+ All Categories

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CHAPTER .i:::.i .... !!i!:: :i:!iii:


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Evolutionary Computational Support for the Characterization of Biological Systems

Bogdan Filipi~

Janez Strancar Jo~ef Stefan Institute


Evolutionary computation can be of considerable use in interpreting and analyz- ing spectra of biological systems. Chapter 15 treats this general topic with a focus on feature selection (that is, identifying the salient features of obtained spectra). In this chapter we focus on a particular technology called electron paramagnetic

resonance (EPR), and on the use of an evolutionary computational approach to aid the characterization of biological systems with EPR. EPR spectroscopy is a non- destructive inspection method capable of detecting changes in organisms caused by biologically active substances or resulting from pathological conditions. Inter- pretation of spectral characteristics, which was performed manually in the past, is currently supported by numerical spectrum-simulation models. To find appro- priate values of model parameters that reveal important information about the system being studied, we have employed an evolutionary algorithm. Our previous results show that this approach can alleviate weaknesses of single-point optimiza- tion methods. In this study the algorithm was hybridized with a deterministic op- timization technique and tested on synthetic and real EPR spectra used for cell membrane characterization. The results show that high-quality results can be ob- tained and, at the same time, much of the spectroscopist's time previously needed for navigating the optimization procedure can be saved.

Evolutionary computation (see Chapter 2 and references therein) is an area of computer science that uses principles of natural evolution in computer prob- lem solving. Algorithms based on evolutionary computation exhibit a number of

13 Characterization of Biological Systems 8 0 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

advantages over traditional specialized methods and other stochastic algorithms that we state here, as each is highly relevant to the task at hand. Aside from a meas- ure to determine the fitness of candidate solutions, they require no information about the properties of the search space. By processing populations of candidates, they are capable of providing alternative solutions to complex problems. They require low development costs and can be easily extended by incorporating ele- ments of other search algorithms. These characteristics make evolutionary al- gorithms robust and applicable to a number of design and optimization tasks (Biethahn and Nissen, 1995; Dasgupta and Michalewicz, 1997), and they are the reasons we adopted the technique for the optimization task discussed here.

This chapter deals with a real-world, high-dimensional optimization task for which a numerical model of the underlying process is available to simulate and evaluate candidate solutions. The objective for designing an automated evolu- tionary optimization procedure is not only to produce high-quality results, but also to reduce the time a user spends navigating the search for good solutions. The application domain is EPR spectroscopy and the task is to tune parameters of spectral characteristics obtained by this method. EPRmalso referred to as elec- tron magnetic resonance (EMR) or electron spin resonance (ESR)mdenotes the physical phenomenon of the absorption of microwave radiation by paramagnetic molecules or ions exposed to an external magnetic field. This phenomenon is exploited in EPR spectroscopy, which is a nondestructive probe method suitable for inspecting biological systems.

In the past, interpretation of EPR spectra was performed manually by meas- uring spectral peak characteristics and analyzing their relationships. However, the recorded EPR spectra provide much more reliable and biologically meaningful information when characterized by computer-aided spectrum simulation. This requires the parameters of the relevant biophysical model to be tuned so that the simulated spectrum matches the experimentally obtained spectrum. When solv- ing this problem with traditional single-point optimization techniques, the spec- troscopist must provide good initial values for the parameters and perform a se- ries of algorithm runs. This approach is time-consuming and requires active user participation, whereas an automated optimization procedure would allow the spectroscopist to focus on experiments and obtain better insight into the biolog- ical system being studied.

Population-based evolutionary search is a good candidate for automating pa- rameter optimization in EPR spectroscopy. To verify this idea, we integrated a spectrum-simulation model with an evolutionary algorithm and carried out a pre- liminary experimental verification on synthetic EPR spectra (Filipi~ and Strancar, 2001 ). Initial results were promising, both in terms of accuracy and reduction of

13.2 Characterization of Biological Systems with EPR Spectroscopy ........... ............................................................................. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 281

the time spent by a spectroscopist to navigate the optimization procedure. Here we present a hybrid version of the optimization algorithm that improves on pre- vious results. We describe the experimental domain, the hybrid algorithm, and its evaluation on both synthetic and real EPR spectra used for cell membrane char- acterization. We conclude with a summary of results and a discussion of plans for

further work.

13.2 ~.~ii~i~.~i~i~i..~!~.~i~.~.~!!~!!~:!!!!~!~!~=.!~i!iiii~.~.~!i~!~=~i!~i~i~i~.~.~!!!~!;.~i~i~i.~:.~



EPR spectroscopy can be used to explore biological systems in their complex

environment. The only alteration to the native system required is that spin probes or some other stable radicals be inserted into the system. EPR spectroscopy can detect heterogeneity, which is an important property of any complex system. Het- erogeneity is detected by the presence of superimposed EPR spectra consisting of several spectral components (also called domains). They arise from various com- ponents of the probed system that exhibit different physical characteristics. Het- erogeneity comes into play in the final stage of an EPR experiment-- the inter- pretation of EPR spectrum. When interpreting the spectrum using an appropriate biophysical simulation model, it is possible to resolve different spectral compo- nents, whose presence indicates different anisotropy and /o r dynamics of the spin probes in various components of the system (Mouritsen and J~rgensen, 1994; Marsh, 1995).

EPR spectroscopy is a powerful characterization technique, particularly in combination with physiological experiments. In such experiments we can mea- sure various physiological quantities, such as biochemical response of a tissue in terms of concentration or activity of any active molecule, muscle contraction, cell culture survival, reduction, and metabolic (Svetek et al., 1995) and antioxidant activity. Additionally, we can determine EPR-based parameters, including domain weights, membrane fluidity, polarity, and concentrations. Therefore, by correlat- ing measured physiological and EPR quantities, both caused by the same exter- nal factor, we can connect macroscopic response with microscopic changes in structure and dynamics, which can greatly facilitate our understanding of the

principles of complex living systems. There are many illuminating examples reported in which such diverse but

correlated data are combined. One is the correlation of plasma membrane char- acterization for various blood vesicles (e.g., erythrocytes; see Zuvi~-Butorac et

13 Characterization of Biological Systems 8 2 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


al. [1999]) and the activities of various enzymes or receptors (Hooper, 1998). Another example is correlation of the membrane characterization of plasma membranes (or any internal membranes of particular cells) with characteristics of various diseases (e.g., acute-phase cancer).

It is worth mentioning some experimental conditions that explicitly require a description of heterogeneity within the simulation model. As we are addressing membrane characterization, the most interesting example of the heterogeneity detected by EPR spectroscopy is the lateral domain heterogeneity of the plasma or other internal cell membranes. The physical explanation of the system hetero- geneity in based on the competition of different short-range interactions (sterical and van der Waals) and long-range interactions (Coulomb and dipolar). The bio- chemical explanation of heterogeneity in a system is that a real biological system is built from many different molecules, which tend to interact in different ways, leading to aggregation or the formation of different domains. There are various possible characteristics that can be used to define techniques to distinguish dif- ferent domains. For instance, domains may be distinguished from one another by probing their molecular dynamics or anisotropy. Domains may also differ prima- rily in chemical composition (termed cholesterol domains). And particular domains may be extracted from a system by using chemical agents in experiments exam- ining the most stable domains (termed rafts). However, these characteristics over- lap each other in the sense that two domains with different chemical composi- tions probably also differ in their dynamics and stability.

Finally, to characterize the heterogeneity of a complex biological system studied by EPR requires a powerful optimization tool because the simulation models used involve many parameters that are partially correlated. The simula- tion model should therefore be coupled with an optimization method that can provide values of model parameters with the required accuracy and do so in a reasonable amount of time.

EPR Spectrum-Simulation Model

The biophysical model used in this study to simulate numerically EPR spectra of spin-labeled membranes is based on the so-called motional-restricted fast-motion

approximation (Strancar et al., 2000). The model presumes multidomain struc- ture of a membrane and takes into account fast and anisotropic rotational mo- tional of molecules (Schindler and Seelig, 1973; Van et al., 1974). Parameters of the model provide information about ordering, dynamics, and the polarity at vari- ous locations in different membrane domains. Calculation of each of the result- ing spectral components consists of three steps, outlined here. A detailed de- scription can be found in Strancar et al. (2000).

13.2 Characterization of Biological Systems with EPR Spectroscopy ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2 8 3

In the first step, a power-like resonant field distribution is calculated. The dis-

tribution originates from the partially averaged anisotropy of magnetic tensors A (hyperfine coupling) and g (Zeeman coupling). The latter are effectively axi- ally symmetric due to rapid rotation of the spin-probe molecules around one of the principal axes of the magnetic tensors. Additionally, the eigenvalues of the

magnetic tensor in the membranes are partially averaged because of molecular

motion, Which is restricted in the direction perpendicular to the membrane nor- mal vector. The resultant effective values A eft and gefr can be described with order

parameter S (Griffith andJost, 1976). However, these effective values still depend on the angle �9 between the direction of the magnetic field and the local mem-

brane normal vector (which approximately coincides with the motion-averaged direction of a spin-probe molecule). The resonant field dependence Br(O ) is

]~W-- MAeff({~}) B(O) - , (13.1)


where h is the reduced Planck constant, w is microwave frequency, M is the mag-

netic quantum number of the nuclear spin state, and ~t B is Bohr magneton. The angular distribution of the membrane normal vectors dP(O)/dO is then taken

into account to calculate the powder-like resonant field distribution for the three hyperfine spectral components (M= -1, 0, 1):

dP (Ur) _ f dP(O)/dO sin(O)dO (13.2) dB r dB(O) / dO

The resolution of this distribution is usually the same as that of the experimental spectra, typically 1024 points per sweep width. To calculate the magnetic field dis- tribution from partially averaged individual magnetic tensor components, the symmetry of the angular (directional) distribution of spin probes is approximated in an ensemble of 2000-5000 spins. The symmetry of the angular distribution dP(O)/dO is spherical for any randomly directed spherical or nonspherical par- ticles, as in suspensions, but it can be cylindrical in fibers or ellipsoidal in the case of cellular aggregation and precipitation.

Note that the magnetic tensors A and g change with the environment of the spin-probe molecules (Griffith andJost , 1976). The neighbor ing electric fields influence the electron density distribution, which in turn affects the values of the

magnetic tensor components. Because calculations of accurate corrections are very difficult and time consuming even in the simplest cases, we use two linear

polarity correction factors PA and pg. They act on the traces of both tensors and characterize the polarity of individual components.

The second step of the EPR spectral line-shape calculation is to obtain the relaxation times T 2 or linewidths 1 / T 2 for the fast-motion regime, which proved to

13 Characterization of Biological Systems 8 4 .. . . ===========================================================================================================================================================================================================================

be convenient for small molecules such as lipophilic spin probes. The Lorentzian linewidths are primarily determined by the rotational reorientation described by rotational correlation time 1: (Nordio, 1976). The calculation is done using the following equation for M= -1, 0, 1:

1 -A(T~, A, g) + B(Tc, A, g)M+ C(~c, A, g)M 2 + W. (13.3)

72 Here W represents additional broadening due to unresolved hydrogen super- hyperfine structure or the presence of any other broadening mechanism. The co- efficients A, B, C are derived from a motional narrowing approximation valid for correlation times in the range 10 -11 < "gc < 10-8 nsec (Nordio, 1976).

The third calculational step includes convolution of the resonant field distri-

bution with the Lorentzian absorption line shape I (B- Br; T 2 ( m ) ) for all three lines in the spectra (i.e., for M - -1, 0, 1):

I(B) + ~. f I ( B - Br; T2(M)) d B . (13.4) M dB r

EPR spectrum simulation with motional-restricted fast-motional approxima- tion model requires the following parameters for each spectral domain"

�9 Order parameter S

§ Rotation correlation time ~c

§ Broadening constant W

§ Polarity correction factors PA and pg

Weighting factor d

Given the values of these spectral parameters, the model produces a simulated EPR spectrum. Figure 13.1 shows an example of an experimental spectrum and the related simulated spectrum consisting of three spectral domains.

13.2.2 The Role of Spectral Parameters

The most important parameter, which in some sense characterizes the type of a spectral domain, is the order parameter S, which indicates the anisotropy of the actual orientation distribution relative to the membrane normal vector. Larger values of S signify more compact and ordered domains with respect to the direc- tions of the molecular axes.

The rotational correlation time 1: c characterizes rotational motions of the molecular conformational changes. Larger values of rotational correlation times

13.2 Characterization of Biological Systems with EPR Spectroscopy



Signal intensity I (arbitrary units)

/-. , , . Experimental ..........

pectral domains


339 341 343 345 347

Magnetic field density B (mT)

Example of an experimental EPR spectrum and the related three-domain simu- lated spectrum obtained with motional-restricted fast-motion approximation model.

indicate rotational motions with fewer collisions and therefore fewer changes in direction and speed of motion.

The additional broadening constant Wincludes the effect of the spin-spin in- teraction in nonideal diluted samples and contains information about the diffusion constants and local concentrations of the spin probes in particular components of the system under investigation. Larger values of W indicate that the product of the diffusion constant and the concentrations of the spin probes is large.

Both polarity correction factors PA and pg reflect changes in the electron den- sity distributions. The factors are influenced by the polarity of the local environ- ment of the spin probes or by any other source of the electric fields (e.g., groups of polar molecules, electric charge double layers). Larger values for PA imply stronger interactions of the nitrogen nucleus and unpaired electron, indicating higher electron densities near the nitrogen nucleus.

Finally, the weight of a particular domain, d, represents the total number of spin probes distributed in that domain. This implies that if the spin probe has difo

13 Characterization of Biological Systems 8 6 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

ferent distribution coefficients for each domain type, the calculated domain pro- portions can in fact be different from the measured proportions. This is crucial

if the distribution coefficient vanishes for a specific domain type, causing the spec- tral component of this particular domain to disappear.


To tune the parameters of the spectrum simulation model, a hybrid optimization procedure was developed. The core of the procedure is an evolutionary algo- rithm, which starts with a set of random parameter settings and proceeds by iter- atively improving candidate solutions. Parameter settings processed by the algo-

ri thm are represented as real-valued vectors. The number of vector components

depends on the number of spectral domains encountered. For example, for a typ- ical cell membrane characterization problem with three spectral domains (k = 3), there are 6k - 1 - 17 parameters that need to be optimized. The number of do-

mains itself is not subject to optimization and must be provided by the user. To evaluate a parameter setting, the algorithm activates the spectrum simu-

lation procedure, which calculates a spectrum and then evaluates the goodness of fit of the simulated spectrum with the one recorded in the EPR experiment. The quality measure is the reduced ~2 (i.e., the sum of the squared residuals be- tween the experimental and simulated spectra) normalized by the squared stan- dard deviation of the experimental points, o, and by the number of points in the experimental spectrum, N:

1 ~ (~exp_ ~sim)2 ~2 = -'i ~i . (13.5)

i--1 O2

The standard deviation o is assessed numerically from the experimental points

corresponding to those points where the simulated spectrum derivatives are close to zero (this usually occurs at both ends of the spectrum). The smaller the ~2 value, the better the values of the spectral parameters. To be used with the evo- lutionary algorithm, this measure is transformed into an increasing fitness func-

tion by subtraction from a large positive constant. A generational model of the evolutionary algorithm is used including fitness-

proport ional selection (Goldberg, 1989) and elitism, which preserves a certain

number of the best solutions from the previous generation in the current popu- lation. The solution vectors are varied by multipoint crossover and uniform mu- tation. For each spectral parameter, the interval of possible values and step size are defined in advance according to physical limitations and user preferences.

13.4 Experimental Evaluation

The parameters can assume only those values satisfying these constraints, and the mutation operator is restricted to alter a vector component by increasing or decreasing it for a random number of resolution steps within the prescribed search interval. This ensures that, during the optimization process, the parameter values remain limited and discretized as specified by the user.

As preliminary numerical experiments reported in Filipi~ and Strancar (2001) indicate that the evolutionary algorithm combined with other optimization tech- niques outperforms the straightforward version of the evolutionary algorithm, this study focused on the impacts of hybridization. The evolutionary algorithm was hybridized by incorporating local optimization implemented through the downhill-simplex method proposed by Nelder and Mead (1965). Downhill sim- plex is a deterministic multidimensional optimization method which, like evolu- tionary algorithms, requires only function evaluations~not derivatives~and iter- atively improves the solutions. Hybridization of the evolutionary algorithm was approached in two ways. One was to apply local optimization to members of the final population obtained by the evolutionary algorithm; the other to was to apply local optimization to probabilistically selected solutions during the evolutionary algorithm run. The latter is called a hybrid evolutionary algorithm and can be thought of as an evolutionary algorithm with an additional, hybridization operator.


Experimental evaluation of the evolutionary optimization procedure was first per- formed on synthetic spectra with known values of spectral parameters, which makes it possible to optimize the goodness of fit of spectral characteristics and compare optimized and original parameter values. The test spectra were artifi- cially contaminated with noise to resemble real experimental spectra. The noise level was 5 % of the amplitude of the original synthetic spectra. Three test samples were provided, representing three domain spectra and therefore requiring 17 parameters to be optimized. Each test spectrum consisted of 1024 data points.

To study the effects of hybridization, four variants of the optimization proce- dure were employed:

4~ Pure evolutionary algorithm (EA)

4~ Pure evolutionary algorithm with local downhill simplex applied to the final population (EA+LO)

§ Hybrid evolutionary algorithm (HEA)

§ Hybrid evolutionary algorithm with downhill simplex applied to the final population (HEA+LO)

13 Characterization of Biological Systems

Spectral pa ramete r Unit Lower bound Upper bound Step size

Order parameter S m 0.02 1.0 0.005

Rotation correlation time ~c nsec 0.1 3.0 0.05

Broadening constant W mT 0.01 0.3 0.005

Polarity correction factor PA m 0.8 1.2 0.001

Polarity correction factor pg m 0.9998 1.002 0.000002

Weighting factor d m 0.01 0.99 0.005

13.1 i ii!ili~iiiii~i:i~=:iii?:i:i::~!~iiiiii::.!i:.::ii!!::~:i!i!iii::::!::ig%ili:: :::~%:.~::~ii:%!~ii:iiiiillili:.:


Search spaces for EPR spectral parameters considered in optimizat ion experiments .

Evolutionary algorithms were run with the following parameter settings: pop-

ulation size 200, number of generations 100, crossover probability 0.7, number of

crossing sites 3, mutat ion probability 0.05, and, when applicable, hybridization

operator probability 0.01. Table 13.1 shows the search spaces for the spectral pa-

rameters used in numerical experiments.

Ten runs of the algorithms were pe r fo rmed for each test problem. Mean

values and standard deviations for ~2 obtained in these runs are summarized in Table 13.2. They are also compared with human-navigated local optimization,

which is the optimization approach traditionally used in the spectrum simulation and optimization environment. This traditional approach consists of several runs

of the stand-alone local optimization (downhill simplex) procedure that, to pro-

duce reasonable results, must be started from promising initial points determined

by an experienced spectroscopist and navigated according to intermediate results.

The results show that pure EA without local optimization was not able to fine-

tune the solution. EA+LO performed only slightly better, and the hybrid algorithms

were most successful. Note, however, that all variants of evolutionary algorithm,

Optimizat ion p rocedure Prob lem A Prob lem B Prob lem C

Human-naviga ted LO 3.27 2.19 4.90

EA 2.82 -+ 0.87 1.93 _+ 0.49 4.48 _ 2.33

EA+LO 2.80 -+ 0.49 1.79 __. 0.37 4.40 _.+ 2.31

HEA 1.52 -+ 0.22 0.93 _ 0.06 1.43 _ 0.43

HEA+LO 1.39 _ 0.29 0.92 - 0.03 1.28 _.+ 0.46

13.2 ~!i~iii!~i~=~!!i!!~!=%%==Z~iii~i=.i~iiii~=.==~i~i!~=.~:~!~=~=iii!i~ !̀!i!~ =~%!I~II=~==~III ~


Values of ~2 obtained for three synthetic test problems.

13.4 Experimental Evaluation ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2 8 9



10 o

| : . . . . . s . ~ . . . .

! i i i i i . : ! ! ! !



0 50,000 100,000


X 2



I O o . . . .




0 50,000 100,000






! .

0 .

�9 ' ! ; 1 , . . . . . .

' ' S ' s l t " s ~ 1 7 6 1 7 6 1 7 6 1 7 6 8s I . . . . . ' , i l l + ; ; ' i o o , , , , , | i , , ; [ I t [ + : ; ..... . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . o . . . . �9 . . .

| . . . . . . . . . , , ~ 1 4 9

0 50,000 100,000


X 2





; o

. | 1 o

""[ ~ i . ~ . ~ I l I I O i l o l l l l l e e l e e � 9 e e

. . . . . . . , , " " + ' : t ! ' . . i + . ' . : . ' . . ' " . . . . �9 . ; . l l I I I 1 1 |

0 50,000 100,000




Performance traces of the evolutionary algorithms on test problem A.

which run automatically based on random initial populations, on average out-

perform the time-consuming human-navigated optimization procedure.

Figure 13.2 illustrates the performance of the evolutionary algorithms in solv-

ing the test problem A (defined in Table 13.2). Note that all the algorithms were

run for the same number of generations; however, the hybrid algorithms perform

many more solution evaluations, because the local optimization procedure is in-

corporated into the algorithm.

Because we tested the algorithms on synthetic spectra with known values of

the spectral parameters, we were also able to check the optimized parameters

13 Characterization of Biological Systems

values in the o p t i m i z a t i o n p r o c e d u r e aga ins t the o r ig ina l values. To eva lua te the

m e r i t o f the o p t i m i z a t i o n a lgo r i t hms , we de f ine the relat ive d i f f e r e n c e for e a c h

p a r a m e t e r as:

- p:o I p m a x _ / ) m i n ' ( 1 3 . 6 )

i ~ i

where /~ (E) d e n o t e s ith p a r a m e t e r value o b t a i n e d in the evo lu t iona ry o p t i m i z a t i o n

p r o c e d u r e , p i ( ~ is the or ig ina l value o f ith p a r a m e t e r , a n d pmax a n d j)min r e p r e s e n t t ' i

the u p p e r a n d lower b o u n d s valid for ith p a r a m e t e r (see Table 13.1). Values o f 6i

show the d i f f e rences b e t w e e n the o p t i m i z e d a n d exac t so lu t ions relat ive to pa-

r a m e t e r de f in i t ion intervals. T h e s e resul ts a re shown for H E A + L O in F igure 13.3.

It can be s een tha t in all cases, the p a r a m e t e r values f o u n d are very close to

the t a rge t values. Best so lu t ions for m o s t o f t h e m h a d relat ive e r ro r s o f less t h a n

10% of the de f in i t ion intervals, wh ich is a g o o d resul t for these test p rob lems . T h e r e

Problem A S1 d3 t--0ff. ..... tcl

pg3.,. ........ '(0"7~ ): ....... ,Wl ~149176 " " . . - ~ 1 7 6 ~ i . . . . . 0 '~" - . . � 9 1 7 6 1 7 6

pa3...,':i .... ...:':.... 0).,.~.. . . ...:i ...:":'.,....':'..pal

W3 .,'i'....." ..... ?:':ii0:~/~.'.'.~i':": ..... ":"....'):. pgl

tc3 i. .... k( .... :..,. .... %" ," ;'ii'" ..... ": .... i': ..... i d l .o , . ~ 1 7 6 ~176176 ~ ~ '~ , , , , ~ 1 4 9 ~

$3"< ..... ""....'" .... "."--i--:". ..... "'...:,.'" ...... .;'$2 i ! " �9 - . . '.. ~176176 . ".. . ~ . . . . . . . . . . ~.- " . �9176

d2 ........ ,:'~. :: .'}, .......... tc2 pg2 ' i ~ a 2 W2

Problem B S1 d3.., - t-:00{ . . . . . . . .~..tc 1

pg3.,: ...... i0:7-5i ..... /. '--,W1 �9 , . , , , . . ~ 1 7 6

pa3 .,."" ):"" 6":~.-- .i :.,:.. "", p a l �9 " ~ , " 7 . , ..~ , ,L~176 ~176 ,,,.

....." .... .?- ..... i :" :O. ~ . ..:" .,."'.:.. . .. 1 ...... W3 : ..... i" .... ;'i . """ : . 7 ~ i'~:-'" .:: ..... ". ..... !Pg

. , , : . . . . . ; ..... :." .."::t~l'~ .".. :: ..... .~ ..... i,.11 t C . ~ :. ".. .',,'" /". ' . ' , ." . , "',,', ." ." "-" ~

. , ~ 1 7 6 1 7 6 , , , . � 9 ~ ~ ,, �9 .�9 . . , , ' ,.

".. ...... "., .. ..... :'. . . i .. ".: .... "., .. ...... " '$2 $3"". ) " : . . : ~ ". .':':. ..'"

d2 ...... i~.. i ...5 .......... tc2 pg2 p a 2 W2

Problem C $1 d3.L0g .... tc 1

pg3....: ....... "0.,7.5."' .... ')" ........ Wl �9 . . . 0 . �9 ., ' .. .o: ' . . .

pa3 ::i" .)"i" d'.,5.0~...:" "i:,':i. ";:.pal .' . . . . ,:" " : . ; " ' . , i " . < " : , . " ".

. . . . :' ..' ..... "~9,51~ ,.' ",.-"'.. ". 1 V Y / ~ ." " : " . ' - " " ' " " ' : ' ' : ...... . . . . . . ...:..:....,:,.,.....: ...... ~Pg :: :: ' . : '~ :: ::

tc3 i ..... :.: .... "..'...::,.',T.'..:i~: .... )" .... :." ..... i d l ".. �9 . . . : .." : - ; . . . " .. : - . .. .."

$3" ..... ":;.i ":":" '" ! " .':4 .i.":; .... :/$2 """ � 9 - , ." ". .~ ~ � 9

�9 ~ , . . . . . ~ , ~

d2":: ........ (: ..... i ..... : .... :""tc2 pg2 "pa2 ..... ""W2



Relative dif ferences ~ ) i be tween spectral p a r a m e t e r values found for synthetic test p rob lems by H E A + L O and the original values. O p e n circles co r r e spond to the best p a r a m e t e r sett ing found in ten runs.

13.4 Experimental Evaluation

are only two parameters whose optimized values are not this accurate. These are

the linewidth parameters x c and W for the third spectral componen t for test prob-

lem C. In fact, this componen t is not a membrane domain, but corresponds to

micelles or any other type of spin-probe aggregates. In a system containing such

components , the spin-spin interactions are dominant , leading to a very large

additional broadening constant Wand making the optimization less sensitive to

both of the linewidth parameters Xc and W.

For characterization tests with real membranes, we used liposomes prepared

from phosphat idi lchol ine or mixture of phosphat idi lchol ine and gangliosides

in molar ratio 4:1. These were prepared in phosphate buffer solution (PBS) at pH

= 7.4 by hand shaking, vortexing, and weak sonification. The model membranes

were labeled with MeFASL (10,3)mspin-labeled methyl ester of palmitic es te rm

by the method based on the thin-film preparat ion with ethanol evaporation. The

label-to-lipid ratio was less than 1"270. The measurements were per formed in glass

capillary at 9.6 GHz EPR spectrometer at 35~ Again, three problems were tested.

For the problem Lipo(PL+GL) - SUC, the model membranes were prepared in

30% sucrose PBS.

Based on the results from the prel iminary exper iments on synthetic spec-

tra, only the hybrid algori thm HEA+LO was applied and compared with human-

navigated local optimization. The results are compared in Table 13.3.

In the case of real spectra characterization with unknown exact spectral pa-

rameter values, we are able to compare the optimized parameter values obtained

with the evolutionary algorithm with those found by a spectroscopist who is man- ually driving local optimization. We define a relative measure similar to the one

for simulated spectra (Equation 13.6)"

6i - - - - b m a x - b m i n , (13.7)

where p/(H) is the value of ith parameter found in the human-navigated local op-

timization. The results are shown in Figure 13.4.

Optimization procedure Lipo(PL) Lipo(PL+GL) Lipo(PL+GL)-SUC

Human-navigated LO 8.64 46.90 16.55

HEA+LO best 7.72 32.85 12.08

HEA+LO average 8.36 _+ 0.90 40.19 _+ 5.76 15.06 +_ 2.20

13.3 >i::~ii~! !::i! i !!i::!:ii!~J:: i*~{!ii~i{ ~ ~ii~iiii~!~i!/iii~!~iiiii~i::i!:=ii::iiiiiiiiii:ii~::


Results of spectral parameter optimization for real cell membrane charac- terization problems.

13 C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n o f B i o l o g i c a l Sys tems

Lipo(PL) S1 tcl d3, .1.,0O. ...... . .,.

pg3 . ....... "0..7.~ ..... ,.:.. ..... ,WI , . ' ' , , . . . . . ' ' . ,

pa3 ,"i" .i:'-[ 61._a~..." "':'( ""., pal ..' - . ," ",,.,- : : ".:'-. , ." ",:, , . , '" ..

W3 ."~ .... :." "/:.[.~..~S[.:f.)'.; .... "... .... ~", pgl i . . . . . :: . . . . .

tc3 1 .... . ;. ..... .(....':;.::.: ::;.: .... / .... :.; ..... i d l ',. ". . . . . . :. : '" . : ' " ~ ,b, ,: . . . . . . ." .."

".. ...... :.'...:"-..(i;'-.-:':..." ...... "$2 $3"... )-':...." ' i "....':':i ..'"

�9 , . . , ,

d2 "'/-.......: ..... :.. ..... '[" ...]-"tc2 pg2 ..... i~~2 ..... ;W2

Lipo (PL+GL) $1 d3.1.,0ft.- tcl . " . . . . . 4 ,

pg3. ....... '9.,7-N ..... -'['[ ...... ,W1 ~ , . . , , ' ' . ,

pa3 ."" " d'.._ad. " ""., pal ........::':.i.._~..../....i:.':i.. ..... : �9 . . ' , , :

W3/[...:./ .... ?:':.[.0.:~ilii.:'~[.)'. ~ ..... "~':...i'[", pgl :: ! ..... i""-O~i~..":.:::: ..... ! ..... i ::

�9 ,., ! . . . i . . . . . :.- . . . . Y. : - ' . *~i '~- . '~ . . . . . ." . . . . . i . . . ! A ~ [ C D : '" '. ' . . .-" ".~...~,'~'.""'*i "-.,. ' .' " ' : I . I L l

�9 , '., . . - ' , ." . . : ~ % . . ' , . . . ' ..'

", ...... :....:"-.L ::~':.-:':.. ;.: ...... 'S2 $3 ".. ":,':. ." ' . " ". .':,:" ..'" �9 , , . . ,

d ~'''12: ": ..... " ..... "'" "" " ....... .. .. .... : " t c 2

pg2 ..... i3~2 ..... "W2

Lipo(PL+GL) - SUC $1

d3.1.,O0. ........ tc 1 pg3 . ....... "0..7.~ ..... ...'['[ ....... ,W1

�9 ' ' , , . . . . ' ' , ,

pa3.,,.i .i:':~[ 6 ) , ~ . . . . ( ..[[:(..,. '", pal ., " . . : " , . , ,, .. . . . . . . . " ,,

W3 .... . ..... ;.,. :...,:.. . . . . . . . . . . . ... pgl

"'" i'i [ [ !~i~ ~:::~ [ [ i':; ..... J dl tc3 ...":; .." "1 i'( :.. ::: .... ..'

" ...... "'. ."'"':'-. i..:'"" ..": ..... :,."$2 S3':.. i:-:.... , .. "[)',. .


"" '" ..... " ..... " ':"tc2 �9 . ",, . . . d2 ...... ' pg2 ..... i3a2 ..... :W2



Relative differences ~i between spectral pa ramete r values found by HEA+LO and human-naviga ted local opt imizat ion for the real cell m e m b r a n e character izat ion problems. O p e n circles cor respond to the best pa ramete r setting found in ten r u n s .

T h e pa rame te r s f o u n d by the evolut ionary a lgor i thm are very close to the those

f o u n d m a n u a l l y by the spectroscopis t . However , t he re are some d iscrepancies ; for

e x a m p l e , the values of l inewid th p a r a m e t e r s a n d polar i ty co r r ec t ion factors for

the g t e n s o r of the Z e e m a n coup l ing . T h e first p r o b l e m is p r o b a b l y r e l a t ed to

the k n o w n par t ia l cor re la t ions b e t w e e n l inewidth p a r a m e t e r s as well as b e t w e e n

l inewid th p a r a m e t e r s a n d d o m a i n weights. T h e second p r o b l e m arises f r o m var-

ious cor re la t ions with o t h e r spect ra l p a r a m e t e r s a n d f rom the co r re l a t ion with the

center- f ie ld value of the e x p e r i m e n t a l spec t rum. T h e c e n t e r f ield can be inaccu-

ra te up to 0.01% if the e x p e r i m e n t does no t check for microwave f r e q u e n c y a n d

the s t a n d a r d g-value in the same po la r e n v i r o n m e n t . Since the p g co r rec t ion fac-

tor is l inear ly p r o p o r t i o n a l to the c e n t e r field, its e r ro r can also be as h igh as

0 .01%, which is a substant ia l pa r t of the l eng th of def in i t ion in terval (0 .04%).


13.5 ii:~ii~..i:'.iii'~i~ ~ [email protected];;@ @ @i~i~i~<:q!!~';~~i~:/!~!~!!~:~!~:!ii!~ "i.s ~. .


An existing evolutionary algorithm for optimization of parameters in EPR spec- troscopy was hybridized and evaluated on synthetic and real spectra in cell mem- brane characterization requiring 17 parameters to be tuned. We first tested four algorithm variants on synthetic spectra. The algorithm involving local optimiza- tion as a hybridization operator and additionally optimizing the final population members produced superior results. This variant of the algorithm was then ap- plied to real problems, where it also outperformed a human-navigated optimiza- tion procedure. An important advantage of the hybrid evolutionary approach is that it provides means for automating spectral parameter optimization. Unlike less-powerful search techniques, the spectroscopist is no longer required to pre- process the solutions and intervene during optimization.

The study of the applicability of evolutionary algorithms in EPR spectral pa- rameter optimization will continue in several ways. Most importantly, knowledge- based genetic operators accounting for correlations among spectral parameters will be implemented, and additional algorithm models, such as steady state models, will be tested. Through systematic empirical tests, appropriate algorithm parameter values for problems of various complexity will be determined, which will be helpful to users who are not specialists in evolutionary optimization. The goal of these activities is to upgrade the research prototype of the optimization procedure to effectively support experimentation in EPR spectroscopy.

;i~i!! ' "ii'y .:;i~:::i ~':/',::i:~i...,,@i. .s}~i .':!i:~:i;~::iiiii:s'i'@'i~(:;! ~d'i::~:: ''.~} ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

The work presented in this chapter was supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport. Its publication resulted from collaboration be- tween the JoZef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, and the University of Reading under the Partnerships in Science program, supported by the same ministry and the British Council. The authors are grateful to David Corne for encouraging the preparation of this chapter, and to Janez Lavrie for extending the EPR spectrum simulation and optimization software with a hybrid evolutionary algorithm.

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