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Page 1: Exploring Online Tools for Teaching (Final)

Exploring Online Tools For TeachingAlexandre EnkerliDepartment of Sociology and AnthropologyConcordia Universityhttp://enkerli.wordpress.com/http://www.slideshare.net/Enkerli

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• Overwhelmed?– Internet use by students– Internet use by colleagues

• Technology changes–Accompany teaching changes

• What can be done?–Moodle–Facebook–Other tools

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•Exploration of tools▫Inside classroom▫Outside classroom

•Presentation▫Experiences, learning contexts

•Round-table discussion▫Some issues with educational technology

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•Self-introductions•Presentation on tools•Discuss other tools•Discussion on issues

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Why Am I Here?

•Nobody special (PTF at Soc. and Anthro.)•“Free, Open, Flexible: Rethinking

Learning Materials Online” (Spirit of Inquiry)

•Tech/Teach backgrounds•Use of Online Tools•Ph.D. seminar

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Computer Technology

•“Wannabe geek” (online since 1993)•Hang out with “geeks”•Blogger since 2005

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•Ghost of Piaget•Diverse teaching experience (Qc, NB, IN,

MA)•Informal and formal teaching•Bridges between life and teaching•“Born to teach” Facebook group

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Controversial Stance?

•“Learning happens despite teaching”•“Tools meant to be used”

▫Think about possibilities (“sales pitch”)▫Anti-deterministic

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Participant Introductions

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Presenting Tools

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Tools to Cover


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MoodleA Free, Open Source Course Management System for Online Learning

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•Learning/Course Management System•Virtual Learning Environment•Also: Sakai, Oncourse, Blackboard,

WebCT•“Interactive course website.”

▫Provide content▫Do activities

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Moodle Use

•Platform (modules, applications)•Resources (content) or Activities

(interaction)•Constructivist model•Teacher-student connection•Moodle community

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Moodle Issues

•Outside authentication (ConU)•Training/documentation•Versions•Some confusing tools•Toward social networking

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FacebookA social utility that connects you with the people around you

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•800 lbs. gorilla•Social phenomenon•“Where students are”•Social networking system•Platform with applications

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Facebook and Learning

•Socialisation•Peer-learning•Informal learning•Discovery•Use as CMS

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Facebook Issues

•Black hole? (“Addictive”)•Commercial site (advertising)•Scarcity of dedicated learning tools•Lack clear roles•“Where students are”

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RefWorksYour online research management, writing and collaboration tool

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RefWorks Use

•Online citation manager▫“Web-enabled EndNote”

•Concordia availability•Library catalogues (CLUES, MUSE...)•Google Scholar integration•Desktop integration (Microsoft Word)•RefShare

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RefWorks Issues

•Few students really use•Cumbersome login (ConU)•Few databases (PubMed, OCLC Trial)•Missing some Endnote features?

▫Attachment▫Formatted list▫Handheld/PDA

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SlideShareYouTube for PowerPoint

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SlideShare Use

•Upload before class•Edit during class•Embed after class•Slidecast (with sound)

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Slideshare Issues

•PowerPoint/PDF/OpenDocument•Changed fonts•Posting delays•Indirect editing (unlike Zoho show)•Cumbersome audio synchronisation

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Other Tools

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Other tools

•Google Docs▫Had to learn

•Skype•Screens•Email feedback

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•Comments•Feedback on assignments•Comfortable expressing themselves•Interconnect after class (Moodle gone)•Semi-public•Successful

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Research use of Web

•Online databases•Instead of entertainment•Patrick Labelle•Research librarians

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Online Workshops•Dreamweaver•References from face-to-face workshop•Professional video•Program application•RefWorks workshop?•Download/show•IITS and CTLS•Refresher

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Discuss Issues

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Discuss Issues (examples)

•Comfort•Luddites and fear of technology•Shelters or windmills•Teacher control•Online/offline learning•Informal/formal learning•Resources (time, money)

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Attitudes•Technology proficiency•“Old-Fashioned”•Outside help•Want to learn•Experimentation•Concentrating on teaching vs. tools•Facebook too public•Textbook/didactic•Technology helps

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•To learn•To use•To control•Focus on teaching

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Moodle frustration

•Abandon (lack of support)•Open Source (could be dealt with)•Assignment use•Came from Site Generator•Own way to use

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•Ex. PowerPoint•Not about entertainment•Pandering to expectations•Bells and whistles, “Wow factor”

▫Tangible product of/for teaching

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Pleasing students

•Bother to show up?•Online evaluation

▫Teaching expectations Tenure system Part-time

•Learning styles▫Ways to remember▫Grades

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Student Diversity

•Non-traditional students•Students not sold on empty PowerPoint•Get to understand learning/teaching

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Change in university climate•Service-based learners•Deep-level learners•Change in proportions•Autodidact/self-learning•Our expectations•As process•Disciplines•Excitement

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Legal Issues?

•Getting out of hand•Lawsuits?•“Paranoid fascist”•Student diversity

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Comfort level•Students’

▫Not that comfortable•Teacher’s

▫Added stress for setting up (logistics)▫Resource person (individual support)▫We’re also learners

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Hope!•Been using a tool, comfortable

▫Need for something else?•Use constructively/critically•Not prison•Special population

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