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Existential Web Performance:How Milliseconds Make the Internet a Happier Place

Trevor Pierce* PITA RE: * Accessibility * Performance * User Advocacy

Rules of web design

Rule #1Don’t waste your own time, it’s how the world ends up with Farmville

Rule #2Write as little code as you have to. But if you have to, write good code.

Rule #31 big file is better than 3 small files

Rule #41 small file is better than 1 big file

Rule #5Inline is not a dirty word

My tools of choice:

Rule #1Don’t waste your own time, it’s how the world ends up with Farmville

/* Concatenate sass files, add source maps and Autoprefix CSS */ gulp.task('sass', function() { var filter = $.filter(['*.css', '!*.map']); return gulp.src('app/styles/sass/*.scss') .pipe($.plumber()) .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(sass({ errLogToConsole: true })) .pipe(sourcemaps.write('./')) .pipe(filter) .pipe(autoprefixer({ browsers: ['last 2 versions'] })) .pipe(filter.restore()) .pipe(gulp.dest('app/styles/css')); });

Rule #2Write as little code as you have to. But if you have to, write good code.

/* Style check the sass */ gulp.task('sass-lint', function() { return gulp.src('app/styles/sass/*.scss') .pipe($.cached('sasslint')) .pipe(sasslint()); });

Rule #31 big file is better than 3 small ones

/* Create the index.html file in /build */ gulp.task('build-index', function () { return gulp.src(['app/index.html'])

.pipe(htmlbuild({ css: htmlbuild.preprocess.css(function (block) {

block.end('styles/main.css'); }),

remove: function(block) { block.end();

} })) .pipe(gulp.dest('build')) .pipe($.notify('Copying index.html'));


Rule #41 small file is better than 1 big file

/* Minify and remove unused CSS */ gulp.task('css-min', function() { return gulp.src('app/styles/css/main.css')

.pipe(uncss({ html: ['app/*.html']

})) .pipe(csso()) .pipe(gulp.dest('build/styles')) .pipe($.notify('Copying main.css to site.css'));


Rule #5Inline is not a dirty word

/* Rename main css file for critical path inlining */ gulp.task('copy-styles', function() { return gulp.src(['build/styles/main.css'])

.pipe(rename({ basename: 'site'

})) .pipe(gulp.dest('build/styles'));


/* Create the critical inline css */ gulp.task('critical', ['css-min', 'build-index', 'copy-styles'], function() { critical.generateInline({

base: 'build/', src: 'index.html', styleTarget: 'styles/main.css', htmlTarget: 'index.html', width: 960, height: 768, minify: true

}); }, function(err){ if (err) {console.log(err);}});

Live coding: I hope this works?!?

Thank you! https://github.com/1Copenut/C3

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