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Page 1: f „„>t I pjh'he,ff~~i g) „' ~~ b'-jkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971...Oct 21, 1971  · white doves nest}ed. I District and student)3ady autdft re-l stopped 8

Kacaa BalliH Baaajaaa Bclj)a at larry lais)aa

VOLU)tfE 81 THUS'.'Y, OCTOBER 21, 1971 NO, 42

all@ Hedl«<ayned SehOO! P|Ofli'6$ auyt eundem Cenrtnum ISSaa)y.aaa Bhj)Honlecomlng Q@enT l. 7o 5llolf)f IN!ploveNlent

P tt d k h i d Judy Hed)er 8 f Burton Sojlders Sl who was serI senjor st KHS wss crowned Queen The e)emen stud iousiy wounded October 8 while on,'f the 1971 Homecoming fcstivfties the f„dI<<„~~~„„>tan elk hunting trip on Freezeout Mt.

during fntermfssfan of the Friday Ud'" " g" "P P conUnues to show fmpravement from Sou g ~~ anj began their academic

g) game Each c)sss Wss sken Mondjcy, October 18. The type a wo~ in th 4 ld r ~ f cnleers Monday marning, October 18,presented by 8 fina)fat for *'he, p t y ce hss not ~n de nsembers of bfs fsmHy

, Ut}e —they were Judy for the Senior " - ds nfn He is 1 St Luke P rgartjm cfssses for the}Class Ada Harts, Junior Class;:Jol- fs

" P Hos ital in Spokane, i year under the instructfon of [email protected])ab)e, we wfH send n Uoes B~ ~~ b'- Connfe Lee Benaon at the Unfted

H ~b~' h ~. harness Any of tljs students who dfd g~h ~ Thgggd ~~~ Ihodfst Church in KendxfrJc.pjh'he,ff~~i Uonwas~bys .8 thir Pkt ~ Uv en may h.~eth~v~w~~d8", vote of the members of the KHS ~ " toss have taken hfm.off the fntrs,'l

}f~tba)J ~md. Mi H~r W~ „'tag apher ret ~ t Ud ve~ i j~N ~hei ab}e t} cxojsrned by Qa)e TayJoi; Dave Stet A ~„„~+ th sit up.on the edge of the ba)f a litt)8'cheaon and'Kim Trout, f2je ~ kf~ ~p Pf

-" @~~ -~e each day and fs improving slowlyF.::

tfon of the crown, g'mllp. T)lese will also )je takexc later ~yegg of th gqggggnft foxA)sp as Part of the hs)ftfme cere- " '

speedy axjd complete xecovery.

dy,:=-~-;.',::g"==-;:-., - ' 'he cmvrd to a Jive)y disp)sy of their Invffsstfpn To ~tlpnmhrion rousaes, z specter mvttptton hi estended Ba))j)aga Qa)a 84 l»fa

tp any snd sll persons to come to ~

Tigaca Blast Baacy~ .sv$'4'0 FOtt OIXHI VIIIff spent. We wo'uld like to have you

cs)) ff ypu wing to visit a special fmm a def~ ~ ~~ of the5'-; .@j-,'"." Coach Wayne Dust's 1971 K. H S c)sss so we can Jet you know vrhenTigers mlled t a surP~}ng)y easy it is mhedukd. Othe~a, yon are the strong GrangeviHe BuHdogs last

I 5~ victory over 8 bigger, stronger',always vre)come tp come snd enjoy ~y nig t on the ~a~ fie)dl er Deary Mustang squad fast Frfdrsy lunch vrith us sometime. I assure ~

;. -.+~~-'"-'"-.' evening before a large HomecomingI you t)jst you wiH never. get a finer ~408 q~ &m s gM. 8 de%~A&

d'a i ~ l crowd at «he Kendxfck ball ffe)d. meal for 45 or 50 cents anywhere. A,IThis was the sixth victory of theipst on the back ta our kitchen staff

,.~ol ] season for the Tigers against al and a special thank you for a)l of T"8 os g e ~& G~d

gevf})e out of 8 tie for first place-'' - ':.."--.:."::::::=.h;=..=kkr:.—-:-'-.=-',i+~"'-."='='-'-::=-=;-'-'-"«'":-'':.='=""-- -'" —:='=--:"-:=.--' "8 ~f)e Coach Dust wss jusUy proud II we some mes forget to show our. in the Central Idaho FoatbaQ league 'rs Connie Lee Bensonof hfs squad'8 team effort fn thclgraUtude. Our kitchen staff is HelenVLW, he pointed to the performance ''Cowger, Jesn C)emenhsgen snd De)o-, p ~of back Dave Hutcheson with special jres Pafumsky, l GrsngevfHe came into the Genesee

„A~.IN)5Of g, B fgt6$ pride. Dave couected a tata)'f D~}J htsnfu)}, p~272 yards fndfvfdun) affensfve SSLfn,

Ibut left with a blemish an their xe- Tuesday the c)d)d en wfH

htr ~d htm. t ~ th tt*thtt et jsa) ssjjBathe)1, VN., and a granddaughters i

average of 8.3 ynrds per carry. Dale, Ml„FJoyd Wfmsms hss linedof Mr. and Jjfr». Ernest Sic)gers ofl The Schoo) Tres»tees met fn regu j

Taylor added 115 yards; Kim Tcout, a program for the observance of ~ d 1 U' ~ 2

ay. It hc ss fogroom'8 patents are Mr. and Mx»,lvrcre informed by Prfncfps) DnrxeH)up 52 ys~ ~<"g snd ~ f«'8j45 a. m. —Posting Cafoce. Ivle in th S- t ' 'sessions snd 10 in Use afternoonKenneth H. Mar»ton of Or>hen Acrei Manfu)) and Supt, Dpn Blake)cy that (

87 y~ +"~ five comp) tions in li Deabsld, Tim Eichnec; Dsren Jein-Mobile Pn k, ~BotheH,: 21 students h& xegbrfe~ fpx fhe 20 attempts. A)together the Tiger».l FOH Jimmyym Brpck 'roke loose snd went 4) yards on a t M g tm U yo g

rail up over 500 yards total offense18:55 s. m. —To The Co)ars. Played p m 'PmrteDan)a) McLsughHB, mfn)ster pf i fn reacliness for t)je op ning of the to bring their net yardage average', by Cathy Christen»en snd J to end BiH SCMueter who then lat- oy ~~ y. e

ehavsh'8 Witnesses performed(new ache) O t 28fh~ Bg to 35a ln 88L>n games.

the wedding ceremony before a red-} G}en G U~ 'certified pub)fci Kendrfck wasted no time fn gef- ,'9 00 s. m. — Pledge AHegianc'e ~ca. Noser passed to Craig m~ worg ~ g. ~ a

leafed f)our>ring P)um tree Where I SCCaunfant Of MOSCOV Prejjented the ')ng Ols the SCore board SS they Snug by U 8 ~rick HS Ch fr'QSCh fox tbe eXtrn tWO Paint», p)nytfme a Xefreshment 888»kjn sect

white doves nest}ed.I District and student )3ady autdft re- l stopped 8 hfustang drive off the i 9:05 a. m. —T 0 ~ectk >~'rsngeviHe scored in the thjrd period, music, PhJ»ical educsUOB and

The 8)tar wss frsljtjed with tre)-. Part far the 1970-71 school year nnd i opening kick»off on the 9-yacsl Jfnsj by the 8th Grade ~ pexsod snd then Pssspjd fol their two s story pextjxL

ferns and I

ed th n)J xcfs fn goad j and then dmvc down to the DHS 2}i, I 9.10 8 m A ~~ f, point conversion to make the game Mrs. Benson anld mothers mayflowers creaied by the br}de'8 sf»)ex, '~«aojx rdfng to genera))v accept I wham Dave Hutcheson packed the .'fshed by the Keccdrfck ~ F W "P g g ~~~~ f ~ t ~ fMrs. Laanasxf )bfspfer of Batlle}l I ad aud)Ung gtnndsldjL Hy was j ba)) amund the rfght end fox'he,( Post snd 8 vjsftr by their officers

wedding gown of white face over 'e bgng reduojxL, ', fhmugh the Deary )ine for the tWP- I ~G~ > ~ a first and'oal sftustfan with minu- Anderson, Theresa Johns, Stacy lrcjs-

ce blue ssUB Tiny ~ Pear}s 'h ends for U 8 St fe Trustees Point conversion. I C,~e A dean and Ke~ ~ t ~mtheg esbuttheG ~ tr, Ty Sp ~, A y NO~ GOutlined the neck)fne and bodice, A

IU h }d T ~ p~g N, 2 'fter Stopping the Deary squad I ~ bf~ "~ . I line Xefuaed tO CaVe in and PXeSerVed BmWnings L)SS beetler, Mfche)le

sma)J florsL1 Users, cacjght the f)oar» '

jf ff snd 8 was df»cus»ced Trustees, cold on the kiokMff p)aye tile Tigers I Monday Fellow studentsI xnan y'er»aries

)ength,v82). =. Kaatbee Parks, Jack Parsley and } ~Led the ~n down to the.dufus- tcsxejs'. Of birthday cakes and gavey Rat)fff was mafd pf honor, Supt D BQU 8)ey wilt ~M j.tang 10 on ~sajvfss of .Sjftlcd~hjcgkthah- t ~~~~ ~~.~'., Geneaee faCes another mugh game 82d DownjjL Cyijtthfa Had)ey, Cfndy

fer h»r Sf»ter, Srfdeamsfd» Were) 8 B)ak },, ~ th.'ine playa. Edd)8 OSborn maVed I Ff t G~ kiddi ~ Fh %%%ay night SS they~ ~'Visiting Perkfcca WSSBS)gev. ÃXe,, Tt.jarJf Beche, .Opt 8 ev wns nsm nu j Pot)stch Loggexa MicheJ)e Dygext, 'Hefdf Porter, TamtLynn Napfer snd Sharon Ann „'O~ myles ~lative to supervise I

down to the three, and then Dale:, Cans for Fire Prevention VWmk. The, Fliger snd Scott Gustscfson.Wump, he attmdsnts were gaum- l cond}Uans governing the aequi»/tfon } Taylor carried tbe bnfi cmss BIcans sce to be used by mothers to

ed ident)en))y in f)oar-length prin«I of Federal Suxp)us Pmperfv from t)je) fhc next play fal mother six Po)nts thelP Precent fires amund the kitchen Slllpriee Painting Beecess d~ pf b)ue and white dpt-I Id~a Su~)~ Pmp rfv A„encv Thc extra paint try fai}cd. ~ At Itoy Glenn Homesnd a'om ued»bummed

j ait sr the inistees agreed to at-I ~~ g ta< going nue >e a~os(cortes cans and severed them with SCOIIIlg mlS TOIIIO-garden hnf» Of While tare With 'iur-; te>d 8 Truafee Wark»hPP 81 MOSCOW i quarter, the Tiger defenae Put On a. PaPer. Using the CVOrdS Fire Can an Mr. Snd MXS. Ray Glenn reCeiVed a 8-nqua)»8 vpj}vct ribbon Jpdfc Ric)dc Nov 11» which dca)s wit}j frustrs. flashy exhfb)Uon far, the home cmcvd" them Soda vqLS p)need inside the s nlpst uljususl Surprise fpx their gj LIOII$ III)i }g .

wns f)ovhrer girl. tlat negaUaUans, accountability. Ss they d~ped the Deary quartet" I cans ta help put out grease fixes, weddfng anniversary last week-end.Glen L ~er %~ b 1 ~. T t Do~b '~ and Supt. b~k 3 times in succ~fan for 8! FfrstG~cstudcnt ~sU))vo'rk- Vphf)CRoy~stsm~Umh t ~ T e Km@ ck C ~~ty L} m

U»haring were %'Syne settler and j Blake}ey were named to attend 8 taUL) )'XSS of farty yard~ with Dave t fng on their pxfntw-poster picture. «Bd hfabe) at the %y. S. C. 8 rum- Club held its second meeting of theGordon Stmm.

Iworkshop al, the Univac»}ty of Idaho I

~)ken get hsg fjsvo af the tack)es I The picture vc) be at the Ipcwfston mage sale, their. daughters and fsm- fn)f Seasan ~edna»day evening ofThe recrentian halt at Greet Acres, dealing With nav. plann)ng teahfnques I snd Dave Hutchfnson the other. Tay 'hopping Center, ilies gathered ta Paint the Glenn'8 la»tweak, with a very good turn»aut.MobHS Park wa8 Uje scene af the j nnd focal nssanamcnt needs on Nov lor than picked up h)8 second touch Students wiH sfa< making Hsf}o- buf}dfngs, FoHow)ng a deHcious smorgssbaxdreccPUpn. Miss Becky Mar»tan, aj11 s„d22 d~m of &8 g c g ing f™yards we'cn decorsUons for theh mom. The G)enns were quite unaware of dinners)ster of the groom, was fn charge} ln conclusion Homecoming P)ans and then adding the convex»fan. wh jet wns going on untH grsnddsugh- Grange. Ladies, the bus)ness of theot the guest book. Kfm Trout made it 28% on a re-l second Grsde H)ghffghts 'er Polly Taylor informed them that evening, with president Dsrxel

Of the br)de Beka)yn a)png V ffh pp Ag NOS Parce Cmp 'er»8 pissy 8 feW mfnutCS intel SCSm j Thfs Vrhsek Second Grjcders nl'C Stu- QVerJJOBC Vi%8 randy ta paint! Brocke, presiding, vms taken up.stefgers of Ju}laetla, nnd JennfterI judging results Paring 35 yards fac'he tsllv. The~dJ~ telling sentences nnd asking In need of paint, Mrs. Glenn got Guests wece pxesent from the GsxJ<s»up pt )tnncouvcr Wn Pnssed

jBf))8 tata))jjg 8ef,378.$0 werc sp- extra paint tsar fn))ajar, sentences. They'le )earning which the boys at the Abrsms Hsrdvj'sre field, Wn„c)ub, cldef of whom was

the gmam'» cake, 8 me af thc t. Deary scored theft'olje touch- need cap}f8) )effects. to ndx paint, snd everJvane grabbed the distr}et eovexnorp who gave a

The coup}c wf}) Hvc nt Kcnmore. I larger ones were. Washington yyntcr~

dawn in the second quarter withI Wednesday we rccehM some new 8 brush snd vecnt to work The r abort "pep ", stxessfng member

The bride, 8 graduate af BOOje)} " Power 380000 I, Farr}ngfon 8252.90 Greg Nil}cr going 75 yards on a kick-l games for aur room. They werc just house, gsrjsge. tool shed snd the ship drives ind community activiUes.

High School. 18 attend}ng 88}}8Vuc'ar grave), G<ncrs) Fire'quipment off mturn for thc longest run of the I in Ume for indoor recess because of" fence surrounding the place wece Ted Reccehi of the Levr)stan LionsBcnufy Scbaol. The gmpm comp)at,, )1Jq2 00 for tire extinguisher snafu gama. Deary couldn't canvcrt the

tbe rain. Wednesday birthdays werc 8}}c}emcd and painted!,

Club, snd 8 director of the ~temlncc„'aker 8c Taylor 8273.52 for exfra Pain~

I Jimmy Swan»on snd Jamie Lohman. Those tslcing part fn the bee were Clack Counc}2 af Bay Scouts afnnd is empioyed si, supermr ke'lementary tlbrary books; htusiej Ths third riuartcr «ew ahnesti second Grade is also studveng'. Mr. and hers. charles sasierbrook, kmertna aas tbe prtnctfineries «1 WVcedfn>1)}8. Center 3285.99 for mus)c; Mob)l O}1 m ofOcfnls game ss they Penn)fjced I rhymes. Any vrha make up their awn I Chad. Gail nnd Amy of Omfina; Mr. Of

)1283.98 for bus gns. the Tigers f)0 yards ta 8'tymle the I rhyme mny bxing it to Share with nnd Mrs. Kenneth Hefmgsrtner of Scoutmaster Dnrrel Bmcke snd ldsKHS nf,tack, Tha crcnvd gmnned as the class. 'oscpwr Mr. Snd Mrs. Gary Beni- ssaistnnts fpr the fme work they hadgoy Lgnclleon 4 H I e Cl+b Iieetl they watched an osborn-fo-Tmut-io-

IPerfect SPellexs this week are: fng. Gn>'Js Snd Gn)en, Mxs. char}esjdone in scouUng. Hw"-ever, he em-

Belng Planned H B pn88 p y for s to chdown i hf)tch Cuddy, Csfhy Hsmstan, E)i- 'sylpc; Cind), Pal}v snd Brands, 811 l pbnsfzed that money was needed taTho POUatch Rfdgo Workers 4-H cs)}cd back, buf. On thc next series,'i snbcfh Hnrrfjj snd Branv~~ hfjcnfu)). Of Ju}fncttjc: hfrs. %ynrxjey Mny, Jr., heep such an organ}aatfan going ancfClub V ge «t 1 ~ the Tigers rePeated the Plnv with i Congratu}SUons! ( Mike nnd Pst of Kendrick. Other asked for mare financial sld fmmIflni}y.members unab)e to take yart the )pcn) Lions Club, sponsors of the

luncheon at thc high school, October N}ght nnd «}cct officers tar tch l were bu~'n the ffe}ds. )ocn) troop. This matter was taken27. T}la}unchcanlslllhanorof }~e in" cnr.

" ~ "'8~m Ps»sod io Hufchcson farl T}ds week the thirds dc 1 g M} up st s dfrectorse andcommittees'us}nessmcn

njjd other distinguished Acldcvcmcnt night is shedu)efhc next Tiger scam in n combinnUan I io celebrate SH the october birth- 'hilbergg Honored meeUng vwch foHawcd the session

cltfacns who have given suPPort to for Thursdjcv, Nojwmbcr 11, nt the b k f +f J ys 8 ns sm days. The birthday peoPle are Ronds'r. Snd Mrs. Bab Chsbcrg, she is —and no doubt more aid wfH bethe sc)jpo)s above snd fn nddltlcm Ju}nnd Club House. A 8;00 o'c}ock ~ Chnwny, Kcfth Ingle nnd James Bain, the f'oxmer htfrs. Emmett Brindt of forthcoming.io t.hnt required of them. 'jsot-)uCk dinner +$1) precede the th hgf o

W' In na we ~ working on HSHo- Ju)fjcctta, Werc honored with s corn- A reyort ~K. pt A. reaiises thai mnny peo. award pmscntattotw pytt> >' k~" <, oeo',learn momh "e tmd pmmed eat munity dinner at the cold niii nali

Pla contribute taxes to the schoo1s, F)ected to office for the next Vcsr f t d' " 'unday, October 10. All of Bob'8 B~ 8

1th t hih th bool u}d f..„„„„,'™ ng yo P ty, 0tb 29, chf}dcen snd their famsfcs were pm- camp)CUon of ca)endsr fnfarmaUan.

b« 'he K I A wants to President, Babb'y Parks Sacr'ctary sent for the occasion —Nr. and htrs. the dead)i"8 for ~~ ~ c~ ~'give specie) rccagn}UOB to those Pco- Terry A))a„.Tm~umr Jmfs ~~it ~8 0 tan to mn 8 it 52" 4 ss the Paurfh Grade Items Dennis Chi)berg nnd famf)y jff Boise;pie wha willingly cantribute to the lnger'eporter, Eva %'f}ken'ong Pa

Pl~ ~~ The c}888 wss sony to have Ann- hfr. and Mrs. Ed fDar)ene) Raid af Open Hogave at KH5

school of thefr owff vfa)ft)an fn ad" Leader, Cathy Chr)stan»en; Histor- Thm etta Laws move to Lewfstan. The wfn- E}k River. hfr, snd Mrs, Duana Chf).

dition ta those services required of fm Dcbrn C mawakf. P}ona Chair, „„"o- o ght. fn our room with be snd A)sn Ch)) The 283 Club vr))) spansor an'penthem, We are speaking, for instance, mnn, Jalena Brammcr. - Hn hng t ss they host t)jc Plummer the co)arfu) fnl) )en~a mounted nnd F r er Rid ~fdmU aommu- House at Kendrick H)g)L Schaa) 02Lof thaaa people who maRe roam for Tha next mceUng wf}} ba }n Jnn- g " ~ n s -' g 8 Placed there. SPoolas, glaring jack nity members and the)r xe)atfvas Monday. October 2)) beg)nnfng ''atschoo) sales «nd 8}gns )n their nary, when Officers ara fnstn))ed,

— 0')nnterns and black cats give the vaere present to congxsctu)ate the 7:30 P m.SR&8, Rase who tska snnun) ada'ew members we)comcd, nnd projects rcI)}if}i Plant In Iloonl room a fesUve Ha))owe'en sir. Bcw hfr snd Mrs c}d)berg who wexe Parents will be able to meet teac)L-those people wha give t}jefr tfme and 88)ected. A large, lush orchid p}nnt )8 fn In Art C}nss Hn))cava'cn masks wf)} married Sept, 23 st hfascow, ers and learn objecth~ af the teaa)Lservices to tha schao}8, nnd many beautiful bloom down at Kendr)ck be made this week ex@, classes and the schooL This fsOUjerse

A~a ~ C V~etyand Glftstomofsweel mdl V'fU'weH-~m~hsirsndfn gen ~ r m a~ t P ~ ~ent OPP ~unity f~ )~aInv)tat}ons vrere mal)ed this vreek Annend CamPOlit has attracted much nttcnUon,'Varn araf looking their best, fndividua} nnd FOrmer Resident Passe to gn)n know)edge and a better )in-

to those people who vrfll be honored Fifteen Bay Scouts of TrooP 249, Choate, manager, snfd Monday ha c}ana p)ctures wexe tnken Monday, Word has just been received from Sight )nta the gos)s of the Iacaf )njs.nt the luncheon. Desiring that no sccampnn}cd by Scoutmaster Dsrre) bmught Uje plank from homo and Mra Nary Kaubla of Anderson, Cal-one fa aver}ooked, the K, Jf}, A. re. Bmcke nnd Assfatnnt Scoutmaster ft hns bean b)oomlng BOLV for sPout Ffft)'rade Jottfngs ffomfg that "er h~d Jska C There wfH be a aha~ mesc Pxagquests that nnyana ba)}evlng ha Jerry Brosvn, attended the Clear- 8 L>~k. He purehe ed Uje plant Nrc)), the paper macha pigs warn Knuble, passed away }nst June 18. xsm under the dixecUon of F)oydShOuld haVe reCeiVad an lnV)tnUan ta Water Dfstrfat CajnPaui, at %inches- abOut a year agO )n SPakane and lt finally ffsdahad nnd taken hame. Tha Ba Wns a Pioneer af the SOuthWfck Wf))fnm< mus)C director at KHSvp)8888 contact tha school. ter, October 18th and 17th, haa thrived over since Varn said Uja enUre c}sss dfd n good job cons}dcr- ~ md ~ & mmem&~ by A brief bus)nasa meeUng wfH also

lThe Scouts dfd exceed}ngly wa)J plant does bestincvnrm tmnPeratura ing that th}8 Lvns the first paper mm> Denh wns attrbut 0 a ba he}d

anleron yinnr Bazaar nt the cnmpaut, winning taP honors b„twi}} survive c)~,~ f„nt}f~t>, da macha project that most of the Stu- "cn t ~m~~fn a)) events nnd second ln camp}ng, gm~ dents hnd done. Those wha did cx- Llllle arson aiiea}n compatlt)on Lv)th over 100 Scouts ccPUonn))y vw}) inc)uded Jim Pet field.

ha)d")t,'mccun) tur}ccy dinar md fram the Law)stan smn F. H. A. Girls Clean kins, Hc}cn Ftey nnd Lorn Hase~on. Ijc music they nxe pracUc)ng onbnansr, Thucadny, Oct. 21. at the r I ean In Sac)a) SiudC 8. m a ran Emmsnual I ut}saran SCIlool Qlognda the orig}nnl 13 co)anias, nnd in Sc)- ember twa)vth, Monday night at a Coeur d'AleneChurch, By t)o)ana Brnmmpr ence wa hsva just started s unit on >Ve are studJWg about magnets Mm&g Wntcr'fH be heJd Thum

Saj'v}ng of'he fur)ccy dinner w}Uj OPEN 1)OUSF TO ))ONO)t T}j}8 Lvcc}c, October 18 to 23, t}ja the sa}nr system, «nd energy ln science. day at 10:30 a. m, at the Geneaees}1 the trimmings will ba fram 5:80 KAFb ANIJ PIA)YD OC)fs National Fjjtum Hojncjujckat'8 af In spcHing, Lyle Dcpbn)d. Nancy ~@chuntil 7!}}0. Pjrfcc for Uja njj)jpcr 18; Gcjfaaaa —T)ja cacnjnujjffy }8 card)a)5 Amajlcjc nta Sponsoring nn nnU-)ft 'fxf)j Grado News Ingle nnd Joan S})t)ow race)md A'8 Uon O~~ ofAcfnUng

Adu}ts 82.25; chlklron, 75c; prc» fjjv}fcd 1o nffcjjc) ccjf o}jaj> }jausa far Knc tal Campaign and hj conjjcct}on with Tho Sixth Grade ls warkfjjg an in the Spa)}fng tria) test this week,schaa}, free. tha nntfan-wide observance, members dccarnUans fpr Hal}avw'cn, such SS Tuesday, October 19, the c)ass hnd

Mmy lovely qjii)fs, P))}OLvcnscs, <ram 8 ta 9"@P m P}ncc''rema}> 8 af the Kandrick chapter gathered eats. wite}jcs, Pumpklns nnd av }8. 8 luccUllg 'to discuss a Hs))awe en Ladies Volleyballtaws}8 and other bnsnnr items, n}1 Hs}) attar schaa} Monday afternoon nnd T}j<y nm supervised by hid, Gnhl party. A)1 women ln the Kendr}ck andhandmade by members, vr)}) ba nuc-, . ~~~~~" c}caned nnd ptc}cad up litfcr fram thc jcnd h«bantu}} nnd Ujcy think they After watching tha wor}d Series, Julinetts ares fntcrested in play)ngtlanad ta tha highest biddor byi Roy O, Lr, S, ltQM}NAGI, 'f)ALF, sc}lao} gmunds, Were dOing n pretty gOOd jab Of it. SOme at the atlanta nre happy that LaaQeybn)) ihraughaut the Water618nn, fo1}owing the suppcc. These Gajjajjca J;f)y C)jn}jfor, f) Q S, w))) After the project LVjjs rmnP)aicd, The Sixfh Grade girls nr» p}SJdng Pittsburg'ran and some alen't tao season are asked to meet at thevrl}l cc)sa be grab bags for tha chf)d- )jo)d @ rffmmnffa sfjba an 3}j(f,, oct, 23 nl) iha gic'ls gathered in fha Home football against the boys and nra aierjaycd that Bn)Umaxe lost. Julinettn schao) gym Thursday, oct.yen. fsfsftj 9 10 4 P ftf, fN fha Mnaa}})C-)fa)), ECaham)CS'xaam far refreShmentS. mn)dng the bOya huStle areund the „...—Daren hfnnfuH, Reporter 21 at 7230 P,.me - -.- ---- .

Page 2: f „„>t I pjh'he,ff~~i g) „' ~~ b'-jkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971...Oct 21, 1971  · white doves nest}ed. I District and student)3ady autdft re-l stopped 8


FISIIING CUTBACKS PROPOSED tions for 1972. f:rol<len Rule ItemsFieM sfnd staff personnel of the de- The proposed restrictions include cut- ks

partment have proposed some nather Iting back the statewide daily trout bag

fra reaohing restrictions in fisher fort thnit from in to eomihty ia, heoause ef FROM1972 in their reconunendauons to the'the steadily mounting fishing pressure Mrs. Albert Lawrence at ten e

fish and game commission, The corn land the continued loss of good fishing AINE I/gNC the Missionary meeting at the Nar-

mission wiII meet in Boise'.begin<nag on I habitat. Other propos'sls include put- ~~~ ~ ~~I~~ vln Silf low home, Wednesday.

October 14 for the primary p<ntpose of tmg the Middle Fork of the Salmon Riv- %~ The Albert Lawrence family gath-

setting the fishh<g seasons and regula- l or on a catch and release only basis to ercd with members pf. the fnmuy

I protest the declining cutthroat trout, an<1 1'riends at tho homo of Steve

'et aside the Henry Fork of the Snake 0 E RS AGO NcIver Tuesday evening, in honor

River where it fle<vs through the Rail- The msrrh„e f I N. of her birthday anniversary.

,'oad Ranch for fly fishuC only; expand daughter of If'„a„dMrs Ch+ G,<eEarl La<v<rence attended the 7th

g I 'he fly fishing only section of Silver er Jr to M< Ge gf f'nd Sth grade skating party at Le<v-

gte I~ aS$i

Greek; and eut hack the daily, treekly r„'nd hl„a Normm tyood~f ofiston Tuesday ereaina, then anent

and mason bag limits of sahnon and lVessington S D was sg ~4~~ at S the night with a friend, Ran<ly Sil-

i steelhead about one-half due to the eris- M@ry s pa'rson«ge Sunday mornh,g at flow,

I is brought about by the nitrogen super- @.30 «clock At d~ ""lVua htr. and Mrs, George Finko <vere


saturation condition below the do<vnriv- Deioris Gr;eser aunt of the h<de ~g visitors in the home of her san, Diclc

er dams that has resulted in losses of Gene Grieser 'he bmther Wf<tson and family, in honor oi'he

Body Repair 'igrating fish. hlQss Adehne Herman (hughter of grandson Dwane's birthday, on Sat-

l Th corn~sion <vip hgdit, usus op- Mr md Mr@ lV@ter Herman, b "a~ urday. They also called at the Carl

TrIICk 4 TraCtOr Cushion j en meeting on the afternoon of October the bride of Mr 1ven Evettes of Pa Finke and Don Christensen homes.

I14. The public is invited to come in louse, hash., Sunday afternoon at 2 Mrs. Robert Simpson and Aga-

Re-Building <and express their views on these pro- o'lock ait the Lutheran izsrs<m,ge'n tha perkins d<eve to spokane to

iposah or on any other subject —or write L ewiston with the Rev, E, Kretb offict visit Mrs, Simpson's daughter, Carl-

ia letter to this office. sting. Miss wihna Herman, sister of lene solmon at the shriners'os-the bride and Jim Lynch of Unlontowtt pital.

I RE1<IF~IER TO r<A>.v. %Sfahington were attendants.. Mrs. Albert Lawrence attended

If you are going; to be off The marriage of Th<N<ms (Buster) the Palouse Church Conference

work for 12 months or longer, due to Herman, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clinic in Clarkston, Sunday.illness or injury, call. your Social Herman'to Mss Florence Stevens of Our community was well repre-

Security office at,.746.-)333,-Lewis- Mission Beach, Ca% took on sented at the Homemakers Council

Pa<me Samfei %ed'; Oct< 1st:at the Me church Bazaar at Lapwai, Friday, The morn-in Ste Diegq. '; ing was enjoyed with a talk by Mrs.

Advertising pays' try it and eee! The home of Mr. ~Mrs, C. H. Os<5- Wendy Collinder, occupational ther-mans.-spokane, was the setup fot the apist of the White Pine Heath Cen-'marriage of their daughter, its Fran- ter at Lewiston. The Lapwai High

~ ~ ~~~ ~.~ . I om O~™an»to Mr- Engle Anderson of School Chorus was great Thoro wasi Unionto<vn Saturday evening. The Retv. a salad bar at noon. Then came a: Dr. Ernest F.. HaroM of St. Paul's flower anangement demonstration by

IHYESThhKHT MANAGEMENT ~whim.~~et sm ue presence of florlst, Lewiston, and other enter-

,4Oeis. gjj~og " I'0$py p~oNE 882 /Span~~mte ~bv~ ~ friends.. tainment. All made for a big crowd

Mrs Fred Judd and Mrs. N. and a big day.i]i iM. Leavitt 'otored Saturday morning

t to the camp site two miles from Bunea-Icf<v to join Dr. Leavitt, H«rry Schooler, for Spokane to enter their pigs at thc

I Bob Schooler, Sam Lange and Ted Dav- IVestern Region Livestock hw.

nnett re- Kendrick Gazette, Oct 16, 1931—

hunting <md brought out 2 elk City, Utah, after looking the situ-

50 YEARS AGOation over, has decided to cast his

Kermit Malcom, Manager ~ colla~ lot with the good people of Kendrick

I broken last week" at the Roy Ev " g c uny'astaken rooms and established an

Simple, Dignified Funera ServicesBobble hfant son of Mr and Mrs H

Chr<stensen and baby will arrive

on ]sfst later to join the doctor.

New Building —Pleasant Surroundiags Dr. Chrlstensen is a young man, atation The little feCow was very ill but graduate of the University of Utah

and of the University of Pennsyl-

PHONE SH 3-4578 LEWISTON, IDAHO The tenant house on the Platt ranch vania Medica Schoob He se(formeriy the Follett r<mch) about 6 his internship in Harborvtew Hos-mlies east of to<fm w<m ~W~~. Pital, Seattle, finishing in June.day morning about 9 oeclock Oct les 1931

Coach Brlgham's football teamwill meet Potlatch next Friday, The

thur C. Linehan and Pete Hove left last probable players will be WalterWednesday for the Priest Lake country Koepp, Bill Fry, Whlpple Nusgravc,

Otto Herman, Donald and RobertMajOr OVerhaulS —DieSeIS 5, QaS ~ ~vggjgg fm<n th

- r~t gg~ Ratliffe, John Jones, Karl Emery,of diptheria but have not yet released Ralph Blevins, George Davidson, Bob

Tune-Ups Fry, William Holt and Kenneth

C. P. Whalen returned to his duties iBrocke.sft the Ezchss<go Bank <sfter an piness, Crescent News —Fred and Etsie


Located of 10 days with diptheria. I Darby of Moscow and MaryLoeser'Mrs

Jas E<hvards was brought home I were Sunday guests in the JohnOld Mill Site —West of Kendrick, Idaho from White Hospital, ~on, Tuesday '. Da'by "ome.

rnmg where she,been for <nore than i Sunday visitors in the Mike Forestpilone.289-4177 Roy and Harlan Fey 5 weeks. I home were Mr. and Mrs. Axel Swan-

The pytMan Sisters are planning aI son and family, Mr. and Mrs, Bill<mique proem of entertainment for < Dorendorf and children, ?lfargaret

Oct. 31 Kimbley and Bud Candler.iMuch interest is Mng shown by the -. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Farrlngton took

boys of Genesee along the hvestock ]me. Art Osborn home Monday. RoseWed., Oct. 26, 5 boys, Wm. Roskammer, Farrington accompanied them and I

Dwight Becker, Lloyd WiLuon, Harold all ate dinner at the Harry Langdon~

Holland and Clarence Aherin,will leave home.

S.1OP1; 5

Alma Bette vlslted with Mrs, Bud member and ls most welcome,

Adamson, Sunday. Election was held with a cmnpieteMrs. Bud Adamson, accompanie<l new <<late of officers being chopse».

by her mother, DaisV Stage and her Julia Cooper, president; Doloresaunt, Altha Rathbone, wore Lewiston Czmowski, vlcc preside<<t;

visitors Saturday. They -were sup- Lawrence, treasurer; Donna

per guests in the home of her daugh- son, secretary,ter and family, Nr. and Nrs, Tom

Ahns Betts rettredt after servingas president, for ab~ut 13 yea< s,

Nr, and Mrs, McGoldrick of Qro Also weicomedffino visited Alma Bet ts, Sun<i«y.That evening Mr. and Nrs. Henry BFlth~I<Sg~ FOR lVIDOlVSIlasse wore callers.Extension Club 51eets Widows who are 60 years of age

The Southwick Extension Club can dra<v benefits on their deceasedmet with Alma Betts, Thurs<lay, with 'usband's social security accountMrs. Pat Jacobs and son as guests. For detatts, call your social securityShe is joining the Club as a new office.






g''<''tiv'<''< ''I' vl.lli.„lli„„l„,~„,d8EEDSNEN



l'.arter's at GeneseeHaVe Wee Re-oyeil@I

SIORQNBORD EVERY NlIMVServed From Noon to 6:00 p, m.

Adults —$2.00 Children —$1.te


Open Evenings From 5 to 1

Featuring Steak —Chicken —Sea/oods


Closed Monday

Phone 285-3291

. unera, l .1aye.MOSCOW, IDAHO P HONE 882-4534


For Spring Fertilizers—USE—


. (encric.i.7ec M a. e t:e.KENDRICK, IDAHO 'HONE 289-4961




we %81 Order Any SpeeM Items Desired



%'e Give S 8f; H Green Stamps on All BIImipg Nl-if paid by the Isth of month folio@ring

These friendiy-faced little charactersare infiltrating ourcompany.

They'e every-where. On our trucks,our waiis, our desks,even our phones.

But, we'e not worried. They'e here Io dosome good for us, And for you.

You see, we'e behind this invasion oui'-selves, The One-fo-One symbo! Is our constantself-reminder that you, our customers, shouldbe treated directly and personally. On a one-to-one basis.

It's sort ot a spiritual revival with us. Doing

unto others as yotIwould have them dounto you.( It's arl inspired

1 Idea that'a tynrked

J wonders for cenlu.ries. We think II'lI dothe same for our reia-

Iions with you. After aii,if takes inspired peo ieIo do inspired work.r peopie

That' whywe're sure our new altitude, piusaii the money Generai Teiephone is spendingfor new equipment, will result in the improvedphone service we all want.

And, to make doubly sure, our invaders arealways around to keep us on our toes.'-


KENDRICK, IDAHOPhone 289~1 Residence 2784lN


The people yoU oen talk to One-bo-One, QQ

Page 3: f „„>t I pjh'he,ff~~i g) „' ~~ b'-jkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971...Oct 21, 1971  · white doves nest}ed. I District and student)3ady autdft re-l stopped 8


Juliaetta entertained Mr. and Nrs. son Ray enjoyed Wednesday evening

Lawrence Heimgartner, Saturday supper in the Dsfvid Johnson home

evening with a dinner ln honor of at Lewiston.Mrs, Heim gartner's birthday anni-versary.



Nr. and Nrs. Jim Kaylor Peek,spent HrMay afternoon with the ~Frank and 'Walter Senscoters.

Nrs. Edd Kent and Nrs. Frank IhBerugoter attended'an all~y meet-ing of "the Clearwater District Oar- Tip ~~ CHIC SALES BUILDING7den Clubs in the Teakean.'Grange ~ neighborsHRII on Wednesday of last'eek.

Nr. and Nrs, Walter Beuscoter Scream +4niewere Slg Sear IUdge vbfitor» onThursday, calling at several, homes, Teach me the happy Inaglcincluding the Frank Hoisingtons'.¹s.Walter Benscoter was a Glorious TRICK OR TREATERSMoscow visitor on Friday.

iRide through my heart today.

Mrs. Lawrence Helmgartner and -Set Gambh

LEGAL NOTICES American Ridge

News NotesMrs, Frank Iensooter

Return From California

Andy Cox returned by plane Sun-day night from Tillare„calif., wherehe attended the fun~ service forhis brother-in-law, Harold Telford,who passed away at a hospital inthat city on Tuesday, Oct. /2th.

Mr» Telford (Telly) ha'd visitedhere many times with his wife nnd

family, so was well known by resi-dents of this community, He wes agracious and friendly man, and will

be missed by all who knew him.A.t Fresno Andy was joined by his

sister, Nrs. Bob (Nary) Kraus of ', iSpokane, where they were met by

'rs,Telford (Agnes) and her son'nd

wife, Mr. and Nzs, GeorgeTel-,'osTI,

to take them to their home inTulare. Enroute home Andy stop-

'edin Boise for a five-hoor visitwith the Jim Reld family.

Visitors Return Home¹s.Lawrence Heimgartner tookCharles Fey and his house guestsMr. snd Mrs, Hugo Augustine ofBlunt, S, D., and Mr. and Mrs. Ken-neth Snmuelson, .Seattle, to Lewistonto call on other relaUves. They all

enjoyed dinner at the ~'d Bartlett home. Mrs. Heimgssaaer andNr. Fey returned home 33nile theAugustines spent the night siith theArt Frnsers snd the Samuel >ns withthe Harold Barletts —for wherethey left the following morning fortheir respective homes.Family Gathering

Mr. snd Nrs. Irvin (Mary) Salter,Larnmie, Wyo., were week-end visit-ors in the home of her sister, theNorla Callisons. On Sunday theywerc joined by other members oftheir family for a dinner served byNrs. Cnllison,

Those v;ho attended were Mr. snd¹s.Hugo Eberhardt, bir. nnd Mrs.Walter Weaver nnd Nrs. Anna %'nik,

all of Letfs~ton; Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Weaver and Nrs. Earl Parsonsof Clnrkston, and Nr. and Nrs. Bob i

Callison. nnd baby Audra, Kendrick; I

Famuy DinnerMr. nnd Mrs, Edd Kent entertain-

ed at dint:e" Sunday in honor of bfr,and Mrs, C'em Lyons. Others pre-sent 3'" n.nother daughter, Mrs.Ksthlyn hi~ray, Moscow; Mr. andNrs. Archie hforgan, Lewision, ayld

Nr. and Nrs. Clyde (Ollie) Nicholsof Clarksion.Outer Isselvs

Mr. snd Nrs. Rick Beche and

Terry and Tanya joined Mr. and Mrs.Bruce Davis in Levtrifltoll on Fridayevening and nll attended the Shrinersbenefit football game at Be~!Field.

Curtis and Angela Russell of Yak-'maare spending a couple of weeks

with Choir grandparents, Mr. andMrs. Ernest Andresaw. Sunday nII

attended the Steelhead Derby in s

Lewis ton.Mrs. Dennis Abls snd sons were.

Friday luncheon guests ef Nrs. RickBecbe snd daughters. Sunday Paul


Taylor, hfoscow, >ms a dinner guest.Mrs. Dick Benscoter v3~ a Wed-

nesday visitor in Spokane, where she,called on her sister, Nrs. Jerry Sal-ing.

hfr. and Nrs. Dick Groseclose'f,'


We don't see some of our ct.siomers too often ! Theyr

are the ones who take advantage of our complete "Sank-

by-Mail" service ta handle most of their banking needs.

These are people who have found that First Sank of'an

handle banking services for many folks right from

the convenience of their home, without having to drive

or walk any further than the mail box.

So consider using our "Sank-by-Mail" service. You'l

find it to be safe, convenient and efficient —thrifty, too!


Consider a First Bank of Troy checking account. It'

the convenient, easy way to keep account of the money

you have.

: '.4S". )M 40l< '..'(OYTROY - - - - - IDAHO

~r~en sr


I ~i




R. E. MagiiuSOn A.geiieyPhone 2894271 Kendrick, Idaho

+++4se++++4++++++++++e++++sp+mm~mmmm m++4~s

Thie Week'S Beet SargaiNS

Reg. or Ilats«cjlted 5 os, —A SM5md',

Ullrs Brigbl INN Bsoiisisst, --—-- -- 78)5» os. Boltle —Reifolsr 8..29 Value

l.isieriss Astessptic, --—-------- --.—81.08Rog, nr Mint Flavor —81.09 Value

'resl Tooibpssis, ----—---------- —RSP

OntlsEIghth oy, —Itr„'.ISr Value

'iases Srsslb Crops, --—------------- 48)




O. BROCKE. Prefddent W. A. BOHMAN, Vice Prestdent

NORRIS P. SOHO&, Vice President P. J. NUNAIq, C ~terRA.YNOND SODERSTROM, Ass't Cashier

t PHILIP A. WIMF~ Alert Cashier

DIRECTORSF. O. Brodce, Chmn„John Theissen, W. A. Boh~sn

C. A.rthor Johnson, Morris P. Bohman, O. Ronald Bop ~~Patrick J, Nunan, hfarge Brocke, Vivlan Moline

...--..--....------ --------"-------- G I.............,.....,-..-----------"------C3~


City of Iiendrick, MshoNowmnlbcr 2. 1971

INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS:'lace an X in emal! square on t

right oi'alnc for who-,.3 you wish;

to vole. You lnav 3vrite ill the space '


plovided„ the name of anyqualified'lecttlr

in the City of Kendrick, Ida-~



) i ho, for any office to be voted on.After mnrki-.™the baiiaL hand it


to the elect.ion fudge io be placed

in the bsi.';t box for vote+FOR COUNCI bIAN

Four- Year Te~(Vote for Two)

«f JOHN A. DEOBALD .........,......Q',~" 1VAYisIE G, HARRIS ......,.....,,...g',

i -- -- --------- --- ----------- -- o

OFFICIAL BAI.LOTCitsi of Jttlinctta, Idaho

November 2, 1971.'«» INSTIiUC1'IONS TO VOTERS:

4j Piner an X tn small square on right.

.jof nttllle Col'hom you wisil 'io vote.

Yotl lllsy write in illL spP.rc pl'ovided, '

'he Ilnyyte Of «ny qualified eleCtOrI

b~t',of the City of Jttlinetto, Idaho, forty,'ny office to bo iwted on.

I OII CITY biAYORFour- Year Term

++i, iVoie Cor Onr)i ItICHARD E. GROSECLOSE ........QI

tbiiCIIAEr J. RISIII ING .........,......gI

14AROI D S. FREEMAN ...,..........gI

',.......,.................,......,......,........,.5 l

FOR COUNCI121A.NI our-Year Trr333IVoio for Ttvo)

TFsD GpnOSECLOSFo ......,.................,.Pi

DOUGIoAS JOHNS..................,..."..g I

'RFnD G. CLEhiENHAGEN ..........Q''..","-.-""-.-...-""-""----"..--.,-""D


SI ECIAi. SIrrilcii AI. BO~D'

IoECTIOIvsNOVE5111ER 2, 1971

l llsISTBUCTIONS. In order to vote IN FAVOR of is-,

Isuing bondn, place on X in the:

Isqunro nt the right'of the PF3313o-~

I sitlon.'- Itl order io vote AGAINST issuittg

jbonds, place on X in the square ni- the right of the Proposition.. IN FAVOR OF issuing bonds hl the

amount of $150,000 for the purI3osr

sintod in Ordlnfolce No. 159 ...,.......QAGAINST issuing bonds in Utr

amount of S150,000 for. the put73oso

stated in Ordinance No. 159 ..........,Q


drawliWhen TRICK OR THEATERS wait;

Mv heart, stea)s eot actoss the IaNTI

To help unhinge the gate.

Tilen ovcrceflling hersI Beiigerent end be

!Goes racing back across the gars.To SIN@WEPT days of OM.~ C~Ie

You can now complete a socitll

security application for benefits bytelephone. In this area eall 746.

,233$, Lewlaton.


AdverUsing pays —try it and seel l

j g j~l)


()-..Wb'ZL EESk/~]PS AhEAP.I


WESTERN FAMILY FLOUR, --——----------- --- 10 lb. bag 08)

WF CIIILI CON CARNE, SCQ lies, —:-------------1si 4 Uss 4/88)

WESTERN SEAS TIINA, ----------------------------- t/e's SSp

WKSTKPsN SNORES BLKACII, -----------—--------—Bsllsn ST<

0 A II SUBAR, --—--------—-------------- 1si 'l0 Ib. bag 81.28

RQIINS STEAK, —.-----------.------------------.-- lb. SI.CS

CIIBE STEAK, ----------------------------------- lb. 81.28

PORK CIIOPS, ---- Rib GRI-78< lb. -- ——.—...Loin Cst —Np lb.

SILVER SALNON, —-------.------------------. ------- lb. 88)

NSTKRS, 10 sz. isr, ---"-------------------.-—:——.—.. lb. 88<

Your RexeLl 8torePHONE 289-.")ag Il KENDRICK




3< per lb. of Nitrogen9< per lb. of PhosphateIQQ per lb. of Sulfur

This is the cost of the nutrients in 16»20-0SNO.BOY CAULIFLOWER, —----—--------------------- lb.10<

SNMOY CARROTS, —----------------- -- -- ---- —-- lb. 10p

SNO-SOY GASSAOK, ------ ---------- -- — ----------- lb. IQp

SNO BQY NARSLKIIKAQ SI}UASN, ----——-------- ------ lb. Bp

SNO.SQY, IIIISSKT POTATOES, U. L Ns. 1's, ------ ------ lb. 4p



Ne Have a Complete Stock of Fertilll.era

Ammonium NitrateAmmonium Sulfate



,i0,$ )s,'F1; '

We Car) Provide Y'ou With Reliable


Our Aim ls To Please —Service Is Our Way


Phone Rl~< fKenclrlckoy m %%4tL%%Rnbd v~%3+% n orms

NOTICE OF ~ City of Genesee



N~m IS HEREBY GIVEN hei'd'and for the City'Uof"K d~ck, &e 8 CIty E No" ~ M RM hThat the General Flection to be In Idaho, will be held on Tuesday, theheld and for the City of Juiinetta, 2nd day of November, 1971, on which ~Idaho, will be held on Tuesday, tre day Polls will be opere f" m N

2nd day of November, 1971, on which onul 8:00 o'lock P. M, at the fol- at'

enp porn snnbp opon rrorn Noon ronsns nrsnnroo porn"p p~~l ploce'.

UI 800 o'cloconUI 8,00 o c oc . N. the o - Fire Hag-For the purpose of elec'- CITY8'na g 'ng two councumen for terms of Wainot grI~~n F~ ~~

y —or the purpose of elec- four yes Streets; next Ie the FIrst Security Smik

Ung ytwo counci+en asnd a mayor Zn ordSr to vote at this election, Soling jfi.cthe CNy of Gm~each for a term oufour years, each voter most meet the follfywlng

In order to vote at this election, requiremShts; of the City of Genesee, Mohe, should

each veter must meet the following 1,,He must be at least IB years of present uiemseives for regbstriIUon ~fige; to the foijovring Reghbars ot. Ihe fel-

1. He most be «t least 18 years ef 2. He must be a citisen of the Uni-ted States; Donald Springer at Springer Insor.

2. He must be a ciU n of the Ug- 8, He ~t have resid~ within the ~e Ag~s unicipal corporate limits for not

less than three months preceding the 4, He most have registerd for the ~ ~ ~s election or must have voted at the

4, He must have registered for last general municinal election heldthe elecuon or must have voted at bs this City,

* city elections se Iong as he shaB om-

the laSt general munielPal eleCtiOn 5 ls otherwise qualified under <blue tO reaide h Ihe CNy Of Geneaee

held by this City. Soctions 85 and 86, Chapter 4295. Is otherwise qualNed under 1967 Idaho Session Laws.

Sectiom 85 ~ 86, Chapter 429, Nonldpg Electos ma'gi.te ~y elocUM, tI ~,A ~~a1967 Maho Smsfon Laws. f d after the date of

postin'unicipalElectors mny -" I-'or this nriuce d tning regulstr busblessfrom «nd after the date of po-"ng hl" . - each dny except Sundaysthis notice during regular bo» ness and 1; 'd"vn '":r I including,hours on each day except Sundays Ssiu.tlthsy ltext,. 'c. Odt~ - '".~ electionand Holidays until and incloding date. On Thursday and Friday andSaturday next preceding the elecUon Saturday next preceding the above e II)date. On Thursday and Friday and noticed elecUon, electors may re-Saturday next preceding the nbove gister between the hours of 9:00

o'otied el tion, el t rs egin- l k ..snd 5:00 o'ockween e ours o: oc oc register io be eligible io vote.ter between the hours of 9:00 n. m. and between th h f 7:00 ' k ', ' 8™

p. m, and between the hours p. m. and 9:00 o'cf pck p. m. TihIE FOR


The Re-of 7;00 p. m. and 9:00 p. m, The names of the Registrars, or o~ t~ snd ~tf» Re '~~ wiR re-

The names of the Registrars, or Deputy Registrars, and places ofDeputy Registrars, and places of registraUoregistraUon are as follows: Robert Nagnuson, Registrar, Post ll4IIch are v o0 A. N. ontII 12:00 o'cjockFloyd K, Heimgariner, Registrar, Office or Insurance Office. Noon and I;00 P. M. until 5:00 P. N.,

Robert hfagnoson Mooondny Ihtoogh Fridn~ tloiii snd in-

R trar PosEllxabeth J. Heimgartner, Deputy City Clerk cl di'n the Sstord

I, Office or Home. Pob, 2 Times —1st Sept. 16, '71 ale eiCCiion, at w)tirh time "h" .rqis-!Floyd K. Heimgariner 2nd Pob, Oct. 21, '71 'trsijon books are rlo"-i.


City Clerk ORDERED r'..i THE MAYOR,

Pub, 2 times —1st Sept 16, '71 ABOUT hIEDICARE tD Crf'Y COIF'"f*2nd Pub. Oct. 21, '71 rNearing 65 years of age 7 Call your hilCHA".. hIARTIÃEZ,

social security office to find out all City Ci;r'~

Patronixe local advertisers. about hfedicare.

Offi zt RtsuotCity of (pen.--r -. State of Idaho

.asuranee: Instructions lo Voters: Place an,!X bl Small S-.,nre On the right Of

I name for wh. '. you wish to vote.You nltl jr ivy.ie ill Irovided

'he ftanle of:*n; qualified e ect"..' the City of Ger"see, Idaho, for nny

office to bc voted on.Afier marking the bailoi, hand

to the election judge to be placed in

ihc ballot box Cor votes.FOR COUNCILMAN

Four- Year Term(Vote for Tive)

i JOHN MEYER. JR............,.,--.--"-9LEONARD SINGHOSEL. W. SORENSEN ...,................'I|

Page 4: f „„>t I pjh'he,ff~~i g) „' ~~ b'-jkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971...Oct 21, 1971  · white doves nest}ed. I District and student)3ady autdft re-l stopped 8

THE GAddETT'E - NEv(rs, THURsDAY, ocToBER 21, 1071sy

',,vCenesee„...I"iica'js, Ceiiesee UilleV. Ahce Rahhitn daughtcer .of IIfr .and -Xr.-and Mrs. Laverne Anderson

Mrs. Marion Rathbun is enrolled as a. Mr. and It(frey Carl L. Scharaho-"st'mehosts'at a dinner@ridge Saturday

iMrs. James Arnett Qnd Mi's Edittttmd in the former's home,

Reisenaupr,of Uniofitomn.and.,Mrs, Al'@.jQta Qgg I(,'andsas 1vere. oer"guest of her. Parents,'. iad Mrs, ht

y w

i*-''; ',) hh. Qnd Mns. Johns Treu of Studiey..'fi.'.B Jones',, ", „',,' ') . nr

"fihaveIed'by pianet~ansas>. Mrh and Mrs, Ed Mprken and

fp riyt)dydh „,tmbere,ahe mbae p, hpueegifeet Qanette, Bpb Mpi'keii, Ltynn'lKl KrISti

pf'h'er" spn itf I0$'@g daugihterh'Itffr '»Indy hind'Traceys Todd and Thn stoilt .'',

Mrs, Wm, Aiidefa@'ri)dsty u'Qtii were, Sunday dhner. guests'of Mr. and

,Tuesdayrof t', '. ', - Ãn..-.E. A. Morkend..Mrs.. Treu, -Mrs,

'rs. Merle..wtertaine'd her .Ed- Mprken an@ Mrs., E. A. Morkenc at-

ciub Thursday wifh,a,onp.o'clock lunch- fended .Q,tea honoring Mrs. Wm,- Bor-'on,

followed by br1dge,'rp, ~ »ths 101st birthday ai)ntversary 'and held '-,', .:P~Hoorman,was;a giiests'..:,,: ...', . at.,MQConneII Mansion„

Mrs.'ack M»dMQQ)I; from Ratniah ives Dorothy Myeis, -of Cameron, .Qnd. a

a Wednesday, visitor'f, Mrs. Barbara 'hI(issipnary t from India will be guest

Gehrrke..' MMnn''a gueete Were; her SIS..Scpeftker ',at'. Va WedneSday, OCt. 27th

..fer, Mrst. +erie. AIm;.~ece. Mrs...Ger, .meebng nf the Vamey A. L.'C.'W:" St.:IJohns~ T yI th~~a~h ',

:;::from Grangeviiie. vited to attend.': - Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson and 'Mr. and Mrs. Don Linehan spent the

~ ¹s.Miriam Vendenburg visited Sun- weekend with Mrs. Ted Wagner in Spo-

-"day evemg with Mrs. O. V. Johnson, katae 'i ..':" ..-: .,' patIent in Gritman hospital, who is re-: 7 hdles'from'the OQIIeyh ALQYV and

'overhg from major surgery,,' .'..Pastor Oswood visited patients at Para-

..:-Ãr. and Mrs. 0, V. Johnson have dfse Villa.Nursing Home last Thursday

, purchased a home in Lemlstpn and re- and„;hohptted -.'four ladies and tmo men

; cently moved there.' ' having . birthdays this-',month., Pastor

Mrs. Ohve'Pederson actconttpatued Mr. Oswood sarig several numbers and gave-

and Mrs. Gertald Pederson of Moscow a short talk,'irthday refreshments

.to Calder Sunday",and:-were guests pf of ice cream and cake were served.

iMr. and Mrs. Gpojge Reynolds. Sunday afternoon and evening visit-

Attic Sale, Oct; 30 fr'om 9','. tp 4 ors in the'Vernon Peterson home were.

ip. m. Ford Garage. sponsored by the Mr. and Mrs. Jay Nelson and children„

''Outreach committee of the Community Mr. and Mrs. Dick Scharnhorst were

'church. Sunday evening visitors of.Mr. and Mrs;

. Mrs. Gladys Liberg made her official Wm. DQPell and Fred; Sandra Lee Lettenmaier, daughtervisit as Grand Chief of Pythian Sisters -,!of Mr. and Mrs. E; F. Lettenmaier,in Bonners Ferry Tuesday evemng. 4-H ACHIEVEhIENT NIG .T., ! Genesee, and Stephen Victor.!DruffelShe was accompanied 'y Nts. DQHY TUESDAY OCTOBER 6th . 'ere married Oct, 2nd at St. Mary'Gehrke. Catholic Church,. Genesee, 'e 1. a

tNfike Egland of Boise spent the week be held Tuesday. «: 26th' 7:30.p'pn of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Druffelend with his parents,'r. and Mrs Har m. at St. Mary's Parish Hall. Partici of Cpltpn, WVash.

ry Egland, Sr.. ~~j The nevvvly,veda are at home atGeorge Scharnhorst see Livestock, Happy Valley and C:ov- I Colton, following a honeymoon in

mere sunday dinner yiests of their son, erette 4.H Clubs. !British Columbia, Canada. He isEarl Lackey and fanuly in Moscotv and Latah County agenfs Gordon Dailey einployed at Dumas Seed Companyaisp called on Mrs. Dave Garrett in and J~ Aude~ n M~~'R 1n Moscow. He is tL graduate of Gon-the evening, be present and hand out awards earned zaga University In Spokmte, ~as)t,

Tuesday evenhg dinner guests of bY members on their projects She is epnployeti at the University ofMr. Qnd hfrs. Paul Parks were their past year. Idaho in Moscow. She is a gmdu-

Mr and Mrs Ed Jutte Mr QQd Mrs~ I971 CONSOLIDATED FUND DRIVE ate of Carroll College In Hel en

Montana, and attended graduate

V la Scharnhp t d Genesee The 1971 Consolidated Futtd school at VfashinEton State Untver-e, rs.. io rs an sity in Pullman.

Mr. Qnd Mrs. Clinton Lyons and family Drive for the Genesee area will start

from Moscow. November 1st, it mas annourced this The Rev. Fr, Edward Cope

. Bill Morscheck soent Inst week end week by ¹s.Wm. Pharw chaIrman., offlcfated during the nuPtial mns-

with his parents Mr and Mrs. Fred Volunteers, assigned to various sec- «uble-ring ceremony in Q floral set-

Morscheck. He is stationed at the Naval tions in the local area, will begin their ting of white glttdiolas Qnd pink

Air Corps Base at Iangh~le, Texas. house-to-house and individual collections chrysmtth<tttums.

Mrs. Doily Gehrke and Mrs. GIadys in an appeal to help raise money for Tine bride wore Q white peaud'soft'ibe:g

spent the weekend in Spokane,'everal local and general organizations. j gown with seed pearls. SLe also

Gisdys visited with Mr. nnd Mrs. Les. Vtv's y ar'c goal ha'een set forj

wore an anttaoe brooch ii.h!ch i.."!ter Wold and Dolly was a guest pf Mr. $3,000. So when a volunteer knocks on, belonged to her maternal great-

and Mrs, Vernon Anderson. lyour door, please give, and give gener->grandmother. She carried Q white

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Moersch of Reno, touslyl rosary which vras a gift from the

have been houseguests the past week of j¹.and Mrs. To Boyd, M. d IterInan - Royer Neddinl) VoeS Said Sept. 24Mrs. Dick Scharnhorst. Miss LouiseStruchen, Miss Linda Fuhrman„and i tttetdd r

Bob and Jim Scharnhorst were Friday Ievening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1 ttel

.'aleighHampton in Clarkston. Later I jthey all attended the Shrine Benefit I

. football game hetman Itic U. of I. fresh-,: m',I IH~ „',",,:.'ddt'+@>",.'en

and W. S. U. freshmen. Bruce [

Scharnhorst and Ron- Noser are both '.,-~'+"members of the U. of I. fresh team i;'Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.tj

Gmyn Anderson mere Mr. and !Mrs. t'


Ralph Moore and Kyle Anderson from t

Lewiston;„Mr. and Mrs. Russen Artrey and

daughters of Wenatchee were Saturdayovermght guests of Mr. end Mrs. Walter I


Mr.-and Mrs.'. G. Kuehl rehirttedSunday from Twin Falls where they,visited Mrs. tKuehl's brother-In-Iatw andsister, Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Price.

M'r . and Mrs. Ed Morken Jr., andNartette, Mrs. Morken's parents,


Mrs. John Treu fiom Studiey,,KQQ- yacc

sas and C. C. Stout were Wedttesdayevening dinner guests pf Mr. and Mrs. t

Ray Stout and boys.Lester Diehl, Danny and Jeff, and !

Ray Sfxtut, Ralph and Datvid spentweekend in the Salmon country bunting.


Lucille Noser and Bud Schar-bach visited Sunday afternoon a'nd eve- Mss Connie Marie Herman, daughter turquoise knit suit with matching accee.-

ning mith Mr. and ¹s.Oscar Heitstu- pf Mr and Mrs. Robert Herman, of sories. They both mare corsages of

man in Cpltpn. On Monday Mrs Mps- G»a)csee, and Richard Keith Rpyer, white gardenias with baby pink roses

er visited her spn-h-Iaw and daughter, son pf Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Royer, of Folfowinq the ceremony, a reception

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bsrbee and famoy Leshe, exchanged wedding vows Fri- was held in the church parlors, where

in Pullman. day, September 24th at 7 o'lock in the the hrMe and groom cut-the traditionalevening at St. JYm's Lutheran church. first piece of cake. The beautiful tbree-

DONKEY BASKETBALL The Rev. Christian S. Oswood pfficiat-. tiered cake was then served by Mrs.mfit ed at the double ring ceremony, attend- Robert Wieber, godmother of the bride,

a Donkey Basketball gamne pn ed by close relatives of the bride and assisted by Mr@ Ivan Evettes. Both

Wednesday, November 3 with proceeds groom; The altar mas flanked by pink are from Spokane and also aunts of the

to go into the Firemen Memorial fund. giadiph and mh mum baskets. Mrs. bride. Mrs. Glenn Herman, ~,Watch next week's paper for further Leon Daiieispn was organist and ac- aunt of the bride, served coffee antI

details. companied a wedding prayer read by Miss Debra Wieber, Spokane, cousin ofMiss Sheri Herman. the bride, served punch.

The bride, given in marriage by her After opening and displaying thehe.~ father, was lovely in a floor-length gown many beautiful gifts, the bride ancl~~

~of pale pink organza with a pink chiffon .groom were showered with rice as theyoverlay. The gown, styled with an em- left for a honeymoon h Canada.II4Ine tP04eeIn ~ ~ pire waistline accented by white em- The new Mrs. Royer chose for he'i

broidered flowers, 'had a standup collar I gofngwway outfit a black and whiteand long puffed chiffon sleeves.. The tweed matching pants and vest with redshoulder-length veil was of soft pink net blouse and shoes, and more a corsage

For something new and different just with a pink petal headpiece. The bride's of baby white carnations.try one or all of these recipes brought bouquet was of white baby carnations. Connie is a 1970 graduate of Geneseein Tuesday by Mrs. Janet Nail. Janet Miss Sheri Herman, sister of the bride High School and Is currently attendingnot only collects recipes, but tries out was maid of honor. She wore a street- the University of Idaho.most of the ones she collects. She length dress made pf lime green crepe . Rick graduated horn Butte Highbakes and decorates beautiful cakes and carried a single long-stemmed pink School mfth the class of 1969.- He is


cMdren's birthday parties. rose. sp attending the U. of I. where he is aGary Jensen, of Moore, and a long- jtmior majoring in animal science,

EASY NONBOOK DIVINITY time friend pf the groom, was best man. 'Fpiipwln)tI a short honeymoon tp RadThe bride's mother chose a light kun Hot Sprhigs, British Columbia, the

green knit suit with black 'accessories, newlyweds are now at home at Palouse

I/3 cup cora syrup and the bridegroom's mother chose a Hills Trailer Court in Moscow.

1 teaspoon vanillaI/2 cup boiling water CIVIC CLUB TO MEET OCr. 28 C. 9. A. NEWS

on low speed mix in one pound powder- ~;~r~~<' ~ A ax' D. A. met Wed., Oct. 13 at 8 p. m, ated sllgal'. h ~b,h,ldat7 P~h Kdl. Ms Dp Liam

Dtep by teaspoonsful on wax paper Sh; H~ ~ ~e Smith vtdiisided over the business meeting.

and allow to dty, turmng once. ~ on th h. »~

tp th FHA cpm~ Mrs. Don Seeker and Mrs. Raylene12 hours or overnight to dry. tim h IQ m Catty ~ J~. -ShW Keeper showed an Interesting film

%91 aisp review her recent visit to theHOT SPICED CIDER ~ive ~ m . g M Morscheck served refreshmentL The

Mrs. James Busch and Mrs. Fred

beld «. >10 in W~t~n, D. C. next meeting vvill be Oct 27 at 84 cups cider2 teaspoons cinnamon ATTEND TRUSTEES ifea-Q'rttfG4 slices of orange Genean. Mr. Wayne Hafnpton and KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM

Heat cider, adding chmtmon and juice Mr.. Marion Hoiben attended the D s MOTHERS ATTENTION!of orange slices. trict II Trustee's meeting in PoOatch

Mrs. Nail says tMs makes a delicious with Superintendent Diehl. '1%e meet- Genesee-Mothers interesfed in aQftet'-school drink on these cool days. ing m'as held to elect officers foi'he kindergarten program are invited to


coming year, and to gp over resolutions attend a meeting at 2 p. m. Thursday,Use 9x13 inch pan. that mill be presented at the State October 21, in7)e Multi Purpose roomDo Not Grease... ~'s meeting in Twin Falls Npvem of the school.

Duinp 1 cup pie chernes (or pie fill- ber 34th.ing), 1 can pineapples (crushed, med- COMING EVENTS:Ium-sized can). Mix sligly. Add 1 TIIANK YOUcake mix, dry yellow or white. Spread My sincere thar's and appreciation tp Potlatch here Friday, 7:30 p. m.evenly. Slice 1 cube of butter and the Genesee Urdon fpr sing my HomecomIng tDQQcc after git~».,soatt.r over top. Bake 350 degrees fat Iantb at the Lafah County Fair. Ocf. 29; Kendrick Here. 7:30 p. m,for about 40 minutes, Steeve Edwards and of 1st nine weeks.

'Leliietunaiev.- Bftiffeil Hep





Lewis(On, !dab@

Naauosss Co,



Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nebelsieck ofColtpn are the parents of a son bornMonday, Oct. Itl, weight 7 lbs., 'W» pz,The name Chris Alan has been chosen.He johs two sisters, Terri Ann andCheryl and a brother David,

Grandparenfs are hk. and Mrs. JackNebeLvieck and Mrs. Jeannlo Marineof 'Colton.

lllfBKAT'e" "eehei ------- ------- BI 85

BATB, per ten, ..........,., B(IBB


Genesee-Leaders and assfstattts Qreneeded for Slue Bird groups (2nd Qvtd

3rd grades) and a Camp Fire group (at4th grade level). Anyone interested inaafistlf)g in this wprtbwle project, areasked tp contact Mrs. Wayne Roach Qt286-3216, Getlesoc.

Advertising pays —try it and eeei



Sl ~ l 2~ v ca I 'p m a e9 SALAD LUftfCHEOhf I New britlpe shouidi fili out Q t.s~IllS OoleNll)X~ le C .,tlsf I+jjes 'pf tiio Ctcltcseo t obtnfttwl Qt theiii post,office,

~ 1 .1 !~,, ','( ' 'h h VYptttpn S Itneiipu Cftnnge tjlpfl llai11CQ 'n tf!)ltt

Q salad ttttpttrlty re

r. 1vere e,'ectt)d conchsir Advertising paya trY R and eeei

tlL) ei I i k".,'.;.„'"w','. 'i inca .,; ~

I Qtof the group for thp comincn Y

*5.'! ,'-""'-:: ":„::":* .; 'A"Bible pfudy group wj" j "">M

.'a'e'etinj, held in IIIe Itottie

I,F;',-,";,",,: - '. Peter IJttruh pn Thursiay. Qcf. 3hl Q „Gteeii1966 Ford V4 Custom 600 Qrt

2'00 p''frs Elvoii Hsmpfttn mIII sedatt 362 ekjp jnch Clean ~ t

httve fbe November 16th meeting Qt hert put Good Year-Ppg QIQsv

iii rear. Noiv nndAors. Cone







CARD OF TIIANKS fraus. Itsdlp. Powctr steering,.geaf.

sincere .,thanks fo friend)s QQ'I! cr, Clock.

"'g,~ for the beautiful cardh food, Phone 286-33411 Geneeee

fl in uiries QQd visi ex

me while I was in the hospital Qtxd



Ntur~ h~ Th~ ma!1Y kitt ilk'5-I I

Qd thoughtfulness were greatly p-

pre;lated Qnd have, meant l


p+Genesee —The Happy Valley Club mii:I

of Mrs. Eimer Krier. A g, e~ mee Tuesday, Ocf. 26 Qf 2 p. m. in fh

1-'ttendance is desired. ~so ww ww co!away wsw~~~i »r

Th U. of I, Freshman team w'll IIIQY

Treasure Valley Junior Coi~ge tt1 1 rt i I!y, Oct, 22 at 1."30 p, m. Qt Mo cow,

tive fpr Qaritttttgho~ hf+~ I


MARY'S CATIIOLIC CIIURCH jincite Qnd markthw,< are pi tb'r. Ed, Cope, fineet gratnitd»nchfding

Phone: SM~I Rack pf Agee tetpeLee. 8atiiifaoEffective October 3: ~g~~2 ~

grpoin, JOE ILfLLAFUSMrs. John Meyer of Uniontown, j 8 fu~ Mess:

, 'tvn., mas'atron of honor. Brides-! 7.30 p IdeoeI Rey Ph AT 5-8514sI





~ r~II









pa ~








~I ~






~~~~~~ ~

























~~ ~



~~ 1








maids, nieces. of the groom, were! Confessions; Safurtlay-Miss Christi Bailey of Moscow and) 4,30 to 600 7:60 p, m, I

Miss Shari Sacr of Lake Oswego,t


u Druffel of Colton served as pastor Christian Osw

!Lloyd Klemtn of Gettesee, Q

cousin of- the bride. Qnd Tom DrufI 1Voahtp S e'ice: 10:30 Q, in.

!!el of Coltpn, a brother pf the groom.! AII Qmv wars fo the cemmunit are

cot extend~ Q cordial invitation tp uffc~of Gencsee, Qnd the organ was pftty- j ~ or RI of our splices,'d by hflss Karen Broemeilng of! ~ GENESEE VALLEYOlympia, IVQsh. Worship Servic~: 9:60 Q. m,

The reception follo1tred the cetic 'unday Scl opi 10 60 Q tn

t mony at the St. Mary's Parish Httll,

! Assisting Qt the recePtion were 51."s, GENESEE COijbIUNITY CHU11CH

,'arie Brpemeling, Gencsee; Mrs. Rcv. Peter Uttruhi John Klemm, Gencsec; Mrs, Ted! Phone; 28$ 3691'Bailey, Moscow; Mrs. James Bather,

~ Sunday School: 9:45 Q, tn.i Lake Osttvego, Ore.; Mrs. Bpb Dtuf-! Worship Service: 11:00 Q. tn.

!fel, Colton; hirtt. Tom Druffel, Col-t

,ton; Mrs. Ron Druffel, Colton; Mre. RFDIEtWBKR TO CAI.I.

; Mike Mattdick, Coitott; hi}ss Dprntfty i If you are going io bc +Bautttgartner, Genesee; Miss Vicki work for 12 months or ldyttgt t, tfuc tii

. Druffel, Colton, and hfiss Jmtic Sit-,! 11111css or injury, call Your Sects) '',

ther, Lake Oswego, Oregon. Diol SMerWCed 3 65411 'on


aenesee Cchs Visit Fire Station

J, I

Otic Ifu»hxwittttuin fp another: "Rcece-tilde» dtyo'I bother nut. I was a faibireduring the btxnn,"


Once uptyn a time there wint a mfnittfcr

j It"; '";I'. 'I 'bo Qlwnytt carcftttffy wrolie hfe tttcfmpa

"i "~)j:„"+!:.:-;"-;::"'-,''.-t cio'-"+d) 'ag t7aj'i;,';: "' st:: '.1 fhea Qe ~~Y ae pdttstubjie ~ad,"the ttermtttn fp ffte ftdock word by wor»L'ne Sunday e rttfechicv!pus choir mern

,ber ren»4)cd ouf and ttf»6e one of fbct

sheets of the sermon Qs he peated byIto the choir area.

The sermon wns Inogreelng very weIItiwhen the preacher came fo the boffin

II I, read again, "Adam enid tp Eve ...-


I -.: -,::.-.t,other potete «s he ktpketd Qi the fop ef

fhe next ebceL Once more be wenthock io the original sheet "Adam attN


fo be fpki rm burning the candle Qt

both entL said the Nmrpcker tp hisdoctor. "I came fpr mere waxI"

of Pack 312 visited the Genesee Fire VETERANS 9AY DINNERStation Wednesday afternoon of last I Genesee Bieienber ~I A

When Yea Tbkek «< INSURANCweek. Chet Green, Genesee Fire ~

lean Legion Post Qnd L»teipn A~I > (er Invedvfiaeafa) Titlztk ef Den I

Chi efr Wae On hand tO ShOVr the beyS!

td III lipid their QQQQQI '1tfeterane DQY Reptreeenttefle+ efall the equipmcnt and explain its dinner Oct 24th Qt Carters af 700 p qURPHEY plAVRE INCuse. The boys enjoyed trying on the, m, Girls State delegates and defctttdtcshelmets and blowing the sirens. TheY'to Boys State mIII be tNest spesffertt. I Fv Qeven got Q chance tp see how thfngtt Commnntfer Wm. ShTrjey said th,


Frenklln Life Imureme ~Plooked behind the bars of the city week that any interested persons mny

First row: Walt Meden, Johnny aer will tw dt.td, I ~PfBurnett, Todd Jenkins, Jeff Keeper,Galen Quaiey., ABOUT MEDICARE AGEHCY,

Second row; Howard Scharnborst,j

Nearing 66 years of Qgov Cttil yptpr Ifflce Ph. AT 5-8181 Res AT 5.21'>.Tony Flpditt, Steve Haxton, Steve, social securit office to find out afiGrinolds, Jon Rpwiey, Mike Kasper,! about Mcdlcttro.Gordon Scharnhorst.

Third rpw: Kim Borgen, Bill LQ-,Rue, Kevin Glebd, Louis Ferrcra.

GENESEE HOMECOMING CO-OPGenesee-Gcnesee's 1971 I'fome Com- 'HONIB U8

Ing will take, place October 22, 1971 at!7;30 p. m. at the Ge))csee football field,! MAIN OFFICIB kThe Bugdogs will be playing the Pof-i Ivt)ED MILL


latch Loggers, There will be an cxcit '85.2541ing halftime with the drill team march- I

LUMBER 8» Og.dates mfil be seen. This year's csndi- 285-8201dates are, senior: Marietta Gricser;,junior, Karla Spence; sophomore, Nikki! SEED PLANTWood; 'reshman, Debbie Peterson. 285-3171

Master pf ceremonies Bill Mayer will G E N E S E E I 9 A IIcrown the new queen.S E E, I 9 A II O 88832

After the game, all alumni are invitedto'ennetts for refreshments.

A dance follows at the school. Hopeip see you there!

Page 5: f „„>t I pjh'he,ff~~i g) „' ~~ b'-jkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971...Oct 21, 1971  · white doves nest}ed. I District and student)3ady autdft re-l stopped 8
Page 6: f „„>t I pjh'he,ff~~i g) „' ~~ b'-jkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971...Oct 21, 1971  · white doves nest}ed. I District and student)3ady autdft re-l stopped 8

Tag ahmraLa. - NEVPS, TERJRBDAY, OCTOBER Ql, 18)l1

You spend a Iotof time andmoneyto work the soil, plant and fertilize thewheat, andmaintain your equipmentYou get a good year with near perfectweather for good growth. Infact,everything is right.

Exceptyour herbicide.Soyour fields end up looking like

our picture: filled with too many weedsandnot enough wheat When all alongyou could be using a more effective, moreselective, more profitable herbicide.

Like Buctrif.Buctril is more effective because it

kills a broader range of broadleaf weeds.Including the six specmcweeds thatarethe biggest problem for wheatfarmers here in the Northwest YVhich

meansyoukill Tarweed and Gromwelland Henbit and Dogfennel andCrowfoot. What's more, you don' leavePurple Mustard or anyof the mustardfamily around to rob your wheat ofmoisture and nutrients like one leadingherbicide does.

Buctril is more selective becauseitdoesn't get rid of the wheat while it's

getting rid of the weeds. It won't damagethe crops or carry over in the soil likeanother leading herbicide.

Which is what makes Buctril moreprofitable. Because itbrings you a higheyield. Abetter grade. Andmore money.It' as simple as that.

All you do is apply Buctril post-emergence. The earlier the better after

yourcrop nas reached the 3-ieafstage.Then sit back and watch the wheatgrow. Nice and healthy. Weed free.

What it adds up to is this: You only

pay %3,01 an acre for Buctril. To getridof all the broadleaf weeds. Tobe kind toall the wheat. To bring in abetter grade.And to get up to12to 20 bushels moreper acre.Whichis a pretty goodinvestment for the rightherbicide.

Just as our Bronate is the perfectherbicide for winter and spring, BuctNisthe perfectone for fall. Because there isno herbicide for fall use that is so effectiveand selective yet so inexpensive,

Slime nl ~

Newant to I QyouselIIIOM WhML


<') I &~i)+,-" ' ~+.

jI,'P5 —.



i'; ~r, -'P<P



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.t 4'I [~ I li iInIa sybilIll I !IR



i!N'ttkkPil%klikk'li> ii~5iÃtifili illlm it'll!i@i%I'/ii'ill Nm"i8(i'i@k%9" i5/Xm

Page 7: f „„>t I pjh'he,ff~~i g) „' ~~ b'-jkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971...Oct 21, 1971  · white doves nest}ed. I District and student)3ady autdft re-l stopped 8

y~eu ayIt tait onoama ta I Aysr's Kashlal'llirliaisUpland game hire hunters and their

dogs will learn for themselves what kindof a phunsnirt seasurr Idaho wiU havesouth rd the Salmon Rver, berdnning,Satunhy October 33rd, tnooIrr, ttIe Fish i

rrrrd Came Depnrimenf announced to&yFiuid:reports from doi>artmr."nt work-

ers indicatu ihn1 tho season tlrjs errI wiH he average or better. Closing~i rlnies 1fl southwestr'.rir idaho will be De-- — i cnnrbr;r 5 in tho AiccirU, Wr.sterr>, and

——;Magic Vaacy Itegiuns; November SI inI

Il,i the Salmon and IJIrpnr Snake Regions,,

and November 28 in the Eastern Region. I

The hag limit wiU be four rxcks ex- '

capt November 37 ihraur1'jr December,5 ui iho Wcstur7r and Magic Valley Be-

, giuns when the bag iindi slrraU be four; pheasnnts, one of which may be a hen.

in the couniics of B.ngham, Power and; Bnrrnock, bag imit rdraII 4! four sxscksexcept November 20 through November

:28 when the bag limit shaU be four 1

. pheasants, one of which mny be a ben. 1

Itlate Bcgulatiuns: Salmon and Upper I'Snake ~ close pheasant season'November 31; counties of Qingham, I

'ower Bannock Varihou One4ks, andFranldin chare the season November 30.

Pheasant season in norihern Mateeyed Oct. 9 and continues 'bbtrrugh

ember 14, vr4tb a bag limit of twococks. Since hunting succeu is based

I largely on hatchery-ressed birds, tids'. yesrr's experience in the Clearwater andi~ Panhandle regions cannot be compared'ith southern Maho, a%ere naturiitprodrrctlon hr tbe field is tII controQinllfaCtnr determining gand Of bad patricia Ayers daughter of Mr*

I and Mrs Lestda Ayers of LewistonPherrsarrta are ranked as the most waa married Sept. 1.8, 19?1, to Roger

papular upland game birds in Idaho's D. Kechtor, at St. Stanislaus Catho-wkie assortment of rspocles, both native Bc Churcir in Lewlston. He is rL aonand naturaliserL IncBu5ag three kinds of Mr, and Mrs. Dan Kechter ofof quaU, two species of partridge 3 Southwic'.;.forest strouso, sage and sbardtaU grouseand Merriam's vr4M turkeys. Cbukar After honeymooning in Canada,partridge casUy ranks second hs pop.r the newlyweds are at home at 121

r uhsrity, IBitown Ave., Apt., 2, Orofino. He isaccent ~t mercury contamirN-" employed by the Idaho Public Lands

,tion leds were found to be negative11department.and hunters this scasarr can eat the birds;

1{hrrry shoat without fretting about con-) The Rev. William Eliiott afficiat-smimNjon.


ed when the couple recited nurrriagcvow> in a setting of lavender chry-

'anthemums and white gladioli. At.-I tending the bride were Tamara Aak- r

LNK NIKATIor. maid of honor, and bridesmaids




IS NOW NAILASLK FSOI IILTratecl FOF Snlltk «nd Nlr frlrIorlll Contfol ( ton. Assisting were Mrs. Irfaron .

Deeaton of Moscow, an aunt of the

IKO. F. SIOIE 5 SONS, Ioe.Kendrick, Idaho P}lne 289%23i fi":, aII of Lewiston; Mrs. vvllliam

Fcv of Julinet ta, and Miss PaulaSchmidt of Culdeaac. ]

The bride waa graduated in 1969

g saw —-g~MrY4%r~y~ii~





e l


Staarm e re a ctree

=,.INr'%Il'/I]'' I

tm~l ee ~

~ .'l , I


kX4 .LIra aamltrQfa

Lutharass Brotherhood, one otthe ssatiau'a bradtnauranca or»ganisratioa'a offersL Sound life insurance aev-Issga, f,Check or low net cost).L lgssvtgage clearance money,L lrfoney for education.4. Retirement money,5. Caah to aattla estate.O, Insurance for women.7, Nhrnerganucy funda,L Naabiiity Income protectionO. Xxrauranca for chIMrarn,

QQMN at only S9 par year)$0. Studanta, hgaa 10 to 35,

$10,000-only S40,00 par yr.RQSNIRT E l4LUFIrtfhw

XS119 NL SgnrL Viy. h. 4M38- Spokane, Vfaahtngton

Saxvtug this area now 9 yaara



frtom Lewlstan High School. Shewas employed as a lega1 secretaryby the Credit Adjustment Agency atLow istan.

The bridegroom was graduated in1967 from Kendrick High School, andln 1971 from the Leu&~k StateCollege.

~A ~-a m ', 5RII Ngs

l Pl=aV1'$ $ I~a


SaIsraalxsll Salrlo 1SIh mat rear. Alter ccarreetoa for rtacaeaolcttm coact he certaaaa atriymmito toed purchasing power of the douar, real foreign corrntrlca.income In project at 3 percent abovethat of 1970. oker producbon for III fisrst rsbt

Personal income through July in theGem rdatn is es0mated at 74 per cent RM ~e, ~ 6above a year aga, slightly above thenational average of 6JI percent. In-~comes during July were handicapped byboth the copper and railroad strikeswhich slowed down production and em- ~Ployment because many goods could First'oi be shipped. ment in Mabo during August was 308,

tvages and salaries are expected to IO0 an mcrtotal $1.5 biiUon for an increase of 397 over a year ago. Empioyrrnent Ia yataas

mUUon over that of last year'. Income culture declirxwI'sfrom this source represents nearly 60 aUypercent of total personal hrcome In~ by over 6,400,

Net farur income, according to IheNews Letter is estimated at about $345 I Employment during August waa aa.rnUlion, about the same as in each of the Itimaied at IS,400, an hscrease of 3,400past two years. Proprietors income I from Inst year. Tbe percentage of theat SI85 miUion should increase about I labor force unemployed was at 5.733 mUlion, while property income is up cent, an increase of a fullalmost 329, mIUion. pourt from one year ago.

Cadi receipts Arom farrinng m the Total s&astsuction In the Iaeahi~ ststate may be slightly kswer than in 1970 ies totaled 975.5 mUUou in the first SightThe price outlook for potatoes has im- months of the year an sucretrsse of IOJ)proved slightly; with producoon of the percent from last yore. Total ooa-faII crop about the rsame as one year struction vmst~rim as sbowss. by cqn-ago. Per capita consumI@on of fros tracts awarded amorsnted to S105 gn5-en potato. fwndrtrcts continues to Incn@sse lion, 35 peeent bdow 1970.and wQI ~-for up to '75 peroart %herl fauduction for tbe fhnst aevtanof Maho's potato crop. prorltM4sen

Wheat productiwr is above that of uf goM was osnsideiiably Mew the afbsat year and prices are approximately a -year ago, while .&vtsr output waathe same. 'He dock strike on the Pu approximately fbe .Nsme.

.o m .o~to m'~m & 'w m m mw& o % o ~' 'IF'm m o o Wm Fm && & %v 'w m '%r o m wm v m % m '%m m w&'w&'w~+]


FIRST SECURrrV NEWS LETTER CLOSE-OUTMlles 8"-piness IltohFair Te Geol ON


in Maho by the end of the 0third quarthr was rated fair to goodi+compared tAA~ pr'rvious months and'~+the ccorromic climate one year ago. I+

llrjs is the repoitt of the First Secur-I +rty Bank News Lett:r being distributed'a,this week it was asurounced by Wm. IfPbar nnd James Haogand, managers of '++the First Security Banks in Genesee and f,Kendrick.

Ircreases in production, emp~personal 'n'come and bade are equal;+

sUghtlv higher than the natiorsrsl 1

average, Vh.re has been a substantialI0

increase in housing corstructkrn aud r fthe out~a for the fourth quarter for I r

Kenihick Variety Storet" 'mI ai a'.a am~ca m m~~~ m t rr™trrtck,zdebo Phone 289-5921t!Or mi!iioa or'r Orreeat orer amt re-~tported y iei Ioa=teo. of Caeee aopi~ ara oy-m.m.m.~ ~ ~~ m.m m.m.» o.a m m m m m m mm m m m m m mmmm m m m m m o m m m.m «m.

Fw'%0%' ~ -o-e'orner%>-o-o



Laud Bank loan can be prepaid- wholly or in partusing funds from any source. No penalty is ever chargoL

Ne help you build bridges —not burn them. Protecting

your options through prepayment prlvuege is an imper

tant part of our service

Come m. Let us tell you about rt.



110 Esat gnd St.MOSCO%', IDAHO

Lutherans: Who will getthe farm if something




for 1 year

'r;::g1ar ~

for 2 years

Start with as little as $500 —or as n1ucll Il'lore as you wish-in

savings certificates of deposit, For individuals, Rates shown are per

annum. Interest is paid every 3 months from day of deposit.


rtorap-.:—='ro, -.,'.:.,'rtw: 'ei

m aeaeeegoiomroewloeoeea reemaam aeeaom

Molltber FirattSeeuI'Ity Corporation Syaltem of Banks

RESOURCES OVER ONE BILLION DOLLARSItrtttt aeurny Bank o(Utart, Haudtttttl Aaata'larldrtt Rrnt sacttrrry state Bank tet spyrytrrarlla, Utah

f:)gg Saattrrryy Qtthk tr Itrarttt, Nauotyal hstrtat<autrtt First Sennlry Ltattk td Rock Siyrlttsa, SVyottsng

Plrar Sacurlry'tate i)ank

Marnbara I'atlrral Drat»rr lrtsuratraa Cttryeyrarktn



809 Cedar, LewlatenPhone SH3-3,84R

Page 8: f „„>t I pjh'he,ff~~i g) „' ~~ b'-jkhf.info/Kendrick - 1971 - The Gazette News/1971...Oct 21, 1971  · white doves nest}ed. I District and student)3ady autdft re-l stopped 8


What faritt,ebs need now, ha said,is 'e'gislation 'o'. prevent handlers,processors,'ntagrators, and other bigcorporate buyers from producing

!their own agricultural commoditiesto,.escape collective bargaining with

i farmers.

!"A move is undertvay by big busi-

ness to take over American agrlcul-I ture and turn our farms into the'bottom rung of a giant ladder-likecorporate system that plants, har-vesta, processes and retails all thenation's foods," Peters said.

"The legislation wa sask wouldcurb this cotyorate grab for powerln agriculture and help tha peopleof N, F. O. maintain private farmownership and our free enterprisesystem."

Gordon said N. F. O. has develop-ed a nation-wide collective, dispatchand deltvery system during 1O yearsof collacttve bargaining under thepresent law. The organization, hesaid, has negotiated more than S,OOO

contracts so far this year with everytypo,.of. buyer of ttgrtcuttuXat com-modities." .

"Supply contracti have haen ne-gotiated'with several hundred yack-

ers, grain dealers, millars, soybeanyroceaoors, poultry inta rators, po-tato processors and fore gn buyers,"he said,

"Wa have learned enough in test-ing collycttva bargaining techniquesto ba convinced that, the N. F, 0,ts the farmers'nly hope. for gettingPrices that return cost of productionPlus a reasonable profit"ROVED Y'S

Fountain c, LunchIf you have social security bttst-

ness, you do not have to drive to the


office. Just call 744-2333, Lewis-



Double Elimination —8:00 p. m. —Ttvo Tables

Formerly —Country Kitchen

Marion Sa Ellen Rowden

V ' V



SWISS STEAK, For Appointments. fall —289-4027

za a~ nrW-:Kendrick, idaho

- 90 to.5AS . . . Tuesdays thru Saturdays

OPKN 7 DAYS A mKKXTed and Jean Fejr





A practical demonstration of antiquing techniques and

furnture refinhhing with displays of completed projects.N


Please Register In Advance For

FRKK ANTIQUK KITTo Be Glvext Away At The Doox.



~Ye+t X X X X x X X XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXx X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X3


:',,i t; ', DEPENDABLE




Whether.you are looking for strong clothes for Hunting,

Logging, Farming-or Mill Work you can count on us

for top quality at a competitive price —Come and See ! 7:30 P. N.

RUBBER R LFATHER BOOTSTough, Dependable Footwear for Men and Boys.

0:C erneSS .)est. SterePhone 289-5791 ',Kendrick, id


And we'e been getting in a good selection of

Trick or Treat Candies ~ .See Them Now


PANCAKE RIIX, —------------ 2 lhe. SCt!



...If You Aren't I'IeIIarelI For II t t

Local Happenings Peters Tello of Aitne

ln Kendiiejt Area"Gordon Peters, President of the

] Nes Parce,County N. F. O,. said

Lynne Cuddy of Pullman.,wan a'oday that farm bsrgatrdng bills be-

week-and guest, of her grandparents, Ifore Congress . invite government

Mr, and Mrs. Dick Cuddy,' domination and regimentation, of

Kath,yeti i collective bargaining that would com-

Mont., arrived Wednesday evening ~

plicate efforts of farmers to bar-

!for s, visit with her brother and Rain for 'better prices without, ad-

stster-tn-trav, Mr. and Mrs, +, O. I ding anything whatever to farm

Kanikkeberg. ! bargaining rights undei tha Capper-

IFriday Mrs. Sue Craig joined I

volstead Act.

brothers Mark, Zeb and Jim Robesonl Involvtng the government in col-

and sister, Mrs, Madge Anderson Ilac tive bargaining is unnacessatV,

all of Letvtston, at the home of Mr' he said, and the bargaining bnls

Moscow I being pushed now tn Washington

where they helped their sister, Mrs ! should be killad.-

Evans, celebrate her bitthday anni (

"In the National Farmers Organt-

isation we are unwilling to accept

.Ron Craig and fam the idea that the government must,

ily of Lewtston were weekend guests take charge of collecttve bargain-

Suriday dinner guests of Mr and"The government has failed to

Mrs Wayne. Harris aend family were achieve fair prices nec~ to keeP

:Gerald Hax rts and family farmtng economically healthy,

family of Oroftno and Mr and Mrs and tt,witt continue to be subject

George .Brooke Jr ' ' — 'o the sanie processor and consumer

and political pressures that. have weak-

te..md,lucky moved G ~ --.~d 1t,t ~ibis for faCried'rice suypart programs.'

to Lewtston over.-the ~~nd. on,. p r

Mr md I .-, Dam-. Ct~m,-.,-and ers, .w@h:.the, Capper-Volstead ex-—

son Ray, 'visited;.,tn', Grangevme Sm. emption::now:- syattabte, to - do the '

'. day with'~per 'inether,-:-" Mrs;- ..C.:.J'..o.gott '~d.:b Ip

Peny-- Mrs. Perry=.:rattuinet'-,home,with them and.witt,be visiting herethis week '--' "- -'.-.;,.;.-'-,."„-:.','",:=...:MCRatt'''and.-theti son and famtly,


Mrt:and'; Mrs." .MItitntxtg'=,,'Onsto'tt. Mr." Oxtd Mrs. Joltn Fred McRae who

made a si'ght@aetng:titp"to the "D'ent have''recently returned from naval

:area,"Sunday. ?n'.the-event'xig".they duttes:ln Sptttn,;.They also called on

were guests of Mr.'rid Mrs..Lioyd iBu'eton Souders at St. Luke's Hos-

Schreffler of Deary. PitaL

Mr. arid Mrs. Laster ~cker, ac- Mr and Mrs. Max Dammarell,and

companied by Mls, Eu]a Mttter .s,t I family of Walla- Walla werewaek-'ended

a..dance concert at the'Uni end guests of his parents, Mr. tmtt

varsity bf Idaho, Friday evening Mrs. Ed. Dammarell. Debbte and

Granddaughter Debra Johnson was Ron Dammarell and Mr. and Mrs.

one of the parttctpants, Clinton Benedict and daughters, the

. Mr. and Mrs. James pearce of latter of Lewiston, joined the group

Wallace were callers in the Laster t for Sunday dinner.

Crocker home one day last week, Last week-end'r. and Mrs. Ed-

Mr. and Mrs. W, L, MCCreary gar . Dammarell traveled to Boise,

were Wednesday guests tn the Fred where they-were guests of their son

Richard home at Lewiston. iBil) and family.

Mr and Mrs Gus Blum of Pullman Miss Cynthia Osbo n, B.U.

were Sunday guests'of Mr. and Mrs. dent from SPokane, sPent the week-

George Brocke, Sr. end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Friday guests of Mr and Mrs.IMttfo'xt Os or-i Hm ld Otdemee were their daugh I

Mr. and Mrs, John WtL n were

ter,,Mrs. Richard phelps and tihttd Sunday +esto of their son Stan and

and M Bob Ron elle all of At S th

and Mrs Frank +brams and Extension Homemakers Council held

Faye Brocke visited with fri Friday at the Lapvrai Gr'ange Hall

ends at Priest River Sunday. ~ were Mrs. Robert Clemanhagen, Mrs.

Herman Schuyfer returned home a Clam Lyons, Mrs. Mildred SPlcer,

following surg Mrs Rtchar d Benjamin artd Mrs

ery at Grttman Memorial Hospital tn John,Wilson, Kendrick; Mrs. J™Moscow.

Browning, Mrs. Bruce Sherman and

Mrs D A. Chrtstensen,had themis Mrs. Rufus Fatrftetd, Juttaetta.

fortune to fracture a knee cap last,!Tuesday. Further details are lackingat this time.

CON%AY'8Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clemenhagan i


were Spokane visitors from FrtdayI RefrIgeratIOn SerVICe

unttt Monday. White there they vrere I g APPLIitfNCE REPAIRguests of her sons, the Lawrence and I

I Harold Wilson families. They visited I

t with Bob's sister, Mr. and Mrs. John ',








5:-'S'5 f;d'lf 'I I I I ~: I I 1%e ' E I Eaho,'uVCWILL S POOOLKS<


>$ 1 S Dark Aprtoot<

1|> Mate Pupptas<

t t 1 NO Tlrnn Lltnlf Ready To Qo



I I [ SC~I>Now Qrooxntttg For Dr. Rtlnet'si

ABRAIS HARD%ARK i ~~ ~o~.i~Kendrtck, Idaho 285-4051

PHHE 289-492'I Kendrick, Idaaio


3CC eixe tins, --------—------------ 5S


1 ¹ ox. jere, —:--------------—------ $$tl


14 ox. jor, -------.-----.------------ 25WINDEX WINDOW CLENNKR,

25 ox. holtle, --—------------.-----. 5'lg


14 ox. hollleo, ------.--,--.-.--.-.-'--4 for SI


N o 2 IO.t 5"'.'-~ tine, ----—---:--'---------.S/CCP


1C lh. hag, --------------- --".-—-- 585

SNO.ROY SEEDLESS GRAPES, ------ lb. 25tl

SIIO.ROY BANANAS, -----------—T lbs. O'I


II. L No. 1'e, ----------——-- 15 lbs. 55il

II:.eWett'S I~rOCery .7m.~el



Price Samples"

Shelf CasePrice Discount

STANDBY CORN, 808, ease g4 ...............$588..........$5.00

STANDBY GR. BEANS, 808, ease $4.......$6.60..........lII5$0

STANDBY PEAS, 808, ease 24, ................86............$5.55

STANDBY APPLESAUCE, 808, es 24......$5.64..........$5.00

CIDER, 4 gauon, .......................................%.86..........$400

:(encric.i "..'a~..e Su~i.y

JIM TRAYlS"Your Friendly Store"

Phone %9@741

Gotdex Grain Cottage Cheese ...........t'txt SOO

Slue Ribbon ice Cream„..................4 gal. 694

Fresh Roasted Peanuts, Unsalted, ........lb. 394

Salted lb. 48',~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ o ~ ~

Caramel Apples, ............2 for 29$II

Cold %cather ls the Time %hen You DriveNlth Nindows Rolled Up. A Faulty NuHIerCould Nake Your Car a Death Trap... NhyTake a ChanceV Stop ln This YIfIeek and l.et

Us Nake Certain Your Car or Truck isNINTKR SAFE I I

NuHlers'' Tall Pipes

Nlnd Shield Nlpers

, LightsCooling Systems


...the hest Ihei'e II

Coll 285.5T'll fer Cervine

. (encflck I>aralre I L, gc.'llNI'IUVKR I'HONK 31$-N-'iS,

Top Related