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  • 8/10/2019 Extrait the Solution to English Word Stress


    T H E SO L U T IO N T O

    E N G L I S H

    W O R S T R E S S

  • 8/10/2019 Extrait the Solution to English Word Stress


  • 8/10/2019 Extrait the Solution to English Word Stress


    B ekim B E JT A


    N LISH

    W O R D - S T R E S S

    L Harmattan

    5 - 7, r u e d e l c o le - Po ly te c hn iq u e

    7 5 00 5 P a ri s

    F R A N C E

    L H arm attan H on grie L H arm attan Italia

    H argita u . 3 V ia B ava, 3 7

    1026 B udapest 1021 4 T orino

    H O N G R IE IT A L lE

  • 8/10/2019 Extrait the Solution to English Word Stress


    cg L H arm attan , 2 00 3

    IS B N : 2 -7 47 5-4 77 5-2

  • 8/10/2019 Extrait the Solution to English Word Stress


    A ll praise is due to A llah,

    the L ight of the heavens and the earth,

    H e W ho taught the use of the pen,

    taught m an w hat he knew not.

    L ouange A llah,

    la L um ire des cieux et de la terre,

    qui a enseign par la plum e

    a enseign l hom m e ce qu il ne savait pas.

  • 8/10/2019 Extrait the Solution to English Word Stress


  • 8/10/2019 Extrait the Solution to English Word Stress


    PREF E

    In general, studies of E nglish w ord-stress propose num erous rules

    that essentially indicate position of stress according to the suffix.

    H ow ever, these studies are unable to explain the reason w hy

    som e endings im pose penultim ate stress w hereas others im pose

    antepenultim ate stress or even as far as four syllables back).

    T he present w ork is an attem pt to explain E nglish w ord-stress

    through tw o w ord-stress types w hich are confirm ed and

    exem plified by nearly exhaustive lists. It is aim ed prim arily at

    applying these w ord-stress types to a large corpus of exam ples, in

    an approach w hich is com pletely different from those in previous


    T he theoretical aspect of w ord-stress in E nglish is not presented

    in this book since m any w orks have already been devoted to

    theoretical analysis of E nglish w ord-stress. B esides, the present

    w ork tends to show that w ord-stress in E nglish displays rigorous

    logic w hich can be sim ply form ulated in concrete term s. T his

    study is based on tens of thousands of w ords; m oreover, it has

    required at the sam e tim e the exploration of different linguistic

    levels and analysis of a considerable num ber of languages

    bey ond stu dy in g w ord -stress in E nglish ).

    T he aim of this w ork is to offer the specialist, the professor of

    E nglish and the E nglish-speaker, the answ er to unsolved

    questions concerning w ord-stress in E nglish. It can also be of

    practical use to students since know ledge of the stress system

    m akes proper pronunciation of an E nglish w ord easier.


  • 8/10/2019 Extrait the Solution to English Word Stress


  • 8/10/2019 Extrait the Solution to English Word Stress


    W O R D - S T R E S S

    W ord-stress m eans that one syllable is accentu ated w ithin a w ord m ain

    stress [I] ; seco nd ary stress [I])

    W ord-stress in E nglish

    T here are tw o m ain types of w ord-stress in E nglish. B oth of them are based

    o n L atin stress.

    Position of the stress in L atin

    L ong vow el i, , etc.) ; short vow el a, e, etc.).

    In L atin , stress falls o n th e p en ultim ate o r an tep en ultim ate sy llab le.

    S tress falls o n th e p en ultim ate sy llab le:


    if it contain s a long vow el, e.g.

    apparens decorum



    if it co ntain s a dip hth on g, e.g.

    alaud a th esaurus


    - if it contains a vow el follow ed by a double co nsonant or any group of

    conso nants oth er than those consisting of plosive + r or I, e.g.

    agenda arm illa m om entum

    S tre ss fa lls o n th e a nte pe nu ltim a te sy lla ble :


    if the penultim ate syllable con tains a short v ow el follow ed by a single

    conso nant or by on e of th e grou ps consisting o f plo sive + r or I), e.g.

    aglntas legans tenebras

    - if the penultim ate syllable contains a short v ow el one ending its ow n

    sy llab le), fo llo wed b y an oth er sh ort v ow el, e.g .

    im p erIum m aterIa fO vea

    D isy llab ic w ord s are alw ay s stressed o n th e fIrst sy llab le.


  • 8/10/2019 Extrait the Solution to English Word Stress


  • 8/10/2019 Extrait the Solution to English Word Stress


  • 8/10/2019 Extrait the Solution to English Word Stress


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