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  • 8/7/2019 EWI Budget Browser 2007


    2007Combining Economy, Science and Innovation

    for a better society

    EWI-Budget Browser

  • 8/7/2019 EWI Budget Browser 2007


    It is with pleasure that I present to you this rst edition o the EWI-Budget Browser, which is the successor

    publication to the Science, Technology and Innovation Inormation Guides.

    The EWI Department (Economy, Science and Innovation) integrates the Flemish science and innovation

    policy with the economic policy. This new entity is one o the 13 policy domains o the Flemish

    government, in conormity with the great restructuring project Better Administrative Policy (BBB).

    Exactly as in the ormer Science, Technology and Innovation Inormation Guides, you will nd inormation

    on gures and unds, explanations, analyses and trends etc. or the Flemish science and innovation policy

    in the new EWI-Budget Browser. A new aspect is, o course, that you now also get the same relevant

    inormation about the economic policy o the Flemish government. Such inormation is always based on

    the expenditure budgets o the Flemish government.

    Another important change, which is immediately noticeable, is the new ormat o the EWI-Budget

    Browser. You will notice that, despite the addition o the section on the economy, it is clearly thinnerthan the earlier editions. And yet, you thereore do not get less inormation. Quite to the contrary; the

    EWI-Budget Browser that you hold in your hands is supplemented with still more detailed inormation

    on the website www.ewi-vlaanderen.be/speurgids. There you can quickly call up precise data and

    inormation in an easy manner. On www.ewi-vlaanderen.be you will also nd more inormation about

    EWI and our other publications: EWI Review, EWI Studies, etc. Do take a look at our website regularly,

    so that you will always be up to date on the latest gures and news.

    In short, with this Guide and our website, it will be easy to know everything about Economy, Science

    and Innovation.

    Last but not least, I would like to thank the many contributors who have made this edition possible.

    Without their input, this EWI-Budget Browser would not have been realised.

    Rudy Aernoudt

    Secretary General EWI



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    Contents 3

    Part1-PositioningotheEWI-BudgetBrowser 5

    Part2-EWI:co-operationbetweeneconomy,scienceandinnovation 9

    Chapter 2.1 Economic policy 2007 10

    2.1.1. General economic policy 10

    2.1.2. Economic support policy 11

    2.1.3. PMV, LRM and VPM 15

    Chapter 2.2 Science and innovation policy 2007 17

    2.2.1. The EWI Science policy domain 20

    2.2.2. Actual science policy 26

    2.2.3. Horizontal science policy 28

    2.2.4. Analysis o the science and innovation policy 30

    Part3-GovernmentexpendituresorR&D-expansionotheknowledge-basedeconomy 39

    Chapter 3.1 Flanders 41

    Chapter 3.2 International comparison o government eorts or R&D (GBAORD) 43

    Concludingremarks 45

    Usedabbreviations 46

    Contributors 47

    Colophon 48



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    deel ewI: samenspel tussen eConomIe, wetensChap en InnovatIe


    piiig ewI-Bg B

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    part posItIonInG oF the ewI-BudGet Browser

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    The great restructuring project o the Flemish government has led to

    the creation o thirteen policy domains. Each o these policy domains

    has the same main structure: a department, a strategic advisory

    committee, management support services (MOD) and agencies

    (internal independent agencies called IVAs and external independent

    agencies called EVAs).

    EWI core department: three client-oriented and twoinormation-oriented units.


    Organisational Control and External Relations, Private and

    Governmental Mobility, Budget, Communications and, nally,

    Europe, International, Federal and Interregional.



    in2007: which unds have been included in the budget? What are

    the accompanying policy accents, planned activities, etc.? What is

    VLAO? What is the Hermesonds? What are their activities? Also

    the outsiders o the EWI policy domain will be described: The EVAs

    ParticipatieMaatschappij Vlaanderen NV (PMV), the Limburgse

    Reconversiemaatschappij NV (LRM) and the Vlaamse Participatie-

    maatschappij NV (VPM). More inormation about the topics in this

    edition can be ound by way o the extended search unction, which

    is available on the website www.ewi-vlaanderen.be/speurgids.

    In connection with the economic policy o the EWI policy domain

    (also see Chapter 2.1), certain unds are managed by the core de-

    partment, while others are managed by the IVA Economy Agency.

    The science and innovation policy consists o the so-called actual

    science policy: the science and innovation policy programmes o

    EWI, supplemented with programmes or higher education, which

    are situated in the Education and Training policy domain. The hori-

    zontal science policy (also see Chapter 2.2) is spread over the other

    policy domains (also see Paragraph 2.2.3).

    Figure 1: Organigram o the core department o EWI

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    part posItIonInG oF the ewI-BudGet Browser

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    part posItIonInG oF the ewI-BudGet Browser

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    ewI: c-ib c,cic ii

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    The Flemish economic policy consists o two parts: a general eco-

    nomic policy and an economic support policy. Both policy directions,

    which are part o the budget programmes 51.1 and 51.2 o theFlemish expenditures budget, will be shortly covered below.

    2.1.1. General economic policy

    Strategic objectivesThe primary objectives o the General Economic Policy are:

    Pro-actively boosting the development o the Flemish economic

    abric in an integrated manner.

    Making entrepreneurship more attractive or existing and new

    target groups, whereby the prevailing government activities are

    permanently re-evaluated and adapted.

    Besides this, the General Economic Policy programme has the sub-

    sidiary objective o making the business community and consumers

    aware o the necessity o striving or quality.

    Funds 2007

    The total budget, which is available to the General Economic Policy

    programme in 2007 (budget programme 51.1), amounts to 25.928

    million EUR. The breakdown o these unds is outlined in the table

    below. The ocus lies on the grants to VLAO (13.258 million EUR)

    and to SERV (6.658 million EUR). A brie explanation o these two

    unds is given below.

    ecic pic 00

    C .

    BA Fund Description Unit


    41.04 13.258 Grant to VLAO Department

    41.01 6.658 Grant to SERV Department

    11.02 0.004 Compensations to government administrators at VPM, Gimvindus and LRM Department

    11.03 0.066 Salaries o the government administrators at VPM, Gimvindus and LRM Department

    12.01 0.252 Specic operating costs with regard to the economic policy, including

    among other things ees, expenditures or encouraging company investments,

    and investments with regard to economic events Economy Agency

    12.04 0.097 Expenditures or a variety o interregional economic co-operative associations Economy Agency

    12.22 0.806 Expenditures or communications initiatives, with regard to the economic policy Economy Agency

    12.23 0.350 Funds or nancing assignments and co-operative agreements with partners

    in social entrepreneurship (POMs) Department

    12.41 2.165 Specic ICT costs o the IVA Economy Agency: project costs Economy Agency

    33.02 1.000 Subsidy to the non-prot organisation Vlaamse jonge ondernemingen

    (Young Flemish Enterprises) Economy Agency

    33.06 0.372 Subsidies to the non-prot organisation Vlaams Centrum voor Kwaliteitszorg(Flemish Centre or Quality Assurance) Economy Agency

    41.06 0.900 Subsidies or certied regional co-operative associations Economy Agency

    TOTAL 25.928

    Table 1: Funds programme o the

    General Economic Policy 2007

    part ewI: Co-operatIon Between eConomy, sCIenCe and InnovatIon

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    VLAO Flanders Enterprise

    The grant or the budgetary year 2007, which is provided by the

    Flemish government to VLAO Flanders Enterprise, amounts to

    13.258 million EUR. (BA 41.04). 2007 is the rst complete operating

    year or this new agency. The objective o VLAO is to provide a

    unique point o contact or all companies and entrepreneurs, ena-

    bling them to nd answers or their questions. VLAO also assists the

    companies and entrepreneurs in an ecient and company-riendly

    manner and/or directs them towards the right channels within the

    Flemish government.


    VLAO Flanders Enterprise was established by the decree o 7 May

    2004. The mission statement, Implementation o an integrated

    inormation centre account management, o VLAO Flanders

    Enterprise was approved by the Flemish government in May 2005.

    Both o these texts provide the policy ramework or this newagency. The commencement resolution or the establishment o

    VLAO was approved by the Flemish government on 16 December

    2005. VLAO has become operational since 1 April 2006. VLAO

    assumes a number o tasks rom the ormer VIZO, and rom the

    Regional Development Societies.


    The mission o VLAO is dened in the previously mentioned

    oundation decree as: Stimulating and acilitating sustainable

    entrepreneurship in Flanders, by unctioning as a low-threshold

    and broadly-based contact point or candidate entrepreneurs, en-

    trepreneurs and companies, in partnership with the socio-economicmideld organisations. The agency is responsible or a pro-active

    provision o services to candidate entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs and

    companies, so that the basic task package will be permanently and

    actively assured.

    VLAO is also responsible or promoting designing, and or special

    tasks with regard to company management o (candidate) entrepre-

    neurs and companies. For the promotion o designing, VLAO has

    worked under the name DESIGN VLAANDEREN.


    The tasks o VLAO lie in the execution o policy and include:

    Stimulation and promotion o awareness;

    Front-line advice and reerral;

    Account management;

    The establishment and the management o co-operative associa-

    tions, including all actors in the area o entrepreneurship in Flanders;

    Promotion and designing (DESIGN VLAANDEREN);

    Company management or (candidate) entrepreneurs and companies.

    More inormation can be ound at www.vlao.be

    The Socio-Economic Council o Flanders (SERV)

    The Socio-Economic Council o Flanders (SERV) is the consultation

    and counselling organisation o the social partners in Flanders. Themembership o SERV consists o 10 representatives o employer

    organisations (BB, UNIZO, VCSPO and Voka, the Flemish Economic

    Association), and 10 representatives o employee organisations

    (ABVV, ACLVB and ACV). SERV is the primary consultation organisa-

    tion, where the social partners meet. There they determine their joint

    standpoints and ormulate recommendations and advisories. This

    representative composition gives SERV a strong social basis.

    The grant by the Flemish government to SERV (BA 41.01) amounts

    to 6.658 million EUR in 2007.

    In conormity with the decrees o 27 June 1985 and o 22 March

    1990, SERV has the ollowing tasks:

    Counselling: on all important social and economic questions, or

    which the Flemish Community or the Flemish Region are compe-

    tent, or in which they become involved at their own initiative or

    at the request o the Flemish Parliament, the Flemish government,

    or a member o the Flemish government (obligatory on every

    drat o a decree with a socio-economic impact, and on Flemish

    budgetary policy); Preparation o studies: Studies about socio-economic subjects,

    including communication to external clients, among other things

    in the orm o standpoints and recommendations;

    Consultation: The preparation o tripartite consultations with the

    Flemish government, within the ramework o VESOC, and the

    consultations between the social partners amongst each other;

    Development o proessional proles.

    SERV ulls its assignments through its specic organisation and with

    in-house expertise, which is provided by the Flanders Technology

    Foundation (STV) and various other commissions (Flemish Harbour

    Commission, Flemish Consultative Commission on Women, Com-mission or Goods Transport, Commission or Metal Processing,

    Textile and Clothing Manuacture Commission, Commission or

    Welare and Health Care, Woodworking and Construction Commis-

    sion, the Study Commission R. Maris).

    More inormation is available on www.serv.be

    2.1.2. Economic support policy


    The development o the Flemish economic abric in a pro-active and

    integrated manner, by boosting entrepreneurship and making it

    more attractive or existing and new target groups, whereby the pre-

    vailing government approach is permanently evaluated and adapted.

    The achievement o an optimal endogenous and exogenous growth

    is o primary importance or conducting an integrated economic

    policy. For this purpose, it is important that the economic, urban

    planning, social and innovative policies are harmonised more closely

    with one another, so that a sustainable prosperity and welare can be

    realised. The government aspires to conducting a policy that creates

    rameworks, within which a variety o actors rom the business world

    can dispose over an integrated, sucient area or developing their

    initiatives. Innovative and creative initiatives, with broad economicobjectives are stimulated, and the successul growth o such projects

    is supported. It is necessary that an adequate communication about

    all o these aspects is conducted with the involved groups.

    1 As provided or in Article 5, 1, 1 to 3 o the oundation decree.

    part ewI: Co-operatIon Between eConomy, sCIenCe and InnovatIon

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    Strategic objectives

    The mission has been translated into the 3 strategic objectives.

    1. Investment support, as a revised instrument or a policy designed

    to create the required economic conditions;

    2. Strengthening the regional and sub-regional dynamism, while

    taking the individual characteristics o each sub-region into account;

    3. The promotion o more and better entrepreneurship, or starters,

    growing companies and employees.

    Funds 2007

    The total budget, which is available to the Economic Support Policy

    2007 (budget programme 51.2) amounts to 278.356 million euros.

    The breakdown o these unds is outlined in the table below. The

    ocus lies on the Fund or Subsidiary Economic Support, the so-called

    Hermesonds, which is administered by the Economy Agency and

    has a budget o 273.177 million EUR. The other BAs all under the

    EWI department.

    BA Fund Description Unit


    12.20 0.050 Study on sustainable entrepreneurship Department

    33.01 0.124 Subsidies to the Steunpunt Economie (support centre Economy) Department

    33.06 4.355 Subsidies or promoting entrepreneurship Department

    33.09 0.600 Subsidies or supporting business plan competitions Department50.01 0.050 Subsidies or projects that support and nance fexible mechanisms Department

    99.11 273.177 Allocation authorisation or the Fund or Subsidiary Economic Policy Economy Agency

    TOTAL 278.356

    Table 2: Funds or the Economic Support Policy 2007

    Description Fund



    Investment expenditures 188.594Expenditures or the construction o industrial parks and or the reutilisation o industrial sites 12.500

    GIS contracts 0.075


    Government assignments in unction o a continuation o policy-oriented research and the development

    o policy initiatives 0.500

    Income transers to companies and nancial institutes (exclusive o exploitation subsidies) 15.581

    Centre management and measures or strengthening the commercial centres o inner cities 0.500

    Projects within the ramework o region-oriented partnerships and/or the Flemish economic policy with

    regard to urban planning 3.300


    Initiatives or supporting entrepreneurship in education 2.500

    Income transers to companies and nancial institutes (exclusive o exploitation subsidies) 44.132

    Income transers to private institutes without prot motives 3.000


    Operational expenditures 2.000

    Economic governmental initiative 0.495

    TOTAL 273.177

    Table 3: Policy instruments and unds - Hermes und 2007

    BA 99.11 Allocation authorisation or the Fund or Subsidiary

    Economic Policy (Hermes und)

    With the decree o 21 December 2001, which contains provisions in

    accompaniment to the budget 2002, the Fund or Subsidiary Economic

    Policy (Hermesonds) was established. This und replaced the previous

    Funds or Economic Expansion and Regional Reconversion (FEERRs).

    Article 41 9 o this programme decree provides that the Flemish

    Government controls the operations and management o the Fund.

    It puts the necessary services, equipment, installations and personnel

    o its service departments at the disposal o the Fund, and it can, in

    conormity with the general principles that are applicable in this matter,

    delegate some o its competencies to the ocial in charge, who has

    been appointed by it.


    The budget 2007 contains 273,177 million EUR, by means o an

    allocation authorisation (BA 99.11). The policy instruments o this

    part ewI: Co-operatIon Between eConomy, sCIenCe and InnovatIon

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    authorisation are described in the table below, including correspon-

    ding unds or 2007, ordered by the major sectors o the economic

    policy domain.






    Given an unchanged policy, 47.575 million EUR has been appro-

    priated or new investment support to SMEs. This concerns

    primarily investment programmes, which are distributed to compa-

    nies through a competitive ormula. Four invitations are launched

    within a period o one year, which have a processing time o one

    quarter, on the basis o which the administration publicises theresults ater completion. The budget o 47.575 million EUR makes

    it possible to launch three invitations, each o 15.858 million EUR.



    The environmental support measure was made stricter during

    2006, and as o 2007 it has been transormed into a call system.

    A budget o 92.090 million EUR has been appropriated.



    Strategic support in its current orm was discontinued by the

    middle o June. As o 2007, a new measure will be implemented

    that will also include support or ad hoc training. A budget o43.929 million EUR has been appropriated (incl. 30.000 million

    EUR or new measures).

    It must be emphasised that an amount o 30.000 million EUR,

    which has been appropriated in the science and innovation policy

    (also see Paragraph 2.2) will be used or initiatives that concern

    innovation. These concern investments with an R&D character.

    The above-mentioned initiative is thereore also a part o the

    Horizontal Budget Programme or Science Policy.



    Assuming an unchanging policy, this measure will be unded with an

    amount o 12.500 million EUR. In view o the act that the current

    measure was discontinued on 31 December 2006, a new system or

    industrial terrains and buildings is currently in preparation.


    A budget o 0.075 million EUR is oreseen or GIS contracts in 2007.




    Resources must be provided or study assignments, both in unc-

    tion o the development o regionally-oriented visions and institu-tional concepts, which dene search zones or industrial terrains,

    as well as more general urban planning/economic studies, or

    instance covering rictions between urban planning and VLAREM

    legislation that cause hindrances in the acquisition o new loca-

    tions, and research into exemptions or small works on industrial

    terrains, studies with regard to institutional concepts, development

    bottlenecks, environmental eects reporting (MER) etc. A budget

    o 0.500 million EUR is oreseen or these measures.



    The European Fund or Regional Development (EFRD) was

    established or providing support to productive investments and

    inrastructure in certain areas. During the programme period

    2002 to 2006, Flanders was able to dispose over a total budget o

    approximately 253 million EUR unded by EFRD. These resources

    had been appropriated or co-nancing actions, within the rame-

    work o approved development programmes.

    Financial support rom EFRD does not exceed a maximum o 50%o the total project costs. In addition, it is required that a compara-

    ble amount is contributed rom Flemish resources. These costs are

    assumed by the Flemish Region, the provinces and municipalities,

    as well as the private sector.

    O the share that is contributed by the Flemish Region, the

    greater part is assumed by the Economy budget. On average,

    17 million EUR o unds are appropriated annually. Depending

    on the planned priorities and measures, the remaining

    co-nancing unds are primarily provided by the domains

    tourism (on average 7 million EUR) inrastructure (on average

    5 million EUR), and technology and innovation (on average4 million EUR), by the programme Scientic Research with an

    Economic Focus (also see Paragraph 2.2) and Environment

    (on average 3 million EUR).

    On 24 March 2006, the Flemish government decided that a single

    operational programme would be established or all o

    Flanders during the next EFRD programme period. This programme

    concerns the ollowing priorities:

    1. Stimulation o the knowledge industry and innovation;

    2. Support or entrepreneurship;

    3. Improvement o the basic economic actors with regard to

    urban planning;

    4. Support or urban development.

    This programme is currently being worked out. It will be presented

    or the approval o the Flemish government beore it is submitted

    to the European Commission. Such a submission is a commitment

    or co-nancing.



    A budget o 0.500 million EUR is oreseen or 2007.


    ortheFlemisheconomicpolicyorurbanplanningThe planned budget o 3.300 million EUR is necessary or being

    able to carry out the Flemish economic policy with regard to urban

    planning, with an emphasis on the stimulation o:

    part ewI: Co-operatIon Between eConomy, sCIenCe and InnovatIon

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    Tackling outdated industrial zones (reinstallation and revitalisation


    Counteracting obsolescence through the introduction o


    Introduction on the market o dicult to realise industrial terrains

    (problem-terrains, which are subject to specic study and

    processing costs).

    An increase in the number o submitted dossiers, in unction o

    subsidising advance procedures that are designed to obtain certi-

    cation as a browneld, is probable and will thereore necessarily

    require an increase in unds.

    Furthermore, unds (1.800 million EUR) are also being provided

    or the realisation o a programme o greywater recycling. This

    amount is based on the original calculation o the rst investment

    programme. These unds can, i required, also be used or othereconomic projects in the area o urban planning.



    Support or so-called bridge projects was appropriated or the rst

    time in 2003, projects which bridge the gap between education

    and the business community, whereby the ocus lies on entrepre-

    neurial skills and attitudes (not on technology or the inrastructure,

    since these are the domain o the Regional Technological Centres

    (RTCs). A competition ormula was used or evaluating these

    projects: With an available budget o 2.5 million EUR, 17 o the

    50 submitted projects were supported. On the basis o an amend-ment, which was approved by the Flemish government or 2006,

    a new call or projects was launched, with a total amount o 2.500

    million EUR. It is assumed that a similar call will be extended in

    2007, or which the same budget will be provided.



    Entrepreneurship portolio

    The measure, providing training and consultancy cheques, has

    been ollowed up by the BEA measure. BEA stands or Budget

    or Economic Advice and is the name or the new integrated

    subsidy measure, with which small and medium-sized companies

    can purchase training, consultancy, knowledge and mentoring

    services, with the support o the Flemish government. This

    measure was initiated on 20 May 2006. The budget amounts

    to 42.900 million EUR.

    Godparent projects

    By a resolution o the Flemish government, dated 5 September

    2003, a new system was created or so-called Godparent

    projects, whereby the minister responsible or economic policy

    can launch two calls per year. To be able to support new

    initiatives, 3.000 million EUR have been allocated or 2007.

    In 2006, 31 projects were approved.




    These unds can be used or general operational costs, and also

    or contracts within the ramework o government assignments.

    A budget o 2.000 million EUR is available.

    Other unds that are available under the Economic Support Policy

    are given a brie explanation below.

    BA 12.20: Study on sustainable entrepreneurship

    This budget has been transerred rom the Hermesonds to the

    department, and it will serve or nancing studies within the rame-

    work o sustainable entrepreneurship. A budget o 0.050 million EUR

    has been appropriated or this. This concerns scientic studies, so

    that this budget also is a part o the Horizontal Budget Programme

    or Science Policy (please reer to Chapter 2.2).

    BA 33.01: Subsidies to the Steunpunt Economie

    (Economy support centre)

    A second generation o support centres has been launched as o

    2007. This budget is or co-nancing the support centre Entrepre-

    neurship and International Entrepreneurship, and it amounts to

    0.124 million EUR. As in the preceding BA, it also concerns scientic

    research (please reer to Chapter 2.2).

    BA 33.06: Subsidies or promoting entrepreneurship

    A budget o 4.355 million EUR has been appropriated or this BA in

    2007. These unds will be used or a new Entrepreneurship call.

    BA 33.09: Subsidies or supporting business plan competitions

    This budget has also been transerred to the department. Under this

    heading, only instalments o those obligations entered into under

    the Hermesonds are paid out. 0.600 million EUR has been put aside

    or this purpose.

    BA 50.01: Subsidies to projects or supporting and nancing fexible


    This budget has also been transerred to the department. A budget

    o 0.050 million EUR has been appropriated, or urther ollow-up on

    the call, projects in 2007 and new initiatives within the ramework o

    the Kyoto protocol.

    part ewI: Co-operatIon Between eConomy, sCIenCe and InnovatIon

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    2.1.3. PMV, LRM and VPM

    The ollowing public limited companies are externally independent

    agencies (EVAs) o the EWI policy domain: Participation Company

    Flanders (PMV), Flemish Participation Company (VPM) and the

    Limburg Investment Company (LRM). A brie explanation o their

    activities is provided below.

    ParticipatieMaatschappij Vlaanderen NV (Participation Company

    Flanders - PMV)

    ParticipatieMaatschappij Vlaanderen NV (Participation Company

    Flanders) has taken over the role o GIMV, as the instrument or the

    realisation o economic initiatives by the government in Flanders. As

    an independent investment company, PMV has a unique position. It is

    not a bank, and it is not an administration. PMV is a company that in-

    vests in the Flemish Region in a businesslike manner. PMVisapublic


    PMV can, on the one hand, invest when private initiatives are not

    orthcoming. Ater all, private capital providers oten have qualms

    about participating in a company or project, because the expected

    prot is too low, the possible risks are too high, or because the

    investment period is too long.

    What is o primary importance or PMV is that the (company) projects

    have a high potential or the uture. In such cases, PMV will strive and

    as much as possible towards a co-nancing with private parties.

    On the other hand, PMV can invest in projects that are a part o the

    responsibilities o government (inrastructure acilities, the building

    o schools and hospitals, social housing, etc.), but where a participa-

    tion o private parties is either useul or desirable or:

    Realising the projects with a lower investments o government unds;

    An improved distribution and management o risks;

    Being able to handle projects more eciently.

    The participation o PMV oers private parties the guarantee that

    the rules o business economics are respected; or the government

    PMV oers the guarantee that its interests will also be observed.

    Furthermore, PMV oers the opportunity o realising a prot on

    the money o the Flemish government. The objective is to increase

    the investment potential o PMV and the government, so that new

    initiatives can be realised without outside investment.

    The activities o PMV have been assigned to our business units:


    This business unit is the unique contact point or the nancing

    requirements o small and medium-sized companies. It manages a

    variety o instruments, which makes it easier or entrepreneurs to

    nd nancing with private capital providers.

    ARKimedes doubles the available risk capital that is available toyoung growth companies. The ARKimedes Fund, which is valued at

    110 million EUR, oers one euro extra or every euro that is invested

    in a Flemish SME by private risk capital unds (ARKIVs).

    A suretyregulation oers the bank or credit providers greater secu-

    rity, whenever an entrepreneur is looking or und to make invest-

    ments, but cannot provide insucient guarantees. The government

    provides the guarantee.

    The win-win-loan provides tax advantages, which encourage private

    persons to provide advantageous loans to start-up companies.

    Innovative start-ups with a high risk prole and strong growth

    potential can take up contact with, the VlaamsInnovatieonds

    (FlemishInnovationFund-Vinno), to nd risk capital.

    CultuurInvest grants companies in the cultural sector access to

    risk capital, providing oxygen in this way to culturally engaged


    The FondsVlaanderenInternationaal (Flanders International Fund)helps Flemish SMEs to cross borders.

    The NRC-Fonds oers high-technology companies long-term

    nancing, or innovative projects that are connected to a specic



    The PMV-pps business unit lays a oundation, with which it is pos-

    sible to meet the quickly evolving expectations o our society by way

    o public-private co-operations. PMV-pps structures capital-intensive

    investment projects, which are part o the responsibilities o the

    government, whereby the participation o private parties oers animportant added value. For instance:

    A new feet o Flemish pilot vessels

    Major inrastructure works

    The elimination o the missing links in the Flemish road


    Modernisation and renewal o our school inrastructure

    Expansion and modernisation o the sports inrastructure

    And an increase in the oer o social housing

    Construction and renewal o hospitals

    Care structures or senior citizens

    The privatisation o the VRT broadcasting park

    An optimisation o the Flemish optical network


    By way o an active real estate management, PMV supports and

    nances the real estate policy o the Flemish government. The

    PMV-Vastgoed business unit plays a pioneering role in the area o

    public-private co-operation, and it is involved in the realisation o

    the three Flemish administrative centres, as well as in the valorisation

    o Flemish government buildings.

    PMV also carries out a strategic real estate policy or the development

    o brownelds, and it oers support or regional and inner-city

    development projects

    PMV-Milieu&Energie(environmentandenergy)This business unit supports a strategic investment policy in the area

    o environmental protection and energy. Such investments ater all

    have a great impact on society, and they oer a new impulse or

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    sustainable economic development. PMV invests in the development

    and implementation o environmentally riendly and energy-ecient

    technologies. It searches or uture possibilities or important public

    enterprises in the environmental sector, and it takes initiatives or the

    realisation o the Kyoto objectives.

    More inormation is available on www.pmvlaanderen.be

    Vlaamse Participatiemaatschappij NV (Flemish Participation

    Company - VPM)

    Vlaamse Participatiemaatschappij NV (Flemish Participation Company

    - VPM) is a public limited company, whose only task is the management

    o the participation o the Flemish government in GIMV. Today this par-

    ticipation only consists o a minority position o 27%, ater large blocks

    o GIMV shares were sold on the stock market during 2005 in 2006, in

    conormity with the agreements that have been made.

    GIMV is an independent investment company, which is listed on the

    stock market and that has specialised itsel in investments in equity

    capital o growth-oriented companies that are not listed (private equity).

    GIMV has a leadership position in the private equity and venture capi-

    tal sectors in Belgium, and it also operates at a European level.

    Limburgse Reconversiemaatschappij NV (Limburg Investment

    Company - LRM)

    Limburgse Reconversiemaatschappij NV (Limburg Investment Com-

    pany - LRM) participates in companies and other institutes, which

    contribute to the economic development and employment opportu-

    nities in the Belgian province o Limburg. LRM provides risk capitalto companies with a demonstrable link to Limburg, develops projects

    and industrial zones, manages the ormer mining centres and pro-

    vides atercare or damages due to mining and drainage operations.

    The Flemish Community is the only shareholder in LRM. Nevertheless,

    LRM is an ordinary public limited company, which is subject to the

    regulations concerning commercial companies. Protability and mar-

    ket conormity are the guiding principles in the operations o LRM.

    LRM wants to be a driving orce in the economic expansion o

    Limburg. This it does by, on the one hand, providing risk capital to

    local and oreign companies that invest in Limburg. Established large

    companies, as well as start-ups and SMEs, can be taken into consid-

    eration. Furthermore, it can also accompany or nance management

    buy-outs or buy-ins.

    On the other hand, LRM is a partner, and requently the initiator, in

    the development o sustainable projects in the area o real estate,

    inrastructure, industrial terrains, tourism and utility acilities, which

    are located on the old mining terrains and at other locations in

    Limburg. In its atercare role, LRM manages the consequences o

    mine closings.

    This is a unique combination o expertise in the area o business

    nancing, real estate and project development. This know-how andexperience is available or companies and government partners.

    More inormation is available on www.lrm.be

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    This chapter gives a precise overview o what the scientic and

    technological innovation policy consists o. We will use the interna-

    tionally agreed denitions or this purpose: Ater all, to be able to

    make an international comparison, one has to keep to international


    As the social importance and the complexity o knowledge and

    technological developments increased, exactly as the interest and

    participation by governments in an international context, the deni-

    tions also evolved in conormity with changed circumstances. The

    technological policy was, ater all, originally considered as a subsidi-

    ary sector, which was contained in the broader term science policy.Later on it was elt necessary to provide a separate description or

    this type o policy, which is directly connected with technological

    development. The accent today lays rather on innovation and with

    this the entirety o the activities that stimulate renewal in industry

    and society is meant.

    Administrative structures o the Flemish science policy

    Here we will provide a summary description o the administrative

    structure or the management o the science policy. This structure

    consists o:

    The EWI Department, which is responsible or preparing policy initia-

    tives and policy evaluation or the entire policy domain.

    The institutes:

    IWT Flanders: carries out policy related to industry. It is an inter-

    mediary organ, which distributes the unds amongst businessesand research institutes, in conormity with dened selection

    criteria, and evaluation and decision-making procedures.

    FWO Flanders: carries out policy with regard to basic research at

    the universities. It is an intermediary organ which distributes the

    unds among the universities and research institutes. That happens

    in conormity with dened selection criteria, and evaluation and

    decision-making procedures.

    The research institutes:

    The Interuniversity Micro-Electronics Centre (IMEC): carries

    out research activities and provide services in the area o micro-

    electronics, nanotechnology, design methods and technologies

    or ICT Systems.

    Flemish Institute or Technological Research (VITO): carries out

    research and development, and provides services in three research

    domains: non-nuclear energy, environment, raw materials and

    new materials.

    Flanders Interuniversity Institute or Biotechnology (VIB): stimula-

    tion o research and valorisation o research results, in the area o


    Interdisciplinary Institute or BroadBand Technology (IBBT): researchin the area o inormation and communications technology (ICT)

    in general, and the development o broadband applications in


    scic ii ic 00

    C .

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    The scientic institutes:

    Research Institute or Nature and Forests (INBO)

    Carries out policy-oriented scientic research with regard to the

    conservation, management and sustainable use o biodiversity

    and its environment;

    Provides scientic services in support o the policy and to

    dened target groups, amongst others through advising,

    experimental analyses, the provision o new products,

    techniques, concepts and documentation;

    It reports periodically on the condition o nature and the natural

    environment, and on the eects o environmental policy,

    including the extent in which the assumed objectives o the

    environmental policy are reached, while monitoring and

    evaluating the available know-how and investigating uture


    Flemish Heritage Institute (VIOE) Manages and preserves the natural heritage in Flanders;

    Carries out scientic research in this area.

    Royal Museum o Fine Arts - Antwerp (KMSKA)

    Acquires, conserves, restores and exhibits its own art collection;

    Carries out scientic research;

    Publishes catalogues on its collection and yearbooks;

    Organises exhibitions in the Royal Museum o Fine Art and in

    oreign countries;

    Organises educational activities: training o educational

    assistants, training courses or adults, lessons or teachers and

    schools, guided tours, lectures and youth ateliers, publications; Organises documentary activities: technical library, archives and

    a collection register.

    Institute or Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO)

    Co-ordinates and carries out policy-supporting research,

    including the accompanying services, with the objective o

    making the agricultural and shing sectors sustainable rom an

    economic, environmental and social perspective.

    Builds up the required know-how or an improvement o

    products and production methods, or monitoring the quality

    and saety o end-products, and or an improvement o policy

    instruments, as a basis or sector development and agrarian

    rural policy.

    Regularly provides inormation to the policymakers, the

    corresponding sectors and society at large.

    The advisory organs:

    The Flemish Council or Science Policy (VRWB) ormulates

    recommendations to the Flemish government and the Flemish

    Parliament, in the area o science and technology policy. This

    council will provide such recommendations on request, or at its

    own initiative.

    The Royal Flemish Academy o Belgium or Sciences and Arts

    ormulates recommendations and makes proposals to the Flemishgovernment, in the area o the sciences, literature and ne arts.

    The Royal Academy o Medicine ormulates advice to the Flemish

    government in matters concerning the medical sciences, medical

    training and also the establishment o medical practices.

    Thehorizontalsciencepolicy is situated in all thirteen policy domains.

    The departments are authorised to give orm to science policy initia-

    tives that support their policy. The thirteen policy domains are:

    Services or the General Government Policy (DAR)

    Administrative Aairs (BZ)

    Finance and Budget (FB)

    Foreign Aairs (IV)

    Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI)

    Education and Training (OV)

    Welare, Public Health and Family (WVG)

    Culture, Youth, Sport and Media (CJSM)

    Work and Social Economy (WSE)

    Agriculture and Fisheries (LV) Environment, Nature and Energy (LNE)

    Mobility and Public Works (MOW)

    Town and Country Planning, Housing Policy and Immovable

    Heritage (RWO)

    More inormation can be ound on


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    International denitions


    The term scientifcactivities, as dened in the Recommendation

    concerning the International Standardisation o Statistics on Science

    and Technology UNESCO, 1978 (Canberra Manual OECD,

    Paris, 1995, p. 67) comprises:

    Research and Development (R&D): ... creative work undertaken

    on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock o knowledge,

    including knowledge o man, culture and society, and the use

    o this stock o knowledge to devise new applications (Frascati

    Manual, OECD, 2002, p. 30). In other words, it includes any

    scientic activity which is aimed at developing scientic knowl-

    edge (basic research), making it applicable (applied research) and

    applying it (development).

    Education and Training (STET): ...all activities comprising special-

    ised non-university higher education and training, higher educa-

    tion and training leading to a university degree, postgraduate and

    urther training, and organised lielong training or scientists and

    engineers (Canberra Manual, OECD, Paris, 1995, p. 67). There-

    ore it concerns the unding o scientic education, or example,

    the proportion o the operational subsidies to universities that are

    used or university education.

    Scientic and Technological Services (STS): ...activities concerned

    with research and experimental development and contributing

    to the generation, dissemination and application o scientic andtechnical knowledge (Canberra Manual, OECD, Paris, 1995, p.

    68). This concerns any orm o services, such as perorming rou-

    tine measurements (e.g., routine medical analyses), the provision

    o scientic-technological inormation (e.g., by libraries or inor-

    mation centres), and the collection o data o a general interest

    (including the collection o data on social-economic phenomena).

    Studies related to policy and the activities o administrative units

    with regard to the analysis, evaluation and monitoring o external

    phenomena are included in this.

    Within R&D there is a urther classication according to the typeo

    research (Frascati Manual, OECD, 2002, p. 30):

    Basic research is experimental or theoretical work undertaken

    primarily to acquire new knowledge o the underlying oundation

    o phenomena and observable acts, without any particular ap-

    plication or use in view;

    Applied research is also original investigation undertaken in

    order to acquire new knowledge. It is, however, directed primarily

    towards a specic practical aim or objective;

    Experimental development is systematic work, drawing on exist-

    ing knowledge gained rom research and/or practical experience,

    that is directed to producing new materials, products or devices,

    to installing new processes, systems and services, or to improvingsubstantially those already produced or installed.


    The term innovation is dened in the Oslo Manual (second edition,

    OECD/Eurostat 1997, p. 31) as ollows:


    implemented technologically new products and processes and

    signicant technological improvements in products and processes.

    A TPP innovation has been implemented i it has been introduced on

    the market (product innovation) or used within a production process

    (process innovation). TPP innovations involve a series o scientic,

    technological, organisational, nancial and commercial activities.

    Innovation now stands or the commercially and socially successul

    exploitation o the new inventions. Also low-technology innova-

    tion is important: The more gradual innovations that are part oproduct development, production processes and market strategies,

    are viewed as being just as import or the creation o prosperity.

    The diusion o knowledge and technology transers are thereore

    exceedingly important or SMEs. An important role has been set

    aside or the government here, amongst others as a stimulator

    o the maximum valorisation o research results. That occurs, or

    instance, through support o technology transer rom universities

    and research institutes to industry. Innovation is viewed in a much

    expanded sense: Not only scientic research is important (and a rst

    requirement), but also the global innovation system, including the

    social, economic and legal aspects that are connected to this. An

    essential role in this is reserved or education and training, or thenancial ramework (the availability o a risk capital is essential),

    and or an ecient regulation regarding intellectual property rights.

    Innovation in commercial and management aspects, just as much

    as social innovation, are also viewed as important actors in creating

    employment opportunities, and or meeting evident needs o society.

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    General science policy

    Programme 71.1 o the expenditure budget is an umbrella or all

    expenditures in the area o the General Science policy. It includes

    the required activities or the global conception, development and

    evaluation o Flemish innovation policy in science and technology.

    This package also includes the instruments or supporting and publi-

    cising this policy, including the integration in an international orum.

    19.066 million EUR were appropriated or these expenditures. That

    is an increase o 1.254 million EUR in comparison to 2006.

    These budgets are primarily targeted or the Action Plan on Scientic

    Inormation and Innovation, amounting to a total o 8.294 million

    EUR, which is the indexed amount o 2006. Expenditures or pro-

    moting the Flemish Inormation Society, which have been appropri-

    ated in the ramework o the Lisbon strategy (BA 12.07 => a new

    BA number that has replaced 12.06, due to a change in the type o

    und), have now been xed at 3.031 million EUR. These expendi-

    tures include the unds or a urther development o the research

    network, but also serve or other initiatives rom the Action Plan

    Flanders i2010, as described in the section on the e-research and

    research inormation.

    This programme o budget allocations has the ollowing strategic


    1. Policy preparation, implementation and ollow up with regard to

    the research and technology policy, rationalisation;

    2. Public inormation campaign: Strengthening the social basis o the

    research and technology policy.

    For enabling a realisation, the ollowing operational objectives have

    been given precedence:

    1. Transparent policy structures;

    2. Balanced policy counselling;

    3. Scientic motivation o the planned initiatives;

    4. Increasing the scientic and technological potential o the

    population through programmes promoting lielong learning.

    5. Providing inormation about scientic and technological

    developments or the general public.

    The table 5 summarises all the unds or the General Science Policy


    2.2.1. The EWI science policy domain

    New policy resources and new policy accents or 2007

    PR BA Initiative Newinitiative2007


    71.1 12.07 Expenditures or promoting the Flemish inormation society, within the ramework

    o the Lisbon strategy 1

    71.2 33.01 Strengthening o international co-operation 1

    71.2 40.02 Further development o the Methusalem initiative 7

    71.2 40.03 Additional Special Research Fund/Independent Academic Personnel (ZAP)

    mandates at Flemish universitiess 1.5

    71.2 41.02 Launch o the Hercules initiative or a heavy and medium heavy research inrastructure 5

    71.2 41.03 Additional postgraduate mandates through the Fund or Scientic Research -Flanders (FWO) 2.7

    71.3 41.05 Strengthening o nancing or interace services 0.6

    71.3 99.11 Innovation initiatives at the suggestion o the Flemish government (competence centres) 6

    71.3 99.12 Additional unds or the Institute or the Promotion o Innovation by Science and

    Technology in Flanders (IWT), or projects that are proposed by Flemish companies 17

    71.4 33.01 An increase in the grant or the Interuniversity Micro-Electronics Centre (IMEC) 2.75

    71.4 33.02 An increase in the grant or the Flanders Interuniversity Institute or Biotechnology (VIB) 6.3

    71.4 33.04 An increase in co-nancing or the support centre or R&D indicators 0.5

    71.4 33.07 Financing o research activities at institutes or advanced education 0.5

    71.4 41.04 Additional unds or the TETRA (technology transer) und 0.4

    71.4 41.07 Financing or the medical imaging processing cluster o IBBT 4.2

    71.4 44.06 Strengthening o the research commitment in academic education at the universities 3TOTAL 59.45

    Table 4: Overview o new policy resources and accents or the EWI science policy domain

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    Scientic research at the initiative o the researcher

    The comprehensive strategic objective o programme 71.2 is a

    strengthening o general, knowledge-expanding undamental

    research. Due to its unpredictable character and its anchor unc-

    tion or the world o research, the nancing o this has become the

    responsibility o the government.

    For the realisation, the ollowing operational objectives have been

    given precedence:


    An increase in the quality o undamental research, through a

    stricter selection o research proposals. The Fund or Scientic

    Research - Flanders (FWO) assesses research projects and research

    mandates on the basis o inter-university competitions, and by

    peer reviews o scientic commissions that have been assembled

    or the corresponding discipline.

    An increase in the scale and the internationalisation o undamen-

    tal research, through additional initiatives (see the Methusalem

    and Odysseus programmes, BA 40.02 and 41.05).


    An increase in the number o research mandates.

    Expenditures or scientic research, which is carried out at the initia-

    tive o the researcher, have been budgeted at 155.625 million EUR,

    which is an increase o 14.493 million EUR in comparison to 2006.

    The ollowing table summarises all the unds (unds in million EUR)

    that have been a allocated within the programme or scientic

    research at the initiative o the researcher.

    In 2007, too, FWO Flanders remains the most important item in the

    budget, with a subsidy o 135.013 million EUR. Together with the

    2.342 million EUR rom the National Lottery (currently still allocated

    under BA 24.6 00.23), the total available budget or FWO Flanders

    reaches 137.355 million EUR. That is an increase o 4.605 million

    EUR in comparison to the year 2006.

    FWO Flanders is the channel that distributes research unds on the

    basis o interuniversity competitions, and also peer reviews that

    Table 5: Programme 71.1 General Science Policy (unds in million EUR)

    BA SP R&D STS Description

    01.90 0.050 0.000 0.050 Expenditures or a stock take and valorisation o scientic and

    technological research

    12.01 0.996 0.000 0.996 Expenditures or the conception, preparation and execution o

    scientic actions

    12.03 1.532 0.000 1.532 Popularisation o science, technology and technological innovation

    12.07 3.031 0.000 3.031 Expenditures or promoting the Flemish inormation society, within the

    ramework o the Lisbon strategy

    12.20 0.240 0.000 0.240 Various communications initiatives, with regard to science, technology

    and innovation33.01 0.839 0.000 0.839 Various subsidies, with reerence to publicising the Science Policy and

    scientic research to structural partners

    33.03 3.904 0.000 3.904 Subsidies to Flanders Technology International vzw (FTI vzw), a non-prot


    33.04 2.374 2.374 0.000 Subsidy to the non-prot organisation Flanders DC vzw

    40.01 2.019 0.000 2.019 Subsidies or expertise cells, with the objective o popularising science,

    technology and technological innovation within associations

    41.01 1.129 0.452 0.677 Subsidy to the Royal Flemish Academy o Belgium or the Sciences and Arts

    41.03 0.465 0.000 0.465 Grant to the Flemish Council or Science Policy

    41.04 0.256 0.000 0.256 Subsidy related to the inventory o scientic and technological

    research (IWETO)

    41.062.231 2.231 0.000 A subsidy or the Flanders Technology Foundation (STV)TOTAL 19.066 5.057 14.009

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    are conducted by scientic commissions, whose membership is

    recruited rom the corresponding discipline. Financing o undamental

    research that is initiated by researchers is, among other reasons due

    to its unpredictable character and its anchor unction or the entire

    scientic establishment, a primary responsibility o the government.Additional, relevant inormation can be ound on the website:


    In 2005, extra unds were made available in FWO to award additional

    doctorate mandates. In 2006, one still appropriated an extra 2.7

    million EUR, in an attempt to achieve a success percentage o 35%

    o applications. From this same viewpoint, 2.7 million EUR will once

    more be added in 2007, or the rst batch o post-doctoral mandates.

    The subsidy on BA 41.03 amounts to 112.531 million EUR.

    The Odysseus programme is an initiative that was started up in

    2006. It is aimed at attracting Flemish and other top researchers rom

    abroad, by providing them with start-up nancing and putting them

    in a position to build up research groups in Flanders, with the intention

    o making them into leading scientic centres at an international level.

    The Odysseus programme is intended as project nancing, which is

    designed to attract Flemish and other scientists rom abroad to Flanders.

    The essence o this programme is that excellent researchers, who are

    working in oreign countries, receive a generous start-up nancing

    or a period o ve years, or developing a research group in Flanders.

    The size o the amount will vary according to the discipline, and such

    unds can be used or operational, personnel and equipment costs. In

    2007, 12.171 million EUR have been appropriated or this programme

    (BA 41.05). The basic principles o this programme were already ap-

    proved by the Flemish government in July 2005.

    The Flemish government has already taken a number o important

    initiatives in the past, or nancing equipment at the expense o the

    Financing Fund or One-o Investment Expenditures (FFEU). Ater all,

    there had been no structural channel or easing the equipment needs

    o the actors in the Flemish research sector. The Hercules Foundationwas established in 2007 (BA 41.02), in co-operation with FWO and

    IWT, with the objective o providing structural nancing o medium-

    heavy and heavy research inrastructure at Flemish universities and

    at Flemish institutes o higher education. Starting in 2007, the unds

    provided by the government will amount to 5 million EUR or larger

    equipment, and 10 million EUR that comes rom previously appropri-

    ated and saved unds o the basic subsidy o FWO or medium-sized


    The Methusalem programme (BA 40.02) represents a strengthening

    o the BOF. The intention is to grant top researchers long-term and

    substantial programme nancing (lump sum) at Flemish universities.

    3 million EUR were made available or this purpose in 2006. For a

    urther expansion, 10.043 million EUR have been appropriated in the

    budget or 2007, a structural increase o 7 million EUR.

    For the purpose o giving outstanding postdoctoral researchers an

    academic career, whereby they can devote the rst years ater their

    appointment largely to research, and or the purpose o strengthen-

    ing the structural ramework or young researchers, 1.500 million

    EUR will be appropriated in 2007 or nancing additional BOF-ZAP

    mandates (BA 40.03). In addition, at least the same amount will

    be allocated annually in 2008 and 2009, so that, depending on the

    appointments that are made in the universities, between 45 and 60

    additional BOF-ZAP mandates can be nanced with these additionalunds. To make this possible, a number o changes have been carried

    out in the BOF resolution.

    Table 6: Programme 71.2 Scientifc research at the initiative o the researcher (unds in million EUR)

    BA SP R&D STS Description

    12.24 0.116 0.116 0.000 Expenditures within the ramework o international scientic co-operations

    33.01 1.520 1.520 0.000 Subsidies within the ramework o international scientic and innovative


    35.40 0.996 0.996 0.000 Subsidies to the United Nations University (UNU), within the ramework o

    the programme or regional integration studies

    35.41 1.437 1.437 0.000 Subsidy to UNESCO, in support o the Flemish UNESCO science trust und

    40.02 10.043 10.043 0.000 Subsidy to the special research unds, which are part o the Methusalem


    40.03 1.500 1.500 0.000 Subsidy or special research unds, which provide additional mandates or

    independent academic personnel

    41.01 0.941 0.941 0.000 Subsidy to FWO Flanders, or projects within the ramework o international

    research acilities

    41.02 5.000 5.000 0.000 Subsidy to the Hercules Foundation41.03 112.531 112.531 0.000 Subsidy to FWO Flanders

    41.05 12.171 12.171 0.000 Subsidy to FWO Flanders or the Odysseus programme

    41.80 9.370 9.370 0.000 Allocation nanced with the net receipts rom prots in the National Lottery,

    or the benet o FWO Flanders

    TOTAL 155.625 155,625 0.000

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    Scientic research with an economic ocus

    The budgetary programme 71.3 Scientic research with an economic

    ocus contains those measures, with the goal o stimulating specic

    expansion o know-how. This support goes to projects proposed by

    companies, research institutes or universities, as well as individual

    researchers or doctoral students. It concerns action lines unded by the

    internal operating resources o IWT Flanders, as well as new measures

    that the Flemish government may decide to launch.

    The central point o departure o the programme is more technologi-

    cal innovation in Flemish companies. To be able to maintain ones po-

    sition in todays highly competitive global economy, companies must,

    ater all, continuously strive to provide improved or new services,

    products and processes. Development and acquisition o technology

    is crucial in this, but these must be positioned in a suciently spacious


    The primary objectives that have been dened are:

    Creating the conditions or increasing technological innovation in


    Creating conditions or promoting co-operation between knowl-

    edge centres and companies, as well as between the companies


    The development o a policy aimed at SMEs;

    Optimisation o unds aimed at stimulating the innovation climate;

    Strengthening o the operations o university interace services.

    The initial unds or 2007, and the budget programme 71.3, amount

    to 174.577 million EUR, which is an increase o 21.869 million EUR

    in comparison to the nal unds o 2006.

    The allocation authorisation o IWT Flanders or projects, which are

    proposed at the initiative o companies and or innovation co-op-

    erations, is rising with 18.5 million EUR (including indexing). The

    allocation authorisation o IWT Flanders, or supporting technologi-

    cal innovation actions initiated by the Flemish government, is rising

    with 2.3 million EUR. O all the IWT allocation authorisations, ap-

    proximately 76% are destined or projects that have been proposed

    by companies (74% in 2006). A slight rise o 0.6 million EUR can be

    noted or the subsidy to university interace services.

    All o the unds, which are part o the programme Scientic research

    with economic objectives, are summarised in the ollowing table(unds in million EUR).

    Table 7: Programme 71.3 Scientifc research with an economic ocus (unds in million EUR)

    BA SP R&D STS Description

    41.03 11.780 0.000 11.780 Grant or IWT

    41.05 2.717 0.000 2.717 Subsidy to university interace services

    99.11 26.468 26.468 0.000 Allocation authorisation or IWT Flanders, or supporting technical innovation

    actions that are proposed at the initiative o the Flemish government

    99.12 121.721 121.721 0.000 Allocation authorisation or IWT Flanders, or projects proposed by companies

    and innovation co-operations

    99.13 11.065 11.065 0.000 Allocation authorisation or IWT Flanders, or e-media projects

    99.14 0.826 0.826 0.000 Allocation authorisation or IWT Flanders, or study and expertise assignments,

    or the benet o the Flemish Innovation Network (VIN)

    TOTAL 174.577 160.080 14.497

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    Strategic and policy-oriented research

    This budget very programme consists o unds or strategic basic

    research, or or research that is policy-relevant, namely budgets or ini-

    tiatives that support innovative developments in industry and society.

    The expenditures or this programme were budgeted at 258.980

    million EUR. In comparison to the nal unds o 2006, this is an

    increase o 23.520 million EUR.

    This programme o budget allocations has the ollowing strategic


    1. Strengthening strategic basic research, which generates know-how

    in the service o the business world, the non-prot sector and the


    2. Strengthening policy-relevant research.

    For the realisation, the ollowing operational objectives have been


    1. A urther strengthening o the Flemish strategic research potential

    in the Flemish research institutes;

    2. A urther expansion o basic research;

    3. A urther expansion o universities as ully qualied partners in


    4. An ongoing development o a revised ramework policy-oriented


    The ollowing table summarises all the unds (unds in million EUR),

    which are summarised in the programme Strategic and policy-

    oriented research.

    Table 8: Programs 71.4 Strategic and policy-oriented research (unds in million EUR)

    BA SP R&D STS Description

    33.01 38.909 38.909 0.000 Subsidy to VZW IMEC

    33.02 38.104 38.104 0.000 Subsidy to the Flanders Interuniversity Institute or Biotechnology (VIB)

    33.03 8.500 8.500 0.000 Subsidy to support centres or policy-relevant research

    33.04 1.222 1.222 0.000 Subsidy or co-nancing the support centre R&D statistics

    33.05 9.000 9.000 0.000 Subsidies or project-based scientic research (PWO)

    33.07 0.500 0.500 0.000 Subsidies or carrying out scientic research, by advanced educational institutes

    33.41 0.677 0.677 0.000 Subsidy to the Royal Zoological Society o Antwerp (KMDA)

    33.43 1.072 1.072 0.000 Subsidy to the Flemish Institute o the Sea (VLIZ)

    33.440.576 0.403 0.173 Subsidy to the Flemish Institute o the Sea (VLIZ), or supporting the work theIODE Project Oce

    33.45 0.120 0.000 0.120 Subsidy to the Flemish Institute o the Sea (VLIZ), or supporting the work the

    ESF Marine Board

    35.40 0.760 0.760 0.000 Grant to the Dutch Language Union or the implementation o the STEVIN

    programme (Essential Speech and Language Technology Resources)

    40.01 5.000 5.000 0.000 Strengthening o the research commitment in academic education at the


    40.02 11.503 11.503 0.000 Grant to the Industrial Research Fund Flanders (IOF)

    41.01 9.602 9.602 0.000 Subsidies or scientic and technical research with an agricultural objective

    (IWT Flanders)

    41.02 24.255 24.255 0.000 Grant to IWT, related to awarding specialisation grants

    (Decree o 23 January 1991)

    41.03 30.132 30.132 0.000 Allocation or the Flemish Institute or Technological Research (VITO)

    41.04 7.399 7.399 0.000 Grant to IWT, or the promotion o technology transer and research,

    by higher educational institutes

    41.05 38.604 38.604 0.000 Strategic basic research (IWT Flanders)

    41.07 23.046 23.046 0.000 Grant to the Interdisciplinary Institute or BroadBand Technology (IBBT)

    41.08 5.000 5.000 0.000 Grant to IWT, or support to applied biomedical research, with a primarily

    a social purpose

    61.02 4.999 4.999 0.000 Grant or investments at the Flemish Institute or Technological Research (VITO)

    TOTAL 258.980 258.687 0.293

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    The research institutes IMEC, VITO, VIB and IBBT together account

    or 135.19 million EUR. An increase o 3.284 million EUR in the

    subsidy to IMEC (2.75 million EUR structural), 6.77 million EUR to

    VIB (6.3 million EUR structural) and to IBBT, or nancing the cluster

    medical image processing, with an allocation o 5.759 million EUR

    (4.2 million EUR structural) has been approved.

    The sum o 0.5 million EUR was appropriated or a new initiative,

    with the objective o creating basic nancing or research at research

    institutes that do not have access to regular nancing channels or

    research (BA 33.07).

    Furthermore, a structural increase o 0.4 million EUR provides addi-

    tional unds or the TETRA Fund (BA 44.06). With that, this budget

    reaches 7.399 million EUR.

    The subsidy or Project-based Scientic Research (PWO) wasincreased in 2005 rom 3.0 million EUR to 7.5 million EUR and

    increase urther in 2006 to 9.0 million EUR. This is also the budget

    or 2007.

    The grant to IWT, or specialisation grants, is increasing rom 21.729

    million EUR in 2006 to 24.255 million EUR in 2007.

    For increasing at the research capacity at universities (BA 40.01),

    additional unds are being made available rom the policy domain

    Education and Training as well as rom the policy domains Economy

    and Science and Innovation. In consultation with the Minister o

    Education, it was decided to make extra unds available rom theR&D budget, as an additional stimulation designed to strengthen

    the research component o education or the academic content o

    graduate courses. In 2006, 2 million EUR was appropriated or this

    (BA 44.06 rom programme 71.2). In 2007, 5 million EUR has been

    appropriated or this purpose.

    In addition, there is still a structural increase in the co-nancing o

    the support centre R&D Indicators, rising by 0.5 million EUR.

    Charts 2 and 3 below show the evolution o nancing or science

    and innovation policy, o the programmes 71. OA 71 includes the

    our programmes that have been described above. The rising trend

    will be continued in 2007 (Figure 2: Without special unds). In 2007,

    there will be a global increase (including indexation) o 62.547 mil-

    lion EUR in the unds or Science Policy (SP), namely R&D and STS

    together, and 60.131 million EUR o the R&D unds, in comparison

    with the nal budget 2006.

    Figure 3 below shows the evolution o the total unds, including the

    one-o special unds outside out the classic budget programme,

    which were introduced as o 2004, and which were intended or the

    realisation o specic policy priorities o the corresponding year. Two

    additional unds (or R&D) will also be available in 2007: 30 millionEUR or the Hermes Fund and 2.6 million EUR or LRM impulse

    nancing, which is or the expansion o research activities at the

    transnational University Limburg (tUL). This additional net increase

    o approx. 60 million EUR in R&D Funds, which will be allocated

    to the EWI policy domain in 2007, partially massed in gure 3 by

    the act that the amount o 75 million EUR supplementary unds,

    which had been allocated to the Flemish Innovation Fund (VINNOF)

    outside o the classical budget programmes in 2005 in 2006, will not

    be repeated in 2007. This increase becomes clearly visible in gure 2,

    where the evolution is shown without the special one-o unds.

    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007i












    Total SP 71 (+ BOF)

    Total R&D 71 (+ BOF)

    Figure 2: Evolution o OA 71, without special unds (million EUR)

    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007i












    Total SP 71 (+ BOF)

    Total R&D 71 (+ BOF)

    Figure 3: Evolution o OA 71, incl. special unds (million EUR)

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    2.2.2. Actual science policy

    What one has, true to tradition, called the actual science policy,

    concerns the organisation department 71 o the EWI policy domain

    (described above under the reerence 2.2.1), together with the

    organisation department 33 o the Education and Training (OV)

    policy domain, or the nancing o universities and higher education.

    Fundamental research at universities, which opens up new horizons,

    as a necessary basis or all urther socially and industrially oriented

    research, just as much as research at institutes o higher education, is

    ater all a part o such a coherent policy. Strategic basic research also is

    largely carried out at the universities and higher educational institutes,

    including such Flemish research institutes as IMEC, VITO, VIB and

    IBBT. In addition, there is also the broad and varied domain o indus-

    trial research carried out in support o Flemish industry.

    The general science policy (71.1), scientic research at the initiative othe researcher (71.2), scientic research with an economic ocus (71.3)

    and strategic- and policy-oriented research (71.4) have already been

    described in the Section 2.2.1.

    Actual science policy in the Education and Trainingpolicy domainThe most important accents o the science policy or institutes o

    higher education and universities are explained below. Together they

    orm the actual science policy.

    Envelope or education at institutes o higher education

    The operating envelope or institutes o higher education, which

    had been appropriated under BA 40.02, amount to 600.293 million

    EUR or 2007, and are applicable or higher education, the provision

    o services and or project-oriented scientic research. This budget

    or 2007 once more contains a nancial impulse o 12.5 million

    EUR, which is in implementation o the coalition agreement. This

    concerns a structural increase o the budgets, as a consequence o

    the increased number o students. This budget also contains 13.857

    million EUR o unds or the academic content o graduate courses


    As a consequence o the Bologna and the Sorbonne Declarations,

    European higher education must be harmonised and the quality o

    education must be increased. Legislative initiatives in this regard

    have already been taken in Flanders. These initiatives will mean

    sweeping changes or the institutes o higher education (and the

    universities) in the uture. Taking these objectives into account, the

    structural decree has appropriated unds or the academic content o

    graduate courses. As o the budget year 2004, the unds allocated

    or this (= bringing master students to a knowledge and competency

    level that is congruent with scientic unctionality) will be part o the

    operational budgets or institutes o higher education.

    As a consequence, the co-operation between higher educational

    institutes and universities must be accentuated. In support o such

    corporations, the establishment o associations between the involved

    partners has been included in the structural decree. In the lap othis institute, the dividing line between proessionally oriented and

    general scientic education must be redesigned.

    Operational subsidies to Flemish universities

    This concerns the BAs 41.20, 41.27, 41.79, 41.85, 44.81, 44.82

    and 44.86 o programme 33.2. The total operational subsidies to

    the Flemish universities or 2007 amounts to 598.495 million EUR.

    In comparison to the preceding budgetary year (ater the budget

    control 2006), the total operational subsidies have increased by

    14.754 million EUR.

    They contribute to covering normal expenditures or academic edu-

    cation, scientic research and the provision o services, including the

    administration o the universities. The operational subsidies to the

    Flemish universities or 2007 have only evolved to a limited degree

    in comparison to 2006. The budgetary growth scenario, which was

    introduced with the nancing decree o 7 December 2001, has

    dened the operational unds available to universities as o 2004.

    Dierences must be largely attributed to indexation, with exception

    o the Universities o Ghent and Hasselt. For the University o

    Ghent, the degressive increase o operational unds will be continuedin 2007. In expectation o the new nancing regulations or higher

    education, the University o Hasselt will receive additional unds or

    education and trac science.

    BA 44.64: Subsidy to the Special Research Fund (BOF) or


    Every university disposes over a special research und (BOF), or nanc-

    ing groundbreaking, undamental research. The BOF is the channel,

    with which universities can develop their own science policy (projects

    and mandates), which is proposed by their own academic personnel,

    and nance such a science policy in the long term. A Research Council

    is responsible or the policy o the BOF within each university.Financing undamental research that is initiated by researchers

    is, among other things, due to its unpredictable character and its

    anchor unction or the entire scientic establishment, a primary

    responsibility o the government. The calculation o the und needs

    is currently carried out on the basis o a distribution ormula, which

    is a weighted average o three criteria: The number o graduate

    degrees (in accordance with one weighting actor), the number o

    doctorate degrees awarded (also based on a weighting actor) and

    the share o the total operational subsidies, and, on the other hand,

    on the basis o indicators o international visibility and the research

    output, which is measured on the basis o the number o citations

    and publications. The BOF is thereore largely decided on the basis

    o output indicators.

    It is planned to amend the distribution key as o 2007, with the

    objective o strengthening the research potential o universities,

    through the introduction o a stimulant designed to activate the

    HRM policy or independent academic personnel, and by nancing

    a number o additional positions or independent academic personnel,

    who are a primarily assigned to research projects. Furthermore, the

    regulations or the utilisation o BOF unds, or the nancing o inter-

    national scientic co-operation, are being drastically simplied, and

    the term o the BOF decree is being extended to the end o 2012.

    The subsidy is based on Article 168 o the University Decree o

    12 June 1991, and on the resolution o the Flemish government o

    8 September 2000, as amended on 24 January 2003. The budgetamounts to 100.444 million EUR in 2007.

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    The science policy (SP) unds or the actual science and technology

    innovation policy increase rom 1,442.461 million EUR to 1,448.591

    million EUR, a dierence o 6.130 million EUR. This increase, however,

    is not refected in the R&D unds: According to the OECD denitions,

    one can classiy an amount o 893.776 million EUR as R&D in 2007.

    This is a decrease o 10.424 million EUR in comparison to 2006.

    In the table presented below, the initial unds or 2007 compared

    with the initial unds or 2006 (STI Inormation Guide 2006), and

    with the adapted, nal unds or 2006.

    SP 2006 2006 2007 Increasevs. Increasevs.

    initial fnal initial 2006initial 2006fnal

    71.1 14.525 17.812 19.066 4.541 1.254

    71.2 (+BOF) 227.908 240.165 256.069 28.161 15.90471.3 159.990 152.708 174.577 14.587 21.869

    71.4 232.058 235.460 258.980 26.922 23.520

    Hermes und Innovation 30.000 30.000 30.000 0.000 0.000

    Provisional budget - National Lottery 11.712 0.000 2.330 -9.382 2.330

    Impulse nancing or tUL 2.600 2.600 2.600 0.000 0.000

    P.M.V. VITO 2.700 2.700 0.000 -2.700 -2.700

    VINNOF 75.000 75.000 0.000 -75.000 -75.000

    33.1 14.186 14.210 14.476 0.290 0.266

    33.2 (-BOF) 651.510 652.795 672.487 20.977 19.692

    33.3 2.852 2.855 2.880 0.028 0.02535.1 Subsidy social prov. 14.890 16.156 15.126 0.236 -1.030

    TOTAL 1,439.931 1,442.461 1,448.591 8.660 6.130

    Table 9: Funds or the actual science policy, namely or the science and technology innovation policy in the programmes 71 and 33,

    supplemented with several specifc unds o the initial and the revised budget 2006, and the initial budget 2007 (unds in million EUR).

    R&D 2006 2006 2007 Increasevs. Increasevs.

    initial fnal initial 2006initial 2006fnal

    71.1 2.965 5.269 5.057 2.092 -0.212

    71.2 (+BOF) 227.908 240.165 256.069 28.161 15.904

    71.3 145.928 139.038 160.080 14.152 21.042

    71.4 231.888 235.290 258.687 26.799 23.397

    Hermes und Innovation 30.000 30.000 30.000 0.000 0.000

    Provisional budget - National Lottery 11.712 0.000 2.330 -9.382 2.330

    Impulse nancing or tUL 2.600 2.600 2.600 0.000 0.000

    P.M.V. VITO 2.700 2.700 0.000 -2.700 -2.700

    VINNOF 75.000 75.000 0.000 -75.000 -75.000

    33.1 6.794 6.806 6.929 0.135 0.123

    33.2 (-BOF) 162.972 163.293 168.242 5.270 4.949

    33.3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

    35.1 Subsidy social prov. 3.723 4.039 3.782 0.059 -0.257

    TOTAL 904.190 904.200 893.776 -10.414 -10.424

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    2.2.3. Horizontal science policy

    The horizontal science policy contains those scientic policy

    initiatives, which are not a part o the actual science policy

    (re. 2.2.2.). In other words, it is the science policy, or which the

    competency lies with the policy domains themselves, which is

    directed towards giving orm to and supporting the in-house

    science policy.

    The horizontal science policy is situated in all thirteen policy

    domains. This discussion ollows the new Better Administrative

    Policy (BBB) structure, which will be described one by one below.

    The horizontal science policy represents 107 million EUR in

    allocations, which is 6.9% o the total science and innovation policy

    budget. However, it is not the intention to describe every budget

    rom the Horizontal Budget Programme or Science Policy in this

    new EWI-Budget Browser. For more inormation, we reer you to thewebsite www.ewi-vlaanderen.be/speurgids, where all data can be

    consulted in the orm o index cards, which contain detailed

    inormation or each budget.

    1. Services or the General Government Policy (DAR)

    O the budget that is available to the policy domain DAR, 0.859 mil-

    lion EUR can be viewed as being assigned to the science policy. This

    concerns, among other things, unds or the Studies Department o

    the Flemish government. The Studies Department carries out multi-

    disciplinary research on the basis o its own surveys o secondary

    data sources, which serve to provide a better understanding and

    explanation o developments. It searches or relationships across do-

    mains, describes regional and (inter)national trends, develops models

    and investigates possible uture developments.

    Furthermore, DAR co-nances the support centres Administrative

    Organisation Flanders, Equal Opportunity Policy and Sustainable De-

    velopment. Besides this, unds are also oreseen or research, study

    and expertise costs, which concern the topic state reorm.

    2. Administrative Aairs (BZ)

    Here 1.108 million EUR has been oreseen or science policy in 2007.This concerns, amongst others, expenditures or the encouragement,

    organisation and development o activities that are aimed at the

    integration o ethnic/cultural minorities, besides providing core--

    nancing o the support centres Administrative Organisation Flanders

    and Equal Opportunities Policy.

    3. Finance and Budget (FB)

    The science policy, which is budgeted with an amount o 5.95 mil-

    lion EUR, also includes provisional unds or the execution o the

    Limburg Plan. Two initiatives are a part o the science

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