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EYE TRACKINGYou can discoverthe true user experience.

a little introduction about myself.

HELLO!MY NAME ISRIZKY AKBARIEStudent Informatics engineering

at Bakrie University. Now, I'm conducting

research for evaluation design website

using eye-tracking technology.

At this point I need one object of

research (website) for evaluation.

I'm offering as volunteers to evaluate

your website.

eyes don’t lie.

What is eye tracking?

Eye tracking is a technique that tells you where, how and

when people look. This reveals meaningful insights about

and that are important to you.behavior performance

By knowing what a person looks at we can better understand

that person's behavior, or evaluate the performance web pages.

Eye Tracking grants unique insights into visual human

recognition which could not be discovered through simple


purpose of research.

Why must eye tracking?

User Experience (UX) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

researchers use this methodology to evaluate interfaces

for the optimal user experience.

Traditional usability methods and performance

measurements might indicate that there's an efficiency issue,

but often do not answer or it.why how to fix

Eye tracking uniquely provides information about tasks that

aren't articulated by participants and that might otherwise

pass unobserved by the researcher.

Eye tracking helps you discover.

Whatattracts attention?

Eye tracking helps you discover.

Whatis seen and not seen?

Eye tracking helps you discover.

Why do users fail at certain tasks?

Eye tracking helps you discover.

How hard do your users need to workto complete certain tasks?

benefit of research.

Formative research

Eye-tracking can benefit formative research by providing

information that improves design recommendations,

detecting and explaining usability Issues.

Summative research

Eye-tracking can benefit summative research by providing

ways to measure UX (performance and attractiveness)

and compare designs (new and old).

as a volunteer.

Once again,I just need one object of

research (website) for evaluation.

I'm offering as volunteers to evaluate

your website.

If you are interested in my research,

please contact me at

+62 8577 228 1897Phone:

[email protected]:

Thank you.

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