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Page 1: Evaluation Perfume

Jemima Selwood 9139Claremont Fan Court School


OCR Media Studies J526Individual Media Studies Portfolio B321Planning and Evaluation: Commentary

Page 2: Evaluation Perfume

Fragrance Advert 1:Target audience for Diverse is young teenagers

• My advertisement targets young women aged 18 to 25: it promises being happily single to someone who enjoys going out with friends but likes city life and its buzz.

• My target audience is likely to be energetic : she spends a good proportion of her income on makeup, luxurious clothes, designer shoes and many cosmetics. But the other side of her is very committed, a woman who is looking for a male companion yet is quite rebellious.

• Her leisure activities are likely to include shopping and spending vast amounts of money on clothes; her ideal weekends are spent with friends and going to for lavish dinners, spending time with members of both sexes.

• She would be likely to go out for dinner in the evening at high profile restaurants like Nobu. She works in the city with very high income.

• Her dream holiday would be a extravagant trip somewhere really hot like Miami, a very exotic location, and most her time will be spent on the beach.

• My target audience reads magazines such as Vogue and Elle and her favourite films are the classics like Love Actually.

• I would place my advert on billboards in huge shopping centres and I would launch this as a television campaign the month before Christmas as she is sitting on snow.

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How Advert 1 Targets my audience: codes and conventions

• The font works well in this advert because it looks like the font is dripping like icicles. This reassures the whole idea about the advert being a mix between summer and winter. Because its hot and cold so that the ice is dripping.

• The slogan Dare to be different with Diverse makes the advert seem even more obvious that the girl in the advert is very different. My brand name Diverse is used to suggest that she is different than any other girl. This is shown really well by her extravagant clothing by wearing summer clothes in the winter when there is snow. It shows she is brave and is not afraid of standing out of the crowd. This is the type of outfit that would be worn in summer or at a party but ideally not in the snow in winter.

• The image is bright and summery. The clothing is very summery with the tight dress that shows off her body and with it being a boob tube it shown she bare arms, she is wearing a cross around her neck showing that she is religious and innocent.

• The girl in the advert is conveyed as vulnerable and innocent yet alluring and subtle. She is looking up gazing around her, this shows that she is exposed and letting people look at her beauty.

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Fragrance Advert 2: The Target audience for my second advert is young children

• The Target market is young children ages 8-15 who aspire to be something great when they grow up.

• They have great child lives and have just got to the stage in their lives where they hope to be something amazing when they are older. And that they will have many adventures when there older. Because they have big imaginations

• They are interested in a variety of things whether its for girls that age playing with toys or boys that age playing with friends and enjoying their childhood.

• The slogan You to can be wonderful without visiting wonderland, shows that little children don't have to be perfect and that they don't have to follow crowds to be wonderful in other peoples eyes.

• I would place my campaign on billboards or in child care places, because its showing that the children can aspire to be whatever they want, also it is about Alice And Wonderland which is a children's book/film that all children love. I would also put it in children's magazines as they would like to look at all the vibrant colours. Magazines profile readers and make claims about the importance of the magazines in the readers life. They categorize readers into groups relating to interest, income and social status.

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How advert 2 targets my audience: codes & conventions

• My chosen font AR CHRISTY Has connotations of making the words look fun and good for children

• My brand name Little Alice Connotes that she is very little and that she has huge expectations ahead of her in life as she is a bright girl.

• The image is of a little girl who is looking up at the perfume bottle, my main idea came form the film Alice and wonder land which was a huge hit in the box office last year starring stars such as Johnny Depp.

• The background is patterned tiles which fits in really well with the whole idea of an imaginary world, also the film contained patterned flooring in different scenes.

• The clothing is a blue dress, she is wearing this because in the film Alice and wonderland, Alice is wearing a bright blue dress so I made the girl in my advert wear a similar dress this is so that when an onlooker sees my advert they will know instantly where my inspiration came from.

• The is an adventurous little girl who likes to have an adventure. I choose to do this advert to do because I think that it will entertain and enlighten all children's lives.

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Research into the magazine industry as a vehicle for my advertisements

• I would place my advert for diverse in a variety of magazines mainly the glossy magazines for example Vogue and Elle, but also in Celebrity magazines for example OK or Hello. Where the readers will seek to be like the cover girl in the magazines. They will wish to have the key aspects that the cover girl has. They will identify with the messages and values about fashion. I would place it here because it fits in the right place with all the glossy girls on the covers of magazines such as Vogue.

• I would place my advert for children and mid teenagers in a magazine that they will relate to. I chose Bliss because loads of young children read Bliss. I would also be the type of advert that will fit into magazines such as (cosmos and sugar) With a celebrity on the front covers young children would read this because they aspire to be like important celebrities such as Rihanna who is featured in the Bliss magazine. They might admire female celebrities such as Rihanna, Beyonce, Lady Gaga and Jessie J. The magazine caters for children who want to read about fashion and get the inside into local celebrities lifestyles. Bliss ‘

• The audience profile for the magazine that relates to my adverts: achievers and aspirers, confident over achievers hoping to be wealthy and have successful jobs when their older. Interested in socialising with friends, going shopping, buying clothes, going to school, music, celebrities and meeting new friends.

• Over a third of magazines revenue comes from advertising like mine.

Institution- the magazineIndustry- my research

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Research into the advertising industry: use own examples

• Firstly I studied soft drink advertisement. I studied Coca Cola and Lucozade adverts from the 1950’s through to 2010 and looked at the differences and how the adverts have changed in that period. I studied the different representations of men, women and young people and how the brand conveyed their messages and how a different message came across for the different types of groups of people/ target audience.

• I analysed television adverts: • D&G ‘The One’ 2010 (Gisele Bundchen)• ‘Intimately Beckham’ 2010• Nina Ricci ‘Ricci Ricci’ 2010 • Hugo Boss ‘ Hugo’ 2006 (Jonathan Rees

Myers) Looking at these advert I think made

making my own advert easier as I researched in big detail and looked at loads of different adverts to give me ideas. They also gave me inspiration of how I could portray my girl in advert 1 making her look alluring yet she looks innocent but seductive. I also looked and analysed the 3 adverts from different time periods, this helped me as I knew what had changed since the 1920’s to 2010, I then knew how to make my advert fresh and up to date.

Institution: the advertising industry: my research

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Advert 1: my original photograph, my decisions and revisions

• On my advert I decided to make the lighting lighter and more crisp. I did this on Photoshop making the outline of the girl more defined against the snow in the background. I also added colour to the girl to make the snow contrast with the skin. This made the advert instantly look brighter. I added blue to the eyes of the girl, I did this to really emphasis the deep blue that you cant really see in this picture.

• I added a personally drawn image of the title Diverse which has icicles dropping from letters. I added this to the right top hand corner and I had to change the colour from grey to white to fit in with the background of the snow. The picture at the bottom left was my first attempt at editing the main photo. I decided not to use this because I made a new one which was crisper and had more shadows.

• I decided to add a green perfume bottle into the advert because it stands out of the advert and it is placed right where the girls gaze is.

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Advert 2: My original photograph, my decisions and revisions

• On my advert 2 I decided I wanted to make something different from the normal advert which consists of a beautiful girl which is what I did for my first advert. Alice in Wonderland strangely came to mind when I thought of doing a perfume advert for children. I decide that I would use a girl and make her really small and put a giant perfume bottle in next to her. I made two drafts where they where both with different scenes behind them and one had an antique table in it to try and recreate the scene in Alice In Wonderland where Alice is trying to reach for something on the top of the table.

• I eventually used the bottom left photo. I think that it made the advert look more unreal as in the film its all patterns. I decided to add a red perfume bottle into the advert to contrast with the background. I chose a perfume bottle that was bright red and also I thought it looked like the red queen that is in the film Alice in Wonderland. The title Little Alice I used because I feel it went with the advert and it has a nice sound to it. It also portrays that Alice is little which she is in my advert. I changed the background on Photoshop so that the advert seemed more fun and also I changed the girl who is meant to be Alice smaller and the bottle bigger.

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Evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of my advertising campaign

• I think that I had a few strengths whilst being set this task. One of them I feel is that I think I was quite good at getting a variety of different photos for my advert one, as I needed to find the right one and ended up with a huge variety to choose from.

• My second strength for my first advert I think was being able to hand draw the title for the advert and having to scan it into the computer and then having to make it the same background as the snow. This I found considerably challenging and difficult but I believe I tested myself and set myself goals.

• My weaknesses that I had with my first advert I found was moving one image over onto another image with making sure that I don't ruin the image as I transferred them over.

• My strengths on my second advert I think where completely different from my strengths in my first advert. I only had to take around two photos till I had the one I wanted. I think my biggest strength was being able to produce a product which was completely different to any perfume product I've seen, I had a few moments where I thought I was going to change my idea but eventually I pulled through.

• My biggest weakness for my second advert I think was that I hadn't used some aspects of Photoshop that I needed so I had to experiment with things I hadn't use before like for example trying to make it all seem like a fun advert.

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In decided to use a hand drawn image on my advert because I didn't like any of the fonts

This is my first unedited advert that I didn't use this because I thought the

lighting was too dark.

This was my first attempt at making the picture look lighter and more crisp. I

didn't use this because I felt I still needed to make it lighter

When I made the image before lighter to get this image I felt that I lost the crispness of the


I made the image the same lighting but I made this one more crisp. I also added a perfume bottle .

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