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Event Proposal and Funding Application Form Please fill in the aPPlication form below to register your event for beca heritage week 2014. If you would like to apply for funding please read the guidelines in section 5 and make sure section 3 is completed.

The closing date for applications is Friday 13 June 2014. You will be notified of the Heritage Week Management Team’s decision in July.

Please email the completed form to [email protected] or post to:

Heritage Week C/O Charlotte Gaunson Civic Offices PO Box 73014 Christchurch 8154

For any questions relating to the funding application (section 3) please contact Vicky Hunwick on [email protected] or phone (03) 943 2238.

For any other questions relating to your event or this form, please email [email protected] or phone Charlotte Gaunson on (03) 941 8495.

Section 1: Applicant’s DetailsName of organisation/business/group/individual organising the event:

Main contact person:

Postal address:

Phone number (daytime):





How would you prefer to be contacted? Phone Email Post

What is your group’s legal status? (Please check boxes below)

Incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 or the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 (please attach a copy of your Certificate of Incorporation)

None/ Informal Group

Commercial Business

Other legal Entity (e.g. Maori Trust Board) Please specify:

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Beca Heritage Week 2014

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Have you organised other heritage related events during the year. If so what are they?

Section 2: Event DetailsEvent name:

Date: Start Time: End time :

Date: Start Time: End time:

Date: Start Time: End time:


Address (street number and name):



ticketingFree event? Yes No

Adult cost $

Child cost $

Student/Senior Citizen cost $

Family pass (two adults, two children) cost $

Booking required? Yes No

Booking information and contact details: (Note: If you do not intend using a booking office, the phone number listed must be attended at all times during business hours to deal with public enquiries.)

Booking fee $

Disability access? Yes No

Parking facilities? Yes No

Parking fee $

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Beca Heritage Week 2014

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Parking instructions:

Other comments/information:

Description of your event - 85 words maximum. (Please note: this text may be edited to fit into the brochure and website published by the Christchurch City Council.)

Please describe how your event relates to this year’s theme. Making Connections – Experience our past, present, future.

Number of visitors expected to attend your event:

target audiencePlease tick which Council Wards visitors are most likely to come from.

Burwood/Pegasus Fendalton/Waimairi

Hagley/Ferrymead Riccarton/Wigram

Shirley/Papanui Spreydon/Heathcote

Lyttelton/Mt Herbert Akaroa/Wairewa

What are the main target age groups for this event?

0–16 16–35 35–65 65+

Section 3: Funding Application RequirementsThis section must be completed if you wish to apply for funding. See section 5 on the Guidelines for Funding Application.

If you do not require funding support please skip to section 4.

heritage week objectivesHow does being part of the Heritage Week programme help you to achieve your business/organisation/groups operational objectives?

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Beca Heritage Week 2014

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What is the key heritage message(s) your event will promote?

How do attendees/visitors/guests engage/experience your organisation as part of your event?

event managementNumber of people in your event organising group:

If volunteers help deliver your event, estimate the total number of volunteer hours:

Key roles of volunteers:

Are there any major deadlines that impact upon the running of this event (eg. booking guest speaker, venue hire etc). If yes, what are your key dates for decisions?

How will you promote your event?

event budgetIncome (for this project only).

Funds on hand $

Ticket revenue $

Sponsorship $

Total of other grants $

Other eg. fundraising $


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Expenditure - Please list all costs that the Heritage Week grant would be used to cover (eg. Printing of promotional flyers etc.)

Request from CCC Total Cost Heritage Week Fund

Venue Hire $ $

Technical $ $

Catering $ $

Entertainment $ $

Promotion/Marketing/Advertising $ $

Transport $ $

Security $ $

Infrastructure $ $

Other (please explain) $ $


If Heritage Week Community Grants funding is not successful will your event/s proceed as planned? Yes No

If no, please advise what you would do differently:

Section 4: Organiser’s Declaration

Please tick

We, the Undersigned, have read and accept the Christchurch City Council’s Heritage Week Terms and Conditions as enclosed with this form.

We accept that all event proposals and funding requests are subject to approval by the Beca Heritage Week Management Team before being accepted as part of the Programme of Events.

We solemnly declare that the details contained in this application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and we have the authority to commit to the above conditions.

Name: Name:

Position held in group: Position held in group:

Signature: Signature:

Date: Date:

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Section 5: Guidelines for Funding Application

PurPoseThe Beca Heritage Week Support Fund supports the service of an event to Heritage Week. The Fund will assist community event organisers to achieve the objectives of Beca Heritage Week.

• To increase the public awareness of the value of the heritage of Christchurch buildings and places as a vital component of the unique identity of the city.

• To create an annual celebration aimed at involving residents and visitors in a series of social, cultural and educational events which are thematically focused on Christchurch heritage buildings and places.

• To promote the efforts of community and commercial groups and organisations and profile their appropriate events and projects as part of Heritage Week.

• To be inclusive of the diversity of Christchurch’s cultural heritage, particularly Tangata Whenua cultural heritage and cultural minorities.

• To highlight heritage successes and issues.

• To celebrate important anniversaries in Christchurch’s history.

• To engage a wider audience; particularly children, young people and ethnic minority groups.

• To contribute to research and the creation of accessible resources, to be archived.

• To focus on themes of Christchurch’s history which relate to/ respond to current heritage and concerns and developments nationally and internationally.

funding PeriodFunding to cover costs associated with event delivery for the period 17 – 27 October 2014.

accountability and comPliances• Funding received is to be spent by 30 October 2014.

• Any alterations to the use of the funding must be discussed with and agreed to by Council staff or funding may be required to be returned.

• A funds reconciliation form will be forwarded to you and must be completed when funding is spent or by 14 November 2014.

this fund covers:• Costs related to production of an approved Heritage Week event.

when assessing you aPPlication we will look at:• How your event will add value to the Heritage Week theme.

• How funds will increase the professional output of the event.

• How the funds will help you enhance the visitors experience.

• That your event delivers the objectives of Heritage Week.

this fund will not cover:• Retrospective costs or project or purchase costs incurred or settled before the agreed commencement date of the funding agreement.

• Debt servicing or re-financing costs.

• Stock or capital market investment.

• Gambling or prize money.

• Payment of any legal expenditure, including costs or expenditures related to mediation disputes Employment Tribunal, Small Claims Tribunal, Professional or Disciplinary Body hearings.

• Purchase of land and buildings.

• Building maintenance or facility design, development and renovation costs.

• Activities or initiatives where the primary purpose is to promote religious ministry, political objectives, commercial or profit-oriented interests.

• Fundraising or general income-growth purposes.

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• Money that will be re-distributed as grant funding, sponsorship, donations, bequests, aid funding or aid to other recipients.

• Payment of fines, court costs or mediation costs, IRD penalties or retrospective tax payments.

• Costs to remedy, rectify, upgrade, retrofit or replace equipment, vehicles or premises as a result of action by central or local government departments or other agencies who hold regulatory or enforcement powers.

• Purchase of vehicles and any related ongoing maintenance, repair, overhead costs or road user charges.

• Projects that are considered to be the primary responsibility of:

- Central government

- Some other funding body

- A Council Unit (where funding should come from an internal budget)

Section 6: Terms and Conditions of Event Christchurch City Council is responsible for the following aspects of Beca Heritage Week:

• Coordination of entries into the Heritage Week Programme

• Marketing and promotion of Heritage Week

• Coordinating media information

• Acting as a liaison between event organisers

Should your event be accepted as part of Heritage Week, you will be responsible for adhering to the following conditions:

1. Including the text “In association with Beca Heritage Week 2014” on any material released with the aim of publicising your event, such as posters, fliers, newspaper/magazine advertising, website promotion etc.

2. Ensure the Event Managers receive copies of all press releases, advertisements and brochures associated with your event.

3. The event will be organised in a professional manner, incorporating Health and Safety guidelines, accessibility and comfort for participants.

4. It is important that event organisers provide accurate and timely information to the Event Managers as this may be released to the media or used for promotional purposes. Any changes to the event/s must be forwarded to the Event Managers immediately.

5. Have personnel on hand to deal with inquiries about your event if an established booking agency is not being used.

6. Health and Safety plans must be in place for all events and are the responsibility of each individual event organiser. Information on Health and Safety Plans and a template is available to all event organisers whose events have been accepted for inclusion in the programme of events for Heritage Week.

Please ensure you are familiar with these Terms and Conditions prior to registering your event.

Section 7: Terms and Conditions of Funding Agreement1. GRANT

1.1 Grant: The Council agrees that it shall make payment of the Grant to the Recipient on the payment date(s) set out in the Reference Schedule.

1.2 Application of Grant: In consideration of payment of the Grant the Recipient agrees that it shall apply the Grant solely for the purposes described in the Reference Schedule.


2.1 Accountability: The Recipient shall:

a. Provide the Accountability Reports specified in the Reference Schedule on or before each of the relevant Reporting Dates;

b. Acknowledge receipt of the Grant in its annual report and in any publicity material produced in conjunction with the Grant;

c. Keep and maintain accurate records of the application and the expenditure of the Grant including but not limited to receipts, bank statements and invoices;

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d. Notify the Police and the Council immediately if it has reason to believe that the Grant or any part has been stolen or misappropriated; and

e. Notify the Council immediately if it experiences any issues or difficulties which may compromise the use of the Grant for the purposes specified in the Reference Schedule;

f. Advise the Council of any changes to its legal status at any time during the term of the Agreement.

2.2 No assignment: The Recipient shall not:

a. Assign, sublicense or otherwise dispose of its rights and obligations under this Agreement; or

b. Subcontract the provision of the services and/or the completion of the projects to which the Grant is to be applied, without the prior consent in writing of the Council. The Council may withhold its consent at its entire discretion or give its consent subject to certain conditions and shall not be required to give any reasons.

2.3 Review: On request from the Council, the Recipient shall facilitate a review of the application and expenditure of the Grant by:

a. Making its documents, records and premises available for inspection;

b. Providing any information in relation to the expenditure and application of the Grant within 14 days of a request by the Council;

c. Procuring the availability of Personnel to discuss the application and expenditure of the Grant with the Council’s Representative or any person designated by the Council’s Representative; and

d. Doing all other things reasonably necessary to facilitate a review of the expenditure and application of the Grant.

2.4 Notice of Review: The Council shall;

a. Provide not less than 48 hours notice of its intention to carry out a review pursuant to clause 2.3; and

b. Carry out any review pursuant to clause 2.3 during working hours and at other such times as are reasonable having regard to the nature of the Recipient’s undertakings.

2.5 Regulatory Capacity: Nothing in clauses 2.3 or 2.4 limits the Council’s powers of inspection under any enactment or any of the Council’s powers or discretions while acting in its regulatory capacity under the Resource Management Act 2004 or any other enactment or regulation.


3.1 The recipient acknowledges that the Council may include details of the Grant in public announcements or statements.


4.1 The parties to this Agreement agree to collaborate to ensure the Grant is used in the most efficient way possible. To this end the parties agree that the following principles will be fundamental to the relationship:

a. Integrity – both parties will act with honesty and in good faith and ensure the wider interest, unique status, circumstances and reputation of the other party is respected and given full consideration at all times.

b. Open Communication – both parties will listen, talk and engage with each other openly and promptly including clear and timely written communications.

c. Accountability – both parties recognise the need for clear lines of accountability in the contracts and arrangements between the parties.

d. Innovation – both parties will build on successes and encourage new approaches and creative solutions.


5.1 The Recipient and the Council shall each appoint a representative who shall be authorised to give and receive all directions and instructions in connection with the matters set out in this Agreement. The Recipient’s Representative and the Council’s Representative agree to meet as reasonably required by either party in order to discuss the matters set out in this Agreement and organising the Grant. The Recipient’s representative shall make him or herself reasonably available to attend such meetings at his or her own cost.


6.1 Term: This agreement shall be for the Term specified in the Reference Schedule.

6.2 Material Breach: Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately if the other party commits a material breach of this Agreement and fails to remedy the breach within 14 days after being given written notice to do so.

6.3 Termination by Council: The Council may terminate this Agreement immediately if:

a. the Recipient fails to comply with it’s obligations under this Agreement and continues to fail to comply with such obligations after requests from the Council to do so;

b. the Recipient ceases to be able to pay it’s debts as and when they fall due, becomes bankrupt or goes into liquidation, ceases to carry on business in the ordinary course, or has a receiver or manager, a liquidator, and administrator or other like person appointed in respect of any of its assets;

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c. the recipient, by any means whatsoever, causes the image or reputation of the Council to fall into disrepute;

d. the Council determines that in its reasonable opinion the provision of the services and/or the completion of the project to which the Grant is to be applied will not proceed or be completed, for any reason whatsoever, whether or not within the control of the Council.

6.4 Liability to Recipient: The Council shall be under no liability to the Recipient or any other person to pay any compensation or damages for any loss that the Recipient may suffer arising out of termination under this clause 6.

6.5 Grant: On termination or expiry of the Term of this Agreement the Recipient shall immediately refund any part of the Grant that remains unutilised. If the parties cannot agree, clause 8 shall apply.

6.6 Accrued Rights: Except as expressly provided in this agreement, the termination or expiry of this Agreement shall not prejudice the rights of either party accrued prior to the date of the termination or expiry.


7.1 Indemnity: The Recipient indemnifies the Council in respect of all costs (including legal costs), claims, liabilities, losses, damage and expenses suffered or incurred by the Council and any other person claiming through the Council as a direct or indirect consequence of any unlawful, negligent, tortuous, criminal, reckless or dishonest errors, acts or omissions of the Recipient in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.


8.1 Negotiation: Should any dispute or difference arise between the parties concerning this Agreement, the parties agree that they will, in good faith, endeavour to resolve the dispute by consultation and negotiation between representatives of each party.

8.2 Arbitration: If the dispute cannot be resolved by representatives of each party within 14 days after the date the dispute arouse, then either party may refer the dispute to be determined by a sole arbitrator appointed by the parties. If the parties cannot agree upon such appointment, an arbitrator shall be appointed by the President for the time being of the Canterbury District Law Society who will act in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1996 and the express provisions of this clause will prevail in the event of any inconsistency with the Arbitration Act 1996 to the extent permitted by law.


9.1 Notice in Writing: Any notice, or other communication under this Agreement is to be in writing and is to be made or given by facsimile, personal delivery or by post to the addressee at the facsimile number or address set out in the Reference Schedule. Any changes to the notice details set out in the reference Schedule shall be immediately notified to the other party.

9.2 Receipt: No notice or other communication will be effective until received. A notice or other communication will be deemed, in the absence of proof to the contrary, to have been received by the party to whom it was sent:

a. In the case of personal delivery, when delivered;

b. in the case of facsimile, on the working day on which it is transmitted and a transmission confirmation report is received from the machine on which it was transmitted, provided that if a facsimile is transmitted after 5:00 pm (in the place of receipt) on a working day, or not on a working day, then the facsimile will be deemed to have been received on the next working day;

c. in the case of a letter, on the 5th day after posting via fast port or airmail.


10.1 Council as Local Authority: The Recipient acknowledges that the Council in terms of its regulatory function as a Local Authority, is obliged to act as a Local Authority and not as a party to this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement will effect the Council’s rights, powers, duties and obligations in the exercise of its functions as a Local Authority, and the rights, powers, duties and obligations of the Council under all public and local statutes, district plans, by-laws, orders and regulations may be fully exercised as if this Agreement had not been executed by it.

10.2 Force majeure event: A party will not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement to the extent that failure is due to factors outside its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, fire, electricity, failure or third party industrial actions.

10.3 Entire agreement: This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties in relation to the matters set out in it. It replaces all earlier negotiations, representations, warranties, understanding and agreements, whether oral or written, between the parties relating to the Grant.

10.4 No partnership: Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute an agency, partnership or joint venture between the parties. Neither party shall have by virtue of this Agreement the authority to oblige or bind the other party in any manner whatsoever.

10.5 Modification: No modification or alteration of, or addition to, any of the provisions of this Agreement is to be effective unless it is agreed by the parties in writing.

10.6 No waiver: Failure by a party to exercise or delay in exercising a right, power or remedy does not prevent its exercise and is not to amount to a waiver.

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10.7 Illegality: if one or more of the provisions of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement are not to be affected and are to continue in full force and effect.

10.8 Governing law: This agreement shall be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of New Zealand.


11.1 “Agreement” means this agreement and the Schedules to it.

11.2 “Council’s Representative” means the representative of the recipient specified in the Reference Schedule.

11.3 “Recipient’s Representative” means the representative of the Recipient specified in the Reference Schedule.

11.4 “Grant” means the Grant to be paid by the Council to the recipient under this Agreement. The Grant shall be inclusive of any GST which may by payable from time to time.

11.5 “Term” means the term of this Agreement set out in the Reference Schedule, unless terminated earlier in accordance with clause 6.

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