+ All Categories
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Faithin Action

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Higher Purpose ...........................................................3Faith in Action ..............................................................3

Planning the Program ...........................................4Service Program Personnel Report ...................4Implementing Faith in Action ..............................4Council Organizational Meeting.........................4Before the Organizational Meeting...................4Parish Pastor, Council Chaplain..........................4Draft News Article..................................................5Program Portion of the Council

Organizational Meeting ...................................5After the Organizational Meeting ......................5Keeping Program Personnel Motivated...........5

Star Council Award.....................................................6Columbian Award ..................................................6Father McGivney Award.......................................6Founders’ Award ....................................................7State Council Service Program Awards ...........7International Service Program Awards.............7Safe Environment —

Office of Youth Protection...............................8Safe Environment Program Training and

Background Check Requirements — Table 1 ..............................................................8

Ordering Supplies..................................................8Fraternal Training Resources .............................9Webinars...................................................................9

Program Categories .................................................10Supreme-Recommended Program

Category Matrix — Table 2............................10Featured Programs — Table 3 ................................1 1

Faith .........................................................................12Refund Support Vocation

Program (RSVP) ...........................................12Into the Breach.................................................12Pilgrim Icon Program ......................................12Building the Domestic Church

Kiosk ...............................................................12Rosary Program................................................13

Spiritual Reflection ..........................................13Holy Hour...........................................................13Sacramental Gifts.............................................13

Family.......................................................................14Food for Families .............................................14Family of the Month/Year...............................14Keep Christ in Christmas ...............................15Family Fully Alive .............................................15Family Week......................................................15Consecration to the Holy Family .................15Family Prayer Night.........................................16Good Friday Family Promotion ....................16

Community .............................................................17Coats for Kids....................................................17Global Wheelchair Mission............................17Habitat for Humanity .......................................17Disaster Preparedness ...................................17Free Throw Championship............................18Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest ............18Soccer/Hockey Challenge ............................18Leave No Neighbor Behind ..........................18Helping Hands..................................................19

Life...........................................................................20March for Life...................................................20Special Olympics ............................................20Ultrasound Program .......................................21Christian Refugee Relief ................................21Silver Rose ........................................................21Mass for People with Special Needs .........21Pregnancy Center Support ..........................22Novena for Life................................................22

Supreme Chaplain’s Faith in Action Monthly Challenge ..............................................23Faith in Action Monthly

Challenge Instructions...................................23


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Higher PurposeIn the opening lines of Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), His Holiness Pope Francis invites“Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to arenewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ” (3). TheFaith in Action program model extends that sameinvitation to Knights of Columbus members and theirfamilies. It is a renewed personal invitation to live outthe calling of their faith, the call to service of theirneighbor and to answer the age-old question, “Am I mybrother’s keeper?” (Gn 4:9).

Today, a man’s work can follow him home through hissmartphone. At the same time, he is picking up a largershare of household responsibilities and striving to meetmore intense demands of fatherhood as the pace ofkids’ activities has accelerated. Despite this, many menare drawn to opportunities to be hands-on and toexpress their faith by working alongside peers in serviceto others. They want to spend precious free timeinvolved with their families while also building bonds offriendship and fraternity that will last a lifetime.

As Supreme Knight Carl Anderson said, “If we can’tmeet young Catholic men where they are, they will gosomewhere else. And in this era, it is too easy to gosomewhere else when we need them to be home.Home in the Catholic Church, home in their parishes,and home with their families.” As leaders and brotherKnights who care about the long-term sustainability ofthe Order, we are excited about men’s desire to serveand the opportunity to consistently adapt to meet thedemand of a changing world and the needs of futuremembers. We know that the chance to roll up oursleeves and demonstrate our faith through service is aspowerful as it is rewarding. The calling is a fundamentalpart of the Order’s history and genesis for our newprogram model, Faith In Action. This mission-drivenplatform is an excellent way to express our serviceprogram, as it speaks to our own efforts and to theinterests of prospective Knights.

The Faith in Action model is a realization of the changingneeds of men in the twenty-first century. It seeks tobalance all of our key priorities with theirs — Faith,

Family, Community and Life — and present them in away that is clear to our leaders, members andprospective Knights. The simplicity of Faith in Action isthat it fully integrates Building the Domestic Churchprograms as a foundational part of the model, limits thenumber of required programs to earn the ColumbianAward and, most importantly, allows councils toconcentrate on implementing quality faith-filled familyprograms. Our goal is for men to lead their family inservice — not leave their family for service. The focus ofthis streamlined program is quality, not quantity.

Faith in ActionThis Faith in Action manual provides you and yourcouncil with information to both implement Supreme-recommended programs and create unique programsthat help men to live out their commitment to theCatholic faith and their desire to serve family, parish andcommunity.

Woven within these four categories is the opportunityto share something that all generations and cultureswithin our organization seek in their membership in theKnights of Columbus. The Faith in Action model allowsus to come together to share our faith, celebratefraternity with our families, and do what we do best —stand shoulder to shoulder in service to our communityand to defend life at all stages and in every condition.

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This manual fully explains the Faith in Action programmodel, its four categories, and associated Supreme-recommended programs for each. Additional serviceprogram resources and recommendations can be foundat kofc.org/faithinaction.

The resources included in this guide and online aremeant to serve as guidelines and not intended to beprescriptive or exacting. Your council should adapt theinformation for each program to meet the needs andresources of your local parish and community. Byconducting well-run programs, your council continuesthe vision of our founder by assisting people in need,strengthening the bonds that unite our members, andcontinuing the strategy of Building the Domestic Church.

PLANNING THE PROGRAMStart planning immediately after the election of councilofficers. At that time, the grand knight should appointprogram and membership directors. Remember thatprograms and membership go hand in hand. A councilcannot conduct successful programs without membersupport, and without quality faith-filled family programs,prospective members will not be interested in joiningyour council.

After the appointment, the program director works withthe grand knight to name committee chairs for each ofthe four program categories.

SERVICE PROGRAM PERSONNEL REPORTOnce the directors and committee chairs are appointed,complete and submit the Service Program PersonnelReport (#365) through the Member Managementapplication — located in the Officers Online section ofkofc.org — no later than Aug. 1. The report is also foundat kofc.org/forms.

Submitting this report allows the directors andchairpersons to receive important information from theSupreme Council and the state council.

If there are changes in committee chairs during thefraternal year, you may also use the Member Managementapplication to make updates or submit a new ServiceProgram Personnel Report (#365) to the Supreme

Council Department of Fraternal Mission with only thenew or changed information.

IMPLEMENTING FAITH IN ACTIONIt is critical that the grand knight have an organizationalmeeting with the council’s appointed directors andchairs in advance of the new fraternal year: before July 1.This meeting sets the groundwork for the entire fraternalyear and is essential to the success of the council.

COUNCIL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGCouncil officers — including the program and member -ship directors with their respective committee chairs andyour council’s financial secretary and chaplain — shouldattend. Use it to help set the program calendar,membership and insurance goals, budget and socialcalendar. Utilize the Fraternal Planner during thisplanning process.

BEFORE THE ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGReview the programs that were conducted in the pastyear and examine the reasons for success or failure ofeach project. Develop a brief summary on each and beprepared to discuss the analysis during the programportion of the Council Organizational Meeting.

PARISH PASTOR, COUNCIL CHAPLAINConsultation with the pastor and his staff is crucial forsuccess. Well in advance of the Council OrganizationalMeeting, discuss with the pastor your council’s tentativeplans for the new fraternal year. At this time, personallyinvite him to the Council Organizational Meeting

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allowing enough for him to plan his attendance.Developing and aligning your goals with the pastor is animportant and fundamental aspect of our relationshipwith them, and our ability to serve the parish community.

DRAFT NEWS ARTICLEAssign a public relations chairman to write a draft newsarticle updating the parish and community on the successof the council’s activity in the previous year and askingfor parish and community support in the coming year.

PROGRAM PORTION OF THE COUNCILORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGDuring the programming portion of the CouncilOrganizational Meeting, your council officers should:• Review the programs that were conducted in the

past year▫ Discuss the summary analysis of each project▫ Review and approve the draft of the news article

prepared by the public relations chairman.• Based on the review, and within the Fraternal Planner,

decide which programs should be repeated in thecurrent fraternal year and which new programsshould be included▫ Assign directors and chairmen responsible for

each program▫ Assign tentative dates for each program and when

each program will conclude. Establish a meetingschedule for the program committee chairs.

▫ Consider the parish calendar before finalizingthese dates and review with the pastor and hisparish staff

▫ Set a budget for each program▫ Prepare a list of programs to present to your

council for approval▫ Communicate the date of each program to the

public relations chair to ensure that your council’sprograms are communicated to the parish andcommunity in a timely fashion using the sampleannouncements prepared for many of theprograms

AFTER THE ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGIf the pastor or chaplain was not in attendance, thegrand knight should arrange to follow up with him on

the outcome of the Council Organizational Meeting andobtain final approval of programs (and associated dates)that the council seeks to conduct within the parish. The council leadership should work with the parishleadership to secure required facilities as needed.

KEEPING PROGRAM PERSONNEL MOTIVATEDThe program director and committee chair areresponsible for keeping volunteers motivated.Recognition for a job well done can go a long way tokeeping morale high. Here are some suggestions:• Publish the work the council is doing in the parish

and community. Use the various resources availableto help with this and refer to the Public Relations and Publicity Guide (#2235) for assistance.

• Be sure that each Knight gets full credit andrecognition for his work. An occasional personalnote may mean a great deal to the recipient.

• Consider presenting a Certificate of Appreciation(#1462) to the directors, chair and other individualswho were instrumental in the success of the program.

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• Listen to the suggestions of your council membersand acknowledge good advice. Tell your brotherKnights that you appreciate their interest and willconsider their ideas.

• Be prepared to listen when a member has aquestion or problem. Guide him but allow him to domost of the thinking. This indicates respect for hisjudgment, giving him confidence and a feeling ofimportance.

• Accept responsibility for your mistakes. This showsyour team that you know you are human and fallible.

Star Council AwardThe Star Council Award recognizes the efforts thatcouncils put forth in continuing Venerable MichaelMcGivney’s mission. Councils that conduct well-roundedFaith in Action programs will find that their activities areattractive to men of the parish. Recruitment andretention are far easier when programs invite men andtheir families to live their faith in service to one another,their parish and the communities in which they live andwork.

In order for your council to earn the Star Council Award,it must:• Earn the Columbian Award for well-rounded council

programs▫ Submit the Columbian Award Application (#SP-7)

— due by June 30• Earn the Father McGivney Award for membership

growth• Earn the Founders’ Award for insurance growth• Submit the Service Program Personnel Report (#365)

— due by Aug. 1• Submit the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728)

— due by Jan. 31• Remain current with assessments from the Supreme

Council headquarters

There are opportunities for your council to earnadditional stars on the Star Council Award. Earn the StarCouncil Award and attain 200 percent, 300 percent,400 percent, etc., of your council’s membership quota.For additional information on how your council can earnthe Star Council Award, visit kofc.org/star.

COLUMBIAN AWARDThe Columbian Award recognizes your council’s qualityfaith-filled programs in each of the four Faith in Actionprogram categories. In order for your council to earn theColumbian Award, it must:• Complete at least four program credits in each of the

Faith in Action categories of Faith, Family,Community and Life

• Complete the Columbian Award Application (#SP-7)— due by June 30

• Submit the Service Program Personnel Report(#365) — due by Aug. 1

FATHER McGIVNEY AWARDThe Father McGivney Award recognizes excellence inmembership growth. Each year, your council is assigneda membership quota from the Supreme Council. Foraward purposes, growth is considered net increase overloss through suspension or withdrawal. Deaths do notcount against your quota, and transfers in or out of yourcouncil do not count for or against your quota. Yourcouncil quota can be found under the Membership tabin Officers Online, which is updated daily. There is noapplication for the Father McGivney Award, as theSupreme Council automatically determines eligibility.

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Again, conducting well-rounded faith-filled programs willaid in attracting and retaining members. Do not forgetthat programs play an integral part in earning the FatherMcGivney Award. To earn the Father McGivney Awardfor excellence in membership growth, councils must:• Conduct frequent church drives. Visit kofc.org/drive

for additional information on how to conduct achurch drive.

• Recruit at all levels. Everyone can recruit — all membersof the council should be part of your recruitmentteam. Visit kofc.org/recruit1 for more resources.

• Schedule monthly First Degree ceremonials. Aconsistent schedule enables recruiters and futuremembers to know when they can become Knights ofColumbus.

• Invite non-members to volunteer in one of yourcouncil’s programs. After the program, invite thenon-member to join your council.

• Members and leaders can learn more about how torecruit, by visiting kofc.org/trainingmicrosite andtaking the Personal Recruiting Skills course.

FOUNDERS’ AWARDThe Founders’ Award recognizes excellence in yourcouncil’s promotion of our insurance and fraternalbenefits.

The 2020-2021 Fraternal Year introduces a new methodfor achieving the Founders’ Award. Councils can nowfulfill all requirements towards this award by hosting twoFraternal Benefit Seminars. These events arecoordinated in conjunction with your local field agentwho will report your council’s participation to theSupreme Council. There is no application for theFounders’ Award as eligibility is automaticallydetermined by the Supreme Council.

STATE COUNCIL SERVICE PROGRAM AWARDSEach year during a jurisdiction’s convention, the statecouncils should recognize the best program conductedby the councils in each of the four program categories.A subordinate council must complete and submit theState Council Service Program Awards Entry Form(#STSP) — one form per entry per program, along withsupporting documentation for each entry — directly to

the designated state council program chair. Any entriesreceived by the Supreme Council from a subordinatelocal council are not sent to the jurisdiction.

Entries are judged first and foremost on programeffectiveness. Award application content is alsoextremely important in conveying the effectiveness ofthe program. Submitting a quality entry will improve yourcouncil’s chances of being selected as a state orinternational winner.

To assist your council in preparing its entry for the StateCouncil Service Program Awards, please refer to theService Program Awards Booklet (#10173). The bookletcontains helpful suggestions and examples of how yourcouncil should submit its entry.

Winning entries — with the endorsement of the statedeputy — are submitted to the Supreme Council forconsideration as an International Service ProgramAward winner.

INTERNATIONAL SERVICE PROGRAM AWARDSOnce the jurisdiction has chosen its winners for eachcategory, they should promptly forward the submissionto the Supreme Council Department of FraternalMission. Please note: there is only one entry percategory. The entry must include:• State Council Service Program Award Entry Form

(#STSP)• Executive summary of the winning program prepared

by the state council, highlighting why it was chosenas the winner

• Original submission from the winning subordinatecouncil

• Supporting documentation of the winning program

Winning programs at the international level arerecognized at the annual Supreme Convention inAugust. The grand knights of the winning councils,along with their wives, are invited to the convention asguests of the Supreme Council. Any council that is ingood standing is eligible and encouraged to competefor this distinguished honor.

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SAFE ENVIRONMENT — OFFICE OF YOUTH PROTECTIONUnder Faith in Action, certain state and council officers/chairmen are required to take safe environment trainingand may also be required to provide authorization for abackground check. Some positions also have access toPraesidium’s ARMATUS Administration dashboard toview member compliance within their council orjurisdiction.

If members in certain positions are not compliant within30 days of notification, they are subject to removal fromthose positions.

As the Service Program Personnel Report (#365) isbeing completed, ensure that all member emailaddresses are accurate. Praesidium, the Order’s safeenvironment partner, will use these email addresses tosend email notifications to the program directors andchairs who are required to complete safe environmenttraining and to provide authorization for a backgroundcheck. Directors and chairs should look for emailnotifications from Praesidium in their inbox or spamfolder. These will provide assigned username andpassword to complete the required training and the link

necessary to provide background check authorization.The Knights of Columbus covers all costs associatedwith these requirements.

Email notifications are unique to each recipient andcannot be forwarded or used by another director orchair. The time-sensitive notifications require therecipient to complete training and background checkauthorization within 30 days of receipt.

For more information, please visit kofc.org/safe or theOfficer Desk Reference in Officers Online.

ORDERING SUPPLIESThe Supreme Council has many materials available tohelp your council promote and conduct Supreme-recommended programs. Programming and printsupplies can be ordered through Supplies Online, thesupply-ordering portal available on Officers Online. AllKnights of Columbus-related gift and clothing needs,including Knights of Columbus apparel, accessories,books, religious supplies and liturgical items, can beordered through KnightsGear. Included below are tipsto ensure that your order is processed and shipped intime for your programs:


State Advocate 3 3

State Program Director 3 3

State Youth Director 3 3 3

State Family Director 3 3 3

State Community Director 3 3 3

State Squire Chairman 3 3 3

Subordinate CouncilGrand Knight 3 3

Faithful Navigator 3

Program Director 3 3

Family Director 3 3

Community Director 3 3

Chief Counselor 3 3

Adult Counselor 3 3

Safe Environment Program Training and Background Check Requirements — Table 1

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• All council supplies must be ordered through yourcouncil’s grand knight or financial secretary. Tocharge orders against your council’s account, eachgrand knight and financial secretary must first log into Officers Online. Once logged in, officers mayaccess the link to Supplies Online and KnightsGear.

• Fraternal Mission will no long place orders for districtdeputies or council officers, except in rarecircumstances.

• There is no longer a need to complete a Requisition(#1) when ordering council supplies through SuppliesOnline or KnightsGear.

• Order materials at least four to six weeks in advanceof your program date. Materials that are neededsooner will be shipped in an expedited manner;however, extra shipping charges will be applied tothe order.

FRATERNAL TRAINING RESOURCES A variety of fraternal training resources are availableonline at kofc.org/training. These resources includetraining webinars, short videos, and other leadershipmaterials. Additionally, there’s information on RegionalTraining Directors, a field force of trainers who offervarious training courses in person and online. Pleasecheck back frequently as we continue to update thetraining page with new content.

Visit: kofc.org/training

WEBINARSJoin the staff of the Fraternal Mission Department live,as we discuss relevant topics for effective counciloperation, membership recruitment, and charitableoutreach programs that engage council members andbuild a stronger council. All Knights of Columbusmembers are welcome to join us for these fun, engagingand informative webinars.

Offered approximately once a month on an ongoingbasis, these interactive webinars allow participants toview, ask questions and receive answers related to thetopic being discussed in real time. You can register evenif you are unavailable for the live presentation. Eachwebinar is recorded and archived, so fraternal leaderscan participate at a time and place convenient to them.

For further assistance, please contact the FraternalMission department. Phone: (203) 752-4270 or email:[email protected]

To sign-up and see the upcoming webinar or view thearchived webinars, visit kofc.org/webinar.

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Program CategoriesThe programs highlighted here are meant to inspireyour council to put their faith into action. Your councilmay choose to conduct one or more of the programs inthis manual, or it may develop programs unique to theparish or community. The goal is for the council to beactive and conduct programs that draw men closer totheir faith, families and communities — and defend life inall stages and in all conditions.

A well-rounded council program will have activities ineach of the following categories: Faith, Family,Community and Life.

This manual highlights the 33 Supreme Council-recommended programs. Your council is encouraged toimplement any program(s) that will help make adifference in your parish and community. Obtaining aminimum of 16 program credits qualifies the council toearn the Columbian Award.

Faith in Action Programs — Table 2Bold denotes Featured Programs**Only for this Fraternal Year

Supreme-Recommended Program Category MatrixFAITH COMMUNITYRSVP Coats for Kids Into the Breach Global Wheelchair MissionSpiritual Reflection Habitat for Humanity Holy Hour Leave No Neighbor Behind**Pilgrim Icon Program Disaster PreparednessBuilding the Domestic Church Kiosk Free Throw ChampionshipRosary Program Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest Sacramental Gifts Soccer/Hockey Challenge

Helping HandsFAMILY LIFEFood for Families March for Life Family of the Month/Year Special OlympicsFamily Fully Alive Ultrasound Program Family Prayer Night Pregnancy Center SupportKeep Christ in Christmas Christian Refugee Relief Family Week Silver RoseConsecration to the Holy Family Mass for People with Special NeedsGood Friday Family Promotion Novena for Life

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Featured ProgramsThe Supreme Council has designated selectprograms as featured programs in each of theprogram categories. When your council conducts afeatured program and satisfies the associatedrequirements, it will receive two credits toward thatprogram category.

FAITH COMMUNITYRSVP Coats for Kids Into the Breach Global Wheelchair MissionSpiritual Reflection Habitat for Humanity Holy Hour Leave No Neighbor BehindFAMILY LIFEFood for Families March for Life Family of the Month/Year Special OlympicsFamily Fully Alive Ultrasound Program Family Prayer Night Pregnancy Center Support

Featured Programs — Table 3

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Our goal is to strengthen our menand their families in the faith. Whenwe entered the Order, we werereminded to constantly informourselves in the Catholic faith. Thisformation goes beyond mere facts or

religious practice to an authentic connection with aloving God and his son Jesus Christ. Programs in thiscategory are designed to draw us closer to God and theChurch in a tangible and meaningful way — whetherthrough helping the future shepherds of the MotherChurch, quiet contemplation in a spiritual reflectionprogram, or honoring Mary, Mother of God. Theseprograms should strive to arm us for the spiritual battlethat our men and families face daily. For Faith programresources, visit kofc.org/faith.

REFUND SUPPORT VOCATION PROGRAM (RSVP)Keep the faith alive by supporting our seminarians andpostulants.

As the strong right arm of the church, Knights ofColumbus are committed to providing moral, financialand spiritual support to our future priests and religious atall stages of their formation.

Through this program, council and parish families willraise funds to support seminarians or religious information, in their area. For every $500 given to anindividual, the Supreme Council will refund the council orassembly $100. The maximum refund a council orassembly can receive is $400 per individual supported.Though financial support is vitally important, it is not theonly aspect of the RSVP program. Councils are alsocalled to provide their “adopted” seminarian or religiouswith moral support and prayers for their success. Afeatured program, Refund Support Vocation Program(RSVP) counts for two credits toward the Columbianaward. For an additional breakdown of programrequirements & FAQs, please visit kofc.org/fiaresourcesor the last section of your printed Guidebook.

INTO THE BREACHIn his apostolic exhortation Into the Breach, BishopThomas J. Olmsted outlines the challenges faced bymen of faith in the world today. Using either BishopOlmsted’s inspirational letter or the Knights of Columbus

video series it inspired, councils will prayerfully examinethe crisis of religious faith in our world.

By discussing the lessons and calls to action foundthroughout Into the Breach, men will begin to devise apersonal plan of spiritual battle to strengthen their lives,their families, and their communities. A featured program,Into the Breach counts for two credits toward theColumbian award. For an additional breakdown of programrequirements & FAQs, please visit kofc.org/fiaresourcesor the last section of your printed Guidebook.

PILGRIM ICON PROGRAMUnite your community in a special act of prayer anddevotion of the saints by hosting the pilgrim icon.

The Knights of Columbus regularly adopt a special iconof a saint whose patronage is inspiring to Knights andtheir communities. These icons travel between councilsand inspire communal acts of prayer and devotion. EachKnights of Columbus jurisdiction receives severaltraveling pilgrim icons, which serve as the centerpiecesfor prayer services conducted in churches and councilmeeting places throughout the Order for the duration ofthe initiative. Since the introduction of the first pilgrimicon of Our Lady of Guadalupe in 1979, more than166,900 council and parish prayer services have beenheld with some 20 million participants.

BUILDING THE DOMESTIC CHURCH KIOSKBy making the Building the Domestic Church Kiosk(#BDC-K) available in your parish and organizingactivities based on its content, councils will educate and


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evangelize using the rich, faith-based literature found inthe Catholic Information Service (CIS) Building theDomestic Church series of booklets.

Since 1948, CIS has been the major evangelical arm ofthe Knights of Columbus. Through multiple bookletseries and various media formats, CIS makes ourCatholic faith accessible and continually provides toolsfor catechesis and faith formation. For $150, councils willreceive a Building the Domestic Church Kiosk (#BDC-K)and the first set of 225 booklets of the most popular CISresources, aimed at helping Catholics to live out theChurch’s vision for our families.

ROSARY PROGRAMBuild faithful families and communities by praying the rosary.

The Knights of Columbus Rosary Program encouragescouncils to promote devotion to the rosary in our familiesand parishes by scheduling regular rosary prayerservices on any day of the week, at any time of the year,with the guidance of their pastor. Councils shouldpersonally invite each family of the parish and offerattending families a copy of the Knights of ColumbusCatholic Information Service’s A Scriptural Rosary for theFamily (#319). Encourage families to read this bookletand learn how their faith can be strengthened through adevotion to Our Lady, while praying the rosary at hometogether regularly. Kits with rosary rings, rosary prayerguides, and leader books are available for councils to order.

SPIRITUAL REFLECTION Create annual opportunities for prayer and reflection asa fraternity.

Under the guidance of their chaplain, councils canattend a retreat or day of reflection together or organizetheir own event for the men of their parish. Inconjunction with pastors, councils and jurisdictions canhold low-cost retreats of their own. These events mightbe open only to council members or men of the parish– or may be open to entire families. If councils areunable to organize these events themselves, they couldattend an existing retreat as a group. A featuredprogram, Spiritual Reflection counts for two creditstoward the Columbian award. For an additionalbreakdown of program requirements & FAQs, pleasevisit kofc.org/fiaresources or the last section of yourprinted Guidebook.

HOLY HOUREncourage deep personal encounter with God.

Eucharistic adoration in the form of a regularlyscheduled Holy Hour is a simple, direct, and meaningfulway to address these needs. It is familiar to many, easyto organize, and something everyone can participate intogether regardless of age, vocation, stage of life, ormembership status.

A Knights of Columbus Holy Hour, prepared for the menof the parish, could include a reflection, communalrosary, prayers for intercession by Father Michael J.McGivney or St. Joseph, and various other aspects asdecided by the council. A featured program, Holy Hourcounts for two credits toward the Columbian award. Foran additional breakdown of program requirements &FAQs, please visit kofc.org/fiaresources or the lastsection of your printed Guidebook.

SACRAMENTAL GIFTSSupport families during the most important events in thelife of the domestic church: the sacraments.

The sacraments stand as the most significant events inthe life of the domestic church. The Knights of Columbuswill be there to support and embrace our parish familiesat these essential moments of encounter with Christ. Aschildren and adult members become more integratedinto the life of the church and their parish, they shouldknow that members of the Knights of Columbus willalways be present in a tangible and meaningful way.


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Put simply, programs in this categoryare developed for families, byfamilies. Father McGivney sought tostrengthen the familial bond of fatherto mother and children to parents.Catholics often struggle with the

reality that they do not have the opportunity to socializeand/or pray with other faith-filled Catholic families. It canbe quite a challenge to continue to ground ourselvesand raise our children in the faith when there is suchlimited exposure.

Our family programs are an evolution and response to asociety that seeks to weaken the bonds of family. FatherMcGivney’s vision for family life was not only financialand material aid but also spiritual strength, as holinessis the calling of all baptized Christians. Put plainly, themajority of our time is easily spent in secular circlesunless we intentionally create ways to live the domesticchurch. These programs help us to live this call. ForFamily program resources, visit kofc.org/family.

FOOD FOR FAMILIESHelp end hunger in communities across North Americaand around the globe.

The goal of Food for Families is to ensure that as few aspossible go to bed hungry each night. Many in ourcommunities are struggling through hardship and unableto provide food for their families. Knights of Columbusare committed to helping end hunger through the Foodfor Families program which has donated millions ofdollars and millions of pounds of food toward this end.

Council and parish families will raise funds to supporttheir local food pantries, food banks and soup kitchens.For every $500 or 1,000 pounds of food donated, theSupreme Council will refund $100 back to the council —up to a maximum of $500 per council per fraternal year.Though in-kind donation of food is valuable, leaders ofhunger-relief organizations often comment that financialcontributions can be stretched even further and allownonprofits to procure the exact items needed by theorganization and its clients. A featured program, Foodfor Families counts for two credits toward the Columbianaward. For an additional breakdown of programrequirements & FAQs, please visit kofc.org/fiaresourcesor the last section of your printed Guidebook.

FAMILY OF THE MONTH/YEARPromote and support the development of strong andvibrant families.

Each month, the council Family of the Month committeeselects one parish family that models Christian familyvalues and visibly lives them every day. Each councilestablishes a committee to recognize a deservingFamily of the Month and Family of the Year with potentialfor recognition on the international level. Once a year,each participating council also selects one of theprevious twelve Family of the Month winners torepresent the council/parish as the potential internationalFamily of the Year. The Knights of Columbus Family of theYear is chosen by the Supreme Council and recognizedeach year at the annual Supreme Convention. Afeatured program, Family of the Month/Year counts fortwo credits toward the Columbian award. For anadditional breakdown of program requirements & FAQs,please visit kofc.org/fiaresources or the last section ofyour printed Guidebook. Photo © Chris Cavalier


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KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMASPromote the true spirit of Christmas in our homes,schools, parishes and communities.

Councils will evangelize society through their faithfulacts, celebrations and a variety of activities. The Knightsof Columbus offers multiple activities that promoteChristmas and the season of Advent in their propercontext: Journey to the Inn, Light Up for Christ, Crècheor Advent Wreath Blessing, and the Christmas PosterContest. These programs are centered on the exampleof the Holy Family and the Nativity of Our Lord andSavior, Jesus Christ.

The new Keep Christ in Christmas (KCIC) program bringsall KCIC activities together under one umbrella. Itencourages councils to compel their neighbors to shiftfrom a preoccupation with materialism to the light ofChrist and the spirit of giving. KCIC activities includewhatever efforts best suit the parish and community ofa particular council and do not need to originate fromthe Supreme Council.

FAMILY FULLY ALIVEDuring his visit to the Philippines, Pope Francis cited theneed for “holy and loving families to protect the beautyand truth of the family in God’s plan and to be anexample for other families” (Address to Families at theMall of Asia Arena, 2015). The Family Fully Alive monthlydevotions are concrete ways that Knights of Columbus,in solidarity with Pope Francis, can support the growthof holy and loving families in the Church.

The Family Fully Alive program asks families to inviteGod into their homes and cultivates each family as aminiature domestic church. Using the Family Fully AliveBooklet as a devotional guide, this program providesmonthly themes, reflections, meditations and groupprojects. Through prayer and reflection, each family hasthe opportunity to grow in holiness together. This is aflexible program that can be started at any time of theyear and continues year-round. Councils will orderbooklets to distribute and encourage families to use the booklets throughout the year. A featured program,Family Fully Alive counts for two credits toward the Columbian award. For an additional breakdown of program requirements & FAQs, please visitkofc.org/fiaresources or the last section of your printedGuidebook.

FAMILY WEEKHelp families place God and the Catholic faith at thecenter of their lives, year-round.

Knights of Columbus councils will dedicate a specialweek of the year for their parish to recognize the vitalimportance of families as the foundation of our domesticchurch and to promote Catholic family values. Activitiespresented in this program seek strengthen the parishcommunity and affirm the central importance of Catholicfamily life.

When choosing a week, councils should considerfactors that might affect parishioner schedules such asschool vacations, holidays and other local events.Though traditionally celebrated in the summer tocommemorate the birth and death of our founder, FatherMcGivney, this program can take place anytime duringthe year.

CONSECRATION TO THE HOLY FAMILYStrengthen families and revitalize our parishes.

To help families live out the joy of Christ, SupremeChaplain Archbishop William Lori has composed aprayer through which families will come together toconsecrate themselves under the protection of the HolyFamily. In this prayer, we ask for the aid or intercessionof the perfect son Jesus Christ, Mary the perfect mother,and Joseph who is a model for every father.


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Seeking to strengthen families and revitalize ourparishes, councils will guide their parishes andcommunity to understand and offer this important andimpactful prayer. Preparing for the Consecration to theHoly Family is not a single event. It is choosing a way oflife for your family. Through this consecration, eachparticipant is consciously choosing to be a beacon ofGod’s love through his Church.

FAMILY PRAYER NIGHTStrengthen the bonds within our parishes and buildfaith-filled families.

Catholics often struggle with the reality that they do nothave the opportunity to socialize and/or pray with otherfaith-filled Catholic families. It can be quite a challengeto raise our children in the faith when their onlyexposure comes from Mom and Dad. Family PrayerNight is an opportunity for children to be exposed toregular people living their faith in a casual setting. Thisis an opportunity for council members, their families, andthe whole parish community to come together once amonth for an evening of prayer, dinner and fellowship.

Families of council members, as well as other Catholicfamilies within the parish and community, will gather forprayer, dinner and fellowship. Multiple groups can beformed and families are encouraged to rotate between

these groups. A featured program, Family Prayer Nightcounts for two credits toward the Columbian award. Foran additional breakdown of program requirements &FAQs, please visit kofc.org/fiaresources or the lastsection of your printed Guidebook.

GOOD FRIDAY FAMILY PROMOTIONBring families into more robust practice and betterunderstanding of our Catholic faith and the SacredTriduum.

Despite Good Friday’s central role in the heart ofChristianity, attendance at services remains low. In aneffort to change this, councils will encourageparticipation in Good Friday services through apromotional campaign. In an effort to increase parishattendance and involvement, councils will conduct apromotional campaign to educate their parishes on thevital importance of Good Friday.

Setting an example for their community, Knights willattend Good Friday services with their families and workwith their pastors to encourage increased parishionerinvolvement at these liturgies. In conjunction with theseefforts, councils will also work to educate their parishesabout the plight of Christians in the Holy Land and otherareas around the world where Christians are persecutedfor their faith.


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As Knights of Columbus, we arecalled to serve our family and ourGod. Our first principle is Charity, athome with our families or in ourcommunities. This is a critical part ofour Knights of Columbus mission.

Have you ever wondered, “How can I make mycommunity better?” Individuals can do great things ontheir own but there is something bigger than self whenKnights of Columbus members come together as onethrough their council and accomplish great things.Councils that conduct these programs are positivelyshaping their communities by addressing the needs ofits citizens. For Community program resources, visitkofc.org/community.

COATS FOR KIDS Provide warmth for deserving children during coldwinter months.

Councils across North America can purchase newwinter coats for children in need at a discount anddistribute them in their local communities. A featuredprogram, Coats for Kids counts for two credits towardthe Columbian award. For an additional breakdown ofprogram requirements & FAQs, please visitkofc.org/fiaresources or the last section of your printedGuidebook.

GLOBAL WHEELCHAIR MISSIONChange the lives of people with disabilities worldwide.

Since 2009, the Knights of Columbus has partnered withthe American Wheelchair Mission and CanadianWheelchair Foundation, which fall under the umbrella ofthe Global Wheelchair Mission. The goal of this initiativeis to provide aid to those who lack the freedom ofmobility in our communities and around the world.Whether councils are presenting wheelchairs to localveterans and neighbors in need or donating funds tobenefit those abroad, mobility brings with itindependence and dignity.

A featured program, Global Wheelchair Mission countsfor two credits toward the Columbian award. For anadditional breakdown of program requirements & FAQs,please visit kofc.org/fiaresources or the last section ofyour printed Guidebook.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITYBuild homes for families in need.

Knights of Columbus councils work closely with Habitatfor Humanity, a nonprofit Christian organization, to buildhomes for families in need at substantially reducedcosts. Each year, councils throughout the Order donatea considerable number of volunteer hours and dollarsto this worthy cause. A featured program, Habitat forHumanity counts for two credits toward the Columbianaward. For an additional breakdown of programrequirements & FAQs, please visit kofc.org/fiaresourcesor the last section of your printed Guidebook.

DISASTER PREPAREDNESSPrepare your community before disaster strikes.

Communities can be brought to a halt when disasteroccurs — from large natural disasters to local crises. Ascommunity leaders, Knights of Columbus will ensurethat their members, families and parish communities areprepared through a campaign that promotes planningand education. This program motivates councils to take


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a holistic approach to emergency situations bypromoting readiness in times of crisis, assessingresponse capabilities, and learning how to properlyrespond well ahead of a disaster. Councils will engagetheir parish and community in disaster preparednessexercises by organizing trainings, fundraisers andvarious awareness activities. For additional informationvisit kofc.org/prepare.

FREE THROW CHAMPIONSHIPSince 1972, councils have sponsored the Knights ofColumbus Free Throw Championship for boys and girlsbetween the ages of 9 and 14 to provide an athleticoutlet and encourage the values of sportsmanship andhealthy competition. Kids compete within their owngender and age and progress from local level to district,regional and state/province competitions. Councils cansponsor a competition by ordering a Free ThrowChampionship Kit, or volunteering to host and/orsupport the district, regional and state/provincechampionships. For additional information and to orderyour Free Throw Kit visit kofc.org/freethrow.

CATHOLIC CITIZENSHIP ESSAY CONTEST Encourage youth in your community to become citizensgrounded in their faith through creative writing. Open toall Catholic students (public, private, home, or parochialschools) in grades 8 to 12 during the current school year.

This contest encourages today’s youth to be moreconnected to their community and their faith. Foradditional information and to find this year’s EssayContest topic visit kofc.org/essay.

SOCCER/HOCKEY CHALLENGEThe Soccer/Hockey Challenge is a great way forcouncils to engage in their communities with an athleticevent for youth that encourages the values ofsportsmanship and healthy competition. Childrendemonstrate the most important skill in soccer —shooting accuracy on goal — and compete to reach theinternational level of competition. Councils are free tochoose between either the Soccer or HockeyChallenge, whichever makes the most sense for theyouth of your community. Councils can sponsor a

competition by ordering a Soccer Challenge Kit orHockey Challenge Kit, or volunteer to host and/orsupport the district, regional and state/provincechampionships. For additional information visitkofc.org/soccer.

LEAVE NO NEIGHBOR BEHINDKnights of Columbus are called to step into the breachand leave no neighbor behind – especially in times of crisis.

Knights of Columbus are encouraged to meet the needsof their council, parish and local community bysupporting individuals in need, food banks, bloodcenters, and other essential services that have beendepleted of their vital supplies. For additionalinformation visit kofc.org/helpinghands. A featuredprogram, Leave No Neighbor Behind counts for twocredits toward the Columbian award. For an additionalbreakdown of program requirements & FAQs, pleasevisit kofc.org/fiaresources or the last section of yourprinted Guidebook.


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HELPING HANDSPope Francis writes in Evangelii Gaudium, “Our faith inChrist, who became poor, and was always close to thepoor and the outcast, is the basis of our concern for the

integral development of society’s most neglectedmembers” (186). He goes on to say, “In this context wecan understand Jesus’ command to his disciples: ‘Youyourselves give them something to eat!’ (Mk 6:37): itmeans working to eliminate the structural causes ofpoverty and to promote the integral development of thepoor, as well as small daily acts of solidarity in meetingthe real needs which we encounter” (188).

In the model of our founder, Father McGivney, councilswill lead efforts to assist those most in need. TheHelping Hands program is designed to recognize theimportant work many councils already do to care for themost disadvantaged members of our communities — thehomeless, the addicted, the elderly who may feelisolated and abandoned, and many others. Therequirements for this program are very broad in orderto allow councils to serve their community in whateverway is most needed. For additional information visitkofc.org/hands.


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The urgency of the threat to a cultureof life cannot be misunderstood.Respect for the dignity of lifedemands a commitment to humanrights across a broad spectrum. Bothas Knights of Columbus and as

followers of Christ, “Catholics must be committed to thedefense of life in all its stages and in every condition”(St. John Paul II, 1995).

The Knights of Columbus defends the dignity of eachhuman being at every stage of life. Knights worktogether to build a culture of life and a civilization oflove. Your council should stand ready to assist anypregnant woman in need, care for the elderly, aid thehandicapped, empower those with special needs torealize their full potential and bring attention to theinjustices of abortion, embryonic stem cell research,euthanasia and assisted suicide. For Life programresources, visit kofc.org/life.

MARCH FOR LIFE Show public support for the right to life.

The Knights of Columbus encourages others to chooselife through public support of the pro-life cause. Knightscan organize and participate in local/state/province/regional Marches for Life and/or organize participationof Knights/parishioners/students/etc., in bus trips to thenational Marches in Washington, D.C., Ottawa, MexicoCity, throughout the Philippines, or in other countries.

Councils are encouraged to participate in or sponsorlocal, state/province, regional or national Marches forLife. Councils that coordinate at least 25 participants orwho organize a local March for Life will receive creditfor this program. A featured program, March for Lifecounts for two credits toward the Columbian award. Foran additional breakdown of program requirements &FAQs, please visit kofc.org/fiaresources or the lastsection of your printed Guidebook.

SPECIAL OLYMPICSCelebrate the intrinsic worth and dignity of every singlehuman being through the Special Olympics.

The Knights of Columbus has a unique relationship withthe Special Olympics and has helped disabled athletestrain for and compete in games around the world.Knights of Columbus councils have assisted with allaspects of the Special Olympics events from fundraisingto feeding the athletes, organizing and judging events,and providing equipment and awards. Without thesupport of the Knights, participants would not be ableto train for the events that they love.

Work with Special Olympics affiliates to determine howbest to fund, sponsor or volunteer for events in the localcommunity. Featured program credit is awarded tocouncils providing at least $2,000 in donations or 200 service hours in a fraternal year. A featuredprogram, Special Olympics counts for two creditstoward the Columbian award. For an additionalbreakdown of program requirements & FAQs, pleasevisit kofc.org/fiaresources or the last section of yourprinted Guidebook.


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ULTRASOUND PROGRAMSave lives and help women choose life by giving themthe opportunity to view their unborn children onultrasound machines at pro-life pregnancy centers.

This initiative is funded by state and local councils andmatching grants from the Supreme Council’s Culture ofLife Fund. The Knights of Columbus works together topurchase ultrasound machines for qualifying pregnancycenters. After the state and/or local council raises 50%of the cost, the Supreme Council will provide the other50% to complete funding for purchase of an ultrasound.Or, if the council raises 100% of the cost of a vehicleoutfitted to serve as a mobile medical unit for apregnancy center, the Supreme Council will provide100% of the funds for an ultrasound machine to be usedin that vehicle. A featured program, Ultrasound Programcounts for two credits toward the Columbian Award.This program has specific guidelines. Be sure to consultyour State Life Director or the Department of FraternalMission before beginning this program. Visitkofc.org/ultrasound.

CHRISTIAN REFUGEE RELIEFHelp save persecuted and at-risk Christians facing geno -cide all over the world, particularly in the Middle East.

Knights of Columbus are called to bring awareness andsupport to those who have suffered for their faiththrough various parish-based programs and fundraisers.

The Knights of Columbus Christian Refugee Relief Fund,which has provided humanitarian assistance, primarilyin Iraq, Syria, and the surrounding region. Councils willaid this cause by collaborating with their parishes tospread awareness and raise funds to help theseChristians and those in their care. For additionalinformation visit kofc.org/refugee.

SILVER ROSEShare the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe andpromote respect for life by participating in thismeaningful pilgrimage.

The Silver Rose program demonstrates the unitybetween Knights of Columbus in Canada, the UnitedStates, and Mexico, through a series of prayer servicespromoting the dignity of all human life and honoring OurLady. Each year, from early March through mid-December, Silver Roses are stewarded by councilsalong routes from Canada to Mexico. Every stop theSilver Rose makes throughout the pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners andcommunity members to pray for respect for life, for thespiritual renewal of each nation, and for theadvancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe.For additional information visit kofc.org/silverrose.

MASS FOR PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDSWelcome individuals or families who might notnormally feel comfortable participating in a regularlyscheduled Mass.

People with special needs resulting from physical,emotional, mental or cognitive conditions are all aroundus in society, at school, at work and in our families. It canbe challenging for these important members of oursociety to participate in church due to physical andsocial barriers — or even family member anxiety.Councils will sponsor a distinct Mass for people withspecial needs. Celebrating a Mass for People withSpecial Needs can be the first of many steps towardintegration into regular weekly or even daily Mass — andmore deeply into all of the sacraments and otheraspects of parish life. Holding this Mass sends themessage that all of God’s children are welcome underthe parish roof and that every person is an integral partof the parish family. For additional information visitkofc.org/mpsn.


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PREGNANCY CENTER SUPPORTChange the hearts and minds of society about abortionby showing that we love both mother and child beforeand after birth.

More than three thousand pro-life pregnancy centersnow operate in jurisdictions throughout the Order. Bythe very nature of our founding, Knights of Columbusare called to care for the widow and orphan. Abortionvulnerable unborn children and mothers experiencingunexpected pregnancies certainly fall within ourmandate. With our aid, pregnancy centers can offersupport to help them choose life. Councils can providematerial, financial, labor and other support to pro-lifepregnancy centers that help pregnant women duringpregnancy and following the birth of their newbornchildren. Councils can “adopt” a pregnancy center andprovide material, labor, and spiritual support throughoutthe year. A featured program, Pregnancy CenterSupport counts for two credits toward the Columbianaward. For an additional breakdown of programrequirements & FAQs, please visit kofc.org/fiaresources or the last section of your printed Guidebook.

NOVENA FOR LIFELead your community in the spiritual fight to establish aculture of life in our nations.

The protection of life is a sustained prayer intention ofthe Church, and in particular of the Knights of Columbus.Knights remain firmly committed to defending the rightto life of every human being — from the moment ofconception to natural death. To commemorate andbolster this important cause, councils will promote anovena, nine days of sustained prayer, to build up aculture of life in our parishes, homes and widercommunity.

Knights and their families will come together in bothpublic and private acts of prayer to promote theprotection of life.


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SUPREME CHAPLAIN’S FAITH IN ACTION MONTHLYCHALLENGEFew if any organizations can unify nearly two millionCatholic men and coordinate their efforts to live theirfaith in their councils, homes, parishes and communities.Through this challenge, all Knights of Columbus aroundthe world will grow in their faith and be united with theirbrother Knights doing the same. They will be personallyblessed by their efforts and equally reassured not togive up if they struggle to live the challenge.

The supreme chaplain’s monthly challenge is a councilactivity in which each member of the council ischallenged to read and then fulfill the activity. Thechallenge is simple and consistent. The supremechaplain chooses a few lines from scripture that will beheard at a Sunday Mass during the upcoming month. Hethen shares a brief reflection on the scripture verses.Finally, he gives his monthly challenge to all Knights ofColumbus, and they are instructed to live that challengefor the month.

At the next month’s council meeting, during thechaplain’s message, the chaplain will lead a discussionabout what it was like living the challenge for the month.If the chaplain is unable to attend the meeting, thisdiscussion is to take place during the grand knight’sreport. The monthly challenge will be found primarily in:• Fraternal Leader Advisory• Social media• Knightline• Columbia Magazine• kofc.org/domesticchurch

FAITH IN ACTION MONTHLYCHALLENGE INSTRUCTIONS1. Begin with a prayer of your choosing or use the

following:• Prayer: Come Holy Spirit. We thank you for

guiding our lives and pray that we may have thecourage exemplified by Father McGivney to liveour faith to the fullest through our council, ourfamilies and in society. May our words today giveglory to your Sacred Heart and if we struggledthis past month in living our faith, help us to neverstop turning to you and always try again.

2. Re-read the Faith In Action monthly challenge fromthe previous month• Invite the men to talk about what it was like to try

and live last month’s challenge from the supremechaplain

• Do not be concerned about the order that menspeak in

• It’s OK if there is silence in between menspeaking

• Try to make sure that others are listening whenone man is speaking

• It is fine if someone doesn’t want to speak• The men are welcome to give encouraging

comments to each other3. When finished, read the Faith in Action for the next

month4. Ask the men if there is anything they would like the

group to pray for and end with this prayer:• Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for this

time together with our brothers. We ask you tohave mercy on all those people and intentions weprayed for. Give us the perseverance to live nextmonth’s Faith in Action and to remember that weare united with our brother Knights around theworld in doing so.

Faith in Action

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