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EWRT 2: Class 4

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Agenda QHQ: A Game of Thrones

Analytic Authority Picks

Introduce Essay #1

Rhetorical Strategies: Analogy

Introduction to Vocab List #3

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What do you think?

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Q: Why did Tyrion give Bran and Robb the idea of the saddle and the horse to train so that a cripple could ride on?

Q: Why doesn’t Tyrion accept Robb’s gratitude of staying inside the Stark home even after how Bran expressed his happiness?

Will Tyrion still be so kind to Jon and Bran after Lady Stark accused him of murdering Bran?

Will Tyrion’s intelligence ever make him a true player in the game of thrones?

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What has Daenerys lost and gained from her marriage to Khal Drogo?

Why is Daenerys able to adjust and even thrive as part of Khal Drogo’s khalasar?

Will Daenerys eventually become as power-hungry as Viserys?

Will Viserys ever get the revenge he so desires?

Does Viserys regret marrying his sister to Drogo?

Why does Daenerys suddenly treat Viserys with little respect?

Will Dany betray her brother and pay him back for all the stuff he has done to her?

Targaryen Family

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Stark Family Why does Bran show

continuous hatred and frustration towards Old Nan while she patiently tries her best to comfort him?

Is Eddard Stark an honorable man?

Why do I think the Starks will jeopardize their family’s safety?

Why does Eddard Stark give Arya her sword back?

Would Arya be accepted as a warrior if she were to learn swordplay?

How would this affect her future betrothal and or ruling of a kingdom?

Why does Jon befriend Samwell Tarly?

Jon can appreciate Tyrion’s advice, but will their houses get in the way of a potential friendship?

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Robert Baratheon Will [Robert’s] hatred

[of the Targaryens], continue to blind Robert’s judgments?

What did Robert ask Eddard to do to make him resign?

Will the assassination [attempt on Danerys] succeed?

Why does Robert fail to realize that the Lannisters’ are treacherous?

How will making Jaime the warden of the East, pan out?

Will Robert believe Bran if he were to remember [what happened to cause the fall]?

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Time to


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Who will you choose?

There are more than 40 characters to choose from, including both major characters, like Jaime Lannister and minor characters like Old Nan, Samwell Tarley, and Gregor Clegane

There are two selections for each of the eight chapter characters (Eddard, Catelyn, Daenerys, Tyrion, Jon, Bran, Sansa and Arya)

There are advantages and disadvantages to each character.

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There are character lists on the tables in front. They are organized by family, castle, or country.

I will call you up in order of your score. In the case of ties, you will choose alphabetically.

When your turn comes, write your name next to the character you have chosen.

Tell me who you have chosen, so I can mark him or her off of a list that will show on the overhead.

Keep in mind who you want as we move through the process, so when it is your turn, you can choose quickly.

Please, keep on eye on which characters are still on the table so that you are ready to sign-up for yours. Please keep the noise down while people are choosing.

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Let’s Choose


Who will you be??

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Introduce Essay #1 Essay #1 The Character Analysis

Write a 3-5-page character analysis essay.

To analyze a character, you must find out what makes him or her “tick” by looking at social, behavioral, physical, and mental or emotional traits. You also must examine how the author presents those traits through actions, words, thoughts, looks, and reactions. Select a character and write an essay answering one of the following questions about him or her. Feel free to use the character for which you are the analytical authority. You are not, however, limited by this for your character analysis essay.

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TOPIC 1: Not all supporting characters play an integral role in a story; however, sometimes a minor character is so important to the novel that the theme, plot, protagonist, or antagonist would be greatly changed if that character did not exist. From A Game of Thrones, analyze a minor character that plays a significant role. Write a well-developed essay in which you analyze the character and explain why he or she is a significant character in the work. Be sure to use specific examples and quotations to support your claims.

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TOPIC 2: A dynamic character is one who changes or grows emotionally or psychologically from the beginning of the novel until end. Many novels have multiple dynamic characters. Choose one character from A Game of Thrones and write a well-developed essay in which you prove that he or she is a dynamic character. Be sure to use specific examples and quotations to support your claims.

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TOPIC 3: Often a character reflects the culture of the country in which he lives, that is, he or she exemplifies the skills, arts, values, beliefs, and ideals that of a certain people or country. From A Game of Thrones, choose a character that embodies the culture of the people he or she represents. In a well-developed essay, define the culture of one character and show how that character illustrates that culture.

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TOPIC 4: Analyze a character that reveals his or her personality, ethics, morals, and nature through the challenges he or she faces. Think about the different types of conflict that exist. Conflict can be external, such as person versus person, person versus nature, or person versus society. Conflict can also be internal, for example, person versus self. How does your chosen character experience conflict during the novel? Keep in mind how conflict causes a character to change throughout the course of the story.

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TOPIC 5: Aristotle's ideas about tragedy were recorded in his book of literary theory titled Poetics. In it, he has a great deal to say about the structure, purpose, and intended effect of tragedy.  His ideas have been adopted, disputed, expanded, and discussed for several centuries now. In a well-written essay, analyze a character from Game of Thrones, arguing for or against his or her status as a “tragic hero.”

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One Step at a Time Let’s just start by describing our

characters. Using analogies will help the reader see what you mean.

An analogy is reasoning or explaining from parallel cases. In other words, an analogy is a comparison between two different things in order to highlight some point of similarity.

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Analogy: A Rhetorical Strategy

An analogy is a kind of comparison that explains the unknown in terms of the known, the unfamiliar in terms of the familiar.

A good analogy can help your readers understand a complicated subject or view a common experience in a new way. Analogies can be used with other methods of development to explain a process, define a concept, narrate an event, or describe a person or place.

Analogy isn't a single form of writing. Rather, it's a tool for thinking about a subject/

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Despite similarities, an analogy is not the same as a metaphor. According to The Elements of Figurative Language (Longman, 2002), the analogy "is a figure of language that expresses a set of like relationships among two sets of terms. In essence, the analogy does not claim total identification, which is the property of the metaphor. It claims a similarity of relationships."

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While analogy and simile are both comparisons of two seemingly unrelated things, they are not the same. A simile is a figure of speech, while an analogy is a type of argument. Generally, an analogy is more complex than a simile.

A simile is usually structured in one of two ways. The figure of speech can use the word "like" to compare two items. An example using "like" is, "Her hair shone like the sun." Hair and the sun usually are not considered the same, but the simile describes them as shining in a similar manner. An example of a simile using "as" is, "His teeth were as white as clouds." In that simile, the man's teeth are compared to the color of clouds.

Analogies are used to make a connection between two objects or ideas to better explain the first object. For example, a short type of analogy is, "Coffee is to caffeine as beer is to alcohol." Coffee and beer are both beverages, and caffeine and alcohol are the drugs they contain. In some instances, it may be difficult to determine the connection between the two items.

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An analogy is not quite the same as comparison and contrast either, although both are methods of explanation that set things side by side.

You might show, in writing a comparison and contrast, how San Francisco is quite unlike Boston in history, climate, and predominant life-styles, but like it in being a seaport and a city proud of its own (and neighboring) colleges. That isn't the way an analogy works. In an analogy you yoke together two unlike things (eye and camera, the task of navigating a spacecraft and the task of sinking a putt), and all you care about is their major similarities. (The Bedford Reader: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2008)

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Analogies help people understand complicated ideas quickly

1. Computer Resources (CPU, RAM, Hard Drive)A computer is like a kitchen at a restaurant.

The computer's processor is like a chef, who works to prepare the food. The faster the chef, the faster food is ready. A dual-core processor is like having a kitchen with two chefs, so two things can be prepared at the same time.

The computer's RAM is like counter-top space. Everything in RAM is easy for the processor to get at, so if you have a lot of counter space, the chef can work on preparing more things at once. If you don't have enough counter space, the chef can't work on as many things. Some programs use a lot of RAM, just like some recipes call for a lot of ingredients, so it is harder to fit more stuff on the counter.

The computer's hard drive is like the cupboards and refrigerator. These things hold the ingredients until the chef needs them. If space runs out, then the old ingredients need to be thrown out to make room for new ones.

You, the computer user, are then the customer who is ordering things from the kitchen. If the chef is slow, or their isn't enough counter-top space, it's going to longer for things to get done, especially if you are ordering a lot of things at once.

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Jaime’s sword is Tyrion’s book.

Asking Joffrey to run the kingdom is like asking a kindergartener to balance your checkbook.

Expecting Cersei to be honorable is like expecting the direwolves to play nicely with kittens.

Knowledge to Tyrion Lannister is what food is for a child; it is necessary for survival and imperative for growth. Tyrion, oft in a struggle for survival and stunted at a short stature, is always starving for knowledge and feasting whenever possible.

Examples of Analogies

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In-class writing: Use analogy to describe or explain your character.

Eddard relying on Petyr Baelish is like a seamstress using a pair of sticky old scissors; the tool seems to have a mind of its own.

The Iron Throne is a reflected blue sky, Littlefinger is the glass window, and Eddard Stark is the dead crow in the windowsill. A tragedy of illusion.

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Study the words for the test in class 7

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Homework Read A Game of Thrones through 400

Post #6 In-class writing: analogy

Post #7 Describe your character; include page numbers •What does your character look like? Include, for example, hair, eyes, height, weight, build, or other physical characteristics.• Now choose one aspect of the character’s appearance, a detail (bitten nails, frizzy hair, a scar) and elaborate on it.• Write a short scene in which your character is looking in the mirror or write a short scene in which another character first sees your character.

Study Vocabulary: Exam class Seven

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