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Page 1: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.

Exploration, Native Exploration, Native Americans and ColoniesAmericans and Colonies

Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural.The world is mostly agricultural.

Native AmericansNative AmericansThey think that…….They think that……. 40,000 yrs. Ago- land bridge to Asia 40,000 yrs. Ago- land bridge to Asia

(Russia- Alaska) Ice Age- hunt large game- (Russia- Alaska) Ice Age- hunt large game- spears spears 10,000 yrs ago ice melts no bridge-hunt/ 10,000 yrs ago ice melts no bridge-hunt/

gather snares, bow & arrow, fishing nets gather snares, bow & arrow, fishing nets 5000 yrs ago agriculture5000 yrs ago agriculture

South/ Central AmericaSouth/ Central America Maya- Yucatan Peninsula, MexicoMaya- Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico Aztec- Valley of Mexico, central MexicoAztec- Valley of Mexico, central Mexico Inca- West coast of S.A. Chile, PeruInca- West coast of S.A. Chile, Peru

Page 2: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.

North AmericaNorth America Anasazi, Hohokam- desert (Utah, Anasazi, Hohokam- desert (Utah,

Colorado, Arizona) agriculture, cliff Colorado, Arizona) agriculture, cliff dwellingsdwellings

Adena, Hopewell, Mississipian- trade, Adena, Hopewell, Mississipian- trade, earthen mounds, east of Mississippiearthen mounds, east of Mississippi

Coastal Groups- fish, shellfish, whales, Coastal Groups- fish, shellfish, whales, shells for tradeshells for trade

Iroquois- northeast, hunter gathering, Iroquois- northeast, hunter gathering, timber for homestimber for homes

trade routes/ specialized skills among trade routes/ specialized skills among tribestribes

land- respected, animals, not for saleland- respected, animals, not for sale religion/ society- spirits, connections to religion/ society- spirits, connections to


Page 3: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.

Africa and EuropeAfrica and EuropeAfricaAfrica Tribal communities, similar religious beliefs- farming, herding, Tribal communities, similar religious beliefs- farming, herding,

hunting, fishing, tradehunting, fishing, trade West Africa- Songhai- western Africa & trans Sahara tradeWest Africa- Songhai- western Africa & trans Sahara trade Central Africa- KongoCentral Africa- Kongo 1400’s- trade with Europe and Asia1400’s- trade with Europe and Asia

Europe- 1400- 1500’sEurope- 1400- 1500’s Social Hierarchy- King, clergy, noble, peasant- Kings fund trips want Social Hierarchy- King, clergy, noble, peasant- Kings fund trips want

more money, land and powermore money, land and power Middle Ages- Catholic church ruled- Crusades- fights with Muslims, Middle Ages- Catholic church ruled- Crusades- fights with Muslims,

bring back new ideasbring back new ideas Reformation- challenging of the church, seek religious freedomReformation- challenging of the church, seek religious freedom Renaissance- New Ideas, way of thinking, new goods, Trade Renaissance- New Ideas, way of thinking, new goods, Trade

increasing (crusades, Renaissance)increasing (crusades, Renaissance) Scientific Revolution- improved sailing technology, better weapons, Scientific Revolution- improved sailing technology, better weapons,

thirst for knowledgethirst for knowledge

Page 4: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.
Page 5: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.

Basic govt ideals, new colonies videoBasic govt ideals, new colonies video

Page 6: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.

SpanishSpanish 1492 Columbus- Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria - Caribbean 1492 Columbus- Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria - Caribbean Portugal/ Spain divide new world Portugal/ Spain divide new world 1500’s Colonies- plantation style, war with natives, forced 1500’s Colonies- plantation style, war with natives, forced

labor, natives die of diseaselabor, natives die of disease Forced labor- African slaves by 1515, total 12 million+Forced labor- African slaves by 1515, total 12 million+ Trade increase- foods, livestock, raw materialTrade increase- foods, livestock, raw material Conquistadors- new empires, native destruction, Mexico, Conquistadors- new empires, native destruction, Mexico,

central & S. Americacentral & S. America 1520’s Cortes- defeats Aztecs- thought a god and enslaved, 1520’s Cortes- defeats Aztecs- thought a god and enslaved,

killed by disease, Mayas/ Incas- conqueredkilled by disease, Mayas/ Incas- conquered Live among Natives, intermarry- Mestizo, native laborers Live among Natives, intermarry- Mestizo, native laborers Gold/ silver- makes Spain richGold/ silver- makes Spain rich 1550- Explore N. Mexico, Southwest U.S., Florida 1550- Explore N. Mexico, Southwest U.S., Florida 1700’s Missions- convert natives, native labor 1700’s Missions- convert natives, native labor Texas, coast of California, oppression Texas, coast of California, oppression

Page 7: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.


1600’s1600’sLand north of English- Canada- Land north of English- Canada- took Mississippi river south- New took Mississippi river south- New Orleans-1700- fur trade, missionaryOrleans-1700- fur trade, missionary

1700’s1700’sConflict over ownership Miss. Conflict over ownership Miss. River area, Spanish, French, English- River area, Spanish, French, English- 1754-1763- Seven years war/ French 1754-1763- Seven years war/ French Indian War. Indian War.

Colonists gained experience fightingColonists gained experience fighting British gain CanadaBritish gain Canada 18031803 Louisiana Purchase Louisiana Purchase

Page 8: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.

BritishBritish 16071607 Jamestown- Virginia- John Smith- forts, farming, look for Jamestown- Virginia- John Smith- forts, farming, look for

gold, disease/ famine, help from natives, single mengold, disease/ famine, help from natives, single men indentured servant- work for passage, foodindentured servant- work for passage, food clash w/ Indians, English troopsclash w/ Indians, English troops 10,000 by 164410,000 by 1644

1620 Puritans- Plymouth, Mass.- religious freedom/ 1620 Puritans- Plymouth, Mass.- religious freedom/ intolerance, families, 20,000 by 1640intolerance, families, 20,000 by 1640

1636 Rhode Island- Separation of church state1636 Rhode Island- Separation of church state Dutch settle New York, sell it to the EnglishDutch settle New York, sell it to the English 1660- 80 William Penn- Pennsylvania, Delaware- cooperation, 1660- 80 William Penn- Pennsylvania, Delaware- cooperation,

right to vote, representative, toleranceright to vote, representative, tolerance 1732 13 colonies1732 13 colonies Colonies trade w/ England- Mercantilism- raw materials, Colonies trade w/ England- Mercantilism- raw materials,

lumber, furs- buy manufactured stuff. lumber, furs- buy manufactured stuff. Navigation Acts- trade regulations, ignoredNavigation Acts- trade regulations, ignored Government- Governor, advisory council- sometimes elected- Government- Governor, advisory council- sometimes elected-

controlled gov. salary, enjoyed self-determinationcontrolled gov. salary, enjoyed self-determination

Page 9: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.


Page 10: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.

1700’s Southern Colonies1700’s Southern Colonies Rural agricultural society- Rural agricultural society-

plantations/ small farms- self plantations/ small farms- self sufficientsufficient

trade w/ Britain- cash crops- trade w/ Britain- cash crops- tobacco, rice, indigotobacco, rice, indigo

indentured servants / slavery - indentured servants / slavery - 1750- 200,000, brutality, 1750- 200,000, brutality, oppression- hold onto culture- oppression- hold onto culture- music, dance, pottery, basket music, dance, pottery, basket weavingweaving

Triangular trade- America- sugar Triangular trade- America- sugar to rum, Africa- rum/ goods for to rum, Africa- rum/ goods for slaves, West Indies- slaves for slaves, West Indies- slaves for sugarsugar

Page 11: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.

Colonial lifeColonial life

Page 12: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.

1700’s Northern Colonies1700’s Northern Colonies

Urban, industrialized- Urban, industrialized- merchants, factories, merchants, factories, port cities-port cities-

Immigrants- Germans, Immigrants- Germans, Scottish, Irish, DutchScottish, Irish, Dutch

Smaller farms/ more Smaller farms/ more varied crops/ less varied crops/ less slaveryslavery

Religious intoleranceReligious intolerance

Page 13: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.

Middle ColoniesMiddle Colonies

Page 14: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.

Enlightenment and Enlightenment and The Great AwakeningThe Great Awakening 1700’s Starts in Europe- Ideas spread to the New World, books, 1700’s Starts in Europe- Ideas spread to the New World, books,

essays- Puritans well educatedessays- Puritans well educated Scientific Revolution- looking at how the world works, natural Scientific Revolution- looking at how the world works, natural

laws challenge the church, experimentation, logic, reasonlaws challenge the church, experimentation, logic, reason Ideas move to other parts of society- Government, social Ideas move to other parts of society- Government, social

problems, civil libertiesproblems, civil liberties Ben Franklin/ Thomas JeffersonBen Franklin/ Thomas Jefferson

The Great Awakening- The Great Awakening- 1740’s & 50’s1740’s & 50’s Religious revivals sweep the colonies- church lost power, Religious revivals sweep the colonies- church lost power,

enlightenment ideas, religious toleranceenlightenment ideas, religious tolerance Jonathan Edwards/ George Whitfield- travel, preach outdoorJonathan Edwards/ George Whitfield- travel, preach outdoor

Page 15: Exploration, Native Americans and Colonies  Change is slow!!! Life is built on tradition!!! The world is mostly agricultural. Native Americans They think.

French/ Indian WarFrench/ Indian War- 1754-63 - 1754-63 (4th between British, (4th between British, French)French) French colonies less populated- French colonies less populated-

80,000 vs British 1 million, better 80,000 vs British 1 million, better relations with Indians, single men few relations with Indians, single men few towns, farms or familiestowns, farms or families

Fight starts over Ohio Valley- W. of Fight starts over Ohio Valley- W. of Penn& Virginia- goes bad for British Penn& Virginia- goes bad for British at first, won victory in Quebec, British at first, won victory in Quebec, British winwin

question British armyquestion British army Washington gains experienceWashington gains experience Spain allies with France, loses FloridaSpain allies with France, loses Florida France loses all colonies in new worldFrance loses all colonies in new world Natives try to fight on/ defeat/ diseaseNatives try to fight on/ defeat/ disease Proclamation line- 1763 colonists Proclamation line- 1763 colonists

cant cross Appalachian Mountainscant cross Appalachian Mountains

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