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Media EvaluationAnna Leggett


Anna Leggett Media Evaluation Candidate Number 8805

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For style models I looked at conventions of ‘Q’ and ‘VIBE’, which both feature similar colour schemes to my final cut.

My main image and title is similar to the issue of ‘Q’, and the layout of text on my front cover is similar to the issue of ‘VIBE’ that I looked at.

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Question One• In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and

conventions of real media products?

• Style Model- ‘Q’• Also looked at ‘Vibe’ as this predominantly features RnB and Hip Hop, which

currently feature largely in the charts.• Main features: Artist interviews, concert and album reviews, information on

upcoming gigs.• ‘Noise’ aims to be an original and new pop magazine.

The magazine I observed and researched most for my whole project was ‘Q’ magazine, which focuses mainly on popular music in general, featuring mainstream bands and artists, concert and album reviews, and upcoming gigs. For my magazine I wanted to create a stylish and original magazine, focusing on mainstream and pop music. I wanted to do this because as a fan of mainstream and pop music, I have never seen a magazine focusing on this genre of music that appealed to me in any way. However, seen as a lot of current mainstream and popular music features a lot of R&B, and hip hop, I looked at ‘Vibe magazine’, which predominantly focuses on these genres of music.

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Question One Continued Contents Page: Similar Conventions and developments of

Conventions of my style model.

‘Q’ Style Model Final Cut: Contents Page

Similarities•Logo in top left hand corner•Heading ‘Summer/Spring 2011/2001’•Colour Scheme- Throughout my work I have kept the same colour scheme. I think it gives a more stylish and sophisticated look, as opposed to use of lots of colour.•Layout of text

Differences•Issue number•Pictures- I used less pictures in a different layout to my style model.•Grey cut of line- I thought this would structure the page more and make the layout look neater but still simplistic

Similarities highlighted in grey

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Question One Continued Front Cover: Similar Conventions, how I used and developed those

from my style model.

‘Q’ Front Cover Final Cut: Front Cover

Similarities•Colour Scheme•Main, Central Image (Only one)•Circles for features•Main feature- big, red heading•Magazine name in the top left hand corner- This is a prominent convention of almost all magazines I looked at and researched, including, ‘NME’, ‘Kerrang!’ and ‘Q’.

Differences•No Cross- This was a convention of several music magazine I looked at. However I didn’t see the relevance and decided not to include one.•Less features- the amount of text is similar but there are less artists mentioned.•Different text layout- I used mainly san serif fonts for my front cover apart from the main feature text. I also maintained the size for most headings and sub headings, whereas my style model text varies in size largely, using serif and san serif fonts.•The style model also uses a gold colour for some of it’s text, whereas I stuck to maintaining my colour scheme of black, white, grey and red. Similarities highlighted in


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Question One Continued Double Page Spread: How my final cut developed and challenged

conventions of my style model.

Similarities•Big Letter (L&A) representing artist- I really liked this convention of my style model, although I hadn’t seen it used anywhere else I thought it was unique and interesting so I decided to experiment and include it in my final cut.•One main image on left hand side- Again this fitted the look I wanted of a sophisticated but quite minimal Double Page Spread. I wanted to let the reader know that the content was serious and the most important thing, so I didn’t fill it with lots of pictures and different types of font.•Name of the artist in the right hand corner.•Grey cut off line.

Differences•Quote on left hand side- This was one of the only Double Page Spreads that I saw without a quote. It was clearly a main convention therefore I thought it would be important to include one in my work. I also thought that without it the page would look slightly dull and needed something like that.•Faded ‘A’- seen as it is the background to the text, I thought the letter could do with being a little less prominent. Also, from rough cut feedback I found out that some people found it hard to read with the letter ‘A’ being so bright.•Drop Capitals- I thought the red lettering would look better than black, and maintained my colour scheme well.•The image I had chosen for my DPS had good lighting and colour, and I thought it looked better than black and white.

Similarities highlighted in grey

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Question One: Summary

• Conventions of the style models I used, and how I used, developed and challenged them…

Front PageI used similar features such as similar colours, one main image, and using circles for other features.I developed these conventions by incorporating them into my work in a different way, using different styles of font to create my own sophisticated and simplistic look that I wanted to achieve.I challenged these conventions by sticking to my own colour scheme, using minimal colour throughout. I chose different fonts that I hadn’t seen in any other magazines similar to my genre, which is something I didn’t see a lot of when researching.

Contents PageI used similar conventions such as the logo (adapted to my magazine) , used a similar heading and maintained my colour scheme which was similar to ‘Q’ magazine. I developed the way pictures were used, changing the amount and layout. I challenged some conventions by using less pictures and changing their layout in order to suit the minimalistic look I wanted to achieve. This was something I hadn’t seen a lot of during research but from my rough cut feedback I discovered that it was seen as a good feature of my contents page. I also added a grey cut off line to separate my page out more than my style model.

Double Page SpreadI used conventions from my style model, such as the big letter ‘A’ and the layout of text and images. I developed these conventions by fading my background, and using different colours for my main image. The mis en scene contrasts largely to that of my style mode, as the model I used has a different expression with a plain background and outfit. I also developed the content of my feature by keeping it serious.I challenged the conventions by adding a quote onto the main image, as it was a main convention of many Double Page Spreads that I had looked at.

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Question Two• How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine features male and female models, of different races and ages. Ideally I would have featured models that were the same age as the artists they were modelling as. But, as this was not possible, I had to try my best to make them look and act like those artists.

One way in which I achieved this was to look at the way the artists I was featuring modelled during photo shoots, looking at professional photos of them that were used in magazines and newspaper articles.

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Question Two: How my media product represents…

Ethnic Minority

My media product does not involve or mainly focus on a particular ethnic group. Mainstream/pop music focuses on and involves exploration of all different types of cultures, religions and races. Therefore I would like to think that my magazine portrays this, and features different ethnic groups. My product is aimed more generally without cultural bias.

It’s hard to say what age groups are represented in my media product. The artists I featured are all fairly young, but the actual product is aimed at younger people, teenagers. However, the age group mainly represented within the magazine is early twentys – thirties.



Although my magazine features both male and female artists, the main image on the front cover and the main feature throughout is a female. However, this is merely a decision I made based on the theme and genre of the magazine. I also chose this artist because they are currently popular, which I thought would be good to incorporate into my magazine. Despite this, on the front cover and contents page there are male artists mentioned and photographed.

Class & Status

Although my aim was not to discriminate against any particular class, the language in my magazine could be seen as sophisticated. This could indicate that it would appeal more to those with a higher level of intelligence. However my magazine features artists who originate from what they describe as rough and unpleasant backgrounds, so I would like to think that I have not excluded any type of person regarding class or status in society. Also, the magazine is prices fairly cheaply at £1.65, therefore would be affordable by a wide majority of the public.

This will hopefully describe how my media product involves, portrays and represents different social groups.

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Question ThreeWhat kind of media institutions might distribute your media product and why?For this question I researched ‘Q’ magazines distributor and found a company called ‘WWMD’- World Wide Magazine Distribution. “WWMD is a joint venture business owned by the major UK news wholesalers. The activities of WWMD compliment the services offered by the news wholesalers. The core business for WWMD is the supply of British published magazines to niche and specialist retailers here in the UK, and globally in all four corners of the world.”

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Question Three Continued

• Ideally advertised through television, and on the internet, on sites such as Facebook, as this is very popular with teenagers.

• Nationally distributed throughout shops such as W H Smiths, Boots, and supermarkets.

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Question Three: ‘Q’s profile on the website.

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Question Four: My Audience

Young people, Teenagers, who are interested in pop/mainstream music

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Question Four: My readers

Interests…Seen as my magazine focuses on pop and mainstream music, my readers main interest would not necessarily be music. Pop and mainstream music ranges immensely from dance/pop tunes to new, more original songs that are made popular by the charts. If my magazine was aimed at a more specific genre of music, such as rock or folk, music would probably be one of the readers main interests.

Gender..I think that girls and boys could both enjoy my magazine. The artists featured include both males and females, and a pop fans usually tends to like the artist because of their song and not based on their gender.

Sexuality..I think that the mainstream music industry addresses issues of sexuality quite often. There are many artists in the music industry that promote equality and I think that my magazine represents that industry fairly. If my magazine were to become popular and sold, I think that sexuality would not matter.

Age..The age of my target audience was teenagers from the age of about 15. however, because the genre of my magazine is so broad and has so many fans, I think that adults up to the age of 30/35 would still enjoy my magazine. This is because the content is quite serious, and my research showed that there was a lack of pop/mainstream magazines that were aimed at older people with a more sophisticated content.

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Question FiveAs part of my audience research, I carried out a questionnaire:1. What do you think is the most important aspect of a Music Magazine front cover? The choices for this question were The Main image of the artist, or the Title of the magazine. 90% of people that answered this question said

that the most important aspect was the Main image of the artist. This tells me that I should focus more on using a big photograph on the front cover, as it is the first thing people look at.

2. What sort of articles do you like to see in a Music Magazine? The choices for this question were, Band/Artist interviews, Concert reviews, album reviews, Band/Artist reviews, or artists that are becoming

more popular/New artists or bands. Nine out of eleven people suggested that they like to see Band/Artist interviews the most in a Music Magazine. From this I have thought that I will have to use someone as a big artist in my magazine, rather than making someone up.

3. If any, what Music Magazines do you buy or have you bought in the past? The two most popular magazines that were chosen here were ‘Q’ and ‘NME’. I have already looked at ‘Q’ for a style model, so I will definitely

take some inspiration from it when creating my own. Other answers were ‘Kerrang’ and ‘Rolling Stone’, which I have also looked at.

4. Is there any particular colours you would associate most or like to see most in a Pop Music Magazine? Most people answered here with one bright colour such as red or purple, but 90% of people said that they would like to see black and white in

a music magazine. I think my colour scheme will definitely involve these colours, but maybe grey and one bright colour too.

5. What is your favourite Music Magazine and why? ‘Q’ and ‘NME’ were the most popular here, because they feature good, interesting artists and feature mainly mainstream music. Other answers

were again ‘Kerrang’ and ‘Rolling Stone’, because they suited well to people’s music taste.

6. Roughly how much would you pay for a Music Magazine? 90% of people said that they would pay roughly £3 for a Music Magazine.

7. What is your favourite genre of music? Answers varied largely for this question, from pop and classic rock to heavy metal. The most popular answer was pop, which is main genre of

my magazine. However I would like it to apply to people who like all sorts of music, but mainly mainstream.

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Question Five• Research feedback and how I used it in my magazine.• For my front cover I focused on using one main image, and a bright title, which was one of the things my

target audience identified as an aspect they preferred.• I used a well-known artist rather than a new, unknown one.• I kept my style model as ‘Q’ throughout, which was one of the more popular music magazines throughout

my target audience, along with ‘NME’ and ‘Kerrang!’ which I looked at.• From the start of the ideas stage I wanted to use black and white in my magazine to ensure that it was

presented as sophisticated and so people knew that the content was serious and for older mainstream and pop fans. My questionnaire also showed that these were colours people wanted to see, so I used black, white, grey and red to follow what I thought looked best and what my audience wanted.

• One thing that went against my questionnaire slightly was the price. Most of my target audience said that they would pay up to £3 for a music magazine. However I wanted to make my magazine accessible for more people. I lowered the price to ensure that the magazine would be affordable for everyone.

• Although it is clear that pop/mainstream music is successful and has a large audience, I wanted to make sure that my target age group of teenagers would be interested in reading about this genre of music. The final question asked what the persons favourite genre of music was. Of corse the answers varied from pop to rock and many other different genres, but it is clear that pop and mainstream music is popular, due to how often it is publicised and how much of it is in the charts etc.

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Question Six: What have you learnt about technologies from the

process of constructing this project?

Clone stamp tool and healing brush tool are two tools I used the most to edit out flaws in skin and make up etc.

I used the eye dropper tool a lot to make sure my colour scheme was maintained throughout.

The rubber tool was another one I used a lot to edit out mistakes.

Before making my magazine I had hardly used photoshop. After lessons I managed to use them to make my magazine look better and more professional.

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Question Seven- Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full

product?Brighter, bolder fonts and colours.

Larger image that stands out more

Developed skills using photoshop tools such as clone stamp tool and lasso tool

Larger variety of fontsMore text

More organised colour scheme

Through learning how to use the camera I was able to experiment more with shot types and frame a better close up for my front cover

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Question Seven Continued

Colour scheme is more maintained and bright.

More effective use of camera angles, shot types

More text

Overall I think that from my preliminary task, the main things I have learnt are how to use photoshop more effectively to create better photographs, and how to edit my magazine to make it look more professional and presentable. My audience research also taught me what my target audience wanted to see, and I based a lot of aspects on what I found out during my research.

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