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Facilities Budget and Project Update

January 26, 2021


1. Bond Financials

2. Demographic Updates

3. Project Updates











Demographic Update

Construction Project Updates

Internal and External Factors

● Scope creep.● COVID-19 related supply chain disruptions.● Escalation: as much as three quarters of a percent per month.● Incremental and phased construction.● Facility staff salaries. ● DSA approval delays and building code changes.● Improved bidding environment.

DHS Science and Engineering Building

Status:• Project is trending on budget with about 4 weeks to completion.• $24.M spent through 12/31/20.

Budget: $31.5M was approved. No additional $ needed.

DHS Parking Lot

Status:• Under Construction.• This project will exceed the availability of funds from Measure C. • The project completion was delayed until April 2021.

Budget:• $2.5M budget is adequate.

Frederiksen Elementary School

Status:• Phase 1 complete in June 2021. • Phase 2 bidding March 2021.• Estimated completion fall 2022.

Budget:• $50M on target.• $23.5M spent through December 2020.

Murray Elementary School

Status:• Phase 1 is under construction. • Phase 2 is in design.

Budget:• $69.7M current estimated budget. • $55M was approved.• $14.7M additional needed.• Phase 1 construction cost is over $30M.• Construction cost for Phase 2 is estimated to be


Dublin Elementary School

Status:• Educational specifications are under development. • The $43M budget can be designed with a combination of renovation to

existing buildings and new construction.

Budget:• $43M current budget $33M was approved.

*This will require the use of $10M of Measure J funds.• $10M additional needed.

Emerald High School

Status:• The project is behind schedule. • Increment 1 is under construction.• Increments 2 and 3 of Phase 1 should be back from DSA in late spring of

2021.• Phase 1 is projected to be completed in the Fall of 2023.• Phase 2 has not yet started design.

Emerald High School

Budget: ● $270M needed to complete Phase 1.● $167M budgeted.● $103M shortfall.● $117.5M needed to complete Phase 2.● $92M budgeted.● $25.5M shortfall.

Additional Budget:● $128.5M budget needed.

District Office

Status:• Renovation has been designed and bid.• Project on hold.

Budget:• $5M was approved. • $3M additional needed to renovate.• $4M additional to provide new construction to replace buildings A and B.

Dublin Crossing Middle School

Status:• Project development stage in progress.• 1,100 student preliminary design target.• Project completion target August 2025.

Budget:• $130.9M current estimated budget.• $85M was approved.• $45.9M additional needed.

Next Steps

At the 2/9 meeting

○ Staff will present a recommendation for immediate / high needs projects.○ Recommend hire a consultant to update Facilities Master Plan.○ Recommend we hire a construction management firm to complete constructability

review and value engineering.

Fall 2021

○ Facilities Master Plan will be complete and presented to Board.○ Facilities workshop will be scheduled to review options based on findings of FMP.○ Board will be asked to update priorities and allocations based on this information to

guide future construction.

Facilities Questions and Discussion

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