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  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    An improved patterngeneration procedure for thecutting stock problemAn application in a metal rolling rm

    P. Caricato - A. GriecoUniversit del Salento - Lecce (Italy)

    July 12-14, 2010

    California State University, East Bay

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Decision problemProduction coupling

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Consider a set of orders for aluminum strip in coils,

    characterized by

    width (to be within a speci

    ed tolerance range)

    thickness (tolerance range)

    required aluminum alloy

    lubricant type (if any)

    coil length

    due date

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Strip coils are manufactured from aluminum blocks

    ,which provide the input to the rolling process

    Each order to be ful

    lled is divided into positions

    ,further composed by schedule lines (di

    erent duedates)

    The length of a required strip is expressed as an integernumber called equivalent coils


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    UnitA speci

    c schedule line within a single position of a givenorder, with a quantity equal to the required equivalentcoils

    Below are three units fromone order: 20090001two positions: 1 and 2 of the same orderthree schedule lines: two from the former position andone from the latter

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    Several orders, characterized by di

    erent lengths, can becombined to better use the available aluminum blocks tobe rolled

    This decision problem is referred to as coupling

    As a result of the coupling process, groups of units areselected to be produced rolling a single block

    Coupling allows an e

    cient use of similarities existingamong di

    erent units, in order to optimize theproduction process


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    Main assumptions - Blocks

    Aluminum blocks can be freely selected from a set of

    standard widthsPractically unlimited blocks are available from eachstandard width (thanks to the internal foundry)

    Blocks inventory problems are not treated (no inventory,make-to-order)

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    Main assumptions - Batches

    The coupling problem is solved for homogeneousbatches of units

    A homogeneous batch is formed by units requiring

    the same aluminum alloy

    the same lubricant typeUnits from di erent batches cannot be coupled

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  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd



    The required thicknesses of the units to be coupled mustbe compatible

    i.e. the intersection range must be larger than a giventechnology-related limit

    Unit 1 [0,15 mm 0,25 mm]

    Unit 2 [0,18 mm 0,28 mm]

    Unit 3 [0,20 mm 0,25 mm]

    Unit 4 [0,10 mm 0,17 mm]

    Unit 5 [0,11 mm 0,18 mm]

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    Tech-rel limit 0,03 mm

    Unit 1 [0,15 mm 0,25 mm]

    Unit 2 [0,18 mm 0,28 mm]

    Unit 3 [0,20 mm 0,25 mm]

    Unit 4 [0,10 mm 0,17 mm]

    Unit 5 [0,11 mm 0,18 mm]


    The required thicknesses of the units to be coupled mustbe compatible

    i.e. the intersection range must be larger than a giventechnology-related limit

    4+5 OK

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    Tech-rel limit 0,03 mm

    Unit 1 [0,15 mm 0,25 mm]

    Unit 2 [0,18 mm 0,28 mm]

    Unit 3 [0,20 mm 0,25 mm]

    Unit 4 [0,10 mm 0,17 mm]

    Unit 5 [0,11 mm 0,18 mm]


    The required thicknesses of the units to be coupled mustbe compatible

    i.e. the intersection range must be larger than a giventechnology-related limit

    1+5 OK 1+4 NO

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    Tech-rel limit 0,03 mm

    Unit 1 [0,15 mm 0,25 mm]

    Unit 2 [0,18 mm 0,28 mm]

    Unit 3 [0,20 mm 0,25 mm]

    Unit 4 [0,10 mm 0,17 mm]

    Unit 5 [0,11 mm 0,18 mm]


    The required thicknesses of the units to be coupled mustbe compatible

    i.e. the intersection range must be larger than a giventechnology-related limit

    1+2+3 OK

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    Due dates and widths

    The time gap between the units with the earliest and thelatest due dates must be less or equal than a user-de ned threshold

    The sum of the widths of the coupled units must not

    exceed the maximum block standard width

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    Minimize the number of blocks used to exactly producethe given units

    Minimize the unused material

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    Proposed approach

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd



    The cutting stock problem (CSP) is a recurring problem inmany industries (sheet metal, textile, paper, wood)

    These activities share the common need to cut more orless homogeneous raw material optimizing its usage

    The coupling problem can be addresses as a one-dimensional CSP

    the strip coils lengths do not add a second dimension,since they are translated into equivalent coils

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Earliest works on CSPK. Eisemann. The trim problem. Management Science,3(3):279284, 1957P. C. Gilmore and R. E. Gomory. A linear programmingapproach to the cutting-stock problem. OperationsResearch, 9(6):849859, 1961

    Most common approachespattern generation + integer linear programmingheuristics

    CSP Literature

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    Our reference

    S. M. A. Suliman. A sequential heuristic procedure forthe two-dimensional cutting-stock problem.International Journal of Production Economics, 99(1-2):177185, 2009

    S. M. A. Suliman. Pattern generating procedure for thecutting stock problem. International Journal of Production Economics, 74(1-3):293301, 2001

    CSP Literature

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Proposed approach

    Each batch is independently addressed as a 1D-CSP

    Two steps solution algorithm

    pattern generation

    optimization of patterns usage

    A pattern is the allocation of coils of one or more units toa same standard width block

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Pattern generation

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Pattern generation

    Each generated pattern must satisfy all the couplability

    constraintsA pattern represents a possible real aluminum block usage

    Its width includes

    the widths of the units in the pattern

    the unused width (if any)

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd



    Unit 1 (1) Unit 1 (2)

    Unit 2

    Unit 3

    Block SW2

    Block SW1

    Block SW2

    Block SW2Unit 2

    Block SW1Unit 1 (1)

    Block SW1

    Block SW1

    Block SW1



    Unit 2

    Unit 3

    Unit 1 (1) Unit 1 (2)

    Unit 1 (1)

    Unit 1 (1) Unit 3

    Unit 2 Unit 3

    Unit 1 (1) Unit 1 (2) Unit 3

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Enhancements vs literature[Suliman2009] algorithm

    generates all possible patterns for each standard widthblock (a generation tree for each width)

    allows over-production in order to avoid thegeneration of highly ine cient patterns

    The proposed algorithm

    uni es the pattern generation using a single tree

    guarantees the possibility to produce the exactrequired quantities

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    E ectively consider minimum and maximum standard

    widths when generating each patternUse required production quantities to cuto patterns theILP model would not use

    Use couplability constraints to cuto patterns thatcannot be produced

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Production optimization

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Production optimization

    An ILP (Integer Linear Programming) model is used tooptimize the patterns usage in order to produce therequired units

    Each pattern can either be used (one or more times) ornot

    The amount of produced coils for each unit must exactly

    match the required quantity The objective is to minimize the unused material withinthe produced patterns

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Model glossary

    p is a generic pattern

    i is a generic unit

    x p is the decision variable related to pattern p , indicatinghow many replicas of such pattern will be produced

    q ip is the quantity of units i contained in pattern p

    Qi is the overall quantity of units i that must be producedt p is the trim loss for pattern p, i.e. the unused part of thebar in the pattern

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    ILP Model

    Most of the complexity of

    the problem is handled bythe pattern generationprocedure

    The ILP model isstraightforward




    t p

    x p


    qip x p = Q i i

    x p N p

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Test caseKPIs

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Performance evaluation

    KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) calculated for eachbatch

    number of blocks used


    Lower and upper bounds on the number of blocks Trim characterization

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    Lower Bound (LB) on blocks

    W_tot is the total width required by the batch

    its obtained as the sum of the width of each unit

    multiplied by the number of equivalent coils itrequires

    W_max is the largest standard width available

    N_min = RoundUp (W_tot / W_max)

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    Not less than 3 blocks

    LB calculation example

    4 equivalent coils to be produced

    Maximum standard width


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    The LB on the number of blocks does not necessarilyprovide a LB on the trim

    The LB over the actual W_max (1.370 cm) wouldproduce a 520 cm trim

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Upper Bound (UB) on blocks

    In the worst case, no coupling happenseach equivalent coil uses a di erent block

    This provides both

    an UB on the blocks to be useda rst feasible solution

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    4 blocks UB

    UB calculation example4 equivalent coils to be produced

    Smallest standard width

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Trim characterization

    Each produced pattern can generate trim

    We classi ed the percentage trim per block 0% 5% trim

    5% 10% trim

    10% 100% trimFor each batch we calculate the number of patternsproduced in each class

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    Time limits per batch

    Time limit for pattern generation

    120 seconds

    Time limit for ILP solution

    120 seconds

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Couplability constraints

    Technology related thickness limit


    Maximum time gap between the units with the earliestand the latest due dates on a same pattern

    30 days

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    Test caseResults

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd



    The proposed approach was implemented in a DSS(Decision Support System)

    The DSS was tested and evaluated on a set of real data2006 units

    5650 equivalent coils to be produced

    215 batches

    due dates between 13/01/2009 and 23/06/2009

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    Processing times

    All tests on Intel Core2Duo 2,33GHz, RAM 2GB

    Total time used to process all batches

    15 minutes

    circa 4 seconds per batch

    Timeout batches

    1 during pattern generation

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    Output example for a batch


    Pattern width

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd



  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Overall results

    Blocksaverage LB: 9

    average used blocks: 11,3average theoretical gap: 12,4%

    Trimaverage trim: 6,1%0%5% average blocks: 9,65%10% average blocks: 0,610%100% average blocks: 1,1

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    Theoretical % gap

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    % Trim

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Equivalent coils

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Most common case

    8 equivalent coilsLB: 3 blocks

    Solution: 3 blocks Average trim: 1,5% Trim per class: 3 | 0 | 0

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  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    Real decision problem in an aluminum rolling rm

    Modeled the problem as a CSP

    Up to date reference papers in the literature

    Developed an original algorithmstarted from a reference approachimproved general pattern generation algorithmextended it to consider speci c production issues

    Integrated the proposed approach into a DSS

    Proved its e ectiveness on real production data

  • 8/9/2019 Faim 2010 - Caricato Scribd


    An improved pattern generation

    procedure for the CS PAn application in a metal rolling rm

    Find this presentation here:

    Contact the authors:

    July 12-14, 2010California State University East Bay

    by P. Caricato and A. Grieco

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.scribd.com/http://www.scribd.com/

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