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Evolution of dental informatics as a major research tool in

oral pathology.

Jr. of oral & maxillofacial pathologyVol 16 issue 1 jan-apr 2012.

Dr. Gaurav S.SalunkhePG- Oral Pthology

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Computer science


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Collecting Data

Storing Data

Retrieving Data

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Biomedical informatics, incorporates the knowledge of

Health science


Computer science


Management science

Information technology

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History In 1970 Paulien Hogeweg coined the term


While Margaret O. Dayhoff is said to be the “Mother and Father of bio - informatics”.

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The primary goal is to increase the understanding of biological processes.

Application of computational intensive techniques.

The main goal of the dental informatics is to improve patient out come.

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Major research in this field are

Gene finding

Genome assembly

Protein str. alignment

Protein str. prediction



Drug design

Drug discovery

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Bio-informatics must support and improve the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease and traumatic injury, relive pain and pressure and improve oral heath.

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Evolution of Dental Informatics

The national library of medicine MEDLINE is the world’s largest biomedical literature data base and stores data from all health care disciplines.

Similarly Gen Bank, a data base of gene and protein sequence information, to which researchers from several domains contribute.

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Applications of dental informatics in oral pathology

Early detection of oral cancer.

Genomics in oral pathology.

Proteomics in oral pathology.


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Early detection of oral cancerOral cancer is one of the most common

cause of cancer related death world wide.

Early detection will improve cure rates and patients quality of life.

Unfortunately, more than 50% of patients with oral cancer display evidence of spread to regional lymph node and metastases at the time of diagnosis.

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Evolution of CDx system has contributed to negating this drawback.

It’s a USA based company, of automatic pathology laboratory.

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Oral CDx brush biopsy kit

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Oral CDx Brush

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With this method optimizing human and computer capabilities it becomes possible to identify cellular abnormalities that might otherwise have been missed with manual microscopic screening.

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Genomics in oral pathology It is derived from German word


The term “Genomics” was coined by Dr. Tom Rodericks, a geneticist at the Jackson Laboratory at a meeting held in Maryland on the mapping of the human genome in 1986.

Genome is all the DNA contained in an organism.

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Genomics is the study of functions and interaction of all the genes in the genome, including their interaction with environmental factors.

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The first free-living organism to be sequenced was that of ''Haemophilus influenzae'' in 1995, and since then genomes are being sequenced at a rapid pace.

As of September 2007, the complete sequence was known of about 1879 viruses , 577 bacterial species and roughly 23 eukaryote organisms, of which about half are fungi.

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Host interaction


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Proteomics in oral pathologyProteomics is the large scale study of

proteins, particularly their structure and functions.

The term proteomic was coined in the year 1997.

The word proteome is a blend of PROTEin and genOME.

PROTEOME was coined in 1994 by Marc Wilkins.

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Marc R. Wilkins is an Australian scientist who is credited with the concept of the proteome, and is a Professor in the School of Biotechnology and Bio molecular Sciences at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

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The National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) in the US has undertaken a project to catalog all the proteins contained in human oral fluids.

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Microarrays Microarrays analysis is a new technology

in which all of the genes of an organism are represented by oligonucleotide sequences spread out in an 80x80 array microscopic slide.

It is a multiplex “lab on a chip.”

It is usually a glass slide or silicon thin film.

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Types are:

1. DNA microarray2. Protein microarray3. Peptide microarray4. Tissue microarray5. Cellular microarray6. Chemical compound microarray7. Antibody microarray8. Carbohydrate microarray9. Phenotype microarray

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Applications in oral pathology

It may be able to identify those genetic alterations that are more likely to determine the progression of a premalignant lesion to frank malignancy.

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Applications in other fields

It is used commonly for detection of viruses and other pathogens from blood sample.

Can identify inheritable markers and have been used as a genotyping tool.

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Conclusion Theoretical disciplines like Bioinformatics

will aid us greatly in understanding.

Genomics & Proteomics together will play a vital role in providing better understanding of disease processes at molecular level, their potential to identify risk factor and therapeutic target at molecular level is established.

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Current state of the art in both genomics-proteomics and the bioinformatics suggests that a proper combination of experimental and theoretical results, obtained with different methods will soon becomes the gold standard for the study of oral diseases.

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