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Microsoft ExcelThe Basics

What is Excel?Excel is a Microsoft Office program commonly used in corporationsNumerous versions available (1997, 2007, 2013)Used for clerical purposes like database, vouchers, etc

Parts of an Excel sheet


Parts of an Excel sheet

COLUMNColumns are represented by letters

Parts of an Excel sheet

ROWRows are represented by numbers

Parts of an Excel sheet

What cell is this?

Parts of an Excel Screen


Parts of an Excel Screen

WORKSHEETSWORKSHEETS Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3WORKBOOK The entire file, comprised of sheets

First Exercise

First Exercise

CELL A2 type ReceiptCELL A4 type AppleCELL A5 type OrangeCELL A6 type Strawberries

First Exercise

RESIZING COLUMNS AND ROWSEither click-and-drag or double click

First Exercise

RESIZING COLUMNS AND ROWSEither click-and-drag or double click

First Exercise


Select CELL A2 then click-and-drag to D7

First ExercisePLACING BORDERSGo to Menu Bar and under home click this

then this


Select row (1) - click on the number


2) Select row (3) - press and hold CTRL then click on the number

First ExerciseFORMATTING CELLSSelect cells A1 to D1

First ExerciseFORMATTING CELLSThe click these two

First Exercise

EQUATIONOn cell B5 type =B2+B3+B4Or on cell B5 type = then click cell B2 then type + then click cell B3 then type + then click cell B4 then press enter

EQUATIONOn cell D2 type =B2*C2Or on cell D2 type = then click cell B2 then type * then click cell C2

EQUATIONClick-and-drag the corner of cell D2 then drag to C5

Do the same thing for cell B5 but drag it to C5

FUNCTIONSFunctions are pre-determined equations in excelFormat is

Functions to learnSumAverageMinMax=function_name(******)

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