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Page 1: Evaluation question 1


Page 2: Evaluation question 1

1. In what ways does your product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENGE existing codes and conventions?

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Camerawork 1.

Over the shoulder shot, creates a feeling of suspense as the audience doesnt know who Jack is talking to. We also don’t know the topic of conversation, so the line ‘I’m going to tell him’ could mean anything. Jack is also holding a coffee cup, which shows the visit was casual.

“I’m going to tell him”

This symmetrical shot, with the girls looking at each other show that they are friends. They are both mirroring each other by playing with their cups, this also shows how they are close to each other. The colour of their clothes represents who is good and bad.

Page 4: Evaluation question 1

Camerawork 2.


A close up of Georgia’s face shows the audience her emotions really well. A strong sense of sadness is created and she is looking down at the ground to show that she is upset. Her eyes are partly closed and her lips are pursed which gives the impression that she is trying to hold back tears.

The tracking shot with the dolly camera circles the girls at the table, Sophie struggles to keep eye contact with Georgia which shows she has something to hide.

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Camerawork 3.


Over the shoulder shot/Shot reverse shot

This shot reverse shot and over the shoulder shot of Jake and Sophie is a an example of good use of camera work, because you presume Jake to be talking to Georgia, and the audience will be shocked to find out that it is Sophie that he is talking to. A regular viewer will then know that Jake is seeing two girls at once.

Page 6: Evaluation question 1

The lyrics to the song used relate to the main story line, here are some screenshots with the lyrics quoted.

Sound and Images

“No you’ll never get it all, not in this world.”“You’re such a drag on everyone.”

“You’re no fun.”

The song lyrics used in the trailer fit the images effectively because the song is about someone that no body likes, that is ‘no fun’. This fits because no body likes Jake in the trailer because he is using two different girls.


Similar shot, to remind audience what happened to Jack.

Soundtrack: ‘Bug’ by WAVVES

Page 7: Evaluation question 1

In the first few seconds of the trailer, I editing together scenes where people were smiling and having fun, to shots where Jack was killing himself so a great contrast could be seen.



This would create a sense of unease in the audience as it would bring up mixed emotions. I think the contrast between the shots would also make the audience sympathise for Jack more, it makes him seem isolated and alone.

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Props and Location


In terms of props, we used costumes that we thought would stereotype the character to an extreme, for example, the gilet that Jack is wearing because he is gay, and the furry coats and scarves the girls are wearing because they are rich and stuck up. For locations, we used places that we had seen previously in soaps, (e.g. The Rovers Return Inn, Coronation street.) we used a pub for the boys, and a café for the girls.

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The class and status of the characters can be easily determined by the way they are dressed, for example, the girls wear furry coats with matching scarves, and Jack is wearing a Jack Wills gilet to represent his wealth. Characters of lower class and status are not wearing clothes of such a high standard.

Class and Status


Jack Wills.Toby is wearing a

Pretty Green shirt.

Harry is wearing a plain black t shirt with a dinosaur on it.

The class varying class of the characters shows that there are different characters in the soap that the audience can relate to. The majority of the characters are high class because we were parodying similar soaps.

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Several genres are represented in the trailer, the main one being romance and deceit. This is shown through the images of Jake flirting and being with two different girls. The other genres seen are drama and comedy. The main dramatic moment in the trailer is when Jack attempts to kill himself. Comedy value was added to trailer through me dressing up like a girl because I ‘lost a bet.’

Genres Represented




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The order of the events in my trailer is important, as it shows which events are intertwined, for example, the shots of Jack killing himself run at the same time as me, Toby, and Jake are in the pub. They are also important because they make the story unfold as the trailer goes on.

Order of Events


This shot seems fairly innocent, until we see Jake has spent the night with Sophie as well,

and the rest of the plot unfolds.

The use of intertextuality as a way of setting the mood and moving the plot forwards. The use of i-phones shows the characters wealth and conforms to conventions in other soaps.

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