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Page 1: manchesterhistory.org Evening Hearld_1939-08-19.pdf, .......................... - ---'-r vY-ibndli niDAT. ATJotm i% tm ^ 'W'' ^ *• 0 ' c ^ _ ^..^. eoMKkSbS «C Oh Bitaofarte. Sha

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■ ««tM n d took tiM Mki* aatf eoBdaetiag. (Smt7 Mn. Artlnir Kit-Mag todajr tor Old Or* MUaa to toiaalB g



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M lU korSaj.

Vkt glMlo of tba OoagktoiB of • t OaMf% pluaied tor thia waak* aad at fta eettaga of Mr*. Percy RMitoana. Blaek Potat has baaa poatpggiad natfl a latar data.

MUi Oartruda Oardaer la aapaet- ad tor a fertaf eMt oa Buaday ty barparaata. Mr. aad Mra. Joba Oardnar at ISO Onter ptreat. Mlaa Oardaar' baa baaa wltb tba Cbaatar Rala bal- lat riaca tbay opaaad up aarly la May at Baa Mardea'a Riviara, Port Im . N. J.

n » MiTlaga at Mlaa Anaa Olea- raga aad Edward A. Haakina wUI taka placa toaiorrow aaoralag at 10 e’dedi at 8 t Bridgat'a cbureh.

Clibfiaa W. Robaaa, praatdaat of tba Maaebaatar Zoalag board, arlll ba tba gnaat apaakar at tba maatlag at tba Klwaala ehib, Monday nooa at tba Oonatry Qub. Ha will wal- eeoM qnaatioaa partalalag to Ita tm* portaat ragnlatloaa. H m pilaa will ba toratihad by Dr. P. P. BuabaaU.

[YD Vets Plan to Go On Ontiiig Sunday

, MbaebaataiPa TD rata win taka part In tba itata Dapartmant'a aa>

Icunloa and ooUng at HItber HUla Stata Park, Montauk Point, tm g lalaad all day Sunday. Tba party will laara Naw London dock at 0 a. A. Cara will ba paiked near tba

[dock.A1 St Oarmalna at Naw Loadon

la chairman of tba outing and State Commander William ABen la In charge of tba entertainment

The party will board tba S. S. nrala'* at New London for Montauk Point wbera buaea will taka the

, mambera to the park. Baaket luncbea [will ba taken aad ewlmmlng aad garaaa will ba enjoyed.

The boat grill dock at New Lon* don on tba return from Long lalaad at S o'clock Sunday arentag.

— bp.AttMMp NT, alatad that ba

— ------------------cO tnataad at aottcoal for foat On racatpt o f tMa tn*


Bolton Orange grOI bold ita aample ftdr tbia aeanlng at the Oommuntty ban In Bolton Oentar. The doom grin open at diM.

Tba Impraaalaii at local Sahratloa- MSi that Oommladonar Bdirard 3. Bmbar at tba Salvation Army graa alaetad to anecaad Oaaeral Evan* gaSaa Booth, la ballaved to haya arloeo from tba aaira that Obmmla* Menar Parker waa elected praaidaBt dC tba n gh CbaneO, which ia at snaanC maat!i« m London and lallettlag tor a aneeaaaor to raUr- Mg Oanaral Booth. The Oounefl to •anmoaad ad S4 pratoioaat effieam ■ the army from an dear tba grotid

twMhird aujority toraqnirad M ahet a bead. Two etbar Amarican ■nmmhtoiioiia, Alesandar Damon and Btotjamia Oramaa hago been

1 aa proapacUya eandldatan.^ litUa and Lorralna Ran*

ad B irt atraat, with frienda ftmm, N. T , haya bean

M g soma Mam at Hammen*

Ka Pa Ontiiig Plans Are Now Complete

Ito. TXootbig at

. Knlgbta at to bo BM nakt Sunday at

. -* .1 2 ? ^ .WOppiag. AcUyl gat nadarway^ lo o’clock ****tog toit tor tboda unable ad at that hour a bua grin

free traaaporUtlon from > ban at X o’clock bi tba

“ p ja o jrtin g to toaa to mambara S fn .totonda of linnA Hot doga,

•*“* ooiraa grin ba wallabla at the grotinda. The totornoen'a program grin Includo a muabar of aporta eventa for which pciaaa erlU ba awarded aa well aa gU M aad other amusementa. Thera win be dancing aU day.

Tba road win ba poated from wapping center to make the Orova

^ tod greath* ar. the outing win ba held Juat the to*to but ia the dance ban at the OroTA Donald McPhermn la ebatr-ttoaS a i?* **® ^ ‘ *“ *" «torga of

Sloyd Classes Exhibit W ork

Excellent Pieces o f Cab­inet ConstmctloB Are Displayed at School.

The handlgrarb at the aleyd dam- aa at Haaiy MlUar ggaa on aahibi Uon laat night la the baaamaat at tha Barnard achool aad tha aaaort* mant of grerk gma ylagrad during tha oyaalng by ISO paranta at tha

X and their Maada. Many ak> t placaa of cafalnot ggork, la* eluding IS book caaaa, 10 oad ta-

blaa and flvo daaks on grhleh antra amount of Sno grork dona, grara abown.

Included alno in tba aahlMtloa waa a flna Prtodlla aewlng caMnat aad a Martha Waataington daaign aawlag cabinet, a Colmlal aarly mapla mirror, a gralnut book caao with lino moulded odgoa and i Quaan Anna upholatared fOotatooL

Thera waa a mltcellaneoua aa- aortmant of wall ahelvaa, comer Bhelvea, tool cbeata, lagm chalta and faaoa, magaalne racka, ping pong table, dlah and tie racks, tow­el racka, Mioa racka, desk sets and many other ktaida of amaU grork. Por tbo moat part thla imallar work was by the beginning slktb grade atudants.

During tba eight weeks aaaalon I of Bloyd wofk, bagim on Juno 96 and eloaad thla graek, 120 atudant workara grara ragtatorad and aneta ona attending completed at least one project—soma complatad aay- araL Pupils paid the cost of tbair matartola plus tan oanta due by the beglnnam and 20 cents from advanced ttudenta to help defray ooat of tho eouraea.

Some of tho better placaa of work ware dona by tha foUogrlng hojrs: Craig Balebar, Charlas Hath­away, Tbomaa Sm j^a and Eldan WltoDo each complatad modaralatic daaka; John Buckley made an aarly mapla Colonial mirror ahowlng good workman ahlp. John Hyda graa tba makar of tha Sna Quaan Anna upholatared footstool and Waltar

lAdamy complatad a walnut booh oaaa with moulded edges. John

I Brown mado a taibla of figured rad gumwood. Eldan Marks made ona of tba bast pleoas In the axhlblUoo, a Colonial daak. Edgrln McCann did aoma fina grork on a Martha Waah. ington aewlng cabinet. AU of tho places grere waU finished, atalnsd. rubbed and pollabad.

The members of tha a a y ^ classes were at tha achool this morning settUng up for th ^ lum­bar and materlala and takl^ tbair handlgrork home.

Asks Speakers f e s Come in Person f e s «

---------- h w .Z o n in g B o a r d o f A p p e a b Im ib ^ ttsd w m thanqum tM ^M m

F a r o n G u n m e n U t o n *• x-w M .«resss«w sw I room on Lake atraat Tbara graraP r e s e n c e a t H e a r in g s . »• objoetiona to this laquasL

To S e^ More Toys For Use at Center

^ ■" mmmu mwm sfimBi lamssM MUBIUI MPpeal grin ba made through tha lehars to tba aklldran to bring in

—used or torokan toys to ba rapalr- ad nt tha WPA Toy Oiater. Tbara

Peraoaal appanmnea nt ------■haaringa rather than aubrntoWon of I opinions by petition or other manna I appaarsd to ba tovorad last night by tha Zoning Board of Apponis af­ter discussion of a raquaat that n| apodal aacaptloa ba granted to permit erection of tgro four-famOy I apartroant houasa on Hasmas atraat I A petition objecting to the plan, algnad by Mrs. Harry Rylander and nlna ptbers graa filed, but it grasl argued that if tba objectors eould have aeen tba plana and had baaaf poaaeasad of an tbs tocts, thals ob- jecUoiu might hare been grlthdragm I and favorabla action might tmmo-1 (liataly hava bean taken. Membara of tbo Appeals Board, appearing to favor tbs granting of tha raquimt, tabled action pending further In-1 formation.

Tba request tor tha multiple I dwellings was made by tha Mancbea-1 tar Athlatlo aaaodatloa, a group of local buaIneaa man grho 28 yaara ago oporatad a baaaball field on tbo Haynaa atraat land. Harold C. Ai- vord. rapraaonting tba peUttonere, axplalnad that tto tgro propoaad | atnicturaa grould bo of Engllah da­aign and would contain apartmental to rant for 160 monthly. Tbo nolgh- borhoed grould bo Improved by tha| addition of tbasa houaaa. It graa Al- vord*a griaw.

Onurt BaqaatoaRaid ever from tha laat masting

at which tlma action gras postponed, tha raquaat of Mra. Dinah Fox graa grantad laat night Mra. Eon iiad paUtlonad that aha might altar the seat aide of a duplex dgrelling'at 08 Garden atreet Into tgro three room apartments.

Backed by tbs support of many I local realdenta, tba petition of Jia Mancheatar Truat company, acting aa truataa for tba Tinker estate, f asking that tha old Wells street ar­mory might ba renovated and used for sports events, gvaa grantad.

R waa atated that about 18,000 gvorth of grork wlU ba done on the I atnictura In which once grere held all laXdlng thw trlcala and aporta attractiofia In the togm. Thera graa aome quaation aa to whether Mrs., Sophia Oryk aupportad or oppoaed tha petition to renograta the old hall.It waa undaratood aha had favored tha plan, but In a lattar written by her son, Waalsy O. OrjA, It gras ba- Uaved aha opposed the Idad.

Orantad to Fred Schatachnaldar I waa permiaalon to erect a milk room at Broad and lAckwrood atraeta. Tha

to stoaa4y n dtonand tor morn to aa the number uMng tha canter t ._ greatly tnersasad in the last tgro wwntbA Tin daeimea to anaa tha toialing aaaUam at tha oaatar from one aad n half boms andi graak to •naqr wnridag day tram • ddoak in tha momlag to 4 o'eleek fa tho af- tamooa baa brought many naw boya aad glrla to^threantar.

Mnea the leadlag aaetloa has been ..*wad each day tba aumbar that bagra gone to tha eantar tor toya haa

laeraaatd Taro waaka ago thamiatoar had Jumpad from atouad 400 to Old and graatardfiy tba num- bar that wara toklng toya had la- eriaaad to 78S. It haa baaa found that tbo boya aad girto can la tha graatar muabar la tha moralag. Taatarday at doabm Uma at 4:30 tbara had baaa M bqya aad girls who bad takan out to ^ and of thla aumbar 79 of tfeam came la tha

opaa all day boya and gbla attmrttnn toya aftar a tow daya oAaa.uhdar tho former plan thay mada ratuma each graak. Tbia haa m- aultad la morn toyn being eaUad for At this time of the7 1 2 thain m tnya that grara In demand last grin* tn that art now ta storage and a l^ereat Upd of toy Is aakad for. There am 23 grorUng at tha Toy Canter. '

By having tha landing aacttea|Read T h e H e r a ld A d r s .


• or anything 1 huUviihiala,

’ baard of bnytog a fw lijii“ paekaga,'* jnat the way yon wonld.b^_____•toe? Th o ^ ^ yen jad to^^^ let of im oi^ ate.?

that tor yon-offats you a *'aaa-stop aenriea, hd| yon aewee Just tha oottage yon grant from mvaral attraetiva designs by tora- asoat architaeta, quotas you oaa aU-inchiidgra pries ivith coava-^ t monthly payments. Your vacatiea cottage is boflt by a quail.Sad contractor who to a nMmbcr ^ the Guild. And you grt a better eottan too. Jbhna-Manville cn^Mctteg atandmde make It eafer from fire, weather aad wear, raduoe the upkeep expeuee to a mini.

. Consult irlth mlAMI MS A mm carrmr

Our Entire Stock of $7.95

DressesFor Final Clearance Sale

Reduced To

Theae dreooeo can be worn for Fall and Winter. Mostly dark colora.

All Sales Final. Main Floor, Rear.

New HandbagsFor Early Fall Wear

Stanulatad leather handbags In tha grained Zapona, also genuine Suedea. Colom: BUck, Brown, Wine, Navy.

tl.00 ea*

Fdr a Tasty Luncheon. Dinner or

, . Snack, T ^ op At the . .


Oaenar OlalB and Feari Btrmto

• bawi

New Fall SweatersShort sleeve cardigans and alij

ons. All new shades.

$ 1.98I Iwggm eta *ud»...... -| II

SaalWa at lea a aapv. «• \

THE W. G. GLENNEY CO.OanI, Lumbar, Maaana* guppHea, Faint

I Na. Mnin gtmat IW. 41tt Mancheatar


c u i i DLUPv HorriE.s n n oHomE impRouEmEnTS


t Mato Strati m . gigg

ALICE OOFRAN _ gPnUTDAL MEDfCM aavanth OangMar of a Seventh Bon

Borgi With A Veil” **■«« Itonr • A. M. to • F. M.

f t * " P»«pto toe se Tema i n Chnreh Btreet, Rartfard. rg<wta

■TMae 4-2287

Sold EzdnsiYely In Manchester By IkeManchster Lumber

ft Fuel 0>.-Oanlar St S14S

S A T U R D A Y -" Final Day of


P E R F E C T f o r e ve ry day

For rfiatr baanty, fcr parfcct fit tor extra-long tronble-fraa wear, gra don't know a dollar ftoddng to mstch tMa auperh 4-thrtad. h'a ear 'beat adler* bacaaaa lt% pcrlact hr egrtry day gvaar.

STYLl 999 4.TH9tAD SHEE9

1-00 pr.

D AVID CHAMBERSContractor and BuilderA L L T Y P E S O F N E W G O N S T R U C n O N

R E P A H tD iG A S P E C IA L T Y

« 8 H o llis t e r f t r e e t X e L G S S O

Priced Right For Quick SaleA a c . h o u s e s a t

„ S o S A N D S 7 2 w o o d l a n d S T R E E T


Codling, Furiii^s And Footwear.

Brand New Arrivals!Just Unpacked! A Large Group of Wearable

F e a tu r e G r o u p . Jl,19Others flAS to 18,96 .

• tn baeeme nil agta, tonturtag naw Felts, Rayona, Vaivatx Crapsf aad Fetarahnms.

« f tha Fan Saasoa’s elavereat toahiotia — Bustle Backs, ; Bamta, Naw Brims, Small Hata aad Bretons — in aU - Oelan: B to * Brown, Navy, Tuscan Onpa, Moan

MIDtoMy 0 ^ t „ Mata floor, Baar.

W E GIVIS jW C (B fliitS W r A lg

JW.HAUA t i i M O I l l T l C O N IH

Fran Paridnf In Rear


' -W '-

A v ersf* Dally C iia ila tioa tor ton manth M duly, line

6 4 S 1the AadH

MttneheUer— A City o f Village Charm

FarThe W e af D. B.

Clendy ftllewad by ato ftoraeon and tonlgtiti

- - ly tiU to 1

VOL. LVin., NO. 278 Advsrttolag oa Fags tO) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 19.1939 (TW E LV E PAG ES) PRICE TH REE C B N W

Committee Hears Nazi Aim to Grab

All United StatesTo Call Educator to Tes­

tify Concerning. Efforts T o Introduce Teach­ings in Am erican Col­leges; G irl Tells Ger-

. man Plan o f''A ction .

. ——

Waablngten, Aug. 19--<F)—Told that Naxl Germany tntendi eventual­ly to,gobble up tba United States, the Dies eommlttea centered ita at­tention today upon how thla might be brought about. .

A committee representative said "a well-known educator wboae pro­fessional standing and knowledge la beyond dispute” grould ba called Monday to testify concerning efforts to introduce Naxl teachings in American ooUagea Ha added that hla teaUroony would deal grith first hand experience, but declined to dis­close the educator’a name.

The committee, Investigating "un- American acUgriUas,” adjoinmed for the greek-end after bearing plump. German-born Helen. Vooros of Brooklyn, N. Y., teaUfy yesterday that she graa "taught” on a grtstt to Germany that the Nazi plan of ex­pansion embraced a United States anaehluaa—Uka that gvith Austria.

TaUs Btovy of Plaaned Oanqnest Miaa Vooros, 19-year-old former

youth leader of tha Garman-Amari- ean Bund, told a atory of planned German conquest In which education plwrad an important part.

wall-polaed throughout long hours of quastiooing, tha dark haired girl came to bar taatlmony at tha plotted American Ingrsaion after saying riie quit the Bund bacagiae aba was dis- gustad ograr "immoraltty’’ among Bund mambera.

She waa la Germany ta 1989 grith —4 group of outstanding Bund youth laadara, aha said, whan aba laarnad from a German propaganda official that tha Hitler ragiine ax- pactad tba Infiltration of Naxlsm to bring raaults In tha Unitad States la "15 or 30 yaan."

Tha Oarmaa plaa c f setioa gras outitoad tar-A rPiv^AmMMW’ a f mm DroMnttdft BttBfltliMfa'MNf 'AddML fei a speech delivered to tha touring Amarican yytha. _■

Intonfia 6b Bagato TarvlSavy, Axeman said, Mia taatiflad, that

Germany tatandad to gat back an

Jail Prisoners Ask Town Gock Be Started Again

Logan, W. Va.. Aug. 19.—(F) —Prisoners In Logan county jail have plenty of time on their hands—still, they like to watch It pass.

That’s why the Logan Banner received thla letter;

"Dear Eldltor: We. the In­mates of the Logan county jail are gvriting you In regards to the togvn clock. As you should know. It haa not been running for the past two weeks, and we, the Inmates, would appreciate it very much tf the ataff of your paper would see into this matter and get the clock started again."

The editor promised action.

Rubbernecks Make Trouble

In ‘W ar’ ZoneGreat Crowd o f Tourists

Congest Roads in the Plattsburg Area; Penn. Soldiers Halt H oldup.

Salvage W orker at Perilous Task

N .Y .’9 ] ^ C u tNearly in Half

Farmert* Strike K nocks Out Ice Cream ; Dairies Expect Eariy V ictory.

New York, Aug. 19. — (F> — A , hloekada by strUdag upstato daily

tormara rsduesd Naw York eityto mlDc aupplj today hjr 48 aar cant, toe eraan niaiiiifai liftlm Y w sallj raaaad. aad milk sunpItoB aoriaally uaad tor noadspaid mitt, buttar and chi i i i wsra Avsttad tokomae hos­pitals aad pubUe taatttotlam to la- aura adaqasts quaatttias tor drtak- tag winwisaB

I k a iv ^ ^ anottsd to tatiiartaA coBfactkmarlas aad rasUoraata also was cwtaDsd drsaOsany by the Naw York MUk Dtotributofs’ Imr- gataliw afsney. gvhhdt asUmatad that tha aormal dally mOk la- taka at 4,400,000 quarta had baaa cut by 1.190.000 quarta.

Suecaaa o f tha Moekada lad Archie Wright, rbalrman at tba Daby FanBara* Uatoa, to pradlet tba five- day atrika would and ia a complata victory tor produeara *ia three or

. four A ya." ^' Seam ladM adM to TiaMWflsht eald^TaerM l” tadepand-

aat dtomhutoea already had agrsad to tho u8kmyda|Madtor a unitorm baaa pciea c r t X » a huadradgralght (47 quhita) tor mUk dnriM AugoM, Bw tamhar aad Oetohar. Tka. p

^aat pries, aider tba FMaral-Mtr, la 9X38 a inmdrad-

r that tha atflka, atre _I by Um Oongraai of In-

rgantoathma. bad era a “aarkwi MtasUon’* to tha mF paHtan aiua. Mayar LaOuardia oaO- •ad a centoriBea at dtoMbutara aad union odlrlala tor Monday. Beth Mdaa agwad to aWand. _

Tha V . 8. O^a^SMUfi^AMtani- turn kaa oedarad haaringa tor Aug. M to Byineaaa aad Aug. 38 la Naw

Aviation Day Sees Big Air Plans on Way

Little by Way o f Formal Celebration Today But W righPs Birth Date Is Seen Future Holiday.

Washington. Aug. 19.—<g>>—Be­hind tha scanas of a quiet calabra- tion of tha nation’s first Avtation Day. mllitaiy and civil offlciala are taking the first atepa toward a gigantic program dasignad to give the United States preamtnsnca la the air.

Congress racenUy aakad Fresidant Roosevelt to proclaim aach Aug. 13 —tha birthday of OrvUle Wright. avUtioa’s pionaar—as Avtation Day, but thara wot no indication of a na- tloa-wlda celebration which soma hope aventoally to davaloa

Tte daoca o f aU Army and Navy air baaia grara ordarad ounwa opM bowavar. for faispaetlon o f aoma of tho latost dogrolopmenta ta air do- tonoe. Tho Army Air Corpo aald Ultra grould ba no apaeial flj^ g dem- onatrsUena but the Navy scbadulad four special svanta.

Navy Squadrons ArdveTwo squadrons were ordered to

parUelpata in aarial manaugrors over tha World’s Fair In Naw York. Others grara to tako part In a Jack- aongrOla, Fla., oelabratioa.

Other Nag^ aircraft wara aant to 8L Patarsbiwg, Fla., aad a group gras achadulad to partlcipata la night exerciaas at San Franctooo.

Plattaburg, N. Y„ Aug. 19—(Fl—"War-weary" soldiers of the First Army returned to their base camps for a gveekend rest today and found a new concern In the streams of tourists come to visit their "battle­field." The visitors, pouring Into this mimic war scene In rapidly In­creasing numbers, promised to com­plicate an already troublesome traffic problem as they met soma of tha 62,000 men returning after a night la the field.

To handle the situation expected to develop over the greekend, the force of military police In Platta­burg and the immediate vicinity graa siuppad up to 90 men, while several hundred more gvera called to duty elsewhere throughout the ISO square mile ’’battle" area.

State PaUee Ou Strike DutyRecall o f 27 state troopers for

duty In a northern New York milk ■trike left only 29 here to supple­ment the military police.

VWtora coming from both aides of the Canadian border to griew the encampments atrung out over the countiyMde grltbln a radius of 30 miles, found accommodations in this historic old city of 14,000 at a premium.

Coinciding grith the Influx of tour­ists graa the anticipated arrival of savaral distlagulahad guasta. Among them ars LiauL Gov. caiarias Pol- etU of Naw York state; OaL E. W.Sanaom, director of military train-j,°f the many

Nazis Deploy Troops For 100 Miles Along Polish-Slovak Border

salgraga groTkar—onelag and ataff duty In tha Canadian army, and Uaut-Ool. K. C. Burnaaa, Icntructor la tactlea at tha Cana­dian Royal MlUtary College.

PolatU planned to remain for sev­eral days, Hvlng ia tha field ia a teat adjoining that of Major Gan. WnUam N. Haakell, commander of tha Sicood corps. Ohaarvara from appradmataly 17 feraign couatriw ars axpaetad next graak.

Six- "Its tilrt" Stoned A day and a half o f raat agrattad

the waacy troops aftsr nara than SO h am pf tito Mdad combat axask. •iMsIh Um fisU tnvolviiw aU ato- ralatad ’Tjattla."

Natkmal Guardsman, of grbom tbara are about 88,000 here from nine atataa, got aoma rest last

knife clutched In his right hand, this Navy many ssaking to raise the ill-fated submarine Bqualus to the aur-

face off Portamouth. N. H.—goes about his perilous job of cutting tha cords which laah various len^hs of air hose tdgether. By means of Pontoons tha Squalus haa been brought cloeer to the surface aad nearer to shore.

Judge Inglis to Give His Decision Monday

Im m e d iB te ly W IH P a ss O r O U p SSentence on Men Con-

(C aa Fags iw a.) victed in Conspiracy.

Only tgvo waaka ago, la eslabratlng tha thirtieth analvaixary of tha purchase of the Brat military plant ia this country, tha A m y Air Com announced that its newest ahipa, mostly bombara, had aat more t i ^

(UauttoMd aa Fsa.)

Hurricanes Are Closely ScannedS c o r e s o f S h ip s a t S ea

A n d S p e c ia l N e tw o r k . O f S ta t io n s o n G u a r d .

Washington, Aug. 19.—<ip) — Scoraa of ahlps at sea and a fa cia l natwoik of 90 Waathar Bureau sta­tions la aoutharn iratan aro on guard against hurrieanM.

J**- W. Itaichtidtrftr, Waathar Burtau Udtf. Mid today hurrioano warning sargrtea—on wktoh UMona of onstarn and aoutbara rsMdonta tkpaad—gvaa “teata affielaBt thla yMr than ay«r batom.’*

Now mldgray to tha hurrlcaM aaaaon. which oxtanda tram July through Oetohor, tho Woatbtr Bureau chM laid tha rsoMt anaU

5,000 Firemen In Big Parade

S ta te B o d y t o W in d U p P a r k c i t y C o n v e n t io n W ith a ^ T o n ig h t .

Bridgeport, Aug. 19—(F>—Con- naeUcut fireman, a new praaidant of their ataU aaaoctation at tbair haad, lookad fonrard today to a g ^ pa­rade toppad off by a baU to grind up thair Sfitb annual oonvanUon bare. Ninety companies and 8,000 man wara to be In tha Una o f march of tho parade this aftarnoon. toUow- ing tha final buslaaM maatiiigs. and tha hnU w|U ba bald at nraaura Biftch IobIrM.

OornoUua J. Carrlgan of Terry- m io, roUrIng vlea-prosldont, waa olactod praaidant yoatarday without oppoMtlon.

Uontanant Chaitao H. Brundage of Now Haven dofontad Chptain John F. Ctoncy of Bridgeport for tbo vloo praaldancy, 397 to IfiX la tha only oentoat in’ tba alactlonn. Danbury wna ehosan aa tba 1940

MgranOea dty.other offiosn rsalaetad gvero;

David W. Harfofgl of South Nor­walk. aaerstary: Mlcbaol T. Bounty of Now Btltala, troaaurar. aad Rev.

J. Tbompaon of NiaaUe, haptoin.

Oonnty vtoa-pratodonta alaetad rare: Bairfiald. Oaorga Braachar of

Watorbury, Aug. 19.- 1F>—Upon Judge Erneat A. Inglia reatad today tha rsqionaiblUty of determining _ , ^the fairness and legality of guUty ! In d u s tr y

Remain Upset A fter Threat


verdicts against Mayor Frank | Hayes aad IS other defendants la I tba Watarbury municipal fraud'

isa.Tha Jurtit, who yesterday heard

dafanaa attorneys contend that the 8upeik>r Court k>ry which raturur ad tha verdicts waa agrayed by a 'campaign of bate" and Special

Proaacutor Hugh M. Alcorn angrily defend tha jurors against what ha termed defense ’’abuse," said, be would announce hla decision on mo-

(CaMhMMd aa Fags rwa.)

S e e th e s W ith

Flashes !'(Lata ffnilattoi af the IF) Wire)


Thank^ving Plans Upset Maryland D. A. R. Chapter

rraderick. Md.. Aug. rnffdant Itoonavalt'a

plana hnva put tha Fradailck ehnp- thanSOO tir o f tha Itonghtaw o f tha A a i

itovataUon to tba iniddto at an

AUffg tbft ptiot

U>-|( » tftar iTTinf lii**!iI

I maa g*m bald by atata I ■ mwnmtien with th ‘

that Nov. tog n to BoontvMt. to atop' " ton ■

t 34 boatsterie:^ ar«1X twftoe fkw liek* ' ------------------------- la tbo

Hinya iuX Am . wing a o oituran

i x - o n - « i f - ■ ftotn to a

I ffOklm Y>.Tba ItederlebB. A. Bi. ahvnyn ob-

MPBl.ltoa. 38 amo rn M tm S m

oiMporatliig. aad

But now thtoga ars aa coopli- entod. Tba tannafors turkey Jin- aar wouldnT do nt aU—aad wbo’d want ton aRargaaid?

It 'i aU jtarfukOa nthor nHS ________oonuatttal, Mra. Maikad atatad bar

gritb amobaMa:T dost nnftoFA" Mm aald, *kf

tba P ia fliiir a ThBatoglvtag ifianga. ira tabtog s Mboto

aad Ha Mopla I deat ; to taka

•0,'atoto Di. A. R.’B <

a right weeu m o m e s iwimjr j“ ' **” j jat all If ton^iaak on aaoastan left aft 2

38 aad

itoatos. -i-

Farmer Msyar Dias Phlladalphla. Aug. IS— on — B.

Davis WBaaa. gvba vatirad atdy last week as sMyar af PMIadsIphla be­

ef U ta ^ died tadnjr. Ha m 87. Dasto CMM ta the Ighttag far-

sMyar at 9:99 a. as (aA.i.) at MM. Aemaasharwef MefamHy

gvora at tha bedMdt. fUMaa. aae of ealerfni aMyotk la t

ettyk hlatoty. ratirad Aag. 11 ggrtth mars Uma tour and a half aasut af his tana yat to n « .

Gutter. Narthbod Oraouds ■eateu, Aag. 1 9 .~ ^ . Tba Gaust

Guard euttar NuMhlamf. tobaw ftuM ffuhluud, OuBf.. aa bar first k t o ^ Bm 6m^ ran agraoto today ^tbIehMt fog. Tba vaaaai, 9ag| ta aad 919 toat Isag. MMas bar ivay ta------ --------^ ^ AdxMial Eteh-

ta - theard E. Byrd'sAataretto to ~

ta free bar .a t Mdh tide. • • • ^Maw.


I r toad taday to M af axar- d aaaaad to tramt to the > af NaM taadsr Afttrt ta r- Hm bafdaa la tba ao|y aaa ba Ylafda to Daaalg torn-I MilHMi•aaa ttoF rasO ty aad I

Om af to


ad •fto to l. to Ural taday

R e n e w e d U n io n d a s h ; A F A $ e c r e t « r y I s B o n e o f C o n t e n t io n .

Atlantle City, N. J., Aug. 19__m—From coast to oooat, from Broad­way to HoUjrgrood. AoMrica v oa- tartahimoDt tnduatry sootbod grith ranowod union warfara today m tba waka of thraataaod wUhdragval of 80,000 outs, seraon and radio per- foijMara from the American wai- aratlon at Uihor.

TIm aacaiBlon threat earns from a special eommlttse of Qm Aasoclatod Actors and Artlatos - o f Amorica. paront body of 11 thMtrieal unlona.

U m boM of oontaatlOB botwaon ^ AAAA and tba AFlT^Baaevtlva CcwBca waa Ralph WHttahaad, axse- ttUvo asareUry of tho Amarican Federation of Aetora, the imudavtlla. Bight club and eiroiM jMrfoinMra’ union hasdod by Sophia Itekar.

The AAAA ta dead Mt againat(Gaattoaad an Fags tsm.)

B urford Is Still Called Fugitive

D a lla s O il M a n S u e c e s s - fu l ly F ig h ifi R e m o v a l O r d e r t o , L o iiis h u ia .

Dallas, Aug. 19-<FH-AlUiadgb relaasad by a Fadsral jndga, Wraa- man W. Burfbrd, wealthy Dallas oU man, today was brandeir a Tugitiva from justlea” oa-a Indlet-meat charging coanilraey to vtelsta the Connelly hot oil act

Buitord succoaafttlly fought a ro- moval order to Lquialaaa sad Fad- arsl Judge T. W. Davidsaa ywtaiday released Urn oa tba habeas oorpua ””Tlt.

But O. Joba Roggw amlataat U. S. attoraay gaoaral aiaortod the ruling held only In tho aorthara dis- tiict of Trsrb.

Rogge aald cortlflad eoplaa at the ladtctment would bo aaat to distriet to whtdi ButfWd might go and dseisrad *ka far aa tba D meat o f Justieo lit eonoomod, ford la a fnglUvo from Jn a^ .

Butford waa ladletod adth tonaar Oov. Richard W. Loeho add BayaMur Watsa. a doadnaat figure la Loota- .laanpol»ttes.--=--= ’

Caad Stataa t o ‘X M t ito"Judge Davidson doelarod la hto

optotaa Loeho aad Woiaa uaad tbair offlalal status "to cash in" and that ‘graft" arouM set ba atipprasaid to

daaa "an Mag aa n tobv ataam bald tha am eS stata a a d p S

Use Anti-Czech Methods Again ' Against Poles

Nazis Declare Polish Gov­ernm ent Has Lost Con­tro l; Danzig Guard De­clares W ill to Fight.

Berlin, Aug. 19—(F>—Inapirad atatementa here alleged today that tha Polish government had com­pletely loot control of its affairs— the asms ominous accusation that waa hurled a year ago at Cxaoho- ■lovakla aa the Sudeten criala ap­proached. Diplomats taw In the In­creasing Nasi anlmoalty toward Po­land and apparent swift building of Garmany’a back fences ia aouth- euUrn Europe the posaihUlty that the moment waa ripening now tor a declaiva turn in the Daaalg taaua.

The Naal praaa, continuing Ita anti-PoUah oampatgn, rojaotad any Idea of a coafaranca to aattia the quarrel grith Poland over tba rstum to Germany of tha Free a ty and Pomorae, tha so-called Polish cor­ridor.

Bridge *HlfwMI ABhliiiamaar* BorUn nawapapota ballad as 9

’ ’grand achlavamaat of Oarmaa Udi- Blclaaa ia Daaalg" tba new poatoon bridge which waa to ba anehetad aerom the Vlatula river today. Naal eommaatotora aald tha bridga, to link Um Froa a ty aad Gorman Bast Pruaala, domoostratoa that Duutg's "vivid oonnaetton with the ihythm of Ufa aad work o< the ftaleh re- malM uBtouebsd by tha drtwtag at ummtunl borduM."

TMs caaM oa tte haala o f a Wrado at lAOO -WT --------dofiotot am towith tneko and field . ____

Naal dtotrtet loader Albert Fata- tor told thorn to bo proud of thair gvoapeas, gwMch ba caUld "tha moat modern of thair Wad to Um

Command JoaeWm GoMal "Wa do not want to parade. We want to fight. Wa want to fight for that which Is saersd to im—for 0#r< nun blood and tha bomolaad."

It graa raportod also tba Oarmaa First Army Corps weald bagta. Ito autumn manauvora bafM Aag. 37. tha dato^sat tor Fuahrtr BlUar’s addraaa to vataraas of tha battle of Tanaonborg on tha Watorlo la Bast Pruaala.

(Ia Parts, official aoureaa od eoaeam over rsporto of troop eoBoeatratloas la Ba ria.)

The Naal orgaa la tba Free a ty , Daaalgar Vorpostoa, said thasa ma-

am Faga Taa.)

Ambitious td B« Policaman; Solvra Scries of Breaks

Colorado Springs, Aug. 19.— fF)~A1 Fackerell, 38-yaaiH>ld drug store cibrk who grants to be a pollcanuui—he’s third 00 the eligibility list—solved a ae­ries of 42 residential burglariee.

Recalling that an 18-year-old youth bought flashlight battartea with pennies, and that soom penny banks wara taken In tha burgiartea, Faekerall apottad Um youth and called a patrolman.

Inspector L B. Bruce aald tha youth admltUd tho burglartas.

M oscow Staff Talks W obble

S o v ie t D e n ie s F a r Ernst U C a u se o f ' D iffe r e n c e s In W a r A id P a r le y .

Moscow, Aug. 19.—(F>—Varlooo diffaroacoa have ailaan fat BrlUab- Freneb-aovtat mtUtory staff tolka. It waa diaclossd today.

Tha dlaelosura came about elr- cultoualy in Moscow morning papers In tha form of commuaiqtM by 'naa (Soviet official nagva agwKyl. „

This daaisd Polish reports that diffaroacoa bad ariaaa over an allag- ed Sovlat demand for BrlUah-Fionch

(Gsattauad am Faga lb s .)

Britain Eyes Balkans, Sells

Reich G>pperA n x ie ty O v e r H u n g ^

R e p o r t e d A lo n g W ith H u g e S a le s o f w a r M b - t e r ia b t o G e r m a n y .

London, Aug. 19.—<F> — Brttgto eyed tbo Balhaat oarafuny 99 a growto(f'danger apet tadar wWto beldtog Snaly to aa attHada af raaelvo ta tha fbea of ptaa 4ivtfo0>MStSa clrclaa grara aald to have tha aanouBcsd Oonnaa' nnaatariiai at Stovahto" am akwriffaio moTVa

U m UtUa oouatry vriiloh______a "ptutoetod atoto" altar the petti- Uon of OiMboeioeei^ peeyldad the BeleS wNb gteator freedom to ate H (M (t |j|awg i^ | jd g e o ^ tgU g.

C o v e r F s rt io n T h a n T h « r F b te ft B y T r e a ty L e t t M a N h i Q u a r te r s C lo s e t o B eo> l in F o r e ig n O f f ic e b h d ic a t e N o C h a n g e ’ G e r m a n R e c o g n it ib f f O f S l o t ^ S o v e r c ^ ^ ilg ^

Bretialava, Slovekta, Auf. lS -4 ie —Tbo Gonaaa Anay UghtoaeS Ita "protoeUve" grip on Slovakto lo(Ht?’ with maaeuiea diiortbid by A Rto) Uslava radio B l^ t as "mUltoiy

Oernaw trooeaaloag Um FouSskw ak ftebU ili! at least 100 mfias—a f BOOS thda that flaad by Manb whan Oenaaay SloiraWa'a Indapaadtoee tor

(IB Bartlx It could not ha firnMd that GonaBRy hi "mlUtory paaaMsbai at but quortora eloao to the Offloa ladloatod there had

IS aovenSS^devakMMwHe to

ewtog Um eaaaw whan the eouatiy

' ' leraMa pn toeflis.-) r ta I “ ■efth e

ed maebw to toigeTbtoax the I at aartbnMSafimawHiai ■ ffffBMram. . . . . . . ^

. .......... to

g g g T t f f 'eauthweat Up af aotty raantosd weuthotlty, but the

autoy. by StovahtoMouar, oouw eeervgtwetar aieffaaniM BIMHMfft ter OOOMffkltaiM ftViB toFj mmb RBs ass wmiM

n atoo*wM*pel%ld^Mtto that German military feteaa to Slovakia

Pope Pius Begs F or W ar’s End

U r g e s R u le r s t o S e tt le Q n B rrd s ,° A dvIiM s V e> n e tia n s t o B e P T n d e a t.

(F>— Ptaa X li aatcif today of tho grortd try to

avert fatie their quenela aad war. TImm wl

Mb toltoUaathat the rulen.•SonaibiUty, wa

a seneua OMastor." tafge group af Italtaa

m e haenirs aald the

vaktoto Ito tetoga aa aUW

Mtoisd latbara Garaaa augg a tioB that tw 1 tiro dlvutooi a f hto UtUa 39AW to tha M M b fnatfar.

nnban at tha NaUeaU

of thair la­the

agvaltl^ dairalopaMatavaato.

A Vatleaa aaiva aarvtoa aald the Fopa rsmarkad that froa tho bo-

' o f hlo aontHteoto ba had ha eoUld for tho msia- of '

Vtgso Ttotd^To God Ho lavtM thoao to grbom t Ualoo at ntam are eoaSdad," the

Vatleaa aaira aervloa aald, "to ta a to God. causa g*ar to oaaaa irhi It abaady ragaa. piavaat It fit


150 Persons Offer Blood So Stricken Boy May Live

be. Nab., Aug.e€ OiBSiisttff

to give thair blood that tt- gao-old Diekle Cbrpoator

Mora than 180 paraona bavs • boaeltol to offer blood or ;

to pontotao It for tbo ill firom a

af othara oallad tha hMM af hto paraoU. Mr. and Mia. CMorga OvpM tor. to proffer aid.

'la g y want diraetly to tho heaal to oM ogo tooto to 000 If thrir Id laatshod DtoWFa a rare

=aaid--waw- 10019 ware

to baaa tha pcgxwr elaariflca- Uoa—type IV at tba Jaaaka ofOtam or Type I o f tba Mom ayatam' and

wfll gtva a ■

o f 't o a ^ ^ typa^ataM

19—if ) —y o t rida aid after friwids of tho fbori- ' ' ly had boro tooted aad fouad ow n

•Ma. A city firamaa gave fnaloa aariy this gram but gras tor- Mddsa by Wa doctor to make aa- etbar. A friand o f the toarity aaotbor, but moia grace aaadaf ton graiaad of graver for tbo favor-raekod boy ualOM ad* dlUaiMl blo(^ graa obtotaad.

Hlilag a rinftorinnsl deoer at 638 a traaMurion graa “out o f ' qaaatloB." Mn. Carpamtar mlA •xWataaii bar huatMad. a rM h .^ ,

to_«oly-aBXBhM »t ifTsauiAftsr tha tniMfttriea by the Maad

yaatorday, beapitol aWaotoatouleklS'ff OOttdfttOU liKMPtd prevaaMBt;" and today tba n hd paraato tor tba first Uaw a m of boos.

"Wa cmn hagto to taU wha Uda aMaaa to w ." laM tha me *"rbia ravoasa la 1

I eeuM hava <

Italians Pul. 4

Onus onP r e s e C a U o n

“ J u s t S en se** a s E im Is H is O ffic iB l

am Page Vmm.) "*tha

Page 2: manchesterhistory.org Evening Hearld_1939-08-19.pdf, .......................... - ---'-r vY-ibndli niDAT. ATJotm i% tm ^ 'W'' ^ *• 0 ' c ^ _ ^..^. eoMKkSbS «C Oh Bitaofarte. Sha

HANCHESTER ev en in g RBIAID. MANCHESTER. OONM,8ATURHAT. AUGUST 1», IfS f______ _ «________ . . . . .

Iritaiii Eyes / Balkans, Sells

Reieh G)pper( ( M i rag* O"*-)

■tMBgtbta Ocnnany'i aouth- ■ aut

T S i iS

________ automatically in caae^ w ar a ia ia tt F ttland.

11m BallcM Mtuatloa. it waa laid, w tt ba pnaalnaatly bafora tha miatliM which Prim# Miniatar Na- ^n» Oiamharialn plana with hla *laair caMaat” here Tueaday.

Britain waa rapraaanUd aa daeply taitanatad la the Ruarariaa aitua-

la tha ct the Wova* hl(k iaioea ahd the cohaultationB of nvalga Kinlkter' Count ' Caaky of BM«ary with Oarmaa roreiga Mia- iaMr Joaahim traw lubbantrop and l a ^ with Itaiy*a Peraiga Miniater OMgaaao Claao and Pramiar Muaao- UaL,

. s BUMight an Daaiig jlrttialM i l waa aaid. atlh ia watch*

falf<tta-.finitig 4iaput« eloaely, but Mar la (agardlng thia aad her guar- astaaa to aupport Poland in tha light a td h a aaw altuatien developing m

It flakiar IDeial So Lighted Pole No Good

Banta Pe, N. M. ori—Th» in- veator of ah electrically lighted flahing pole aaked State Game Waidaa UlUott Barker whether be thought tha gadget would aell well in New Uexico.

Barker told him a light that , warned of an approaching game warden would aeil better. Night

‘ Bahing ia illegal in thia atata.


the Baikal....^ AtaaoWhUe, Mg German purchaaei

eg Otggar aod rubber wora reported oa Loodeo marketa, aendlng prtcea

'Ceppar root 11 abUlIngt nine pence itilM M M ) to 44 pounda S ahlll laga B paooa (about (30B) a ton Bghhaf BMMinted tbraa atxteentha Moot to S and thrae-fourths pence (ahoM IT eental a pound.

g t waa anld Oenamay had bought aaota. than 10,000 tona of copper Bod 17,000 tom of rubber in London tM i a m th fOr delivery in lata Aug* twt or aanir Baptaabar.

C o m m i t t e e H e a r s

' . . N i B i A i m t o G r a b

A l l U n i t e d S t a t e s

M ai Page Ona.)

tha territory it had toat—Danaig, M NUah Oorrider, Bohiatwig* Meinghi Bad tha AfUdaB eoioniea; thBi m m thfpugh me Beandima- MBB BMItfMB.

•With that vaat tarritory eon* tha tnuteg BUtaa would be

' ~i MMtad ABoaua aa aaylng. —_ Bald they wtra laavtng it

) M M tha Bund, to prepare the the gtrl taatiged.

d waa Cb oaea eampa, to ty and to forn Oannan

Then,, when Germany ua, wa can aay that

L A fi 1 0 c!*A B flinr-w S 3 t w a t c h and Claae a t CHoba Hollow. Return to Mellow office. Reward.

here we have a German majority and we want to be part of Ger­many."

Weara Baad IThIfOtin.She wore her BuM uniform dur

ing thia teatimony.Alao dlacuaalng Nail propaganda,

John C. Metcalfe, a former commit­tee Inveetlgator, told the commit­tee that the German mlniatry of Propaganda and Enlightenment, working tbrougb tba Bund, waa reaching out to Include wttbln the Nad Bphere not only German* Americana but native Americana and United Btatea realdenta of other nationaliUaa.

Metcalfe, who joined the Bund to write about it for a dilcago newa* paper, eaM that there waa "much evidence of cooperation" between the Bund and the German embaeay and oonaulatea.

Miaa vooroa aaid aba waa aant to Garmany In tha party of 30 Gar* man-AmarIcan glrla and boya, for Inatnictlon In propagandlalng the United Btatea for the Naxta. All ex* penara, ahe added were paid by tha Bund and German agenciaa.

Lecture oa BterUlintien There were other thinga taught,

too, aba laid, auch aa a lactura ahe heard with othar glrla her aga on the atertllaaUon of children born to German glrla by Jewiah fathara.

A doctor, using charts, told how the operations were perfornM^. This Information was given the German* American yoiitha, Miaa Vooroa de­clared, Bo It might Bome day ba used In tha united Btataa.

Among the nhaaea of her "In­struction" while in Gemulhy, Mias Vooroa maaUonad!

1 . That Hitler, epeaking at a meeting ahe attended, proclaimed hlmaelf "Fuehrer at all Gernuina." Kaha oaaMderag U. B. *VlMliNr"3. That in Germany F rits Kuhn,

leader of the Gerraan-Amertcan Bund. Is eonaldared tha United States’ "Fuahrer."

8. That propaganda oondamning Jews, Catholics and Masons waa diatributad to her group.

4. That Praaldent R ^ a v a lt la partly Jowlah.

At tha mfetlng at which HItlar apoke, aha tastlflad, Joaaph Goab* bela, Oailnan minlatar of propa- randa and enllghtanmant smiled at lar.“ Did you amila back at him?" a

committaa mambar liH|ulrad.’’Yea, 1 did," ahe aniwered. Then,

after a pauM:"I later found out how dangeroua

It would be to be with him."

PeathBCkAfffSi S, ZIflMBfV

Charles J. Zimmar, an old raaidant of Foraat ttraat, Eaat Hartford, dlad yaatarday. Ha waa aeUva la poll* tlea in tha RapuMican party. Nouea of funeral arrangamanta will be made laUr. Hla farm in Eaat Hart ford waa racently turned into development.

F u n erab

Fully racovared from attack of parltonllli which followed emer­gency a p p a n d e c t o m y,-Jack Oempaey dancea with hla pretty mlaaua at New York riliht club

Police Drag Rh or In Hunt for Bodv Oid You

Faray I , tlgiaaaTha funaral of Farcy F. Tidmaa

will ba bald thia aftamoon at 3 o’clock a t Watklna Funaral Hema, 143 Eaat Otntar atraat Rav. j . m. Neill, raotor of 8t. Mary'a EptMeepu church, ariil conduct tha aarvicaa and tha burial wilt ba In tba Bait cematary. Mr. Tidmaa dlad In Boaton Wednaaday night.

C o n n e c t i c u t F i r m s

G i v e n C o n t r a c t s

Waahington, Aug. i f .— Fad* eral dapartmanu and agenclea awarded contracts totaling more than 3000,000 to Naw England com* panlaa during tha week ended Aug. 12, the Labor Department reported today.

They Included;Warrenton Woolen Company, Tor-

rington, Cbnn., Green Keraey for Ma­rine Corpa, 3100,000.

NUea * Bement - Pond company, Pratt A Whitney Dlvlalon, Hartfonl, Conn., die alnklng machinea, 311,380; die alnklng and odntour milling ma­chine, 311,334.70; for War Depart­ment.

Pratt A Whltnay Dlvlaton, Nllet* Bemtnt-Pond company, Hanford, Conn., drilling and raamlng macblna for War DapartnMnt, 114,030.

Royal T y^w rtU r Co.. Brooklyn, N. Y.. and Hartford, Conn., type* writers for War Department (lO.* 922.00.

Electric Boat company. Groton. Conn., mufflers for Navy, 170,960.70,

Rubbernecks Make Trouble

I n ‘War’ Zone(OaatiBaad F ra a fBga o m )

night under tba pup tenta whleh they earrtad into action, but ''Um regtdaro earriad tba AghUng oa th ro u ^ the darkness.

Deratona on the outcome were not Immediately fortheomiag from tba unplrso.


[ •




$2.29RcgulAr 18.50 VBittel \

The AAanchester Electric Division*MB OONKBOflODT FOWEB OOMFANT

m Mala S tra t i M Bnehetttr, Conn.

Hare You Received

t o u r SHAREOf T iilt

FREE GASOLINE1500 Gallons Given Away

* PRIZES EVERY W EEK I' '" ‘*** *1’®® ^ rc h B o e of RJehUeld o r E thvI

■ Gasoline!' la a ^ !^ r^ ! !® l u c k y MOTORISTS:

‘ ChIioiiA~R alter Murphy, South Windsor.■ i —4 0 GBJIotiB-^ateph Pi<aut, 71 Ridga S treet.

| . C enter S treet.■ S t * ! Ponttcello. H artfo rd Road.

R* Saoiuelnon, Hemlock S tree t.


Hartford, Aug. 19.--(;n—Police ' were dragging the Connecticut river ' at tha Bulkeley brldee totlBy, foi lowing a report that an unldcnlincd swimmer waa drowned there at 18:80 a. m., today.

According to the atnry given the poilea, two youtha and a girl plung­ed Into the river for a awim shortly after midnight laat night, one ot the young men waa reported to have drowned.

A lacga erowd. .on the bridge

Know T hat-

watched thd clrsff^ing npsratloni ^ thd Eftft Haftfonl anle of the river, jiiat Above the bridge.

Frank Liicicinf'hiiru, rivrfman, and Hartford wcio usingpllng Irons an the river boltoin.

Curb StocksBy The A M orlaled I’rens

• 2>; • % . s . (1 ..■10%

Ark Nat Gaa Aaed 04a and KlAmn fluperpow .CIta S v e ...........

Do Pfd ...........El Bond and .9h ...............Nlag Hud Pow ........................

Nazi* Cut OH Purchnaea

Buchareat, Rumania. Aug 1ft.— (A’l—Lack (if ready cash or credit waa reported In government nimr- tera today to have cut down Nazi Germany's oil purchases In Ruma­nia

And No Insurance

■* I

\ ' <r

CsatBr Strutt- Mie El-«aral iUanioBA,. value (hauirance.

BO I f i no wimtar Barbara Baa«

<hat ihei-Yftkhewim

=< -

T h e first women's medical school in America was organised in r.oston in 1848 by Bamuel Gregory. It had 12 pupil and waa known as the Boeton Female Medical School.

Jupiter has nine moons.Guam contatna 206 square miles. Tha U. fl. Imports half the world's

rubber.The colof of Bowdotn college la

white.The colors of camegla Tech are

red, yellow, green and blue, t ’allfornla has 40 Jog shows a

year.V. fl. anuff sales In 1938 were 32

times those of 1870.The aim has a diameter of 864,-

100 nillea.Itnitiin resrarchlsta have devel­

oped textile libera from lish akin.in 1930 Llechtenstaln had a pop­

ulation of 10.213.Appearances of Halley's comet

can be traced in history back to 170 B r.

Tlie force of gravity on the moon la only one-alxth as strong as on the earth.

Sir Isaac Newton waa the first man to estimate the distance of the stare with raaaonabla accuracy.

The earth's atmosphere la 78 per rent nitrogen. 21 per cent oxygen, and 1 per cent rarer gaaea.

Every square inch of the atm ra­diates energy sufficient to drive s 62 horsepower engine.

Robert Loula Stevenson and Mark Twain did much of thslr writing while In bed.

The U, B. leads the world In rail- road trackage, with 36,000 miles, flovict Ruaala holds second place.

In the av il War, 340,M4 Union soldlera wera killed or died.of dis­ease. The south lost 139,108 men.

Many women of India prefer soap nut. fruit of a tree, to soap for waahing woolena and aUka.

The estimated coat of the World war to the United Btataa govern­ment was 041.760,000,000.

The principality of Lelchten- afetn la only slightly larger than Staten Island.

It la believed that John waa the only one ot Christ's dUclplea to es­cape martyrdom.

Auatralla'a population Decem­ber 31 totalled 6,039,691—3,504,369 mates and 3.435.332 females, an In- ertaae of 6S,ioi for tha year. '

Cermanv provides 8,101 and Italy 2,671 of Auatralla'a popula­tion Increaae of 9,187 from Immi­gration In 1939. ^

Public RecordsAppHawHona

Application for 9 marriage II-fjr*t**“ 5S*" otM Town g e rk by Dr. Bam art J. Maridan, daatlat, of iw High

Mpienaa, cl4of 308 Oak atraat.

Also Iliad waa tha iharriafo u- appucation of Mkehaol Emil

Blbrinax, production dark, and Clara Ooitnida Dickson, dark, both of UUa town,

William J. Naubauar aad AUes Mao -Hutton this moralBE attUad tm a m arriata Uoaaaa t ta M o S a o of tha Towa d ark . Thajr aro both Uwal rasidants.

RuaaaU Haaan and Ruby BUaobath WUaon, both ~ed thia

•Ppl**® thia.jnprnin* »or a wedding IMapoa. ^

kimit for araetloa a t a tw».«ar

__ _ _ WAlkir. « tuw o aad tha loeatlaa ia 3t l OHataa MMLwMro a firs raeently daaaagad

■ alt M daF , B aad it_____Harrlaburf, Fa., Aug. 19.—<F)—

^ group of Fonagylvaaia National Ouardsnan, r a t u r ^ from mimic w arfM a t Manaasaa, Va., wera ballad today as baroaa of a raal Uf a battia in whleh an atUmptad high­way robbary waa ttawartad and one of tha bandits fatally wounded near bars last alght.

Shot through tha haad, tha hold­up maa dlad uaidaatlBad aarly to­day la a local hospital. M ica havan’t laamad who shot him. He waa about 45.

Tha Guardamen, membera of a PboanUvUla artlUary company puUad up in a truck and station wagon as Albart H. Moorahaad, 53. Ralirtown, Fa., inauranea agant, fought with two hiteb-hikers who. ha said, triad to rob him.

Hla car halted on a lonely by- P**a> Moorahead was struggling with the bandit who later died for joaseaalon of a .23 caliber pistol

the man had tbruat In hla riba. The other bandit. In the rear seat, waa slugging Moorahaad on the haad

Itb a Dlackiack.BolBera FurtiM

At the approach of the Guards­men, the bandits fled up a hillside.

doaen soldiers pursued them through high weeds and brush. "Stop or we’ll shoot," yelled Uau- tanant Henry OtUlp.

"One of the men turned around and yallad back that If wa didn’t stop, he would ahoot," tha lltu- tenant said later. "Nelthar halted their pace. Then weheard a abot.

"We kept going and a Uttia du- tance ahead we came acroaa a man lying on the ground, unconscious We turned our ilaahUghta on him and saw he waa bleading from a biiUet wound in the right temple. Nearby lay a revolver, one bullet 9red,"

The other bandit escaped In an automobile state troopers aaid waa waiting on the hill.

M i m M a r i o n B u r r

i t M a r r i e d T o d a y

MM lia tloa BUaabath Burr and Frederick Donald Bobar wera mar- riad a t li;80 this mornitig la tha chapel of tba U ttia C h iu ^ Around t b e ' ^ e r . New York Oty. M ^ bera at the Immediate famIUM

■ • a r i a f P k a d s In td r fd r t | W ith H— B L aylBg E r t s

Oranada, Calif. <di—Hens, It aetma, laalat on peace and qidet i if they are to produce property.

So Thurtow 8. Culley told th e ' West Ban Fernando valley Chambers of Commerce, the gov- arnmaat has agread to abandon a flying achool for cadets, heed­ing proteete of ranchers that roaring .planes took the hens' minds off their work.

The wedding waa followed by a ^ r ^ p u o i i a t Allca Mc-

>n New York City. The bride aad bridagroom left on a wedding trip and will be at bomt after October 1 in Bernara- aten, ifaaa.

Mrt. Bober attendad WeUaaley OoUaga and Yale Art BchooL For

i ’*® y*"* ■••• ••••with the Burr Nurseriee. Ur. Bober of Detroit, Michigan, attendad the------------- * —ch

C a m p b e l l C o u n c i l

G a t i n g T o m o r r o w

University of M i^lgan, and is with the Pharla Tire and Rubber Com­pany of Newark, Ohio.


At a largaly attended ceremony this morning a t 10 o'clock la BL Bridgat'a church, Mias Anna EUaa- beth Oloavage. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Olcavage of 113 North School street became the bride of Edward Albert Hashine of 336 High street, Bpringfleld, Maaa. Rev. Frederick Clark officiated. The

-Church was decorated with palms aad gardaa flowara.

Pope Pius BegsFor War’s End

(frontlnoed from Page One.)

apremdlng and make harmony leturn among natlona."

T h e Pope's brief epeech waa ad- d ia w d to several thousand pilgrlma f i ^ tha Venetian region of Italy who had come to Rome in observ­ance of the 25th anniversary t f the death of Pope Plus X, Pope Plus X who was patriarch of Venice before hla election to the papacy, ia deep­ly venerated by many Venetlar.s.

Among those received with the pilgrlma waa W. Rupert Davies president of Canadian Press.

About TownMiaa Joy Squatrito. R. N„ of Oak

street has aa her week-end guest, Sllaa Katherine Fadel of Fair Ha­ven. MUa Fadel was Miaa Squatri- to'a room-mate for a year while training at St. Raphaera hospital. New Haven.

Mrs. Beitla Maisey of 74 Wells street entered St. Francis hospital, Hartford, last night and wdll under­go a major operation.

Thomas J. Dannaher has proposed for democratic ragiatrar of voters, the present incumbent, Edward Horiarty, acrording to papara fliad thia morning a t the office of the Town Clerk.

dktor Member DleoGL-

LaugllaaMw, Beotian^ Aug. i t . - .(F i- .

-jghUa MacNaiU Wsir, 3E, Labor niembar of Parliament whoae critl- c il book, "The Tragedy of (Unteay MacDonald", attracted attention last year, died yesterday following a long Ulneaa,

Miaa Margaret Lynch of East Hartford attended the brtds aa maid ^ honor. Mrs. Allca Haaklna ot Springflaid. mother d f tha bride­groom, and Miaa AIMna Kaaky of this town wera bridesmaids. Wil­liam Olcavage, brother of the bride was best man and the uahera wera Benjamin Haaklna of Springflaid and Edward KamalUs of Manchas- ter. • .

The bride who waa given In mar- rlnge by her father wore a gown of white mouasellne de sole and car­ried a bridal bouquet of white gar­denias, valley llllea and atephenotla. The maid of honor was gowned In blue chiffon, with arm bouquet of Johanna HHl yellow roaea, suffused with pink. *I1ie bridesmaids were aimiUrly attlrad In blue dotted or­gandie. k ith blue trimming and hate trimmed with blue. They car- ried arm bouquats of "Happy Days' pink roaea.

A reception for 800 guests fol lowed at Victory hall, Golway street, which had bean artistically decorated in blue and white.

Mr. and Mra. Haaklna srill leave today for 9 wadding trip of unan­nounced deatlnatloo. For traveling the bride will wear a navy blue en­semble with White acceasorles. On their return they will Mve tor tha present srith the brlda’a parents

Tha bride prasented to bar at- tandanu. compaeta, and tha brida­groom gave to his best man s«»a uaha’i, biiifelda. Tha bride srho lai *«Mtltuta,Bpringfleld, has employed by the Waatlnghouaa Blaetrle aad Manufacturing company's branch la that city. The bridegroom la srith tha Hampden Orladtng Wheel com­pany ot Bpringfleld.

pinners for lOO members of Camp- MB-Council, K. of C., have been or­dered for the outing of the council to be beld tomorrow at tha Man­chester Rod aad Qua club in Coven­try. AutomobUaa will leave from the clubhouae of the council on Main ■treat a t 10 o'clock tomorrow morn­ing to taka tha members to Coven­try, There aro soma svho svUl not be

o’clock andwlU driva out later. There Will be "a lunch served to the early arrivals and th i dinner, which ia to be served by the Oak Street Grill, will m put on la the early afternoon. The committee arranging for the outing has planned a program of land and water sports.

J u d g e I n g l i s G i v e s .

D e c i s i o n M o n d a y

(Osotlaaad from page One.)

tiona to set aside the vtrdlcU Mon­day afternoon.

Judge Inglis said that if the mo­tions wora denied, he sroutd then immedUtely pass sentence upon the maa convicted of plundering tha municipal treasury of more than a million dollars during an eight-year era of graft and corrup­tion under Mayor Haves, former lieutenant-governor. (Ju ries E. Williamson, former Republican laadar convicted by Judge Inglis, two guuty-plcadlng defendante. Marry E. Mackenste and Edward O- •Bfl Timothy Morgan, City Hall superintendent who pleaded nolo contendere, were instructed to appear in court with the 19 con­victed by the jury.

Veloa FWtli la HoMnty Defense lawyers voiced faith in

the honesty of the nine men and three women on the jury in their arguments before Judge Inglia, but said tha verdicts ware incompatible with the evidence, were baaed on "Maa, prejudice and passion," and that tha jurors would have had to ba "something more than human" to Ignore the widespread publicity 1 * 1 the ease and a "campaign of

Hla voice ehaklng with anger, Alcpm a ^ 3he "abuaa” tha Ju ro» had . received waa a "teiribte prioa to pay" for people attempting to do thalr duty. The trial Jury, he as- oertsd, was now experiencing the "abuBe" the defense bad prevloua- ly hroped upon the Investigating grand Jury, state's witnesses In the ca.se and even tjie atete itoelf.

"Men who Indulge In it (abuae) are entitled to the condemnation of the cItJaens of the state and there are many who will condemn it," Mid Alcorn, reiterating hla convic­tion that all the accused were guil­ty and urging the judge to imprls^ on them “just aa fast aa Your Hon or can pronounce judgment on them."

Expects Light Peaches Crop

J o s e p h P e r o S a y » E f f e c t O f U u r r i c B n e I s B e i n g N o t i c e d N o w .

Contrary to earlier esUmateo. the ' peach crop in thia vicinity this year will be light, Belactman Joseph Aro, one of the largest local growers stated this morning. Pero la pick­ing today jhe flret of hla Carmen (White) peaches wflich are of fine quality. Me will start picking the first of the yellow peaches the sec­ond week of next month, principally from young trSes not affected by the storm of a year ago.

Pero lost three-fourths of his full grown trees In th e big windstorm and has thia year planted 1.000 young trees. Many of this year's bearing trees were blown down or twisted but with care have survived. Pero expects to pick about 3,000 boskets of the- late peaches next month according to present tndica- tlons.

Although the apple crop In this section Is quite light. Pero expects to harvest 3,000 bushels of macks, delleloua aad winesaps. Tba Bald­win crop here is light.

Several peach growers who lost their orchards In the hurricane have few bearing trees left thu year.

Bits of HumorBoys may keep the car too busy

for dad to get hold of, but It Ukea girls In the family to keep the phone busy.

F riend-Is your wife having any success in learning to drive a car?

Man—Well,' the road It beginning • to turn when the does.




A nooiioce Kwyge>»npntMrs. CarritU Mureh of T Walker

■tract anaounces the engagemant ot bar daughter, Mias M a^ M in ^ , to Harbart Tadford, son of Mr. aad Mrs. Robert Tedford of 36 Neigh Fairfield atreet.

J apaaiaa Veleaae E n p ta

Tokyo, Aug. 19.—(F>—Tba eratof | of the Uay volcaale iaiand of Tori* ■hima erupted Friday for tha first time rince 1902, T o l^ prafaetural authorities raportad. Twaaty threal fishermen living on the iaIand fled to safety. Toriahlma. eight acres in araa. la about 300 nUlaa south ofj Japan proper.


C I R C L EIT « BA031 AOADrt

The r iw t of the "Serewjr"THE rUNNttffif?* 1


CAGNEY(;f o in .L


Bluebird Reacjly to Flit Over Waves


Sir MaloataB 1 wiU M rnm to I bM BhMkirfi n , MW < Sm Ib wMch ho

ffifiHS fil U M «3 tollto Sm


T o m o r r o wtD B B iiA ira


\ -


CfauT^hesBMday. AitoMt B3 U83

C3|riaUaa Bciaaee Okurebta loeat- •d: Masonic Tompto, RocirriUe Bar vice 10:45 a. m. 139 Lafayette ■traet., Hartford—Barviea 11:00 a. m. 537 Farmington A'vo., Hartford— Sonrteo lld)0 a. m.

"lONiy' WiU be the subject of the Tjresnn nirmnn

Tlw Golden TOxt ia from Romans 11:M,S6; "Wbo hath known the mind of the Lord ? or wrbo bath boon bis rmmaoUnrT' rm~ of trim, aad tbroogta Mm. aad to him, aro all thinga: to whom tw glory for over.”

Bible readings include the follow­ing poaeagao from Luke 11:34-80: "The Ught of the body la tha eye: therofore wrhea thine eye la single, thy w d i^ body also ia fuU of light; but when tblne ejre Is evU, thy body alao la fuU of darkaeas. Take heed Uterefore that the Ugbt which la In thee ba not darkness. If thy whole body therefore bo full of light, hav­ing BO part dark, the whole ahall to (liU of light, aa wrhen the liright shlatag of a candle doth give thee

Ocfrelative ceadinga from the .Om attan Britnea textbook. "Brienee

Id Health with Kay to tha Berip- tvraa” by Mary Baker Eddy. Include tka fOlleeriBg: "When Jesus doclaraa that 'tha light of the )x>dy la the eye,* lie cortainly means that Ught depends upon Mind, net upon the eemi^ex kumora, lenses, muaclae. the

\ BnM atoM raaS M n l^ and Mra. J . W. B«

flMBeafa In Charge

ay Bcbeel,Rcaa meeting lad

Fred Q ourt.1 m.—MaaUng In Center Pork.

al 01aad pupil irganiam” (page 898:35).

Church a( the Naaaroaa Bov. E. O. Laah, Faotor

Sunday:9:80 a. m. Church Bible BelieeL15:46 a. m. Morning WoraMp and

■armori b y the pastor—aubjoct: "God’s Friends.”

6:30 p. m.—Young People’B Hear. lAsdcr IfsrkMT 'J*szies.

7:80 p. m.—Bvangellatle Bervice and aormen by tha paator—aubjoct: “Other Foundation Can No Man Lay."

The WeakWadnaaday a t 7:30 p. m.—Mid-

waak Frayer aad Pralaa Bervlot aqd Woinan’a Foralgn Missionary Bo- doty mooting combined.

Ymannil Lntheran Chareh John Dnrrnh, Bfadant Fnator.

n. UL—Sunday school aad

Ru—Mornbig aervleo. “He That Is Great-

940 Mbia c

;0:4fi ■atmon topic: eat"

Friday a t 740 p. m.—Choir ra- aaxaaL

Uatan Barrlsm Ointar Cangragattanal

loiM MethodiM At


i 6:45 a. m—Mbralag wanmtp and sarmdn. Bubiaet: " A t a t f a r L u a " .with Dr. Story praacblng. Mias Dawadna Naisom eentralto. wlU aing: “MS SbaU Food Rla Flock” liy Han- dH. CUfton C Bralaard at thaOl gSII.

A cocdlat lavltaUoa awalta aU who come to wrorahlp bora.

9:M11:00 a. m.—i

by BengaUr

7:80 p. ro.—Evcnlflg service led by Candidates Beatric^AJ'nold and Emily Hanna. \

Thw WFwwkTburaday—Open air m#c|tog.Fridqy—HoUnoas meeting led by

Sergeant Major John Lyons

SwodU Coagragailonal CharehBov. S. B. Oraan. Faotor

Sunday, 10:80—Berman by WU Uam Keith.

Wedneaday evening — Midweek■ervlceB.

Thousands Pick Blueberry CropBusincBB Is Big On's in

New Brunsw ick W eeks Each Y ear.

Fredericton. N. B. —(Canadian Preaa)—Thouaahds of men, women and cMIdren are buoy 'gatbering blueberries in New Brunswick. The buaineaa la a big one for a few weeks

Last year tbe. yield feU below a v o n n , amounting to 3,000,000 pounds. The crop is good this year, and, with the markets improved, aU eonearnad are raaklng more moaey.

Tbe United Btatea, prihripal mar­ket. baa reduced the duties on frwah and frosen Mueberriee. Moot of the berries exported from this previnee aro used for pies. Oner pi# oempaay in New York annually busrs u o u t half a million pounds. Frosen bar- riea aro preferred to canned fruit for this purpoae.

Tbe largest bairy bam na aro In Kant, Ghnicaater and lUatlgouciie counties. Nerthumbarland, Kings and Charlotte ateo have hugw tracts of bluebcrry^bushea. Quick freexin* plants and cold atoragw factutlaa exist a t several polaU, the li a t Bhlppegan. Balnt Jek eaoUe.

John andlargestI Ntw-

Laat ywar 938,000 pounds of Now Brunawrick bluabarrisa were market­ed as freak fratt and 1,073.040 pounda oa frona^ f ru it This did not ineltide barriaa tamatetag in « aterago and thoaa canned or eonpui ad within tha pcevlaca. Ifieat cf t frosen berries ara packad'to waxed pofor haaiae of quart tisa.

Market p ro q m ^ battar than In any year ataea 19Bt. A Iqrge car- ryover ef bcrrlce canned aad frosen to l9B7^Bade tha IBM liariMt ua- steady. Since then tba otovod barriaa have been aboorhed.

M r s . M o r r o w H e a d s

S m i t h T e m p o r a r i l y

Morning Wentote a t 10:4B—Bar- moR aubjact: “The Maln^ring." Bpaetal rnuaie by tba ^ o ir .

Frohida, Alagretto—lomaa. Antbam, O m ^ Graeleus Spirit—

Bhttwoscblett.Offertory Solo, Rock oflY I II aJOB 96It.Fpstluda, RaapBM i Duaham. Noto: Uhkm m rtom naxt Bunday

aad gaptombar 8 win be held a t tba

■mi New Tecfc, Aug. IB—<F) ■ Mrs.Dwight W. Morrow, motbpr of Mra. C h a ^ A. Undbargh aad wifow of tba former ambaaaailer to Moalee, has been aq>pola(ed acting praUdmit

BUogo. • ‘


of Smith eoUogo. bar alma'mater.Hot appointmaat -to aboooad 70-

ysar-oKI Dr. WllUam Allaa NaHoon. wbo to roUilag Aug. 31 after being praatdebt of the Nortlwantoa (Maoa). Woman’s Beboei 33 yoarEwaa eonflnnad loot alght by Kawdan Bhaarsan, a trustaa.


n evoath , Bunday after Trinity. Fraptantoty Sunday f o r ^ Bftarion Fbottval to ba M dtm 3. TUct of sotmon: Acts 13, 47. Bubjaet: Our Mtortnn Wotlc to Chtato W Bow Dm the Lord’s mlaakw com­mand boan oorrisd out tfans ta r to Niatlan to Chinar (3) Let m hood tha Lard'S arisainn wimmand la ra- 31M to Chfaw also to tba futnrat

Maafle. Aug. lB-«R-.lhtme6itoe ef paraoH, iocludlhg nway Aa»ert- eano. want to Malacanaa patsea fo- day to congratulate Fraaldant Manuel U Quaaon’mi W 'o m tltth -

Magician Takes To New Stunt

H ad H unch Days o f Midi* ing Lady D ihappear in T hin A ir F inished.

Now York, Aug. IB—(m—Dr. Charlaa Hoffman, an aceompUahed magldan. had a hunch that tba days of tha dark, gantlemen wbo made a lady disappear In thin olr wraa flnlabad. ^

Keudinl eras dead and Oardlni had that other magical apeetolty of doing sleight of band while wrear- tng thick yellow gievoa.

.go Dr. Hoffman took to drink.Ms the muaieal revue Mt, “Tha

Straete of Paris,” Hoffman eeasaa on atagb.wlth a dlralnutlvc bhr, a brsM ef gteaoea and a piteber ef water. Yeh aak tor a Manhattan or a Martial u d he pours it from a eoektall aluUnr into wrMch hs has poured nothing. Naturally it Is a slaight-of-hand trick and ons which hs admits will be ef po value once ■omeone else discovers --and rsvsals bow it is dons.

‘;Brtiy«nc triss to catch ms la ths act sf pouring ia the various liquors to make tl^ drinks called W ,” he says. ”11ie onss who Sze most porstoteat In trying to sxpos^ my magic aro my brother magicians.

Oaa Alwnirs Spot AaetiMV *T can always spot another magi

dan ia the audience im suse they aak tor something Hke iced coffee or a frappo. Tbay figure that ice will ba the oae difficult thing to produce.”

Dr. Hoffman can produce about 63 drinks offhand. He can produce praeUeally any kind of Uquer. He doem’t drink himself.

After leavtng his Providsnoe, R. L, home he became a bell captain in Fifth avenue's 8L RegU hotel 30 yearn ago. Then he went wrest to racovtr from a threat of serious ill-

, .‘1 becaase a bar expert" he aays, “because whea I was so ill l rea­lised I bad to do oomething with my hands. That was a t ths end of pro- hibiUon. Bo 1 studied bow to mix drinks because cocktails wars so popular. NaturaUy my magic helped.

Hoffman aaya that tha moat diffi­cult drink (Or him to produce magic­ally ia “The Pink Lady”—ths wMte cf an agg, vermouth, grenadine and fte.

Gloria Bwanson bad always baen Ms dream girl unUl aho, attendlag "Tha Btreate of Faria” recently, aak­ed fw a "Pink Lady." He produced the <friak but be thinks Miaa Swan- ■en must have known hla wrwaknMa

A d v o c a t e s U s i n g

G o l d f o r I m p o r t s

tha banaf that a mors squttabla dlo- t r i b u ^ iM gold would ba bmieflctal to the United flutes, Thomas U. McNioea of the General Motors im­port OotporaUon rtcommended that more gooda ba Imported and paid for with gold.

Ttalo, be said last night a t a moot­ing of agricultural and industrial t o ^ r s dtecuaalng ways i t bringing about a balanced price level to te- aure farmara better prices for t h ^ produeta would Increaae the atand- ard of living in this eountn.

Itelaaring gold from ths Troaniry, McNIace said, would aarva to ra- ducs hoarding tendonclaa and would fiaproeteto the prioa of sola, and thus would cause commodity pricesto riss, bringing r ----- * -price levoL


H ave Slronger^

Now York. Aug. IB—</P)—The man who commandtd AoMrica's World w ^ troops believes the tlsM has come tor the United Btatea to build a bigger, stranger army.

‘.Tlie regular army 'should larger,” said Qen. Jqbn J.

Petehlag, returning Thursday night from a ten-week trip to Franrn. Ho ■aid thOJFrench were "reagy tor It,' but that "nobo^ knows" wrbetbsr there will be a European war toon.

811m. and greet as ever despite his 79 ysars. General Pershing marked he felt Iw ettF welL"

"It appareatly doea om good to go to Europe.”

Returning Thursday night from month abroad, Moyer ICaurico J. Tobin of Boston said Hi bag found th i British "sseaneilod to abd the French doubtful there weO)d be ope but prepared to meet i t

Rnm nt m g.. Aug. IB. — (ffi — F a n m Jolm ffiiorteh wmigerog why awa of bM'Jaroay eewp w w getting a t tw y a nggtvfaiglsasinaiu AvSC mtearian onaminsg the cow ang go- “* ^ eparate. tnaUa ha feuagto

® v m two ttua-af tones

a t. Bfaryto

: 38, Etavmitb I

Baramn. Itev. Chariaa o (£ itt)o rd

Prayer ong a Rundsa

saitiK ar SMitstt ON



tliU St

TUESDAY ^ t l N E EfO R M l



_______ 1 wIB preach.‘t b f Ran. RuagsO ong tha. Rav.

' R. K m of Bobrem wtB I (hiring the aMoth of i i ^

I ngnlBr S 40 a. m. B e ^ O i ■ aervleo- tbirg Sunday of tba■amitb—win ba mnlttog thia a m th .

w bM m h i ao .amay af

aet^...............(ho thatla MHh mato gtaalte , by tba fb«t thSMatWteTRqBOia. with thatt gfaater pawar a f iH iS

.hava bhaa adgag to the*Yria(r wttb whMSma—


IB’-BB <

T:4B p^aM-SHgiyK

m mIBd

1 a t Joalar 1

to ba greatly oa tha ' '

M lFiaSto ^ ttaamsatobaaato- eiaaw to aIttMt aag to the laiMa ofttovtottato. ,

A vanr ntol probHto at- gay la im ftonllw|abfy tha i m t to-


t l j r t they h aw s------------to buOd aad r aaetkw taada to brfag noetoty back agate late |te loom

■tfR jm b t the aavantaieBi e a a t ^ , MM UM CKlfMM ttfiM U dtkte ^ apelaty t e t t a R arienttoa

tha work a t Ceommtt m waa 4o laigriy A Matanr lOu thia

(BBtemtea la a m T m S a m r r S t t^ F to te g hare la our owa *!t,»>» p 4 rie d a fRaatorm-

oca tauaMBlttjr *“ "ng tan l iraa aue-

■ tha moat impartaat Ht rightaaath 1

. vtea thaWMoriaa, wito w b i A ...............


M bn nato aae enetee to-M ^^g g a CB a y ak

Fence Ffotecto Seal in Floor

BrasB P osts w ith R«d Cord Installed to K eep Off TouriilB* Feet.

WsaMngtoa— (F) —Tourists no loager can go bem« aad teU ths tolks that they walked on the Praridant's aaal In tbe mate bon a t tho White Heuaa.

A HtUo •’toaea” ot brass poato with tad eerd strung through tbam baa bean teatollad to protect tho aeal —a circular plaquo, 0* yrilow bronae inlaid te the floor.

T b o i ^ w M waa pteeag whan . Houae was romodshxte Tbeodort Rooaavatt’o odaitalatra' t l ^ baretofera has baan apan to all toot.

Record sightoaeteg crowds thia ■ummar, officiate ia ehaiYa of White House maintenance said, resulted to a great many feet atapptetionally on tha floor 1_____wMcb to three tost te dtemetor.

••yto dkteY think It proper that peopto should walk on ^ assi of the pr esident of tbe United Btatea,' It was axptoUod.

Ratoava i|ag te Osvrtiar. Another concession made by nmte-

tenonoa officiate te the otreama of olgbtseers this aummsr has been re­moval ef the briik t red n a along tha oerrider from ' which tourtets goto Into atate parlors.

*Tt would teks two ruga month, tba way people aro pouring in bars,” mi aide —m

Mors than 1JM)0,000 alghtssan hava vtettad tha W rite House aa far thia y a n r-« reoerd numbar. Ih a peak was betwqan June 10 aad July IS whan 110,000 vlew9d the state psriera (with cards ftom rrtogrsia men) a ^ 383,040 sow tba graund floor and eaat room.

H o l d S e c r e t P r o b e

I n T r a i n W r e c k

Reno. Nav„ Aug. IB—(Fh-A tar- mol, osent tequtey 'te to the trate w iaik tori m U a r tn a i tm |a wkteh M pmsens ware iStod and lOB l»- Jurad, opens a t Carite, Nov., ta tty .

Tba haaitim, a t wWeb it te ax- paeted the Southern Pacifle RaH- rood Oooipaay wtH'Suterit avtdeaea to Mipport a t n s centantten the wrocUag at tha riraamltear, * n ty at Ban wvawflm ” 330 mites east ef here was gsnbatately pteHMg, te taUg bald bafora t# a • 1 cf tba Mbl|c. 'tfas~~ o t

hotn Parifle, and terstato

aad-ana df Ufa m-

A c t r c i a A c e u t e s>

C l a r e n c e S t r o u d

Divers Pirepare For Last Lift

May O rd er H all o f ^SquahiB Blown G ear

O f lla h iB

‘ Load o f W ater.PortamoU^ N. H. Aug. 18—<F)

—Navy dlvwa^wortied today to pre­pare tha autamArine Bqualus for oa# more crucial lift apd tow, an opera, tlon srrieh oolvageN chiefs hopedwould briag the 34 ......................her cargo mouth Ns

chiefscraft aad a Perte-

Svy Yard dry’ ddek )>ator«the ead of August.

Rear Admiral Cynit W. o>le, dl- lactor of aalvags operations, an- aeuaesd after a conference a ith ckt perte that he might order the hull Mown clear cf water to permit sur- tociag her erithout the u m of pon toena. Ua also aaid there araa a paaaibUity that the rescue bell, te wWch S3 men were saved soon after the Bqualus sank May 33. raiglit be used to lower men Into the craft te permit them to reach vital poiata of the oub'a drainage system

Hie veascl now rests about tour miles off abors, nine milea from Furtomoutb, te 93 feet ef water. It was tawsd to that point Thuraday after the second successful hetetteg operatioo lifted It from a mud flvs milts away. The first suceeas- ful lift and tow eras made a sreek ago today.

Work Much b s ta rDIvera wbo descended yesterday

reported the Bqualua on an even keel and said toe work was muck easier than it was a t the 340-foot gepth te which they lalwred so long.

Meanwhile, the Naval officera and men who were rescued from U s sub touad they owed toe United Btatea government some money.

They have Iwen paid for sub- martee duty ever since toe Bqualus went down but Uis comptrollsr gsa- oral ralsd yesterday thslr oub- mariae rating atoppad a t U s very boqr they wars entombed ia ‘ tba stricken craft on the ocean bottom.

T b o ruling will coot too men aa Average of about 3)5 monthly. BtecA their ifocue, most ot the aurvlvoro have bten engaged te the eurreat efforts to'^qalvogs ths Bqualus, to which toey \aUU aro effidally a t­tached, aad most ot them have ap­plied to return to duty aboard h er as soon as she Is reeonditioaed aad roturnad to oerviee.

O v e r n i g h t N e w s

O f C o n n e e i i e u it a b b o c u t h d

News of Vets and Their Auxiliaiieei

Na. 3B4B


V. F. W.

A L o n g T a l e A b o u t

D e e p ? S e a F i a h i n g

Tba coaka have nef figured out a menu tar Saturday (tonight) a t the time ef this writing, but aemsthteg wlM )m Bsrvsd. Ws have mada ar- rangsmsnto te Imvs a lobator sup­per (right from the old shell) la a few wosha.

A t tha post masting Tuesday night, A a v Holabsimsr was ap- potatod chalrmaa cf the tranapor- tattoo oamialttes. A rt Rartlay and Frank VoUuaal ara tha other mem-

cf the eenunlttee. This com- ml Use baa a papar: a t the Homste bo aignod by mombarp U they te tend to go on the bus to tka Vi t . W. National Osnventloti in Daaton. Tba apaeo on tba bus la llmltsd, UiarofAro the I M algnara vlU gat the ptofaroaea. Rill Fortin sag BUI U f l ^ t aro driogated to .aalaat a ualtorm tor tbooa who teteng to march te tha paragq. Mgulro tbo next time you aro up at tho HaaM: To data wa have SB or 35 marnbaSC going.

Wo a n aignliig boya up (Sat lar our boya oorpa. Ona to r who Bvaa te Oevantnr aad baa bad two yaaro te tba c it.T .C , atgiMd up an tha flrat righ t OHr.atmy appoarag te tba HaralA U you mambaro baba ao n old anovgh to sign up. Iat’a<g4t tb m Into thte carpa. This corpa la go­ing to ba th iro o l stuff. I t u 804 go­ing .tab# a Boy Soput t r ^ . ) t ^ ba rua iOO. the Wast Foli|t ByaUfli. Wa hava ah toatructor'wbo baa proariaad to sta rt a band within tba oorpa a t a later, date, tborafAfa tbo corps will hava tbolr own band. An erganlantlci t . maatteg w|II ba bald a t ths Hoiaa Wadnsagay sight a t fi;|0, all oMaabai* te ten riM urgMl to attend and bring

r r boya. Tbo plan IA to gat S3 4ir boys and drib Oita


tbaifl aa-oRloafa

• AMcnia—WFA amrtitr John Ear- o t to 's akuU waa (racturod te a 43- foot fall tote tlia badqrarg of hla homo from a third atery veranda. Ha was taboo to tbo GrUfte boa taLitecby, te a critical congHten.

Sautbtegton— lim Noma Furry, a widow, waa kUlad by aa auteaM- Ma so rite creoaad tha otroot asor Mr homo ban. A technical rochlaaa ^ v ^ cboMa was plarod amteat Olfford A. flturgaon, SB. of Flata- vUlo, tedoatlflag oa the drtvar Fatrolmah Edmund J. fhtay.

Fhlrflakl—rraak J. Sopoo,yaar-oM chairiat, was MUad 1.__M broka bte naek dlvtag toto a-riul low lagoon at Ralritald Baaeh.

Baittord —Tba State Htebway Dapaitmaat, wWch pravtouriy bod rajseted oU Hda on too prajact aa tod rigb. roadvartlaad tor blda on tha coaotruetlon of two gaaoUna ■tatteha aad a' malntananca teridteg oa tba Merritt Farkway to Now Canaan. The danartmant has sat oridiaboutISBFOO^too atethmn

Inspecton Open Hearing oh Fire

1B.-4F)-Phdaral a

hsoyliw today Into too f ln vbM i cauaafl 1 1 4 ^ damaga yaatarilair to toa eotten and wnri cargo of Iho Ateortcan fM O te r Labotta, owaad M tba IfflMieooifiarlas Ltea. wbOa tM up a t a Haaten dock.

Fbpa Hid tooedHteritton. About PM

aad 300 balH a t ■ara H o . 1

too fin. waa

h r in c r sate hi tha

Sketch of Culprit Drawn by Woman

a ’raii.aw fr”(ten a

and non-coma, than later on tab» to any bey who w teba to Oat your boy te tbo fiift e te n and In l|ao fw- one of tho odloar or nan- oom Jebo. Wa b a n mnda m iih cantocta and wo hava laasopa to bor Hava that our plaa to gottgr o o m ^ M piMUMHk

OomrsdsA b o n your fibgan oA all aftriiieon. Our tS S r 01 doihi to tha VW-W, with the

Driumnan drum ■totef i t ^ Otoniittaji

bMB Vffand our 00m bavaiiY got tte'fitoA. W in ,.in h w maot tbo oBna b S M

you pnbahgy b « n

te tbo l im id e f tba flabteg trip, couldat imail “Mae's” nanM aad t o ^ lif t ft c u t WhM tha Rarald was daltaarad to tba McAHoter bouaehold “Mae” bad a l o t e f H - plateteg to de bacauae tea name waa net te print wttb the rest of the boya. 'flo when "Mae” raachad toa daip ba teat flabod and flahad, be bad to briag homo oat to prove.

When wo roached Myatie we ran acroaa "King” FbUUpa, a saa-go4ag sailor ef too war d a ^ If you don't think 00 oak “Cap” Patereon. It wae “IQag’a” boot that miatook *Ttep’a" traaaport for a Oormaa sub and toay took a (aw pop ahote a t I t “King” has getton ao ko can talk too old fiah loaguago and ha Just talks tha flto o n to ite Uao.

We alee bad aa eld aaa-gotat Captain by toa muas of Taylor te the crew aad on tba way out ho w m going to abow too boyp haw to flab, but ha Is oun looktmr for Mo f in t Mta. We had .‘’Jack” Tsdfoid pad Wiioy on the trto and although t o ^ did a battar than Taylor they have nothteg to b n g about '

Talking about "Xtaar. bo dM put hla name on an a p i ^ t l o a btank tor tho pea t OSptoia Oobb would not rilew “Ttey*^ Iharseo to go aa bo WU afraid “tin y ” 'wauM abut toa b M t Anetbar MWag trip to plannad (Or gaptambar and . a flaw

ef tha b m havo aokad to bo akMH. Oaptata Oabb rill ha la eharg

E p i e d i C l h p t a r

DB n t i n e M i ; o | i c n i e | i N | V |

A t S t a t e M e c ^ t f i i g p l s

Tha Ptatovina YD ehmF buay plOM last Enuday. ItiB that torii of oomo ef too 1 who want (or

Joyablattma. Jan y C Ltory

Nationaland T otoaf

tooedtta waa ateotwo OahnaaUaat


too fOnto raarOag.-' or. Bay NertoT^ Mg to ba fast I

Baby will eharga..Em -oL

toga aad hriptdLoMkn IhM tfMllMMIMl matob. prwridteg tiiiy.< U r i g r t ^ ^

te tb t'M ia“* to,'an5r!

deep eaa fishing trig saam of teenteew toekTrirot a f all, wa I advtot you that ttoy afl rat o n afi iunhA aato.'but tar a aiwbuto te b

’'Chief’ Johniaa haadted too datafl an tend a n d ’t te p to h r iB Oabb dM to t hoiam an wgtem iS a

truak WU patd to tru flgpi^n to iS team M Murphy af Ifunfey Baatodrmtt danatod th a aMawufdnto all too attt. Ha ateo paly aought tmu amaa teaabani aad toa h a u toM htta tlpir

toaMyfUa a baitt v u to bo m t f 'W tooa to step tote, but whsa W

too toM«a Maty teMlte laid » • Wo& toa teog aflufrii flat; sna

party atortod over tha boupM a te ^ > to tp k y jb 2

they wan thaswaYoon truly bnugbt a aownoft Mat ateag to kasp toa saa oR, MR EM get ait o m vp aa' ton fieaf ef to* truck aad yuan truly writted e aaw

It ftaai Vio AQi| sn aB sad m - tm and than two tulm - tha

wnrboaid w up tbay ^C hp^*S^‘Bwds a crack that toa lat tomtodSd bite af tEa r ii waapsT durteg tab war dayu and

ho atortod to a n ’WOa Tbdi^ TMg totd’a Httto d itty— - -wa U d to Uetea to i t a l day yua n o w too e a p ^ ’a ward to law

‘to g OofT A adim ii aot Ip ton taw of tho boot wttb Ma

ba pbBsi tba• tha ntoar 41

Membm Pleated . W i t k t h ^ O a t i i i g

Tta allhto ritonal anttui pad flin^ fly raaatea WU hiM ot Ttaryanggiateri Bunday and nttiutod elon to ISO msmbafu Ikum ton Mana-Y|pnageat, j to.Aua(ttiqr. totb trianda a iii


r a t n i

T klg to

tifliMlal- A m A mw. - am. ' „ - -aifii Kauy atfdaT Ma t t A aa.


ton WU n to k

'm m iout

atera bad MaDowolL B m y s te w t

ohte dayaaaat reported the outtoE

n n r iw d lM

Ward of Vetmmi Now Aide to Walk

T :

TIbu yaon aga aba (wnU Bst wgtti of tefrittUs paniyriA but

today sha .te this to nwha tar wny•

tin fund af lajMbmIfsd te atto tha pari band to too ifflilusi tw •flu ounntlw* in Otentend. to riu t tar M ton arty to lisrito.

Farm Pajrmentt Thia Year Lower

Apf. t t i—m aov to n te n tonn

ABOROflO termon whn aempEsd wttb toa XfifiB crop control ptagrmn win to 10 par aant laamr tow-ton* to ttn Iflevu

A ^S rito raT Adteriasant ^ t te n l i^ iTgtKtn sail! t t a t tbs IIOOABBMfi attaCtsd Ibr sell osnsa


ffflp m IvDiQM mfomtS r i l s r h A t .

« (tt


S r i r n

O t o t k t t f i t

' Artflitty l a f tha<'

Page 3: manchesterhistory.org Evening Hearld_1939-08-19.pdf, .......................... - ---'-r vY-ibndli niDAT. ATJotm i% tm ^ 'W'' ^ *• 0 ' c ^ _ ^..^. eoMKkSbS «C Oh Bitaofarte. Sha

O T lig B M iU K i v a f p t q H E R A tp ; i c Ainc i n a w n t , c o w r . t it t o t w i t . i m p

. - - > v — ^


. m i.

America Plays Waii,T ROBABIUTY o£ attack,**

P r a a i d a n t Roosevelt told Con|[tesf last January, “is mlght- Uy dMtMscd the assurance of

^ an ever ready defense.” Congress consequently upped appropria* tions for defense, and now Amer­ica’s b lf air. land and sea re­armament program it well under way.

The air corps already has or­d e r ^ 3,500 new planes and engines and has begun training 3,100 more pilots and 19,000 mechanics andother specialists. The army is readyto let big contracU for Unks and other weapons and is recruiting men faster than scheduled. The navy has 101 warships and*auxil­iary vessels under construction or under contract.

Work on four new PaciAip island baMS was ordered startM last week: preliminaries h a v e b e e n eompleted for bases in the Carib­bean area and elsewhere. Soon, steps will be taken to build a third set of locks (which may take six yeass) for the 35-year-old Pana­ma Canal, and its garrison will be nearly' doubled.

Invasion Imagined This week more than 70,000 men

shouldered arms and pretended America was being invaded.

The first “battle,” lasting (our days, was fought near Manassas, Va. A streamlined, mobile, regular army division of 5,800 oflicers and men, supported by 70 tanks, was assl^ed to advance on Washing­ton, D. C.; and about 18,000 na- stotai guardsmen organized along eonvenoMial lines and equipped with only eight tanks w u ordered to holt odvanoB.

Simultaneously, the biggest mil­itary movement m American his­tory took place: 83,000 n»n assem­bled a r o u n d Plattsburg, N. Y., where another big battl^ to last three days and be Judged by 350 tpnpires, is to be fought this com­ing week. In this engagement, na­tional guardsmen wUl be the in­vaders and 30,000 highly machan- laed regulars will try to stop ’em.

Dead And InjuredCoincidentally with the rapid ex­

pansion and extensiva maneuvers of America’s defense forces there have been accidents:

Nine men were killed when e two-motored amty bomber crashed and burned last weekend at Lang­ley Field, Va. The next day a X«ngiey Field attack plane caught fire ana crashed, but its two occu­pants parachuted to eart' safely.

Two fliers died when a navy plane crashed near San Diego, Calif., during gunnery exercises.

Two men were injured seriously when a U. S. army plane fell into the Pacific near C ^ ta Rica.

Six y o u n g I n d i a n a national guardsmen were killed and three others were wounded when an ar- tUlery s te ll which they thought was a “dud” exploded.

Meanwhile, the submarine Squa- hu , containing 36 bodies, was lifted from the ocean floor where it sank near Portsmouth, N. H.. last May, and towed beneath the surface to shallower water.

DemoereH' Doings President R o o s e v e l t cruised

along the coast of New England and Canada this week, after sign­ing 867 biils and vetoing 58 mea­sures passed by the lu t Congress. '

Young Democrats, at their recent Pittsburgh convention, endorsed Mr. Roosevelt’s “liberal” objectives, cheered when Chicago's Mayor Ed­ward J. Kelly demanded that he seek a third term, and elected a New Dealer, Nat Adams, 28. of Illinois, as their national president. At the same time:

Atben W. Barkley. Senate Dem­ocratic leader, broadcast his belief that the country wants "militant leadership” such as the President has provided.

Sens Rayburn, House Democratic leader, announced he is for “that outstanding T e x a n and liberal Democrat, John N. Gamer, (or the presidential nomination in 1940.”RepuUieent' Remerits

The 1930 Congress, House Re- Mbllcan Leader Joseph W. Martin, Jr., broadcast this week, saved the aatioa from “state capitalism or so­cialism.”

An administration “sympathetic to the return” of free enterprise, Michigan’s Ben. Arthur Vanden- berg added, in an address at De­troit, would enable America to snap out of “this economic depres­sion" in six months.

W PA Raadjusti PayNew WPA. wage schedules an­

nounced this week by Administra­tor F. C. Harrington provide some iRcreaaes in Southern rural areas and aome decreases in Northern

i t» dU|rt?u. Theayenue ■egi’W b e l f m

Sept, 1, but there will be fewer pereons on the payroU.The W eferfaury C eaa

Ib e lesigast trial in Connecticut's three centuries of history has been th a t a t Watartaury*s Mayor Frank Bayes and U others accused of eon- ■ irin g to Jaet the city treanuy af ffSca than $1,QOO,000. It b^gan Wor.SS and ended this waak fat een-

a i all M defsndgnts.

The^ORLD This WEEKMust History Repeat Itself? ConsitJer These Cartoons And Characters!

Carl J. BurckhardtThe Man Europe Is Watchinp Now

x*rv*e III Xtami Oallv Ntwi 4P phelo*8e Far Be Oeed* Lerd Roneiman

This Cartoon Wat Drawn In August, 1039 The Man Europe Watched Lait Yaar '

Pa04 In CettrlerVoimiel*War-Deg Days*

This Cartoon Wat Drawn In August, 1033

People ~Peram eit Publtp Poet

Irving Charles C h a p m e n , 41, once s fairly successful contractor, was shot, caught and sentanoed to

60 y e a r a i n prison (ora 1938 Texas bank rob­bery. Later he was senteiibed to 35 years more (or e kidnaping. Two years ago t h i s s t o c k y , blue-cyad,scar­faced b a d m a n e i c ^ e d f r o m the 'Texas state

Sf n l t e n t f a r y . e’s the No. 1 ChapBue man on tha O-

m a n ’s l a t a s t efflcial “public tnamy” Hit.

Theodora Cola and Ralph Roe, fugitives from Alcatraz, are sec­ond and t h i r d . Lot Is (Lepke) Buchalter, I n d u s t r i a l racketeer concerning whom New York's Dis­trict Attorney Thomas E. Dewey has given newspapers reams of copy, rates only fourth place.

Men A gein it The SeeTwo lone eagles, Charlas Back-

man. of Chicago, and Thomas H. Smith, of Los Angeles, vanished last spring when they tried to fly from America to Europe. But that did not stop Alex Lo«b, S3, and Dick Decker, 33, of New York, from taking off from Nova Scotia on a similar ventura last week In a lit- tit monoplane named Shalom (the Hebrew word for peace), without broadcasting equipment, and with gas enough to stay aloft only 35 hours. Long aftar they were due in Ireland, there was no news of them.Ullys G alore

At least 25,000 persons are de­scendants of Robert and Mary Lilly, who were born in 1896 and l lv ^ more than 100 years. Last year, 80,- 000 persons attended a Lilly family reunion. This weekend, at Flat Top. W. Va,, the Lilly claj, was due to gather again for a two-day cele­bration to be addressed by many notables, including Gov. Homer A. Holt and Assistant War Secretary LlSUis A. Johnson.

In Short. . .Bom; Quadruplets, two boys and

two girls, to Mr. and Mrs. V lr^l Deschand, of Kankakee. 111.

Invited: By Labor Secretary Per­kins, ofllcials of Armbur St Co., to confer on CIO bargaining demands, to avert a packinghouse workers’ strike.

Inereased: Retail sales, about$1,000,000,000, in the first half of 1939 as compared to the first half of 1938. despite lower prices, accord­ing to the Commerce DeparfanenL

lavestlgaladi Reporta of labor racketeering and ant i - t rus t and tax law violations in H ollyw o^ by Charles H. Carr, assistant U. 8. At­torney General.

Divorced: George JesMl, come­dian, and Norma Talmadige; ac­tress, in Mexico; Benjeinla Shal«

Roth, actress.WH: Fred B. Snite, J r , “Irwa

lung globe - trotter, and Tereee Larkin, of Dayton; Janqjl Oiqmor, actraaa, and GUbert Adrien. Bcdly- wood clothes designer.

D M Mary Heart R ated. M8n0» baby whott heart was outaldt bar

Frite Mannheimer. NSSher- landi banker; Or. J. R «a Btevga- ■on. P r e s b y t e r i a n leader: T . B. Pvwerz. certeonist; Sydnoy Ihiah- ten BUM, t e x ^ i n d u t t e i j U ^

QuotesOeana Barnard Shaw, in his

naw play: "Tha riddle of how to choose a ruler Is otUl unan­swered, and it is the rlddl* of civilization."

Bepw Hamilton Flah, in Europe for an Inter^liam antary Union Congress; 'T have seen man on both sides of the two camps. The

« really want peaca. but nation has developed to a point where peace talk Is eon-

sldared to be defeatism."Frmident Beaaovelt: "M we

nomlnata conservative candi­dates, or llp-iervtee candidates, on a itraddlebuf platform, I per­sonally . . . wilt find It ImpoMlble to have any aetiva part in such an unfortunate suicide of the old Democratic party."

BusinessUtility Transfer

In a Wall Street skyscraper Tues­day, representatives of TV A, Ten­nessee municipalltiet and coopera­tive power companies bought the Tennessee Electric Power Com­pany by giving its owners 35 checki totaling 178,435,095.01. It was the greatest transfer of utility proper­ties from private to publu owner- shte in U. S. history.

This transaction, TVA Director David E. LUienthd rejoiced. wlU put TVA on a profU-makIng basis; and be predicted e bright future (or both privately end publicly oper­ated moetrie power concerns.

The government now has Its *V a^tlek area" and should "be content," said WendeU L. WUlkie. president of the corporation which owned the Tennessee Electric Pow­e r Co. “This transection has dem- onstreted that no business, how­ever well run, can endure against the competition of the federal gov­ernment."

O il's N ot W o lThe American public has bought

e lot of gasoUne this summer, much of it unusually chbap. Raflnars re­cently decided g u prices would have to go up or crude oil prices would have to go down. So they cut tbeprtoe of entdo.

Tnls prompted the Texes state railroad commlsalon Monday to or­der a 18-day dmtdown in that great oil producing itete’s fields. An in- d e p m e n t produeOr threatened a fight Over the legality of this order.

By Wednesday ntgHt. shutdowns had been ordered in Oklahoma. Now Mexico. Kansas, Arkansas and Louisiana, too.

Thasplam ' Traubla ,The Associated Actors and Ar­

tistes of America (a group of ac­tors’ unions) recently ousted the A m e r i c a n Fadarauon of Actors (tbo vaudevUte and night-club partetreers* union). .Tha Interna? tlonal AlUanot of llw atrim l Staga tmployas (tba staga hands' union) then toMi tha AFA under its wing. This caused a firet-clase row.

Now tha American Federation of Labor*! executive counci’. h u or- dbrad the stage hands to keep out a t the ectorsT field and h u uri '

TKonb Dim Eorfior?T te Worid Calender Aseedatleii

•would dMnge the eelendw quite a M b u t avan Its e lm enu daelgnatee

t a ^ . t S t h i a the <rhT***trni

TWsI year, to w p m Iu

Bad NewsW recking O n The Railroad

Tha City of San Franciteo — a streamlined, diesel - powered 17- car, $2,000,000 train oh a 39H-hour run from Chicago to San Francisco —cracked up l u t weekend on a bridge 350 miles e u t of Reno, Nev. Twenty-four persons were killed and more than 100 were injured.

Railroad ofllcials called It "delib­erate ubotege.” A 30 - foot rail weighing nearly a ton had been moved four Inchu inward, then ■piked down again, without dis­turbing the electric signal system. Consequently, eomebody familiar with railroad work, and ponibly having a grudge against the rail­road, w u suspected. Federal, state and railroad sleuths cooperated in a search for tha culprit

Tha heroine of the wreck w u Stewardess Thelma Rl^tvedt a Chi­cago nurse, who cared (or the in­jured until she coUspsed. The hero w u Dr. E. A. Betts, e Pennsylvania professor, who w u c red it^ with uvlng Mveral persons from bleed­ing to death.

It was a black weekend for the railroads: Two trains collided in Denver, killing two persons, injur­ing 63. A derailment In Rumania caused IS deaths, 100 other cu u a l- ties. A split switch wrecked a New York subway train near Coney laland, injuring 31 persons.

C lipper C ra ih a tSkimming into Rio do Jenatro at

dusk last Sunday after • 3i700-mile flight from Miami, a Pan Amerleen “baby cUpper” hit e crane, w tt- nessu said afterwards, and w u clipped in two. Halt of it fen on shore, half in th t water. Of its 16 occupants, 14 died, including Yale Economist Ja m u Harvey Rogers.

Flamtng F e ro thWhere Idaho protrudesjiorth-

ward between Monten and Wash­ington, fo ru t flru l u t w ukend blackened thouunds of e c ru of land, th ru tened towns, and drove hundreds of persons from their homu. Chengina winds end 1,000 flre-flghters finally c h e e k e d the flamer edvency.

. Upcomingfinday.A eg 'MS t Stephen’s Day. Hungary.

Military reurves report for maneuvers, Yugoslavia.

Monday, Aag. 31B r i t i s h Princess Margaret

Rose’s 9th birthday.Friday, Aag. 38

Japanese fliers to leave Tokyo (or 'round-the-world, good-wlU flight

Satarday, Aug. 38Japanese miMion due in Na­

ples to confer with Italian offi-19th anniversary of I9th

amendment to Consti tut ion which gave women suffrage.

AbroadM inority Misariof

Young Nazis in Slovakia roamed through the streets l u t weekend, beating up anyone who looked like a J.ow. Despite this ab u u of a mi­nority in their own territory, Nazis at tbo u m e time revived stories of the miseries of the Ukrateian mi­norities in Poland and RuAla—and hinted something would be done in behalf of the Ukrainians.

Increased anti-Semitism caused ■till worse clogging of refugees in e u te m Europe. TnoUunds swel­tered on tramp steamers, awaiting e chance to sneak into Palpstlne.

The te n u Intametlonal situation, meanwhile, eeused the World Zion­ist Congreu a t Geneva to curtail and rush work on Its program for Palestine.

One ray of hope w u an Italian suggutlon that a re fu fu commit­tee go to Addis Abebe and ponder plena to eetabUsh e Jewish farmcommunity in Ethiopia. I

Bona R d a ProsklantSince adopting e Constitution In

ley J y i

to be elected by poputer voteJGen.

. »I a (1870, Pereguaylies bed 34 p ru l-_ - »4 pndents, but only 18 of them bothered

JoM Estliarribbi, Inaugurated this week, h u been both e war hero end an exile, end got the pruidoncy by due procen of tha ballot box.

Yugoslavia: Europe's No. 2 Powder Keg

9BIQ*B/ orem astT 4eaIuadangef oeneleTiigoslaala.m >alM dg»»-

;m -im SSgiiSUi& 1iS!


At Homelim$ In A m orica

Wathington — Rep. Martin D iu ’ Un - Americanism show reopened Wednesday with Frits Kuhn on the stand.

He t u t i f i e d :The G e r m e n - American Bund, o r g a n i z e d a t B i T t f e 1 o, i n M a r c h , 1938, which he heads, h u 30,000 msm- bers ond about 100,000 sympa- t h l s e r s . I t s m e m k a r s h l p re cor ds were destroyed when i n . est igat lons loomed. He ad- m lru Adolf Hitler and n u a broth­er who is a Judge in Berlin. The Bund is anti-Jewish and antl-Com- munist but against Nazilsm here.

Kuhn to angered Alabama’s Rep. Joe Starnes that the audience thought for a minute there might be a Mt fight, but there w u n ’L

Communism ClarifiedSan Francisco—Communist doc-

tr in u were discussed at tbo Harry Bridges d w rta tio n hearing this week by e Stanford University au­thority, Dr. H a r d l d C h a p m a n Brown.

Marx and Engels, he related, foreuw violent ruistance to the m assu’ demands by e small group controlUng production. Such vlo- lenee, the theorizers c o n t t n a e d , would have to be resisted. But this d o u not moan, the professor u ld . that Communists are committed to edvoeeey of f o r e ^ overthrew of the govemmeat

Deusectacy^ DefenseNew York City—COluihble Uni­

versity w u host this wee) to a Congren on Education for Democ- re q ^

* ^ e defenu is abetter College Dean “The defonu u s ia s t a half truth Is the truth. Tba defenae against prop- aganda is education.”

“A democrat,” said Lord Bald­win, former Britlab prime minister, “should work for end be prepared to die tor his democratic fdeus, u the Nazis end Communists ere fOr thein.”

Father Ohfina, DiplomatNear Proeidaat Rooeevalt’s Hyde

Park home la a OieciOn-COTiathlan mansion, fumiahad from Nopda- on'apaleoa,andowiMdli> t h ^ a n - d a ^ t family, which Rwlam’s Fa­ther Dlvfaw h u eanaldeted hsqring. Not wtahlng to *tembarrass” the Rooaevelts. M q

ifenu egeinat a bad id u ’ idea,? dieclered TOechers lean William F. Russell.

_ . . queried them Bn8.They replied that they had honed

It would beemne an erboretqm butfelt any U. B. dtiaan eould buy any

^erty he desired. Theretmon, happy “fetber** confided he

hoped to um It to rooeivt “foreigns r t s .hoped to ______ _ _dlplemata, . . to b ri^ about a d o m reUtionahip betwean nations." The owner diu vowed any intention, bowever, of adling U to Divhie.Aladte A d v e r tM

B uropeea devalepmants hava eatanapeda for U K dtlaao-

Intarior Baeretaiy Ichaa, $har^ flacob aiiggaqtad this week that the

Alaska be ononad both'to monay. “A lasla, witb a

. . e l lm a te and reeoureu eqoal to ell Bcaadiaavia." he aafied. * Mw h u a atatte po(^totton eg about BOJWfi eomparod wiBi a jaep- olotioa ^ 1A006.006 fat BcaafiM^ v lk ..: be u

Btef Alodmt

Europe Skirts War

“Danzig is a Oarman etty and toishu to belong to Oarmany." —RStCHSFVEHRZR A D 6 L F HITLER’S r e p l y to President Rooseoelfa peace plea lost ApriL

"Danzig hat boon tiod to Po­land /or contvrtes. I t eonititntte tha lungs of our economic li/e.“-^ POUSH MARSHAL EDWARD SMIOLY-RYDZrS reply to Der Fuehrer two weeke ago.

Tu c k e d in the mlddla of a paragraph of H err H itler’s long re to rt to Mr. Roosevelt w u

a eulogy of S w in P r o l C arl J . Burckhardt, the League of Na­tions conamissioncr for Danzig, as “a man of extraordinary tact.” Early this week, newsmen discov­ered that Prof. Burckhardt quietly went to see Der Fuehrer recently— end suggested, 'tw u whispered, e way to settle the Danzig problem.

Bis plan, according to grapevine reports, would give Germany the Free City of Danzig end a corridor ecrou the Polish Corridor, which is whet Herr Hitler h u been de­manding. The professor insisted,' however, that some of the reports of his activities were “fantestie.”

Oflidels of six nations — Ger­many, Italy, Britain, Franco, Po­land and Sweden—aeemed to know what w u in the air, and ProL Burckhardt talked to both Polish and Nazi representetlvu in Danzig this week, but the public could only gueu about what w u going on.

League of Nationa guesurs raa- pectad Germany w u tiying to maka P ro t Burckhardt the “Ibmei- men” of tha Danzig dl«wto. Lord Runeiman w u tha uneroclal medi­ator aent to CseehoalovakU tqr G ru t Britain almost exactly ty o a r ago~and you know what happened l u t September.

Italy’s Foreign Minister Clegg also visited Herr Hitler recently and this, too. set tonguu to wag­ging. Reporters assigned to tha R it- iar-Ciano confab merely were told that no time limit had boan^eet tor settlement of the Danzig disputed But Count Cieno scarcely had got* ton back to Rome when«'twu ro« ported unoflldally there that Oar* many and Italy would be wlUing to confer with Britain end F nnoaragerdlng Danzig. !*'■ Theae tirumors -from Rome sug­gested that the seme lour powers which d e c i d e d Csaehoslovakia’a fate l u t fell might reach an agree­ment regarding Danzig this tall, then eonsult Poland. At thetime, Iteliena hinted, the tour pow­ers might ponder other European issues—sud) u Italy’s quarrel withFrance about colonlu.

But Wednesday, Italian newspa­pers, almost u n a n i m o u s l y , pro­posed direct negotiations between Germany end Poland. The Italian people obviously w art not eager to wage w w in Ocnnen3r*a behalf. Plans for a grandiou reception In Rome in September for Spanish Caudlllo Franco Indicated, further­more, that n Duee w u not figuring on flu tin g in the near future.

. More JHtor Dope?Beriih officials' silence ell tha

fritila ■aemta.itowevar. to ba “omi­nous.” Nasi new^oFora ravod that.. P o lu had killad six Oo^M ns and woundad 31 others is M iro lds w tv Ing the lest five woaks, ate., otek Than. Wodnesday; D aaslf feentiar guards kiUod a MMlar.

Simultaneously, pert of the Oer- m en-PoU rii frontier w u doaeA end P o lu suapoeted this w u dona to conceal fortifieatiooa and troop movements, R e p o r t a r s eboarvad much Gorman military activity near the PoUab firantier.

“The (text d o u of Jitter, dope Is baing b r a w ^ but we are used to it end the mixture losing iU potency," the Amdox INs- pstek of London cooMnented loat

t h e y ' m i l

tkend.The Tinus of London_______

this week that if Germany and Italy a e ii^ “peaceful aolution” of whet’a Im of the VemUlaa treaty

would “no doubt find a gen- readfaMU to confer antong all

tha tntoreetad pertlee” - • but tim Ttmee olao prodietod that titaro would be “no long dsday“ in ja t t i^ Russia into the Brituh-Fraiidi. halt-HUler bloct

O ^ o l W ars « W m s Japon’s army swung into

ttiia week to cut Chmdt


Unu to Hongt a ^ About thaaamatlmia mort »i^Maacheukuo • M dagoT ian frontier.

Most d l tp a tc b o s from CSdna. doolt, howovoi, urlth " ‘ 'droughts^ snU -B ritish____

m oasuru to oxchsda pooa rofuMsa. and iacUBnte a Sfra F. M Wehatd. 80, an_

Involved hi attaJapeneargi_______wiian riw etatted"lnl6'


ArfliHa'ToBipaiBHtan^AntotaM Wottoouh t-by-Ifi iaeli

fl.'fadlfterenlt'^te ja i d a*

S ah rM w oi


Murder on the BoardwalkBY ELINORE C O W A N STO N E eeFveiewT. lose.

NO* eaevieK. imc

YeoteHuy a( bar

BUYeiOtey, ewBlBg eg (Mas the beech. She Seha Me* the whole story, they retere ta her ateOte, hea e crewh

m run

ta hla tneffectuSl way, "you surely don’t need tMa young lady. I can td l you aU about bar. She U Ulae Oraco Navtn, a very accompliobed artlat who la in n y employ."

Now be baa ruined it, ChrieUne thought. Because eooner or later they’ll have to know my real


CHAPTER VIBUI aald, “Walt hert.

■a—H nnd aee—”“Walt nothing!” ChriatlM

Jectod. "BUI—”But almoat at once he w u lost

to sight hi tbs crowd.From the Ooast Guard tower a

aearehlight w u awooping in g ru t area over tba water, picking out racing horeea of foam, poising for a moment, then moving inquiai- Uvely on. Above Christina’s h a motor snarled u a plane put out to MO.

An arm of the walk had bean rop^ oS, and men in uniform were herding the crowd beyond tha ropee BUI among them. R did not occur to Chrlatlne that the ropee m eut her, too; and no one seemed to pay any attention to her u she edged along the railing just behind two officers who were d i r e c t i n g powerful llaiSilightn down Into the studio booth For tba center of tha excltament appeared to be below the level of the walk.

Suddenly a voice from the edge of the crowd called out, ’*I1iere’a that gtrl I w u telling you about, (tergeut— right behind j«u. She w u drawing picturaa down there this afternoon; and this evening I seen her alip down again and come out readlag a letter or obme- thlBjf.**

Glancing toward tba aource of the voice, ChriatlM saw that it w u tha flaabUy dressiil proprlstor of tha ahootlng gaUary aerou tba Boftrdwulk.

“Stick around, Miaa” the ner- geant dlrectad, turning upon her. ’W e’U want to talk to every one who work* about boro.''

“Why, o f course.” Christiu triad to BMka her voice crisply casual.

She peered down into tha booth, but aha could not au much at first except uniformed baebs. FinaUy, u one of the j oUcemen ■he mw a man Irt a wMts coat bending over n figure on the con­crete bench at the roar of the booth. Something unpleasantly rigid about the eoat-sleevad arm and gloved hand at tbe^dga of the bench eenvtoeed Chiuttee thnt she dtOsT care to au any

An officer climbed into the booth from the boach below u d roported to a m u in plain clothM wtw u emod to bo in ehaigo, “Tbere’n the mariw of two row­boats ia the sand down there. In­spector Parsons—both mads sinee 1 ^ tide. Ons of Um boato 1s there yet. No one ssems to know anjrthlng about tt.”

“Any—sig u In tbs boatT”“No, rir; hut tbero’a been a

seuSle down thero, and Umis’s two asts of fCotpriato coming up this way—only you lo u 'em wbsn they oooM to tbs dry asad . . . . And Um boys are bringlag ia of them beacheomers. Ho triad to beet It whan be Been ue; ha triad to throw tbia away after wa caught htm.”

A deep, somenolent voice echoed In her memory: "Tou were very unwise to register under u u - sumed name . . . . I eee for you a very real danger.”

‘T own this concession,’’ Ur. WOmet w u going on; “and I must say it’s a terrible shock to have a thing like this happen here Just u buaineu w u picking up.”

”Well, now," the officer said with hmvy aarcum. “It’a Just too bad tha poor lady couldn’t have plaued to get heraelf murdered somewhere else.”

Lady! Christine thought blank­ly—and realised for the first time that the dark-clad figure she had glimpsed so sketchily might juet u well have been a woman’s u a m u ’a.

It w u at tbia point that a police ambulance rumbled down Ut: Boardwalk u d stopped. Men clambered down, lifted out a stretcher, u d tramped down the ramp Into the booth.

Inspector Persons’ head emsrged above the railing.

•Tfow. Bergeut,” he said, "be­fore they move her, we’ll find out whether u y of these people know uythlng about her . . . . Down here, please, all of you.”

The newsboy w u first to file by stretcher; then, in order, went

hte doormu, the waltreee. the m u from the shooting grilery, Mr. Wilmet, and Christina—close­ly followed by BUI Tardley.. Christine kept her eyu averted from the stretcher untU her own tiro came. When at length she stood heslds the body u d gluced down, a violent fit of shivering ^ u ch sd her; and riie tuned » ^ U y awny. Om of tha officers bastUy opened tha camp stool and •asad bar down upon It

“Majrbe I c u help you, Inspec- to i^ ’’ BU Tardley spoke unaX' P je ^ y . hla face paper white. TWe Is Mrs. Emma ’Talbert, who

owns a country horns out Beach moat way."

teentlfied her by papers In her purse.. , . Now," the Inspector w u t on, gludngv. around, “bow many you wero at your regular plaeu of ^ r k betwean—m y 11:16 l:30f" ,

The waltrem had been, and the Pjvprio^ of the riMotlng gallery, sir. WUmet sru nervously voluble about the fact that he ^ been atending a moving picture. Chris- ^ shivering unbearmhiy in spite of the warmth of the night air. riiook her head mutely. The re- ^lendent doormu had returned to duty at praclseiy 11:60.

"toring at Chrlatlne with fBaeinated attention.

(Te Be Owrtleiwd)

Aviation News

T . P. HolloitinFUNERAL HOME

lOsalty limtiia m n i u i u l end aerny tram the busy Ibofaagb. hufo. OMIaetlve aervtee MeO- arn PbetimeA


176CM t«r8L Phone .lOffO

A email ehject ehaagod “Wan, Doe, what & you maka

Of It?"The hwpeetor tamed to the mak

ia the whlta coot.“Won,” tim Oaetor aald, "the

rietlm had ham hsihrfty sad re­putedly Anaggad. Then are nuurks of a hypodsrmie

w u caused by i ■■ ■ e that

that daaeiiptkm'T"“Wa havmt found aay weapon

of any oest 1sm«,“TIm doctor aald somatUag that

CkriottaM miuid; but which the faMpcctcr ascOMd to find of peculiar teterect.

“How lent ogoT” h rimrply.

*T c u t be Mritiely snre— but batcre tiger smctlB set to. That

of AiaeoanST***"**"* _ 7 h e Pratt A Whitney Aircraft Company, In E u t Hartford, h u ro- ^ t ly enounced the completion of

^ CoToa tecta on their a rr­est eagtns srhich la snld to posseu grsetef hotnspowsr th u u y m - rim pravlouaty tasted. Until now. toe most ponmrful engtae (n Wright <^cloM) w u rated at 3000 berm- power so It Is snmssed tbs rntlax cn Um u w P A W le unrodablv hlgbsr. AdoUmt fcotato fST oeS^ ■ ectieu tln d u B trlu ^ ^

“M unttod S tatu etotlou ivprov.

e d ^ ^ F s M C2vO AsreuHUes

T te Dm iglu Abereft nhOteS tiM feme u nirilncu. h u

•OH over SeOO alrplous at a t-tf* * . 0 * rn .liK .im AArmy ordu Blaeid with this com­p i l e rm otlsd to hova ^eeUted a

^ sMIm mi iMMr At tffjDftO fsstab evaou lsvri. " " •* * " •* « *

ter Mdi cf t i u QmnscUcut

I te atato SSIuef liyiv fte ^ eeastmeuu ot m n in l

Jtbmebata w nten of ths

hava Iuperleaoe aad lbelb_ Klee for rapid, qnol- Ity vrerk.





8000N T O u aU OOs

Oscapleto IdObHOStlMi


Mu ebsster O rsu



Weldon’s Feature Modem Waving

August days bring forth varlabls moods aad the urgent need for something new to freshm om’s buuty. A new eotlTuie, a new per- m ueat, a facial, will do more to maka a new “you" th u anything

’The Weldon B uuty Salon ta the oldest established ahop In Maachu- ter —more th u alghtem yean. ’They speclallM In perm um t wav­ing, assuring a aoft, laating wave by making teat curls svsry Urns.

M iu Bernice M. Juul, proprietor of this buuty shop, attends all con> vuUoM held by beauUdau la Naw York u d th u she brliiga back to M uebuter an the latest methodc and atylM of hair dressing and gaa- Wel buuty culture. Tha operators at this ahop win gladly give yen n free make-up test at u y Unw and •dries you the color best suited to you. M lu Juul Invltu you to atop in u d take advutage of this com pUiuntery offsr for she ia certain you win find It tnteresUttg and helpful ia tha soluUon of your make, up problema.

Chily Mandard and approved methods and suppUu ate used by the operatora In Urte shop, th u u - •Uring aach patron te the but at oil Urou Therglvo both tuchlM and msrhineleu permanent w avu and •tooh a complete line te high grade cocmetlea fram wiileh you may eheou Uw t m and sbnda beat cult, ed to you, after a mnke-up teat by oM of thou aivertraeod operatora.

OonvenlenUy located In the Hotel Sheridu building, tha Weldon B auty Shop to a h avu u ch w uk for Um fu U d lu womm te the vl- cirdty. To avoid uniMcaaaary w ait Ing. a telephone call to 8009 wUl maka a conventant appointmut for you.

You’ll find that a new parmaiMnt, or a finger wave, or a facial, will y k e you M cxceefitagto better d u ^ this hot month w bu there t o t m uh aetivlty and sveryone ^ a foeiiag for soassthlng imw sad different Let The Wsidon Bamte

serve you te this regard.

Building Loan Assn. Asset to Manchester

M uebuter boasts m uy comratr-gLou Aasoetetlu aad aak him to u -

JOHN80N A L im .EIW O uter Street

|G. E. Willie Selle Lumber, Cement

If your boiM to ta need of minor r s p ^ u If you are buildlag a now mvewny, new ta ths tlnw of year to tmdartake such work baeaua the

Itete summer and eariy fall seoaon presents most favorahia wuther for repairs and Improvements of this

luture.Naturally, you vrill nswl suppUu

for any work te this kind aad (T b . BfOlto A Sen, tee., make known to you that they have built u an- [vtote rsputatton ta this caetton for , ct acbtoramanta and their poUey of honeet du Hng with the pubMe to the bosto te their axteulva ' '

This firm e u be te servtoe to yen te eupplytag honher and m asu aup- pjtoe of the htgbcit q u llty . th ey f lu Mtpply f u l oO aad one te the h l ( ^ g t ^ te seal aUnad ta the Lehigh VaOsy seetton to loeel rste-

I dents who have leltod la anmbsr te yean.I 'nto bufldteg material firm to anate the tom te aad cMsat t o __aaetien and has aarud tha partieu-

llar ptopto la this vietolty steu It w u se tehHffisA Brsniw wpatram

I have alraady taeogntoad th«r eSL jetoney and hansetjr and win took to ^ ^ J ^ e n y eapM Im K v^m adtn

With bet weather sUB im e aad ■kowtag BO Mgna of toaviu, the

I thought te eoaTisM fast ofi fir I Iwtater to prebeMy fartitoet lyour Basawry. The toet Inowover, that fhB to not

clal IndUtuUou but It is proud to number among the principal onu of the community, the M uebutar Building A L ou Association which to u asset to the city bccauu ot Its poUcy of fair dealing! with tha public.

’Tbia tesUtution at 955 Main Street, h u bun wrving local real- dente since April 1891 u d local people have learned from past ex- perienu that It pays to save for profit where 3rou get a liberal re­turn. It to really worth while to put your Mvings with this aasoclaUon becauM te all their years of service, they have never declared leu than 4% dividends.

When you uve, jrou w u t to be urtain Uwt your uvtnga are ae- cure, that they will ba available when needed u d that you wlU be paid a worth-wbUe dtvidend. ’TO get the m ut from your uvtnga, we sug­gest that you call on a repreawta- tlve of the M uebsster Building A

plate Um p lu of thto teaUtution.Savlnga hava made the dspruab

h u rahla for mlUlou te people. TheyaUll play a vital part te tha the averngs family and^wtoe

eholder who puts a lltUe away day for the proverbial “rainy

. But. uvtnga lou their value If

I previously u - that, te llMlr

bun put through a wringer. Tha front town to always the pride te Uw bouoeholder and one of Uw prim# requlsitu In keeping It buuUful to a well sharpened and repaired town mower.

J. R. Brolthwolte te 53 Psorl strut, h u complete equipment to adjust your lawn mower oo that It will rire.u celleat servlN, inersaa- Ing Um buuty of your lawn aad adding to Uw g a m ^ nppeeranee te your home. ■'

la addiUon to thto vrotk, Bralth' watte operates a veritebto hoepttal tor brokw appltoneu u d kta simp to olwaya Uw ootna te many u Im­portant operation. Reoldute havo learned to come to this repair m u for aervlca on Uwir gu u . setowM, vacuum cisanarn, ctetu pots, toote'

od a thou u nd and one oppSanow which hnv« ths mi' iste foeultifortuMlate foeulte te oeeastonony. i so open aafu i

te getting out te Mr. Brolthwolte

e u atoo op u oofen and trunks aad be m oku kayo to perfection.

Known as the nU-araund “flx-lt" an of Manchcater, J. R. Bralth-

walth enjoys a splendid roputottoa throughout thto community for tba work ba does. If you have not yet hod occasion to coll upon him for ssrvlea, do so Uw very next ttew umethlng ta your home goto out te working order. A phone call to 4300 WlU contact yon wtth thto repair

Johnson, Little Plumbing Experts

H utliig sad phtmhteg twin guard- tone te your famUy vrattors. Rest- tog oafoguacds your cold, dempnaoe oa

leb stoknoM thrives. Ptumblng ■uppte the fteffi, pure water so eosentite to weo b a iv . aad eorilsa sway the wastes te Inogaroue to kanith. Tcgathar. keethig and pkitehteg nm k hand hi hand to su ke new or oM heaMs sM tnahlsg-

llfe.te _ to the

householder eachday". But. uvtnga th ^ ore not mtrusted to a raltoble orgutoatioD, which osntru safety u d eecurity at oil Unwe,

Tou will find the service of Uw Manchester Building A Lou Aaao. otatlon conalderttbly more effletoat u d more beaefldsl urvleesyou may have listed. The vary fact m uy years of aervtee, they have never declared leu th u a 4% dlvt- dand, Indicatee that you glee your> aalf more money by uvlng wtth thto insUtuUon.

If you find It teeonvtant to stop at I tbs aawielatlaa'a sddiesA eon M4T| and Uw some eourteoua attenticn wilt bs g lvu to your tequtry,

obte. to provide them with Uw emu- fort, ctoonltocM and pratcettoa that have moda Amcrlcu hooMs tiic envy of the rest of the world.

Ike pkimlilng aad healkig find te Jokacoa dTuttle. operated by Samuel J. UtOe, at lOt Ckatcr tereet, ta thto any, haa cnjejrl •

amtatton for mqwrt rrsftstegi p, cxceOMt quoltty te ■satsMoW te Uwir vortouc Naas te cndsauig.

and ora always happy to Osaka a ■oefo, prspers ths

. . kiottona end ‘ gIVeyou u aoUmbta te tha seal. Hovtog almoat twenty years te lansrlsnis to this buotasoA tUsy naturally ore espobto te dohm on vretk fai their Una, whmhar (fia Job be Wife ot aosaU. They have gataad a wide I lowing of foslilente te M and vietalty whs toefa to Omsi fo da wurti te thto aoture f s thmn.

Both haotteg aad phimhlmr msoa too much to the watfare te your foaUly, to the uateterantod enjoy M t te vour Iwmo and to the oetual value of your pcepartx to be utnwtod to any but tha trehtod

te eempetant nlumblite and kaottag centinctato. Umg yenfo te ] W rtm w ehaee peovedtiiaf your beat tetafoate are ssrved whm yen eonault aueb a dspeadar* and heetlHg eoatraeter ‘ mttag and plumbkw pn

‘Ikto dras to folfy oquip atoll on Uw BOW afonnoS w and bathroom fixtureo, tog ptonto lor mthsr eh btem

hot watar. They havo

School G irl PornionentsWh a re now fo n tu rin f a iphcinl price on

Pem uuw nU fo r g irls re tu rn ing to school fit $5.00. C one in and le t us ahow th is to yog.

ilSidon ^eauSi Sa£orb

HOT WATER!F ar F r ie a i Hhebaad*g D rily SlwYh.


laouddm cliaagate Iwm soad nmi

tofort later.Boo, lae.; nowThao, tho dsot

U m B f a a d iM te r f t I a m b A n n r I a r io B , I n c . thsm5y>y m rfhotootum rSZeynu

SL U . M 1 W Ilu g e e r i

Lawn Mowers Fixed B j Bralthwaite

I you to In this Hm

for tafonuttan Md for yon vrant dona.

Uuton ixAafWWwwC N. J .-( to -A ish Wtth

aissTtnHSSte ^ Brtenmttonal

Wmhmu UMoa, A ft*

Patterna y chN iiM r

Tho deop erm ^ and tho ng- tetod, easy wulstT roost Fottern WU.

to worf rotty t h ^ l Tbo sBoggerotod Bars te too sfriit

Mynrtng% ^ $ h 'q b n ^ h S “ " ---------’ ettsaetiw to bo>

: brifiktiiM p n l t t o ^• . w i —

Igo 11851 to

^ IA lA SO, 40 and a Moo Id in- Otews 4 i-4 yordo te 88-toeh tebsto; without nop; 8 8-4 yardo for aofhraw te bB^fisId to trim M ptotaiud.


Page 4: manchesterhistory.org Evening Hearld_1939-08-19.pdf, .......................... - ---'-r vY-ibndli niDAT. ATJotm i% tm ^ 'W'' ^ *• 0 ' c ^ _ ^..^. eoMKkSbS «C Oh Bitaofarte. Sha


■MM, Oraa. ruoDioM lUaacar

0«t»b«r 1. K itM Baan Karaint Bsa^ MM SoUMr*- BaurM at U*

at Haackaatar, Oeaa, «aMall Mattar.


Ob i Baal ka Mall •■lAM9m Maatk aa Mall ■•«•«■•«••••$ -M BUMla OaaaOalmral Om Taaa......... n ..ll.M

KBMBBB o r TMB anOCIATBOTfea IMitaUlal Praia la aaelnalaala

aattUal U tta aaa al rapabllaatloa af all aawa Miaatabaa eradiial W It aa aat atkarwlM ara«lta« la tfcia aBkar aal alaa tka laaal aa«a aab> Bahai karala.

All rl«ku af rwalUaallaaa at apaatal lltaaukaa kartla ara alae ra>

n n aaralaa allaat af M. B. A karv

BakUakara BapraaaaUttaaa; Tka lamia Matkawa BpaoUl Aganea—Na« Tafk. Cklaaaa. Oatroli aal Boatoa.

MM ia ttlt mubM t Cutec7 aua> ita kppMT Ik daligM IB put*

tiac into peattlo— et laapoaMMUty woilMra of foratcB origin eoaeara* lag wBoaa aatoeadaBta thay know nothing aad appaiaatljr cara Iom. Though tha alrplana la aaaenaally Amartcan In origin and la devalop- meat and though tbia country pre- duoaa M fine nechaalea as any in thd world, the Induitry la (till of people arhoaa Intareat in the United Btataa la problematical aad their loyalty to It an unkndam quantl* ty, but who are blindly truitod.

Tha beat protaetlon poaBbU agalnat aabotage la our defenaa In* duatrlai la a watchful aya out agalnat the latruilon of aabatoura. It la very doubtful Indeed that'any auch watch la being kept.

'HBMBBB AODIT BTIBBAO OT(hbcolatiuiib._________________

Tha Betaia Ptlating OoMpaar iPAt aaaamaa aa aaanelel raaponalpllitr(Of typecrapklaal amra apaaanaa M

■ ■ ■" ManekaitMagaartlaai Kaaiaa IB a t^

la the

. Saturday, August I I

CriadBBl Lobby FrnltIt la expected that the total of

ag anaa to tha atate resulting from the Waterhury trial win be In eX' eaas eg flOO.OOO. That Is a great deal ot money. But It la, for tha BHOiant, a bit baalds the queatloo that the time la aura to come when legal aquandarlng ct state funds win he as out of date as the Illegal 1—eii»|f with which this trial dealt. The point la, now, that the people « ( Oonnactleut ought to get as ameh aa poaalbla of beneSt In re- tm tor these two hundred thou* aand eg their dollars.

One thing that they ought to gat, hayond peradewitura. ia tha rapaal at the next seaaloa of the danaral Aaaemhly of the aa*called Phlr Trade Act, hook, line aad aiBkar. That act was Jammed

rg*» the Legislature by Harry a . Mnrkenale and Chariaa B. WU* bamson, lobbyiaVbeeeee, handling the RapubUoan Rouse, aad Frank Wapaa, beutenaat-goremor, hand­bag the Demoeratle Senate. Its paaBBga was surrounded by a hMvy Oder and Hugh M. Aleom, Jr., la the lioaae. declared that it was paid far hy a big atuah fund raised aaaeag the drugglate og the state SBd drug wiiolaaalaia outside tbs State. It had no other purpose in the world than to add to commer- eial profits at the expense of the

AO three eg the men most ae- tlSBly eoneersed in the adoptlan eg that prtvate-Intarast measure , bays haan found guilty or admitted their guilt la the Waterbury conspiracy. They are utterly dlacrsdltad—to­gether with all their public deeds. The Fair Trade Act was one of

Not all the corruption In Connsc- ticut Laglalatlre ptocaedlnga has bean uncovered by the Waterbury trial, but many atnlater clues have bean. It might well be that any at­tempt at the next Legislative aes- aiea to defend the Indefensible Fair Ttads Act against rapes! would re- ault in a revival of young Mr. Al- eern’s *Vuah fund” charges aad a demand throughout the atate for a prohing of the circumstaacea under which the act was passed.

It Is reasonably predictable at this time that there would be no de* ganae of the act—that a proposal to tapeal It would go through both hranehea of the Legislature with­out opposition, accompanied by great algha of relief on the part of Ita promoters tor a termination of tha &atter other than at tha end of the trail that leads to Wstharsfleld.

Sabotage? It’s PossibleTha runaway launching of tha

BrlUah aircraft canlsr Formidable, mtraculoue in the eircumatanca that It took ooly one Ufa whereat It Blight easily have kiUed ecores If aot hundreds, la aa yet a good dtai eg a myitery.

Thara have baen an extraerdl- Bsiy number og mysterlout aeel- daKa iB tha tawt year or ao. many Bg tham having to de srlth mlUUry BgBlpsisnt—warMupe. aubmarlnee, StrarafL Perhaps there are aa BMBF In the totalitarian countries aa aiwmig the totelHarlene’ poten­tial epamlea, We don’t hear of theaa; but thaa, we probably

"taaaldB't in say evenh■awteer, it is alsaost ImpoaMbls

ts heap away from aeme suapMon rt diMbarate, purposeful aahMage.

la yet to oe TbMs have been nu-

fhOorM eg airplaaa eoginas

og. a great 'a t hw ptar. Tha For-

aoddMi piuage into tha BNfaaf Lough, from a

eg CBpe- eg graaL

iB B laglMl

NegUgibla KnhiiA good many people have never

had too high a regard (or tha Dlea Committee or too high an opinion of the Intellectual ctature of tu chairman, the small-time member of the House .og Repraaentetlvae

I from Texes who, coming to Waah*{ Ington with a vary pale backgfound of experiences and no jiarticuiar ablUty, found hla opportunity for a place la the pellUeal sun by aa ex- case of “Amerleaalam.'*

But perbepa the vary llghtaeaa and maladroltneea eg the commit­tee, becauM It wholly failed In making Frits Kubn behave In a de­cently respectful manner toward a group repreeantlng the United States Congress, did a noteworthy service this week. It M Kuhn ( hlblt hU complete contempt for this country's government, laws and customs, and at the earos time display wtUiout much restraint hla own personal ebaraeterlsttcs— which ars those of a lawleas, impu­dent spoiled child wbose greatest of aU nseds is a kiek In the pants.

Not before baa tha country had anything Uks no good an opportu­nity to get a line oo the American Naalbimd leader. Ha showed hlim self to be e person of meagre Intel­ligence, scant Information, very lit­tle reeouroefulneae, poeeeesing none of the quallUet of e leader of grown-up persons with an atom of brains In their beads—about as dangerous to sodaty In a country Ilka thia as aa unbeautIful doll with a squeaker In Ita belly.

Even In the company of the Dies committee and la comparison with Mr. Dlss himself. Kubn showed to poor advantage. He didn't even sucoaed In getting hla ears cuffed —which would have enabled' him to run shrieking to the dubious pro­tection of Papa Hitler.

It Is quite safe to dlsmles Frlta Kuhn as a natloaal .menace. But that Isn't saying that, like a nolay end latrusivs By with sticky feet, somebody may not take a swift ■lap at him one of these days; per­haps some good, loyal American janitor of African descent, uaed to swatting bugs.

n iaiwad ia aa ttB Mlawtags

rrhers WBB gteoaqr unaalaiity in an Oeraua cIk Im that the altiiA* tiea WM rapidly toklag a grave tura that migkt aaquira early Gar* man acUen. Aad the responKhtU- ty for this turn for the worse waa very emphatically put on Poland's stubborn atUtedc,” stc.

It is to be safely eseumad that the correapODdante speak of gloom for (he very simple reason that thara Is gloom la tha Berlin air. And if BerHn is becoming gloomy for the Brat time Mnea the Hitler axpanalon campaign began it Is, unquesthmably, because it ia begin- ntaig to uttdarstand that Oermany Is actually confronted, (or tiis first tints, by a rastatance that la wholly unUksly to yield. In ether werda, that the Neal Reich ia In e poeitlan whtrs sba must alther fight or crawfish.

Up to this tlms tha Nasls have won their onm way by tremendous tutethumplng aad sabre rattling. They had, perhaps net unnaturally, reached the view that they could aleraya win their earn way by such methods. It Is tharafore not only Utterly disappointing but a posl- tlvo shock to learn that In tha caaa of Poland these roethoda win net work—that there la only one way to eontlnua on and that ia by mili­tary action, rad war. And they do not retlsb tba prospect

To be sure, they have not wholly abandoned hope of making the bluff atlek—ao they ara shouting even loudsr than svtr, working tne old thsatrlcals ovsr again, with more noise In the orchestra and mors ehaklng of bannara thaa ever before. But gloom has corns Into tha Nasi picture. The Nasls find thsmselvas up against something for which they have no appetite at ell.

Mid-Road ThumberaCommissioner Hickey; Now that

the Waterbury episode hea become history—or practically ao—may we have your car for a moment?

There la. we bsllsvs, a lew against thumbare Intruding upon tha travel lanes of any Connecticut highway. For a while after the adoption of that lew moat of the htufi-hlkers did keep off the paved ways, or nearly off; end there were a few, just a few, arrests of those who did not. But recently the Uaumbere have been becoming bold­er aad bolder In their defiance of the law. And there ere no arresta

It te nothing unusual, any more, erhen a motorist Is compelled. In order to be sure of not striking ons of these tnalatsnt transportation bounds, to swervs fsr to the Isft of bis proper position on the toed. Sooner or later this consideration for the life of the thumber Is go­ing to cost lives quite possibly more useful end deserving of pro­tection.

Wouldn't It be timely, Mr. Com­missioner, to Instruct your State Police offlcera to resume—or begin —tbe atrlet enforcement of this perfectly reasonable end useful regulation? Of course It Is not to be aaUelpatsd that hltch-hlksra ere going to stand directly in the path of an oncoming police car. If they recognise It ea auch. But often enough they wlU try this bluff on the car ahead of a police car, and directly under the eye of tbe cop. And nine times In ten It will bs in Boras place outsida the poUce limits of town or dty. where there la no one to pinch them If the atate cop docan't.

The mlddla-c(-the-reed thuinber la a nulmce aad a menace. How about making examples br a few of, hlmf

No Appatita

Foreign'nswapaper eorrespond* Mts ia Bertta an uaing, tbeae last (aw daya. a word which htONtta haa aot appsand la desertpttoaa of tke Oanaaa attitude toward the MineiBttva erISM out of which tho


Matter o f RelativityIt may be a pretty good thing

for Edward Benanaon, a New Tork City realty dealer, that the eourte of tha big dty are so numaroua and so busy that usually ons doesn't know what tbe other Is doing, wnUs even proseeutora don't alwasra pay much attention to whet thdr eaalstants ars about

Benenton, who waa arraeted for driving bis ear la New Tork under a Connecticut registration, though a resident of the Empire state, waa fined gS In^what Is reported aa a test case. In the oourss of hla hearing Benenson laatetad that his bona fide residence was In Bharon. this state, but admitted that he had voted In tbe last two dty elactiona la New York.

Apparently neither Mr. Bencn eon, tha judge nor anybody else paid any particular attention to tha apparent (act that, by Ms own ad' mlaalon. the realty man waa guilty of Illegal voting.

But perhaps, becauae of long habituation. New York deems lUs- gai voting a much leas ssrtous ot ftnse than chiseling on ear regis­tration, not ao much •pitting in the aubway.



Waahlngton—One reason con' grcaamen want to go home Is to gst at some honsst Chitatlaa fiah-

'• are not the Bnal authdrlty no what BebIng ought and ought aot to be, but we do know good fiablng when we find It. And fishing In the brackish backwaters around Wash­ington dosM't qualify.

It u Dios, in asvhral ways, to be • member of Oongrese. From now until next January moat membera etin't have anything they abso­lutely MUST de. db they can spend •t least a little time at luxurious uneseentlels erhUe driving away tbe confltete, paalea and raea of a crusty eeaion.

For that we recommeod trout ftehlag with a light rod aad filea In a mountain stream. Flat atreama won't do. The quiet la too ove^ wbelmlag. Ocean baekwstera won’t da Oongreaamen fish In backwaters around bare.

The Thaa WhichA beat trip oa the ^

ts a sample' of that The’ lata Senator Joe RoMason of Arkansas used to Indulge, but It never took Ms pressure deem.

You go out iB a boat with half b doaen oompankma. A BMtor polls you out uito a ehaanel current* You lower Unes. They ate hand llaea They are not on a Ught plla- Me poto.

You piaca a pteee of ehrlmp or maybe a lump of JeUy-Uka crab meet on tha book, slak It with n five-ounce aaMwr. and wait for Mtea thies to 10 fathOBM deem.

You an Hkely to catch anything from aen trsut - (a crabs aad eels. Aad havt ybu^avar stopped on an •el. at o lf^ t In- the bottom of n

Much of the M U ^ la nhM 'llirir or just bafora auaHea. We hate to think what Might hapnea IT a eca-

. tlM bay la aato ---- -■

iBtthrtaM rate, >Aaulad up ^“tllg ttBT*~

aalM a . ^At Sa^cieek hi tba

tour aUB drhtks and a i

nothing else quite eo nasty looking •a a toadfiab.

Have MereyIf your eongreeemen didn’t vote

light on neutrality or landing- spending, think twice before you hang his political scalp on the traf­fic Ught at Main and Seventh •treat.

The fellow may have tried hon­estly to de-fog bis mind with some Qahinge only to haul up a toadflah that made him think the world was an ugly place not worth sav- Ing. 0

Majority Leader Barkley gave a hint of the sltuaUoa when he pleaded tor time for Congress to get back home aad gain strength from the feel of famUiar epota. Ho tiled to tell the etory of the Creek giant, Antaeus, whose strength waa reatored each time be touched earth. By the closing hour of the beetle eessloa Barkley couldn't think of the gtant’a name. He was that Mgb In the air. He thought it might be Andreas.

“It's Antaeus." Bsnstor Winiam King of Utah prompted. “He was a Creek, not a Scandinavian."

King haa to keep hU feet closer to earth .thsM days. Next year he la up for re-election as a bemocrat In a state quivering on the brink of a swing to Rspubllcanlsm.

In New YorkBy Oeorge Rosa

NSW York, Aug. ! » —(#)—Roy Post, invsntor of ths Lie Detector, received considerable publicity the other day when he tested hla device oo the aeronautical employeee of the Wright plant ia Paterson, N. J. But the accounts of the Lie Detector’s eueeeee didn't carry thU eldeUgbt;

Tbe quesUoo Poet put to em- Ployeee before the Lie Detector went to work oo them was. “Are you a member of a secret organlaatlooT The teU-tale gadget could (lad no Munehauaeae among tbe lot until one emplesree waa confronted with the routine query. He said “na" Tbe Indicator on tbe Lie Detector shot up. '

1'he follow who sold he didn't be­long to a seBret organlsatloo took tbe teventor of the lie Detector aside. He withdrew a badge from Ms pocket which Identified Mm as a member of the FBI—that aecret body wMcb la beaded by J. Edgar Hoover.

Even a O-Man cant win.Another Team Parte OaaqmBy

Manbattanetea; Boogwrlten Mac Cordea aad Harry Ravel, one of the moat euceeaeful tune teams In the eouatry, broke up tbeir pairtaer- •Mp a short wMIe ago, to go their separate ways. Ironlmdly enougb, their last eoUaboratloa waa a baUad •ntitlsd TMa le tbe Begtnalag of the Bad., A Wan Btrast mmdloato wea tr^ lag te get together with a weU- kaowB Broadway abawmaa tbla week and bava Mm “froat” (br tbeIr purebaae of tbe Tanka. The price: about six mUlkml

AlexaBdar WooUcett repeated^ backed out of the new Rart-Kauf-

play becauae It waa errittea Bet anly (Mr him but about Mm. sad be reewited tba ebaraeterteetion. ,

A Rialto abowmaa has been ea- joUag Edna May Oliver into dciiig a earleatura af Eteanor Itooaevelt la a Btw Broadway masleal—and ■be bae turaed Um deem wltb a curt eaplaBattoa that aba doee not care to flaunt dlareepect af tba FInt Lady.

Bbiee tbe baa waa Itfled ea Cba- feeelooa of a Naxl Bpy in Fetand that film baa bad.aMuaticaal Maatage

la tt adkttng to tbaPWB il« WwW P*

gpdemHcha Leyal to OmehaTba ertfb of a high Caech afflelal,

bafbra the N W grab, arrivad wltb bar (Bur chlMreo abroad a oteaaito Uda.tm h. IB her puira was an Me had M t~4T eewts sn mwabera of tbe CBeeb caleay bare west aboard

to Up her

America Clamoring to QuestionItself on Everything in Census

WasMngton— —Tba currant an-, thueium for quis gamaa may have ■omatMng to de with It, but Ameri­ca la clamoring to question Itself on everything from waffle Irona to Hbrulas.

Tbe Census Bureau has disclos­ed that It has received hundreds or suggestions as to subjects that should be Included In the IMO cen­sus.

Some are good, seme are logical but would require years of arerk or a million ’workers, and soma are—as the bureau prefers to put It—“very peculiar."

One man wrote that he thought It would be beneficial to tha country If It could be determined bow many periona are over elx feet tall.

A woman wanted to find out bow many roome In the United States have no windows.

Pleads For Deg OeaeoaAn organisation pleaded for a dog

census. It didn't just want to know how many dogs there are, but want­ed the bureau to classify them by breeds.

A group of Industrialists asksd

'P'for a census to determine bow many railroad ttei there are In America.

One cltlsen suggested that tbe census takers ask at every door— do you have • waffle iroo and a Bible?. One of the strangest letters sug. gested thst all fsrmtrs be asked:

1. Do you have a sebrula on your farm, and If so, hpw many:

3. Do }rou have a cataloe on your farm, and If so. bow many?

Are Hybrid Animale 'A sebrula Is a hybrid'Zebra. A

cataloe Is a cross between a native buffalo and a domestic.cow.

A women wanted tbe census tak­ers to ask:

1. If you’re net married, why aren't you?_ 2. If you don't have children, why not?

Anothto female letter writer sug­gested that the bureau find out the color of tbe eyes aad balr of every American.

One man even asked that tba bureau determine the credit rating and family history of every person In the nation, s ^ then take Me flng^rinta.

H e a lth A n d D ie t

A d v ic eBy DR. FBANR MeOOT

Varloaea VetoaPeople who must stand or walk at

thslr work are the ones most likely to be troubled varicoee valaa, aad wa tberafora And tMa eoadlUon among housewives, waltrasaaa, Clarks, poUeamen and mallcarriars.

Tha two usual eauaaa of varlooaa valfia ara prolapaua (or sagging of tba abdominal orgaiw) and constipa­tion. Howsvar, la aromaa, the waar- lag of tight gartora above tba knee Is aaothar poaalbla causa.

Varleoaa veins, unlaaa treated, tend to grow gradually weraa, as tbs walls of tha affseted valiu will becoma stratehad and the valves will tend to fall. Once tha valvaa ara dafactiva, they do not bold back tba blood In tha normal way.

Uaually tba trouble develops vary slowly; and at first tba aMargad aaid swollen veins wlU causs no dlscom' fort. Later oo tba patleat eomptates of an aching aansatloB In tba lag. or of a faaltaf of weight la tba ooluma of tba lag. Standiag oo tba (■at. for lavaral boura, or doing much walking arlll probably IneTtaaa tba dlatraaa.

Tba traatmaat of varteooo ■bould be dlraeted toward tba ra* moval of tba eanaa, which boils dawB to a removal of tba teterfersaeo with tba venous rireulaaea. Pridapaad organa, whan they mdst. moat be raised to normal; or If tba cnoM la cnnatipatlen. tbla moat bo ovorooma.

Uauany tba patient ean be halpadaneugh ao that ha is snttrsiy fortula. sltbough wbsn tbs ara marlmdly awoDaa. it nmy not bd posalMs te eatma tbam to .ratura to normal by any traatmMt rimplo enough to be used at bonta.

Vary often tba patlaat vHn m (ram tabfng n posItlaB ta wWM ba Is lying on n flSaating Board, arttb

hat Mghar tb a n ^tba teat Mghar than tha head. In tbla pealttoii, tba nhfimlnsl organs - pulled away firom tba

. wMdi rslIavM tbe ptaa wMcfa la caaslBg sBagssUca la veiaa of tba lower m liililiss Or. tbs pattsot may flikl fs flff hgr'

thaaka alforated la beqpettly

flelBt wttb tba rabhkig atrekM toward tha heart. Masasgs

ths vstea which ars vattoossd Mould bs avoided but amy bs used arar otbsr parts.

After ths msssaga, Im may ba ^ llad ava r ths aatagad vatMrTWs laay ba tried asvsrai ttam Oifly. The sMDalh,*flMt af tha to iM H

be placed dtracUy agslrut tba sarol' len vein wMIe tbe leg la raised. The lee Breatment wlB usually cause tbe vein to becooM strpagusned and contracted. MUd csito may rsspond in a MgMy gratifying iqannsr. In severs oases, 1 suggest that tbs pa­tient do not rely upon any ' home treatment, but consult s phyalciSD who WlU advise Injection treatment tba wealing of a rubber Btoeking, or •uch other measures as ha datms fiMMMry.

You WlU find tbs loe treat more fuUy dlseusaed In my article' on VARKSosB VEINB. TMe vriU be scat to any reader of tbla newspaper who writes te me and encioeea a large, eelf-addreeaed, stamped en­velope.

Queetiana And • Answers (Heart TrsBMeT)

Qusstlon: Mrs. L. L, O. asks: ''T would Uka to know If my aymtoms mean 1 have heart trouble. I get pains over tbe heart Bometlmae 1 am a UtUe dlssy, eapeciaUy when I am Mttiag down and go to riaS to my feet ia n hurry. I am vary tired in tbe mornings. It eeema to be my pulse la a UtUe fast I have always, from a young ebUd, bad a great fear or dread of dropping daad wttb baart tronbla.’*

Answer: Tbs aymptema you sertba might or nd^t not, bo due to n baart dlaordar. Tour tear of baart trouMa would tntonstfy any aymptoms wMcb nriaa Tba onto way I know for you to find out rraat-ls really arreng te to ba asamliiad tt may rsaaaure you te bam that many ot tba palaa arhldi aaam to eoraa from tba faglon of tba baart ara not due tr baart trouble, but art tba raautt of eauam artelag low tba diapbragm. A gaa peekat In tha atoBiach waidd ba caprtia af produeteB aoma of tbo aymotoam yon BMBtICB. The beat advto I nmy paariWy gtva you te to ba an flBd out wbat te smog, atert traat- mant—aad thus ralteva your mind of a groat lead of anxtety. Ooeo you gat atartod ea tba axamlBattoa you wU dad It te mnpfa aBMar Own you

< »Jeoatban Q.

*DoM nauritiaa aver eauaa l to baeema thin aad dry?". AaaBrar: Ih aeom s u m at i rttte, Um n te n dtelnrbaaos sfof tba akin and la such tha autriUoa of ths akia may-aBfter. teadlBg ta ‘ ‘ aad

T "‘ '’ "p a r I bag your paifiao, sir. MF wmo waata apa to haip bar atesa heuss this nftsraoan. Would

A ■srtao StNtw York: Blmoa and Bebuster, M.T5.

It te rare that tba Intimate ba- Uate of people like Peart Buck, BmU Ludarlg, Julian Huxley, Thomas Mann, Oaoiga Bsntsyans. iteffan- son, Rsbacca West and Jsmss Thur- ber ars gathered In one place, read­able for even tbe most casual book­worm.

You wtil thliik about much that it contains long after the reading te over, and you wUi go back te tbe personal axprestiona—perbapa years from now. Here te what Paarl Buck says:

’Tor mysalf, I choeae Ufa any­how, anyrvtaare. Whatever my mood or Mreumatanee, I know 1 choose life. I ha-ve at certain times -in my life been very poor Indeed. There have been times wben I eur- veyed my circumstaneea and had to acknowledge to myself (rankly that every one of them waa wrong and that I really had not one thing to make Ufa worth having—aad stlU it waa worth having.

"I have seen too much death to be In the leaat afraid of It, and yet 1 de not want any kind of death. I want any kind of life as long as 1 esn hsvs tt. Evsa though f were racked with pain I woiud find a few frae moroante between worth having. And I knew pain Itealf may ba poattlvaly Uvad.

"Is Ufa then roaraly an attitude of mind toward Hvlng? No, It te more than that Tha attitude of mind comas aa a reault of some­thing mpra primary. And this.pri­mary Bometblng te the state of be­ing already aUva—that te. praaassed by tha energy of action, so that one’s baing u a poaltiva (ores la It­self. maruy by Ua sxlatenea, what­ever lU elrvumatenea.

‘Tt means that tha baing goes out to meet anything and everything new la a spirit of iatersst, instead against what te unknown or unac­customed. It means putting aside eircumstanocs that cannot -he changed and living beyond them. It means roving Imagination and daring thtnMiig and rsady laughter aad quick appreciation and intense Interests and wide obaervatlon.

’Theaa things bava nothing to do with dreumstancea. A woman tied to a wasbtub and a man to a ma­chine ean possese them all—If they w1U.”

of open Inquiry and of Instant raaction

Out In Oelumbla, our local color spotter says they're diving for tinge sad other ’Tost srUelea" Hke out­board motors. Not knowing just how large an article might ba brought up. we suggest that tha beach patrol out there take itepa to comb the bottom-for giant base wMeh have been lost from at least KIO fiahllnes that wa know of.

Wlthoot maaleos By Pat Bleaa

New Tork: Modern Age. 75e.I f you are interested in the story

of ths development of one of the world's mightiest nations, the ob­servations— without illusloiM — aa the author saeuree ua, of a resident of seven years ought to prove weU worth tbe reading. Bloaa waa aa Bhigltah teacher and correspondent of the British New Leader in Russia, and understands the country and can write of ita growth aa, perhapa, can no other man. .

Bloaa doaa not compare aa much aa ha portrays, and says of the gen­eral attempt to see Russia through forslgii ayss “even today tha prevl- eua nackwardneaa of Ruaala-atiU shows Itself In certain sspeete of living conditions. Tha appalling overcrowding- la the towns of tba U. B. 8. R. te not aoroatblng sauaed by the Revolution; It te a survival, vriUoh haa 'csrtalMy been lateasl- fisd to soma extent by tha rs| groarth of the town poputettoa. each a rapid groivth of tha

tlon baa Itealf been neeamaty lop that industry which alona

wtn'Tnaka poaalbto a real Improva- mant of hbaaiag eondlUoaa. /

"Tberafora, wbaa wa a|avay tha development -■’ -* -* - - - tba worid’a let ua atwaya b w w /i 1B17 tt waa one of the 'srorid’s most backward coontriaa, and that soelal- tem te In Its infamy and avan now haa been In (Ml teorfclng order in town and eoimto for a period-of onljr five yaarar

"In tba fu fm people will look back on thapb first 30 years of tba

M tba "prlmitiva’’ MClsUst orgsalsstion

bato attempted (Or tba first They vrill look badi at tbs

SO yam

ehanga te

■, wnan wa survey tna; of tba U. 8. 8. R. as first soflsHst country,

rs bear te/teted that la


davateatonto af tba first Of tl^ Sovtet RapnbBe aa ^teaoraUea and ehaaga

iw m tem was being Intro- all ktotfi aC obitaidM

and a bostite world. They wffl re­gard auch tbtega aa tbs mvan bour day and two waaka* vaeattea as Jnat tha first apelal tetpravanants wbieb tba aaw bted of ab|a to tatredoea.

"ThsM are mattora muat diwaya bear te mind, far athar. artea wa Iom our pacapaettva af wbat to eeeurrteg."

Our Maod, tba MMdte tnrapfka tomato baroo, baa baaa eft (or tbe weak, aad aocordteg ta tbe goaslp. ba haa baaa loDtag aroond Oovantiy Lake. Wa aB ha«a mteaad hhn. To bogte wtth. ear taka sea patkags, bouAt Moodsy, lasted an woHiTwo g o t ^ aa ooty tbraa' paeka af matchla. Tha aot of tawa papara hava hara triowod by an te aaqosnea of pagao liiatead of aa mams, white eeimtiy oocratotedHto compteln that tiMtr atnSls b a i« adltad. By auch Bttto stoM am wa lantedad of ear teak e t ear frtend, who Mon­day wU ba back. ton hatwaar type

fa moment, and turn from tba stli^ ring accounte of "arar games’’ to a censldaratlon Of tha forcaa that stir armies sad the new balaaea of power.

Author WMtaker states that Eu­rope te shadowed under a setting sun, that Importance and leader- ■Mp in the future rest on us aad on our neighbors of 8outh America. He luiitea the facte of this elreum- stance clearly.

"The balance of power haa pass- ad to the western hemisphere—the bslsnce which etsade between two evenly divided groups aad abifte the decisive weight sgslnat the would-be aggressor. The power for •teblUty wMch has residsd aemo- tlmea in Parle but most frequently in London bsa now passed across the seas. Weahington today te the capital of the wond. Whether they •re prepared for It or not, tbe stockbrokers of Wall fitrMt, tha tenant fanners of Arkansas, tbe meat packers of CMeago, tbe Ford workers of Dstrolt, tbe Oeorgla and Florida crackara tbs oU mss of Oktebqma, tbe miners of Mon­tana, and tbe strtng-tls orators /i of WasMngton, D. C., bold tbs das* tiny of tbe world In tbeir bands. Tbe responsibility has become theirs. They hold tbo pispondsr- snee of power. They can decide that Ms Md U (or world domination and stop Hitler, or they can daeide that be te a purely European phe­nomenon and rctlra into tba more or lem traditional laolatloa of this country. However, they decide, tbe deetaion will bs historic. . . .

“In the 30 Latin American “re­publics" to tha south Ito ths social, political, and geograpMcal poton- tlaUUsa wMcb our loss naed. Among the South American die* tatoraMps It te posslbls (or Oer* many, Italy and Japan, stngty or In combination, to crsste our Man­churia. our Ethiopia, our Austria, our Csecboalovakla, and our Spain. If we have our MuMch, It wlU ba somewhere in the southern ccati- nenU

Chleaga (IP> A cure tor “radte-^ tiea sleteiess." which has baaa a major abstacte te gtvliig canaqr patteats ’ x-Ray trsatmante, baa beta aiuiouacad by the Amarteaa Medleal Aasodatiioa.

Tbe dteeovary waa reported In tba Aaeodatlea’a Journal by Dr. J. WaUaca Graham of Toronto, Ont

Ha found that MeotlMc acid, a form of tba vitamin E complex.proved "definitely atfaetlva" In ra- Uavteg tba Uteam In 74.S par cant ot 70 patlante te whom It waa given.

Of tlM 70 eaaaa, 37.1 per cent ■bowed "exeallent raaMte” and 47J2 par cant “good.” A “(sir result” was ebtainad te 14.S par cent and 11.4 par cant tba drug (ailed.

cause ot tbe rieknem, wMeb Dr. Orsbam said eccurrad In about 37 par cant ot tba X-Ray patients, te uakaewn. Tbs untoward reaction baa baaa a “major problem ot roentgen tbernny." ba eaid.Prarar to Dteoentteae Traatmanti With tba addttioo of nausea aad

vomiting to tba dlecomfort of these a liB i^ suffaring from cancer. It te aot surprising ttiat some pstlenta prafar to dteoontinus tbeir treat- manta rstbsr than suffer this sddl- doaal dtetraae,” be commented.

acid, a nutritional te traatlag human

pellagra and btacktegua In dog*- of* fats graat promtea. Graham In- dleated. Ha ranertod that la the eaaaa wMeh (ailad to respond to the drug. Um eonditUn of the patient •ad tbe advaaead etege of tbe dis­ease seemed to be iavMved.

Other baaltb briefs;Commantlng on a beautician’s

etelm that saturstlag the system with iodine would cause the hair to turn raddteh brown—and thus avert gray hair—tbe Journal said:

Haa Na Seiaatfle Rronnd*Tf this theory were correct, the

world would be full of reddish brovm hair, for every eyphUetle patient un­der proper treatment ingeste iodine la considerable amount over long pe­riods. Thera te no srientlfic ground (or the ides."

Wherever man Uvea the tntcetlnal psrarite causing dysentery te found. Drs. Frank H. Connell and Harry T. French of Hanover. N. H, re­ported.

"In temperate parte of our eoua­try St least," the physleians con­cluded, ‘Ithe probability of acquir­ing sn sroeMe infection depends more on bow one Uvea thsa on where one lives."

Tha Ihtator And Tha lady By Wnitem Bteha

New Tork: 1380.

Blmoa aad Bebustar.

New Tark: Msamfnsi. HBOi. Aa the kan-ctoods of war

Vivid word pieturaa, unusual premtees. phUoac^y, thasa aU ara eontalaad In this b c^ wMeb tMte the story of tbe rise of the Frsaeb Popular Front. Both the rtea of ■oclaltetle poUtlcUns sad tbslr (sn te predicted as one of ths two Huguenot brothere, about whom tba story te founded, 'Wqireises Ms eon- vletloae.

“Tbe judge aad tba procurator • referred te my politics. I bate poli­tics sad tbe p^tlcal typa BoeteUsm mesas to me tbe freedom cf man from elasa strogglea. Than there./, will be no politics.

"The issues bafora a s e ^ Roup turn about phsrricsl ebjac- Uves. A nan-political nstura mxb ■a mins can groVr only under so- ' claltem. Man want simple adven­tures In bsllocos, polar ssas, troll­ing la forsata, fonowiag tbs wbafit plant to Its sources, or studyteg the growlag of svsiaaebss. Or in machinery, Improvto gsdgsta. It will be the repinlte at happy fools, ot God's (OiDte.- "Tha poUtidans who are work­ing for aoclaltem win aot Uka It whan It com^ For they are work- ing for thalr own extinction but they don't know It. 1 am an artist.1 know It.

"What win the aittet cooesra Mmaalf wltb? Oh, not with prob­lems' Not with ravolutloo, that win- be over. Faadea Uka “Tbe Arabian Nigbte,’ yams such aa Blabad tdd poems Uka Maltar- me's, hrho can tell?

*But I have (Mtk . . . . Cteaa ' l^ e , you will cut off no despair; you win simply sad one man who taopea and beltovsa: Let Mm tbe others coma I have dona"

Expansion Action Seen Necessary

WaaMagteo. Aug. l l.— Tba American Federation of Labor bs- Uaves aa immediate teeiaaaa In tba nation’s production aad living stand­ards te aacassary to foiaataU “a (ur- tber demand for gevarnmant apand- Ing, wltb Ite danger of Inflatter aad ooaaaquent loaaaa to waga aarnara”

"Action (or btisteam axpaadoa oa a sound baste te tbarafora togaat." tba Fadaratloa aaid test night in Ite mentMy aurvay of "snail,wa advance on a eooparatlva providing (or tba aaada ofsroupA or aban wa aoeapt gevesoi mant domination T" -

1 ^ 'Tba labor organlsaUen —i*«a tba RooaavMt admlntetration to tba teed In a eooparatlva affOct to buslnaaa labor, taxmara and etban to stlmMato produettan.

Simple Peace Plan Replaces Fish Plan

Grim Drama A t the State

**E«eh Dawn I Die** Stark Tragedy; Gimedy Re< lief Also Offered.

Jamoa Oagnay and Goorga Raft, tbe two ebaanpton tough guys cf filmdom, ara ee-atarrad In *Baeb Daira Z Die," i atetfe, cruel, grim and tramandoualy exciting picture of Ufa behind prtecn bare, pt^uoad by Warner Broa, wMMt opens to­morrow at tbo State tboater.

Beth .CBgnoy and Raft, aa taiter- oating a starnag team •• baa baaa pot tocetbar la Hollywood, tbslr laittel nra-arolaaaea oa ■eraan aa dwlnaaton at me


gangsters. Raft to a gangster agsm In "Each Ddwn I Die", wMls CBgnsy W aa boosst sad upright ettlsstt, but before tbs and of tba Bletuia there te littia to cboeaa ba- twi ra fba two ebtef ebafaeten oa tha nobw oT toadmeM.

Tba matsmorphoate ta tba ehar- seter of tba decant young fallow Blayad by Jimmy eemaa about under tba bruteltetaw tofluenea of first be­ing rallreadad to prison for a crime of arideb ba te taaeaaat aad thaabatag treated croMly at tba priaon. OOttia other band. Raft to oa tbo wmog sMo of tbo law right from tbo bagtanlng, bat •• tbo pictura comoo to a eloaa bo finds a way to wipe Uastato alami aad vtadlcate bte Ufa aa a gaagstar. The taterdapqad* ■naa o f tbaaa tmo ebanetera gtva *TSaob Dawn 1 Dto" a novel aad

thiOtow tlHiniff Hint _R q jt^ ' fir ^ ajqr p^gn

Aside tram tba tadlvidaal drama atalek daval^a^ta the eonraa of It,

to ua-. tba OMst aothantle as

vmn as tbs most exciting sad tor- rifytag daptettCB of sock an avsot

mr hssa shown on tbs It makes a — « cH-

for a truly pewsiful pictura IB addition to Capfay aad Raft aad Mias Brymi. the east ta studded wtth aamss ot mnasrous top-fllgfct par- tem wR teriudtag (laatga B iia ^ ^ Manto RossnUoom, Btentoy Ridges, Alsa Baxter, Victor Joty, John Wlyy. Bdtraid Pawlsy. WlUaid Rebottsen, PaM Hurst. Louis Jasa Rsydt. Jos OowBtag and Emma Ptma. ~ Tbs diractien was baadlad by wnnam Ksigbtey. who steo dl- racted OsgBto ta "0-Msn."-Tha supneritag fsatun ta a

ady. "Oowbey Quartetbaefc."

5,000 FiremenIn Big Parade

Ustten: New Ravm. Wnitem R. Dagnaa of Osrto; Hartford, Edward J. MeNany ot Harttierd; Now Ion- don. Osrt J. Rootn ot atonlmtoa; Tonaad. Gsoega MBaa af Rodrvtna; MIddteaMi, AicMbald J. Fultoa af MiddlatewB; UtChflald. Robert Ran- dara of- Themaatan; WtaOam, Gootga R. Barpor of Putnam. -

- Ooaaty vieo-pnaidrats. tegatl with Blato offlean, make up tba

commlttoa of tho

V iU ag0 C e le b rto e t

F a m ou s G ia n t H oa x

Cardiff. N. T., Aug. lb—<P>— This UtUa vUtege of 180 paraens want about Its routtas bustnam today after a celebration dedi­cated to ono of tbe moat famous heaxaa la Metory—tba Cardiff giant of 186F.

Tha cetebration Tburaday aigbtsponsored by tbe Tully VsUey Orsaga grow out of tbe plse- iag of blghwsy markers per­petuating tba memory ot tbe gjpeum giant

Dr. P i^ M. Palaa Byracum Ubrariaa who recounted dotaite of tbe dteeevsry of tbo phony probtetorle giant told Cardiff roaldente "It’s a story of a barmltm fraud, a doeeptiOD wMcb never hurt anybody un- taaa It WU tbo mm bade at It ta wboM atatemante nobody trusted tbsreafter."

Cardiff wsant u crowded aa It WU 70 years ago wbu bug- glM and stagaeoacbM clogged tba reads, bringing tourtete who wuted te su tbs giant dug up and scclalmad u s gmtdas flnfi

Both the (tent and tbs Byrs- cuM nsculators who promoted, tbs affair and “ptented” tba menater wound up in Um red, Tba g lu t now rapeau to u Iowa wanbeuaa bald for stor­age faaa

This tent a group of tour lovely Hollywood stesoa tth just Ross- mary L u s looking >ssductiva. anehuting, glameraus. sitd aUurlitg all St enos. Wteardry of make-up artist srtd esmarsmu eembina to give mMtl-buuty offset Star of "Four Daughtars” sarias, Mtes

Lua to bare shown capable of playing aU parte baratlf.

Nashua, N. H.. Aug. 1»— m — Frsd W. Eatabrook, M. RapubHeu Nattenal commlttesmu from Now HampOMra mora tbu 30 yaars age, and OM of tba country’s teadtag ataea muufaeturara prior to bte ratlra- mrat ta U34. diad tod^.

■adTB I

took 118 puntes from Jom ^ K i^ butdiar drop raemtiy

captured baeaum ba paused to count tham. Polios found him at tba esab ragteten-stm eeunttag.

Akron, O.—(^ --A Uttto soft mu- s plaaae, maastre, for tba opsnlag

at Akrea’a nswsst law-firm. Tba firm aaoM ta “Harts sad Flewsrs."


Bis TBBtetu.gpta dm airialB water.

Oteo, Norway, Aug. Tha(bur-powar peace aebama Rapw HamWen rteb laid bafcra tha In- terparttemantaiy Ubten * u raplae- ad today by n aimpla ptea tknt Europe try paarnfMly to aattla: Ita

w • W « f justlea and

ad (or a SO-day irar moratorium aad nuottattena among Germany. Raly. Pnara and Britata, aal4 tba TCVtoad raaoluflon w u aB r i^ t wttb him u t t "nrgu my Idauta paaea-

n u t”tka UBten OeoacB u tba aonMirs ^

own anggastten. It w u saM. Ttetual- ly tn a o^ adoftton . « ( tka

AFL SuspendsPrinteri Union

Forth Worth, Tax., Aur. 1#.—{»» —An old controversy over auton­omy of tbe Intomational lypo- graplcal Itakm w u thrown wide open again u tha printers wt ■uspanded by tba Aroariean Feder­ation ot Labor on tbe eve ot tb ^ aimual convention.

Praddent WlUtem Green an* neunead at Atlantic Q ty tba AFl> Exaeutlva Council "autoiutleaBy auspandad” tba ITU (or failure to pay about IldODO ta s p a ^ aaui manta for orgsnteatloo drivsa

Presidept CSauds M. Baker ot tbs TTU said *Tvs worirnd hard to prs- vw t” the suspension but deeluiad to predict what action tba convan- tion might taka. Paying tha aaaaaa- mant automatically would reinstate Um union.

A fim U R B t in i Odrio JBiibTiBiiarmrs u v BtOt ataflw.


Vessel Won’t Cany Parrots Any More

Now Orteans— Thoro wasn’t any parrot aboard the S. B. Dnay, Nleanguu banana boat, whan It docked boro raconUy (rom Masleo. Hors'a why:

On tbo Denny's provtou v id t quarantine offloan found a —tw had a pot parrot bo got to Moxioo. ParrotA tb ^ said, soaMtimM oar- rlqd the ateaplag deknam tafaction, m tba banana cargo eeuldn't ba iin-

Tba ofOcan BnaBy. rdantod __ eoadtUon tba parrot bo kept aboaid and taku back to Masleo. W bu tha hananu wsra unioadad tha par­rot w u mtestag. Quaranttu em- eara sold tko drip eooldn’t snU tfl tbs bird w u fooad./ Tbs Danny’s captain Anally had te

dgn an affidavit aaytag tha pnnrott mat death by drowntag bafora hs w u aBowsd to — “ —

Nfivy Salvaga W ork tnAra Sopantitlm ifi Lot

Portsmeutb, N. R., Aug. 13- (P>—Navy salvage workers aia ; u supordttieu u bsU pteysra i

fluking to instirs sitother sue- csssful tow at tbo sunkan sub-, martaa Squatna Thursday, aail- i

ora aboard tbe aalvags sMp Fal-1 eon wore axactiy the lama clotbu they were during tba i first Hft and tear laat Saturday, tt worked.

Daflnttely ragardad u a good omen w u tba prusnea of four Mg guBa wbirit dropped dosm on tba fluting pentoou (or a rids of acme dtetanca.

Stafford Springsdaha O Nalte 473,1

fitartlng nut waak meter vaMela teste wlH ba bald weakly on Tuaa- daya Instead of Monds^ at tbs State PoUu barracks ra Eut Main •trut. Motor VsMcIa Inapaeter Nlebolu Asba of RockvIlla wtil con- Unua bis duttu bare In giving tba exsmlBsUonff.

Mtea OorrlM OtiUgan of Eut strut and Mr*. Frsness Hslgb of Grant Avenue asUad yasterdsy from Buton tor a crutea to Nova Scotia.

Funeral aarvleu for Leute Rob- ortA B3. of tba UMon road ware bald thiM morning, Saturday In 8 t Ed­ward's ^urcb. (Rov. Hsnry Cbabot offleteted at tba raquiam high masA Burial w u la 8 t Edward’s cema- taiy. Mr. Loute a rsaldant of tbla •action (or nearly 70 yaars dted WsdiMOdsy afternoon at bte homo ea Am UMon road. Ho sru bora la Canada and catM bora at tba aga ot IS wbara ba has made Ms boiu aver ■lau. Ha te survlvad by thru sou, IMward Roberts of UMon; loaador Roberta of UMon City, N. J., and Dortu RoborU of Worcaster; taro brotbera, Peter L. Roberta of Btaf- (Ord Springs and Henry Roberts ot Eutbqmpton, Mem.

Mtes Irene Itameey daughter of Mr. and. Mis. ArcMe Ranuwy of Furnaea Avenue and Welter Schu­mann of Stafford Springs, son of Mrs. Anna Schumann at Msrtden arsis married tMa moralag la BL Edarard'a cburch here. Itev. Jeuph H. DoiiMUy, putor performed Um oarsmony and officiated at tba nup­tial mam. Mtes Leou Ramsay ste* tar of Um bride wu brldumsld sad Jerome Remky-of Rukvflle sen u best man. A roreptloo tor tbe eoupte wtil be held tbte evsntag ta the KatgtaU ot Orlumbw Hall Main street Followtag aa unan­nounced wsddtag trip Um eoupte wlU make tbeir heme ta Stafford Springs. Mr. Schumann ta amMoy- •d at the Palau Itestauraait on Mala etreet.

Mtea ElUabatb Moors ot Butan •trut bu raturnad attar batag caB- •d to Wars, H su , by tba dutb at her cousin, Mtea Mary Shuby. Fun­eral urvlcu ware brid Thursday ta Wara

Bridges Heuing May Take Longer

-Tha■oB rrsnoteu. Aim. i f _

•SU32 2.&H5?€s

^ Attnraay lUshfird rimagag a pravte ' oM rniaplats bis ha toanag fiiim niiiinl attar-

hsaria itaagU M ^naar Lm


t asBkh anilter

’ taaaaa Mi loagta u tan- hriektatka anu" affMi

•amey. togay M nattlk tttak

Fotaaga- a-POfgir•taetaef taerertam'

a g a a ia in rg a -- - -^

Wnsoa. X. JO—(« > - « w u * httch AtanrarysttcRf T h s a ^ w u c o a -

ta Buorgtah s«B t tar sttik- w hug thU thna

'TBi ftvtag aa Om raad tar every tka lacardu. "tth

Fliers Seeking New Endurance Re<;ord

Fox LakA IB.. Aug. 13.-<P>— Tno Blais seeking a new endursace iseord (Or light ptenu took off to­day ta n tiny monoidus and bopwl to stay aloft until SopL 3.

Tho avUtOTA William Solbarg, 40, and Homer Bu voy, 34, llftod tboir smaB 86 borsipwrer craft «?ub) off tbo toko R ^on airport at 13:48 A m., (caatral standard tlnw).

latrodnetag a sew wriakte ta « duraau flytag, tbo pair arraagod to isfual flam a uotorbut aklin- atag ever Fox Laka at a 40-mIte- •a-hour dip. Oootaet would ba as- toNtolMd by maau ot a Ugbt cable dangled from tbo plana

Given AuthorityttOver Chinese

Fdptag. Atm. lt.-o n -T lM Japu nsm sponsored provtaloasl gevara-

gara tba aatl-Brttteh Ptekat Oerpa autberity today to isquira nilniu to Ob^ tbalr erdais.

Tba netten would onabte tba corps to fotu rbtesu to osriy out aria- Bittldi movsoMatA The latest thrust appsan to ba tha saadtag of tetters to (Tttasu ompleyu of grit- ooA tbraatentaff tbom with dosth anteu tkay itttt tbslr jdbA

O taqu taagosga sxpsrto sold ths wandnff tottors coatahMd dunctors

'on ly by

BoltonMn. B. B.

Morning worship TriU bs at 3:80 St the Mribedtet eburob.

tu y oeurter whe abet bteiedf eftor theft of bte diptomatte pooch Thnra- day night, dted lu t

The"Ploaasrtag with' ‘ “ be Bt

WlU ba God." Church 10:80.

Ml*. Osrsy CBnoator •atly surprteod Friday altmoen when bar f rionds dropped ta to wteb bar * happy M rtli^ . Mia Black sarvod rsAubrnrata at ds- Uclou Mrtbday oaka •da Ml*. C ar^ tar whe hu tu asvoral ysaiA ta Imptorad In kaalth.

Mr. and Mia Chau ara BMhtag •xtendvo rapalrs on tha Oarpantm placA rsoantty purckaasd by '*

Brooklyn, this (OB to stogy stectrt- esl angUwaitnt.

Mra Addte (Foster) Congdea New Hsvaa, te tbs gnsst ot bar friend and old neighbor, Mia 3toy (Foster) Barber, at tba bema of Walter Fester ot Foster strut, for a few dayA

Tba baaran tor Mia Mary Cam war* bar thru sow. Harper W. Caaa, Laandar B. Caaa and Ib r- clw E. CaaA and •M-ta-law, L, L. Hohantbal, and two grandaonA War­ren G. Cau and Baalra J. Cam. Tha burial w u ta the family plot la tba Wapplag umatory.

Mr. and Mia W. GUbart Lyman •ad family dlB spend tba ramaladar of tbte BMntb at Ptaa Print TraUar OUBD In HftSftrdvUlff.

RaynMod B. Burger amptayad by tba Hoopar-HelaMs Rating Buruu te new Muted ta Barltagtra. Ver­mont, being traasferrad a waaka ago.

Mia frvtaar Tayler and daughter BMrtey wUT spend tba nut two srsaks wItt Mr. aad Mrs. WsUmu R. Bumbam at Btauftord.

Two Couples Are Weii More Than. 50\Years


fftes Rou Adamu bu rsturnsd to bar bonw ta Wsst WiUtagtra after snsadtaf Bvs waaka anjoyiag

WorSeSu?"*^^*^BapiAiMk of tba

HUlsaetlen ta sarlously U! and wu tehan to tba Jebaaen Mamortel boraltal ta Stafford BprtagA

^ LtebUMC of Vniaga Hlfl _ * ^•Mitlful brick bonM near

bte^fltthat and brethar an VUtega

Mr. aat Un. JOha XtauA Br. Long Island ara su ) with bar stetar, Mia ffoou Meadow.

Mra,' A. T. Bronur aad dauahtors M aad Joan af I r o o h ly r ^ T at* spsndtaff two oreekaM the hooM of tha tanaar'a fBthar, Vtaoant

making tkrir homa Mra. Maryhaaarat

Mr. aad Mia Harvey Day w iiitaagtcn. Dalawai* aad^i bava baan miaata af Mr. aad MmWalter F. Day. —■ mra

TPUBarn Meriarty af HarMwd hu ~ appoHM adariatetratar af tha

■ of Mary Mcrlarty I WBBaftan.

Mr. aarilO A JOhn <*"« dM ^tm . M ta d a m Gataaa af

irMkswIuilCr.CMm s at

BUlngtra paopte ahaau tar tbajury Ust cf tka Trilaad Oauaty aupartor court for tka yaarara: Harry O. Abatn. Leota Am- priniA C Waltra Abaca, Chartea mtA Ltawped R. CBaipbril. Jarvte N- 0 * » David O. Ooebu, daod-

j«r william R. Friabte. Gaoma B. mtbaway, Alfrad H. Hebra, G a ^ f HugbsA Howard XlbbA WtiBam J. Ntemaa, Otta ~

Mtes Haasi i Osorga Fstoraon toft eo a motor trip tar a two vaoatlm to Nova Baatia, ( aad ptbar potato af tatorsat

tarm medm dairy ban to ha- 5 &J?*®*^** a* tka ana^ dsatroysg by fln aa tha rsaolt of a Hght^ Mt twn w ag* « tarmerTVUIam N.Bay at Phuity atnat _Mr. aadMm Uwto af Soath GHatanburi a

(smut aad aanmm amittaffa af gaaghtor. MteeVtatan OltaB-

a ^ to diftard a MttriiiB. osn 2 jj?- CL Mttohaflof BBtagtan. Tha waddm wflT Ftaes an Baptamher 3 o f tka ag tha brlia steattt paraata.

Aypllw^ tar B mawtaga I t e Um (M wRk tha Tawa dartd offtea m Maaehaatar m TVBItar J. XByaa af Vaiem and Itoo A te Lb- <«Ba Utda af DBimtaa.

laapaetar MtehaSta Ate af tha Motor vaiMa rTtirtaiial w fll^ ta Roekvflla auliTWate ift e naea. tnm VM to 4’J8.to -«r"tham ssaktaff’ 4ktrartt Bamam R ia

Mr. and Ahrs. Hcaiy tabsi Sr., Married S4 Yem i Thomas Uaka at Gokk en Wedding Dajr.

BeekvUte, Aug. lt*-"Tw« eoitalaa . ta RoekvUte ara nbiinlni tbalr anatvarsartao of fifty yaan aa« mere of mairiaga t e waak.

Mr. and Mm Hsny LobA fir., of U VUtega atiast abamvad thafir a^ ty-taurth'waddtar. aanlysiaad goat Id. Thay wara BMittad A»^ glut Id, IfifiS ta GsrouBy aaf Ofilkfi to tkla dto dwrtly aftaiwBPj fc' TiNy hava an a aMItam. HmgyW UtbA Jr„ Mm JchB Dovas aikl. Mm Tbontas Ryui, aB af thta sltK- ■tgkt graadehUrm aad taw gram- grandmUdrm.

Mr, and Mm Tkoote Udi q f' Fairwaw avanm

thalr frtmds. August it ta i btrthdayaf thsf^— "—J. JhhBstoe.

Mr. aad Mm lidi ta BBtaglm by Rav.They hava Itvad ta M RadraOlo dam te wttRte dtaanttm af B1

tai idtim Thm


Hnrricanee Now

Cloeely Watched

laf te l

Raising A Familyuvn mm

up to B asrtala Bdat, iUa m amwMte UUBff fisr aSar * t e or a

tbajwara, m tt aniat ba goad.But aum a tto-up, Kit baaaiam

I t e iirtaiam t. ta Bha


tatervaliuBtathoiBi t e -

lOaVofl »ABff. U.

I t e OBnad I fit t e Narth AV

t e noQKvnw M m id fifir d te

fd d d ad M Mm l i v ; i , IM «

Tffla wflt ba t e adstat IS r aardm ta Tdlaad

dS. ma w « ha am


fiaatlm. R a m taka plaea at gmaral anpartenm and t e

thi?!Xll?ef" eli ^U t e to alwaya t t a ^ wtth tMa

M m tL ^ la a M a a g k ta a ta r .m g o ^ tait yea oaa am that aoch aaa

taadaflyat b i t e Weak: aadfimrttaa t e Ooiraf aMWaatBM

fiir te I "What U a


of tbamlai> toathar I NBtm

raltar ff. Navan tar

Mtes BdKb THBtaaM of « L ____and dauaktor of Mr. aad Mm CUb- ton wm &iu of FtorUte, ta t e of bar aunt, 3im Amria V. toratawdayA

3(m Gaonflanaa 1C iklpmaa af Oakland te the jniaat at t e '>Cr. and ICm Walter taw dayA

Mr. and Mm Lathrap Waat hava mevad (ram Ftanay atraot to fftaf- ford Bpriaga wbara Mr. Wad t e aeeaptat a peattten. Ha ta waB known ta oB Oranga etedsA

Thara wUI ba ao aarvlem hoM at t e Wapplag OeuunBatty dmrab to­morrow M the pootor ta havtag a thru waeka* vaeattea. Hateapand- tag tha tima with hla paraata,Mr. and Mm Marry Madam atWaat Baroo, atwaat Rarwlth, Char CBd.

Bav. DotBtaa V. K ad ah i^ to attaad t e Mad Ammal OoBtatanas, far d irp m iB o f sB dm Bwtflnattena m t e r t e id lim Val- toy, uadar te , lamtem a f t e F torlal UiUra «if rnnaanlksit aadH arttaid--------tt FBwMtattmTnuday aad Wamuaday, ffant Ifi aad SO, ta RaitnaR liaB 7 ^ Rarttard fiawtaaiy at •• BBoah ■traat. Harttaid.

Ooirdm Thacntm af Baat IVlBd.

AliOnCMI ffC JMBtVMlt OMMMo SftnThecntm who wm graT tha EBawseth Mmiertal. teat Juba wfl antar Pmtt

aetaany. la taom te

tham. ThmWhat aaeh ia doha

aaeaptag to thadanoiitette wocM atei relax ta aaeh olbar'a

to Bteha aa adtert wte tbw I am aor* that tey an aWw m

typA both awiottewBl tatn vary atetiva aad UBoMa to te roaghasa af a mwwt,, < giva aaf-taU at aB. .

Wdl, you cant abanga tbalr n^ turoA that'a aum Aad tt to battar tar Hum to hava aaeh athar ten to do m amay awh ahOdrm dA play

vwratarfimy FMmdi BTi ffiuaf Thru la a crowd, but Md crowd. Through tkte i

mato wtth put auM *

t e *

raet who tditypi


>4f t e l


Indietiiicntc Poor From Jury Room

■ t F M i.:

'thatiaright dm

te y Brightm a tauitrz

mra ta your gaaaa Attar a whUa, hava n party

h i thsA aad ham an|y algM pm aaa bow it worinr

OraduoBy Lstty aHy laom to hha a Mggar wertd and I

radf. RIn t e (Btora world aha

llvrita.ThahaatthyattitadalatetaCba- „ *Mwm

mg abla to atand-nnd Bbo-mg had ham i mrta af piipli aad targat adC Oaa *g ta t e

I 'wit- wttb t e twm


bm ta t e dRm af I Attamsy VIetor Aad-

ar te

Don't Look for These Boys on a Dork Nightaf a

Ravm. Fla.. Aug. S»—m

Bda in BBtagtan Buadoy after- atthroA

iBsMBi to OtotogOidar of Baalma

ntvttad to attenf t e ,t Mocria Day abdte

aaca to ba baM by teOttoMUham tar of t e Ruteca itar af Ommim liaut at maaffB Ptar, garhi Bath, Waat *larm. latiaday, Aaguat fiC Tba aattvtttm w|B a a t t U th

Mb aad dtoaar wn bo aar Tha aoaat 1a opm to aB

him af t e Baatam Btar.

IMaijarlo BBm bath af thta dty;

: ____ -------J In t e UBIted StateA hoadtag a Ud of I# iSmSJg "^^^^^ ***^ *t***m in ottor# iMTg

baa<yL ^ * U m lf f Buehalter. hmMaw VaMt I

af UOakateam tar a aaiitei

wu afVltal gtatlatimla 1 Friday.

Page 5: manchesterhistory.org Evening Hearld_1939-08-19.pdf, .......................... - ---'-r vY-ibndli niDAT. ATJotm i% tm ^ 'W'' ^ *• 0 ' c ^ _ ^..^. eoMKkSbS «C Oh Bitaofarte. Sha

'v iO B iiaR r l I A M C B E S n B BVBNZMO n t A U X M A M C H SO TE l. 001fM «BA TD BSlA T. A T O U IT I f , I N t

Daily Radio ProgramsIt's Not a Tornado; It's the HOLC

w nc„ ________ _ BmrrtMBvtIM A Om b .

I W. I*!* K. a *•Im DajUgkt BbtIbs TIm

SatardBr. Anv. !•P« )(•a:l(C—N«w» for Women Only. a:80—Ooldea Melodiw.3 :00—M»Unee la ^y th m .3:30—Roy Eadredge'e orchentra. 4:00—Progimm from the Ralcha

Rundfunk aeasellacbaft.4;S0_Paul LavaTa orebeatra.4:43—Stardoat Theater.3:00—National Mualc Camp pro­

gram.5:30—Summertime Sarlng.5:43—Bruce Baker'a orebeatra. 5:00-^Newa and Weather.<:13 —Strictly Sporta with Bob

Steele.6:80—Behind the Bcenea with

Paul Uicaa.6:43—Noraeown Qoaatet 7:00—Jaa Savltt'a orcheatra. 6:00—From Hollywood Today. 5;30_Varlety program with Red

Foley.9:00-^Vaa Pop.6:30—Arch Oboler’a PUgra.

lOKIO—Oaravaa artth Benny Good- man'a orebeatra.

10:80—Gray Gordon’a orebeatra. 1 1 :00—Traaa Radio Newa.11:13—Joaeph Rlnea’ Orebeatra. 11:80—Horace Heldt'a orcheatra. 18:80—Ray Nobla’a orebeatra. 18:80-Newa.IKW a. m.—SUanL

Taaaerfww*a riagramA. M.

8:43—Newa and Weather.6:00—Turn Back the C3oek. 6:13r-Tom Terrlaa.6:80—Sunday Driven.

10 :00—H lghll^ta of the BIMa. 10:80—Barry McKinley.10:43—KIdoodlera.11:00—Huaical Interlude.11:03—Romance Melodlea 11:80—JuUo Marttaiaa Oyanguran. 11:45—Vernoa CranM*a Story Book. 18KK) Noon—Walter Logan'a Huai-

eale.F. M.18:80—Tomorrow'a S tan.18:45—Newa and Weather.IKM)—Program from New York. 1:80—Sunday Sympbonatte.8:00—Sunday DlniMr a t Aunt

Faunya.8:80—1710 StvUgbt Wanderer.. 8:45—Sabbath Meaaage.8:00—Chautauqua Symphony coo-

eait.4d)0—HaU e( Fun.4iS0—th e World la Tout*. 8d)0-Mafc)diea with Jimmy

Sblelda, tenor.5:13—1100301 0 Serenade. 4r 3:80—SpeUIng Bee—Paul Wing.

Spelling Maatar.6.-00—OatbaUc Hour.6:80—Newa and Weather.6;48—Jaa* Droamln'—Bud Rainey. 7:00—The Aldrich Family.7:80—Band Wagon with orcbea-

tra.S:00^-Don Amacbe. Edgar Bergen

and Charlie McCarthy.6:00—Manhattan Merry-Go-Roinld 6:80—American Album of Fam­

iliar Mualc.10:00—Sunaet Symphony, Reginald

Stewart, co^uctor.11:00—Newa and Weather.11:13—Johnny Meaaner'a orcheatra. 11:30—Glen Ultler'a orcheatra.18:00—Glen Gray*, orcheatra.18:30—Jan Oarber'a orcheatra. 13:33—Newa.1:00 a. m.—Silent.

Radio------- OayFaeterB Staadaid Tlam

talent atuat; 6:80 Amateur night at Plattabufg army camp.

MBS-ehaln- 8 Skagit dam project a t Seattle: 6 Chlcagolaad mualc featlval. °

Sunday bringa: IVBAF-NBC-:-! p.m. Tercentenary of Touro Syna­gogue, Newport, R. I.: 1:30 Chlmigo RoundUble, "Did Congteaa Revolt T" 4 New aerlea, Jimmy Shield, roelo- dlea; j3:4B Army maneuvera; 6 Aid- rich Family; 7 Charlie McOartby; 8 Merry Go Round; 6 National aym- phony.

CBS-chaln—1:30 Military chapel aervicea at Plattaburg 3 National teimla doublet; 4:30 Oountry Jour­nal; 3 Oay Nlnetlea revue; 6 Peo­ple', Platform, "Outlook In Sporta;” 7 Ellery Queen adventurea; 8 Sum­mer mualc hour.

WJZ-NBC—11 a.m. Radio a t y concert; 1 p.m. National mualc camp concert; 4:13 New aerlea. Four OoBiroentatom; 7 Summer aymphony; 8 H o lly w ^ Playhouae; 6 Voice of Hawaii; 6:30 cAeerlo.

MBS-chaln-11 a.m. Opera from Bayreuth muale featlval; 4 pjn. No- bod/a Children; 7:30 Goldman Band; SGood WUI Hour,

Monday expectatlona: WEAF- NBC—13:43 p.m. Worda and mualc; 3:30 Vic and Bade; 4:13 Song Sweeta. CBS-chaln—3:30 At three oonaolea; 4:13 Army maneuvera; 3:30 Uncle Jonathan. WJZ-NBC— 11:80 a.m. Farm and Home Hour; 3 Opera from Salaburg mualc t f - tlval; 3:30 Army Maneuvera. MBS- chaln—3:80 Bayreuth mualc fea- UvaL

Soma Monday abort wavea: GSF OSD 08B London 6:33 Ruth Drap­er; 3RO Rome 7:80 Italian aonga; TPA4 Part, 8:30 Ught mualc; OSI G8D OSB London 10:30 Once Upon a lime.

It looka Ilka a prank of a tornado—but, actually, thle home wrecking la man made. While Mrc. Mia* nia Bchning and daughteri itand by helplcaa, workman teara half their North Chicago houae away.

Raeam; part of home stood on lot loat to Home Ownera Loan Corporation on foradoeum.

WDRC• DnyiigM Sariag Hnitferd, Oann.


New York, Aug. 16—Another weekend In Europe »1th It, Impend­ing Danalg crlala will Ond Ameiica'a microphone circuits set up to bring developmenta. If any.

Here are program! so far an­nounced :

WJZ-NBC 2 p.m. M u Jordan speaking from Danalg.

WJZ-NBC B. Hugh Gibson talking from Lomlob on "The German At­titude TInlay.'' -

WABC-CBS H. V. Kalten-bom from Paris I'n the third of hla ovrraeu series. lt» win discuss views expressed by various Euro- I>ean leaders.

A now contract Is ex tending the CIlloU Roosevelt commentary pe­riod fi2 AeeKa. dating from Septem­ber 2 At the same lime, his .MB network, now somewhat limited, will reach itiast to coast. One group will carry hIs talks at 8:15 p.m.. «-hile another will have him at 6 three nights a week.

On the Saturday night hat: WEAK-NBC—7 Atlantic City aong feat. Fred Waring; 7;30 Red Fpley time; 8 Vox Pop, 8:30 Oboler play, "Efficiency laand:" 9 Benny Good­man swing.

WABC-CBS—7 County Seat, new ttma; 7:90 Let's Join the Band, new tlma; 8 Bea Wain in hit parade; 6:13 Grant Park concert; 10:13 danoa.

WJZ-NBC—6 Meaaage of Israel; 7:80 B ru t House; S bam dance; 9 • Beaiy Armstrong-Lou Ambers

Saturday. Aug. 16P. M.3:80—Brush Creak FolUaa.8:00—Mernr Makars.8:80—Chartaa Paul at the Organ.4:00—Dancepators.4:80—IVmvars Handicap and Re­

view of the Splnaway.3:00—Summer Serenade.3:80—Sterling Young's Orchestra. 0:00—Baso Reporter —Newa, and

.Weather,8:03—Baeeball Scores.6:10—Nat Brandarynna Orebaatra. 6:80—This Weak In Wuhlngton. 6:43—Vocal Embers.7:00—Americans at Work.7:80—"County Seat" starring Kay

CoUlns.8:00—Orrin ‘Tucker and Hla Taa

Timers.8:80—Prof. Quia.6:00—Tour Hit Parade.6:43—Concert Hall of tbs Air.

10:13—Court of ReOectlona.10:43—Armchair Adventures.11:00—IMso Reporter —News

Weather.11:03—Forest Fire Weather and

Baseball Scores.11:10—Del Courtney's Orcheatra. 11:30—Barry Wood and Hla Orches­

tra.13:00—Jack Jennya* Orchestra. 18:30—Sammy Kaye's Orchestra,

TMnorrow*s PrograoiA. M.6:00—Sunday Song Service.6:30—News, weather.6:43—Aubade for Strings.

10:00—Church of tha Air.10:30—Wings Over Jordan.11:00—News and Rhjrthm.11:80—Major Bowers' Capitol Fam­

ily.P. M.11:30—L u t Minute News Flaahau 13:43—Salt Lake City TalWmacla

Choir and Organ.1:00—Church of the Air.1:30—Walberg Brown Strings. 1:43—Radio Voice of Religion —

Rev. John H. ReUly.3:00—Democracy In Action.3:30—Dance Music.8:00—Columbia Broadcasting Sym­

phony.4:00 - Dance Music.4:30—Sunday at St. Loula.3:00—Oolumbla's. Country Journal. 3 :30-Charola Program—N. Y.

World's Fair.8:00—Columbia's Oay NInetiaa Re­

vue.8:30—Gateway to Hollywood.7:00—The People's Platform.7:30 Eriio itapee's Orchestra,

Jane Fromen and Jan Pterce 8:00—Adventures of Ellery Queen. 9:00—Ford Summer Hour— James

Melton. Franela White, Dan Voorhees' Orcheatra, The Rouge Reporter.

10:00—The Alibi aub .10:30—H. V. Kaltrnbom from Paris,

France.10:43—Armchair Adventures.11:15—Jack Jenny's Orchestra.11:30—Henry King's Orcheatra.12 :00—Sterling Young'a Orcheetra. 12:30—Van Alexander's Orchestra.

Gasoline Prices Mdve Upward

No ImmediaU; Change Anticipated in Amount Motorist Pays.

Tulaa, Aug. 16—(AV-Poaalblllty of Federal brakes on the petroleum Industry east a strong shadow today In the confusion precipitated by deep crude oil price, cuts and re- atatag

Gaaollne prieea edged upward at tha raSnery with the lowering of unreplcnlal^ crude ctocka. No Im­mediate change was anticipated, however. In the price to the motor- U t

OITs topay-turvy position prompt- ad Sanatw O'Mahoney (D„ Wyo.i, to assart "aoma national action to avoid recurrence of such conditions is needed.” He said the temporary National Economic CommltUOfar-. Ing Sept. 18 In Washlagton wiMld study the oil problem thorougn

Hlata Oevemment 8lsy ActAn Indication that the govern­

ment might act'If a gasoline short­age brought a retail price hike came from Secretary Ickes In Washing ton.

He reminded that tha ConliaUy "hot oH" act, prohibiting Inter state ahlpment of oil produced In excess of state quotas, could be iiu pended If the supply dwindled enough to "cause lack of parity be­tween supply and consumptive de­mand."

At Austin, the T^exas Railroad Commission, the 6rst ita te regula tory body to order th4 abutting In of wella, announced the only wells exampt would be those producing lo much water they would be killed If cloaed or producing natural gas for domeatlc Use where other gas was not easily available.

Only ripple In the shutdown pic­ture was an order obtained by Uon Oil RcSnlng Cb. enjoining Arkansas stats police from keeping Ija wells padlocked In the Shuler held at El Dorado.

14-Olym pic G s n e s

T iekeU ScUing

New York, Aug. 16.—Reser­vations for tha 1640 Olympic Games havs been coming In at such a rapid rata that: tha Amer­ican ticket committee expresses little doubt that tha 4,000 aeata allotted the United SUtea will be taken by Sept 13, sale dead­line In this country.

Only a littia more than 430 of the 2,000 first class pasteboards and 430 of tha 3,000 second class remain for opening dgy cere­monies In Helalngfora.

L(|BS than 1,000 a r t available for track and field events, most popular of the program.

At the end of June the total of aoclal security numbers was 44,- 737.520.

Waters in Alabama Spread Over Farms

Selma, Ala.. Aug. 19—(PI—Muddy fioodwaters of aoutham AUbama rivara spread over thouaands upon thouaaa^ of aeraa of fartlla farm lands today as a largs fleat of rescue boats sought out additional home- leaa, already listed a t more than 4.300.

Tha Alabama rivar, which already bak caused crop damiagaa estimated at' milllona, toppad 33.6 feet over­night and Inched steadily upward. It passed the danger stage at the 47-foot level.

While tha Alabama and Oaha basins were focal polats of damage and danger the Little Pea river spread ta r out of Its banka to the aoutbeaat.

Crop damages had bacoma so great an enaargency mteUng of county agricultuml ngants was call- ad for Tuasday.

Boston, Aug. IS.—<P>—Twahre- jrear-old BtU Smith, who still car­ries tha draad farm s of diphtheria becauaa Of n recant attack of the disease, was hack In hla hoapltal bed today after wandering about the city nil day ysaterday.

Gipt. Storm Heads Conn. P ui^le H eart

hlerlden, Aug. 16.—Captain Ihic Foster Storm, newly electM com­mander of the Connecticut state department. Military Order of the

rple Heart, announced todayat headquarters for the depart-

m ^hthave been establlabed a t An- Boniarwlth Frank J. Cuahner, ad­jutant in charge. The Purple Heart order, founded seven years ago fol­lowing a Washington bicentennial and Purple Heart celebration, has spread to 23 atatea with over 60 chapters.

The Military Order of tha Purple Heart la composed exclusively of veterans who have been wounded In action under conditions which' en­titled them to wear a wound chev­ron, or were awarded the meiitorl- oua service citation certification by the commander-ln-chlef of the A. E. F. Also veterans of the Civil and Spanish-American wars whose records show they were wounded In action.

The other department officers are; Colonel Rex B. DeLacour of Stamford, senior vice-commander; Ool. Kenneth F. Cramer, Wethers­field. junior vlce-commaadcr; Mau­rice Romm, Derby, finance officer; Joaeph Feingold, New Britain, chief of a ta f ; WiUUm J. Burke, Derby, department Inspector; Leo Sbum- aky. New Britain, historian; Attor­ney Carloa Richardson, New Brit­ain, judge advocate; Rev. Daniel W. Strickland. Shelton, chaplain; Morris Solomon, New Britain, aer- gcant-at-arma, and Dr. Harry Sel- gall, Hartford, welfare officer.

Authoritiefl Mum On Armed Patrol

South Barra, Maas_ Aug. 16—(PI —Authorttlea maintained a tight' lipped sUanca today relative to an armed patrol tnatituted laat night by 100 realdenta In tha aecood oc­cupied by many vrorkara a t the atruek Barra Wool OMnMag Omn' p*«y.

The reatdentA canybig ahotguna and other weapons, gave no axpla- nation of their hastily organlaed patrol but police have received re­ports from the district, of windows being atoned, gardens damaged and boats amsMisd. Moat occupaaU of the homa'ln tha section remain at work a t the plant, wheer 800 A. F. of L. union workers eralkad out a month ago to anforcs demanda for reinstatement of four dtacharged gtri workers.

Prior to the patrol teeideat. spokaaman for the Textile Workers ihilon

Grid Session Set Tomorrow

Moriartys to Practice at Mt. Nebo at 10 ; Plan Early Game.

Morlarty Brothera* football team will hold an Important workout to­morrow morning at Mt. Nabo at 10 o'clock. I t la planned to open tha Mason tha latter part of September If It ta posnlble to book a gams. Coach HanMn plans to have tha team In tap abape by bolding drills as often aa possible before that time.

The aquad representing Moriartya laat season showed real promise, and with th r'retum of meet of the plajrem proapecta are bright for another good year. It la possible that many new facea wtlt be teen in the Uneup but It is quite early aa yet to know just what players will be aeen ta action. -.si

The following are asked to be present at Mt. Nebo on Sunday: Smith, Vittner, MajewAi, Koebt, Haefs, Carron, Healy, J. Staum, P. Stgum, Bycholaky, Robinson, Zwick, ChSmbera; Hayes, Bcheuta, Skoog, Anderson, luUano, Henry, Mclntoah. Wolfraln, Ferguson, Brannlck, Slags,, ftoBla and any other play­ers who would like to try out.

Cards and Reds In Three Games

G u H posen Hope lo Cut Lead o f Ririds in Na« lional Chase.

Clndanttl, O.. Aug. 16.—(6) —Nall down tha fnniUure and bold your bata, the Cardinals ara bare and if you can t wait for the World Seriea, thlawlUfio.

ITila thrae-game war will have everything but the braaa band, and a dontn could ba hired on a mo­ment's notice.

Manager EW McKschnle of the Rada thought tha occasion porten­tous enough to announea: ' 1 am highly confident that my boye wtU coma through." GenerM Ifanagar Warren C. GUas, while admitting nervouanaas. mads similar juat-be- fora-the-battls comment.

General Manager Branch Rickey of the Cerda, having no Immediate vested intarast la first place but hoping to eloae up that SVk game apread between the two teams, con­tented himself with: "If the Reds allp, tha Cards ara 'ms of three other teams that would taka tha title." Manager Ray Blades agld nothing.

Other i te m contributing to the heat around the old town:

Mayor Bernard F. Dlckman and a party of Bt. Louis oSclala are com­ing by chartered plane tomomnv for the double-header. The city aftaira of ClncinnaU already ara a t a stand- atUL TIm acalpara ara busy.

Manager BUI caUed on l^ u l Der­ringer for today's game In the thought thkt the Mg feUow’a laat couple of gamea had worked a lot of bad pitching out of hla system and ha was ready to go again.

Manager Ray, determined to make tha Caros' record IS out of the last 20 games, nominated Morton Coop­er, who had the Reds in chains last Sunday in St. Louis.

On tha face of It, the Rada have some paper advantage. They have beaten the Cards eight out of 14 times this year. Derringer has dona it twice with one aUp-up, and Bucky Walters, who will pitch on# tomorrow, has dons It three times without a-miss.

Howevar, tha Rads are Ukely to hava to put up with Curt Daria, who has cimped them four times, on ona of tha Sundi

Sporta Rouitfdtipm r m m im

Naw York, Aug. lit—(F) Bcoo- parada; Sbrto BMObar, tba bantaaa- waight rhamp, la getting rangy to invada tha coast gs a faatherwaight ... .T h e Big Tan may dtacoatinua booking football gamM with South- aaatafn confaranca teams becauaa It doesn’t Uka tha way the Soutbsaat-am does buslnaaa In. tha open..........Jack Dampaay la going ta for elk breadiag on Ma M ar^aad farm. Maj. Wm. A. Wakk. of tha Palisades.

TMayTi Onest Star.Ted Womer, Yonkers, (N. Y.j •

Harald-Stataamka; "Now that thegr'ra making Haia out of the cal- endara, bow about scheduling New Year's era for one night next week?" ....(C heck and doubla . check).

Wake Forest college Is consider­ing a new eourae deaigoed to teach the boya and girls bow to pronouaca such fOotbaU tongue twisters as Gal-

la ta n ta te ^ a rk Oommlarion, already'liorich, Duncavage and PolanaU, to ^ young buU alk jnama n ftw of tha e\siar ones___

and aa alk cow aa~ a htartar. TalariMon gats its auprasM test when they try it out on tha Dodg­ers next arask.

Obaanratiaa WarCBig dolnga In tha com bsK .. . .

ISO nuaoas, Kan., sddlcta and 25- placa band have chartarsd a special train to go to Emporia tomorrow to watch Parsons and Emporia bat­tle It out for fourth j s m In the Ban Johnaon laagus.

A1 Jolacm (Anastrong'a No. 1 rooter) and 80 other Hollywood celebs, win fly hers for Armatrong

. Ambers.. . .Dr. Wilbur C. Smith, Tulaaa athletic dlreetor, is flahing for trout and hunting for anda Intha Colorado mountatna..........MikaO'Dowd, former middleweight champion, is a visitor: also Dr. Elob Madry, publicity (Hrsetor a t U. of North Caroilna, who was beaded for the dove dance at the Worltra Fair on tha double quick.. . .Jack Lell- velt, the old major leaguer, who baa hla ball team battling for the coast league pennant, la the toast of Seat­tle. . , .Jack Britton, Um old welter­weight k)hg and hla aon Bobby, ara the only father-son eomblnaUoa In boxing-right now.

I Watch a former Beantown gat ; named Fay Oocker la the aromen'a national golf next week. She'sburning up the Noroton cotupea hi tha low 70's. (She's alght-tlme Uruguayan and four-Uma Argentina cham p).. . .Add Bacobar: Sixtowants 10,000 frog skins to defend hla bantamweight crown. Sincethere Isn’t that much dough around for the little fellows, he'll «baadon the UUe.

Wbeope MDear.One of the rislUng British taaaia

gala (wboae name we didn't catch) was a wow on the air laat nb She was aaked why Mrs.

• M 4*S3*w e ^ C JI. D o ro tF ^

Round Little Isn't quite up to “ — “ she said, "Etol ^


Maltempo Sncips Elrit-s Win Streak as Pro by Earning Draw .* t,.'.

Moriartys and GA s to at Home Tomorrow

gam e.. . ."You see, othy has put on a few stone and now is more round than little”. . . . Gents, that stayed 'em.

Let Oeeaiir De It.Why cry about poor Oscar VUtT (Forget the very thought of It).On the 1800 bucks he'll get.He can afford to worry a bit.

Teaair.If the President would only order

pay day moved up a little he could offmt eome of the football damage,

Sunday batUaa.

Buckland Red Capa Cop Two Victories

Trying to Squelch Secret Jew Group

Geneva, Aug. 16—(F)—The grey­beards of the World Uonlat Con- greaa were trying today to squelch a secret society of youths who want to pit Jewish tarroriam against Arab terrorists la Paleattns.

Aa uninvited deiegatlon came to the CongreM from the society which calk Itself "Irgoun" or the "Nation­al Jewish Military Organisation."

The youtha hava plaiUred Oantva with posters quoting from WlOlam Tell "death rather than Ufa la servitude.'’ They have Soodad tha congreaa with pamphlets predalm- lag “tha Irgoun la beginning aa armed struggle for the Jearkh aUte.”

The Buckland Red Capa added two victories to their impreaslve rec- ord by trimming the S t John Girls, 31-3, and the Colt's OIrla, 7-3. By winning these gamea, the Red Capa gained a 3-1 edge over both rivnk In three gamea played. The box aeore of last night’a claah with Colt's fol- Iowa;

Red CapeAB R H PO A I

H. Zaremba, 3, . . 4 1 3 3 0 (A. Sleurp, 6 .......... 4 1 1 3 4 (I. LaChance, 9 . . 3 3. 1 0 0 1S. Baldyga, 7 . . . 3 0 1 1 0 (A. Laguxa, 3 . . . . 3 0 0 7 1 (J. Zaukauskaa, 5 3 0 1 1 0 (Jo. Zaremba, 4 1 . 3 0 0 0 3 I H. Pohariky. 1 .. 3 1 3 3 1 IS. Bobolewaki, 10 2 1 1 0 0 ]E. Manning, 3 . . . 3 1 1 1 0 I

Totals ..............26Celt’s Mfg.

Agnes S., 6 ___ 3Genarieve K., 7 .. 3 H. Panviera, 6 .. 3M. Peck. 1 ............ 3V. Roman'akI, 10 3 J. Surplne, 2 . . . 3 J. Jacabel, 3 . . . 8 C. Maxuraa, 4 . . . 3 J. Bokowski, 8 . . 3 H. Roman'akI, 3. 3

7 11 18 GlrlaR H PO A 2 0 0 0

8 8

Slapgut Teu Upsets Second Congoes, 6 0

Last night In a "Y" LsagtM gun# tha fait-stappiiig Slapgut A. C. aoft- ball team took tha maaaura of tha Second Congoaa by the aeort of 6 to 0. Tba saoond round wtimera found It Impoaslbk to hit Slmkr In the pinches, and as a rasult tastsd defeat for tha firat tima ta many arseks. The wtaaers amred all tbair nms in tha fourth and fifth Innings, due chiefly to tha kog diataaM hit- Ung of L. MaaaoUnl and B. McQuada. llM winners showad no mtrey on the usually rallabla Dick Smith and banged out tan safe blows. Gyp aad Brannlck were tha only two Church­men to aolva SlmleFa delivery for more than ona hit.

The league standing a t tha end of the third week In tha third round la aa foUowa: , *

,^Won Los a e s s s 8

'.V .V .'.i ‘Houm and H a ls ...................1OIbblea **,. *, , , •••••■, .0So. MetbodlsU ............. ;.0

Next week's aehedula foUowa: Monday: Second Oongoea va Houaa and Hale; Tuesday: Tall Cedars, vs. Second Oongoea; Wednesday; So. Metbodiata va. GibMca; Friday: TaU Cedars va. Slapgut A. C.

Tusaday’s gmmm between Tan Cedars aad Second Oongoea w scheduled toe last waak but wi postponed on account ef rain.

SlapgutT airC edara___Second Oongoea .

8 7 81 6 4

SpecializingI s

Radio Seiyicem ;

Wm. E. KrahS S O r i M t S t

of America (CIO), who pre- ___________________ _ viouRlT ffraorted bsvfiis 500 MimMl

How FDR Juggles the C a len dar^— J harp of aa Independant unloa a t tha

plant, aanouaead It would maintain a "handa odT poUcy la tha strike.

® A y TO-

The Fkr Fatty


Hamlltoa, Koat_ Aug. 18.—<F>—■ Fikada worried kaeauaa Mrs. M ^ Jaaa Patteraoa, 68. d tdat appear toe a party la honor of the oommunlty'a aldaity wooMn. Than tiMy diaomr- arsd aha araa too buay — gatttag a

- (Btaasss.'i: "Tha P ra a ld a a __

J«mr. 38 taataad ef Nov. • up apneiag ha are happy, fbr feettefl aehedi

80. -3868 Tkankaglriag to Mk. Rooasvalt'a awUeh ■ of

UtehfiaH. Mltia_ Aug. 16—4F)— FoUea arara on tha arateh today for

» otreng-arm thloaoa. nag r i ta ro O ra a m

front o r U M a A . R . h n l L a a d t l M

OMIoa WM Two

Thuradoy a t C hprtv Oak atroot diamond OlbhUo aoftbon team do- featod tha WUUmaatle AU-Stara^ 8-8. Olbbtoa had loot to thia'taam In WlUlmantle laat woMc by the score ef 7-6. The game araa foa- tured by tha hard hltUng Motdaa- sky who aeorad tha Srat run on a triple and a ancriSoo Sy by DalgM. L ra r ho put hk taam ahead with a long homo nm Into right ew tar field artth taro on. GthMso ware be­hind 8-1 up to that potnt Friday Olbbloa trmaoUd to Vomon to da- faat tha Vomoa aofthaU toaaa, 6-6. Schubort pitched aroD for Olhhise but tho hUk aad aalkya In tha Said made I t hard to flatd tha b a a T1 box soora k of tha boms gama.

KuIaacnaU, 3b ..8Vittner, aa ......... 8Merdavsky, lb ..8Daigk. M ............ 3S a v e rl^ of ........8P. Dubatdo, rf ..8Schubert, If ........8Hayea, e .............. 8Glbble. 8b ........... 8T. Dubalde, p ... ,1

86 6 6 81 S

Nystroaa, a ......... 8 6 3 8 6Cabeon, Sb ........ 8 3 3 6 6Harris, 3b .......... 8 3 3 6 6Rlaem 8b .......... 8 6 4 3 3Sampenn, I f ......... 8 3 6 8 0Richards, of . ^ . 8 S 3 t 0Dapatky, af ........ 8 O' .3 8 6S p i t or, If ........8 S O S OLa NaMara, as . .8 0 0 0 3 Thompaen, p . . . . 8 ^ O' 3 8

e T 8 T u T T 8Soon by MoMga:

AO-Ston . . . . . . . . . . . 038 080 0-i » « w r ^ . v K

T o ta ls ..............30Scota by innbiga:

Colt's lUg. GlrU. 3 0 0 0 3 8 0—0Rod Cana .......... 0 0 0 1 0 0 x—7

Runs batted In, Red (Mpo 3. CoR’a 4; two-baae hits, Hekn Zaremba, Evelyn Manning. Mary Pack; stolon baaoo, Rod Capo 0, Colt'o 8; donfala play, R. Foharmqr to A. Lajgvaa to A. Stourp, 3-3-0; left on hoaoa. Rod Capo 7, Cotfa 8; baaa on balla off M. Pack 8; hit by pitcher, H. Pohar- ■ky 7, M. Pock 11; atnick out. by M. Peek 3; tim e,,! hour; umpires, AL Wilhelm and f t i t Hayea.

Lato O than Aigna

Rkhmond, Va., Ang. 16. — (F7 — T3m conunonwaalth’a attomay k t connsal for taro defendants do all tba arydng > and aron a eonaletlon. A nar aaeh dafenss attomay argued tt was not h k cliant but Um other dafmdant who araa the pomampr ef gambling paraphamalla. tha pros- aoutor aanouaead: "Your Honor, I agiaa artth both attomaya. Bkich has praaontod my earn against tha ethoFa Mlaat aa araU aa I eeuld my-

Box aeore:SMpgnt A. C.. AB R H PO A

D. McQuada, as ..1 0 0 1 3Shields, a f ................. 3 1 8 4 0Burnett, e ............ 3 0 0 8 1WhlU. I f .................. 3 1 1 1 0B. McQuade, lb . .8 3 8 8 0Starkle. c f ............... 8 0 0 0 0SUreratala. 3b . . 3 0 1 3 1Slmkr, p ............... ..8 0 1 0 1Crawtord, Sb . . . .3 0 - 0 1 3 A. MaaeoUat. aa . .8 1 1 0 3U MaaaoUal. If . .3 1 3 3 0

Afize, Di Maggio Top Hit Parade.Five of Ten Leaders Ui

National League Play At First Bose.

Now York, Aug. 16—(F)—Whoa j t .. comes to hltttog to tha National League, the first baaoiMa Bays IL

Flva of Um tan kadlng batsm an., la the senior clreult ara tho men ' otationod a t tha initial sack. T ta rapreaentatlon was Incraaaed thia , waak by tha feat of Qua Suhr M - oamlag a plabo In tha top bcaekat. Tha aUft from tito n t ta b i i r ^ Pl- ratoe to the PhilHaa apparently had r- a favorabk effect., Johnny Mlaa of tba Gardtaular'*''. kadlng hts kagua for tha ooeond • week with AOS, has boon ai)«nng tha first tan tines Juno. SdM llanDm of Um Gianta, Bude MeOormlek of tha ' Rada aad Buddy Haaaett of tho Boas ' also have boon regulars. j r

Suhr’s rsplscement of Prank Dm i-i mars# was the only ehango among- j the National Laaguo*s kadliig hU- tors, but Um junior circuit came up with a trio of now fScaa.

J e t D1 Maggio aeoakmtod hla - pace slightly to boost hla avorago • to APS a t the top of tha majora Tern of hla Yaakaa taammatsia, Charley , Keller and George Selkirk, brake in- _ to the Mieet eompaay nhmg with . Ted WUhama, aenaaUonal Red Sox : raoMe.

The ten kadera in aaeh laaguo:R H Pet.

eGreen to Play At Glastonbury

For Twi TitleGas Housers Meet^ New

Britain Polish Falcons, • Amerks Oppose Rock*

viUe Lafayettes.Tsro baaoball gamea wUl be play­

ed In town tomorrow afternoon with Morlarty Brothera aa hoeta to the PMlab Faleona of NeSr Britain a t ML Kobo aad the Germaa-Ameil- cans antartaialag the RoekriUe

ittca at the West Side Oval.imea start a t three o'clock.

Ireen, meanwhile, will be aeek. 'Um TM-County League Utle a t

OUatenbury.Moriartys a t ML Nabs

Tbe New Britain Maloona aaam eartaln to prorida a aevere last for Morlarty Brothera, who hava bad considerable trouble la srtnnlag in recent weeks. The Falcons coma here with a highly Impreaaiva record that Include* nina wins In their last ten starts, ona of which was an easy 8-8 triumph over the Green here last Sunday.

Moriartya have played 16 games thus fiar thk season and have lest ■aean of tham baoMaa wlndlag up In a Ua to anotbar. Tha Oaa Housan wm Him up with Fqqgrats a t catch. Fraher. (YMailey or Duffy on the mound, WyUe a t flraL Bob O'Manay a t aaeond, Oraana a t shoit. Wlnaiar 6t thtm aad Thuraar. Raafa aad Oebb or ThaaMi la tba outsold.

Kfw Brttato wHi bars Paityoka.

Campbell Reaches 141MPH For World Speedhodt MarkConiaton, England, Aug. 16.—(F)—

Sir htokolm Cmnpball ahattared all txisUng speed records on water when 1M roared over Lake Coniaton today in an average Ume of 141.74 miles an hour for two trips along tha measured mOa.

BlucMrd n , with the old engine boat which Um lata Sir Hamy Seagrave I ‘1 ahaU do no more trials hare,

iven yean ago, hit Its top |Wa have found out everything we

Later Sir Malcolm said: \"Than la no qusstton of

nortanea and valua of tha learaad from the uaa of this It tnauns greater oafoty for speed work, and I am certain that the derijn can be Included for flying

apeod on tha south run whan Camp­bell was clocked a t 143.83. Ha came back In 140.83.

Whan Bluebird went past the laat buoy. Sir UCalcolm to n off hie gog­gles and pushed up hk thumb to show be felt the record had been broken.

Campbell had avorything la hk tavor. The lake was glaaqr smooth. By the time they carted him out to Um waiting Bluebird tbs m kt had risen. Ha warmed up h k motor about a minute, gave Mr Um gun and cams up tha Uka to glory.

want to know about th k design. *nM 'plans Uiraa stop huU' hai an abaoluto auccoaa."

Commander Peter du Cana, who built Um hull, said Um boat had lived up to all axpaetoUana, and that M agiead with Campbell Umv w en on the fringe of a new a n of spaed on the water.

Campbell said, T M n k a dsvtl of a lot m on apoed in that boaL have not even thought of putting In our best onglne. VHien we d ^ am su n 130 mika per hour k a deflnito poostbOlty.”

South A m erica Champ a Threat

For Golf Title


Fay Crocker W arns Field In Practice Sessions

\F o r Women's National Ai Noroton.

West Sides Top PA’s In Twi League Upset

Box ScorernS6to's Waal SMaa


a toyt^ar of tba tad who pttebao tor ta lafL Soak aa «

Katoi lb eaator, OataUao a t _____ _{M b^kkt a t flfoL Ooriain la righL J b n k a t ■beet Oebok a t thbd aad--------- - , «h 6 bo6t the OnoB, wui

Haak M ecaaa aad rJCK di a m ba tha luaplna.

_ OA% At W66» SMo — Tatoorrmr aftonMoa a t tho Woft

■Ma *JkOowMb.ABMrkB ww piay

Murray, S b .......... 4Orkwold, I t ........ «J . May, o r ............ 8Fordo, If .............. 8Oustatoon, e ........ 1Roblaaea. r f ........ 1Caaado. l b .......... 8O. ICay, 8h ........ 8Borg, p ................8

88 8 8 81 6 a

PUyar, Club ABMko, SL L o u k ___864Araorieh. Phik. ...387 Boaura. N. Y. ....8 6 3 MeCormlek, Cla. ..486 Medertek, SL Louk 366 Goodman. Cla. ..,.3 6 8Suhr, Phlla. ...........337HamoU, Boston ...430 Oarma, Boston ....4 0 0 OU. Now York ..'..836

78 386 833 55 188 341 n 133 388 78 147 88887 I t s 83486 97 388

80 88 83384 188 SSI- 61 338 83077 U4 318


Orkwold. 0 . . Kaenoy, M . . Cbmbai'. If . . Braniek. Sb . . VIttaar, t t . . SpUlaas, lb .. WrIghL 3b . . Gyp, of . . YaakowakL rf Smith, p . .

S IS S3 6 8

Player. . Clpb AB R H ' > r i . ' DI Maggio, N. Y. . .398 87 IIY 368Fexx, Boston..........378 108 186 868Johnson. Phlla. . . . .404 60 186 844Kaner, N. Y. ........ 241 81 81 338MoQiiIbb. SL Louk 488 81 146 333Doorr, B oston........ 378 68 134 331Ckhringer, Dotrott .281 51 88 330 Lowk, Washington 384 68 134 838 WmiaaM, Boston ..418 88 ISS 823 SalklriL N. Y.........307 83 88 333

..3U •. . . 8^0

Totak T 1^ . . . ' 8 0 0 8 18

S kpcat A, C . ^ . tTToM 840k—6 H m m rm o: L, MtokiHaL B. Me-

Quafla HRs oft: SmUh 10. Staakr E L ift .on baaaa: Saoond Congooa 7, Skngnt A. C d. B u e on balk off: Smito 1. S i i t e 0. SttM k out by: Sadth 0. Sleakr 8. Ttom: 1:10. Um-

Comedy Hit at Q rrie

Otoota Letobariri s e e t n e n l t o " M k I S I on tbe woan i word a t tha

Major League Leaders

B y TIm A m a d s ta i P M s Nattaanl Lwgna a

Batting—Mko. S tTLouk, AM; Araovkh, Philadclptoa. A ll.

Run*—Frey, CtaictoiMU. 88: bar, CtocknaU, 88.

Run* batted la—McCot ctamatl. 67; Boaura, Mew Yc

Htta — McCormick,147: Hack, Chicago, aad Brown, SL' Look, 148.

Doubtoi Bktis btorr i 88; MeCormlek.Mlaa. SL Lnfls. 88.

Tilpk* Ilarmaa, Chleago, M; Vanfhan, Plt tohnrgb, and Ooed-^;- nna. OnrinnaU, 10. g

Hoaai rnan - OtL Now Tottt, 84; Mka, SL Look, 88.

Stokn baoos—Haadky. Pltto-burgk. 18; Hack, Chicago, aad Haa- aott, B o * t^ 18.

rtU blag —Tbompnan. Ctoctomiai - S-8; W ytSt. m neU fa ,

Mow Toth.n snm*—wmm.Mow ToHl 87.

I _ R lto -n o lto Now York, 148; Me-.

• n o t i o n . ' '^ ' ' ■d wmpHM..

m e U A g it tw A. C of Reekvffleat thfoo (FoM i tbarp. Fagaa nttobad 6 good gama tor Um Li3 W m k a t MwiMy. b i t e dofoatM M Mon- o r t e Mooi teoro. *-"‘*^V*t* org « o p ^ RoekriUe. Oeaek

wonid WM the Onriaaa-AaMrk we to ba a t tha Wato SMa by .n'atoek tor a hattliig praeueo

____J A t 01_______ _Mna pbootor Orson pkyo the PMkh

IMUonai M aaief South Oiaatoitoury to Mtot Iowa SoMtay aftotaeea la what ibouM bo tha aooat Uaperttat

tea iuo• V tha loeal team omorr bw tho ponaaat tor th k yoar wiu

n a t to bUaehoatar. la the ovoat tha t tha acoM io8M it atfll has a «hanea to wto a waak tator whan Um toaok aMot to Maachootor.

Ta data tba loeato bavo woa 10 aad Mat 8 and a n loading tha kagua aad b a n bata ta f n n t ovor atooa tha aaaawi ■tartod. Tba only taama to hava gatoad vardleta ovw tha Maa of Rublard ara B ait Olaaton- bury aad Wtadaw aad aaoh woa bo- eauN tba HuMardtto* ntnaad to taka tham aartoualy. Had ritbor one of tbaaa gamea bowi on tba wtonlag aida of the eehuaa tho •oaaon would h aw boon over toaefar aa the feat of^^te TrVCtouaty Laaguo to

Rto Sd Keris win do tha buritag toniM r. t t WM daflaitoly atotod by

»Ooa4h .Tujar Vtod toat al|gR. Tha lighthaadw a ri thaW wiwra

baton back aa t t i haoMhra tho

Savotkk. w ........8A. Obuebewakl, If 8Vlot, ef ................ 8HoUand. e ............8Ihrahelaky. 8b . . . svajoeh. rf ............ 8lOoris. lb ............ 8Kukacanskl, 8b .,3gorvor, p .............. 3C Obuenowakl x . .1

38 1 4 31 1011 MO 0-011

OM IM 0—1Wari BldM . . .PoUah A a a rk a ______________

a—Ratted tor Sorwr to oavantb. Two bora bits, Viet; tbra bora

bits, J. May; aacriSeo bito, Rebia- Bade; stokn baaaa, J. k t f .

Fords. Savarleki deubk playa. Barg to Canada to Murray, Murray to O. May to Canada; left on baaea, Waot Stdoo 8, M k b Amarka 4; baao on baUa, off Rwg t , Strvar 3; atruok out by R irf 8. Sorvar 6. Time, 1 br.

RBI. Vnpiraa, MeOann. OX*aty,

Tie GA's fo r Fonrtli Place Whh Sorpriaing 2>1 Victory Behind Berg’s Foar>mt Hurling.

Fagaal'a Wait stdao m* Loagua bktory last ovonlag by kaadkg Um MgMy favored PeUsh Amorieaa club a 8-1 ratbaek Um a k ^ t pltotalng of Walter B o rg jj^ tebora got only flvo bIto off Fred Server but made than count and as a rasult of thk our- prtttn* rietory are now tkd wtth tbe Gonnan-Amaricans for tourtb plaea aad bavo bettor than an oven c ^ c o of gattlag Into tho playoffs. K woo a swell ban gama to watch and gave aomo 1800 fans a glimpoo to w te Um n a t to the laaguo win face boforo the 1636 ehamckms erawnod.

PAk Mka ChMMaMllto Bavertek had a chanoo la

Um fourth to tk up Uk ball y m. Ho walked wltk twS gene and^bu- ebowaki kit a Ugh fly ban



Noroton, Au^x 16. — WhOo tha flaming ted head Of fraekkd Fatty Barg wfll ba mkrad. tha g lrk ara

• ttww m tha 48d Woman'a Ntolonal Golf Cham- UonaUp a t tha 46-year-«4d Was Bum C3ub hers. Aug. 31-36.

An appandactomy toread huaky UtUo bdra B org to forfeit th lT a S other UUoo, aad Edith B a ta b ro ^ racontly crawnad WooMB'a W a to te aoasd ehamplen, paaosd up tha pra- duetloB to study.

But aU oUmt Amartean brsilltnoro are on the groirad and tour foreign stars lend Intoraatloaal flavor.

^ y are Pam Barton. BrUkh national ehampina aad 1638 win- nor to tba Amorieaa Utla a t Bound Brook. N. J.; SO-yeaiwId flhoOa Btroyaa, Britkh junior s a t Uino-Umo ertonor to t to iS n te Btoloato u tk ; Fay Craekw, sight- tons Vruguayaa ohamplea aad Uueo-Umo holdsr to tha AtgcBtina cup; and 80-ysari«ld Evotya Marvin of Rio ds Janeiro, whoso sound gams brought hor to tha torsfiront la asv- oral ngtonal touraabMaU

Sonorita Croehsr f w t f r t k tha t>qrs<^ thioat to A n sriM T iT ^

**"• ®ttnnn Ool- t t t t Vara, Kathartna KnaphlO. Mau-E Sf « « O w -lotto M u ttte .

Woo Burnhistory in bar first three or four proetleo rounds.

Ths m ks from Maatovldso turn- od t e s ueeesstvo te a m to 74. 78 aad 78, from mm's taos uadw striagsnt touraanMnt eendittona on a w 73 ooursa.

I rsoor dtd blfdtoa aad *aaks •hklbttsd a bagful to ahots Uiat

ovsn e a ^ oaM k? m to widia,■bo drivm 878 yaras . . . gsta ltO w lth h o rN o ,8^ u r • •

Hor form to portoot

MSXCMQUmCU^'mM M U M ite ! ia M M D S RJLL W tlff

B R O m iC M ySOXtMTMMfUON a S P T z -^ ,

TRkamcMM MR ste Moef UMOfO/ODO/6AM£A m M r T p e TC fH ^TtM eSM , fS XM OAM OaOAe e u c c B o e o RC O N B U D 6 S NAMARUJIf

Willy Boxer Favored By Ringside Ejqiert:^ WTio Give Him 4 Heats ■

Record Crowd Sees Excit* ing 6-Round Feature Of Red Men’s Show; O’Neil Loscfl yerdict; Bent Cop* Semi-FInaL

By Win AstomAnd tha Bad Waathar-Maltompo-

came. And tho Young Elm withstood tho Masts tor six moons. A nearly uprooted. But ths Ckoat WMto Spirit p n k ad b o a oquaUy wcO and aald: "R k woD." the Rad Men, spprnkiBg thalr groat haap to wampum, ako aald: % to rolL“to pinto Mbn^MotoNoa. Sal MaL

tempo, to WUlimbnm wrigMag 168, aad Eddie Elm, lo M adddlewelght Otar, oeaUng 164, drawfoie a leeord-broaklag otowd a t the Rad Man'o Arena last alghL Itto Fraakk Portene, whoa aaked to deUlk to hk dod olon after tha aald that ba bad handed h k to a tt card to the oommkrienar aad eouM not romambor tha flguraa. to tho optaka to the five nowspapanMn a t Um ringside aad ssaay to ths tons, Mbitsmpo won tour out to '

a t ths flaal htO. Tito * m r dsatttokwas grsotod by seasa bsaai

Tbs uadsicaid w m . a Mad m twith two im<w«r«..«q aad A TXO. lb t e first bout, Otol Btoelff. ME to Wladmr Looka won ovor Foto B «v Mb. 187 1 .4 . to Wbrasator to A wM shigflag boa

_ Tsm ay OUfoff U am TM soooad boat w m to a se n to-

oal totarsoL t t wimt'iTommy OTfall. ] Sfiatchod agtoaat 184, to HiAord. I



FeUer Allows 3 Hits But Bows in tlth , 1-0

With P itd iliif Greatst t baiis ^ k ttuttoX Yankst Red m x Win. s t uuis e nttatongh e

At aay rata h a n to th* fight todstaU:

Bddk to t A groat hand whoa BUiy DsHaa latnduead htsa Ha had ^ an t e eight pro aghto ihd "ratdp tor h k ahito r i itoty*

m M. Mottoami hoavy aot youStatar. a

-------------- bMsr, ataa w m w ansTlw hattto t baton Us

tovarad tha wmimMtto tod. Md aMi TIm f aaara a s t am

s sa m d la tha aastar to Um Hs e i Q aghta fram a araaUL H d a i ^ M M Latoads atralght w M i 8 a 5 iwada hold high. Ha hsaga paash but MM t o f i i a d w orinA T M ti Jab tba t watrim Bddto,

Tba anw d n arad m ■ « sdsa aE Mai S648 to n baUwapi Out asthat lalt Jab M d d ---------tor a M oauaL HddI

brought _____ _______flgbtarA fram Bddto B m as . l i l i t o own right ho w m tha rum sr m tor Um ststo smatswr titto sight or ^ yoan agA Ho aosmsd to bo la tooro Just to toew tho yuoagaton ^ he oUS oouM O ghThut al< though ho toniM writ ho toot tho dsoislea agsinst a j r a e s r bensr. m w m gtvsB a goad totoi aad aka gtvso word by the eemaskskAsr th6t M WM too old to fight aad would not bo aUowod to bM agato.

BIQy SstryE Uw HaekriOa vtoss-

Waykti^aatd t e thMsiT'lMd 1 WM mwbto to

Wmmmrn Tha

drag out affair.14T, to


eontor sad lofL mood screes

ftoffth to J i ^ sad t e 0 ^ toagkd wiih H iat Hirtin. Bm HsQMd wm bo b k batlsty SIM6 aad t t s n o t to the OrsM tsam wm tabs tho Sria la tha to ltow te toffw: B « k k 'a t thUd. Ssvortek at abort v lot on asoond sad Borasidl a t flraL Butah Lswott la k f t Obu- riwwrid la osator aad Joe Lovutt to

aad to Coat Bail In. who ossm sIb m wtUi A iMh In ths deatag wtska a! t in ssansn. W han tho locak rsaSy tori thstr ehaaea w m agslari Rseto vOlo and.tlkgr flri aaiy tori a htO gtSM but 6l n lost A ptutori sari now tb s t tho tosM la out ta tn a ff tt waata to flakh tha t way aad be la tbora flnaday on torsiga oeu bsttitag tor tho pooaaaL

A twgo eeattaasat to loeal i o n golBg to follow tbe chib flown to Olsrianbury. The g a t e wtU ba plsy- od ditocUy bobtodtho High scbeol buOdhto whore a a eaoettmf • has.bssn tho roug te aasM

untsr: U m pitow s wUl

Aiissies Pull Net Surprise

Crawford and Hopman Trim Mako-TIdbffll to Gain Domblofl Flnab.

B r a e l ^ M66A. Aug. 8E -(ffF -B o M n r m m ^ Blwtod S S k —athrito pair uatfl ths chtpa

a E to d a y w m 'a n t h a t n a n i to p r a ^ ths flaol ranad to ths H td ea tl donblw toaak ckssic from bseemkg a ro u lte worhout tor Ok Aur irsMsa Daria Cup team.

Tbsy wars atost e sd to opp A drka Qukt aad Jack ffraaswi t e AuatnItaB t m , ta tba k r i to ths BMa's ssotodkal -nsTrbii a t tAagweoE Toitordsy Jaek Craw- tord and Harra nirpaisn "miner sismksrs to ths tovaaaru* tores that k te v o ra d to Mft tho pttasd court

b y S & e S S f lW to m e s ld e a d w

Sri. 4-^Se M?^ ****

Si tokj aad d r « ^ ^the boll, flavorieb started ea ths play but tolkd to eomo on In whsn BO could have oeerad asoUy so the flokkra bad ta ehass tba bsO. Ho loafed to third and Uion Vlot railed weakly to Borg for Uw final ouL t t woo Um tori obaaeo the had to win t t e ball gasM.

A fast doubk p t e In Um aaeond got Borg out of a to k aad to tha first Innmg a doubk play, Barg to Canada to Murray, stopped Um PA’S llMoo praeUeo saaaioaa that Coaok Dowfi has boon bolding cor- tatoly bavo bolstered Um West flldm up a great daaL Tbe team bandied the ball to flna s t ^ last nigbt aad played heads up baseball all Um way.

Waal flldm Oata LaaOFordo opened Um ooeond Inning

with a Biiigk aad Oustafaon told down a psrfset buat that Kovls h ^ t o aad toassd to XiUsaeiikl who Uirsw w tk ^ to third aad FOifio raced an tha way heoM. t t w Mt ar i baaa runataf and gave tho wtaaon a s ta r t la tba thtafi May trtolad to IM o k t e aad aeorad m tW M 'a

That oadsd tha sooilag 8sr tho Wori flidao althnufh UMg thraatoeod twfoo mote but could a r i fo t past tho dofaan to Um FA'a DI the fourth Robtoaos alaglod to right aad want afl the way to tUrfi on Canada’s a t t a a u ^ aaertflw M Um hatter naelwd M on flavoriera

ttotoaooa want but. By- chrit e ta HoUand aa Uw third aadr- ar mads a aiea atop aad throw. Bri- doatly tho oquims play was oa m Hsrg eaaw to bat, for Obaado raeod to Uw pkto and w m aa easy out M Um b a ^ niksoif tho baU.

f p to ug to riffht flsld fa r t a i

Mar Now _____ ___

f a t t eCs Croelctr, Is 5 PoiiifilRii

‘ her pblagmatkt o ____tomptramsaL

Her flpaaMhta

*rw w n eeatribuUoB k a grim tatoaatty aM a -**-h 'rg gama.Coavsakat Laoattaa'■polk Bsesrd Entry

In addlUon to Amsrlcaa Mg monUoaoE eonuMU

tog wm bs such tenowBsd iXet- niaksra as Dorothy T ra ite of flea

J y * j ; r i h ra n to Oreaa- rilk , fl. C_ Boatrko Barrett of Mta- te p o lto youiM Elkahoth Hkks of l^JC B ^ r ^ | f _ Betty Jamoaon to j t e A a t ^ Mrs. Daa Chandler ;{ P*q!«>J>to°«>ytt»i*y to Atlanta. Mary K. Brawns to Ooveland. EUa-mas wmiams of Chkago, Mrs. fljrtva

n a a ^ ta te h a a r to Fresh Rsa- r. M arkn M cD ^aU of Portkad,

* * 2 2»«qL “ »w- to U s An- Mra Charim Nawbold to

^ k M s entry . . . 80S f ra il ty by 80 ths number prarioua. ly aatorod to aay wmamk aatknal twirBa« w tt,k d M to ra esatalMBffias.'sK i sn sssj't.:ttea. for tournamsat purpeasa Was Burn Ctak

There to a Faltor pltehtog tor the Otavstaad la dk ra iriM bM haia ataadtag on Uw Uueahald to baso- baU'a ban to fsaw a* kog ba aUgbt bo m kukoa tor a monumsaL

But h k ehaacra to ontortag ap- parsatly dopaad oa haw a m bo oanw ritebtog, Ww dririag m au-

totooMta, eans tor eeatrri ak ag with s p m Tha Van Motor Ga ) sBoad d ea m toaglod k Uw Mg show's heCtori t e i l a g dual a f tha

tost Bight aad to st 1 4 ta U toatogs to M ty >14 flmlth i




PiiUadripMaE■ A E

ary auaehI hmUm b m

Rmttord l , Bbalra • (ataM) Attmiy T-E WUhsa-Mrra

the Chtoaaa White Touag BM gave only hit

Um toatogs, a atogto to Jaek Hayw to tho tMrfi, but kept Mmmlf taU w flra with five baam oa ballA aa orrer aad Ww wUd pKohoA

T hrw H Mo la Aff TlMa. to the riovoaUi, ba walhod

Sadth and w m touched too a dam t e by l i r a aad a ataflk by MBm KN i vM hw k ra tha saaM.

( i ^ t ) .Baraatoa E4.


SL awnne •••,«*A t o a g p ..................... aoJfvw T ork ...............84BreoklyB .................88Ptttahurgh .............. 48

"" •••••• .,4T, . . . . . 8 8

- J " *


t -8

f a t

n ur

staaip tha graatorila tha worid. i m • t eaeids that

la r a t tw lthat groat

. H t e k i

^ V U S T fJ S iAug. 8E which wm M8EWm Bass ta SevwobTra Fair. Oolfiraa

‘i.ig aa .'gaajgId ffmttb Warwani TM graaaat aoaraA daaktaad ly

•afflh. wM apraadw a O N d o a ly ^ M ttara. t t am ZN

95 9559 9V ll595fi9l598 why PMlar M a was riffy IT i th k rawpalga asd k a t aasth a y b i^slra M ralsg ta a aad aasiimtag m a a ria lk total af l i t

TM abhravtatad p r isn awjara

a s • • a a *R

• a a a a a a o*T5

• S•• 6 6 6 *59 I •6 66 6 0 #59

’ • 6 6 6 6 a a 6 6 6 6 * l

6Bffe 660 6666 6aV

• • 91 m


l y i f a Dtakay aad OaaiBa Brifekk. aariiwl


tM (_____ Atttatogh tMe’eleek stars de not rata i


to tM-TWl

17 raTTTdi <ttfllim6lll i r iMft Ota Hw- a t Wi <81. a t Naw Talk.

Ctavstaad a t ChtoagA D rifstt a t k t UukL

ta tM

tM£<w f N l g k l ’t

I to Maw :ptay a M AI

a nm Mara to

M. T^-Tbay Haw T b ^ f

Cbanik a

jd a to a d '

iM ttffk ffM to M aa ta I t t k hfousM Into tM

aor to tM dkm sad to tM aI to ty ta a BhBIv m 'w r a t tM

M6W Took CHm U k a t wask wM M t t y r i B M f l v a

Ymt9fday*9 S ta n

- M ffsa Mto I t r TfanMoo* MttMikAlgkt vlataty aad h k 1801

..RM y RtahA Fhfflka Hsta to f l r a ld ta ta


owk. 141.ML -

aad A ta t

'JSi*xfeaat M b oaara aok-fli

tab A right aad i l I M 6 two ta jaw I

drapa fraos U alk • • a thrangh f

Rauad thrrat with fkto a w te k f r b ^ with h k M t, AI

sms ta hava i TMy sta rt ta

M eS ^ en S tinTopr

I hut

tor right

nag Wm right arauad.aad tM rsMA i t tookad bad * tt rt M eSacMd aad wratMrad'

to s a t ■ r i Mt Mm wtth a

k f t ItaA wtth Bddk g a t u y t e w ea rito tt. TMra w m m oS ektag M tbsy ataod ta tM aso lir aadtajBpg.

■Sed1te«r*aad*Blf’eIwtth faurtoraight. lights to

sa t

tM l M t o d t t t a i I t o i t l y tM

today, RaraM —Hshsator, Ma

k ra aeeurato

HivwkWM 55W5Iidevar tM fli

daW toM adkM athsr ptajrar M

F rid y . ta r 18E hM laasmlai a6-fS-18E

I fm n r i toFM out flM

prstty gaad ahaasra to briM Utk hoaw dor tM ffrat t t a ^ 181E TMy wsra fftM »*— MooltMl aad Arthar Malbatt

■uMe bath wtth m k . TMm I aka draw eholra paktaga tar todi

Oral, H. OM“ V

Bwasl aad H. E (Oabeh) Hai mm ar Utita Haata Ark. Ikd Sflk with IdMa aad- rriakkfl-S

moss ad raaabdBff taa 1


Rouad Ova: Tbsy s ta r t ta riaff aad ‘ ~ k agala a t tM

i t o t t a "

H aii: R



Page 6: manchesterhistory.org Evening Hearld_1939-08-19.pdf, .......................... - ---'-r vY-ibndli niDAT. ATJotm i% tm ^ 'W'' ^ *• 0 ' c ^ _ ^..^. eoMKkSbS «C Oh Bitaofarte. Sha

KAifCBBsnBB KVBMina h bk ald NAifciinnni. pcnm^BATUSDAT. Aug o bt u . its f

I;. 'S'

• m

B U Y % m . M , W L a 7J P R E M T / z ^ ^ / / / ; . ' C L / I S S I F I E D


W te ia lA ASPWOTi to lUuBO <KR tiw d . Odl a J. KMBp.

AU TU M O inLB B P O B S A l ^

AUXO BABOAINB—IMO CUwrttt MWBiileli M d ». IM l i t t i PdhUsc ooMh. 19U

V M oeap*. BraniMr 8alw 0>. 8U atiMt. Op«n aTMIlIIgB.

1M» W ILLT* OVBHIAND •#<Ua, 4rtMB IMS thmn 1,000 nUlM, n*w car cuanntce. Iiao diccount Easy tcnM, liberal tradca. OoU Motora at Um OiBtai— «««»•

«Q R IALB —IBST NASH aad " 'U M Dodge Sedan, lOU Orabam

e e a e lL liM Naab aedan. 1981 SInmalet aedan. Uaaater Naab. 10 HCBderaon Road. Pbone TU8.

Manchester Ehrenins Herald


Ooaat au aaeiaae veraa te a Uaa acaiearn aed aberaviaiMM

aaab aooM ae a verd end aoaiaaaaa verde aa t «e werda maiaiBai aea« i> artae ad urea uaaa

Uaa ralaa ear dar tot traaaiaaiAAB, ^ ^ *1 — Iff IH I

******* * * ^ Charge

sgssss:::;|I Oar .•••....•••...•I II ala) I® ai*

All ardare far Irraaalat laaartioaa v ^ b a abaraad al ua aaa Una rau

laialal ralM ter leaa <ars aaar? dar advartlalaa al«aa aaaa raqaaat

Ada ardarad Mfora tba third or attb dar vlU ba abaraad aalr fat tba aa- laal Boabar af tIaMa Ua ad aapaar- aA abarataa al Ua rata aaraad bai

• aa aUovaaea at rofaada aaa ba aada aa ala Ubm ada atapaad aftar tba m b dar.^Jba *VU farbldiri diaalar Uaaa aat" f t a BataM artU aa« be raapoaaibia Bat aaea Ibaa aaa laaarraat laaartlaa M da^adaartlaaBMat ar^rad farT b a laadaaftaai aaiiaaiaa at UMt-

----‘ ‘ ----- la af advartlataa trill ba, br aaaaaltattaa af tba I for Ua aartrtao raadarad.

au aaat aaaUrai I traearaabr «nu

tanlaflaaa laBataid br Ua raaiwb- aid aad Uar raaaraa Ua Habl u adH. taaiaa at radaat ear aaar aaa* aldaaad abJaatiwaaVla ^ S S m n BOOIIS-Oaaataad ada labaanMIabad aaaM ddr aiaat ta fa* jafajd br 11 o'Aaab aoaai Batardara


ira aaaaaf id aaar ua talarbaea OBAMS RATS ataaa abeaa waaiaaaa u adaartlaara. bat

__V A ^ S S «u i ba aaeabtaa aa_____rA T W m If raid at Ua bail*aaaa aflaa aa^ar bafara Ua aaaaau lair latlialaa ua drat laaartlaa al m Sk ad aUarwUAvUa CBAifua

raabaaal* laaad ada

____ '^aaaeroarH ba gaataataad


abdMa atAS Ua


E L E C T R IC REfRipERATIUN conuaareUl and bouaabold aarrlea, new and uaad rafrigaraUng oquip* rnant. Wayne W. PbllUpa, 08 Walk­er. Pbona 4978.

HEATING - PLUMBING - ROOFING AND SIDING 17WE SPBCIAUZB in applying rooti, and aabaatoa aiding. Workmanabiii guarantaad. Eatlmataa freely given Alao carpentry, painting. A. A. Dion Inc.. 81 Walla. Tel. 4800.


AUSTIN A CHAMBERS Local A Long DlaUnca Movara

Tel—«360 68 HoUlaUr St

REPAIR INGMOWER REPAIRINO. sharpening, key fitting, duplicating, electrical utilities, guns, etc., reconditioned. Braltbwalta, S3 Pearl street

HELP WANTED—MALE MWANTED—HEN for picking coi Sunday. Apply 35 HcNall atraat at 7 o'clock.

SPECIAL NOTICE—On account of my age and not eo good bealtb, 1

want a young man, married or ■Ingle, wbo la willing to work and carry on an astabliaibad 810,000 a yooT gasoline and keroaena range oil filling station business. Must In­vest 13,700.00 for half, or $3,000.00 for whole ownerahip of an Inde­pendent outfit. Community Filling SUUon, W. S. Grant, owner 189 North Main street ManchesUr, Conn., near T. M. C. A.


CAPABLE, INTELUGENT, mid­dle-aged aroman wiahas employ- mant aa housekeeper for small American family In or near Man­chester. Good cook. References. Avallabls about September first. Write Bmc L, Herald.

ARTICLES FOR SALE 45FOR SALE—PURE apple elder vinegar, 8 years old. 30c gal. Come ahd get I t Bolton Oder Mill.


jS lB will be eelleeuA Jle r Sow gw enave U t ^ U a wtD ba aaaaasU aad U ^ s

0 aeasaad*******•ff T teau ■■•••

«««aa* A* ••••>*•••••«••##%• lAABBASAEE********

«Mi • •• • RS • A* • A* • a*AAAA*A*A«AAA*«AA

AAbbAb AAd A* aRAAAAAARA•###•••m aMSAA**********

• aaAiaaaaaaaAAASb a d d d d A* a aaa aa#•awa aaa

Bar _______sMIaa ter aaeaaaaa . . . . .

Aata Adeeaaerlee—Ttrea ..........Aau Rbaalriaa—PalatiBB » . » . Aafa aahaala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aatsa able ay Ttaab a a aaaa aaa Aataa^*Par Biraftaiaaaa-Uarvtaa—ateraga ......MaUraTilaa Blayalaa w aau i Aataa—MauraralSb aaalaaaa aad PaadaaaSaaal i

8ar*leaa Odarad . ■bald Bamaaa Odarad

aatraatUd .......a—Naraarlaa ............


a a a a ada

PlaaiMa -Roeasd II_______ ^ ISJlUtasiT—OteaaaMhiBB aaa aaaMa ISIjaviBd- Tuabibd—aursds a... N

rabUa Pastaadar darvlaa ........ Bt-ARMailad—Papartad .................. II^bafaassaaal Barvlaaa ss

taflerlad—Oralad-^aaBlBd . . . S«TaUaf Oaeda and Barvlas.......a. SSWaatad—Basiasaa Barviaa » . . . Si

FOR EXPERT RADIO repalra call 8010. ReUabla, reaaonabla Han- aon'd Radio. 718 Mala street

HOUSEHOLD GIKIDS 5130 Percent Off On 8 A 4

ROOMS OF FURNITURE —i^guet Sale now on —Ig'montha to pay —No pdypienU If Ack.—No pa)rma|ita if unemployed —Free dellv^ .—Flee storage(a) 8 ROOMS FURNITURE

$9 Down (18 mos. tp pay)... S9V(b) 8 ROOMS f u r n it u r e

$13 Down (18 moa. to pbvi. .gl3U(c) 8 ROOMS FURNITURE^ .

114 Down (18 moa. to pay )..$149(d) 4 ROOMS FURNITURE

$17 Down (18 moa. to pay). .glia (a) 4 ROOMS FURNITURF

$19 Down (18 mos. to pay)..|ii)« 7 FREE "<X)URTE8Y AUTOS" No matter where you live, pbone

or write ua to send a "Courtesy Auto" for you to bring you to the store and take you back home again. No obligation whatsoever.

ALBERTS FURNITURE CO. Hartford Store—48 AUyn St


FOR RENT—a ROOM daUaa, with or aitbout garage. Telephone 7338.

FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ment, modem Improvamanta, ga­rage. Adults only. 38S Oak atraat.

FOR RENT—8 ROOM heated apart­ment 33*34 Birch street. Inquire Adolph Bareasa.

FOR RENT—TWO, THREE and four room apartments, fumlsbsd or unfurnished. Call 8787 or 8888.


FOR RENT—SMALL Store laslk. Inquire at 484 Hartford Road.

HOUSES FOR KENT 95SEVERAL MODERN SIX ROOM tingle bouaas, alao two family fiats (n axeelleat locations. Apply Ed- arard J. HoU. Tclapbons Manches- tar 4843 or 8030.


FOR RENT—CRESCENT BEACH. Conn., 7 room cottage, electric stove, Frlgldalre, new water eys- tem. August 37th to Sept. 10th. F. E. OiUlns, 830 Laurel street, Hart­ford, Conn. Phone 7-7807.

FOR RENT—AT ANDOVER Lake, Bia room waterfront cottage, screened porch, running water, by the week or month. Inquire Schal- leFs Cottage.

WANTED TO RENT 68WANTED—FOUR OR five room single house, or apartment, Ameri­can family of three. Prefer location near Hollister street school. Write Box Y. Herald.


FOR SALE—GRAY AND wnite Glenwood gaa stove with heat regulator. Also black Glenwood range with Silent Glow oU bumc-. 48 South Main itreet.


Dtumotio “. ’. I I I•bar

aaa Claiaas .......... Ii(aatraatioBs ............... tl

...is-a. ^ __________ ________________ . . . M

ifad^^Xaatraatloaa BS


•aada—dtaahs—Mertasdea . . . . siBaslasss OBaortaaiilaa ........... siMaaay te Loaa ................. tl

Wut»/—FcrmU ............ Ua a a a a d d d a s a a ffff

a a a a a a a a a a a a « s f f f f * AM Ib Waatad—Mala ar Paaiala.. IIAdsata Waaiai ..................._ . i i-aMlaaUaaa Waatad—Paaiala .. . . IIB^tteaa Waatad—Mala......... II■waiagBaBI Asaaetaa .......... aaI j ^ eeaeb—S^la—deelter— Vsbialaa

...... ........... «lilaab—Vablelaa......... . i laad tBbbliaa ..............

9Faalad— Paia— Pealirg—dteeb

aunaia ............... . at• a iabaa Jawalry .. ai AaaUaaata—judie .. u

a d a a aa a d d a#ff*ADairy Pradatta M

aai -jL li;........... uWdddddWdd M~ ~ itM ........ ... U

iddwwddd ffff •ddWddB At

• • • • a d«Bd • wm d •

■bbg^WWwMSaeyd ........ it

T O JSrair;.-rr.-. a■MM-$M dW »>aM rd ...MW. tt

BARGAIN NEW BLIZZARD cut­ter—Uacd Papem, Blixsards, Uehl, McCormick. Large stock tractors, potato dlggera. gas engines. In good condition. Terms. Dublin Tractor Co., WUUmantlc.


stool, $30 cash. Call aft<E. J. Norton, 180 Main streeU

with ;er 0 p. m.


FOR BALE—PAIR OF ladles black kid riding boots, else 8. Practically new. Pbona 0944.


FOR RENT —AT WARANOKE apartments, fumlabed rooms for light houaekeeping. Oontlnuour hot water. Apply to Jaaltor.

Re$»d The Herald Advi.

rKRMiTHOTire o r A rrucATion

ThU tf to Rivp notlcR ihtt I John Tfc» of 14 Birch Rtr«tt. Mmnehtttor. Conn.. hJiVR (lied tn •rplicmtlon dRted ITth of AuKURl. ItSI with thft Llayor Control CommltRlon for • Club r«r- rolt for th« Rol* of Rleoiioila llguor on th* promlaRB of 106 CItntnn ttr*et. Uanch*Bt«r. Conn. Th« butlnets It owned by Polliih AmeriCun Club, Ine,. of 106 Clinton itreet. M^ncheeter. Conn., end will be conducted -by John Tyes of )6 Btrch etreet. Mancheeter, Conn., ae permittee.

JOHN TYCZl»«ted 17tb of Auc . 1919.


E xp la in s W o rk

O f S lo vd C lass

Lack of Inforinatidir~AB To Activity; Trains in W ood working.

During the past week or so, The Herald has published several atorles con>e.mtog the aloyd classes con­ducted ebch summer by Henry Mil­ler at the'Ramard school, and It seems that atot of people are com­pletely In the darl at to the mean­ing of the word "sloyd." In fact. Mr. Miller himself ask^ The Herald to say “wood-working" Instead of slovd but the latter word fits ao well In a headline that It was Ijp- poaslble to resist the temptation to use it

Sloyd is taken from the Swedish word "alojd." with two doth over the "o," and means skill and dexterity, espedaUy skilled labor. hence, manufacture, wood carving, ac­cording to Webater'i International. It' is a system of manupl training In the practical tiae of tools and ma- teriali, and in the making and use of plana and specificatlona connect­ed with trade work.

It wad adopted or largely devel­oped from a Blmilar Swedish aystem. In which wood carving was a chief feature. Ita- purpose Is to develop the pupils mentally and physically, aa well aa to afford skUl In some trade, a purpose, incidentally, that Mr. Hiller la highly succebsful In achieving.

FOR RENT— $60 Available Sept. 1st 7*Roon Sinck Hoibv, oil bonier hcaL treNsc*. fforaac, retidtatlal sec­tion. laqalre -. . .Robt. J. Smith, Inc.

a n MhOi S(ree«n ee


aa Mi

F O R S A L E -

TdepAone 88R9

A v ia tio ii D ay Sees B ig A ir P lan s on W av

_ I a<

a doxen new national and latema- Uonai filgbt records.

An unprecedented War Depast* ment program ealla for an Increase In the Air Corps strength from 3,000 to 0,000 planes in two yeara. The aircraft cost will ba about $118,000,- 000. Equipment, armament and related coats will run the total to about $330,000,000. The Air Corpa will inereaae Ka enlisted perseonel from 30,000 to about 40,000.

Tlia navy hopes to add 1,000 planes to Its current total of about2.000 in five yoMXt, with TOO con­templated for Ulle year.

•$,008 Near PlIeBa Civilian aviation already has

made tremendous gains aad the Civil Aeronautics Authority has been authorised to train 80,000 new non-mllltaty pilots in the next few yearn.

The CAA, created a year ago tq correlate government regulation of civil aviation, Is preparing to train10.000 young men at 300 colleges and universities in the school year which begins next month. More than 300 received similar training at 13 colleges the past year.

The CAA said iU records showed thst 28,144 pilots held official gov­ernment carUficatan for non-military flying, 8,000 more than a year ago. All but 70S of these are men. Two years hence, the CAA said, there should be almut 70,000.

Private certified airplanes total 11,100, about 1,400 more than a year ago. During the first six months of this year, 1,637 airplanes were produced for domestic civil use, with only about 40 going Into the transport branch of the Industry.

The CAA made public these other Indications of the tnduqjtry's growth:

Federal airways have increased ten per cent to more than 30,000 miles; the American flag files cm planes from Nome, Alaska. to Buenos Aires, and from Marsetllae. France, to Hong-Kong. China: twice weekly flight are being made across the Atlantic; fata) craabes have been reduced; traffic control has been modernised and expanded; 1,- 073 new landing field, beacon, radio and related attee have been acquired In the last year.

Biirford Is Still Called Fugitive

(Coattauod from Fags Om .)

an O. K. on the crooks that liappcn to ba over and abova them."

The Oonnally act makes It a Fed­eral offense to transport across state lines oil produced In violation of suta oil laws. Oh March 34. 1938 the Louisiana Conservation Chmmla- sloo Increased the allowable of Peli­can OU and Gasoline CO. wells In the Rodessa, La., field to 30,000 Imrrels dally.

This was the oil purchased by Burford's company for IransMila- tion by his pipellfia to his East Texas refinery.

The government contended Dr. J. A. Shaw, director of tlia Minerals Dlvlilon of the Loulslanalconaerva* tlon Department, and James O'Con­nor. assistant attorney general iff Louisiana, had been "mtaled" In con­nection witlt IsBuance of the allow­able Increase order, and Uierefore oU produced under It was product Ulegally.

Contend OrderBurford's attomeirs contended tlis

order was properly signed and baaed on the essential Louisiana requlin- ment. market demand, aad > Um oil therefore was legally produced aad Its transportation aertwa state Uass constitutsd ao offsnas against tta governmenL

Judge Davidson 'iMld paymaat of $100,(X>0 by Burford to vFalas In connection with sals of Ills Louiai- sna-Tsxsa plpsUiM for $^,008 was s leglUmats hnslnsss eemmlasleii. He alao hold no tvldoneo was pro­duced to show Burford knew *8w was part of aad contributing to an unlawful conspiracy b y . wnseh the

**\ See by the Papers— " Nasis Deploy AFmy On Polidii<S]k>vid( Bonier IQO Miles

« n)

Arriving at his CampobsOo, N. B„ summer home, President Booss- velt reads—without comment—.a newspaper account of Chicago Mayor Kelly's demand that the President be drafted for a-third term. Mr. and Mrs. Frahklin D. Roosevelt, Jr- peer over hit


governor-elect of Bmt-mour Weias, the political boea, ex­pected to put some money la their pockets."

Testimony of A. C. QUasaO, than president of PeUeaa. that $46,800 cash paid by Burford to Watea was upon the order of Qlaasall and “without any IrutrucUon aa to why it was being done" removed "the last BarUcIa of guUt that may ba chariad to Burfoni" J n ^ David-

Italians PntOnus on Poles

(C •)

peetad to pUy ia any war Ixvoivlnff Hungary's anU-OoMdxtani aUM, Qarmaay and Italy.

Orowlag taoaloa was raOaetad te

------ — war iaxvanadT7.—Fasdat pxpara puhHMad leaig dte- patehea from Bartte te Um affaet that paaco dapanda om the “p u t Sanaa of the PeHah •1th tha aatetengtleii _ return to flMiiMBj eonld as ba datoyad.

Cteae^ Albantea trip

M iss Fenerty

Q u its Sept. I

iMay Continue as Part Time Worker After Her Marriage. Report.

Mias Gertrude Fenarty'a resigna­tion aa director of the Recreation Centers will be effective the first ot September and Ernest "Mike" Zwtek wUl succeed her In that posi­tion on Labor Day. Miss Fenerty re­signed to be married to Eugene Splesa next month.

It Is possible that Miss Fenerty may become a part time worker In the Recreation - Cantera. handling woman's activities but no formal an­nouncement baa been made of the staff that will aaalat Mr. Zwtek,' Who ia now engaged in making tentative arrangements for tha fall and win­ter activlUes.

It was announced today that the ICast Bide Rac building will ba closed for the next two weeks until I,abor Day to' undergo renovation. Mem­bers will be able to use the facUitlea of the West Bids building during this time.

Give Shower Party For Miss Olson

Mias Ulnnia D. Olson of Pearl street whoM marrlaga to Austin Beachler will ta)w plrnc* on Satur­day. Saptembar •, was tha honor g u ^ at a abowar party last might at the TJi.CA. Tba hoataaaea ware: Mm. John Crouaa, Mm Harold Read, Mm Sbanrood Baaeblar, U m Harold Melntosb. Mm Percy House of Olaatonbuiy, Mias ; Dorothy Fraaar and Mlaa Ann Johnson, and m4ra than SO frianda of tha bride- elect wars in attendance.

Tha ktwor aoetal hall wharo the

function took place was artistically decomtad with garden flowara, ai^ the buffet luncheon table with blud deipblnluma aad pale yellow ealea- dulaa and yellow candles. Delicious refreahmenta were served by tha, boatesaca

The gifts Included Unan. pyrax, pottery, silver, glaaawara and alac- triO appliances; and aavaral groups combined on their gifts.

Finish First Week On New Agreement

Indivldua] waavers, quaationad at union headquartara this morning, ap­peared to hare taken the new work­ing conditions at the Cheney Velvet mills In their atrlde, without further complaint now that the recent atrika la settled. While nearly all at tba weavers agree that three looms in- volvai considerably more work rfca" two. the former assignment the work la going on In the usual man­ner. Recent hot weather haa made the increased loom load felt mors than usual, weavers aay.

Asked If the new piece mte baale la proving aatlafactory, wearers said that It appears to be, although It la early yet*to get an accurate Idea of earnings, only the passage of a perl' od of time demonstrating advantages from this arrangement

howavw, pBraua^ad iitiii to kas9 Ua port. .

A "M axaa 'a fneiam r vUeii m rattiad yaatarday batwaen Uovakto

Oaraaahy waa daaerttod te ra- Uabla auartars as Uacteg tUa Uttla rapublie*B armad u n ^ v a A n out- rtgU Oannaa domteatlaa

Paarlak BeeUe* 0«a Inddantany. today’s Oarmaa

» t o o ^ aawtoapar proelalmad ^ to te v a 'e _ " J W PtoWam Js aiora tbaa ripe.",

Squads of pallet wara aapt to t a ^ v a ' s asdaiit OtoUo wMrti ^ Oamiqa wft»aaRy haa lavUad thNs tlmaa tUa BMutii to boat Jaws aad daatfoy preparty:

ThsOarmto dUaority nawapapar Oranaboto said te a fteeVliegeadl- U M . “it te oaty fight H it S a Jaars ba qolrtUy and puBiahad this Ubm . tar „ thter provoeatioaa."

laat canaus |«va T0.006 jinrs Ib BrsdilRva-

It was laanMd laltebly $I p* •ona ware .arrastad ovanjijd*t on a ehaiga of dlatributteg aatlTgovam- m wt and anUr<3annna, paapUata. fta y wara rtoortad aainad by poMca te a. eallfu' with thair printing plant

W ^ w , Aug. 1»—0P>—Tha Po- Uah vtearpotat on Oannanjf’a tight- anlng af bar grip an gleyakte te nmmad up tartUa way te poutleal

.,.‘1* **• **«ortted as avldsnoathat Oatman prtaauih (on Poland) is now taKuasalng hour by hour te- ataad of day by day. And alao a moral atandpotet tha rap move te Slovakia ranat ba v fg ■ ■ as iateraatteg. Tba aama Oarteany, which comptelna so Utterly of 'ancte- clamant* would appaar to ha am- b a t ^ on n dUftiamto prognm of mtUtaiy anctelamant at Pofaiiid.’ ’

Tha momteg naargpapara, Una- m r , dlqiteyad only n dantel ay tha Slovak lagatloB tltet Oarmaite no.

“»UUtary poapaa. aton*' of tha amal] atoto. flamratlTapaaklng tha .naarn wa--------- *te Waraaw.

was kmitsd to tha praoMMO te ^ v a of a BiUitery mteaton aad to tha ooeupatten by ftermsa traiepa af a a m agraad upon test MarehT

Tha mflltory miaalen, hand~ad by Oanaral Barthauaan, waa daaeritod as tha aama aa tt haa baan fOr noQtlia.

Oarmaa aoldlan wara aaid to ba eonflaad to tha a g r ^ rt% lytag w ^ of tha aartafB atem of Mo- va l^ and oart of tha Xittte^OBr- pathlaaa, tha WhUa CaipaUiteaa and tha Javorelk BMuatatea,

Tha Army of BlovAte wna,da- aertfaad as tadopandaBt of Ctennany but tt waa obaarvnd that iBavakla could call upon Oarraany aa hair pro­tector any tlBM fOr teOttaiy aid.

la the Air.

Tuscaloosa. Ala.—Holt Raat, Ala­bama reserve end. la licensed to pilot both land and aeaptanaai

Santo fh Leagne,

Santa Fe—Santa Fa wll] antar organised baseball aa a member at the Arlsona-Texaa League next aea- son.

Pnrto. A w . , i » -4 g v -A Partegn Offlaa apokaannte aUd today t ^ Fmnea M leeatoed qflkial nartM anoas from Bndnpart that tbs Maaid- ~ "ip batwaan Hungary i ‘ '

4 not bam attatsd In by Potalgb tnateter O n l ^ telpa to Barite and Ram*.

T N rrmah nteteSte b tens Quartet, ealltdan

Premiar Count Pnte M rtd ptote^ day. Tbo antay roQtevad tegmU na- Miraaem that OaOat Omkyte atelta

5 ?Detroit—Bob Sage, wbo on

fougbt Harry Oreb for the middle­weight title, la clreult court coi mlsalonar bar*.

Oaoearn M t In Sfllelal U f oaaa rsnaatn cf.Obr-

Sure Thing in the Fifthnaoaaaaav iaauntu B ^ .’tnfwa iimt t e n _____ ,,PYwieb laaeliition to 4 tenwt at a blew af.' wbatovar term tt.

■ .•*

■ - r

waea M alao to baburg I

pista militarycity.

»v Moecow Staff V Talka WUiiile

to tbs



Bat Cnatea aad Btet a wtanar at M Um i tavortte is aura to win. batM te

itoaaiwalbaR-i lo filn

PUhrn i t f tetoHbtoDy I

a b «H ta < 'Ibejam lbaa lO T

Scoiite to Cam p A t W o rlil’s F a ir

ScoQtiiiBstar and Four of Local Troop Included In Those to Attrad.

A group af S3 Roy goouta rapre- amting Cbartar Dab Oeuaeff ar tfa« Hartferd diatrlet wUl ba camped for ena artak on-tha grounds at taa Naw Toib World’s Fair. Tba group laeludaa one Bcoutmastar aad tout Scouts from Mtaebaoter. Scout- tnastar Harry K. OUrtt, of 78 Henry atraat. trio bo U chaiga of the troop, and th* four total Beeuta to the ttoup' ara Wbak Bteiuaorteaa; gqy- ateur Maidatent, Wbitor Wt ' aad JOinaB (jrlawold. ' ''

‘nw Seoub) will go to Planaor,' Wlastod, tomerrear noon tor -a tiro da^’ pwric trateteg. Timy win leave CoteP Plpnaar Tuesday by bus for a waak’s ancampqiant at tha Pair.

'ARangsgoanto tor the trip wara wade for. tha local group Qirough Scout Oommlaatonar Haydaa Ons- wotd of Oakland atraat.

A cto r C ro u p s Rem ain U pset

A lte r T lire a t«

Whitaband’a emiUaimBca la tbaatH- eal union affalra. It oxpaDod him from th* AAAA raeontly, aad alao onatod th* APA oo greunda of te- attoordlaatloa to Ita iaqdara.

Tha AAAA Comnilttoo'a aaeamloB throat waa tatatoad 1^ tha A FL BxieuUvw Oeuneti'a roeemmendstten that Whttehaad ba.rataliiad III od)eo uatn a mSBtel alaatten couM ba held dtbia N tapa.

f a iiamir RWtor Cbjaatlin T b a A A A A ’e b|ttor rtQaSoe to

nutaboad bad b* ‘Kaanatb Thoaiam. ___tary at tba Bersm Acton

Mwat of tbo AAAA. \•i iM iHMnR il$r* tim

miWnR AFt« w lM i $ad$d m il

mpft’t u m im4$r nur rw*#«$ Ms- - It.Rli.eINjE'

awy'run,grt ndtegS'by th* A PL oouactf

In ita aSacti to eampoa* tba dWac- baMnm'tba A A A A and tba ptia'aad tba AAAA. boteSTpr.

Tba A j iL ' tauBCit toted tba A A A A wga wttbla.Jto rights in oxpaffteg ' ~'A aad that tba la ta ^ B U i^

a 'O f Tbaatgteal RteSf Rte" ptoyao. tta ategabtada’ AiTL^ualea, axtaQdad ttapeann wbmi tt graatad a cbartar to tba oqatta AJTA.

The a a Aa covnBttteib tm$4ed tor A ^ Praatdmt nraak OtOm ot*. Ud la a langtby atatamaat last

night that ^ te iadsta mate that wfim tba A A A A tor tba torrt tites la Its bbyaar anoriaUna wttb tba A P L comas to Its paraat body tor a

>“W a wapT

sqnara daaJ tt gate wbSt te arttbaut Mattea an u a j^ aerdlet""Tba aaseattos ewmiira aeHfR.«

it told, "tecota aa to eeartdtolm.

w^ t o a A I ^


prbbt was la tb a 'tan an a$4teBt WUtem.Orsaatolft


l aato-awdedeae to piftetortTcaal ’aaorrtl

ratumsd natti tba APIop tooart bt ratumsd natti tba APL Na- tieaat OnbamHm la ClnelanaU doxt Oct 8. .

tba AAAA mtegaamaa ■•M: "Ha ite8 cm pot tbto tb b « am -rtb O cteb Z - ^

WbHaiMal tetonaad M tkt AAAA’b rajaotiea c f tha APL eaua- airs naaea tdhrta. mdd: "Tbto te a alaal tor aa (tbs'AFA) to go abmd mtb aa ergaateteg car

of Iba6).'

U se t iC z e c h M ethods A ga(i| l ' A ga in st P d S. (C

m .ta ba'baM ta aamll aaRa. ba tba caftate ntear toOm

6aya a f tm tatebif tt.aald Qia ~ T i i woato'ba tou cbM y to ^


; I and Nonsense —RED RYDER Tha Plan Failn r - wmateadaf ,

1 Am OaOlag VonI am tha beat friend you .over bad.I am hung about with sweet

mtmortea....Memories of Brldaa... Momortaa at Hotbars... .Memories o f Pbthera... .Mamorlas of Boys aad Oirte... .Mamorlas of angels aa they walk te tha shadows.

I am blessed with loving thoughts, croamad by happy hands anu haarta. In tto minds of tba greatest man oa aarth I find a constant dwell­ing place. I safMniard man through all his paths, I lift ub tha fallen, 1 atraagtbm tha weak, 1 help the die- trtaatd. 1 show mercy, bestow Mnd- naaa aad offer a friendly hand.

I am good fellowship, friendliness, love. Soma time—some day in the near future YOU will yearn for the touch of my friendly -hand.

I wltnaaa always to the best in Ufa. I stand foursquare against all evl). I help tha young to really live. I solve many problems for thsM In tba bay-dey of life. I bring comfort to the aged, and strength to the weak, coaaeiatlon to the bereaved.

1 create faith In and between your fellowmen.

Can you afford to pass me up and by? I am calling you NOW.J AM YOUR CHURCai!

id—There la only one honeet making a living.-Why. how'a that?

lend—I thought you wojildn't know!

Dent Bm s In th* Meter Roe .To those who Uve within the town.

no wiadom hers they'll see.But those «'ho ride In buses home

wlU get It all, entirely!Each bua-load baa ita clever wit..

and glgfllng girls—oh, gee!Tha guy who parka right by the

door and. the blunderbiias who eteps on me.

Mrs. Always There, in her usual placa, imnwvabla as the sphinx.

Tha nut who merely sits and atarei and thinks and thinks and thinks.

The sweat young thing, of movie type, and the stranger there—

He looks at bar, she. looks at him, a but romance. Look out, old men. beware!

Now those who ride know this Is true, and stranger, if you can.

Just take this tip Dotfl flirt with "her", for the driver may be "her" man.

The lady drove to a part of town recently where she thought she ought to lock her car while she did ■c me shopping. When she returned, thtdkey refused to turn the lock. A paaaerby tried to help her, but suc­ceeded only In breaking the key in the lock. Sha finally talephonco to a repair shop for aaaiatance and when It came the man said he would have to take off the lock. This was a difficult Job; In tact, after an hour's work ha talephonec. tha shop to send a towing car. While the care were being hooked together, some­one idly tried the handle of the door near the driver's wheel. It was un­locked!

Jimtor—Mother, dear. Isn't It nearly time for lunch?

Mother—No, dear, lunch will noj be ready for nearly an hour.

Junior—I guess my stomach must be fast.



Doctor—Why do you have these humliera tattooed on your bark?

Patient-That Isn't a tattoo. That's where my wife hit me with the car while I waa holding the garage door open.

■. r,t;. ^

BY CLYDE LEWISo .. . _ -v-a.....



The lightning bug la a thing.

But the poor thing ia ao blind.It goes stumbling through the world With ita headlight on behind.


ihjart Painted Favorite Portrait of Washington^ R 0 R O X WARHlMOTON’S

lovoft UkaniM te imt a paiiittai hone te an art

nusaum. It te th* small, angravsd Haag which, from th* first 10- kant Bdhtaive, issued ia 1147, to tbo 8-pont iasu* ot IttS. has boon th* mort popular-'stetop te-U. S. BuUa,. . '

1m pietaro m Ih* stamp was Jahtn from a portrait of Washlng-

GUbort Stiiart, on* of th* rtatert ot the early American

w u bonf ta Rhode' Island In 175$. In 1779 he, went to London, wher* he opened a studio six years later. He gained lam* auitaly> painted Georg* in , Sir JOHiua Raynolda and other ce« lebriUsSo

At th* hoigkf ol bte caraar he returned to America, in 1792, pateted portraib of th* first flvt praaidants of Unltad States and of teeny other dlatlngulihod man and wooMB of tba period.

Bart known ar* Stuart’s patet- tngi of Waihingloa. Om of thoaa haaga te tha MateepelUan Muaa- MB, aaothor te tbo Boston muto* um. A third, a fuU-langth per- tratt, waspotetod tor ttisMarquU o f Laaadmn*. m . Stuart dtad to Ittt.aad was teoetod to tho Antann kaU at tamo ta 1$(W.

A Btuart portrait at Watataglda la teianm m tha rod S-cant V. A atamp abova, at th* teaw ot ifioi-fis.


"And if you're all gpod little Uddiea you mo tuM in tomorHoiw and beer Slugger McGurk gat bis braina

bashed out I”


m l“1 had the loveliest time! We hid in tha enva in Claribal's

parlor and were atUcked by Indians!”


F'.e m Pr o d d y . t h b Lo c a l I n v e n t o r / is a t w o r k o n t h e W ORLP*S LARGEST ’ MEGAPHONE

1 a l tha tort that vait- L «»8 f$P^larapa

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toou*T w on n y ABOUT TMB MA'Obb -■-1MB ONUf AR84A-

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Oh I WouM, TonTans.

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---------o r u t u iH t k v m mTO Lwe MTHi VOLAAtaaiM TOM’ OMCf A VtAR TMIt WQMIM MAK6 A RLOMlUag TD TMI VOLCAUO. TWW. Mutr n «0Mi eowBcnou.



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