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Chris JohnsonAdam D.

Seung Rho

Science vs. TechnologyAnd

Ancient Technologies

EWS 425 – Dr. Lin

What is Science?

• Knowledge of observed facts and the relationships of those facts.

• Systematic methods of study to create observations and collect facts, theories based on facts.

Presenter: Adam D.

What is Technology?

• Involves use of tools (primitive & advanced), machines, materials, techniques, and sources of power to make work easier.

Presenter: Adam D.

How Are They Related?

• Science has a large influence on our lives. • Science provides basis of much modern


Presenter: Adam D.

Goals of Technology

• To decrease amount of physical labor• To increase efficiency• To making remaining physical labor, easier.

Presenter: Adam D.

What Counts As Technology?

• Toothbrush • Plastics • Medicine• Automobiles• Clothing• Beds • Backpacks• Computers• Desks• Paper, Pens & Pencil

Presenter: Adam D.

The Bronze Age• Period of time when people used Bronze

for tools and weapons• Start to see Bronze used Vases,

Sculptures, Ornaments• Earliest known use of Bronze in Sumer,


Presenter: Adam D.

The Iron Age

• Period of time when Iron was used for tools and weapons. Began 1500- 1000 bc and technically never died.

Presenter: Adam D.

The Industrial Revolution

• Began in Great Brittain 1700s • Gigantic increase in production of different

kinds of goods• Power-driven machinery and Factory


Presenter: Adam D.

The 20th/ Early 21st Century

• Age of Modern Technology• Age of Information• Automobile• Airplane• Agriculture• Vacuum Tubes• Radio • Computers• Internet

Presenter: Adam D.

The Saqqara Bird •Excavated in 1898•Shaped like a modern day airplane with the head of a bird.•Possibly nothing more than a child's toy.•Model was scaled up and tested in a wind tunnel it should signs of being capable of flight.

Presenter: Chris Johnson

The Baghdad Battery• Possibly the first man made

batteries in the world.• Found just outside Baghdad.• Some scientists suggest that

they were simply containers used to hold papyrus scrolls, and the scrolls have since rotted away leaving just the jars.

Presenter: Chris Johnson

Damascus Steel• Steel so perfect that the sword

blade could be bent without breaking or warping, and had a very sharp edge.

• Valuable because it would hold an edge for a long time.

• Remains one the most prized of blade metals in the world, outdone only by the invention of stainless steel.

Presenter: Chris Johnson

The Pyramids of Egypt• The icon most associated with the

Egypt.• Mostly were built as tombs• Large blocks of stone were cut

from quarries and drug to the site of the pyramid and set in place.

• The workers dragged the large stones up ramps to build the next level of the pyramid.

• As they built each level, they also built up the ramps around the pyramid. Presenter: Chris Johnson

The Antikythera

• Found by sponge divers• Most sophisticated

mechanism known from the ancient world.

• Mechanical "computer" which tracks the cycles of the moon and solar system.

Presenter: Chris Johnson


• Discovered Roughly 492A.D.• Was discovered accidentally by Chinese

alchemist who were actually looking for the elixir of immortality.

• Led to RocketsPrecursors toOther techs.

Presenter: Seung Rho

Printing Press

• Also created by the Chinese originally.• Created out of necessity to spread religionAnd to educate/Learning

Presenter: Seung Rho

The Compass• Created/used by inner circle of Chinese emperor• Used for geomancy, Magic; not for navigation

Many reasons why all 3 technology wasn’t implemented. Isolation Bureaucratic Society

Presenter: Seung Rho

Nazca Lines and Hot Air Balloons

• Aka “The Largest Work of Art on Earth”• Purpose - ?, Artwork of animals covering 200 sq miles• So Why make somethingThey can’t see?Theory suggestNazca 1st to fly.

Presenter: Seung Rho

Non Madol

• Known as the City of the Gods, near MicronesiaAnd PohnpeiSmall population,Yet accomplishedgreat stone constru.

Mystery.Limit to technology can’t stop human growth

Presenter: Seung Rho


• Purpose of Technology• Consider:• Does it Benefit everyone, or only a select few,

at expense of others?• Does it solve problems, or does it create more

problems?• Is the technology used for humane, good-

natured purposes? Is it used to harm others?

Presenter: Adam D.


• Technology is everywhere in our day-to-day lives.

• From the clothes that we wear, to the cars we drive, to the food we eat.

• Everything comes from some sort of technological advancement of our past, whether from far in the past or recently.

Presenter: Chris Johnson


• The ultimate question:– Does technology shape society or does society

shape technology (consumer demands, needs)? – Ie. America’s motor system could definitely be

argued that technology shaped our society.– What do you guys think?

Presenter: Seung Rho

Questions For You!

• What do you think the real purpose of the Nazca lines were for?

• What was the original intention that accidentally led to the creation of gunpowder?

• What was the main function of the Pyramids?• What does the Antikythera do?• Who created the first printing press?

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