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  1. 1. Geo News Post-Split Programming FPC CONTENT & STRATEGY The Shape of Things to Come
  2. 2. Contents Disclaimers Happening/Tez Aspect Brand Key New Look Bulletins FPC Research Phase 1: Whats New? (Q1-Q3) The FPC Phase 2: The Road Ahead (Q3)
  3. 3. Target everyone, go everywhere, do everything Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander of WW2
  4. 4. Disclaimers Certain elements/content of this presentation are not for On Air Purposes. Censor content sensitivity will be taken care of before going on air. Standard voice over artist for both male and female will be used in all promotional vehicles 90% of the text/VO will be Urdu except English programming and tickers All IDs will have Geos family music on them All the colors are Geo family Graphical Elements for Bulletins will be more enhanced than the ones in this presentation
  5. 5. Tez and Happening News Happening/Taiz/Program Language News You Can Use. Lifestyle and Lite News elements will supplement the usually hard-core cadre of Hard News through an assorted line-up of lighter and Taiz news bulletins and programming. Hard News will not necessarily be negated, but instead strengthened by user-friendly and easy to get elements in inter and intra bulletin/program settings Tone and Content will thus be tuned to fit into a News You Can Use and Cool to Know categorization with appropriate SoundFX and GFX (e.g. Fact Supers, Stat Slides etc) backed by the appropriate stories (e.g. lifestyle, gadget tips for the upper SECs, health, safety, domestic tips for lower SECs e.g. how to use the web, how to finance a car etc.)
  6. 6. Brand Key Competitive Environment The market and alternative choices as seen by the consumer and the relative value the brand offers in that market All sources of information on happenings available to Pakistanis around the world. Beyond hard news - softer news, possibly segment based. E.g. all new channels focusing towards infusing a blend of hard facts mixed with light hearted information based segments. Daily Times phenomenon Factual content mixed with a magazine element that provides people with the latest on gossip and promotes the idea Cool to know and News you can use Sunday Magazine.
  7. 7. Brand Key Target The person and the situation for which the Brand is always the best choice, defined in terms of their attitudes and values, not just demographics Geo Strives to communicate with the aware and forward thinking middle class so that they realize the importance of staying informed and want to be the first to know. We must aim at targeting women, youth and children. Class + demographics We should still be able to stimulate audiences but also manage to tone down level of debate. E.g. opening an account with womens bank, useful tips etc. Because of GEO they will be the First to know.
  8. 8. Brand Key Insight That element of all you know about the target consumer and their needs upon which the Brand is founded I watch news to use for future, otherwise it is mundane and not compelling (Housewife, 32 yrs, Hyderabad) News is boring, too political, not useful, and monotonous, depressing and I hate the way its given to me (College student, 19 yrs, Govt. college Lahore) Language, presentation, look, inspirational, compelling etc. Our presenters need to be looked at as role models best examples of which are Indian Anchors trend setters. We need to target aspects that go beyond rich and famous Reduce the dose of politics.
  9. 9. Brand Key Benefits Differentiating functional and emotional benefits that motivate purchase Reinforce Geo brings faster first e.g. Elections Honest, unbiased real news more content on women and youth Additional No intellectual regurgitation Diverse opinions News You Can Use Interactivity with the medium and message Diverse content which will also appeal to youth and women
  10. 10. Brand Key Values & Personality The brand values what the brand stands for and believes in and/or its personality Forward looking Energetic Approachable Fresh & Colorful Optimistic Responsible Aware Aspiring Attitude Opinionated Aggressive If we were to apply all these characteristics to create a person, this individual would be someone who would not only be able to accompany you in your house but due to such a dynamic personality he would also blend in perfectly externally
  11. 11. Brand Key Reasons to Believe The proof we offer to substantiate the positioning Established credibility & reputation of delivering on promises. Discriminator The single most compelling and competitive reason for the target consumer to choose the brand Geo news keeps you abreast with all the latest in life. Discover the positive side of knowing whats happening.
  12. 12. Brand Key Essence The distillation of the brands genetic code into one clear thought Happening: Something that happens; an event or an occurrence; a performance or drama that develops spontaneously and involves audience participation Anything that is in, cool, active, current & worth discussing
  13. 13. New Look Bulletins New Geo News Bulletins 2 Categories of Geo News Bulletins Regular yet Enhanced Bulletins which are reinforced by content and reporting which is tuned for differing demographics and markets throughout the day, e.g. more Qaumi News in the afternoons Flavored Bulletins are actually dedicated to categorized news for distinct demographics and markets, e.g. Yeh Hai Pakistan (a daily bulletin from the androon-e-mulk), MetroLite News (a daily bulletin targeting the urban elite with lifestyle tips and city diaries) and Score! (a daily ESPN Sports Center type of sports show) Importantly, this Happening format is backed by appropriate and interactive GFX and SoundFX which increase the Taiz element reflective of Fox News. Language is also short, sharp and hard hitting, both informal and informative at the same time, colloquial yet composed to drive content Lets check out the Demo Bulletin
  14. 14. Bulletin Logic Time vs Data Sensitivity: All Bulletins generate and focus on pertinent news during a compatibly pertinent part of Geos 24 hr news day. Thus, news is not generalized and repetitive. Different Picks for Different Cliques: Bulletins are Heterogenous rather than Homogenous, generating audience specific data, for different audiences, at different timings, in different qualities and quantities. Fresh Air Factor: From the Anchor to the Packaging to the Branding, Bulletins will have a distinct, task- specific identity
  15. 15. But First A look at the Competition
  16. 16. ARYONE WORLD News at top of every hour with English news @ 18:00, 21:00 and 23:00 on week days with an added bulletin on Sundays @ 22:00. Thus, higher SECs are targeted on weekends and at strategic times in the evenings. FLAGSHIPS Views on News Talk Show with critical and in depth analysis of current events. Hosted by Shahid Masood, scoping from the religious to the political to the social, features beepers. Sometimes, he even carries the show alone by doing an OC/VO Timings: Week Days 21:30 to 23:00, Repeat Telecast: 06:30 to 08:00 Ratings: Urban sat; 0.39, Male Urban; 0.31, Female Sat; 048 Q&A with PJ Mir Political Talk Show, usually bilingual, usually focuses on 1 guest. Does not have a stationary studio but travels. Timings: Thursday, Saturday 20:30 to 21:00, Tuesday 20:00 to 20:30 Ratings: Urban sat; 0.15, Male Urban; 0.2, Female Sat; 0.1
  17. 17. ARYONE WORLD TALK SHOWS Katehra 1+1 format, Host Moin Akhter prosecutes the Guest like a lawyer, inspired from Zee TVs App ki Adalat Ratings: Urban sat; 0.18, Male Urban; 0.25, Female Sat; 0.11 Timings: Saturday 21:30 to 22:00, Sun, Mon 06:30 to 07:00 International Question (IQ) w/ RIZ KHAN A traveling 1+1 or 1+2 interview format, ranges from the political to the social, English based. Has focused on higher SECs with its guest linep. Ratings: Urban sat; 0.45, Male Urban; 0.6, Female Sat; 0.29 Timings: Sunday 16:30 to 17:00, Monday 20:00 to 20:30 Qanoon Sab Key Liyey A 1+2, 1+3 talk show where legal problems are discussed and solutions given by experts. Features usually bland discussions of current cases. Ratings: Urban sat; 0.06, Male Urban; 0.12, Female Sat; 0. Timings: Saturday, Sunday 18:30 to 19:00
  18. 18. ARYONE WORLD Good Health 1+1 in depth interview with a medical expert. Ratings: Urban sat; 0.2, Male Urban; 0.08, Female Sat; 0.31 Timings: Friday 18:30 to 19:00 App Hum Aur App The ARY equivalent of 50 Minute Ratings: Urban sat; 0.39, Male Urban; 0.73, Female Sat; 0.05 Timings: Friday 19:30 to 20:00. South Asia in 30 Minutes Special Reports and Beepers from a newsroom setting concentrating on S. Asian affairs Ratings: Urban sat; 0.16, Male Urban; 0.1, Female Sat; 0.21 Timings: Wednesday18:30 to 19:00. Insight With Javed Malik 1+1, usually bilingual, features audience call ins Ratings: Urban sat; 0.31, Male Urban; 0.28, Female Sat; 0.35 Timings: Wednesday, Friday 20:30 to 21:0 Mazrat key Sath Features a comedic take on current politics with political cartoonists Ratings: Urban sat; 0.23, Male Urban; 0.42, Female Sat; 0.04 Timings: Timings: Saturday 19:30 to 20:00
  19. 19. PTV Family entertainment and infotainment throughout the day. Main News bulletins in English @ 18:00 and Urdu @ 21:00 Food and Travel of Pakistan Traveling road show, not so much a documentary. Ratings: Urban sat; 1.59, Male Urban; 1.66, Female Sat; 1.15 Timings: Monday to Wednesday 10:00 to 10:30 PTV Sports Time Sports show with interviews and reports, ala Matchbox Ratings: Urban sat; 1.59, Male Urban; 1.66, Female Sat; 1.15 Timings: Week Days 12:00 to 12:30, Sunday 11:30 to 12:00 Hot Seat PTVs version of Jawabdeh Ratings: 1.28 Timings: 2200 to 2229
  20. 20. AAJ Zero Point Equivalent of Capital Talk, hosted by Talat Hussein Timings: M-F 2130-2159, Tue-Sat 1300-1359 Aaj Markets Morning/Evening (live) TM equivalent w/ 1 anchor, 3 guests M-F 0930-0959, 1830-1859 Column 1+1 talk show featuring columnists Tue 2230-2259
  21. 21. The FPC Geo News Phase 1 FPC Q1-Q3
  22. 22. FPC Research A Review of the Research GRAD has provided demographic viewer profiles and cross-tabulation for SECs, Male/Female, Urban/Rural and Age groups for appropriate FPC slotting. Thus, placement of programs is in synch with the demographical picture on the ground. GRAD has also provided Genre comparisons for Indian and Local channels. This has helped Geo News to create a content strategy and find the appropriate mix of programming that is balanced according to audience lifestyles and preferences. GRAD has also helped identify lifestyle/demographic slots throughout the week, which Geo News has converted into Sports Slots, Yuppie Slots and Rural Slots etc GRAD has provided extensive qualitative and quantitative research for both programming and viewership analysis through commissioned, syndicated and in- house studies. GRAD is currently working on anchor focus groups for News. CMD has provided hours of footage of local, Indian and International channels for content/genre strategy and program design. Many programs are thus based on inspiration from some of the best shows in the local and global marketplace
  23. 23. FPC Research: Zone Logic FPC Zones identified through research Zone 1: 0600 -1200: Family oriented; is male heavy in its first half and female heavy in its second half. The emphasis is lite Zone 2: 1200 -1500: The Qaumi Zone; viewership is both male (working) and female (domestic) heavy Zone 3: 1500 - 1800: Youth Dominated Zone with urban emphasis, yet a strong rural element Zone 4: 1800 - 2000: Adult-Youth Zone bifurcation with urban emphasis Zone 5: 2000 - 0100: Transitions from Female to Male Domination with urban emphasis
  24. 24. FPC Research: Zone Logic TIME ALLOCATED TO TELEVISION IN A DAY BY ALL GENDERS 1. Housewives 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 12 p.m. (At that time frequency level of watching TV among females is very high) 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (At that time the frequency level of watching TV among females is relatively high) 2. Male Adults 6 a.m to 9 p.m and 6 p.m. to 12 p.m. are preferred zones for adult males, with viewership relatively high in the high noon slots 3. Early Teens 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Frequency level of watching TV is very high) 6 p.m. to 12 p.m. (At that time frequency level of watching TV steadily lowers) 4. Young Adult 4 p.m. to 12 p.m. (Frequency level of watching TV is very high) 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Frequency level of watching TV is very low) Housewives and young adults spend almost half of their day in front of TV. Whereas in the case of early teens and male adults the time varies depending on the school days / working days and vacations.
  25. 25. Phase 1: Whats New? Flavored Bulletins (Yeh Hai Pakistan, MetroLite, SCORE!) Enhanced Flagship Programming (e.g. Expanded Tezi Mandee w/ Market-Roundup and softer Weekend version + Expanded AKKKS w/ Newsnight elements) Subah Se Geo (3 hr morning umbrella show with links): A Morning show w/ Fox and Friends elements of morning chatter. Hosts range on a 1+1+1 format, with a News guy a Sports guy and a Cute girl who actually discuss the news instead of just casting it. Features someone like Ghazi Salahuddin hosting a morning papers review segment called Aaj Ka Akhar, a Sports Quarter, and subsequent linking to an E-News Show Sab Bata Doon?! (20 mins, late morning slot): E-News in its essence. Lolly/Bolly/Hollywood gossip and developments, plus an in-house promotional vehicle for Geo Entertainment which features updates and developments on Geo Soaps and Dramas. Featuring behind the scenes reporting, slotted in the morning for a female heavy time-slot
  26. 26. Phase 1: Whats New? Biz Bytes (20 mins weekly, evening slot): A power-meeting show featuring hard-talk with the corporate elite, based in a restaurant setting to capture the power aspect F.I.R (20 mins weekly, evening slot): Geos own CSI, only factual. Featuring aggressive follow ups of the latest crimes, creating campaigns for justice, holding sting operations Chittee Ayee Hai (20 mins weekly, evening slot): A feedback show supported by clips of programming which has been fed-back by audiences, this is a "best of program from the week's broadcast. A single anchor drives the show with SMS, Email and letters. The mood is kept lite through bloopers etc. Gillette World Sport (20 mins weekly, evening slot): Arguably the worlds most famous magazine sports show, now in Urdu. New Infotainment programming (20 mins, evening slot): Lifestyle, Food, Music, Literature, Wheels and Cinema, slotted every evening after the news.
  27. 27. Phase 1: Whats New? Other New/Spice Elements Increased Interactivity: Through send us your neighbourhoods news by Emailing/Writing/Texting/Calling facilities which are regularly promoted on an inter and intra bulletin setting Intra Promotion: Anchors promoting each other and their programs through graphical and content support Geo Aankhen: Eye in the Sky elements which zooms in anywhere in the world for beepers, reporting, natural disasters. Could even be developed for Sports, even traffic updates for MetroLite News GeoBot: Animated character w/ Voice synchronization. Could be used for Tech News/DSS. Subesequently, an animated weathergirl could be established Geo Heli-Cam: Access to remote areas in case of national disasters, or birds eye views of cities in case of an urban riot or blast, Geo Heli-Cam will connect the people to the scene of the news, nation-wide.
  28. 28. FPC Logic: What is it based on? The FPC is based on demographic-specific viewer zones which are mapped on urban/rural, gender-based, social and lifestyle elements sanctified by data from GRAD Seamless programming is targeted Weekend vs Weekday programming is based on urban habits/lifestyles All Current News Programming has been retained Certain Infotainment/SP2 Programming has be retained. Pipeline programming from those two departments will also be considered by News for its line-up in the future 0600 hrs to 0100 hrs is regarded as the TV Day. 0100 to 0559 hrs are repeat slots and have not been slotted yet Some proposed programming has working titles HLN is always @ the top of the hour, unless a bulletin is slotted for that slot
  29. 29. What about Live Strategy and Programming? News will adopt a strategy of pacing live content through Phases 1, 2 and 3 (its been assumed all live programming so far is from DXB). Geo News eventual goal is to achieve program seamlessness with city to city and studio to studio switching (resonant of Fox News) where the news never stops, but can only be achieved through more live facilities and privileges in Pakistan
  30. 30. Phase 1 FPC Summary Reg. News Bulletin w/New Look 2850min / 36% New "Flavored" Bulletins 1140min / 14% New News Programming 1560min / 20% Retained News Programming 1320min / 17% Infotainment 1110min / 15%
  31. 31. The FPC: 0600 to 0659 Recommended Programming: Mon-Sun: NEWS @ 6
  32. 32. 0600 to 0659 06:00 - 06:59 Male, 56.8 Female , 43.2 06:00 - 06:59 Sec C, 25.3 Sec D, 18.6 Sec E, 22.6 Sec A, 4.3 Sec B, 29.1 06:00 - 06:59 Urban, 76.8 Rural, 23.2 06:00 - 06:59 44.4 12.4 32.4 10.7 0 10 20 30 40 50 Urban Rural Female Male 06:00 - 06:59 21.7 14 3.7 4.1 12 1 0.2 1.2 0 0 15.1 8.8 0.1 4.2 0 2.3 0 0 0 11.7 0 5 10 15 20 25 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  33. 33. The FPC: 0700 to 0755 Recommended Programming: Tues-Sat: 0705: REP/REP OF AKKKS Sun: 0705: Matchbox 0730: AOL Mon: 0705: Gillette World Sport 0730: DSS
  34. 34. 0700 to 0759 07:00 - 07:59 Sec B, 26.7 Sec A, 5.7Sec E, 28.2 Sec D, 22.9 Sec C, 16.5 07:00 - 07:59 Male, 58 Female , 42 07:00 - 07:59 Urban, 47.7 Rural, 52.3 07:00 - 07:59 35.2 22.8 12.4 29.5 0 10 20 30 40 Urban Rural Female Male 07:00 - 07:59 20.2 16.6 7.2 15.5 10.9 0.4 2.3 0.8 0 0 11.3 4.1 2 5.3 0.6 0.4 0 0 0 2.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  35. 35. The FPC: 0755 to 1059 Recommended Programming: Mon-Fri: 0755: GOOD MORNING PAKISTAN (GMP) 0800: HLN 0805: AAJ KA AKHBAR 0830: GMP+SPORTS QUARTER 0900: NEWS @ 9 0930: GMP LINK + TM 0955: GMP LINK 1000: HLN 1005: GMP LINK + SAB BATA DOON?! 1030: GMP LINK + AAJ KAY BHAO+GMP SIGN OFF
  36. 36. The FPC: 0755 to 1059 SAT: 0800: NEWS @ 8 0900: NEWS @ 9 0930: TM WEEKEND 1000: NEWS @ 10 1030: AKB SUN: 0800: NEWS @ 8 0900: NEWS @ 9 0930: CHITTEE AAGAYEE 1000: NEWS @ 10 1030: AKB
  37. 37. 0800 to 0859 08:00 - 08:59 Male, 39Female , 61 08:00 - 08:59 Sec B, 30.6 Sec A, 7.6 Sec E, 16.4 Sec D, 30.7 Sec C, 14.6 08:00 - 08:59 Rural, 30.3 Urban, 69.7 08:00 - 08:59 31.8 7.3 37.9 23.1 0 10 20 30 40 Urban Rural Female Male 08:00 - 08:59 14.4 10.5 6.5 2.7 8.9 0.7 1.6 0.3 0 0 17.4 3.7 1.9 7.1 0.1 16.8 0 0 0 7.4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  38. 38. 0900 to 0959 09:00 - 09:59 Male, 36.9 Female 63.1 09:00 - 09:59 Sec B, 39 Sec A, 10.1Sec E, 8.8 Sec D, 19.4 Sec C, 22.8 09:00 - 09:59 Urban, 73.8 Rural, 26.2 09:00 - 09:59 31.2 5.7 42.6 20.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 Urban Rural Female Male 09:00 - 09:59 8 11.3 6.2 3 7.8 2.7 3.2 0.2 0 0 22.5 10.7 4.9 8.9 1.1 0.5 1 0 0 8.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  39. 39. 1000 to 1059 10:00 - 10:59 Male, 38.7 Female , 61.3 10:00 - 10:59 Sec B, 40.8 Sec A, 11.6Sec E, 6 Sec D, 20.5 Sec C, 21.1 10:00 - 10:59 Urban, 83.1 Rural, 16.9 10:00 - 10:59 35.6 3.1 13.7 47.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 Urban Rural Female Male 10:00 - 10:59 10.1 11.8 5.1 2.2 8.6 4.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 20.2 10.8 5.5 8.2 1 1.4 1.3 0.1 0 8.8 0 5 10 15 20 25 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  40. 40. The FPC: 1100 to 1159 Recommended Programming: 1105-1200 Mon: Jawabdeh (rep) Tue: FUWF (rep) Wed: Capital Talk (rep) Thu: Foreign Affairs (rep) Fri: Cap Talk (rep) Sat: 1105: News in English 1130: CKBB Sun: 1105: News in English 1130: Biz Bytes
  41. 41. 1100 to 1159 11:00 - 11:59 Male, 37.1Female , 62.9 11:00 - 11:59 Sec B, 40.3 Sec A, 12.9Sec E, 6.2 Sec D, 15.4 Sec C, 25.2 11:00 - 11:59 Urban, 84.8 Rural, 15.2 11:00 - 11:59 33.6 3.5 51.3 11.6 0 20 40 60 Urban Rural Female Male 11:00 - 11:59 9 11.9 3.5 3.7 5.5 4.3 0.7 0.7 0.2 0 19.1 14.4 6.6 8 1 1.2 0.6 0.2 0 9.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  42. 42. The FPC: 1200 to 1259 Recommended Programming: Mon- Sun: NEWS @12
  43. 43. 1200 to 1259 12:00 - 12:59 Male, 35.9 Female , 64.1 12:00 - 12:59 Sec B, 37.4 Sec A, 10.5 Sec E, 12.9 Sec D, 11.9 Sec C, 27.3 12:00 - 12:59 Urban, 86.5 Rural, 13.5 12:00 - 12:59 30.8 5.1 8.4 55.7 0 20 40 60 Urban Rural Female Male 12:00 - 12:59 9.2 10.4 4.8 2.3 5 1.8 1.6 0.5 0 0 15.6 16.6 4.5 7.4 0.4 1.2 1.4 0.2 0 15.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  44. 44. The FPC: 1300 to 1359 Recommended Programming: MON SUN 1100-1130: NEWS IN ENGLISH 1130: SAB BATA DOON?! (REP) SAT: 1105: ALIF (REP) SUN: 1105: PACHAS MINUTE (RPT)
  45. 45. 1300 to 1359 13:00 - 13:59 Male, 39.4 Female , 60.6 13:00 - 13:59 Sec B, 35.9 Sec A, 7.1 Sec E, 12.3Sec D, 21.3 Sec C, 23.4 13:00 - 13:59 Urban, 76.1 Rural, 23.9 13:00 - 13:59 28.8 10.5 13.4 47.3 0 10 20 30 40 50 Urban Rural Female Male 13:00 - 13:59 11.8 11.6 3.7 2.6 4.9 1.1 1.4 0.6 0.1 0 14.1 12.2 3.9 6.1 0.2 8.1 0.5 0.1 0 15.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  46. 46. The FPC: 1400 to 1459 Recommended Programming: Mon- Sun: 1400-1430 NEWS @ 2, Geo Cinema, Music, Literature, Wheels, Food, Lifestyle (rep) 1430 1500 Mon-Fri: TM Business Roundup Sat: AOL (rep) Sun: Career Online (rep)
  47. 47. 1400 to 1459 14:00 - 14:59 Male, 45.7 Female , 54.3 14:00 - 14:59 Sec B, 40.2 Sec A, 7.3 Sec E, 8.8 Sec D, 18.5 Sec C, 25.2 14:00 - 14:59 Urban, 75.2 Rural, 24.8 14:00 - 14:59 35.1 10.6 14.1 40.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 Urban Rural Female Male 14:00 - 14:59 14.8 12.4 4.5 3.1 6.6 1.4 2.5 0.8 0.2 0 13.9 10.8 4.1 5.8 0.3 0.9 0.2 0 0 15.8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  48. 48. The FPC: 1500 to 1559 Recommended Programming: Mon-Sun: 1500-1559 NEWS @3
  49. 49. 1500 to 1559 15:00 - 15:59 Male, 51.6 Female , 48.4 15:00 - 15:59 Sec B, 38.2 Sec A, 5.8 Sec E, 8.4 Sec D, 22.3 Sec C, 25.3 15:00 - 15:59 Urban, 68.2 Rural, 31.8 15:00 - 15:59 14.3 17.5 37.3 31 0 10 20 30 40 Urban Rural Female Male 15:00 - 15:59 16.9 15.5 4.2 5.1 7.8 3.5 1.1 0.4 0.1 0 9.3 10.6 2.9 5.6 0.6 0.3 0.4 0 0 15.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  50. 50. The FPC: 1600 to 1659 Recommended Programming: Mon-Sun: 1605-1630 SCORE! 1630-1659 Mon- Fri: CKBB, BAZAR, HSUSH, ULTA SEEDHA (all rep) TM BUSINESS ROUNDUP Sat: TEZI MANDEE WEEKEND (rep) Sun: FIR (fr)
  51. 51. 1600 to 1659 16:00 - 16:59 Male, 53.2 Female , 46.8 16:00 - 16:59 Sec B, 34.6 Sec A, 6.5 Sec E, 11.1 Sec D, 26.6 Sec C, 21.2 16:00 - 16:59 Urban, 64.5 Rural, 35.5 16:00 - 16:59 36.3 16.9 18.6 28.2 0 10 20 30 40 Urban Rural Female Male 16:00 - 16:59 16.1 14.8 4.8 7.7 6.9 3.8 1.4 0.3 0.1 0 11.4 8.9 2.6 5.3 0.6 0.5 0 0.1 0 14.3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  52. 52. The FPC: 1700 to 1759 Recommended Programming: Mon-Sun 1700-1759 Yeh Hai Pakistan
  53. 53. 1700 to 1759 17:00 - 17:59 Male, 56.3 Female , 43.7 17:00 - 17:59 20.9 13.7 35.4 30 0 10 20 30 40 Urban Rural Female Male 17:00 - 17:59 Sec B, 29.8 Sec A, 6 Sec E, 18.3 Sec D, 27.9 Sec C, 18 17:00 - 17:59 Urban, 65.4 Rural, 34.6 17:00 - 17:59 16.5 12.2 5.6 8.1 7 2.6 1.1 0.6 0.4 0 10.4 6.7 2.1 3.3 0.6 7.4 0.3 0.1 0 15 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  54. 54. The FPC: 1800 to 1859 Recommended Programming: Mon-Sat 1805-1830: News in English Mon Fri 1830-1859: SCORE! Sat: 1830 - 1859 1830 1859: Career Online Sun: 1805-1830: Gillette World Sports 1830-1859: DSS
  55. 55. 1800 to 185918:00 - 18:59 Male, 52.2 Female , 47.8 18:00 - 18:59 Sec B, 30.3 Sec A, 7.5 Sec E, 22.8 Sec D, 19.3 Sec C, 20.2 18:00 - 18:59 Urban, 75.3 Rural, 24.7 18:00 - 18:59 40.4 11.8 12.9 34.9 0 10 20 30 40 50 Urban Rural Female Male 18:00 - 18:59 17.2 14.2 5.2 7.5 5.3 1.5 1.2 0.6 0.5 0 16.1 7.4 1.9 3.9 0.5 0.9 0.2 0.2 0 15.3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  56. 56. The FPC: 1900 to 1959 Recommended Programming: MON- FRI: 1905-1930 METROLITE NEWS SAT: 1905-1930: MATCHBOX (FR) 1930-1959: SAATH DIN (FR) SUN: 1905-1959: WEAKEST LINK (REP)
  57. 57. 1900 to 1959 19:00 - 19:59 Male, 47.9Female , 52.1 19:00 - 19:59 Sec B, 34.6 Sec A, 9.2 Sec E, 16.5 Sec D, 16.7 Sec C, 23.1 19:00 - 19:59 Urban, 72 Rural, 28 19:00 - 19:59 36.1 11.8 16.2 35.8 0 10 20 30 40 Urban Rural Female Male 19:00 - 19:59 15.3 14.3 5.2 5.7 4.9 1.9 2 0.6 0.3 0 15.2 7.2 3.8 4.9 1 1 0.3 0.2 0 15.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  58. 58. The FPC: 2000 to 2059 Recommended Programming: 2005-2059 Mon: FOLLOW UP WITH FAHAD (FR) Tue &Thu: CAPITAL TALK (FR) Wed: FOREIGN AFFAIRS (FR) Fri: FIR (FR) Sat: PACHAS MINUTE (FR) Sun: JAWAB DEH (FR)
  59. 59. 2000 to 2059 20:00 - 20:59 Male, 43.3 Female , 56.7 20:00 - 20:59 Sec B, 36.2 Sec A, 8.5 Sec E, 10.4Sec D, 20.4 Sec C, 24.5 20:00 - 20:59 Urban, 74.4 Rural, 25.6 20:00 - 20:59 31.6 11.6 13.9 42.8 0 10 20 30 40 50 Urban Rural Female Male 20:00 - 20:59 11.1 12.9 3.9 4.7 4.9 1.7 2 1 0.2 0 16.9 8.4 3.6 6.6 1.1 3.3 0.5 0.1 0 16.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  60. 60. The FPC: 2100 to 2159 Recommended Programming: Mon-Sun: 0900-0959 NEWS @9
  61. 61. 2100 to 2159 21:00 - 21:59 Male, 46.4 Female , 53.6 21:00 - 21:59 Sec B, 34.8 Sec A, 9 Sec E, 10.7Sec D, 20.9 Sec C, 24.7 21:00 - 21:59 Urban, 76.6 Rural, 23.4 21:00 - 21:59 33.8 12.5 10.9 42.7 0 10 20 30 40 50 Urban Rural Female Male 21:00 - 21:59 9.1 14.6 4.5 4.3 6 1.9 2.1 0.6 1.1 0 16.1 10.6 3.5 6.4 1.1 0.8 0.4 0.1 0 16.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male
  62. 62. The FPC: 2200 to 2259 Recommended Programming: Mon-Sun: 2205-2230 Geo Cinema, Music, Literature, Wheels, Food, Lifestyle, Chittee Ayee Hai Mon-Sun: 2230-2259 SCORE!
  63. 63. 2200 to 2259 22:00 - 22:59 8.2 15.8 4 5.4 7.8 2.5 2.2 0.8 1.5 0 16.1 10.6 2.8 5.2 1.2 0.8 0.2 0.1 0 14.1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male 22:00 - 22:59 Male, 49 Female , 51 22:00 - 22:59 Sec B, 35 Sec A, 9.6 Sec E, 8.9 Sec D, 22.1 Sec C, 24.4 22:00 - 22:59 Urban, 86.5 Rural, 13.5 22:00 - 22:59 41.7 7.3 6.2 44.8 0 10 20 30 40 50 Urban Rural Female Male
  64. 64. The FPC: 2300 to 2359 Recommended Programming: Mon-Fri 2305-2359 AKKKS Sat 2300-2359: WEAKEST LINK SUN 2330-2359: FIR (REP) SAATH DIN (REP)
  65. 65. 2300 to 2359 23:00 - 23:59 45.2 5.3 5.2 44.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 Urban Rural Female Male 23:00 - 23:59 6.6 19.4 4.3 4.1 9.4 2.2 2.7 0.2 1.4 0 14.4 9.6 4.3 4.9 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.2 0 14.7 0 5 10 15 20 25 Age 10-17 Age 18-25 Age 26-30 Age 31-35 Age 36-40 Age 41-45 Age 46-50 Age 51-55 Age 56-60 Age 60+ Female Male 23:00 - 23:59 Male, 50.5 Female , 49.5 23:00 - 23:59 Sec B, 35.8 Sec A, 9.1 Sec E, 12.7Sec D, 19 Sec C, 23.4 23:00 - 23:59 Urban, 89.5 Rural, 10.5
  66. 66. The FPC: 0000 to 0059 Recommended Programming: MON-SUN NEWS @ 12
  67. 67. Phase 1 FPC Summary 2640 33% 870 11% 1950 24% 1350 17% 900 11% 150 2% 120 2% Reg. News Bulletin w/New Look 2640min / 33% New "Flavored" Bulletins 870min / 11% New News Programming 1950min / 24% Retained News Programming 1320min / 17% Infotainment 1110min / 15%
  68. 68. The Road Ahead: Q3 Dateline Pakistan: Inspired by BBC's Dateline London, Dateline Pakistan is a single anchor, 3-4 panelist show which can have a stationary or a travelling version, where journalists are interviewed on their take about a certain issue/s or the entire news week. The working version of the stationary show should probably be in ISB, where foreign correspondents and bureau chiefs are at hand for sharing their views. A serious show for the avid news watcher. English language based. Hum Jawaan: A "life in the military" reality show. Has to be ISPR approved. Envisions anchor training and operating with the Army, Airforce and Navy. PD suggests 2 options which can be adopted. One version is pacing the show for a single season, where army/airforce/navy are experienced together. Another version is pacing the show for at least 3 seasons by dedicating each season to each wing of the armed forces, with perhaps a fourth season dedicated to the police. The brand key is to "get tough" as well as "love your country". Slotted in the youth heavy slot .
  69. 69. The Road Ahead: Q3 Political Puppetry: Inspired by NDTV's Gustakhi Maaf. Rafi Peer has been contacted for production purposes for this one. It's "best of" segments can be used as fillers as well. You Decide: IVR, SMS, Email and Call-in show which is a daily poll of a chosen hot-topic. You Decide is a call- center servicing the country's opinions. Featuring a single-anchor with a guest or two. The brand is "the country has spoken". Value is added by smart graphics showing the results for savvy questions in real-time.
  70. 70. The Road Ahead: Q3 Sarak Chap: A "Roadumentary" which can take on different thematics. PD has envisioned atleast a couple. Sarak Chaap Chef, where the anchor travels the country with a "roving cam" take on Pakistan's most famous urban legend: food. From Quetta's Babu ke Tikkay to Lahore's Phajje ke Paye to Peshawar's Takht Bahai Chappl Kebabs to Karachi's Student Biryani to Gujranwala's BBQ, Sarak Chaap Chef become's a traveling food critic show. Another franchise it can take on in another season is Sarak Chaap Shopper, where different clothes and accessories from different parts of the country are procured and compared. Sarak Chap Journalist can be yet another franchise, this time making it a "public platform" type of setting which travels across the country. Another way to broadcast this show is to produce all 3 franchises together and air Chef/Shopper/Journalist in a loop, emphasising on the Sarak Chaap brand. Youth Bulletin: Inspired by MTV News, which gives a slanted yet smart take on contemporary issues. In effect, this will be a DSS for young adults, with web news, music and movie ratings, fashion news, sports coverage etc. The thematic is "the youth has spoken", the brand key is "youth empowerment" where its "cool to know". No suits, lots of denim, "personality" reporters, guy and gal anchoring team.
  71. 71. The Road Ahead: Q3 More Seamless, More Live Studio to Studio, Bureau to Bureau and City to City Switching, videophone and live links, increasing seamlessness and accelerating the rate and turnover of News (its assumed we will have more live facilities at this point in Pakistan and internationally)
  72. 72. Live Strategy and Requirements LIVE INDOOR Strategy: To have more live feel in the News Channel Have more ability to do Live shows and discussions To increase seamlessness in our overall programming Usage Almost all bulletins will have live elements Most of daily shows/news programs will have live coverage from the spot e.g. Kamran Khan Show Type Live Coverage, Live Programs, OSRs, Breaking News Outdoor Need/Description Live Shots from different locations including interviews and urgent Footage Equipment 1 Earth Station in KHI, two mini SNGs in LHR and ISB for 1-2 hrs for daily bulletins + 3 Mini SNGs in KHI, 2 in LHR and ISB for 2-3 hrs for daily bulletins and shows
  73. 73. Live Strategy and Requirements OUTDOOR STRATEGY: To cover more live news from the spot Have more ability to do more live programs at outdoor locations USAGE/TYPE Election Coverage, Marathon, Live Outdoor Summits, LOC Crossing EQUIPMENT 6 mini SNGs in all major cities for 2-3 hours for daily bulletin usage NOTE ON OUTDOOR LOCATIONS In the short term the mini SNGs should be in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawer and Quetta In the long term; we should have SNGs in Hyderabad, Sukkur, Multan, Faisalabad, Sialkot, Jacobabad, Chaman, D.I. Khan, Muzaffarabad, Gilgit, Skardu, Kohat. The rest will be on standby in Karachi for foreign coverages.