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experience a campus in germany

THe LOcaTiOn

Pforzheim – the cityLatitude 48.54 North – Longitude 8.42 East

Pforzheim is located in an industrial region at the northern edge of the Black Forest in the southwest of Germany. The population of the city (120.000) and the county Enzkreis (190.000) is about 310.000. It is close to Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Baden-Baden and Strasbourg (France). The nearest international airport is Stuttgart (40 minutes).

See also: www.pforzheim.de, www.enzkreis.de

Baden-Wuerttemberg – the land (state)Pforzheim is located in the land Baden-Wuerttemberg in the southwest of the Federal Republic of Germany. It borders France, Switzerland and the German states of Rhineland Palatinate, Hesse and Bavaria. Baden-Wuerttemberg is one of Europe‘s leading technology regions and also boasts the lowest unemployment rate and the lowest crime rate in the whole of Germany. As the 3rd largest of 16 federal states, the population is 10.7 million (including 1.3 million foreigners).The GDP in 2010 was about 361 billion Euros (about 14.5 % of Germany); the export rate is about 36 %. The annual budget of the state is about 35 billion Euros, the budget for higher education is about 3 billion Euros.

Baden-Wuerttemberg is also the leading region in Germany for education and research. The state supports 77 universities with a total of 290.000 students.

See also:www.baden-wuerttemberg.de/en/www.study-guide-bw.com/


aBOuT pFOrZHeim uniVersiTy

institution: Pforzheim University (Hochschule Pforzheim) is a public university of the land (state) Baden-Wuerttemberg in Germany.

history: One of the roots of the university is an Arts and Crafts School founded in 1877 in Pforzheim for the jewelry and metal industry. In 1963 Pforzheim Business School was founded. With the merger of the former independent School of Design and the Business School in 1992 also a School of Engineering was added. Nowadays the university integrates three schools/faculties with a broad range of programs in Design, Engineering, Business, Management and Business Law.

Location: In addition to the main campus in Tiefenbronner Strasse in the south of the city (Business School, School of Engineering) the School of Design is located in two buildings downtown. A Center of Innovation is situated in the north of the city and the Center of Transportation Design is situated in the eastern part of the city.

Accreditation: Pforzheim University is fully accredited and continuously evaluated by the state Baden-Wuerttemberg. All graduate programs are accredited by the relevant national accreditation agencies. In addition to that the Business School (incl. the study programs in Industrial Engineering) is accredited by AACSB Inter-national and belongs to a small group of excellent Business Schools worldwide.

Uniqueness: Pforzheim University integrates one of the largest Business Schools in Germany. Since many years it is ranked among the top 20 institutions in Business & Management in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The Business School offers graduate programs on MBA level (especially conversion degrees for graduates in engineering disciplines) since about 40 years.The School of Design is around 130 years old and has an excellent reputation for its quality and the broad range of degree programs based on a unique foundation in Fine Arts and Media. Furthermore the Center of Excellence in Transportation Design enjoys worldwide repute.

See also: www.hs-pforzheim.de

School of engineering

School of Design

Library / Business School

prOgrams OF sTuDy

Undergraduate Programs

Business & management: 10 B.Sc.-degree programs (International Business, International Marketing, Marketing, Market- and Commu-nication Research, Advertising, Controlling/Finance/Accounting, Taxation and Audit-ing, Purchasing and Logistics, Human Resources Management, Business Information Systems, Resource Efficiency Management, Media Management and Consumer Behaviour). 1 LL.B.-degree program (Business Law). Double-degree programs are arranged with the Tec de Monterrey in Mexico, the ESAN in Peru, the Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia and the ESCEM and ESC Clermont in France.

Design: 7 B.A. -degree programs (Jewelry, Fashion, Visual Communication, Industrial Design, Accessoire Design, Intermedial Design, Transportation Design).

engineering: 4 B.Sc.-degree programs (Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engi-neering, General Management/Global Process Management/International Man-agement), 3 B.Eng.-degree programs (Mechanical Engineering & Product Design, Mechanical&Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering)

Graduate Programs

Business & management: MBA in International Management, MBA Human Re-sources Management and Consulting, M.A. Controlling, Finance and Accounting, M.A. Creative Communication and Brand Management, M.A. Auditing and Taxa-tion, M.A. Auditing, Business and Law, M.A. Service Marketing, M.Sc. Information Systems,

Design: M.A. Transportation Design, M.A. Creative Direction,

engineering: M.Sc. Embedded Systems, M.Sc. Information Systems, M.Sc. Product Development, M.Sc. Business Administration and Engineering

In addition the university offers non-degree study programs, international certificate and diploma programs and combined language (German as a Second Language) and study programs. Pforzheim sets a high value on ethical aspects in management education and was one of the first institutions supporting the PRME Innitiative of the United Nations. In taking selected courses students may obtain a certificate in ethics.

The ISP (International Study Program) is the umbrella program for all courses taught in English on Bachelor’s level. A mixed learning environment for German and inter-national students is essential in classes. ISP offers various streams and will be ex-panded continously within all the faculties/schools. In addition to the MBA program (offered in English only) various modules on graduate level will be offered in English.

A program to enhance social, methodical and intercultural competencies (SIK) aims to convey key qualifications in the above mentioned fields to the students of the Business School and is an integral part of their degree in the first three semesters.


Partners: About 220 companies within the Industrial Liaison Office. About 50 companies actively recruiting on campus. About 1.000 companies offering intern-ships. A co-educational program is offered within the Engineering School.

international: more than 100 universities in about 40 countries.

research: Various research & transfer centers and institutes for applied research and continuing education.

Academic calendar: The university runs a semester system (15 weeks) starting in mid March (summer semester) and the beginning of October (winter semester).

Language of instruction: German. A growing number of courses in English are offered in all schools and disciplines.

Students undergraduate graduateDesign 563 48Engineering 1507 117Business 2.600 265international students: about 500, additional exchange students: about 250 / year

Professors full-time part-timeDesign 19 64Engineering 44 56Business 75 127


Pforzheim University is member of: The German Association of Universities HRKThe German Academic Exchange Service DAADThe European Association of Universities and Colleges of Art Design and Media CUMULUSThe European Foundation for Management Development efmdThe Network of International Business and Economic Schools NIBESThe Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business AACSB The Central and East European Management Development Association CEEMAN The Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuela de Administración CLADEAThe Global Education for European Engineers and Entrepreneurs GE4 The American European Exchange in Engineering Global E3/AE3The UN initiative Principles for Responsible Management Education PRME

We OFFer

More than 125 years of experience in professional education.

A learning situation based on the diversity of the students in terms of nationality, ethnicity and gender. The university is student oriented and provides a high level of interaction and communication with other students and professors.

A fully-equipped and modern campus. Excellent learning conditions in all schools and 24 hours access to computing center and most of the labs.

A unique structure of study programs in Design with world famous specializations in Jewelry Design and Transportation Design.

The Business School offers one of the broadest ranges of Business and Management Programs for undergraduates, graduates and non-degree students in Germany; also it is one of the largest institutions.

Study options in English both at graduate and undergraduate level. In addition German as a Second Language is offered on various levels.

An academic and professional education in cooperation with hundreds of compa-nies as an excellent starting point for a career. For all undergraduate degree students an internship (one semester) which is compulsory and an integrated part of the study program. International students may also combine their study abroad with an internship (min. 100 working days) in a company.

A strong international orientation with many study abroad options and a high ratio of international students. A continous improvement of double degree options with partners outside Europe. A range of scholarships and awards for excellent students.An attractive location in the industrial area of the southwest of Germany. Major companies (like DaimlerChrysler, Porsche, Bosch, SAP) and many small and medium-sized companies provide excellent opportunities to start a career. Local region and culture (Black Forest, France) offer a wide range of recreational, sport and leisure activities.

inTernaTiOnaL prOgrams

The International Programs Office supports international cooperation via bi- and multilateral mobility programs with partners worldwide. Pforzheim admits about 250 exchange students per year and sends about the same total to study abroad.

Study programs in English are offered at graduate and undergraduate level. Within some study programs (double degree programs) the students will complete a one year study period in English. Various departments are developing study programs or semester tracks in English. All international exchange students have to take classes in German as a Second Language in addition; these classes are offered on various levels. The classes for beginners/false beginners offer an intermediate exam (Mit-telstufenpruefung at Goethe Institute) after one year. The advanced classes lead to exams in Business German (PWD) at the Goethe Institutes.

Some scholarships for highly qualified international students are available via the International Programs Office. Scholarships are provided by the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg (Landesstiftung), the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD and private donors. A major sponsor of the international activitites is the company Laboratoire Biostethique Paris.

Pforzheim University is a founding member of the Network of International Business and Economic Schools NIBES (www.nibes.org); it is also member of the CUMULUS network (Design) and the GE4 (Engineering).

Within the ERASMUS program of the EU the institutional code is D PFORZHE01.

See also: www.nibes.org www.cumulusassociation.org/www.ge4.orgwww.hs-pforzheim.de/de-de/international

inTernaTiOnaL parTners

Some of the partners abroad are:

America: Pontificia U Catolica Argentina (Argentina), FGV Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), NSCAD (Ca-nada), ICESI Cali (Columbia), U del Pacifico (Equador), Tecnologico de Monterrey (Mexico), ESAN Lima (Peru), UCU Montevideo (Uruguay), Brigham Young U Provo (USA), Pennsylvania State U (USA), RISD Providence (USA), U of Wyoming Laramie (USA); IESA Caracas (Venezuela)

Asia: U of Hong Kong (China), UIBE Beijing (China), IIMA Ahmedabad (India), IISC Ban-galore (India), Gadjah Mada U (Indonesia), ITB Bandung (Indonesia), Hiroshima U of Economics (Japan), Yonsei U Seoul (Korea), Sogang U Seoul (Korea)

europe: EDHEC Lille/Nice (France) EM Strasbourg (France), ESC Clermont (France), ESC Dijon (France), ESCEM (France), ESSCA (France), Strate College Paris (France), Telecom Business School (France), Warsaw School of Economics (Poland), Cracow U of Eco-nomics (Poland), ISCTE Lisbon (Portugal), MIRBIS Moscow (Russia), SUM Moscow (Russia), U of Ljubljana, (Slovenia), Universidad Alcala de Henares (Spain), U Pais Vasco, Bilbao (Spain), Konstfack Stockholm (Sweden), Bilkent U (Turkey), Oezyegin U, Istanbul (Turkey)

oceania: Victoria U Wellington (New Zealand)


We expect the students‘ motivation and intellectual contributions to improve the standards of the university. Pforzheim University runs a selective admissions system considering the past qualifications and the predicted performance based on entrance examination tests. At graduate level an interview is an additional performance indi-cator. On average about 12 % of the applications are accepted. For undergraduate admission proof of german language skills is required. This can be DSH2, TEST DAF (>17) or the Goethe-Zertifikat C1. For certain undergraduate pro-grams an artistic aptitude test or an aptitude test for Business Studies are required. Academic qualification has to be proved through either a secondary school leaving certificate of a german school (DAS, DSD or FIT) or an equivalent certificate of the relevant country. Interested applicants may check on www.anabin.de whether or not the school leaving certificate is equivalent/eligible for admission. The website of the DAAD provides relevant information how to achieve the equivalence required (www.daad.de).

For graduate admission predictors like GMAT or GRE or an artistic aptitude test are quite often required. Entrance requirements differ according to program. For exam-ple the MBA program requires a GMAT score. For Degree Programs in English proof of sufficient language skills has to be brought with the application. For the MBA program a TOEFL score of 100/250 is required, for all other Master’s programs the minimum score is 89/230.

All international applications (undergraduate and graduate) are processed by the uni-versity directly and have to be sent to the Internatinal Office. The admissions system is currently being changed to a rolling admissions system based on performance indica-tors, motivation, language skills and admission tests. The new admissions system will allow to approve applications of highly qualified candidates within a few weeks time.

Though Pforzheim University is one of the selective universities in Germany we wel-come qualified applicants and students at any time. Most of the study programs at Pforzheim start twice a year, in spring and fall. Applications are accepted at any time throughout the academic year, latest date for summer semester is 15 december, for the winter semester 15 june.

Documents required for admission: Relevant application form (available online) incl. photos and a Curriculum VitaeProof of relevant language skills in German and/or English. Good English language skills are expected from every applicant.

Proof of relevant admissions test: for undergraduate programs sometimes: artistic aptitude test, aptitude test for Busi-ness Studies, for graduate programs sometimes: GMAT, GRE etc.


For further information please contact the International Programs Office at Pforzheim University.Please mail international applications to:Hochschule Pforzheim – International Programs, Admissions Tiefenbronner Str. 6575175 Pforzheim, Germany

Phone: +49-(0)7231-28-6145 / Fax: +49-(0)7231-28-6140email: [email protected]

All international students, (exchange, double degree, degree and non-degree) should contact the International Programs Office. For more information please find the international website: www.hs-pforzheim.de/de-de/international or the website of the university: www.hs-pforzheim.de.

Deadlines for admissionUndergraduate: January 15 for summer semester, July 15 for winter semesterGraduate: December 15 for summer semester, June 15 for winter semester exchange students: May 15 for winter semester, November 15 for summer semester

Please note: For many countries a visa is a requirement for studying in Germany. Students may get their visa at the German Embassy in their home country. The em-bassies will require official proof that the costs of living (659 Euros per month) can be met for the study period. Also a letter of acceptance from our university will be required in order to obtain the visa. On arrival at Pforzheim University all students will have to show proof of adequate health insurance for their study period in Ger-many. Costs for health insurance are about 70 Euros per month. Each semester all international students will have to pay an enrollment fee (about 61 Euros). Exchange students are exempt from tuition fees; for international students – as for German students - all tuition will be waived from 2012 onwards.

Tiefenbronner Strasse 65

75175 Pforzheim, Germany

Published by:Pforzheim University

editorial:International Programs Office

and Public Relations Office

Autumn 2011

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