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Page 1: Evaluation Part 3
Page 2: Evaluation Part 3


During our pre production and planning process, we thought hard about Film 4’s ethos and how we are going to stick to it. Film 4’s ethos influenced our decisions of what themes we would use in our pre productions stage. For example, the themes of drugs has been used in many Film4 and British Social Realism movies such as Kudulthood, Adulthood, Anuvahood, This Is England etc and drew inspiration from these movies.

The vox pop results also helped us to decide what themes and situations we would include, for example 80% said they would like to see drugs tackled.

One of Film 4’s ethos and ideology is ‘to portray the domestic hardships of working class Britons, as realistic as possible.’ This influenced our decision when deciding the narrative of our British Social Realism movie when when deciding the narrative of our British Social Realism movie when writing the narrative treatment. To stick to this ethos, we had the protagonist Jay deliver packages as his job and also get receive minimum wage and also come from a working class family. Another Ethos of Film 4 is to ‘show class the mundane lifestyle of some people in Britain.’ Again, the job of delivering packages denotes this as it is a very boring and repetitive job.

Another impact that Film 4 had on our pre production stage was the choice of actors we used. Another ethos of Film 4 is ‘the use of unknown or untrained actors, and are often set in regional heavily accented areas.’ This influenced out pre production work as we chose to have the actors as people we in our school who had no acting experience before and were unknown and untrained. We also chose to have the main location in the school basement when creating our location recci, which kept to the Ethos of using ‘grimy and rough’ locations in Britain.

Page 3: Evaluation Part 3


Film 4 influenced the mise en scene of our opening sequence during the production stage. The mice en scene in Film 4 movies are usually dark and dull and gloomy. This influenced the clothes that the protagonist would wear. We decided to have the protagonist wear grey jacket and jeans and black trainers. We drew inspiration of the colour scheme from movies such as Adulthood as we saw that most of the characters adopted this dark colour scheme. We used this dark, gloomy colour scheme to keep to Film 4’s ethos and the colour scheme could also connote the mundane lifestyle of the character due to the dull and boring colours.

Film 4 also influenced the camera angles and shots and framing that we used during the production stage. An ethos of Film 4 is ‘often use very


Looking For Eric

used during the production stage. An ethos of Film 4 is ‘often use very rough and ready style of camera work.’ This meant we had to have lose framing and include a range of shots and angles we see in Film 4 movies. For example, in ‘Looking For Eric’ we can see the camera shot from a point of view perspective. This influenced us to include this shot when the protagonist is walking down the stairs and when the police is looking for the drugs.

The equipment we used in our production has also been influenced by Film 4. We used the basic equipment that was provided for us as we couldn't use expensive equipment like tracks or dolly’s as it would be to expensive to buy and also are not used in British Social Realism Movies. This is due to Film 4’s lack of budged and also Film 4’s ethos of keeping the production and overall costs of the movie as low as possible and the brief of the task.

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Distribution: My British Social Realism film ‘Framed’ would be distributed by an independent Distributor. This because Film 4 movies are distributed Independently and a reason to this is limited budget.

I would have the movie shown in Arthouse Cinemas and Vue. I chose these specific cinemas due to the fact that British Social Realism movies do not really get shown in a range of difference cinemas. This is due to Film 4’s budget and also that the fact this British Social Realism movies are not as popular as Hollywood movies and are shown less. I chose Vue as the mainstream Cinema as there are 69 Vue Cinema’s in the UK which makes it the third largest British Cinema change. Many people go to watch movies at Vue and this will gain my movie some promotion. Also movies like Kidult hood and Submarine were distributed in the cinema.

My movie would also be shown in Arthouse cinemas as it is a popular

Lexi Cinema

My movie would also be shown in Arthouse cinemas as it is a popular cinema which has showcased Film 4 movies in the past such as ‘This is England.’ These Arthouse cinemas could include the Phoenix Cinema and Lexis Cinema.

In terms of International release, I would only release the movies in England Cinemas. Although some Film 4 movies are distributed in Different countries, I would stick to England as the main target audience is British teenagers and young adults and also the lack of Budget that Film 4 have. Also some results we gained in our vox pops to why people like British Social Realism movies is due to the situations young British teens get into, which denotes the main focus is in Britain and some people in other countries may not be able to relate to the themes and situations tackled in the movie. However, I would have the movie released on DVD and not blue ray due to the fact that no one watches British Social Realism due to the picture quality and it would be a waste of money. For home exhibition , I would have the movie shown on channel Film 4 and online Film4OD and also Netflix. This is because the movie could make some extra money on Netflix and Film4OD as they are popular streaming sites in the UK.

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