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Using Facebook for Business in 2015 where

to start?www.buildingsocialproof.com

One of the biggest tips most business owners need with

Facebook in 2015

is just knowing where to start.

Over the last few years facebook has undergone a ton of changes.

Many things you see and read about online for using facebook for

business just do not work anymore.

In this video I will show you where to start and give you a great overall

strategy that will get you real results for your business.

Where To Start?

If you have not done so already, you need to make a Facebook page for

your business.

Believe it or not it is not very hard to do.

The biggest place I see people make mistakes is trying to use a separate

account for their business.

Do not make this mistake.

Your Facebook page needs to be created under your own person


You can assign staff to manage it for you later.

Maybe you are worried that Facebook will mix your personal and

business stuff together.

If so I know how you feel.

I felt the same way.

The good news is Facebook will keep your personal profile and business activities completely


To see exactly how to set up your Facebook page for business read my

article (link in the video description).

This article will even show you how to get one of your employees to be responsible for your new Facebook


using their own Facebook login and not yours

What To Do Next?

After you have set up your Facebook page you need to look at the

Facebook ad system.

Facebook has created the most powerful advertising platform the

world has ever seen.

So use it!

Most business owners spend countless hours trying to build up

likes on their page.

The worst part is if you ask them why they are doing this?

They can't really answer the question.

The reason they can't answer the question is because Facebook changed the rules on how likes


It used to be back a few years ago,

that if you had 1,000 people who liked your page and posted

something like a 2-day sale on it.

All 1,000 people who liked your page would see your message.

Then one day.

Pretty much out of nowhere Facebook changed the game for


Now you are lucky if only 50 or 100 ever see your post.

It gets worse too because the exact kinds of messages

that you would want to send to your clients to get them to buy your


are the exact kinds of messages that Facebook does not want those

people to see.

Post a status update like this to your Facebook page

and you will not even get 25 out of 1,000 people to ever see it.

Simply put it is a bad deal for you.

The good news is once you figure out Facebook's ad system

your messages end up right in people's news feed.

Leaving all your competitors in the dust.

It will be a huge boost for your business.

But you need to use Facebook's Ad system to get these kinds of benefits

that can really move your business forward with Social Media.

So you need to be using Facebook Ads for your business.

How to Learn Facebook Ads

You can search around on Google for tips on using Facebook ads.

Like other information on Facebook most of what you will find was

written a few years ago.

It is completely outdated by now.

The screen shots do not even match anymore.

Facebook's ad platform is still pretty new.

This is GREAT news for you because ad rates are still pretty low.

Just know that their ad platform is constantly changing.

What you need to develop is a simple overall strategy for how you

will use Facebook's ad system.

Unfortunately Facebook gives you a lot of choices on how you can run

your ads.

It can be very confusing (and expensive) to just start trying

things to see what happens.

I run a free webinar where you can learn my

"7 Proven Steps To Grow Your Business With Facebook"

In this webinar I will show you a very successful strategy for using

Facebook to grow you business.

Check For Webinar Times Here.


Getting started with Facebook is not hard at all provided you know what

to do.

Use their ad system and stay away from trying to build up page likes.

You will simply get faster results.

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