJO, this magazine brand tries to create more of a luxury and more of a higher brand magazine.

This is what I want my magazine trying to do. They create a magazine that is of the highest quality. They also say that this magazine is “an educator, a living archive and a trusted source of musical excellence," this therefore means that they are doing what I

am trying to do not just be a pop magazine but to educate and really help the readers to learn. They do not distribute anything like my magazine , this is an advantage because it

mean it's a new and exciting product for them and they will be willing to invest their time and money in my magazine. It also means that it will create more customers sand

gain more profit.

My music magazine focuses mainly on the genre of pop. This therefore mean that one of the institution that may distribute my media product

is the BBC this has produced many media product such as the pop music magazine “Top of the pops” this is one of my music magazine

competitors. This magazine is a prime example of the kind of pop music magazine I want to reinvent. They do the bright colours and

bright bold fonts and focus on the younger girls. Rather I have made a same kind of style pop magazine but without the big bright bold

colours and my target market is similar but I want to attract more of the older female sex. The reason why this institute ay distribute my

media product isn because the BBC are a very popular well know brand that try and have something for everyone. This magazine is different from the other products they already produce, so by distributing my product they will gain more customers and they will therefore gain a

bigger piece of the pop music magazine out there, and will not have to compete with the new competitor that my magazine would bring. They

also produce shows world wide which could create a new market for the magazine in different countries.

Page 8: Evaluation of the music media magazine

Question 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media

product and why?

The media institution Bauer publishes music magazines such as NME, Kerrang, Mojo and Q. Because of the rock/indie genre of these magazines, even though it doesn't produce the same types of music genre that my magazine is about, it still is a great distributor because it gives the opportunity for Bauer to expand their horizon, which then means if the magazine is a success it will create more profit for the institution and will give them a chunk of the market. Cross media convergence can be used in order to advertise my magazine in the other distributed magazines such as NME ,Q, and Kerrang. This will get the name out to the consumers of the existing magazine. Q and NME are the same style I am pushing for in my magazine which means they would work well together. The existing magazines are very successful already and would help advertise well in different ways, For example, the successful music magazine Kerrang is distributed widely in supermarkets such as Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's. It is also distributed in small shops in town centres. Because of this, it means that my media product would most likely be distributed in the same places as it would be with the same media institution, Creating a market for my magazine and getting more customers.

Page 9: Evaluation of the music media magazine

Question 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?For my magazine my audience is the female sex they would be aged between 16-25 and are of the upper class. The reason I have chosen to aim it at one sex in particular is because for my genre of music dance but mainly pop female seem to dominate in statistics for the sex that read more about pop. This therefore makes it easier for me to make my magazine because I can use certain colours or fonts that I believe best

suit females. It also makes it easier because I don't have to think about if its to girly or to boyish for my market and it also makes it easier for me to pick the sort of contexts

and imagery going into the magazine. It doesn't confuse the readers, it also helps because other competitors that focus on just the female sex have certain colour scheme which helps me to decide what colours I will use. Because I want to be different to my competitors that focus on the younger females , it gives me an

opportunity for me to have a look at other media products out there and help me to create the best magazine for my audience. I have also considered what I found in the answers that were given to me in my questionnaire. The sex were very similar with

the majority being boys so I decide to try and target more of the niche market and see a gap in the market.The age I have chosen was because I wanted to create more of an

older more traditional classy magazine. This therefore means that I have to try and attract more of the older audience that will understand more of the subtle tones and fonts and that really understand the magazine itself because I don't want it just to be

a normal pop magazine I want a bit of education in the magazine. The reason for aiming it at the more of the upper class is because I am aiming to sell my magazine

for a higher price than the normal magazine. I want to make the magazine a desirable brand that everyone wants. By making it more expensive the magazine will be more of a higher quality and will make the magazine more of a luxury item than just the

magazine. I am also using more elaborate words than most usually magazine, this is because I want to add more of an educational magazine to the public by making it fun

and exciting but they will learn new words along the way.

Page 10: Evaluation of the music media magazine

Question 5. How did you attract/address your audience?How I attracted my audience was through many methods. One method I used was my colour scheme, As I have said before the style of my magazine was more classy than the existing pop magazine , however I still needed to use the colours in a way that would attract my audience. So I did this by creating the overall colour scheme to be more subtle and less bright therefore this helps to make certain words or sentences become more eye catchy by not making it to

bright and tacky and it makes sure that its in keeping with the hole colours scheme. However certain things need to be brighter than others to catch the readers eyes and draw them in so for example I used a brighter tone for a comment on my front cover about an interview with

the band. By doing this it will draw the readers in and will make them interested in the magazine therefore ultimately attracting the audience. Another way of doing this was by create plugs this gives freebies of prices. This encourages the audience and indices and attracts them, so by saying about a meet and greet with the band this encourages them to buy the magazine.

I also created a headline at the top of the page that states that the magazine has won an award for be so good. This attract the audience because people like to know if they have won anything because if they have then it means they must be a good and enjoyable magazine to read. Another method would be the style of the font. By making it a fun but stylish font this

attracts the readers because the fonts I have chosen represent what my magazine is all about. This is useful because if the readers liken the font it will catch there eyes and draw them into to read the magazine. This links into the style in which I wrote the magazine. I wanted to address the audience in such away they felt at ease and commutable reading it. I did this by writing in a way that I think my target market would write themselves this furthermore means that they

will feel at home with the elaborate language that they may use or write with.

The photography that was used in the magazine showed a personal and yet professional feel (Medium close up). I wanted to attract the readers In such a way that they felt like the bands pictures in a personal way so that the audience really feel like knew them and that they were

normal people. This attracts the reader because they feel that they really get a feeling of what the bands are really like.

Page 11: Evaluation of the music media magazine

Question 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing

this product?

I used another form of powerpoint called keynote, the reason for this I have a macbook and wanted to use this to my advantage as much as possible. I used keynote for many different things for example in my research, planning, production and evaluation. I used this to illustrate what I have found or what I have decided to do in my magazine. This

was great because it helped me to visualise what my product was going to look like be like and how I was going to construct my product. It also helped me when I had to create a power point to tell people all about my product I could make the presentation visually appealing to

whom was reading it. For example.

Their have been a lot of different technology I have used through out my magazine. One software that I used was photoshop, I haven't previously used photoshop before

therefore this made it very difficult for me to get to grips with using this. I used photoshop for both the front cover and contents page of my magazine. For my front cover I

used a medium close up of the girl band that my magazine revolved around. I had to crop the image so that it was the

right size and frame for my front cover. I cropped the image on photoshop which if found difficult at the start as I did not

exactly know how to do this, however once I got to grips with it ,it was easy.

For my double spread page I used indesign, As photoshop I never used this software before. I had to copy and paste in texts that I have previously wrote

for the contents for my double spread page. This helped me to construct my product as I could write

the interview that was going to appear on my double spread page at home and maximise my time in class

on other task for example photoshop as I do not have this at home. This saved me time that I would

have ordinary had to do in class.

Page 12: Evaluation of the music media magazine

Question 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing

this product?

For my media magazine I had to upload all my powerpoint I have done and upload them onto a

website called “Blogger”. I had to make an account for this because I didn't have one before. This let

the teachers access my work and other people can see what I have done.

Once I completed my powerpoint on my Macbook I had to convert them into powerpoint and then put

them up onto a website called “Slideshare” I had to create a new account. This website takes the

powerpoint and uploads them on to a website were you can easily access the powerpoint by clicking an

arrow to move from one slide to the next. I then had to copy and past the embedded link from the “slideshare' and paste it on another website called


At the beginning of my music magazine research, I conducted a questionnaire to hand out to my target audience. I made my question on surveymonkey.com. I then asked people to answer the questions by giving the link to them. Once everyone had answered it I could access there answers on the website and therefore could take screenshots and analyse what people had said. This was a great help because I didn't have to go through the struggle of handing out a pice of paper with questions on and waiting days for the responses, I could see with Surveymonkey was soon as someone uploaded there answers I could look and see what they put.

Page 13: Evaluation of the music media magazine

Question 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing

this product?I used a memory stick to transfer work I had done at home to the college computers so that I could still do work at home and put all the work I had done at college with all the work I had done at home. This helped me because it meant that if I thought of something I wanted to write about for example my interviews I could do it at home then transfer it to the DPS software.

For work at home I used my Macbook. I did presentations on it and I also had photoshop on it which helped me to develop my front cover, content page and double page spread. This helped me to delegate my time spent at college on certain aspects like

questionnaires and interviews and doing the powerpoint sat home.

I used a camera from college to take the pictures of the girls in my class that acted like they were the girls band. I took the pictures in the

media studio in college. With the white paper and the lights surrounding it. The camera was easy to use I had to zoom in and out

and had to take different angle of shots. I also had to use flash and the feature of quick take were the camera takes 5 in one frame. The

camera then had ti be linked up to the computers so I could access the photos taken.

Finally I used Youtube. I used this with uploading my interview audio, I added photos to the audio, which made it

into a video by using the software premiere pro. I then had to upload it onto Youtube to upload on to Blogger because you

cannot directly upload a video to it.

Page 14: Evaluation of the music media magazine

Question 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When doing my preliminary task I had no understanding of photoshop, therefore the final

piece of my preliminary task was the bare minimum. I didn't know how to crop the image or how to change the colours very well so it looks all

over the place. My skills of photoshop has developed increasingly over the course of creating

this magazine.The writing on my preliminary task didn't fit with my style that I was going for. The font doesn't look professional and looks like an amateur designer. The colour scheme doesn't

match the background and doesn’t tone well, This therefore is what I have learnt and developed and applied

to my real magazine.I did this by using colour pick on photoshop blending the colours to the background. This

creates a professional feel for my magazine and fits in with the upper class feeling that I want my magazine to have.I have also learned that the image is very

important to the magazine, I have learned how to upload a photo onto photoshop form the

computer and import it in. This has been helpful because I can use the best camera pixel to get the clear cut photo I want, and the upload it. It

also helps because I can import different photos I have taken and put them into place on the

magazine, and see which looks better. I learned this form my preliminary task because I didn't

understand how to fully import the pictures in so I couldn't see which photo would look better, so

this helped me in my real task.

Page 15: Evaluation of the music media magazine

Looking back at my preliminary task, I feel like I understand the conventions of magazines better than I did before. Because of the music magazine analysis of the front cover, contents page and double page spread, I now understand how music magazines have used different features and techniques to draw the audience in. when starting the main task I started to understand the conventions of magazines due to the fact that I was analysing lots of music magazines to see what approaches they use to attract their audience, And how they used certain features to cater for their target market. I found out that a lot of magazines used sky lines above their masthead to get the audience to read it first so that it gives a tiny bit of information to the reader that could be important or factual. I also have learned how important the style and the font that is used to attract the audience. The different text can reflect the different stye of magazine which is very important to pick the right font for their magazine. I have also learned that the colour scheme is crucial because they need to use the correct colours to target their audience. This links into that the magazine need to know clearly who their target market is in order to correctly entice them in to read the magazine furthermore creating something to talk about which will draw more readers in creating more profit. Another thing is the picture has ti be striking and very important to get the correct shot of the models in order to captivate the audience and intrigue and pull them in. I think that my photo shoot for the main task went much better than the one in my preliminary task. The reason for this is because I planned what shot types I was going to use and I analysed them so that I could see what impression I want to give to the audience by the angles and the types of shots. I think that I thought about this much more in my main task, this meant that I could use what I learned in the preliminary task and develop it to create a picture that is great. I think that I have developed critical evaluation skills through the evaluation of my own product as before this project I didn’t think about the effect of the audience but now I understand that when evaluating, you have to think about the target audience and see if you are attracting that audience and investigate how I am attracting that audience. I have also developed skills when analysing other people’s products through peer assessments. I have learnt that you need to see if there is a purpose to the magazine and see if they are fulfilling the purpose in order to attract and connect to their target audience.

Question 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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