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Section 1

Exits Have Changed

Nyenrode Business UniversiteitThe Netherlands

September 26, 2013

Basil Peters

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Most Important Message Today

• Only 25% of all companies that could have been sold, actually end up exiting.

• Yes, the probabilities are 75% that if a startup succeeds, and becomes valuable,

• It will still fail to exit.

• This seminar will help you become one of the 25% that succeed.

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Everything is Changing

• We are living through an interesting time

• The economy is changing

• The whole world is changing

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Entire Countries are Bankrupt

Other countries will certainly follow

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The World is Now a Small Place

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The World Has Changed

• Many big parts of the financial ecosystem

• That worked for a hundred years

• Don’t work at all anymore

• The economy has changed

• The whole world is changing

• Faster than ever before

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Canada’s Most Valuable Corp

• Nortel was founded in 1882

• In 2000, Nortel’s value was a third of the entire TSX index – Canada’s most valuable

• Market cap was $398 Billion

• Employed 94,500 people

• Bankrupt in 2009

• Assets sold to companies around the world

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Other Big Tech Companies

• Was Nortel just a single example?

• Or a made in Canada failure?

• What about the other big, great tech companies?

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Intel – 15 years


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Microsoft – 15 years


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Cisco – 15 years


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None Are Creating Wealth• For their investors,

• And more importantly for their employees

• For decades, these greats were all built on the increasing value of their stock options

• That’s what used to bring, and retain, the best and the brightest

• To these big companies

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Innovation in Smaller Companies• The best and the brightest now work in startups

• Small companies create opportunities

• Where the smart people create the innovations

• That’s why all the economic and employment growth is created by startups

• It wasn’t like this 10 or 20 years ago

• New research is helping us understand why this change has occurred

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Startups Create All the Growth

• In the old economy big was an advantage

• Today being big seems to be the opposite

• All of the economic growth now is happening in small companies

• In fact, startups have created ALL of the new jobs for the past three decades

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Startups Create ALL The Jobs

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The New Big Story

• The media always reports the really big exits

• Like YouTube selling for $1.6 billion,

• Club Penguin selling for $350 million, or

• AdMob selling for $750 million

• Those exits are very rare occurrences

• The ‘new’ big story is the much larger number of small exits

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Most Exits Are Under $15 Million• Mergerstat database shows the median price

of private company acquisitions is under $25 million, when price is disclosed

• But the price is not disclosed in most smaller transactions

• Today, I estimate the median price to be wellunder $20 million

• And probably below $15 million

• That was a surprise to me just a few years ago

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Our 21st Century Economy• What works today:

1. Small companies innovate2. Angels, Friends, Family and possibly VCs,

finance them3. Big companies, and others, buy them early4. The buyers then grow the business5. Entrepreneurs and investors recycle the


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Exits are the Best Part• I believe exits are the best part of being an

entrepreneur or investor

• It’s when we get paid for all of our hard work and risk capital

• But it’s also the least well understood part of being an entrepreneur or private investor

• Simply because it doesn’t happen very often

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Exits Today - Summary• Selling a business is usually the biggest

financial transaction of your career

• It’s exciting – and will certainly change your life

• Much of what we thought we knew about exits has changed in the past 5 to 10 years

• The good news is that,

• If you are thinking about selling anytime soon, your timing is excellent

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Section 2

Every Company Should Have an Exit Strategy

Nyenrode Business UniversiteitThe Netherlands

September 26, 2013

Basil Peters

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Much of What You Hear is Wrong• It’s surprising how much of what you hear about

exits is wrong – dangerously wrong

• There are so many myths and misperceptions

• And so many ‘experts’

• And quite a few dirty secrets

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The Exit Is Just Another Process

• Whether it’s a financing, product development, marketing or sales goal

• The chances of success increase dramatically if you have a good plan

• The exit strategy is the plan for the business –the entire business

• The plan should start at the end (the goal)

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Companies Are Sold, Not Bought

• I often hear ‘companies are bought, not sold’

• People think that when ‘it’s time’ someone will knock on their door asking to buy their company

• While that has happened, it’s almost never a good thing for the shareholders

• It’s not just that the price will be much lower

• More importantly, the probability of success decreases because there is usually one bidder

• Optimum exits require strategy and planning

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Focusing on Exits is Healthy• Another misperception you often hear

repeated is that entrepreneurs should focus on the business and not worry about the exit

• In my opinion, that is just plain wrong

• A focus on exits is healthy – and does not distract the team from their primary function of maximizing shareholder value

• In fact, I believe it does just the opposite

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Planning for Successful Exits

• I believe entrepreneurs and angel investors would have better returns and more fun

• If we designed and built more companies with a focus on the exit

• Works particularly well in today’s economy

• What are the steps?

• Where do we start?

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The Exit Strategy • An Exit Strategy can be as simple as:

• “Our exit strategy is to [sell the company] in about __ years for around $ __ million.

• We plan to execute the exit by engaging a [mid market M&A advisor] by _[date]_.”

• The optimum exit strategy depends on the type of company

• Entrepreneurs usually need some help determining their optimum exit strategy

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Check The Alignment• It’s surprising how often there is a serious

mis-alignment between key stakeholders on the exit strategy

• The only way to check is to get a ‘signoff’ on a written exit strategy

• Usually takes at least one offsite planning retreat to build full alignment

• Even after, check alignment annually

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First: Exit Strategy, Then Finance

• This doesn’t happen most of the time

• But the right way to build a company is

• Determine the type of business

• Build alignment on the exit strategy

• THEN develop the financing plan

• And then start to contact investors

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Why the Exit Strategy Comes First

• Different types of investors are compatible with different types of exit strategies!

• Making a mistake about this early on can easily cost you your entire company

• It almost cost me my first company

• A video of my war story is online at: http://www.exits.com/blog/how-not-to-sell-a-business/

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Check Financial DNA Before



Resulting CorporateDNA is a Hybrid ofEntrepreneurs’ and Investors’ DNA

Check the compatibility first

Combined with

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A Common Misunderstanding• A common misunderstanding about M&A exits

is that you have to grow the company to be profitable

• Or grow it to be larger than $X millions of revenue

• The real threshold is to ‘prove the business model’

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What it Means to Prove the Model

• In a recurring revenue business, for example, you have a spreadsheet that clearly shows actual results for:1. Gross margin per customer2. Customer lifetime (or churn)3. Cost of customer acquisition

• In other words, how much is a customer worth and what do they cost to acquire?

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Proven Model and Value• Some businesses have slightly different

metrics to prove the model

• But when you prove the model you can build a credible projection that shows:1. If new owners added $X millions of capital,2. The business would have Y customers 3. And be worth $Z millions

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That’s When You Can Sell• There are often additional factors like

competitors and market changes

• But the important threshold to determine when you can sell is when you have proven the model

• This is when you can have a reasonable negotiation on value and sell the company

• You do not have to be profitable

• Today, even pre-revenue exits are possible

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It’s Often the Optimum Time• As soon as you prove the model is often the

best time to sell

• Always best to sell on an upward trend

• Sell on the promise not the reality

• Often when you can get the best price

• Very often ‘stuff happens’

• Most entrepreneurs ‘ride it over the top’

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The Exit Strategy Effects• A clear exit strategy has many operational


• It maximizes the overall generation of shareholder value through focus and alignment

• Also affects daily management decisions

• Is also beneficial in recruitment and retainment - especially of the best and brightest

• Which is increasingly important today

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Exit Strategy Summary• The exit strategy is the highest level strategy

in the organization

• It’s the foundation for the entire company plan

• It aligns the team on the most important goal*:

• The maximization of shareholder value, and

• The optimum timing of it’s monetization

• *Assuming it’s a company with investors

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Videos on Exit Strategy• Videos of some of my talks on exit strategy

• http://www.exits.com/blog/start-at-the-end-your-exit-strategy

• http://www.exits.com/blog/exit-strategies-for-angel-investors

• And what not to do:• http://www.exits.com/blog/


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Section 3

Don’t Ride It Over the Top

Nyenrode Business UniversiteitThe Netherlands

September 26, 2013

Basil Peters

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Exiting in Internet Time• The internet has accelerated everything

• It allows entrepreneurs to market and sell to hundreds of millions of prospects in just days

• The internet has also accelerated almost every other aspect of the startup lifecycle

• Entrepreneurs now have “Weekenders” where they build entire companies in a weekend

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Weekender Sold in 10 Days• In 2009 when I wrote “Early Exits”

• I speculated that one day: “They’ll probably define an early exit as selling the company before the end of the weekender”

• That almost happened in November 2009

• A team of entrepreneurs in London built a business in one day and sold it online in ten days: www.24hour-startup.com <– great video

• Not an isolated example, see www.Flippa.com

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More Exits In Just 2 – 3 Years

• Flickr sold for $30 million at 1.5 years old

• Delicious sold for $30+million 2 years from startup

• Club Penguin for $350 million at 2 years old

• YouTube sold for $1.6 billion at 2 years old

• Playfish sold for $275 million at 2 years old

• Mint sold for $170 million at 3 years old

• AdMob sold for $750 million at 3.5 years old

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A B.C. Really Early Exit• This Vancouver company asked me to keep

their details confidential – for now

• They wanted to test the idea for their first product, so called on a medium-sized US corp

• The prospect soon asked to buy the company

• The CEO called me for help

• Three months later the money was in the bank

• Company was less than 12 months from startup and still hadn’t launched the first product

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A New Really Early Exit• Anyone heard of the company PumkinHead?

• How about their product - About.me?

• About.me was acquired by AOL

• Just four days after its public launch

• That may be a new record

• Better way to measure is from startup (= 1 year)

• This illustrates what experienced entrepreneurs and investors can accomplish in this market

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How Long It Takes to Exit• The short answer is usually 6 to 18 months

• From the time you engage the M&A professionals

• Until the cash is in the bank

• But it can often take longer if the company isn’t ready, or if the structure needs to be cleaned up, or if the financials need improvement

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Ideal Exit Timing• In an ideal situation, the company board would

incorporate this 6 to 18 month delay

• Into the company strategic and operating plans

• Look forward in time and then start the exit

• 12 to 18 months before the peak in the company’s exit value

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Ideal Exit Timing








0 1 2 3



ent R


n (ti



Years from Investment

Optimum time to start the exit

Complete the sale near the peak in value

Fastest Growth Phase

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“Riding It Over the Top”








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



ent R


n (ti



Years from Investment

Optimum time to start the exit

Optimum exit time

IRR = 124%

More typical exit time

IRR = 15%

Fastest Growth Phase

More typical time to start the exit

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The Financial Loss








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ent R


n (ti



Years from Investment

Optimumtimeto start the exit

More typical exit time

IRR = 15%

Fastest Growth Phase

More typical time to start the exit

Financial Loss

Optimum exit time

IRR = 124%

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Part of Your Life You Never Get Back








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ent R


n (ti



Years from Investment

Optimum time to start the exit

More typical exit time

IRR = 15%

Fastest Growth Phase

More typical time to start the exit

Optimum exit time

IRR = 124%

Part of Your LifeYou Never Get Back

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This is Actually Optimistic








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ent R


n (ti



Years from Investment

Optimum time to start the exit

Optimum exit time

IRR = 124%

More typical exit time

IRR = 15%

Fastest Growth Phase

More typical time to start the exit

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What Often Happens








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ent R


n (ti



Years from Investment

Optimum time to start the exit

Optimum exit time

IRR = 124%

Common Result

IRR = 0%

Fastest Growth Phase

More typical time to start the exit

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Why ?• After seeing this happen over and over again

• I started to recognize a few patterns

• And realized there were logical reasons

• Why, if a company misses the ideal time to exit

• There’s a significant probability it won’t just exit for less,

• But will never exit at all

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Reasons This Happens1. Over-investment by VCs

2. Competition

3. Negative momentum

4. Waves of Consolidation

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Over Investment• When a sector becomes “hot” many Venture

Capital funds will invest simultaneously

• All hoping to fund on of the few winners capitalizing on the new technology or trend

• Most VCs have much more money than they can deploy well

• When they find a new opportunity, they typically invest very aggressively - $10s millions

• Often driving early innovators out of business

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Competition• Competition is a surprisingly common reason

promising companies end up never exiting

• Startups often succeed early because they apply a new technology,

• Or recognize a trend or new market opportunity

• Often their own success generates awareness and attracts new entrants into the market

• Just as the market is maturing and becoming more expensive to operate in

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Negative Momentum• It’s not easy to see the stock price graph in a

private company

• But after a while, the team gets a sense that value has peaked and is decreasing

• The fun and excitement are gone

• The best and brightest leave first

• Followed by the other most valuable people

• Ultimately causing the company to lose even more momentum

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Waves of Consolidation• A more devastating reason that companies that

miss the ideal time often end up never exiting is

• “Waves of Consolidation”

• This is a relatively new phenomena driven by early exits and internet acceleration

• Unlike the earlier threats, missing this effect is

• Virtually impossible to fix after the fact, and

• Almost always fatal – even if it takes years

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The Beginnings of a Wave• Today, we are all connected by

• The internet and especially social media

• Lets us see what’s happening in the world and our businesses better and faster than ever

• In business today, most competitors have immediate access to the same information

• And make similar decisions at almost the same times

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Large Company Growth• Medium and large companies grow primarily

through acquisition

• Many have more cash than they can deploy

• And are under pressure to acquire companies

• Partly to grow but also to keep new innovations from being acquired by their competitors

• And because the buyers are all connected

• They often make decisions at the same time

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Hypothetical Example• For simplicity, let’s imagine an industry where

there are three large competitors

• All run by smart executives

• And all with lots of cash

• When technology or markets create a new opportunity to grow their businesses

• They usually all see it at about the same time

• Sometimes triggered by an external event

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They All Decide to Acquire• Often they all decide at the same time

• to acquire a company in a specific space

• In many situations, the impetus is external

• For example, created by an M&A advisor

• Who shows a specific company to all of the potential acquirers in the world

• And describes the strategic opportunity

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They All Get Interested • The buyers all work in the same global market

• If an acquisition makes sense for one of them

• It usually does for others too

• And what M&A advisors all hope for is that several buyers will get interested

• And a competitive bidding situation will develop

• Which is good from the seller’s perspective

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But From the Buyers’ Side• Buyers are smart too

• Regardless of whether they got the idea from an M&A advisor, or some other way

• Once they decide they want to acquire a business in a certain area, they

• Look at most of the companies in the field

• Let M&A advisors know they are looking

• And make direct, unsolicited offers to acquire

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Why The Buyers Do This• Buyers have several motivations:

• To determine which company is most attractive for them to acquire – i.e. price

• To give them more choices and therefore more negotiating leverage

• To ensure that if they don’t win the auction on their first choice,

• They have a backup acquisition opportunity

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And People Start to Notice• This starts a cascade of events

• The big company’s competitors hear they are interested in acquiring a certain type of company

• They don’t want to be late, so they also start

• And get their corporate development teams and M&A advisors looking

• Soon every company in the industry has received some unsolicited interest

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The Wave• Which creates the beginning of the wave

• Buyer interest brings in more buyers

• And more M&A advisors

• Which flushes out more companies that could be acquired

• Starting them on their own exit process

• All building to a flurry of acquisitions in the niche or sector

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It’s Too Late When You See It• From the outside, it looks like this happened very


• Often just within a quarter or two

• But it had actually been going on for much longer

• But because public companies, and NDAs, are involved it’s not easy to see from the outside

• Once a company sees the wave it’s often too late to react

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What Happens After the Wave• The wave results in most companies who want

to buy finding a company to acquire

• Almost overnight the buyer interest stops

• If a company did not get acquired during the wave, it is virtually impossible after

• And that’s not the worst news

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The Market After the Wave• After the buying crescendo

• Each of the successful buying companies have just paid a lot to enter this new sector

• Usually $10 – 20 million

• Most of the buyers will plan to invest a similar amount in growing their new acquisition

• And competing for market share against their traditional competitors

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Killing the Small Companies• The companies that were not acquired are now

in a very difficult situation

• Their market has become much more competitive

• Instead of fighting with other small, underfunded companies, they are up against giants

• With enormous investment capability and highly effective brands

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Killing the Small Companies• The small companies cannot afford to compete

• Or to operate in an industry where everyone is willing to lose money – possibly for years

• Often small businesses that were very profitable become unprofitable almost overnight

• And at the same time, their ability to raise capital disappears because the investors saw the wave

• And don’t want to fund a fight with the big guys

• And know a future exit is very unlikely

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Missing the Wave• Missing the Wave of Consolidation is a

particularly heartbreaking error

• Many of the companies that missed were very valuable and often extremely profitable

• The wave destroys both

• For CEOs that have built valuable businesses,

• Not missing the wave might be their most important job

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The Right Side of the Wave• Most CEOs are so busy operating the business

it’s almost impossible to watch closely enough

• And the early signs are not easy to see even if you are looking

• The best way to get an early indication is to watch the trends that start the wave process

• The other is to speak to a lot of M&A advisors

• Almost all CEOs need help with this

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An Unsolicited Offer• One of the saddest parts of my job is to explain

this to CEOs

• They often contact me all excited about a big company talking about an unsolicited offer

• I start by saying that’s rarely good news for the shareholders

• But after learning more, see the signs of a wave of consolidation

• At that point they are dangerously late

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Summary on Exit Timing• Like many parts of life, and business, “timing is

everything” with exits

• Timing our exits better can significantly improve angel investor portfolio returns

• And for entrepreneurs can literally change their lives

• Recommendations:

• Have someone watching the M&A market

• Drive your exit process – don’t wait for an offer

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Section 4

Buyers Today and Why They Have So Much Money

Nyenrode Business UniversiteitThe Netherlands

September 26, 2013

Basil Peters

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Financial Markets are Changing

• As we recover from the ‘mortgage crisis’

• And worry about the European debt problem

• All investors are all trying to adapt to:1. Poor equity returns for over a decade now2. The lowest interest rates of our lifetimes3. Concern about the future value of money

• The result is an enormous amount of capital looking for better returns and reasonable safety

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Types of M&A Buyers

• Active M&A buyers today include:1. Big Companies 2. Medium Sized Companies3. Private Equity Funds4. Boomers (individuals, or small groups)5. Family offices6. VCs operating like P-E Funds – very new7. International Buyers – small but growing

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Big Companies• Very visible but not the most likely acquirers

for most of your companies

• Spending more on M&A than R&D

• Best way for them to increase shareholder value

• Have teams of people dedicated entirely to buying companies

• Compensation plans are designed to motivate executives to acquire companies

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Big Company Thinking Today• Many have so much cash it’s a problem

• And more pressure than ever to deliver a better return to their shareholders

• Noticing increased competition for acquisitions in their ‘sweet spot’

• Generally feel this is a good time to buy

• And that prices and competition will increase

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How Big Companies Think• One of my friends from a Fortune 500

company explained it this way:– We (big companies) know we aren’t good at

new ideas or startups– We basically suck at building a business

from zero to $20 million in value – But we think of ourselves as really good at

growing values from $20 million to $200 million or more

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“Under $20 Million Is Easy”– A company priced at $100 million is already out

of our sweet spot to buy– $100 million also requires board approval– But at $20 million, it’s really easy for me to get it

approved just inside my division

• Many big companies are spending more on M&A than internal R&D

• Today, it’s the best way for them to grow

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Google Wants Even Earlier Exits• I was surprised recently to learn just how early

Google wants to do acquisitions

• Charles Rim one of the top Google M&A guys:

• “90% plus of our transactions are small transactions. … less than 20 people, less than $20 million and that is truly the sweet spot”

• “we do prefer companies that are pre-revenue”• http://www.exits.com/blog/


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Medium Sized Companies• For every Fortune 500 company that might

acquire a company,

• In the $10 to $30 million range

• There are probably ten times as many medium-sized companies

• That might be interested and can afford to buy

• Selling CEOs are surprised to see how many companies they hadn’t thought of, or even heard of, end up bidding to buy their company

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P-E Funds are Back• P-E funds are like VCs but want to own 100%

• They use a combination of equity and debt

• Before the mortgage crisis, almost 40% of M&A volume was related to P-E funds

• Two years ago it was only 13%

• Today’s fiscal stimulus has pushed the cost of debt lower than it has been in our lifetimes

• In the past year, the P-E funds are back

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Boomer Buyers• A relatively new category of buyers that I call

the Boomer buyers – much like Angels

• This group is showing up more and more often

• Haven’t been getting good returns on either their debt or equity portfolios

• Worried about the future value of their cash

• Like many of us, have been eating well and working out for decades now

• Many thought they had retired

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Boomer Buyer Thinking• After a few years of retirement, they realized

they could only play so much golf and drive so many expensive sports cars

• They were bored and realized all that clean living could mean they could be active for several more decades

• These boomers have capital and have friends with more (money is not usually a problem)

• Many remember how much fun they had operating companies

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Boomers are Dark Horses• The fascinating thing about the boomer buyers

is that they can be the most aggressive and fastest moving of all

• Most of these buyers made their money successfully running companies

• They are often the ‘smartest guys in the room’

• They usually operate locally and are most interested in transactions under $20 million

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Family Offices• Common in Europe, but until recently, was not

a term we heard much in the North America

• Refers to very wealthy families, or groups of families, that hire captive investment teams

• Some ‘high power Wall Street’ people are moving to family offices

• Build diversified classes of investment portfolios

• Allocating more assets to acquiring companies

• Just like P-E funds

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Family Office Thinking• Like everyone else, feeling pressure to deliver

returns and worried about the value of money

• Traditional debt and equity looking less and less attractive

• Operating businesses look like an asset class

• That should be more resilient to macro economic changes like inflation and deflation

• Only challenge is finding enough to buy

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VCs Operating Like P-E Funds• New, very interesting and happening quietly

• VC funds that ‘appear’ to be investing

• Are actually acquiring all - or close to all

• Mostly anecdotal reports so far

• A few described in detail under confidentiality

• Cashing founders and angels completely out

• And not requiring the founders to come to work

• Clearly betting on the horse…not the jockey

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Speculation on VC Thinking • Working hard to stay in stealth mode

• Not sure if their investors will approve

• Can only speculate on what they are thinking

• Likely the old VC model is permanently broken

• Have more cash than they can invest

• Corps and P-E funds increasingly competitive

• If we can’t fight them, maybe we should join them

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International Buyers• Still a small, but growing group of buyers

• Very strategic

• Do not usually move quickly

• Balance of payments has created huge dollar surpluses in most of Asia

• Europeans would like to move money to the US

• Dollar holders are increasingly nervous

• So are moving to buying active businesses

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Big Corps Have So Much Cash• Many big companies have so much cash that

it’s a problem – shareholders complain

• Google has $20 billion

• eBay has $5 billion

• Amazon has $3 billion

• Microsoft has $35 billion

• Cisco has $43 million

• Apple has $97 billion cash and investments

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Cash for AcquisitionsCash Available for

M&AUS Companies $ 2 Trillion Most

Global Companies $ 8 Trillion Most

P-E Funds $0.4 Trillion All

Boomers (US only) $ 8 Trillion Small but Growing

Family Offices (US) $ 1 Trillion Small but Growing

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How Many is $1 Trillion?• It’s difficult to put $1 trillion in perspective

• Most acquirers consider their ‘sweet spot’

• As somewhere around $20 million

• The median price is closer to $15 million

• Just one of these $1 trillion buys

• 50,000 acquisitions (at $20 million each)

• There are many times more buyers than sellers

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Buyers Practically Unlimited• For many exits under $50 million

• The number of buyers is, for practical purposes, almost unlimited

• Often see three or four types of buyers

• Simultaneously bidding to buy the company

• Each type of buyer thinks and acts differently

• They all have lots of cash

• And there can only be one successful bidder

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A Sellers’ Market• The number of buyers and amount of cash

available makes the current M&A environment:

1. A sellers’ market

2. Fast moving and diverse

3. Talk is that prices are up 20% in a year

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A Golden Era for Entrepreneurs• I believe history will call this a golden era

for technology entrepreneurs.

• Never before has it been so easy to

• Create such valuable companies

• On so little capital

• And sell them so early for so much money

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