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Family Resource Specialists

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A presentation of hope and understanding,

when receiving a child with special needs.

By Eliana Tardio

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The first impression when you have been told about the condition of your child with special needs could

be qualified easily as “Disconcerting”. It is a big mix of emotions, and hard to understand and process.

But, when you look closely at him or her, you can easily see a “baby”, the most amazing and beautiful one. Sometimes when you look at him you can recognize mommy’s eyes or

daddy’s ears. Is hard to believe this precious baby has been diagnosed

with special needs. How can people know and limit him or her in that way, how can your precious baby be labeled

with no empathy about the miracle he or she means for you and your family?

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My little angel.

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This training can help you beyond diagnosis, to the future and gives you strategies for reaching your dreams.

1. Have you exceeded all expectations?

Have you learned a diagnosis should not limit your expectations?

Has this parenting experience been a learning opportunity?

Can you make a difference for yourself, your child and others in the future?

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Some tips to overcome the limits of your child’s


Many parents live under the shadow of a limiting diagnosis. This is not unusual.

The initial diagnosis is the one we will keep in mind for the rest of our lives. It is sometimes more important that we realize we need to

heal, and change the impression and preconceived ideas we first had,

so we can keep going and be able to celebrate.

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When a child with special need has been born, an advocate has also been born with this child:

This advocate is you! The first time you are going to feel there is a

reason why your child has special needs, will probably be when you realize you can

make a difference and your child has a voice through you. 

You are your child’s best Advocate!

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How did you feel when you learned about your child’s diagnosis?

If you had a bad experience or think receiving news about your child should be handled differently, make a difference. Write a letter or provide resources to the hospital, doctor or health care professional who shared the information with you. Tell them how you felt, and tell them how you would want them to share this information in the future.

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2. Take it easy , one day at a time!

In my opinion there’s nothing more scary than setting appointments, taking test and getting results.

When you find out the diagnosis, can hardly stop looking for information, you look and look,

and even with a tons of books or google pages, you still think something is missing.

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What are you looking for?

You are probably looking for experience, for answers to your questions.

That’s our role as Family Resource Specialist, we are part of Early Steps because we have the experience of being parents of children with special needs.

We know and understand how you are feeling now, we don’t have all the answers; actually, no one does.

The most important answer will be this, no one can tell you how your child is going to develop or set limits for him or her.

Every child is unique and no matter what the diagnosis is, your child will grow and develop in an unique way and will have his own abilities and his or her own interests.

Your child will look more like you, than anyone else, and everything that you are, you love, or believe will be reflected in your child’s life and growth.

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3. "Medical" firstHas your child been diagnosed with any medical problem?

If the answer is “yes” the first step is to face it. You don’t need to worry about when your child is going to talk

or walk, he or she needs to be healthy or under control to be able to start showing his or her abilities.

Don’t panic! Everything you do, will show, maybe not today but tomorrow

Sometimes the waiting time makes things harder and is not easy to wait to see results about our child's development.

Every smile has a price, and part of being the parent of a child with special needs is to be patient and learn to celebrate and

enjoy every step in the way.

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Celebrate life every single day!

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4. SCHEDULEHow to handle all the new tasks?

Schedule your life. Is not new that we need to schedule our time to able to hold all

the responsibilities, but there is something very important

you can not forget about!

Schedule time for yourself and your wellness! Is very easy to plan for others,

especially for your new born or growing child, but as important as keeping her or his priorities is to keep yourself

as the most important part of the plan.

Don’t forget you need physical and mental health in order to give that child all that she or he needs.

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5. PROGRESS comes day by dayDon’t focus on the immediate response, focus

on the joy of giving and time is going to do the rest for you and your family.


6. Your child with special needs belongs to a family!

Don’t forget the others at home, we understand your child with special needs will need lot of attention and love, but everybody else

at home is important too.

Involve them in the life of the new member of the family, by explaining what you expect from them and how important they

are for him or her.

Everybody is special, make an important day for everyone, including your existing family

members. Work is easier when working together.

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7. You belong to a special place that is waiting for you!

Your child is part of the world, With time you will understand, celebrate and feel a

part of the community.

Join with other parents of children with special needs to talk, share and celebrate,

no one understands your feelings better than other families who are in your same situation.

Good advice comes from families of older children and they can make your way easier.


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8. Don’t adopt others opinions, take a ride by yourself

People in similar situations may look the same but have a different perception. Trust your own instincts.

Circumstances can change the situation and it all depends on many factors.

Don’t adopt others opinions, Use positive thinking

Base your beliefs on your own perceptions, and experience.

You can make the difference for you and your family.

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9. More is “always” better, when we talk about Love

The experience of being the mother of two children with special needs has taught me that the only time

“More” is always better is when talking about “Love” .

Therapies and services can be overwhelming and frustrating when they overtake your life but when talking about “Love and Faith” you cannot have to


You won’t make a mistake when acting with love, listen to your instinct, hear your voice and feed your heart

with love.

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10. There is no “little contribution”

Your experience is important for someone else and there is no “little contribution”.

Make something special for others and donate your time, knowledge and faith.

Share your experience and be proud of your work as the parent of a

“Child with Special Needs”

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11. Beat “Prejudice” by starting with yourself

Educate yourself and others about your child’s disability.

Once people understand you have a child WITH special needs, they will be ready to

accept diversity.

“Prejudice” is a common sign of ignorance, beat it with knowledge!

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 12. Dream new dreams!

Re-establish your goals, & work toward them!

Focus on joy and dream new dreams!

Dreams have no margin of error!


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Have a great day!

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