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Page 1: Events log for SHC

Event Title

Aim Date Time Location Estimated Cost Number of Attendants

Notes and Comments

Pre-drinks and icebreaker event;

Organise a Friday night pre-drinks event where people could get to know each other;

24th October, 2014 20:30 Urbanest Common Room (13th Floor)

£0.00 6 Relatively poor turnout, although the night-out to the Saw Swee Hock basement club was great;

Halloween Party and pre-drinks event;

Organise an Halloween event where people could convene prior to going out to party;

31st October, 2014 20:30 Urbanest Common Room (13th Floor)

£120.00 (Paid for by a committee member)

40 Excellent success. The pizza that was provided proved to be a huge crowd-pleaser;

On-going 5km running event;

Gather a team together that would run in a King’s Cross-sponsored 5km running scheme;

On-going throughout Michalemas Term (once per week every Thursday);

17:45 every Thursday evening;

Participants would convene in the reception prior to going for their run;

£0.00 12 The first 5km run proved to be quite popular, although the subsequent sessions had a poorer turnout (perhaps due to timing issues and timetable clashes?);

First urbanest International Cuisine Event

Organise a restaurant outing as part of an on-going scheme to explore different culinary traditions;

13th November, 2014

19:30 Thiwanya Thai Restaurant, Holborn;

£0.00 (around £12.00 per person who attended);

10 30 people had RSVPD, and only 10 people attended. The evening was, nevertheless, very enjoyable;

Urbanest ‘Olympics’ Event

Organise an event where students could come to de-stress during the busy essay-season of the term by playing board games, table tennis, and foosball;

6th November, 2014 20:00 Urbanest Common Room (13th Floor)

£0.00 2 Extremely poor turnout. Conclusions drawn suggest that LSE students would prefer to distress by completing their essays, and then partying afterwards;

Lord Mayor’s Fireworks Display

Organise a trip to see the Lord Mayor’s Fireworks Show by the banks of the Thames;

8th November, 2014 16:30 We ended up observing the fireworks display from beside Temple tube station;

£0.00 8 For those who went, the event was a success (albeit that the weather was awful);

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Thanksgiving ‘bring-a-thing’ event

Organise an event where people could bring their own culinary contribution in order to celebrate Thanksgiving;

27th November, 2014

19:30 Urbanest Mezzanine Terrace Area (1st Floor)

£0.00 (Urbanest provided the majority of the food)

15 Many of the Americans at urbanest had made alternative plans for the evening, so the turnout was quite poor. People did not end up contributing any food, but instead just took the food that urbanest had provided for them;

Second urbanest International Cuisine Event

Organise a restaurant outing as part of an on-going scheme to explore different culinary traditions;

7th December, 2014 20:00 Souk Medina/Bazaar Middle Eastern Restaurant, Covent Garden;

£0.00 from the budget (around £20.00 per person who attended);

7 Very successful evening for those that did attend;

Christmas Party and Public Hall Meeting

Organise a Christmas event in honour of the end of term, alongside hosting the Public Hall Meeting;

12th December, 2014

20:00 Urbanest Common Room (13th Floor)

£250.00 (money was spent on a tea-urn and mulled wine; urbanest provided chocolates and mince pies)

40 Relatively successful evening, although no interest was shown in the Public Hall Meeting;

Lent Term ‘welcome back’ pizza part

Organise a pizza-party to welcome everyone back to urbanest following the end of their holidays;

16th January, 2015 20:00 Urbanest Common Room (13th Floor)

£35.00 (pizza was paid for by urbanest; the committee only covered the non-alcoholic drinks)

45 Very successful evening (probably because of the pizza);

Third urbanest International Cuisine Event

Organise a restaurant outing as part of an on-going scheme to explore different culinary traditions;

25th January, 2015 12:00 My Old Dutch Pancake House, Holborn

£70.00 (a £10.00 subsidy was provided per attendant)

7 Very successful event for those that attended (by this time we had formed a regular group of people who came to the cuisine events, although certain events did demonstrate variance in attendants);

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NFL Super Bowl Event

Organise a live-screening of the 2015 NFL Super Bowl;

1st February, 2015 22:30 Urbanest Common Room (13rh Floor)

£120.00 (urbanest covered all of the costs of purchasing the decorations that we ended up putting up ourselves; we just covered the cost of the alcohol)

25 Quite a successful event, although people were not that fond of the Budweiser beer (consider getting a different beer next time). The ciders proved to be very popular;

Fourth urbanest International Cuisine Event

Organise a restaurant outing as part of an on-going scheme to explore different culinary traditions;

8th February, 2015 19:00 Dishoom Indian Restaurant, King’s Cross

£140.00 (a £10.00 subsidy was provided per attendant)

14 This was probably the most successful restaurant event. This was most likely because Dishoom is undoubtedly the best chain of Indian restaurants in London;

Friday Night Pre-Drinks Event

Organise an event where we could get rid of all of the extra beer that was left over from the Super Bowl event;

13th February, 2015 20:00 Urbanest Common Room (13th Floor)

£0.00 8 A rather frustrating event where I personally ended up having to physically go to people and ask them to take the beer from me (although I did eventually get rid of all of the beer after my friends started helping me out with the distribution process);

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Shrove Tuesday On-the-Go Pancakes

Organise an event where people could celebrate Shrove Tuesday via an express pancake giveaway;

17th February, 2015 08:00 Urbanest Reception £32.00 (we only had to cover the cost of the condiments and the gluten-free pancakes; urbanest covered the cost of the gluten-containing pancake mix);

40 Highly successful after people realised that the pancakes that we were distributing were free and thus for the taking. The event required lots of work though, because me and my friends ended up having to fry around 60 pancakes ourselves;

Fifth urbanest International Cuisine Event

Organise a restaurant outing as part of an on-going scheme to explore different culinary traditions;

1st March, 2015 19:30 The Gourmet Burger Kitchen, The Brunswick Centre, Russell Square

£120.00 (a £10.00 subsidy was provided per attendant)

12 Again, a very successful evening for those that did decide to come;

St. Patrick’s Day Beer and Pizza Social

Organise an event where people could convene to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

17th March, 2015 20:30 Urbanest Mezzanine Terrace Area (1st Floor)

£200.00 (this is how much we spent on alcohol (Guinness beer, various ciders and soft-drinks) for the event; urbanest covered the costs of the pizza and the decorations)

50 One of the most successful events in terms of turnout. This was probably because of the highly successful combination of pizza and plenty of free alcohol;

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Cuisine Event Pictures

The pictures continue overleaf;

First event at Thiwanya;

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Second event at Souk Medina/ Bazaar;

Third event at My Old Dutch;

Fourth event at Dishoom;

Fifth event at The Gourmet Burger Kitchen;

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Other Events:

Food provided for the Christmas event;

Décor and set-up for the Super Bowl event;

Leftover alcohol from the Superbowl event;

On-the-Go pancake stand in reception;

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