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Page 1: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio





2:30 PM E.T.

Phone: 855-747-8824

Passcode: 902034

1. 2:30 p.m. ET, Call to Order - Chair Bill Haskell

2. Roll call of members and guest self-introductions

3. NFPA Staff Liaison Report – Dave Trebisacci

4. Approval of the CC Minutes of the November 25, 2013 web conference (attached)

5. Chair Remarks – B. Haskell

6. Update - Supplemental Operating Procedures for Test Method Validation

7. NFPA 1952, Standard on Surface Water Operations Protective Clothing and Equipment

(Second Draft Report - to be sent separately)

8. Task Group Reports

1. Future Project Organization – Rick Swan

9. TC Chair Reports

TC on ELS – R. Athanas TC on EMS – T. Hock TC on HAZ – C. Baxter TC on RPE – D. Rossos TC on SCE – TC on SPF – S. King TC on TTO – B. Montgomery TC on WFF– R. Swan

10. Old Business

11. New Business

Next meeting date and location, June 17-18, 2014 - Location TBD

12. Adjourn at close of business, March 26, 2014

Page 2: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio





25 November 2013

25 November 2013 Agenda Items 1, 2 and 3: Call to Order, Roll Call of Members and Guests, NFPA Staff Liaison Report CC Chairman Bill Haskell called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and a roll call of members was conducted. Guests were asked to identify themselves. The following members and guests were present: Principal Members, Alternates (A), and Non-voting (NV) members present:

Bill Haskell, Chairman NIOSH-NPPTL Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio Fire Department Robert Athanas (NV) FDNY/SAFE-IR Inc. Roger Barker NCSU College of Textiles James Brinkley IAFF Brandi Chestang U.S. Dept. of the Navy Cristine Fargo ISEA Patricia Freeman (A) Globe Manufacturing Company Robert Freese Globe Manufacturing Company Tim Gardner (A) 3M Company Kim Henry (A) PBI Performance Products James Johnson Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Pam Kavalesky (A) Intertek Testing Services Stephen King (NV) TC on Structural and Proximity Fire PC&E Karen Lehtonen Lion Apparel, Inc. David Matthews International Standards Organization Mike McKenna Michael McKenna & Associates, LLC Brian Montgomery (NV) TC on Nonstructural Fire Fighting SCBA Amanda Newsom (A) Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Dan Rossos (NV) TC on Respiratory Protection Equipment Anthony Petrilli (A) U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service Anthony Purtorti National Institute of Standards & Testing Jack Reall Columbus (OH) Fire Fighters Union Jeff Stull International Personal Protection, Inc. Rick Swan (NV) TC on Wildland Fire Fighting PC&E Donald Thompson (A) North Carolina State University Tim Tomlinson Addison Fire Department William Van Lent FEMSA Bruce Varner B H Varner & Associates Harry Winer HIP Consulting LLC Rich Young DuPont Protection Technologies

Page 3: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Guests Present:

Chris Farrell NFPA Staff Liaison Casey Grant Fire Protection Research Foundation Ken Willette NFPA Public Fire Protection Division

David Trebisacci then provided the NFPA Staff Liaison report. David informed the committee of the schedule of voting for NFPA 1952. David then reviewed the CC procedure for commenting and voting on first revisions of standards. David updated on those projects that are currently open for public comment. Lastly, David updated on the status of recent NITMAMs and TIAs. Agenda Item 4: Approval of the Previous CC Meeting Minutes The Minutes of the CC meeting held in Burlington, VT, on 16-17 July 2013 were approved without changes by unanimous consent. Agenda Items 5 and 6: Chairman’s Remarks and IAB Update Chairman Haskell provided the CC with an update on NIOSH and IAB activities. Agenda Item 7: FPRF Update Casey Grant provided an update on the Defining the Landscape of PPE Care and Maintenance project being conducted by the Fire Protection Research Foundation. This presentation is attached to these Minutes.

Agenda Item 8: TG on Supplementary Operating Procedures for Test Method Validation Task Group Chair Tony Putorti provided an update on the progress of the task group and subsequent report. Ken Willette provided the CC with several suggestions from NFPA Standards Administration as to how the SOPs might be utilized by the CC. Several members of the TG requested a meeting with Standards Administration to further discuss these suggestions. A meeting will be scheduled for early 2014. Agenda Item 9: TG on Future Project Organization Task Group Task Group Chair Rick Swan provided an update on the progress of this task group, which continues to review and develop recommendations for the future organization of the project structure and project documents.

Page 4: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Agenda Item 10: Technical Committee Chair Reports CC Chair Bill Haskell (FAE-EMS), Bob Athanas (FAE-ELS), Rick Swan (FAE-WFF), Brian Montgomery (FAE-TTO) and Dan Rossos (FAE-RPE) provided updates on the activities and standards development of their respective project documents. Agenda Items 11 and 12: Old Business and New Business There was no old business discussed. Under new business, the CC plans to conduct a conference call in March 2014 to review the Second Draft report of the Technical Committee on Special Operations Protective Clothing and Equipment on NFPA 1952 and NFPA 1953. The TC also plans an in-person meeting for June 2014 to review the First Draft Reports for NFPA 1977, NFPA 1984 and NFPA 1991.

Agenda Item 13: Adjournment The conference call was adjourned at 3:20 p.m. in November 25, 2013.

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National Fire Protection Association

1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471

Phone: 617-770-3000 • Fax: 617-770-0700 • www.nfpa.org


To: NFPA Technical Committee on Special Operations Protective Clothing and Equipment From: Yvonne Smith, Project Administrator

Date: March 11, 2014

Subject: NFPA 1952 Second Draft TC FINAL Ballot Results (F2014)

According to the final ballot results, all ballot items received the necessary affirmative votes to pass ballot.

25 Members Eligible to Vote 7 Not Returned (Byrne, Dacey, Davis, Hock, Paderick, Reall, Stanhope) 18 Affirmative on All Revisions 0 Affirmative with Comment on one or more Revisions 0 Negative on one or more Revisions 0 Abstentions on one or more Revisions

The attached report shows the number of affirmative, negative, and abstaining votes as well as the explanation of

the vote for each first/second revision.

There are two criteria necessary for each second revision to pass ballot: (1) simple majority and (2) affirmative 2/3 vote. The mock examples below show how the calculations are determined.

(1) Example for Simple Majority: Assuming there are 20 vote eligible committee members, 11 affirmative votes

are required to pass ballot. (Sample calculation: 20 members eligible to vote ÷ 2 = 10 + 1 = 11)

(2) Example for Affirmative 2/3: Assuming there are 20 vote eligible committee members and 1 member did not

return their ballot and 2 members abstained, the number of affirmative votes required would be 12. (Sample

calculation: 20 members eligible to vote – 1 not returned – 2 abstentions = 17 x 0.66 = 11.22 = 12 )

As always please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Page 6: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 29-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 2.2 ]

2.2 NFPA Publications.National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471.

NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program, 2007 2013 edition.

NFPA 1670, Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search andRescue Incidents, 2009 2014 edition.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Dec 11 18:01:10 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Updating edition.Response Message:

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

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Page 7: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 8: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 30-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 2.3.1 ]

2.3.1 AATCC Publications.American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.

AATCC 42, Water Resistance: Impact Penetration Test, 2002 2007 .

AATCC 70, Test Method for Water Repellency: Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption Test, 2000 2010 .

AATCC 135, Dimensional Changes in Automatic Home Laundering of Woven and Knit Fabrics, 2001 2012 .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Dec 11 18:02:51 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Updating editions.Response Message:

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

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Page 9: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 10: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 31-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 2.3.2 ]

2.3.2 ASTM Publications.ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.

ASTM B 117, Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus, 2007 2011 .

ASTM D 471, Standard Test Method for Rubber Property – — Effects of Liquids, 2006 2012 .

ASTM D 751, Standard Method of Testing Coated Fabrics, 2006 (revised 2011) .

ASTM D 2061, Standard Test Methods for Strength Tests for Zippers, 2007 (revised 2013) .

ASTM D 2062, Standard Test Methods for Operability of Zippers, 2003 (revised 2009) .

ASTM D 2582, Standard Test Method for Puncture-Propagation Tear Resistance of Plastic Film and Thin Sheeting, 2007 2009 .

ASTM D 3884, Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Rotary Platform, Double-Head Method), 2001 2009 (revised 2013) .

ASTM D 4157, Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Oscillatory Cylinder Method), 2002 2013 .ASTM D 4966, Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics,1998 2012 (2004) (e. 2013) .

ASTM D 5034, Standard Test Method for Breaking Strength and Elongation of Textile Fabrics (Grab Test), 1995 (2001) 2009 (revised 2013) .

ASTM E 810, Standard Test Method for Coefficient of Retroreflection of Retroreflective Sheeting Utilizing the Coplanar Geometry, 2003 (revised 2013) .

ASTM F 392, Standard Test Method for Flex Durability of Flexible Barrier Materials,1993 (2004) 2011 .

ASTM F 489, Standard Test Method for Static Coefficient of Friction of Shoe Sole and Heel Materials as Measured by the James Machine , 1996.

ASTM F 739, Standard Test Method for Permeation of Liquids and Gases through Protective Clothing Materials under Conditions of Continuous Contact, 2012.

ASTM F 903, Standard Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing Materials to Penetration by Liquids, 2003 (2004) 2010 .

ASTM F 1001, Standard Guide for Selection of Chemicals to Evaluate Protective Clothing Materials , 2012.

ASTM F 1342, Standard Test Method for Resistance of Protective Clothing Materials to Puncture, 2005.

ASTM F 1359, Standard Practice for Determining Liquid-Tight Integrity of Chemical Protective Suits or Ensembles under Static Conditions, 1999a (2004) 2013 .

ASTM F 1446, Standard Test Methods for Equipment and Procedures Used in Evaluating the Performance Characteristics of Protective Headgear, 2006 2013 .

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Page 11: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

ASTM F 1671, Standard Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing To to Penetration by Blood-Borne Pathogens Using Phi-X174 Bacteriophage as a Test System, 2007 2013 .

ASTM F 1790, Test Methods for Measuring Cut Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing, 2005.

ASTM F 1868, Standard Test Method for Thermal and Evaporative Resistance of Clothing Materials using Using a Sweating Hot Plate, 2002 2012 .

ASTM F 2010, Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Glove Effects on Wearer Hand Dexterity Using a Modified Pegboard Test,2000 (2005) 2010 .

ASTM F 2913, Standard Test Method for Measuring the Coefficient of Friction for Evaluation of Slip Performance of Footwear and Test Surfaces/Flooring Using a Whole Shoe Tester , 2011.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Dec 11 18:04:01 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Updating editions.Response Message:

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative All

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Page 12: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Allen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 13: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 32-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 2.3.4 ]

2.3.4 ISO Publications.International Standards Organization for Standardization , 1 rue de Varembé ch. de la Voie-Creuse , Case Postale postale 56, CH-1211, Geneve Geneva 20,Switzerland.

ISO Guide 27, Guidelines for corrective action to be taken by a certification body in the event of misuse of its mark of conformity, 1983.

ISO/IEC Guide 65, General requirements for bodies operating product certification systems, 1996.

ISO 1817, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of the effect ofliquids , 2011.

ISO 9001, Quality management systems — requirements, 2000 2008 .

ISO/IEC 17011, Conformity assessments — General requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies, 2003 2004 .

ISO/IEC 17021, Conformity assessment — requirements for bodies providing auditand certification of management systems, 2006 2011 .

ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of calibration and testing testing and calibration laboratories, 1999 2005 .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Dec 11 18:11:41 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Updating editions.Response Message:

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

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Page 14: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 15: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 38-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 2.4 ]

2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections. (Reserved)NFPA 1951, Standard on Protective Ensembles for Technical Rescue Incidents , 2013 edition.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Sonia BarbosaOrganization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Mon Dec 30 15:21:13 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Adding definitions for Closure and Closure Assembly in Chapter 3 that are being extracted from NFPA 1951.


Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, Joseph

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Page 16: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Corrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 17: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 40-NFPA 1952-2014 [ New Section after 3.3.19 ]

3.3.20 Garment Closure.The garment component designed and configured to allow the wearer to don (put on) and doff (take off) the garment. [ 1951, 2013]3.3.21 Garment Closure Assembly. The combination of the garment closure and the seam attaching the garment closure to the garment, including any protective flap or cover. [ 1951, 2013]

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Chris FarrellOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Fri Jan 17 17:05:39 EST 2014

Committee Statement


The Technical Committee adds these definitions from NFPA 1951.

Response Message:

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative All

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Page 18: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Allen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 19: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 28-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 4.4.1

[Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]

All products that are labeled as being compliant with this standard shall undergo recertification on an annual basis. This recertification shall include the following:

(1) Inspection and evaluation to all design requirements as required by the standard on all manufacturer models and components

(2) Testing to all performance requirements as specified in Table 4.4.1 on all manufacturer models and components within the following protocol:

(a) Where a test method incorporates testing both before and after the laundering preconditioning specified in 8.1.3 and the test generates quantitative results, recertification testing shall be limited to the conditioning that yielded the worst-case test result during the initial certification for the model or component.

(b) Where a test method incorporates testing both before and after the laundering preconditioning specified in 8.1.3 and the test generates nonquantitative results, recertifications shall be limited to a single conditioning procedure in any given year. Subsequent annual recertification shall cycle through the remaining conditioning procedure to ensure that all required conditionings are included over time.

(c) Where a test method requires the testing of three specimens, a minimum of one specimen shall be tested for annual certification.

(d) Where a test method requires the testing of five or more specimens, a minimum of two specimens shall be tested for annual certification.

Table 4.4.1 Recertification Schedule

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Page 20: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Product Test Time

Wet Suit 7.1.1 Overall Donning Efficiency Test Initialcertification only

Wet Suit 7.1.2 Thermal Insulation Test Every yearWet Suit 7.1.3 7.1.2 Breaking Strength Test Every year

Wet Suit 7.1.4 7.1.3 Puncture Propagation Tear Resistance Test Every year

Wet Suit 7.1.5 7.1.4 Seam/Closure Breaking Strength Test Every year

Wet Suit 7.1.6 7.1.5 Liquid Absorption Resistance Every year

Wet Suit 7.1.7 7.1.6 Retroreflectivity Test Initial certification only

Wet Suit 7.1.8 7.1.7 Zipper Strength Test Every yearWet Suit 7.1.9 7.1.8 Resistance to Twist Test Every year

Wet Suit 7.1.10 7.1.9 Opening & and Closing of Zippers Test Every year

Wet Suit 7.1.11 7.1.10 Corrosion Resistance Test Every yearWet Suit 7.1.12 7.1.11 Label Durability and Legibility Test Every year

Dry Suit 7.2.1 Air Retention Test Every yearDry Suit 7.2.2 Overall Liquid Integrity Test One Every year

Dry Suit 7.2.3 Overall Donning Efficiency Test Initial certification only

Dry Suit 7.2.4 Water Penetration and Air Penetration Evacuation Test Every year

Dry Suit 7.2.6 7.2.5 Breaking Strength Test Every year

Dry Suit 7.2.7 7.2.6 Puncture Propagation Tear Resistance Test Every year

Dry Suit 7.2.8 7.2.7 Cleaning Shrinkage Resistance Test Every two years

Dry Suit 7.2.9 7.2.8 Seam/Closure Breaking Strength Test Every year

Dry Suit 7.2.10 7.2.9 Liquid Absorption Resistance Test Every yearDry Suit 7.2.11 7.2.10 Liquid Penetration Resistance Test Every year

Dry Suit 7.2.12 7.2.11 Viral Penetration Resistance Test Seams only - –Every year

Dry Suit 7.2.13 7.2.12 Zipper Strength Test Every year

Dry Suit 7.2.14 7.2.13 Resistance to Twist of Pull and Slider Test Every year

Dry Suit 7.2.15 7.2.14 Opening & and Closing of Zippers Test Every year

Dry Suit 7.2.16 7.2.15 Zipper Point Breaking StrengthTest Every year

Dry Suit 7.2.17 7.2.16 Zipper Leak Resistance Test Every year

Dry Suit 7.2.18 7.2.17 Zipper Opening & and Closing Force Test Every year

Dry Suit 7.2.19 7.2.18 Retroreflectivity Test Initial certification only

Dry Suit 7.2.20 7.2.21 Corrosion Resistance Test Every yearDry Suit 7.2.21 7.2.24 Label Durability and Legibility Test Every year

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Page 21: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Product Test Time

Ice Suit 7.3.1 Overall Liquid Integrity Test One Every yearIce Suit 7.3.2 Air Retention Test Every year

Ice Suit 7.3.3 Viral Penetration Resistance Test Seams only - –Every year

Ice Suit 7.3.4 Overall Donning Efficiency Test Initialcertification only

Ice Suit 7.3.5 Thermal Insulation Test Every yearIce Suit 7.3.6 Breaking Strength Test Every yearIce Suit 7.3.7 Puncture Propagation Tear Resistance Test Every yearIce Suit 7.3.8 Seam/Closure Breaking Strength Test Every yearIce Suit 7.3.9 Liquid Absorption Resistance Test Every yearIce Suit 7.3.10 Liquid Penetration Resistance Test Every year

Ice Suit 7.3.11 Retroreflectivity Test Initial certification only

Ice Suit 7.3.12 Water Penetration and Air Penetration Evacuation Test Every year

Ice Suit 7.3.13 Buoyancy Test Every yearIce Suit 7.3.14 Corrosion Resistance Test Every yearIce Suit 7.3.15 Label Durability and Legibility Test Every yearIce Suit 7.3.16 Zipper Point Breaking Strength Test Every yearIce Suit 7.3.17 Zipper Leak Resistance Test Every yearIce Suit 7.3.18 Opening & and Closing of Zippers Test Every yearIce Suit 7.3.19 Zipper Opening & and Closing Force Test Every year

Surface WaterHelmet 7.4.1 Helmet Bucketing Test Initial

certification onlySurface WaterHelmet 7.4.2 Top Impact Resistance Test - ( Force) Every year

Surface WaterHelmet 7.4.3 Physical Penetration Resistance Test Every year

Surface WaterHelmet 7.4.4 Suspension System Retention Test Every year

Surface WaterHelmet 7.4.5 Retention System Test Every year

Surface WaterHelmet 7.4.6 Corrosion Resistance Test Every year

Surface WaterHelmet 7.4.7 Retroreflectivity Test Initial

certification onlySurface WaterHelmet 7.4.8 Label Durability and Legibility Test Every year

Surface WaterHelmet 7.4.9 Floatability Test Initial

certification onlySurface WaterHelmet 7.4.10 Impact Resistance Test - Acceleration Every year

Surface WaterHelmet 7.4.11 Helmet Roll Off Test Initial

certification onlySurface WaterHelmet 7.4.12 Helmet Water Absorption Test Initial

certification only

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Page 22: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Product Test TimeWet Suit Glove 7.5.1 Cut Resistance Test Every yearWet Suit Glove 7.5.2 Puncture Resistance Test Every yearWet Suit Glove 7.5.3 Abrasion Resistance Test 2 Two Every yearWet Suit Glove 7.5.4 Glove Hand Function Test Every yearWet Suit Glove 7.5.5 Grip Test Every yearWet Suit Glove 7.5.6 Glove Donning Test Every yearWet Suit Glove 7.5.7 Corrosion Resistance Test Every yearWet Suit Glove 7.5.8 Label Durability and Legibility Test Every yearWet Suit Glove 7.5.9 Thermal Insulation Test Every year

Dry Suit Glove 7.6.1 Cut Resistance Test Every yearDry Suit Glove 7.6.2 Puncture Resistance Test Every yearDry Suit Glove 7.6.3 Abrasion Resistance Test 2 Two Every yearDry Suit Glove 7.6.4 Glove Hand Function Test Every yearDry Suit Glove 7.6.5 Grip Test Every yearDry Suit Glove 7.6.6 Glove Donning Test Every yearDry Suit Glove 7.6.7 Corrosion Resistance Test Every yearDry Suit Glove 7.6.8 Liquid Penetration Resistance Test Every year

Dry Suit Glove 7.6.9 Viral Penetration Resistance Test Seams only -Every year

Dry Suit Glove 7.6.10 Overall Liquid Integrity Test 2 Two Every yearDry Suit Glove 7.6.11 Label Durability and Legibility Test Every yearDry Suit Glove 7.6.12 Thermal Insulation Test Every year

Ice Suit Glove 7.7.1 Cut Resistance Test Every yearIce Suit Glove 7.7.2 Puncture Resistance Test Every yearIce Suit Glove 7.7.3 Abrasion Resistance Test 2 Two Every yearIce Suit Glove 7.7.4 Glove Hand Function Test Every yearIce Suit Glove 7.7.5 Grip Test Every yearIce Suit Glove 7.7.6 Glove Donning Test Every yearIce Suit Glove 7.7.7 Corrosion Resistance Test Every yearIce Suit Glove 7.7.8 Liquid Penetration Resistance Test Every year

Ice Suit Glove 7.7.9 Viral Penetration Resistance Test Seams only -Every year

Ice Suit Glove 7.7.10 Label Durability and Legibility Test Every yearIce Suit Glove 7.7.11 Thermal Insulation Test Every year

Wet SuitFootwear 7.8.1 Footwear Drain Drainage Test Every year

Wet SuitFootwear 7.8.2 Abrasion Resistance Test 2 Two (Upper) Every year

Wet SuitFootwear 7.8.3 Cut Resistance Test Every year

Wet Suit Footwear 7.8.4 Puncture Resistance Test (Upper) Every year

Wet SuitFootwear 7.8.5 Abrasion Resistance Test 2 Two (Sole) Every year

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Page 23: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Product Test TimeWet SuitFootwear 7.8.6 Puncture Resistance Test (Sole) Every year

Wet SuitFootwear 7.8.7 Slip Resistance Test Every year

Wet SuitFootwear 7.8.8 Corrosion Resistance Test Every year

Wet SuitFootwear 7.8.9 Label Durability and Legibility Test Every year

Dry SuitFootwear 7.8.1 Footwear Drain Drainage Test Every year

Dry SuitFootwear 7.8.2 Abrasion Resistance Test 2 Two (Upper) Every year

Dry SuitFootwear 7.8.3 Cut Resistance Test Every year

Dry SuitFootwear 7.8.4 Puncture Resistance Test (Upper) Every year

Dry SuitFootwear 7.8.5 Abrasion Resistance Test 2 Two (Sole) Every year

Dry SuitFootwear 7.8.6 Puncture Resistance Test (Sole) Every year

Dry SuitFootwear 7.8.7 Slip Resistance Test Every year

Dry SuitFootwear 7.8.8 Corrosion Resistance Test Every year

Dry SuitFootwear 7.8.9 Label Durability and Legibility Test Every year

Ice SuitFootwear 7.9.1 Abrasion Resistance Test 2 Two (Upper) Every year

Ice SuitFootwear 7.9.2 Cut Resistance Test Every year

Ice SuitFootwear 7.9.3 Puncture Resistance Test (Upper) Every year

Ice SuitFootwear 7.9.4 Abrasion Resistance Test 2 Two (Sole) Every year

Ice SuitFootwear 7.9.5 Puncture Resistance Test (Sole) Every year

Ice SuitFootwear 7.9.6 Slip Resistance Test Every year

Ice SuitFootwear 7.9.7 Liquid Penetration Resistance Test Every year

Ice SuitFootwear 7.9.8 Viral Penetration Resistance Test Seams only -

Every yearIce SuitFootwear 7.9.9 Corrosion Resistance Test Every year

Ice SuitFootwear 7.9.10 Label Durability and Legibility Test Every year

Ice SuitFootwear 7.9.11 Thermal Insulation Test Every year

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Page 24: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Product Test TimePersonal FlotationDevice

7.10.1 Buoyancy Test — SG3 & 20 of UL 1123 Initialcertification

PersonalFlotation Device

7.10.2 Label Durability and Legibility Test Initialcertification

PersonalFlotation Device

7.10.3 Corrosion Resistance Test Initialcertification

PersonalFlotation Device

6.11.1 Water Entry Test – SG3 & 16 of UL 1123 Initial certification

Personal Flotation Device

6.11.1 Flotation Stability Test – SG3 & 17 of UL1123


PersonalFlotation Device

6.11.1 Buoyancy Distribution Test – SG3 & 19 of UL 1123

Initial certification

Personal Flotation Device

6.11.1 Tensile Test – SG3 & 24 of UL 1123 Initialcertification

PersonalFlotation Device

6.11.1 730 Pound Shoulder Tensile Test – SG3, SG10, & 24 of UL 1123

Initial certification

Personal Flotation Device

6.11.1 55 Pound Release Test – SG7 of UL 1123 Initialcertification

PersonalFlotation Device

6.11.1 730 Pound Harness Strength Test (without accelerated weathering) – SG9 of UL 1123


PersonalFlotation Device

6.11.1 Pamphlet Strength of Attachment Test –SG3 & 35 of UL 1123

Initial certification

Personal Flotation Device

6.11.1 Pull Toggle Security of Attachment Test –SG7A of UL 1123


Supplemental Information

File Name Description4.4.1_SR28_1952_2013.docx Screen shots of changes to table for reference

Table_4.4.1_SR_28.pdf COMP: Please refer to attached PDF for additional editorial changes to Table 4.4.1.

Submitter Information Verification

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Page 25: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Dec 11 12:29:16 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Modifications to Table 4.4.1 made to reflect TC changes to testing and performance requirements. The bucketing test was deemed necessary and remains in the table.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 24-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 4.4.1 [Excluding any Sub-Sections]]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, Kim

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Page 26: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Krause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 27: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 33-NFPA 1952-2013 [ New Section after 4.6.12 ]

4.6.13*Where a change to an NFPA standard(s) is felt to be necessary, the certification organization shall also provide a copy of the report and corrective actions indicated to the National Fire Protection Association and shall also submit either a Public Input for a proposed change to the next revision of the applicable standard or a proposed Temporary Interim Amendment (TIA) to the current edition of the applicable standard.

Supplemental Information

File Name DescriptionA.4.6.13_SR_33.docx Edited. 1/17/2014

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Dec 11 18:18:55 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

To maintain consistency with other NFPA documents. This language was removed by a first revision and is being placed back into the standard. The associated annex material is also being restored.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 26-NFPA 1952-2013 [New Section after 4.6.12]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.

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Page 28: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 29: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 1-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 6.2.11 ]

6.2.11*When the manufacturer designates a dry suit as “breathable,” the total heat loss shall be measured as specified in Section 8.42, Total Heal Heat Loss Test, andthe result shall be printed on the product label as required by 5.1.8(11).6.2.12Where a dry suit is intended to provide protection against chemical hazards, it shall have an environmental and pressure-proof closure by which the user is isolated from the surrounding contaminated environment with the exception of head and hands.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 12:47:01 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The design requirement is being deleted in lieu of the existing performance requirement identified in 7.2.16 to address the pressure proof closure. Where appropriate, the term "zipper" is being revised to "closure" within the document.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 27-NFPA 1952-2013 [Sections 6.2.11, 6.2.12]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.

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Page 30: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 31: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 2-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.1.1 ]

7.1.1Protective wet suits shall be tested for donning efficiency as specified in Section 8.4, Overall Donning Efficiency Test, and shall be donned and doffed in 3 minutes or less.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 13:04:22 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

To retain consistency within the test method for the donning evaluation of suits, clause 7.1.1 should be revised to remove the doffing requirements for wetsuits. Currently, Section 8.4, Overall Donning Efficiency Test doesn’t define a specific method for interpreting a doffing failure. In addition, given the intent and environment in which these protective suits are to be used, theneed to evaluate the doffing characteristics is not necessary.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 1-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 7.1.1]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.

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Page 32: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 33: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 3-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.1.2 ]

7.1.2*Protective wet suit materials shall be tested for thermal insulation and shall have a clo value of at least 1.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 13:19:35 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Thermal insulation is inherent to the wet suit based on suit material thickness. The AHJ determines the level of thermal insulation needed based on the environment and the current language could limit choices. Associated annex material should be moved to A.7.3.5.

Response Message:Public Comment No. 2-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 7.1.2]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

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Page 34: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 35: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 24-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.1.12 ]

7.1.10Protective wet suit product labels shall be tested for legibility as specified in Section 8.178.16 8.17 , Label Durability and Legibility Test, and shall not be torn, shall remain in place, and shall be legible to the unaided eye.7.1.11Protective wet suit closures other than zippers shall be tested for strength as specified in Section 8.12 , Seam/Closure Breaking Strength Test, and shall have a breaking strength of not less than 158 N (35 lbf).

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 22:40:58 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Text is being added to include performance requirements for the evaluation of strength of closures other than zippers.

Response Message:

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.

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Page 36: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 37: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 21-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.2.4 ]

7.2.4Protective dry suits shall be tested for ability to evacuate air from within the suit water penetration and air evacuation as specified in Section 8.348.33 8.34 , Water Penetration and Air Penetration Evacuation Test, and shall show no air or water entrapment not allow water ingress while allowing for evacuation of air from the suit .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 19:37:13 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The performance requirements have been revised to reflect modifications made to the test method to more adequately evaluate dry suit performance.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 4-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 7.2.4]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

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Page 38: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 39: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 34-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.2.19 ]

7.2.19Dry suits and dry suit booties that are intended to provide protection against chemical hazards shall have dry suit materials and seams, dry suit bootie material and seams, and dry suit zippers tested for permeation resistance after flexing and abrading as specified in Section 8.43 and shall not exhibit a breakthrough detection time of 1 hour or less for the following list of industrial chemicals: , Chemical Permeation Resistance Test, and the average cumulative permeation mass in 1 hour shall not exceed 6.0 μg/cm 2 for the following list of ASTM F 1001 liquid chemicals at the specified concentrations:

(1) JP-8 (ASTM Oil #1) Acetonitrile, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(2) Sulfuric Acid (50%) Diethylamine, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(3) Diesel/heating oil (ISO Liquid F) Dimethylformamide, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(4) High Octane (ISO Liquid C) Ethyl acetate, 8.7 percent (w/v) in water

(5) Methanol, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(6) Sodium hydroxide, 10 percent (w/v) in water(7) Sulfuric acid, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(8) Tetrahydrofuran, 10 percent (w/v) in water

7.2.20Dry suits and dry suit booties that are intended to provide protection against chemical hazards shall have materials and seams tested for permeation resistance after flexing and abrading as specified in Section 8.43 , Chemical Permeation Resistance Test, and the average cumulative permeation mass in 10 minutes shall not exceed 6.0 μg/cm 2 for the following list of undiluted mixtures:

(1) Paraffin oil (ASTM Oil #1), specified in ASTM D 471, Standard Test Method for Rubber Property — Effects of Liquids

(2) Diesel/heating oil (ISO Liquid F), specified in ISO 1817, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of the effect of liquids

(3) Mid-octane (ISO Liquid B), specified in ISO 1817

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Wed Dec 11 18:29:22 EST 2013

Committee Statement

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Page 40: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Committee Statement:

To address the concerns of the Correlating Committee, the Technical Committee [1] added representative challenges in various chemical groupings that are soluable in water, which is the possible hazard, [2] addressed closure testing by incorporating penetration methodology currently used in other hazmat documents in the PPE project, [3] removed requirements for flexing and abrading zippers/closures due to the testing challenges. Followed methods for testing currently used in other hazmat documents in the PPE project, [4] updated requirements and methods to reflect use of cumulative permeation mass as an endpoint for permeation testing.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 29-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 7.2.19]Public Comment No. 32-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 7.2.19]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, Jeremy

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Nelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 42: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 35-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.2.20 ]

7.2.21All metal hardware and hardware that includes metal parts shall be tested for corrosion resistance as specified in Section 8.168.15 8.16 , Corrosion Resistance Test, shall not have metals that are inherently resistant to corrosion show more than light surface-type corrosion or oxidation, shall not have ferrous metals show corrosion of the base metal, and shall have all hardware items remain functional.7.2.22Closures used in drysuits that are intended to provide protection against chemical hazards shall be tested for penetration resistance as specified in Section 8.43 ,Closure Penetration Resistance Test, and shall exhibit no penetration for 1 hourfor the following list of ASTM F 1001 liquid chemicals at the specifiedconcentrations:

(1) Acetonitrile, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(2) Diethylamine, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(3) Dimethylformamide, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(4) Ethyl acetate, 8.7 percent (w/v) in water

(5) Methanol, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(6) Sodium hydroxide, 10 percent (w/v) in water(7) Sulfuric acid, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(8) Tetrahydrofuran, 10 percent (w/v) in water

7.2.23Closures used in drysuits that are intended to provide protection against chemical hazards shall be tested for penetration resistance as specified in Section 8.43 ,Closure Penetration Resistance Test, and shall exhibit no penetration for 10minutes for the following list of undiluted mixtures:

(1) Paraffin oil (ASTM Oil #1), specified in ASTM D 471, Standard Test Method for Rubber Property — Effects of Liquids

(2) Diesel/heating oil (ISO Liquid F), specified in ISO 1817, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of the effect of liquids

(3) Mid-octane (ISO Liquid B), specified in ISO 1817

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Thu Dec 12 20:23:49 EST 2013

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Page 43: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

To address testing of garment closure systems, the penetration test method was added and is consistent with other hazmat standards in the PPE project.

Response Message:

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 44: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 23-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.2.21 ]

7.2.24Protective dry suit product labels shall be tested for legibility as specified in Section 8.178.16 8.17 , Label Durability and Legibility Test, and shall not be torn, shall remain in place, and shall be legible to the unaided eye.7.2.25Protective dry suit closures other than zippers shall be tested for strength as specified in Section 8.11 , Seam/Closure Breaking Strength Test, and shall have a breaking strength of not less than 158 N (35 lbf).

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 22:36:25 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Text is being added to include performance requirements for the evaluation of strength of closures other than zippers.

Response Message:

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.

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Page 45: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

Page 40 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 46: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 5-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.3.5 ]

7.3.5*Protective ice suit and protective ice suit hood materials shall be tested for thermal insulation as specified in Section 8.5 , Thermal Insulation Test, and shall have a clo value of at least 2.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 16:32:51 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The performance requirement does not cite a test method. The test method is reintroduced to chapter 8 in a new section after 8.42. The test method was inadvertently removed by a first revision.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 5-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 7.3.5]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

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Page 47: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

Page 42 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 48: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 22-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.3.12 ]

7.3.12Protective ice suits shall be tested for ability to evacuate air from within the suit water penetration and air evacuation as specified in Section 8.348.33 8.34 , Water Penetration and Air Penetration Evacuation Test, and shall show no air or water entrapment not allow water ingress while allowing for evacuation of air from the suit .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 19:53:34 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The performance requirements have been revised to reflect modifications made to the test method to more adequately evaluate ice suit performance.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 6-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 7.3.12]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Page 43 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 49: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

Page 44 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 50: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 25-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.3.21 ]

7.3.21Protective ice suit zippers shall be tested for strength as specified in Section 8.328.31 8.32 , Resistance to Twist of Pull and Slider Test, and shall have a minimum force of 0.79 N-m (7 lbf-in.).7.3.22Protective ice suit closures other than zippers shall be tested for strength as specified in Section 8.11 , Seam/Closure Breaking Strength Test, and shall have a breaking strength of not less than 158 N (35 lbf).

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 22:42:51 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Text is being added to include performance requirements for the evaluation of strength of closures other than zippers.

Response Message:

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.

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Page 51: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

Page 46 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 52: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 11-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.5.9 ]

7.5.9Wet suit protective glove materials shall be tested for thermal insulation and shall have a clo value of at least 1.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 17:11:23 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The thermal insulation requirement was removed for protective wet suits, so, to remain consistent, this section should also be deleted, along with its associated annex material.


Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.

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Page 53: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

Page 48 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 54: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 6-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.6.12 ]

7.6.12Dry suit protective glove materials shall be tested for thermal insulation and shall have a clo value of at least 0.5.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 16:58:07 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The thermal insulation requirement was removed for protective dry suits, so to remain consistent, Clause 7.6.12 should also be deleted for dry suit gloves. Also delete all associated annex material.

Response Message:Public Comment No. 7-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 7.6.12]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative All

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Page 55: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Allen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

Page 50 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 56: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 7-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.7.11 ]

7.7.11*Ice suit protective glove materials shall be tested for thermal insulation and as specified in Section 8.5 , Thermal Insulation Test, and shall have a clo value of at least 2.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 16:59:23 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The performance requirement does not cite a test method. The test method is reintroduced to chapter 8 in a new section after 8.42. The test method was inadvertently removed by a first revision.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 8-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 7.7.11]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Page 51 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 57: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

Page 52 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 58: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 8-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.8.7 ]

7.8.7Wet suit and dry suit protective footwear soles shall be tested for slip resistance as specified in Section 8.308.29 8.30 , Slip Resistance Test, and shall have a static coefficient friction of 0.75 0.45 or greater under wet conditions.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 17:05:38 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

There has been an ongoing need for a slip resistance method that incorporates the entire footwear assembly rather than just sections of the outsole. This proposal reflects the method that was developed by the ASTM F13 Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear Committee. The proposal resulted in the publication of a slip resistance method in ASTM F2913 which was published in 2011. The pass/fail criteria was chosen based on current requirements in NFPA 1951.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 9-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 7.8.7]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. Dean

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Page 59: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Reall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

Page 54 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 60: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 12-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.9.6 ]

7.9.6Ice suit protective footwear soles shall be tested for slip resistance as specified in Section 8.308.29 8.30 , Slip Resistance Test, and shall have a static coefficient friction of 0.75 0.45 or greater under wet conditions.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 17:14:18 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

There has been an ongoing need for a slip resistance method that incorporates the entire footwear assembly rather than just sections of the outsole. This proposal reflects the method that was developed by the ASTM F13 Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear Committee. The proposal resulted in the publication of a slip resistance method in ASTM F2913 which was published in 2011. The pass/fail criteria was chosen based on current requirements in NFPA 1951.

Response Message:

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.

Page 55 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 61: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

Page 56 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 62: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 9-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.9.11 ]

7.9.11*Ice suit protective footwear materials shall be tested for thermal insulation and as specified in Section 8.5 , Thermal Insulation Test, and shall have a clo value of at least 2.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 17:06:52 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The performance requirement does not cite a test method. The test method is reintroduced to chapter 8 in a new section after 8.42. The test method was inadvertently removed by a first revision.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 10-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 7.9.11]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Page 57 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 63: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

Page 58 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 64: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 10-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 7.10.1 ]

7.10.1Protective personal flotation devices shall be tested for buoyancy as specified in Section 8.368.35 8.36 , Buoyancy Test, and shall have a buoyancy of at least 9.9 kg 100 N (22 lb).

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 17:10:20 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Buoyancy is measured in force, so the metric conversion is incorrect.

Response Message:Public Comment No. 11-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 7.10.1]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.

Page 59 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 65: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

Page 60 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 66: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 37-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 8.4.6 ]

8.5 Thermal Insulation Test.8.5.1 Application.This test method shall apply to protective wet suit materials and wet suit glove materials; protective dry suit materials, dry suit hood materials, dry suit glove materials, and dry suit bootie materials; and protective ice suit materials, ice suit hood materials, ice suit glove materials, and ice suit footwear materials.8.5.2 Samples. shall be at least a 1 m (1 yd) square of each material. shall be preconditioned as specified in 8.1.2 .8.5.3 Specimens. minimum of three specimens shall be tested. shall consist of all layers used in the construction of the suit, excluding any areas of reinforcement, arranged in the order and orientation as worn.8.5.4 Apparatus.The test apparatus shall be as specified in ASTM F 1868, Standard Test Method for Thermal and Evaporative Resistance of Clothing Materials Using a Sweating Hot Plate .8.5.5 Procedure.Testing shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM F 1868, Standard Test Method for Thermal and Evaporative Resistance of Clothing Materials Using a Sweating Hot Plate , using Part D.8.5.6 Report.The average intrinsic thermal resistance ( R cf ) of the sample shall be recorded and reported.8.5.7 Interpretation.Pass or fail determination shall be based on the average reported intrinsic thermal resistance measurement of all specimens tested.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Fri Dec 13 00:06:59 EST 2013

Committee Statement

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Page 67: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Committee Statement:

This is the same language and requirements from the 2010 edition of the standard. It was removed by FR 10 during First Draft and is being placed back into the standard.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 12-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 8.5.1]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

Page 62 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 68: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 27-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 8.10 ]

8.11 Seam/Closure Breaking Strength Test.8.11.1 Application.This test method shall apply to protective wet suit seam and closure assemblies; protective dry suit seam assemblies, dry suit hood seam assemblies, and dry suit bootie seam assemblies; and protective ice suit seam assemblies and ice suit hood seam assemblies. to this test method for testing seams shall be as specified in 8.11.7 . to this test method for testing closure assemblies shall be as specified in 8.11.8 .8.11.2 Samples.Samples shall be conditioned as specified in 8.1.2 . shall be full suits or 305 mm (12 in.) or greater lengths of seam with at least 150 mm (6 in.) of material on either side of the seam centerline. shall be conditioned as specified in 8.1.2 .8.11.3 Specimens. shall be cut from the finished suit or shall be permitted to be prepared by the joining of two pieces of the suit fabric using the same thread, seam type, and stitch type as used in the finished garment. Specimens shall be the size specified in ASTM D 751, Standard Method of Testing Coated Fabrics. shall be the size specified in ASTM D 751, Standard Method of Testing Coated Fabrics. least five seam specimens shall be tested for each seam/closure type.8.11.4 Procedure.All seam/closure assemblies shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D 751, Standard Method of Testing Coated Fabrics. The test machine shall be operated at a rate of 305 mm/min (12 in./min).8.11.5 Report. seam breaking strength for each seam specimen shall be recorded and reported. average seam breaking strength for each seam type shall also be calculated,recorded, and reported. type of seams tested shall be reported as to whether the specimens were cut from the finished suit or prepared from fabric samples.8.11.6 Interpretation.The average seam/closure breaking strength for each seam/closure type shall be used to determine pass or fail performance.8.11.7 Specific Procedures for Testing Seams.

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Page 69: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio shall be full suits or 305 mm (12 in.) or greater lengths of seam with at least 150 mm (6 in.) of material on either side of the seam centerline. shall be cut from the finished suit or shall be permitted to be prepared by joining two pieces of the suit fabric using the same thread, seam type, and stitch type as used in the finished garment. shall be conditioned as specified in 8.1.2 .

8.11.8 Specific Procedures for Testing Closure Assemblies. shall be full suits. shall be cut from the finished suit.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description8.11_SR_27_1.17.docx Edited. 1/17/14

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 23:18:54 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Test method is being revised to include requirements for the evaluation of strength of closures other than zippers. See attachment for rewrite of entire section 8.10.


Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.

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Page 70: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

Page 65 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 71: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 13-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. ] shall be fitted onto a neutral buoyant spherical form A neutrally buoyant, spherical form shall be used and shall be sized such that the helmet fits tightly in accordance with the manufacturer’s fitting instructions.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 17:29:30 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Due to the lack of specifics regarding the head form used to evaluate the bucketing properties of a helmet, the procedure should be revised to add a means to neglect the frictional force acting upon the head form being used. The procedure should be revised to require that a force shall be recorded with only the head form and then subtract the head form force from the forceobtain with the helmet attached to the head form.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 13-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No.]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.

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Page 72: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

Page 67 of 95National Fire Protection Association Report


Page 73: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 14-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. ] force gauge shall be attached to the attachment point, and the helmetshall spherical form shall be pulled through the water at a constant speed of 3 m/sec (6.7 mph) for a distance of not less than 10 m (32 ft).

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 17:39:48 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Due to the lack of specifics regarding the head form used to evaluate the bucketing properties of a helmet, the procedure should be revised to add a means to neglect the frictional force acting upon the head form being used. The procedure should be revised to require that a force shall be recorded with only the head form and then subtract the head form force from the forceobtain with the helmet attached to the head form.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 14-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No.]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.

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Page 74: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 75: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 15-NFPA 1952-2013 [ New Section after ] helmet shall then be fitted onto the spherical form, and the methods in and shall be repeated.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 18:49:49 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Due to the lack of specifics regarding the head form used to evaluate the bucketing properties of a helmet, the procedure should be revised to add a means to neglect the frictional force acting upon the head form being used. The procedure should be revised to require that a force shall be recorded with only the head form and then subtract the head form force from the forceobtain with the helmet attached to the head form.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 15-NFPA 1952-2013 [New Section after]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.

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Page 76: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Second Revision No. 16-NFPA 1952-2013 [ New Section after ] force produced by the spherical form shall be subtracted from the force produced by the spherical form fitted with the helmet.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 18:51:14 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

Due to the lack of specifics regarding the head form used to evaluate the bucketing properties of a helmet, the procedure should be revised to add a means to neglect the frictional force acting upon the head form being used. The procedure should be revised to require that a force shall be recorded with only the head form and then subtract the head form force from the forceobtain with the helmet attached to the head form.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 16-NFPA 1952-2013 [New Section after]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.

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Page 78: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 79: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 17-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. ] test method shall apply to protective dry suit materials and seams glovematerial , dry suit hood materials and seams, dry footwear material, ice suit glove materials and seams, and dry suit bootie materials and seams; and protective ice suit materials and seams, ice suit hood materials and seams, ice suit glove materials and seams, and ice suit footwear materials and seams material, ice suit footwear material, wet suit glove material, and wet suit footwear material .

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 18:54:06 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

There are currently only cut resistance requirements for protect suit gloves and footwear. This revision makes the test method consistent with the current performance requirements.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 17-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No.]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.

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Page 80: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 81: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 18-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 8.24.4 ]

8.25.4 Procedure.Specimens shall be tested in accordance with ASTM F 1342, Standard TestMethod for Resistance of Protective Clothing Materials to Puncture, Method A.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 19:05:06 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

ASTM F 1342, Standard Test Method for Resistance of Protective Clothing Materials to Puncture, has 3 different methods (A, B or C). Clause 8.24.4 doesn’t define which method should be used. To maintain consistency with NFPA 1951, method A should be incorporated.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 18-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 8.24.4]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

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Page 82: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 83: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 19-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 8.29 ]

8.30 Slip Resistance Test.8.30.1 Application.This test method shall apply to protective wet suit footwear soles , protective dry suit footwear soles , and protective ice suit footwear soles .8.30.2 Samples. shall be at least three of each whole protective footwear. shall be conditioned as specified in 8.1.2 ASTM F 2913, Standard Test Method for Measuring the Coefficient of Friction for Evaluation of Slip Performance of Footwear and Test Surfaces/Flooring Using a Whole Shoe Tester .8.30.3 Specimens. shall be at least three of each whole protective footwear. least three specimens shall be tested.8.30.4 Procedure.Slip resistance testing shall be performed in accordance with ASTM F 489, Standard Test Method for Static Coefficient of Friction of Shoe Sole and Heel Materials as Measured by the James Machine, in a wet condition. 2913, StandardTest Method for Measuring the Coefficient of Friction for Evaluation of SlipPerformance of Footwear and Test Surfaces/Flooring Using a Whole Shoe Tester , in the following configurations:

(1) Footwear shall be tested in the forepart and the heel positions.

(2) Footwear shall be tested in the wet condition.

(3) Footwear shall be tested on a quarry tile surface that meets the specifications of ASTM F 2913 and shall be calibrated in accordance with ASTM F 2913. The calibration frequency of 10 tests specified in ASTM F 2913 shall be equivalent to 50 test runs.

8.30.5 Report.The static coefficient of friction under a wet condition of each specimen shallbe The coefficient of friction of each specimen and the average coefficient of friction of all specimens for each configuration shall be calculated, recorded, and reported.8.30.6 Interpretation.One or more footwear specimens failing this test shall constitute failingperformance. The average coefficient of friction for each configuration shall be used to determine pass or fail performance.

Submitter Information Verification

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Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 19:07:13 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

There has been an ongoing need for a slip resistance method that incorporates the entire footwear assembly rather than just sections of the outsole. This proposal reflects the method that was developed by the ASTM F13 Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear Committee. The proposal resulted in the publication of a slip resistance method in ASTM F2913 which was published in 2011.

ResponseMessage:Public Comment No. 19-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 8.29]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.

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Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 86: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 20-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 8.33 ]

8.34 Water Penetration and Air Penetration Evacuation Test.8.34.1 Application.This test method shall apply to protective dry suits and protective ice suits.8.34.2 Samples. shall be whole protective suits. shall be conditioned as specified in Specimens.A minimum of three specimens of each type of suit shall be tested.8.34.4 Procedure. Specific Requirements for Testing Protective Dry Suits.Specimens shall be tested in accordance with Section 18, Water and Air Penetration Test, as specified in UL 1197, Standard of Safety for ImmersionSuits . subject shall be tested in each specimen as specified in accordance with manufacturing sizing guidelines. subject shall be dressed in underwear (short-sleeved, short-legged) beneath a liquid absorptive suit. subject shall don the suit in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and step gently into the water. entering the water, the subject shall be instructed to perform the following bobbing procedure three times:

(1) The subject shall start bobbing action by extending the arms straight out from the sides of the body at the water’s surface with palms facing down.

(2) While in this position, the subject shall push down on the water with both hands in an open, flat orientation to initiate upward motion of the body.

(3) While pushing down on the water and bringing the hands down by the sides, the subject shall fully inhale.

(4) After reaching the upward peak, the subject shall bring the hands together above the head and fully exhale while sinking into the water until the head is completely submerged. the conclusion of the last bobbing action, the subject shall exit the water. water on the outside of the suit shall be removed so that when the suit is removed, the water does not enter the device.8.34.5 Specific Requirements for Testing Protective Ice Suits. subject shall be tested in each specimen as specified in accordance with manufacturing sizing guidelines.

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Each subject shall be dressed in underwear (short-sleeved, short-legged) beneath a liquid absorptive suit. subject shall don the suit in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and slide gently into the water, feet first, on his/her stomach. the subject enters the water, the subject shall assume a vertical position and maintain that position for 1 minute. subject shall then exit the water and the water on the outside of the suit shall be removed so that when the suit is removed, the water does not enter the device.8.34.6 Report.Any air or water trapped inside the suit shall be recorded and reported. evidence of liquid on the liquid absorptive suit from water ingress, as determined by visual or tactile evidence or absorbent toweling, shall constitute failure of the specimen. Also, any evidence of limited mobility of the subject due to entrapped air that is not expelled by the subject or by the design of the suit shall constitute failure of thespecimen.8.34.7 Interpretation.Air Water ingress and unintentional air entrapment in the suit shall be used to determine pass or fail performance.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Tue Dec 10 19:32:21 EST 2013

Committee Statement

Committee Statement:

The test method has been revised to more adequately test dry and ice suits

Response Message:Public Comment No. 20-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 8.33.4]Public Comment No. 21-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 8.33.6]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

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Page 88: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 89: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 39-NFPA 1952-2014 [ Section No. 8.41.7 ]

8.43 Closure Penetration Resistance Test.8.43.1 Application.This test method shall apply to dry suit closure assemblies. to this test method for using industrial chemicals shall be as specified in 8.43.6 . to this test method for using undiluted mixtures shall be as specified in 8.43.7 .8.43.2 Specimens. shall be the suit closure assembly, consisting of the closure in combination with the seam attaching the closure to the suit. least three specimens shall be tested. following ASTM F 1001 liquid chemicals at the specified concentrations shall be tested:

(1) Acetonitrile, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(2) Diethylamine, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(3) Dimethylformamide, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(4) Ethyl acetate, 8.7 percent (w/v) in water

(5) Methanol, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(6) Sodium hydroxide, 10 percent (w/v) in water(7) Sulfuric acid, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(8) Tetrahydrofuran, 10 percent (w/v) in water following additional mixtures shall be tested without dilution:

(1) Paraffin oil (ASTM Oil #1), specified in ASTM D 471, Standard Test Method for Rubber Property — Effects of Liquids

(2) Diesel/heating oil (ISO Liquid F), specified in ISO 1817, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of the effects of liquids

(3) Mid-octane (ISO Liquid B), specified in ISO 1817

8.43.3 Procedure.Penetration resistance testing of suit closure assemblies shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM F 903, Standard Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing to Penetration by Liquids , Procedure C, using the following modifications:

(1) All tests shall be conducted at 25°C, ±3°C (77°F, ±5°F).

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(2) The test cell shall be modified to accommodate the shape of the suit closure assembly without affecting other parts of the test procedure. The Plexiglas ® shield shall be omitted from the test cell.

(3) Use of blotting paper at the end of the test shall be permitted to assist in the visual observation of liquid penetration. Visually observed chemical on the blotting paper shall constitute failure of this test.

(4) An observation to determine specimen penetration shall be made at the end of the chemical contact period.

8.43.4 Report. pass or fail results for each chemical tested shall be recorded and reported. identification of the locations where penetration occurs, if discernible, shall be recorded and reported.8.43.5 Interpretation.Observed liquid penetration at the end of the test for any specimen shall constitute failure of this test.8.43.6 Modifications for Using Industrial Chemicals.Specimens shall be tested for permeation resistance for a period of 60 minutes, +1 minute/–0 minute.8.43.7 Modifications for Using Undiluted Mixtures.Specimens shall be tested for permeation resistance for a period of 10 minutes, +1 minute/–0 minute.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Chris FarrellOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Fri Jan 17 15:25:47 EST 2014

Committee Statement


The Technical Committee added a penetration test to align with other standards in the PPE project.

Response Message:

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

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Page 91: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 92: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 36-NFPA 1952-2013 [ Section No. 8.42 ]

8.44 Chemical Permeation Resistance Test.8.44.1 Application. test method shall apply to dry suit materials, dry suit material seams, and seams and dry suit bootie materials dry suit bootie materials, dry suit bootie material seams, and dry suit zippers and seams (if different from suit materials and seams) . to this test method for testing dry suit materials and dry suit bootie materials after flexing and abrading and bootie materials shall be as specified in to this test method for testing dry suit material and dry suit and bootie seams shall be as specified in to this test method for using industrial chemicals shall be as specified in 8.44.9 . to this test method for using undiluted mixtures shall be as specified in 8.44.10 .8.44.2 Samples Preparation .Samples shall be conditioned as specified in 8.1.2 , after the conditioning specified in 8.44.7 and 8.44.8 . for conditioning shall be as specified according to the specific requirements in or . shall be conditioned as specified in 8.1.2 after the conditioning specified in the applicable modifications.8.44.3 Specimens.At least three specimens of each material shall be tested per for each chemicalchallenge . shall be the size specified in ASTM F 739, Standard Test Method for Permeation of Liquids and Gases through Protective Clothing Materials under Conditions of Continuous Contact . least three specimens shall be tested per chemical challenge.8.44.4 Procedures . resistance shall be measured Specimens shall be tested for permeation resistance against the chemicals specified in and inaccordance with ASTM F 739, Standard Test Method for Permeation of Liquids and Gases through Protective Clothing Materials under Conditions of Continuous Contact at 27°C, ± 2°C (81°F, ± 3°F) for a test duration of at least 3 hours for the following chemicals: , with the following modifications:

(1) JP-8 (ASTM Oil #1) The test cells shall be designed to accommodate the introduction of liquid chemicals in a safe manner.

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(2) Sulfuric Acid (50%) Analytical methods used for detecting permeation shall be sensitive to concentrations of at least one order of magnitude lower than the required end points.

(3) Diesel/heating oil (ISO Liquid F) Detection of mixture permeation shall be based on an analytical method capable of detecting the most volatile component of the mixture.High Octane (ISO Liquid C) following ASTM F 1001 liquid chemicals at the specified concentrations shall be tested:

(1) Acetonitrile, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(2) Diethylamine, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(3) Dimethylformamide, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(4) Ethyl acetate, 8.7 percent (w/v) in water

(5) Methanol, 10 percent (w/v) in water(6) Sodium hydroxide, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(7) Sulfuric acid, 10 percent (w/v) in water

(8) Tetrahydrofuran, 10 percent (w/v) in water following additional mixtures shall be tested without dilution:

(1) Paraffin oil (ASTM Oil #1), specified in ASTM D 471, Standard Test Method for Rubber Property — Effects of Liquids

(2) Diesel/heating oil (ISO Liquid F), specified in ISO 1817, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of the effect of liquids

(3) Mid-octane (ISO Liquid B), specified in ISO 1817 minimum detectable permeation rate for the permeation test apparatus shall be measured for each chemical tested. The minimum detectable permeation rate shall be less than or equal to 0.10 μg/cm 2 /min for all permeation resistancetests.8.44.5 Report. permeation normalized breakthrough detection time in minutes, calculated at a system detectable permeation rate of 0.10 μg/cm 2 /min for industrial chemicals, shall be recorded and reported. cumulative permeation shall be calculated, recorded, and reported in μg/cm 2 for each specimen for each challenge chemical. no challenge chemical is detected at the end of the test period, the cumulative permeation shall be recorded and reported as less than the minimum detectable mass per unit area for the specific chemical being tested. maximum permeation rate (μg/cm 2 /min) observed for industrial chemicals shall be recorded and reported. The average cumulative permeation shall be calculated and reported by averaging the results from all specimens for each challenge chemical.

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For the calculation of average cumulative permeation, if the result of one or more of the specimens tested is less than the minimum detectable cumulative permeation, the minimum detectable cumulative permeation shall be used as the result for those specimens. the calculation of average cumulative permeation, if the results of all the specimens tested are less than the minimum detectable cumulative permeation, the average cumulative permeation shall be reported as the minimum detectable cumulative permeation. minimum detectable rate for the test apparatus (μg/cm 2 /min) for industrial chemicals shall be recorded and reported. Any observations of degradation or other abnormalities shall be reported at the conclusion of the testing of each specimen.8.44.6 Interpretation.The average cumulative permeation for each challenge chemical shall be used to determine pass or fail performance. industrial chemicals, the average normalized breakthrough detection time shall be used in determining compliance for the particular material/chemicalcombination.8.44.7 Specific Requirements for Testing Dry Suit Materials and Dry Suit andBootie Materials After Flexing and Abrading . for conditioning shall be 200 mm × 280 mm (8 in. × 11 in.) rectangles and shall consist of dry suit material or dry suit bootie material. at least 380 mm (15 in.) square and shall consist of all layers as configured in the suit, hood, or bootie. samples shall be subjected to flexural fatigue in accordance with ASTM F 392, Standard Test Method for Flex Durability of Flexible Barrier Materials . In lieu of Flexing Conditions A, B, C, D, or E, test specimens shall have a flex period of 100 cycles at 45 cycles per minute. A cycle shall be full flex and twisting action. Composite samples prepared as specified in shall be tested after being subjected to the following conditioning:

(1) Composite samples shall first be subjected to the procedure specified in 8.1.3 .

(2) Composite samples shall then be conditioned as specified in 8.1.2 . samples conditioned as specified in shall be trimmed to a sample size of 300 mm × 280 mm (12 in. × 11 in.). composite samples shall be subject to flexing conditioning as specified in 8.1.4 , with the 280 mm (11 in.) direction parallel with the compression action of the machine. composite samples shall be mounted such that the outer layer is visible, with all layers in the normal “as worn” orientation. flexing, two samples for abrasion conditioning, each measuring 45 mm × 230 mm (1 3 ⁄4 in. × 9 in.), shall be cut from the center of the flexed samples. samples of the barrier layer shall be removed from the flexed, trimmed composite samples and cut to the dimensions specified in , with the long dimension of the sample parallel to the 280 mm (11 in.) dimension.

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The layers in the flexed, trimmed composite samples adjacent to the barrier layer shall be retained for use as the abradants. barrier layer samples prepared as specified in and the other samples retained as specified in shall be subjected to abrasion as specified 8.1.5 . abrading, the permeation test specimen shall be taken from the center of the abraded sample so that the center of the permeation test and the center of the abraded sample coincide. shall be oriented in the permeation test cell with the exterior surfaces facing the challenge chemical. shall be tested for permeation resistance as specified in 8.44.2through 8.44.6 . new samples shall be subjected to abrasion conditioning in accordance with ASTM D 4157, Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Oscillatory Cylinder Method) , under the following conditions:

A 2.3 kg (5 lb) tension weight shall be used.

A 1.6 kg (3 1 ⁄2 lb) head weight shall be used.

An 80 grit abradant trimite D-weight open coat #1A4180, or equivalent, shall be used.

The specimen shall be abraded for 25 continuous cycles. abrasion, one specimen for permeation resistance testing shall be taken from each sample subjected to abrasion. permeation test specimen shall be taken from the exact center of the abraded sample so that the center of the permeation test and the center of the abraded sample coincide.8.44.8 Specific Requirements for Testing Seams. for conditioning shall be 600 mm (2 ft) lengths of prepared seam or cut from the dry suit or dry suit booties. shall have a minimum of 150 mm (6 in.) of material on each side of the seam center. test specimens shall be cut such that the exact seam center divides the specimen in half.8.44.8 Specific Requirements for Testing Dry Suit and Bootie Seams. for conditioning shall be at least 380 mm (15 in.) square and shall consist of all layers of the composite sample arranged in the order used in the construction of the suit, hood, or bootie. The multilayer composite sample shall be stitched around the entire periphery. samples prepared as described in shall be tested after being subjected twice to the following conditioning:

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(1) Composite samples shall first be subjected to the procedure specified in 8.1.3 .

(2) Composite samples shall then be conditioned as specified in 8.1.2 . samples conditioned as specified in shall be trimmed to a sample size of 300 mm × 280 mm (12 in. × 11 in.), with the seam parallel to the 300 mm (12 in.) direction. composite samples shall be subject to flexing conditioning as specified in 8.1.4 , with the 280 mm (11 in.) direction parallel with the compression action of the machine. composite samples shall be mounted such that the outer layer is visible, with all layers in the normal “as worn” orientation. for permeation testing shall be cut from the flexed, trimmed samples such that the seam bisects the specimen. shall be oriented in the permeation test cell with the exterior surfaces facing the challenge chemical. shall be tested for permeation resistance as specified in 8.44.2through 8.44.6 .8.44.9 Modifications for Using Industrial Chemicals.Specimens shall be tested for permeation resistance for a period of 60 minutes, +1 minute/–0 minute.8.44.10 Modifications for Using Undiluted Mixtures.Specimens shall be tested for permeation resistance for a period of 10 minutes, +1 minute/–0 minute.

Supplemental Information

File Name Description8.42_SR_36_1_.1390327337365_2_.docx 1/23/14

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: [ Not Specified ]Organization: [ Not Specified ]Street Address: City:State: Zip: Submittal Date: Thu Dec 12 23:05:13 EST 2013

Committee Statement

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Page 97: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Committee Statement:

The current permeation test procedures are not standardized for the use of cumulative permeation. The proposed procedures based on NFPA 1994 provide a standardized methodology for measuring permeation resistance as established in other standards. The list of chemicals selected more adequately represents potential hazards and various chemical groupings.

Response Message:Public Comment No. 31-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 8.42.7]Public Comment No. 33-NFPA 1952-2013 [Section No. 8.42]

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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Page 98: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

Second Revision No. 41-NFPA 1952-2014 [ Chapter C ]

Annex C Impact Acceleration Instrumentation CalibrationThis annex is not a part of the requirements of this NFPA document but is included for informational purposes only.C.1 General.The instrumentation should be allowed to warm up until it stabilizes. No simple means exists to calibrate the impact system required by this standard. Nevertheless, calibration is necessary. The equipment should be checked for repeatability before and after each series of tests by impacting a standardized elastomeric shock pad as specified in A. B.1 . A minimum of three such impacts should be recorded before and after testing. If the post-test average readings of the three impacts differs from the pre-test average by more than 5 percent, the entire test series is discarded.The impact tester should have a guide rail at least 2.0 m (6.6 ft) in height to produce impact velocities required for this standard. The flat test anvil should be made to be interchangeable on the base and be attached so that no energy is absorbed through deflections and the base should be at least 25 mm (1 in.) thick steel. Guide mechanisms that slide on the rail should have recirculating ball bearings to minimize friction. A velocity detector is required to ensure proper dropheights. The position of said detector should be adjustable so that the speed ofimpact is measured no more than 20 mm (0.79 in.) from the point of impact. Adetector flag attached to the guide mechanism that passes through or by thedetector should not be greater than 25 mm (1 in.) in height. The detector should be capable of having a resolution no greater than 0.01 millisecond. The photo beam, visible, infrared, etc., should have emitter/receiver slots no greater than 0.05 mm (0.001 in.) running normal to the path of travel of the flag. Magnetic detector systems may also be used if equivalency is established. An electronic timer is used to determine the speed at which the flag traverses the detector. Attached to the guide mechanism, in such a way as to prevent rotation, should be a mounting ball. Test headforms are mounted on said ball with a clamping ring such that the headforms may be swiveled about the ball. An accelerometer should be mounted inside the ball, having its axis (or the vertical axes, in the case of a triaxial accelerometer) within 2.5 degrees of vertical alignment. The accelerometer should conform to the following characteristics:

(1) Shape: Cubic, with flat sides

(2) Size: 25 mm (1 in.) max dimensions

(3) Measuring range: 0–500 Gs min

(4) Resolution: 1.0 G max(5) Accuracy, linearity: 1.0 percent full-scale max

(6) Transverse sensitivity: 5.0 percent max

(7) Resonant frequency: 20 kHz min

(8) Frequency response: ±5 dB @ 0.1 Hz–2 kHz

(9) Repeatability/stability: 1.0 percent full-scale max

The frequency response of the system should be in compliance with SAE Recommended Practice J211b, Channel Class 1000. Each channel resolution should be 1.0 G max with rise time capability less than 0.01 millisecond.

C.2 Calibration.

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Page 99: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

While there are several acceptable methods of accelerometer calibration, one method may be performed using the fixture specified in A. B.2 for dynamic calibration. In this case, however, the calibrated reference accelerometer and the test accelerometer should be fixed in “piggyback” fashion, one on top of the other. The cubic-shaped test accelerometer lends itself well to this procedure. The axis should be in vertical alignment with the axis of the reference accelerometer and the vertical axis of the impactor. Practice has demonstrated that thin, “double stick” tape can be used to affix the accelerometers one on top of the other. This assumes that the flat surface of the accelerometers in contact with the tape is at least 50 mm2 (2 in.2) and that the cables are properly tied down and held in place.C.3 Acceleration Measuring Procedure.Remove the test accelerometer from the mounting ball. Mount this unit on the impactor, then mount the calibrated reference accelerometer on top of the test accelerometer. Mount the calibrating medium as specified in A. B.3 . Allelectronic systems should be turned on and allowed to stabilize. The impactor, with accelerometers attached, should be dropped onto the calibrating medium from a height that yields a maximum acceleration, as indicated by the referenceaccelerometer of 200 G, ±20 G. The vertical axis outputs of both accelerometersshould be recorded. The two maximum values should read within 2 percent of eachother. This degree of accuracy should be repeatable through at least five impacts.C.4 Velocity Measuring System Calibration Procedure.For checking the calibration of velocity detectors, see A. B.4 .C.5 System Repeatability Procedure.Mount the calibrating medium (shock pad) described in A. B.5 onto the test based in place of the test anvil(s). Position the headform inverted, with the basic plane horizontal. With the accelerometer connected to the recording/computing instrumentation, make three consecutive drops of the headform onto the medium. The velocity of the impact should be maintained at 3.0 m/sec, ±0.03 m/sec (9.8 ft/sec, ±0.1 ft/sec). For each drop, a maximum G value should be recorded. The repeatability value should be the average of the three measurements. However, the total range for all three values should not exceed ±8.05 of the average value.

Submitter Information Verification

Submitter Full Name: Chris FarrellOrganization: National Fire Protection AssocStreet Address:City: State: Zip:Submittal Date: Fri Jan 17 17:07:08 EST 2014

Committee Statement

Committee Statement: Editorial changes to point to the correct sections of Annex B.Response Message:

Ballot Results

This item has passed ballot

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Page 100: FAE-AAC Agenda Web Conference March 26 2014€¦ · Ben Mauti, Acting Secretary MSA / Compressed Gas Association David Trebisacci, Staff Liaison NFPA Joseph Arrington San Antonio

25 Eligible Voters7 Not Returned

18 Affirmative All0 Affirmative with Comments0 Negative with Comments 0 Abstention

Not ReturnedByrne, Collin M.Dacey, PaulDavis, Shawn G.Hock, Tricia L.Paderick, H. DeanReall, Jack E.Stanhope, Michael T.

Affirmative AllAllen, Jason L.Arrington, JosephCorrado, Steven D.Dempsey, Keith B.Frank, James A.Geraghty, Stephen J.Haskell, III, William E.Hess, Diane B.Horn, Gavin P.Howard, ThomasKlaren, KimKrause, II, George R.Lehtonen, Karen E.McCurley, LouiMetz, JeremyNelson, Robert G.Stephenson, R. DouglasStinton, Robert

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