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Page 1: Exaltation Ceremony

M.E.Z.: Comp. P.S., you will retire and entrust the Can.

( The P.S. rises, goes to the P.A., gives Rev. or H.Sn., Scr.N. opens the door, P.S. retires Scr. N. closes the door and remains standing by it.)

P.S. (to Can, who wears a M.M.’s Apron): Bro (Name)… advance to me in the three Degrees of Craft Masonry, showing the Sns. (Full Sns. Of 3rd Degree) (Done). Give me the Wds. Of a M.M. on the F. Pts. Of F. (Done)

Do you pledge your honour as a man, and your fidelity as a Mason, that you have been raised to the Sublime Degree of a M.M. for four weeks and upwards?

Can.: I do.

P.S.: Do you likewise pledge yourself under the penalties of all your Obs. That you will conceal what I shall now impart to you with the same strict caution as the others s..s in Freemasonry?Can.: I do.P.S.: Then I will entrust you with the P.Wds. leading to this Supreme Degree to which you seek to be admitted. They are “A.i.R..h.” The import of the Wds. Is “My P. having found M..y.” ( The Can. Should repeat the words as well as the import of the words. Jan. now puts h..d w..k. on the Can., who is then s..p s.d., Jan. goes to the door and gives 4 Ks. Scr.N goes to the P.A. gives ct. bow)

Scr.N.: M.E. there is report.

(M.E.Z. alone gives one K., Scr.N. goes to the door, opens it, sees P.S. outside, closes the door, and returns to the P.A., gives ct. bow)

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Scr.N.: M.E. the P.S. on his return.

M.E.Z.: Admit him. (Scr. N. drops Sn., goes to the door, admits P.S., locks door and returns to his place without saluting. P.S. goes to the P.A., gives Rev. or H.Sn. and resumes his seat. After a short pause the Jan. announces the Can. By M.M’s knocks. Scr.N. goes to the P.A. and gives ct. bow.)

Scr.N.: M.E. there is an alarm.

M.E.Z.: Comp. Scr.N., see who wants admission.Scr.N. (drops Sn. goes to the door, opens it and addresses Jan.) : Whom have you there?

Jan. (speaking loud enough for all the Comps. Inside to hear): Bro. (Name)…, who has been regularly initiated into Freemasonry, passed to the Degree of a F.C., and in due time raised to the Sublime Degree of a M.M., in which capacity he has exercised himself for four weeks and upwards, and as a reward of merit has been entrusted with the P.Wds. leading to this Supreme Degree, to which he seeks to be admitted, and for which ceremony he is properly prepared.

Scr.N.: How does he hope to obtain the privileges of this Supreme Degree?

Jan.: By the assistance of T.T.A.L.G.M.H., the united aid of the C.r.l and T.i.n.l., and the benefit of the P.W.ds.

Scr.N.: Is he in possession of the P.W.ds.?Jan.: He is, try him.Scr.N.: (to the Can.): Give me the P.Wds. (Given) The import of the Wds? (Given) Wait, while I report to the M.E.

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(Scr.N. locks the door, goes to P.A., and gives ct.bow)Scr.N.: M.E., Bro. (Name) …, who has been regularly initiated into Freemasonry, passed to the Degree of a F.C., and in due time raised to the Sublime Degree of a M.M., in which capacity he has exercised himself for four weeks and upwards, and as a reward of merit has been entrusted with the P.W.ds. leading to this Supreme Degree to which he seeks to be admitted, and for which ceremony he is properly prepared.

M.E.Z.: How does he hope to obtain the privileges of this Supreme Degree?

Scr.N.: By the assistance of T.T.A.L.G.M.H., the united aid of the C.r.l. and T.i.n.l., and the benefit of the P.Wds.

M.E.Z.: Is he in possession of the P.Wds.?

Scr.N.: He is, M.W.M.E.Z.: Admit him.(Scr.N., P.S. and 1st Asst. Soj. Go to the door, Scr. N. opens it. P.S. takes the Can.’s r.h. and the 1st Asst. Soj. His l.h., and conduct him to the front of the K.S. in the W., facing E. Scr.N. lcoks door. Resumes his seat. 2nd Asst. Soj. Moves to a side chair.)

M.E.Z.: Bro. (Name) … as you seek preferment in our Order, and have been entrusted with the P.Wds. leading to this Supreme Degree, we must inquire if you freely and voluntarily offer yourself as a Can. For R.A.Masonry?Can. (prompted by P.S., if necessary) : I do.

M.E.Z.: Do you present yourself with a desire of improving in Freemasonry, and directing that improvement to the glory of God and the good of man?

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Can. (prompted by P.S., if necessary) : I do.M.E.Z.: And, are you willing to take the sacred and Solemn Ob. Restricted to this Supreme Degree, and if admitted, to keep inviolate our mystic rites?

Can.: I am ( If the Can. Does not reply promptly, P.S. should whisper “Answer”)

M.E.Z.: Then you will k..l and receive the benefit of Masonic Prayer.


(The P.S. instructs Can. To k..l on b.ks. The Prins. Give 4 Ks. All stand with the Sn. of R. The P.S. whispers to the Can. Also to do so.)

J.: Almighty God, at whose command the world burst forth from chaos and all created nature had its birth, we humbly implore Thee to bestow Thy spiritual blessing on this convocation, and grant that the Bro. who now seeks to participate in the light of our mysteries may be endued with a portion of Thy Divine Spirit; may he not enter our Order lightly, nor recede from it hastily, but pursue it steadfastly, and may he ever remember that the object of our institution is the welfare of our fellow creatures, but, above all, the honour and glory of Thy Most Holy Name. AmenOmnes: S.M.I.B. (All drop Sn. of R.)M.E.Z.: Bro. (Name) …. In all cases of difficulty and danger, in whom do you put your trust?

Can.: (prompted by P.S.) : In T.T.A.L.G.M.H.M.E.Z.: Glad are we to find your faith continued on so firm a basis. You may now rise and follow your conductor.

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(All sit. P.S. instructs Can. To rise and step back to the P.A. The P.S. and the 1st Asst. Soj. Also step back to stand at the right and left of the Can.)M.E.Z.: ( 4 Ks. By Prins.) : Comps., take notice that Bro. (Name) …, who has been regularly initiated into Freemasonry, passed to the degree of a F.C., and in due time raised to the Sublime Degree of a M.M. is about to pass in view before you, to show that he is a Can. Properly prepared to be exalted into R.A. Masonry.

(1st Asst. Soj. Steps back and remains standing in front of 2nd Asst. Soj.’s chair. P.S. turns Can. To face N., and stands facing him, takes the r.h. of the Can. In his l.h. and the l.h. of the Can. In his r.h. fingers clasped and arms fully extended, whispers to the Can. To step off with his l.f., steps off backwards with his r.f. and conducts the Can. Round the Chapter via N., E and S. to the W. without squaring and as far as possible his own chair and wheels so that Can. Is immediately in front of it facing E. and halts. P.S. drops his and Can.’s hands and stands on the r. of the Can. Facing E.)

M.E.Z.: (to can.) : Bro. (Name)… as you seek to participate in the light of our mysteries, we must call upon you to advance towards the Sacred Shrine in which they are deposited by seven steps, halting and bowing at the third, fifth, and seventh, for at each step you will approach nearer to the Sacred and Mysterious Name of T.T.A.L.G.M.H.P.S.: (instructs the Can.): Take three walking steps forward, commencing with the l.ft, halt and bow. Take two walking steps commencing with the r.ft., halt and bow. Take two more walking steps, commencing with the r.ft., halt and bow.

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(P.S. guides the Can. And shuld see that the 3rd and 5th

steps are not completed by bringing the ft. together and the Can. Bows at these steps before the ft. is raised for the next step. At the end of the 7th step the Can. Brings up his r.ft. to complete the step. At the completion of the the Can. Should be near the K.S., 1st Asst. Soj. Comes forward to the Can.’s s.l., so that P.S., Can. And 1st Asst. Soj. All stand in one line facing E.)

M.E.Z. ( to Can.) : You have now arrived at the crown of a valuted champer, into which it is necessary that you should descend. You will, therefore, figuratively wrench forth two of the Arch stones.

(P.S. picks up crowbar and places it in Can.’s both hands, puts his hands over that of Can.’s, guides the Can. To make two wrenching movements at two different points, as if pulling the Arch stones towards him. He then replaces the crow bar at its place and resumes his place on the r. of the Can.)

M.E.Z.: Let the Can. Be duly lowered into the vault.

(P.S. instructs the Can. To k…l. on b.ks. on the K.S.)

M.E.Z.: (to the Can.): You will now endeavour to find something within the vault.

(On instructions of P.S. the Can. Endeavour to find Scroll and after some time the P.S. guides the Can.’s r.h. to the Scroll).Can. (prompter by P.S.) : It is found .

M.E.Z.: What is found?

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Can. (prompted by P.S.) : Something like a Scroll of vellum or parchment.

M.E.Z.: What are its contents?

Can. (prompted by P.S.): For the want of light, I am unable to discover.

M.E.Z.: Let that want of light remind you that man by nature is a child of ignorance and error and ever would have remained in a state of darkness, had it not pleased the Almighty to call him to light and immortality by the revelation of His Holy Will and Word. Rise, wrence forth the Key – stone, and prepare to receive the light of the Holy Word.

(P.S. replaces Scroll in its original position, and assists the Can. To stand, places crow bar in his h.ds, as before and makes one wrenching movement as if pulling the key – stone, towards him and then replaces the crow bar at its place and resumes his place on the r. of the Can.)

M.E.Z.: Let the Can. Be again duly lowered into the vault.(P.S. again instructs the Can. To k…l.)

M.E.Z.(to the Can.): You will now prepare yourself to take the Sacred and Solemn Ob., without which none can be exalted into this Supreme Degree.P.S. (to the Can. Aloud) : Support the V.S.L. on your l.h. and place your r.h. upon it.

(P.S. places the open small V.S.L. of the faith of the Can. On his l.h. and asks him to cover it with his r.h. Prins. Give 4 Ks. All stand with the Sn. of R.Prins. advance in line to the E. of the A. Comps. Stand around, near to the Ensigns.)

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M.E.Z. (to the Can.) : State your name at length and say after me. I, … in the presence of T.T.A.L.G.M.H., and of this H.R.A Chapter, duly constituted, consecrated, and congregated, of my own free will and accord, do hereby (P.S. with his l.h., touches hand of the Can.) and hereon 9P.S. with his l.hd., touches V.S.L.) most solemnly promise and swear, that I will always hele, conceal and never divulge, any of the s..s or my..s restricted to this Supreme Degree, denominated the H.R.A. of J., to anyone in the world, unless it be to a true and lawful Comp. of the Order, whom I shall find to be such after strict examination. I further solemnly promise that I will not dare to pronounce that S.. d and My..s N..e which may now for the first time be communicated to me, unless in the presence and with the assistance of two or more R.A. Comps., or in the body of a lawfully constituted R.A. Chapter, whilst acting as First Prin.All these points, I solemnly swear to observe, without ev.., eq.. or men. Res. Of any kind. So help me T.T.A.L.G.M.H. and keep me steadfast in this the Sacred and Solemn Ob. Of a R.A. Mason,

(All drop Sn. of R.)

M.E.Z.: As a pledge of your fidelity and to render what you have repeated a Solemn Ob., binding on you so long as you shall live, you will, seal it f.. times on the V.S.L., in the manner most binding on you.

(Done, P.S. takes V.S.L. from the Can. And replaces it on the cushion. The D.O.C. moves from the S.E. to the S.W., picks up the Scroll and stands at the r. of the P.S.)

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In former times, a Can, was required to swear to observe all the points of his Ob. Under no less a penalty on the violation of any of them, than that of suffering l..s of l..e. by having his hd. St…k off. Now we do not include physical penalties in the Ob.,but rely on the conscience of the Can. To remain steadfast to his Ob.

M.E.Z.: Comp. P.S. you will raise the Can. In due from by the G.p. of a R.A. Mason.

(The P.S. comes to the S. side of K.S., faces N and raises the Can. By these five actions.

1. The P.S. with his r.h. takes the Can. By the r.h. and says; Bro….. (Name)

2. The P.S. places his l.h. under the r. forearm just above the wrist of the Can. And says: now.

3. The P.S. then places his r.h. on the upper forearm of the Can. Just below the elbow and says: a Companion.

4. The P.S. then places his l.h. under the Can.’s elbow and says: of our Order.

5. The P.S. then places his r.h. under the Can.’s armpit and says: Rise, at the same time raising the Can.

P.S. resumes his place at the Can’s r. side. The Prins. now form a vertical t.i.n.l. with their Serptres, that of the M.E.Z. forming the base. Comps. Grasp the staves of the Ensigns and and tilt them slightly inward. They all stand thus till the Can. Goes out and the, door in closed.)

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M.E.Z.: Having been kept for a considerable time in a state of darkness, what in your present condition, is the predominant wish of your heart?

Can. (prompted by P.S.) : Light.

M.E.Z.: Comp. P.S., let that blessing be restored to the Can. (Done. The h.w. is removed and handed to the D.O.C., who gives the Scroll to the P.S.)

M.E.Z.: We congratulate you on being admitted to the light of our Order, and it is with satisfaction that we express our confidence that your future conduct will fully justify our partiality in having exalted you in to this Supreme Degree, so truly denominated the essence of Freemasonry. You will now read the Scroll you brought with you out of the vault.

(P.S. hands the Scroll to the Can., who reads)

“ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

“And God said, Let there be light, and there was light.”

M.E.Z.: Let us, therefore, bless, praise and magnify His Holy Name for the knowledge vouchsafed to us, and walk worthily in the Light which shines around.

M.E.Z.: ( to the Can.) : You are now at liberty to retire, in order to restore your personal comfort, and on your return to the Chapter you will be permitted to participate in the further my…s of the Order.

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(P.S. takes Scroll from the Can. And hands it lo the D.O.C., Scr.N. opens the door. P.S..1st Asst. Soj. Leave their robes, collars. Sahes etc. behind. They and the Can. Go out Scr.N. closes the door, but remains standing by it. The D.O.C> places the Scroll in its former position. The Prins., after breaking t.i.n.l., and Comps. Resume their seats. In the ante-room the Sojs. Don M.M.’s Aprons. Jan. gives the Ks. Of a M.M.)

Scr.N. (goes to P.A. and with ct.bow): M.E., there is an alarm

M.E.Z.: Comp. Scr.N. see who seeks admission.

Scr.N. (drops Sn., goes to the door and opens it.): Whom have you there?

Jan. (speaking fairly loudly) : Three M.Ms, from Babylon, having heard that you are about to rebuild the Temple to the honour and glory of the M.H. are anxiousTo sojourn amongst you, and to assist in that great and glorious undertaking.

Scr.N.: Wait, while I report to the M.E.

(Scr.N. locks the door)

Scr.N.(goes to P.A. and with ct.bow) : M.E. three M.Ms from Babylon having heard that you are about to rebuild the Temple to the honour and glory of the M.H. are anxious to Sojourn amongst you, and to assist in that great and glorious undertaking.M.E.Z.: Admit them.

(Scr.N. goes to and opens the door. 1st Asst. Soj. Entres first, P.S. next and the Can. Last.

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They line up in front of Soj.’s chairs facing E. Scr.N. locks the door and resumes his seat.)

M.E.Z.: Strangers, whence come you?

P.S.: From Babylon, M.E.M.E.Z.: What is your request?

P.S.: Having heard that you are about to rebuild the Temple to the honour and glory of the M.H. we are anxious to sojourn amongst you, and to assist in that great and glorious undertaking.

M.E.Z.: As no strangers can be permitted to assist in that holy work, we must first inquire who you are.

P.S.: We are nobly born and descended from a race of partriarchs and kings; in fact, we are Brethren of your own tribes and families, M.E.

M.E.Z.: But are you not descended from those who fled when the City and Holy Temple were sorely oppressed, or are you of those left behind by the Babylonish General for the purpose of tilling the land?

P.S.: We would scorn to be descended from those who basely fled when the City and Holy Temple were sorely oppressed; neither are we of those left behind by the Babylonish General for the purpose of tilling the land; but we are nobly born, and like your selves descended from a race of partriarchs and kings. A., I. and Jb. Were our forefathers. M.E., we are of the royal line of David and princely tribe of Judah, who, for their sins and the sins of the people, were led into captivity with Jehoiachin their king, by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, there to remain for seventy years, as was

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foretold by the prophet Jeremiah. The period of our captivity expired in the first year of the reign of Cyrus, King of Persia, when it pleased the Almighty to inspire that noble prince to issue the following proclamation:

“ Thus saith Cyrus, King of Persia, All the kingdoms of the earth hath the Lord God of heaven given me; and He hath charged me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Who is there among you of all His people? The Lord his God be with him and let him go up.”

We eagerly availed ourselves of this opportunity of returning to our native land, and have come up accordingly to sojourn amongst you, and to offer our assistance in rebuilding the Temple to the honour and glory of the M.H., who hath promised by the mouth of His holy prophet, there to establish His name for ever, and give peace to the whole earth.

M.E.Z.: We acknowledge your noble ancestry and cheerfully admit you members of our tribes and families. It only remains for us to enquire on what part of the holy work you wish to be employed.

P.S.: Any position to which your Excellencies may be pleased to appoint us will be deemed an honour conferred.

M.E.Z.: Humility and docility are sure indications of merit; but from the lateness of your application, the principal offices are already filled. We will, however, engage you to prepare the ground for the foundation of the Second Temple on the site where the first formerly stood, for which purpose you will be provided with proper working implements; but we lay this strict injuction upon you: that should you during the progress

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of your labours make any discovery you deem of importance, you will communicate it to me none but the Grand Sanhedrim now sitting.

P.S.: We humbly thank your Excellencies for the trust reposed in us, and pledge ourselves to a faithful discharge of the duties thereof.

M.E.Z.: Go, and may the God of your fathers be with you.

(Scrs.E and N. pick up the pick, crowbar, shovel, life lines and the Scroll. They hand over the crowbar, life – lines and Scroll to P.S., who takes Scroll in his r.hd., the pick to 1st Asst., Soj., and the shovel to the Can. Scr.E. resumes his seat. The Can. Followed by the Sojs. Retires without Sn. Scr. N. opens the door to let them out, then locks it and resumes his seat. In the ante – room, the P.S. winds the thick cord round his waist and the thinner ones round his wrists. 1st Asst. Soj. Takes in his l.hd. the end of the thin cord round the r. wrist of P.S. The Can. Takes in his r.h. the end of the thin cord round the l. wrist of P.S., Jan. gives 4 Ks.)

Scr.N. (goes to P.A. and with ct.bow): M.E., there is a report.M.E.Z.: Comp. Scr. N., see who wants admission.

Scr. N. (goes to and opens the door and asks Jan): Whom have you there?

Jan.(speaking aloud) : The three Sojs. Who were sent to prepare the ground for the foundation of the Second Temple, having made a discovery which they deem of importance, are anxious to communicate the same to the Grand Sanhedrim now sitting.

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Scr.N.: Wait while I report to the M.E. (locks the door, goes to P.A. and with ct. bow) : M.E., the three Sojs. Who were sent to prepare the ground for the foundation of the Second Temple, having made a discovery which they deem of importance, are anxious to communicate the same to your Excellencies.

M.E.Z.: Admit them.

(Scr. N. goes to and opens the door. 1st Assi.Soj. enters first, the P.S. next and the Can. Last . Scr. N. locks the door and resumes his seat).

M.E.Z. (to Sojs.) : Brethren, we understand that you have made a discovery you deem of importance. It is, therefore, necessary that you communicate to us the discovery you have made and the circumstances which led thereto.

P.S.: Resuming our labours early this morning, we discovered a pair of pillars of exquisite design and workmanship. Proceeding onwards we found six other pairs of equal symmetry and beauty, which, from their position, appeared to have supported the roof of a subterranean passage or gallery leading to where the M. Holy Place formerly stood. Our progress was here impeded by the fragments which had fallen during the conflagration of the former Temple. These we cleared away and arrived at what appeared to be solid rock. Accidentally striking it with my crow, it emitted a hollow sound. I, therefore, hailed my Comps., when he with the pick loosened the earth which he with the shovel cleared away (indicates each implement in turn), when that which at first appeared solid rock proved to be compact piece of masonry wrought in the form of a dome. Aware of who had been the Architect of the former Temple, and that no part thereof had been

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constructed in vain, we determined to examine it further, for which purpose we wrenched forth two of the Arch stones, when a vault of considerable magnitude appeared to view.

All being anxious to descend, we cast lots. The lot, M.E., was mine. My Comps. then tied this strong cord or life-line round my body by which to lower me into the vault; but, being apprehensive of dying from damp, noxious vapours, or other unforeseen causes, I took a smaller cord in each hand (shows) by which to give pre-concerted signals, should I require more liberty or wish to be drawn up. I was then duly lowered into the vault. On arriving at the bottom, I felt something like the base or pedestal of a column, with certain characters engraven thereon, but for the want of light I was unable to decipher their meaning. I then signaled with my left hand for more liberty, and on exploring the vault,found this Scroll of vellum or parchment, but from the same cause was unable to read its contents. I, therefore, signaled with my right hand, and my Comps. drew me up, bringing the Scroll with me (indicates Scrl. In r.hd.). On arriving at the light of day, we found from the first words therein recorded, that it was a part of the long-lost Sacred Law, promulgated by our Grand Master Moses at the foot of Mount Horeb in the wilderness of Sinai. The possession of this precious treasure stimulated us to funther exertions; we, therefore, enlarged the aperture by removing the Keystone, and I descended as before. The Sun by this time, had gained its greatest altitude, and darted its rays with meridian splendour into the vault, enabling me clearly to distinguish those objects I had before so imperfectly discovered. In the centre of the vault stood a block of white marble, wrought in the form of the Altar of incense, a double cube. On the front were engraven the initials of the three Grand Masters who presided at the building of the former Temple viz., S.K.

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of I, H.K. of T. and H.A.B., along with certain mystic characters; and a veil covered the Altar; approaching with reverential awe, I raised the veil, and there beheld, on a plate of gold, that which I humbly conceived to be the S..d and My…s N..e of T.T.A.L.G.M.H. I carefully re-veiled it, retired with all respect and reverence, gave the agreed-on signal, and –was again drawn up. With the assistance of my Comps. I closed the aperture, and we have hastened hither to communicate to your Excellencies the discovery we have made, and the circumstances which led thereto.

M.E.Z.: Your narrative bears every appearance of truth, but to convince us you must state what you saw on that plate of gold.

P.S. (Bowing): That, M.E., we must humbly beg to decline, for we have heard with our ears, and our fathers have declared unto us, that in their days and the old time before them it was not lawful for anyone to pronounce the S…d and My..s N…e of T.T.A.L.G.M.H., save the High Priest, nor him but once a year, when he entered the H. of H. and stood before the Ark of the Covenant to make propitiation for the sins of the people.

M.E.Z.: We admire your pious caution, and your conduct considerably increases our esteem. We will, however, depute two of our Comps., E. and N. to accompany you to the spot, and their report shall determine your reward.

(P.S. hands crowbar and Scrl. To 1st Asst. Soj., who steps immediately to the r. side of the Can. Scrs. E. and N. accompany P.S. to the N.W. corner of the Chapter, where the Names are communicated in a whisper on the four t.i.n.l.s. as at the Opening Ceremony by the Prins. P.S. is on the l. of Scr. E. facing E. Scr. E. demands and

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P.S. starts the communication of the Names anti-clockwise. P.S. returns to his place on the r. of the Can. And receives the crowbar and Scrl. From 1st Asst.Soj., who returns to P.S>’s right from behind. Scr. E. goes to the N.W. of the Chapter and Scr.N. to the S.W. They advance towards the A. with seven steps, no Sn., remove the veil and plave it on the floor at the W. side of the A. They examine the symbols etc, on the plate of gold to see that all is correct.)

Scr. E. (from N. side of A. and with ct. bow) : Right, M.E., in every particular.

Scr.N. (from S. side of the A. and with ct. bow) : Right, M.E., in every particular.

(Both Scrs. Move down to the W. of the Chapter, Scr.E. to a position to the l. of the Can. And Scr. N. to the r. of 1st Asst. Soj.)

(M.E.Z. consults the other Prins. who nod their assent)

M.E.Z.: My colleagues in office concur with me in my opinion , that as a reward for your zeal and fidelity in having discovered the long-lost secrets of the R.A. you should be at once called to that exalted rank held by your illustrious ancestors.

Scrs. E. and N., divest these worthy Masons of the implements of labour, clothe them with the robes of innocence, and instruct them to advance hither that they may be further rewarded.

(Scrs. E. & N. take the implements, life line, smaller cords and Scrl. Form the three, and replace them in their places. They then assist the Sojs. And the Can. In dicesting their M.M.’s aprons. The Sojs. Resume their

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R.A. clothing and robe with collar over the robe; attended by Scr. E. the Can. Puts on the robe only. Scr.E. resumes his seat.)

Scr. N. (to the Can. From the N.W.) : Advance by s..n steps., halting and bowing at the t..d, f..h and s..h, follow and copy me.

(Scr.N. advances along N. with s..n .sps. No Sn. P.S. places the Can. In N. W. and directs him to follow and copy Scr.N.P.S. follows behind the Can., but does not take the sps. Scr.N. moves round by the E. to his seat. P.S. places the Can. In front of the M.E.Z. and stands behind him. The D.O.C. gets the jewel(s), sash(s), staff(s) and apron(s) ready).

M.E.Z. (to the Can): The robes with which you have been invested are emblems of that purity of heart and rectitude of conduct, which should at all times actuate those exalted into this Supreme Degree. ( The M.E.Z. rises, leaves his Sceptre, comes down and faces the Can.)

We reward you with this jewel (pins it on) as a mark of our entire approbation, and admit you a Comp. amongst us; we decorate you with this ribbon and badge, the insignia of our Order (places sash on first, and then apron), and entrust you (gives staff, which is handed to the M.E.Z. by the D.O.C., into the Can.’s right hand) with this staff of office, which you will ever have a right to bear, unless 72 of the elders are present; and hereby constitute you a prince and ruler in the Order; and, should you continue to act in the faithful discharge of your duties, you will, by a regular gradation, be entiled to full participation of our secrets. (The sash should rest on the l… shoulder with the knot at the r.side of the body. The apron belt must be under the sash but outside

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the robe. The D.O.C. returns to his seat after the Can. Is entrusted.)

M.E.Z.: It is in this part of the ceremony that the Sacred Names and the manner of sharing them is communicated. The Sojs. Found the Names inscribed on a plate of gold in the vault and rightly conceived them to be the S…d and My….s Names of the T.T.A.L.G.M.H. Because in ancient times it was not lawful for anyone save the High Prienst to pronounce those Names, it is our custom to divide the Names into theree syllables, each syallable to be spoken by a different Comp. and thus forms a token of recognition. E.Comp.H., will you please assist.

(The M.E.Z. shifts a pace to S., H. leaves his Sceptre on his chair and steps down to the r. side of M.E.Z. The two Prins. are standing looking W. The Can. Is in front of and between the Prins. looking E., and P.S. is behind and to the r. of the Can., ready to prompt him.)

M.E.Z. Stand to order thus. (The two Prins. and the Can. Give Rev or H.Sn.) The Sacred Names are given on a series pf t.i.n.l.s. formed first, with the r.ft. (here all three form first t.i.n.l. with the r.ft.), Second, with the r.k. (here r.ks. of all three are slightly bend and made to touch), third, r.hd. grasping r.e..w. (here all three drop r.hd. from l.b.and rest it on the r.e…w of the Comp. on his left), and fourth, l.hd. grasping 1. w..t. (here the l. arms are extended fully over the haeds and the w..ts. grasped as at the Opening). The names are J….H., J.B.O. They are shared in a series of syallables. I will commence and you will follow.

(The M.E.Z. given the first syllable, the Can. Prompted, if necessary, by P.S. gives the second, H. gives the third and so on, the communication being done clock-wise.

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The Prins. resume their front of the 2nd Asst. Soj.’s chair and turns him to face the E.P.S. stands on the r. side of the Can. i.e. at P.A.)

P.S. (with ct.bow-the Can. Does not give Sn.): Thus invested, rewarded, decorated, and entrusted by your Excellencies, it shall ever be our study to merit a continuance of your approbation, by faithfully and assiduously discharging the duties of the high vocation to which you have this day been pleased to call us.

M.E:Z We congratulate you on being exalted into R.A. Masonry, at once the foundation and keystone of the whole Masonic structure. When you were raised to the Third Degree, you were informed that by the untimely death of our Master H.A.B. the s..s of a M.M. were lost, and that certain substituted s.. s. were adopted to distinguish all M.Ms, until time or circumstances should restore the genuine, These s..s were lost for a period of nearly 500 years, and were regained in the manner which has just been described to you, somewhat in a dramatic form, the more forcibly to impress on your mind the providential means by which these ancient s..s were regained. Be seated.

(The P.S. conducts the Can. To the 2nd Asst. Soj’s seat. If there are two Cans, then the other is seated in the 1st

Asst. Soj.’s seat.)

M.E.Z.: (4 Ks): Comps, I claim your attention to W. Comp. J. for the Historical Lecture.

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