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EVALUATION TASK 6What have you learnt about technologies from the

process of constructing your media product?

Page 2: Evaluation Task 6

OUR EQUIPMET Our tripod was one of the most important pieces of equipment we used. It was used to prop up our camera to the specific height we needed. We also used it for panning shots as it gave us a steady, stabilised hand. From using the tripod I learnt how to achieve steady, non-shaky shots as well how to change the height of the equipment to any suited shot. I also learnt that the tripod had an equaliser which we used to make sure that all the tripod legs were at the same length, or on uneven grounds, that the camera was still straight.

We used the iPad to record the voiceover we used in our opening sequence. It was important for this to be of a high quality as it made clear for the audience of what the story line was. We found that it was much easier to record this voiceover on the video application of the iPad as it was much easier to upload to the MAC rather than an actual voice memo. When it came to uploading it to the MAC all we had to do was delete the image that came with the video so that we were just left with a voice over.

Without the camera we used, we would not have an opening sequence. We used it to film all our shot. I learnt that there was many features of a camera which came very helpful in the filming of our opening sequence. These features ranged from the zoom feature and the focus feature. Touching on the screen before filming a shot helped us achieve better and higher quality shots. Every few shot we would film, the camera let us look through them and delete the ones we weren’t so happy. This helped when it came to editing because we had around about all the shots that were good.

We used the MAC throughout the planning and making of our opening sequence. It was one of the most useful pieces of equipment we used as it not only helped us research and plan our opening sequence, but it also enabled us to edit our sequence to a high standard. Final Cut PRO was a very useful application when it came to the whole process of making our sequence as it allowed us to edit, crop and change our shots to how we wanted. Other applications on the MAC such as photo booth was also useful during the process of researching and planning our opening sequence because it allowed me to take pictures of evidence and upload it to my research and planning journal on Mahara.

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FINAL CUT PROThe timeline allowed us to change the order or our sequence as well as edit our sequence. I learnt how to use tools such as the blade tool to adjust our clips to the exact moment we wanted. The timeline also gave us an image of what effects/transitions were on each shots as well as giving us accuracy with timing the music to the desired clip we wanted to match with it.

Here was our most frequently used tool on final cut pro- the effects and transitions tool. This enabled us to put cool effects on our clips as well as transitions between our clips. We put a dark/purple hue on our montage clips to establish the past from the present. The transitions also came in handy for establishing the past from the present as we used the ‘blur’ and ‘flash’ transition most often to create a dream like effect.

Another tool which we frequently used on final cut pro was the stabilization tool. This allowed us to stabilize any shaky shots so that they looked professional and smooth. I think this toll really helped in making our opening sequence look professional.

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I used google throughout my research, planning and making of my opening sequence. It allowed me to find out information about opening sequences that I did not know before, such as the typical order of the title credits.

YouTube was another very useful website throughout this whole process. It allowed me to upload my draft videos and receive feedback as well as help me research other opening sequences to gain ideas.

I used pearl and dean to research target audiences. I searched up films with similar themes and genres to mine to find out what the most common audience is. This was a very useful website as after finding out common audiences I was able to suit my opening sequence around my target audience.

I used Bensound to find free, copyright music to use in my opening sequence. Although this was a long process of flicking through different sounds, the outcome was definitely worth it.

Storyboard that was another very useful website i used during the research and planning of my opening sequence. It is a website which allowed me to make my storyboard using online figures and different backgrounds and props. This made the storyboarding process quick and easy as we had already made our draft version so it was just a matter of getting it neat and clear for us to follow.

Prezi was one of the presentation websites I used in order to make my research clear and easy to understand. It had fun animations as well as being an interesting way to present information.

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