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Considering Facial Rejuvenation?

Considering Facial Rejuvenation?

Here’s what you need to know…

Intro to Facial Rejuvenation:

• There is little doubt or argument that our facial appearance is one of the most distinguishing and memorable features of our entire body.

Intro to Facial Rejuvenation:

• Have no doubt about it most people won’t admit to judging you by your facial appearance alone - But the fact is a youthful, healthy, attractive facial complexion has significant influence upon how others respond to you.

Facial Rejuvenation:

• First impressions really are important, and lasting impression are even more so, and possessing an attractive, vibrant appearance and projecting yourself as a self-confident person, can be a tremendous asset in your personal and professional life.

The Process of Aging

• As we age, the effects of our lifestyles, environmental exposure, and time all begin to add up and appear upon our complexions as fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, lose skin, crinkles, dints, divots, etc.

The Process of Aging

• These changes may also include skin texture irregularities, acne scarring, pigmentation changes, freckles, sunspots, and even visible blood vessels.

The Process of Aging

• While there are those who choose to accept this aging skin process as an inevitable condition of life, there are many others seeking cosmetic relief who enjoy a different perspective.

The Process of Aging

• There are many who are looking to recapture their youthful appearances, fight the aging game, and keep looking, and feeling their very best for as long as possible.

The Process of Aging• After all there is no point accepting the unwanted effects of aging when

you don’t have to.

Modern Cosmetic Medicine

• For those seeking to fight the effects of aging and enjoy a more youthful appearance, modern cosmetic medicine offers numerous options for Facial Rejuvenation helping you win the aging game.

What is Facial Rejuvenation

• Facial Rejuvenation (though a broad topic) is composed of a large group of cosmetic procedures both surgical and non-surgical, designed to make your facial skin and appearance look younger, livelier, and more refreshed.

What is Facial Rejuvenation

• Facial rejuvenation consists of cosmetic treatments designed to bring a more youthful complexion to the human face.

What is Facial Rejuvenation

• Facial rejuvenation can include treatments that are surgical and/or non-surgical.

What is Facial Rejuvenation

• Skin rejuvenation treatments vary in level of invasiveness and in the effective depth of treatment.

Call Bay Area Pelleve today for a Professional Skin Care Consultation

Common Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Treatments:• Cosmetic Facial Surgery: The

first and always the most radical option for facial rejuvenation is Cosmetic Surgery.

Common Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Treatments:• This is the most invasive, risky,

potentially dangerous, and serious of the skin rejuvenation options.

Common Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Treatments:• Surgery though a radical

avenue also yields the most dramatic results, and it is usually the best option for those with advanced aging symptoms including extremely loose sagging skin and deep advanced wrinkling.

Common Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Treatments:• Cosmetic surgery (though this

is a generalization) usually includes procedures to remove excess skin and fat from facial areas and then stretch the remaining skin (re-draping the skin over the facial structure) so it looks tighter and smoother, giving a refreshed and lifted appearance.

Common Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Treatments:• Surgical facial rejuvenation

procedures though varied may include facelift (rhytidectomy), brow lift, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), chin lift, nose job (rhynoplasty), neck lift, etc.

Surgery is always the most radical option, with serious consequences to be considered and may or may not be

appropriate for many people.


• Dermabrasion: This surgical procedure mechanically removes the uppermost dermal layers of skin (essentially sanding or scraping them off) in order to produce a healing response that generates cosmetically better skin in its place when healed.


• Dermabrasion can reduce and smooth scaring (including acne), and also combat fine lines and wrinkles on the face, treat rosacea, skin pigmentation, age spots, etc.

Non-surgical (non-invasive) Facial Rejuvenation:• Non-surgical options are plenty

and have various advantages and disadvantages over surgical procedures to be considered when evaluating facial rejuvenation.

Non-surgical (non-invasive) Facial Rejuvenation:• Generally there is far less risk, less

in the way of adverse side effects, expense, downtime, and pain associated with noninvasive procedures.


• Microdermabrasion:this is Surgical Dermabrasion’s little sister.


• Microdermabrasion is a superficial skin polishing treatment that involves removal of skin with fine abrasives.


• Microdermabrasion removes the topmost layer of the skin, encouraging a healing process that improves the skin’s texture and appearance.


• The treatment is similar to Surgical Dermabrasion but the depth of treatment is more superficial.

Chemical Peel:

• Chemical Peels (generally speaking) involve applying chemicals to the skins surface in order to dissolve the layer of dead skin cells resting on the skin’s surface, thereby refreshing and revitalizing the skins appearance.

Chemical Peel:

• The technique is similar to dermabrasion but uses chemical rather than mechanical mechanisms to remove dermal layers.

Chemical Peel:

• As a result the newly formed skin is usually smoother, less wrinkled, has better quality, and tone than the old skin being replaced.

Chemical Peel:

• Chemical Peels are a superficial treatment that can improve the appearance of mild scarring, acne, age spots, freckles, sun damage, light wrinkles, etc.

Chemical Peel:

• Chemical peels can be classified into the levels of depth they treat to.

Chemical Peel:

• There are light very superficial peels that only remove the top layer of skin, and those that treat to medium depths, and even deep dermal layers.

Chemical Peel:

• Deep peels do exist that can treat quite deeply, but most deep peels have now been replaced by ablative laser resurfacing.

Laser Skin Treatments:

• Laser Skin Treatments: (ablative and non-ablative) These skin rejuvenation treatments use laser light energy to stimulate the production of new natural collagen stores in the skin, and /or to remove skin layers by utilizing light to damage the skin layers in a fashion similar to chemical peels.

Laser Skin Treatments:

• Treatment depends how the laser energy is being used. There are ablative treatments that impact and damage the skins surface layers, and non-ablative laser skin treatments where light energy is focused much deeper in the skin.

Laser Skin Treatments:

• Deep skin treatment leaves surface skin layers unchanged, while focusing treatment deeper in the skin to stimulate new collagen formation (collagen remodeling) and promote skin tightening.

Laser Skin Treatments:

• Laser skin treatments can be an excellent choice for a variety of conditions – evening out skin tone, removing dark spots, and reducing wrinkles.

Radio Frequency

• Skin Tightening with Pelleve Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Treatments: (Pelleve, Thermage, etc.)

Radio Frequency

• These treatments focus radio frequency energy into the deep tissues of the skin where they heat the tissues and stimulate the formation of new collagen and elastin tissues resulting in a smoother, tighter, more toned skin.

Radio Frequency

• Only high energy treatments such as radio frequency, ultrasound, and lasers can provide lasting results for loose skin and wrinkles without more radical cosmetic surgeries.

Radio Frequency

• Treatments are generally long lasting. Improvements may be seen for up to 2 years with average range being 6 – 18 months depending on the type of treatment.

They are the most effective non-invasive cosmetic procedures for skin tightening and facial rejuvenation.

Injectibles and Fillers• Dermal Fillers and Injectables like Botox® Fat Injections and Collagen are the most familiar in this category. Some of these

substances plump up the skin to fight wrinkles, others go to work at a neurological level and temporarily paralyze certain facial muscles

to combat wrinkles and expression lines.

Botox Injections:

• Botox Injections: Botox is an injectable drug made from a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin. Cosmetically it is used to temporarily paralyze certain facial muscles that promote or cause wrinkling.

Botox Injections:

• The toxin can be injected in miniscule amounts into specific facial regions thereby disrupting nerve communication and leaving the muscles unable to contract to produce frown lines, and certain wrinkles.

Botox Injections:

• Botox is able to reduce the appearance of some, but not all facial wrinkle types, and each unique patient will experience differing lengths of effective facial muscle paralysis.

Botox Injections:

• 2-6 months is the normal effective lifespan for Botox injections with 3-4 months being average.

Collagen Injections

• Collagen Injections: this cosmetic filler is designed to replace or compensate for lost or aging collagen tissues in the skin that have lost their tone.

Collagen Injections

• Collagen fillers were among the first injectibles on the market used in aesthetic medicine.

Understanding Aging Skin and the Role of Collagen

• Your skin is a multi-layered organ made up of several layers that covers your facial structures and your entire body.

Understanding Aging Skin and the Role of Collagen

• Just below the uppermost covering and first layer of skin is a secondary layer composed mostly of a protein called Collagen.

Understanding Aging Skin and the Role of Collagen

• Collagen is a key support structure in this underlying skin layer where it creates a network of elastic tissues and fibers that allows not only for the growth of skin but also its ability to stretch and return again to its original form.

Aging Skin and Wrinkles

• When this collagen layer and elastin tissue begins to age they lose their elasticity, healthy structure, and tone.

Aging Skin and Wrinkles

• Aging skin eventually begins to show a gradual decrease in collagen content and the actual collagen network itself becomes disrupted, damaged, and breaks down over time.

Aging Skin and Wrinkles

• As this happens the quality of your skins features is greatly affected. As skin ages, it tends to become roughened, lax and wrinkled with some pigmentary changes and possible vascular changes as well.

Natural Facial Rejuvenation

• Energy treatments like Radio Frequency (Pelleve) and certain Laser Skin Treatments seek to stimulate this secondary skin layer into renewed collagen production using you body’s own natural facial rejuvenation process.

• As new collagen forms and takes the place of old depleted collagen stores, the skin is firmed, plumped, and refreshed, alleviating many of the signs of aging including wrinkles, loose skin, expression lines, etc.

Watch Collagen Remodeling in Action:

• These facial rejuvenation procedures are just some of the many ways cosmetic medicine can enhance your appearance and keep you looking younger for longer.

• A literal plethora of FDA approved treatments are available in the area of cosmetic skin rejuvenation giving you a multitude of options to battle the effects of aging…

• Contact Bay Area Pelleve today for a professional skin consultation to discuss your specific needs today.

Conditions Treated with Skin Rejuvenation:• Wrinkles: lines, crinkles, etc. that are both visible at all times and

those that are expression line wrinkles that appear and deepen with certain facial movements or expressions.

Conditions Treated with Skin Rejuvenation:

• Loss of skin tone: Weakening of collagen and elastin fibers or thinning in the deeper levels of the skin leading to skin laxity, (the lack of firmness) thinning of skin, and/ or the development of visible cellulite deposits.

Conditions Treated with Skin Rejuvenation:

• Scaring: due to acne, injury to the skin, surgery, etc.

Conditions Treated with Skin Rejuvenation:

• Scaring: due to acne, injury to the skin, surgery, etc.

• Pigmentation: discoloration of skin, dark patches, freckles, sun spots, etc.

Conditions Treated with Skin Rejuvenation:

• Scaring: due to acne, injury to the skin, surgery, etc.

• Pigmentation: discoloration of skin, dark patches, freckles, sun spots, etc.

• Vascular conditions: the appearance of visible blood vessels on the surface of the skin, spider veins, constant facial redness, etc.

Invasive Surgical procedures vs Noninvasive non-surgical

Cosmetic Treatment

Invasive Surgical procedures vs Noninvasive non-surgical

Cosmetic Treatment

• Cosmetic Surgical procedures have been the standard that all other skin rejuvenation processes are measured by.

Invasive Surgical procedures vs Noninvasive non-surgical

Cosmetic Treatment

• Surgical procedures by far generate the most dramatic effects when it comes to facial rejuvenation, and are sometimes the only really effective method to turn back the clock in cases of advanced conditions.

Surgical Options…

• Unfortunately surgery also comes with significant risks and other factors that must be considered.

Surgical Options…

• Some of these include possible side effects, post-treatment downtime and recovery, pain, expense, emotional and mental preparedness.


• Some people just aren’t ready mentally, emotionally, or financially for such radical procedures, nor do their symptoms necessarily warrant them.

New Technologies…• Many new alternative technologies and techniques are being used

today to rejuvenate skin with minimal downtime, complication, risk, pain, or surgery. As the technology has advanced, results, and options have grown, and so has the interest in these non-ablative, non-surgical alternatives.

Non-Invasive Alternatives…

• These alternative modalities are all designed to produce a variety of cosmetic benefits, including improvement of wrinkles, skin laxity, texture, tone and overall appearance and should be considered before committing to any prescribed treatment for facial rejuvenation.

Non-Invasive Modalities…

• Generally speaking, good candidates for minimally invasive techniques include those who have mild to moderate symptoms of aging.

Non-Invasive Modalities…

• Patients with fine to moderate lines, wrinkles, loose skin, and other possible symptoms of aging will see the best results.

Non-Surgical Alternatives

It is important to understand that with non-surgical cosmetic alternatives your skin issues will improve,

but may not be fully eradicated.

Non-Surgical Alternatives

Another aspect to consider is that the aesthetic benefits from treatment will most often occur gradually overtime, and are therefore far less

dramatic than those seen with cosmetic surgery.

When Should You Consider Facial Rejuvenation?

When Should You Consider Facial Rejuvenation?

• When you want to limit or reverse the signs of aging and restore a more youthful radiant appearance to your complexion.

When Should You Consider Facial Rejuvenation?

• When you are seeing wrinkling, crow’s feet at the corners of your eyes, fine lines or folds around your lips and mouth, frown lines or permanent expression marks.

When Should You Consider Facial Rejuvenation?

• When you are experiencing bags under the eyes, permanent dark circles, pigmentation changes, redness, age spots, etc.

When Should You Consider Facial Rejuvenation

• When you are beginning to appear tired all the time and want to appear more refreshed, vibrant, healthy and energized, appearance.

When Should You Consider Facial Rejuvenation?

• When you have loose sagging skin, when your skin is thinning, or your skins symptoms become a distraction to either your beauty or your esteem.

So Where Do You Begin?

So Where Do You Begin?

• There are various Facial Rejuvenation Treatments available. To find out which procedure will work best for you contact Bay Area Pelleve, your Doctor, or Dermatologist for a professional skin care consultation.

Bay Area Pelleve

Bay Area Pelleve• Start looking your very

best again today. Capture the Essence of Ageless skin with Facial Rejuvenation.

Bay Area Pelleve• Lift & Tighten Your Skin,

Reduce Wrinkles and Fine Lines all Without Painful Procedures or Downtime.

Bay Area Pelleve.com

Bay Area Pelleve

Bay Area Pelleve

View a Video Presentation of this presentation at: https://youtu.be/nxqtykMjhDY Or see the original article at: http://bayareapelleve.com/pelleve/skin-rejuvenation/

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