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Page 1: Face Detection Report



Certificate 2

Acknowledgement 3

Summary 4

List of Figures 5

Chapter 1 Introduction 6

Chapter 2 Different Color Tones 8

Chapter 3 Algorithm 13

Chapter 4 Matlab Functions Used 17

Chapter 5 Threshold Conditions 19

Chapter 6 Matlab Code 21

Chapter 7 Experimental Results 27

Chapter 8 Conclusion 30

References 31


Page 2: Face Detection Report


This is to certify that the work titled “SKIN SEGMENTATION BASED FACE

DETECTION” submitted by “Anurag Gupta” in partial fulfillment for the

award of degree of B. Tech of Jaypee Institute of Information Technology

University, Noida has been carried out under my supervision. This work has not

been submitted partially or wholly to any other University or Institute for the

award of this or any other degree or diploma.

Signature of Supervisor :

Name of Supervisor : Mrs. Bhawna Gupta

Designation : Senior Lecturer

Date : 19th November 2009


Page 3: Face Detection Report


It is indeed a privileged opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all those

who have helped me in completing this project. In completing this work, I avail

the opportunity to express my thanks with deep sense of gratitude to my respected

supervisor Mrs. Bhawna Gupta whose technical and analytical acumen prompted

the genesis of this project. Her esteemed individual guidance and helpful

suggestions for improving the presentation of this thesis are certainly invaluable.

I am especially grateful to the Faculty of Electronics & Communication

Department for all the help provided by them and the resources that they made

available without which the project would not have reached its current stage.

I would like to thank my parents whose good wishes and silent blessings always

remained with me throughout the course of the project. I would also like to thank

all the fellow students and all those who have directly or indirectly helped me

during this project.

Name of Student : Anurag Gupta

Signature of student :

Date : 19th November 2009


Page 4: Face Detection Report


Face Detection is finding out the location of human faces in images. This report is

the outcome of application of face detection algorithm for the above defined

purpose. A brief introduction about face detection and its importance has been

given. Various color modes of images have been described followed by detailed

explanation of the algorithm used and its subsequent outcome. A few examples

have been discussed along with the reasons for not obtaining full accuracy. A brief

description of the Matlab functions used has also been given.

Signature of Student Signature of Supervisor

Name : Anurag Gupta Name : Mrs. Bhawna Gupta

Date : 19th November 2009 Date : 19th November 2009


Page 5: Face Detection Report


Fig 2.1 – RGB colors

Fig 2.2 – RGB Color cube

Fig 2.3 – YcbCr Cube

Fig 2.4 – HSV mode

Fig 2.5 – Double cone model of hsv mode

Fig 3.1 – Expected Outcome

Fig 7.1- Original Image

Fig 7.2 - Binary mask for YCbCr mode

Fig 7.3 - Binary mask for HSV mode

Fig 7.4 - Binary mask for RGB mode

Fig 7.5 – Original Image

Fig 7.6 – Binary mask for YCbCr mode

Fig 7.7 – Binary mask for HSV mode

Fig 7.8 – Binary mask for RGB mode

Fig 7.9 – Cb vs Cr plot


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The goal of this project is to take a color digital image and indicate the location of

faces in that image. Detection of faces in a digital image has gained much

importance in the last decade, with applications in fields such as law enforcement

and security. Although facial detection is an extremely simple task to the human

eye, automating the process to a computer requires the use of various image

processing techniques. Locating and tracking human faces is a prerequisite for

face recognition and/or facial expressions analysis, although it is often assumed

that a normalized face image is available. In order to locate a human face, the

system needs to capture an image using a camera and a frame-grabber to process

the image for locating the faces present in the image, if any.

1.1 What is face detection

Face Detection is a computer based technology to determine the location of a face

( or faces) in an image regardless of its size, color, illumination and ignoring all

other constituents of the image. Face detection can be regarded as a specific case

of object-class detection. In object-class detection, the task is to find the locations

and sizes of all objects in an image that belong to a given class.

1.2 Why face detection is important

Human face perception is currently an active research area in the computer vision

community. Face detection is an important area of image processing, being the

first step towards face recognition, video surveillance and image database

management. It has important applications in bioinformatics. The task of face

detection is extremely trivial for humans, but it is a challenge to enable computers

to carry out the same task. Given an image, a face detection algorithm will locate

all the faces in the image. There exist different approaches for face detection, the


Page 7: Face Detection Report

main ones being feature based and image based algorithms. Feature based

algorithm uses methods like edge detection, skin color, symmetry analysis, while

the latter uses neural networks.


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Different color tones of an image

The study on skin color classification has gained increasing attention in recent

years due to the active research in content-based image representation. For

instance, the ability to locate image object as a face can be exploited for image

coding, editing, indexing or other user interactivity purposes. Moreover, face

localization also provides a good stepping stone in facial expression studies.

An image can be represented in various color tones. Each color tone has different

properties and parameters from which we can generate different color tones. Some

of them are RGB, HSV, YCbCr, CMYK (Cyan Magenta Yellow Key black), and

TSL (Tint Saturation Lightness). Our emphasis in this project is on RGB, YCbCr

and HSV modes.

2.1 RGB Mode (Red Green Blue)

The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green,

and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of

colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive

primary colors, red, green, and blue. Spectral components of these colors combine

additively to produce a resultant color. It is one of the most widely used color

spaces for processing and storing of digital image data.

Zero intensity for each component gives the darkest color (no light, considered

the black), and full intensity of each gives a white. The quality of this white

depends on the nature of the primary light sources, but if they are properly

balanced, the result is a neutral white matching the system's white point. When the

intensities are different, the result is a colorized hue, more or

less saturated depending on the difference of the strongest and weakest of the

intensities of the primary colors employed.


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Fig 2.1 – RGB colors

The RGB model can be represented by a 3-dimensional cube in 3-D space with its

center at the origin and R, G, B components along the three axes. At the origin,

R=G=B=0 representing black while the point R=G=B=1 represents white. On the

color cube red is (1, 0, 0), green is (0, 1, 0) and blue is (0, 0, 1). In a 24-bit color

graphics system with 8 bits per color channel, red is (255, 0, 0), green is (0, 255,

0) and blue is (0, 0,255).

Fig 2.2 – RGB Color cube


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2.2 YCbCr Mode (Yellow Blue difference Green difference) 

YCbCr color space has been defined in response to increasing demands for digital

algorithms in handling video information, and has since become a widely used

model in a digital video.

These color spaces separate RGB (Red-Green-Blue) into luminance and

chrominance components.  Y is the luminance and Cb and Cr are the blue-

difference (Blue-luminance) and red-difference (Red-

luminance) chroma components. YCbCr is not an absolute color space. It is a way

of encoding RGB information. The actual color displayed depends on the actual

RGB colorants used to display the original image. YCbCr mode is used for image

compression work.

Y has an excursion of 219 and an offset of +16. This coding places black at code

16 and white at code 235. Cb and Cr have excursions of +112 and offset of +128,

producing a range from 16 to 240 inclusively. (128 represent 0).

Fig 2.3 – YcbCr Cube


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2.3 HSV/HSI mode (Hue saturation Value/Intensity)

HSV stands for hue, saturation and value. Hue is one of the main properties of a

color. It represents a pure color (without any tint or shade). A hue is an element

of the color wheel.

Fig 2.4 – HSV mode

Saturation is the difference of a color against its own brightness. The saturation of

a color is determined by a combination of light intensity and how much it is

distributed across the spectrum of different wavelengths. The purest color is

achieved by using just one wavelength at a high intensity, such as in laser light. If

the intensity drops, so does the saturation.

Intensity is the brightness or dullness of a hue. One may lower the intensity by

adding white or black.

Many applications use the HSI color model. Machine vision uses HSI color space

in identifying the color of different objects. Image processing applications such as

histogram operations, intensity transformations and convolutions operate only on

an intensity image. These operations are performed with much ease on an image

in the HIS color space.


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Fig 2.5 – Double cone model of hsv mode

The hue (H) is represented as the angle, varying from 0 to 360. Saturation (S)

corresponds to the radius, varying from 0 to 1. Intensity (I) varies along the z axis

with 0 being black and 1 being white. When S = 0, color is a gray value of

intensity 1. When S = 1, color is on the boundary of top cone base. The greater the

saturation, the farther the color is from white/gray/black (depending on the

intensity). Adjusting the hue will vary the color from red at 0o, through green at

120o, blue at 240o, and back to red at 360o. When I = 0, the color is black and

therefore H is undefined. When S = 0, the color is grayscale. H is also undefined

in this case. By adjusting I, a color can be made darker or lighter. By maintaining

S = 1 and adjusting I, shades of that color are created.


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For detecting face there are various algorithms including skin color based


There are two major algorithms for face detection.

Human Face Detection in Cluttered Color Images Using Skin Color and

Edge Information

Face Detection based on skin colors using neural networks.

Color is an important feature of human faces. Using skin-color as a feature for

tracking a face has several advantages. Color processing is much faster than

processing other facial features. Under certain lighting conditions, color is

orientation invariant. This property makes motion estimation much easier because

only a translation model is needed for motion estimation.

The algorithm used in this project is ‘Skin Segmentation Based Face Detection’.

The steps involved in the algorithm are:

1. Skin Pixel Classification: Different color spaces used in skin detection

include HSV, RGB, and YCbCr. The image is converted from RGB mode

to HSV and YcbCr modes. The values of the individual parameters in all

three color modes are compared with the threshold values of each mode

for skin pixel classification. Based on these threshold values a pixel is

classified as skin (pixel=1) or nor skin (pixel=0) in a new skin matrix.

Then the skin tone pixels from all the three modes are combined to get the

skin tone region from the image.

2. Connectivity Analysis: Using the skin detected image, we know whether

a pixel is a skin pixel or not, but cannot say anything about whether a pixel


Page 14: Face Detection Report

belongs to a face or not. We have to group pixels that are connected to

each other geometrically. We group the skin pixels in the image based on a

8-connected neighborhood i.e. if a skin pixel has got another skin pixel

in any of its 8 neighboring places, then both the pixels belong to the same

region. At this stage, we have different regions and we have to classify

each of these regions as a human face or not. This is done by finding the

ratio of height and width of the region and comparing it with given

threshold values as well as the percentage of skin in the rectangular area

defined by the above parameters. For finding height, we locate the first

and the last row of the skin matrix which contains skin pixel of a

connected segment. To obtain the width, we locate the leftmost and

rightmost columns in the skin matrix which contain skin pixels of the

connected segment. We can imagine a rectangle at the boundary of each

segment of different connected components.

3. Edge Information: Inside the rectangle obtained from the connectivity

analysis, we determine the percentage of skin in that region and compare it

with the threshold value.

If all the above conditions are satisfied then we mark the region as a face.


Page 15: Face Detection Report

Proposed algorithm

Convert the input RGB image ( rgb(i,j) ) into HSV image ( hsv(i,j) ) and YcbCr


Extraction of skin tone pixels from all 3 image modes

Calculate connected components for each segment

Calculation of ratio of length : width for each segment

Calculation of percentage of skin in a rectangle segment

Mark region as a face


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Expected outcome

Fig 3.1 – Expected outcome


Page 17: Face Detection Report



1. Imread:-A = IMREAD(FILENAME,FMT) reads a grayscale or color

image from the file specified by the string FILENAME. If the file is not in

the current directory, or in a directory on the MATLAB path, specify the

full pathname. The return value A is an array containing the image data. If

the file contains a grayscale image, A is an M-by-N array. If the file

contains a true color image, A is an M-by-N-by-3 array. For TIFF files

containing color images that use the CMYK color space, A is an M-by-N-

by-4 array. The class of A depends on the bits-per-sample of the image

data, rounded to the next byte boundary. For example, IMREAD returns

24-bit color data as an array of uint8 data because the sample size for each

color component is 8 bits.

2. RGB2HSV:- H = RGB2HSV(M) converts an RGB color map to an HSV

color map. Each map is a matrix with any number of rows, exactly three

columns, and elements in the interval 0 to 1. The columns of the input

matrix, M, represent intensity of red, blue and green, respectively. The

columns of the resulting output matrix, H, represent hue, saturation and

color value, respectively.

HSV = RGB2HSV(RGB) converts the RGB image RGB (3-D array) to

the equivalent HSV image HSV (3-D array).


values in MAP to the YCBCR color space. MAP must be an M-by-3 array.

YCBCRMAP is an M-by-3 matrix that contains the YCBCR luminance

(Y) and chrominance (Cb and Cr) color values as columns. Each row

represents the equivalent color to the corresponding row in the RGB color



Page 18: Face Detection Report

YCBCR = RGB2YCBCR(RGB) converts the true color image RGB to the

equivalent image in the YCBCR color space. RGB must be an M-by-N-by-

3 array.

4. BWLABEL :- L = BWLABEL(BW,N) returns a matrix L, of the same

size as BW, containing labels for the connected components in BW. N can

have a value of either 4 or 8, where 4 specifies 4-connected objects and 8

specifies 8-connected objects; if the argument is omitted, it defaults to 8.

The elements of L are integer values greater than or equal to 0. The pixels

labeled 0 are the background. The pixels labeled 1 make up one object,

the pixels labeled 2 make up a second object, and so on.

[L,NUM] = BWLABEL(BW,N) returns in NUM the number of connected

objects found in BW.


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5.1 RGB Mode

Threshold conditions used to extract skin region from an image in RGB color tone


R > 95 and G > 40 and B > 20

max{R,G,B}−min{R,G,B} > 15

|R−G| > 15 and R > G and R > B

Where R,G,B specify the individual components of each pixel. These three

conditions have to be simultaneously satisfied to categorize the pixel as skin type

or non skin type.

5.2 YCbCr Mode

Threshold conditions used to extract skin region from an image in YCbCr mode




where Cr and Cb represent red difference and blue difference components of each


5.3 HSV mode

In hsv color mode, a pixel is classified as skin type if:


Where H and S are values of Hue and Saturation for each pixel.


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5.4 Golden Ratio

To check weather a certain skin region lies within the range of ratio of length:

width, we define a term called Golden Ratio

GR = 1+sqrt (5) 2

We also define a tolerance level: T=0.65

To categorize a region as a face:

GR-T < Ratio (length: width) < GR+T

5.5 Skin Threshold

Inside the rectangular region obtained from the above four conditions, the

percentage of skin must be above a certain level to mark it as a face. This

threshold value is .56


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clc;close allimg=imread('test01.jpg'); % img as an m by n by 3 matriximshow(img),title('original');img; % look at the matrixm = size(img,1); % number of rowsn = size(img,2); % number of columnsp = size(img,3); % 3 values(RGB) for each pixelimg1=rgb2ycbcr(img);ycbcr_skin = zeros(m,n);r=img(:,:,1); % r,g,b are all matrices here having dimensions m by n and contain the respective r g and b color values for each pixelg=img(:,:,2);b=img(:,:,3);y=img1(:,:,1); % y cb and cr values of each pixel after converting image into ycbcr color tonecb=img1(:,:,2);cr=img1(:,:,3);%figure;%imshow(img1); % display the ycbcr imagecr1=137;% threshold values of cb and cr for skin regioncr2=177;cb1=90;cb2=130;for i = 1:m%this will check all the pixel with the threshold values of cb and cr and assign value 1 for that pixel for j = 1:n if(cr(i,j)>cr1 && cr(i,j)<cr2 && cb(i,j)>cb1 && cb(i,j)<cb2) ycbcr_skin(i,j)=1; end endend%ycbcr_skin;final_ycbcr = zeros(m,n);for i = 1:m%making a matrix with original pixel values for skin region and 0 for non skin tone regions for j = 1:n if(ycbcr_skin(i,j)==1) final_ycbcr(i,j)=img(i,j); end endendfigure;subplot(221),imshow(final_ycbcr),title('binary mask for ycbcr mode'); %%%%%%% for the hsv mode ------- img1=rgb2hsv(img); m=size(img1,1);n=size(img1,2);h=zeros(m,n);s=zeros(m,n);


Page 22: Face Detection Report

v=zeros(m,n);for i=1:m for j=1:n h(i,j)=360*img1(i,j,1); endend s=img1(:,:,2);v=img1(:,:,3);max(max(s))hsv_skin=zeros(m,n);for i=1:m for j=1:n if(h(i,j)>0 && h(i,j)<50 && .23<s(i,j) && .68>s(i,j)) hsv_skin(i,j)=1; end endend for i=1:m for j=1:n if(hsv_skin(i,j)==1) final_hsv(i,j)=img(i,j); end endend final_hsv;subplot(222),imshow(hsv_skin),title('binary mask for hsv mode'); %%%%% from rgb mode%r1=180;%r2=249;%g1=130;%g2=195;%b1=120;%b2=215; rgb_skin=zeros(m,n);final_rgb=zeros(m,n); for i=1:m for j=1:n if(r(i,j)>95 && g(i,j)>40 && b(i,j)>20) if(max(max(r(i,j),g(i,j)),b(i,j))-min(min(r(i,j),g(i,j)),b(i,j))>15) if(abs(r(i,j)-b(i,j))>15 && r(i,j)>b(i,j) && r(i,j)>g(i,j)) rgb_skin(i,j)=1; end end end endend for i=1:m for j=1:n if(rgb_skin(i,j)==1) final_rgb(i,j)=img(i,j);


Page 23: Face Detection Report

end endendsubplot(223),imshow(final_rgb),title('binary mask for rgb mode'); combo_skin=zeros(m,n);for i=1:m for j=1:n combo_skin(i,j)=ycbcr_skin(i,j)+rgb_skin(i,j)+hsv_skin(i,j); endendnoofskinpixels=0;final_combo=zeros(m,n);for i=1:m for j=1:n if combo_skin(i,j)~=0 final_combo(i,j)=img(i,j); noofskinpixels= noofskinpixels+1; end endendsubplot(224),imshow(final_combo),title('binary mask of all 3 color modes'); %%%%%to calculate the number of connected components in the final skin tone%%%%%image obtained L = BWLABEL(combo_skin,8);L1 = max(max(L))pixval('ON'); %%%% to count the number of pixels in each connected segment count=zeros(1,max(max(L)));for k=1:L1 for i = 1:m for j=1:n if(k==L(i,j)) count(k) = count(k)+1; end end endendcountmax(count); k=61;tempimage=zeros(m,n);for i=1:m for j=1:n if(L(i,j)==k) tempimage(i,j)=1; %%%%%%this loop is to see which portion of the image is selected at a particular value of k


Page 24: Face Detection Report

end endend%figure;%imshow(tempimage);%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ratio=zeros(1,L1); %% ratio is the array to store the ratio of length and width of each segmentx1=zeros(1,L1);x2=zeros(1,L1);y1=zeros(1,L1);y2=zeros(1,L1);length=zeros(1,L1);width=zeros(1,L1);for k=1:L1temp=0;for i=1:m for j=1:n if(k==L(i,j)) temp=temp+1; if(temp==1) x1(k)=i; end if(temp==count(k)) x2(k)=i; end end endend temp=0;for j=1:n for i=1:m if(k==L(i,j)) temp=temp+1; if(temp==1) y1(k)=j; end if(temp==count(k)) y2(k)=j; end end endend length(k) = x2(k)-x1(k);width(k) = y2(k)-y1(k);if(length(k) ~= 0 && width(k) ~= 0 )ratio(k)=length(k)/width(k);endendx1;x2;y1;y2;ratiotemp=0;skinthresh=zeros(1,L1);for k=1:L1


Page 25: Face Detection Report

if(length(k)~=0 && width(k)~=0) skinthresh(k)=count(k)/(length(k).*width(k)); end end skinthresh %%% we define a golden ratio(gr) and tolerance(t)to check wether a given segment has%%% dimensions of the face or not finaloutput=zeros(m,n);gr= (1+sqrt(5))/2t=.65;gr1=gr+tgr2=gr-tfigure;imshow(img);hold('on')for k=1:L1 if(gr2<=ratio(k) && ratio(k)<=gr1 && skinthresh(k)>=.56 && count(k)>100) color('red'); rectangle('position',[y1(k),x1(k),width(k),length(k)]); k count(k) ratio(k) for i=1:m for j=1:n if(L(i,j)==k) finaloutput(i,j)=1; end end end endendfigure;imshow(finaloutput); %%%below is code for cb vs cr graph for skin regioncb1=zeros(1,noofskinpixels+1);cr1=zeros(1,noofskinpixels+1);y1=zeros(1,noofskinpixels+1);temp=1;for i=1:m for j=1:n if(combo_skin(i,j)==1) cb1(temp)=cr(i,j); cr1(temp)=cb(i,j); y1(temp)=y(i,j); temp=temp+1; end endend %figure;%stem(cb1,'b.');title('cb');


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We will now discuss the results obtained from the three different color modes.


Page 27: Face Detection Report

Fig 7.1- Original Image


Fig 7.2 - Binary mask for YCbCr mode

Fig 7.3 - Binary mask for HSV mode

Fig 7.4 - Binary mask for RGB mode


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Fig 7.5 - Original Image

Fig 7.6 - Binary Mask for YCbCr Mode

Fig 7.7 - Binary Mask for HSV Mode

Fig 7.8 - Binary Mask for RGB Mode


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While we see that using the combination of the three color tones, we are able to

extract almost all the skin region from an image and pick out the faces, the

efficiency of this algorithm is not 100 % due to obstructions present in the images

like presence of structural components like beards and glasses, Occlusion (face

may partially be covered by another object).

Below is a plot of Cb and Cr values of an image. The highly clustered region

represents the skin region. There is a strong correlation between Cb and Cr values

for skin pixels.

Fig 7.9 – Cb vs Cr plot

The outputs demonstrate that the system works extremely well for the images in

which faces are full, upright, and facing towards the front. The false positives

primarily occurred on large non-face body parts such as arms and legs. The false

negatives were typically due to an obstructed face or variations that caused

separations in the face such as sunglass.


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A face detection algorithm is proposed that combines pixel from different color

tones .The algorithm is able to detect faces at different scales in a given image, as

well as slightly tilted images. However, it has a hard time breaking apart

overlapping faces if they are too near each other vertically. Future work could

include the use of rotated eigen images or the implementation of a neural network

or a linear classifier as a secondary detection scheme.


Page 31: Face Detection Report


V. Vezhenevets, V. Sazonov and A. Andreeva : A survey on pixel based

skin color detection techniques, Graphics Media Laboratory, Faculty of

Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University,

Moscow, Russia.

V. Nabiyev and A. Günay : Towards a biometric purpose image filter

according to skin detection, Department of Computer Engineering, KTU,

Trabzon, Turkey

K. Sandeep and A. Rajagopalan : Human Face Detection in cluttered

images using skin color and edge information, Department of Electrical

Engineering, IIT Madras


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