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For the Course of Study

FAITH in the


Text by Chuck & Nancy Missler

Workbook by Linda A. Ratcliff, Th.D.

To be completed as the student reads the course text Upon completion, return to Therapon University for grading.

Student’s Name:


Copyright 2004 Linda A. Ratcliff, Th.D.

Printed in the United States of America

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – for example, electronic, photocopy, recording - without the prior written permission of the author. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time


Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time


1 My Own Night Seasons

1. The authors, Chuck and Nancy Missler, went through a “night season.” What were

some of the problems they faced?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________

f) __________________________________________________________________

2. Job also went through a true “night season.” Why did God give the devil permission to torment Job? ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (1:6-12)

3. What are some of the things that the devil did to Job?

a) _________________________________________________________ (1:14-15)

b) ____________________________________________________________ (1:17)

c) _________________________________________________________ (1:18-19)

d) _____________________________________________________________ (2:7)

4. What did Job’s wife suggest that he do? __________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ (2:9)

5. Why did Eliphaz tell Job he should be happy? ______________________________ _______________________________________________________________ (5:17)

6. What did Job call this period of misery? _____________________________ (30:17)

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7. What are some similarities between the way the authors felt as one trial after another fell upon them, and the way Job felt? _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ (30:19-24)

8. Nothing reveals our true selves so well as the advent of _________ ______________

9. When hard times come, we want to be able to see and understand what God is doing in our lives. But real faith is ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

10. What is the difference between abandonment to God’s will and human expectation?

a) Abandonment to God’s will is _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

b) Human expectation is ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

11. Which is the only way to face a night season? ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

12. What is God’s primary goal and purpose for our lives as Christians? ____________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

13. God wants us to know Him so intimately and so completely that we won’t _______ __________________________________________________ when difficulties arise.

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14. What does the author say is the difference between “night seasons” and trials? ____ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

15. Read Psalms 16:7-11. Here David flees to God's protection in his night season, with cheerful, believing confidence. What things were an encouragement and source of hope for him?

a) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 7a)

b) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 7b)

c) __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (v. 8)

d) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 10a)

e) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 11a)

16. Psalms 16:8-11 is quoted by St. Peter in his first sermon, after the pouring out of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Why does Peter say we should not be moved in our night seasons? _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ (Acts.2:25)

17. What are some of the incredible blessings of His abiding presence we will experience, when we keep the Lord always before our face, and we are not moved by the circumstances of our night season?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

18. Psalms 30:5 says, “… weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Name some of the personal blessings David experienced that gave him that “joy in the morning.”

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a) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 1b)

b) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 1c)

c) _____________________________________________________________ (v. 2)

d) _____________________________________________________________ (v. 3)

e) _____________________________________________________________ (v. 5)

f) _____________________________________________________________ (v. 6)

g) _____________________________________________________________ (v. 7)

h) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 11)

19. Trials can push us closer to God or farther away from Him. What do you think is the key to staying in fellowship with Him during our trials? (Thought question) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

20. Name some of the different areas from which trials may arise in the lives of people you may counsel.

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

21. How do difficult times reveal their true character? __________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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2 Are Night Seasons Part of God’s Will?

1. In Ezekiel 36:28 God said, “…and ye shall be My people and I will be your God.”

Before He made this statement, in verses 25 through 27, God listed several things that would happen first. These were things that needed to come to pass before Israel could enter into such an intimate relationship with Him.

a) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 25a)

b) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 25b)

c) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 25c)

d) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 26a)

e) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 26b)

f) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 26c)

g) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 26d)

h) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 27a)

i) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 27b)

j) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 27c)

2. How many of these things need to happen in our own lives, in order to enter into an intimate relationship with the Lord, the place where he teaches, guides and communes with us? ____________________________________________________

3. What is meant by the phrase “inward journey”? ____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

4. How is the “inward journey” accomplished? _______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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5. How would you define a true Biblical night season? _________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

6. What should always be our response to trials and night seasons?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

7. What is “naked faith?” __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

8. In the darkness of our night season, we must cling to the assurance that:

a) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

9. How does God use the dark times in our lives? ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

10. Read the personal examples of people who have gone through night seasons on pages 41 – 43. Give another example of someone who has gone through a night season – telling either your own story or the story of someone you know.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

11. Read Jeremiah 38:6. The dungeon in this verse was really a "cistern." It was not a subterranean prison as we usually think of a dungeon, but a pit or cistern, which had been full of water, but was emptied of it during the siege, so that only "mire" remained. Such empty cisterns were often used as prisons (Zechariah 9:11); and the depth forbade hope of escape.

This is the “affliction” referred to in Lamentations 3:1. Within this chapter, Jeremiah hopes to show the Jews how to behave in their sufferings during their night season, by sharing a story of his own night season. In Chapter 3, Jeremiah actually lists 32 causes for his suffering during this night season, which include:

a) _____________________________________________________________ (v. 2)

b) _____________________________________________________________ (v. 4)

c) _____________________________________________________________ (v. 6)

d) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 7a)

e) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 7b)

f) _____________________________________________________________ (v. 9)

g) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 16)

12. If we can understand God’s will in our night season, understand what God is trying to accomplish in our lives, and see our circumstances as being sent directly from Him to implement His will – then we can:

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

13. As we search the Scriptures, we find that almost every great man or woman of God experienced their own ____________________ _____________________.

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14. Give the Scriptural example of a Bible character who received a call from God, experienced some sort of success, was driven into a night season, and then returned to fulfill his/her destiny. Briefly share the story and Bible reference.











15. What are some things we can do to prepare for a night season? (Thought Question)

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

16. If you have experienced a night season, what do you now see was God’s purpose in your life for this time of darkness? (Personal testimony – answer optional)







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3 God’s Will and Man’s Free Choice

1. Isaiah 55:8-9 gives a comparison that helps explain how different God’s ways are

from our ways. “As the _________________________________________________ __________________________, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts ”

2. List the four aspects of God’s will.

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

3. What is God’s sovereign will?

a) For the natural world: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

b) For man: _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

4. Why did God go to such lengths to redeem his fallen creatures? _______________ (The proof for the answer to this question can be found in John 3:16.)

5. What is God’s revealed will? _____________________________________________ 6. God authenticates His message in the Word by describing history in advance. Give

three examples of this. a) __________________________________________________________________


b) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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c) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

7. The whole of the Bible – all of God’s revealed will – is summed up in learning to: a) ______________________________ b) _______________________________

8. What is God’s will for mankind? __________________________________________ 9. Why do people need this gift of salvation? ________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

10. When does salvation occur? a) __________________________________________________________________ b) __________________________________________________________________


11. What happens at the very moment that we accept and receive God’s free gift of Life? _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

12. What is God’s will for the life of a believer? ________________________________ 13. What is the twofold purpose of sanctification?

a) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

b) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

14. Sanctification happens automatically after we are saved. __________ True __________ False

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15. Name seven proofs that show the process of sanctification has begun in the life of a believer. a) _____________________________________________________ (1 John 2:29) b) _______________________________________________________ (Eph. 4:24a) c) _________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________ (Col. 3:8)

d) ________________________________________________________ (Col. 3:10) e) ________________________________________________________ (Gal. 3:27) f) _______________________________________________________ (Heb. 2:11) g) ______________________________________________________ (1 Cor. 3:16)

16. The life of Peter is a perfect example of the process of sanctification. Over and over we see Peter cooperated with God by choosing to make faith choices or non-feeling choices to follow God’s will. Think of another Bible character whose life demonstrated this process of sanctification, and tell his/her story. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

17. What are the two areas God must cleanse and purify in the sanctification process? a) By His blood, He ___________________________________________________


b) By His Spirit and His Word working together, He ________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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18. Define sin. ___________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

19. In the sanctification process, God wants us to give over to Him

a) not only __________________________________________________________

b) but also __________________________________________________________

20. Hebrews 12:5 tells us we are not to despise the chastening of the Lord. When and why does God chasten His people?

a) _______________________________________________________ (Job. 33:14)

b) ______________________________________________________ (2 Sam. 7:14)

c) __________________________________________________________ (Ps. 6:1)

d) ________________________________________________________ (Ps. 89:31)

e) ___________________________________________________ (1 Cor. 11:31-32)

f) _______________________________________________________ (Gal. 6:7-8)

g) ________________________________________________________ (Rev. 3:19)

21. Why is our free will so very important to God? ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

22. Life is simply a series of ongoing choices.

a) For the nonbeliever, it is a daily choice between ___________________________ __________________________________________________________________

b) For the believer, it is a moment-by-moment choice of ______________________

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__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

23. Read Isaiah 43:1-7. Here we see Israel is going through a night season, but God assured the people that He would be with them and protect them. In verse 1, what three reasons did God give the people for not being afraid in spite of their circumstances?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

24. What are some of the things God promised to do for them?

a) _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (v. 2a)

b) __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (v. 2c)

c) _____________________________________________________________ (v. 4)

d) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 5-7)

25. (Personal testimony – answer optional) Has there ever been a night season in your life in which you were afraid? _________ Did God help you through it? _________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

26. Do you think it would be appropriate to share this testimony with a counselee who is going through a night season? __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time


4 Knowing God’s Will Personally

1. What is the first and most important ingredient in knowing God’s individual will for our lives? ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

2. What are four of the ways we can learn God’s personal will for us?

a) _________________________________________________________________

b) _________________________________________________________________

c) _________________________________________________________________

d) _________________________________________________________________

3. The first way we learn of God’s will for our life is to read the Word. Read Proverbs 6:21-23 and 7:3. What did Solomon say would be three good places to keep the Word of God?

a) ____________________________________________________________ (6:21)

b) ____________________________________________________________ (6:21)

c) _____________________________________________________________ (7:3)

4. What will the truth in the verses you read and memorize in the Bible do for you?

a) ___________________________________________________________ (6:22a)

b) ___________________________________________________________ (6:22b)

c) ___________________________________________________________ (6:22c)

5. What three functions does the Word of God serve?

a) ___________________________________________________________ (6:23a)

b) ___________________________________________________________ (6:23b)

c) _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ (6:23c)

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6. It is only necessary to read our Bible when we have a specific question for God.

_______ True ________ False

7. Explain in your own words the four simple suggestions the author makes for hearing God’s will through the Word?

a) Erase and pray. ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

b) Read and remember. ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

c) Consider and meditate. ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

d) Decide and check. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

8. In James 1:5, we learn that if we lack wisdom, we should ask of God and it will be given to us. What are the characteristics of divine wisdom? (James 3:17)

a) e)

b) f)

c) g)

d) h)

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9. In Psalm 34, we read some of the promises God has made with regard to prayer.

a) Whose prayers does the Lord hear? ______________________________ (v. 15)

b) What does God do when the righteous pray? _____________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (v. 17)

c) What is God’s attitude toward the broken-hearted? ________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (v. 18)

d) What does God promise if we just trust in Him? __________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (v. 22)

10. Sometimes, it is necessary to seek God not only through prayers and supplications, but also through _____________________. (Dan. 9:3)

11. What are some of the spiritual and physical effects of fasting when we need to hear from God?

a) ________________________________________________________ (Ps. 35:13)

b) ________________________________________________________ (Ps. 69:10)

c) __________________________________________________________ (Mt. 4:2)

d) _________________________________________________________ (Mt. 6:18)

e) ________________________________________________________ (Mt. 17:21)

12. It is rarely necessary go on an extended fast for an answer to prayer. However, three Bible characters went on a 40-day fast. Who fasted twice for 40 days? ___________

a) (Ex. 24:13; Dt. 9:9) c) (1 Ki. 19:8)

b) (Dt. 9:18) d) (Mt. 4:1) 13. How does the Holy Spirit work alongside God’s Word? _______________________

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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14. Before we can hear God’s voice and before He can direct and control our lives, we must cleanse our hearts. How do we do this? _______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

15. In Romans 12:2, we are directed to

a) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 2a)

b) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 2b)

16. Titus 3 explains how you can tell if your heart has been cleansed and purified, and if your mind has been renewed in Christ.

a) Before the renewing of your mind in Christ, you were _____________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (v. 3)

b) After the renewing of your mind in Christ, you

i) __________________________________________________________ (v. 1)

ii) __________________________________________________________ (v. 1)

iii) __________________________________________________________ (v. 1)

iv) __________________________________________________________ (v. 2)

v) __________________________________________________________ (v. 2)

vi) __________________________________________________________ (v. 2)

17. Before God reveals Himself to us, we must first show that we are willing to unconditionally obey Him. Then we will learn by experience the following truths.

a) The more we trust and obey God, the more He ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________

b) The more we allow Him to lead and guide us, the more we __________________ __________________________________________________________________

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c) The more we get to know Him, the more ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

18. Proverbs 19:20 lists two ways to gain additional insight when in the process if making a decision.

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

19. Although counselors can be professionals, pastors or laymen, they should always be _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

20. God warns us to beware of “other” voices that we may hear. These may come as:

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

21. What would be a good way to determine if the counsel or advice we have received is from God or one of the “other” voices listed above? (Thought question)___________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

22. What are four things we can do to discern the God’s will for a situation, if we have to move quickly but need to wait for direction from the Lord?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

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Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time


5 Why Is Faith So Important?

1. If Christians are to endure to the end, we must understand that the one and only key to our survival is faith in __________________________________________________

2. How is faith developed in the believer? ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

3. How is true faith strengthened? __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

4. How is faith weakened? ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

5. James 1:5-6 says that when we have a need, we are to pray in faith, nothing wavering. This is actually one of eight secrets to getting our prayers answered. List all eight.

a) ________________________________________________________ (Jn. 16:23)

b) ________________________________________________________ (Jn. 14:12)

c) _______________________________________________________ (Rom. 8:26)

d) ________________________________________________________ (1 Jn. 5:15)

e) ______________________________________________________ (Mark 11:25)

f) ________________________________________________________ (Ps. 100:4)

g) _________________________________________________________ (Jn. 15:7)

h) ________________________________________________________ (James 1:6)

6. Abraham wasn’t always a man of unwavering faith. As we follow his life story through Genesis, we see him move steadily from cowardice to __________________, from fear to ________________, and from doubt to ___________________________

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7. Write your own definition of faith based on Romans 4:21. _____________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

8. There are several other scriptures that define faith. Give a brief definition from each.

a) __________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ (2 Cor. 4:18)

b) __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ (Heb. 11:1)

c) __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ (1 Jn. 5:14)

9. How can we receive faith? ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ (Rom. 10:17)

10. How should we walk? ________________________________________ (2 Cor. 5:7)

11. How do we build our lives upon faith in God?

a) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

12. What is the difference between real faith in God and emotional faith? (Thought Question) ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Which one will survive a “night season?” __________________________________

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13. Hebrews 11 is a powerful chronicle of Bible characters who left their comfort zone and stepped out in real faith (not emotional faith), standing on the promises of God, depending on Him to see them through their current circumstances.

a) By faith, Abel _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (v. 4)

b) By faith, Enoch ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (v. 5)

c) By faith, Noah _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (v. 7)

d) By faith, Abraham __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ (v. 8-10)

e) By faith, Sarah _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (v. 11)

f) By faith, Abraham __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (v. 17)

g) By faith, Isaac _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (v. 20)

h) By faith, Joseph ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (v. 22)

i) By faith, Moses ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ (v. 23-27)

j) By faith, the Israelites _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (v. 29)

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k) By faith, the walls of Jericho __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (v. 30)

l) By faith, the harlot Rahab ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (v. 31)

14. Why is faith absolutely necessary? ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ (Heb. 11:6)

15. Why is it so important to take up the “shield of faith” on a daily basis? ___________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________(Eph. 6:16)

16. How is the “shield of faith” activated? _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

17. Name a few other things we can do to shield ourselves from the fiery darts of Satan?

a) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ (Is. 37:1)

b) _____________________________________________________ (1 Thess. 5:17)

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) Use our ____________________ of warfare which are

i) ______________________________________________

ii) ______________________________________________

iii) ______________________________________________

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6 Faith in the Dark Night

1. The dark night or the night season is simply the transition we make

a) from ____________________________________________________________

b) to _______________________________________________________________

2. The Bible gives much information about what to expect during our night season.

a) ______________________________________________________ (Gen. 15:12)

b) _______________________________________________________ (Ex. 20:21)

c) _____________________________________________________ (2 Sam. 22:29)

d) ________________________________________________________ (1 Ki. 8:12)

e) ______________________________________________________ (Mark 14:34)

f) ________________________________________________________ (John 6:17)

g) ________________________________________________________ (2 Cor. 1:8)

h) ________________________________________________________ (1 Pet. 1:7)

3. The Bible also tells us about the purpose of our dark season.

a) __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ (1 Pet. 2:1-2)

b) __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ (1 Thess. 5:23)

c) __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ (2 Cor. 1:9)

d) _______________________________________________________ (Ps. 140:13)

4. God knows we will never be content, never enjoy real freedom and never be truly fulfilled until we are ____________________________________________________

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5. In our journey inward towards intimacy and experiential oneness with Jesus, we can encounter darkness. For us, this “darkness” means ___________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

6. Jesus had to go through suffering and His own dark night. What are some of the things that happened to Jesus in His “night season?”

a) _________________________________________________________________

b) _________________________________________________________________

c) _________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

7. There are two ways we can respond to suffering.

a) We can either ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

b) or _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

8. What are some things we should remember when we are suffering?

a) _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ (Heb. 12:5-6)

b) _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ (2 Chr. 33:2)

c) ________________________________________________________ (Ps. 77:2a)

d) __________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ (Ps. 119:71)

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9. Why does the author say a night season can sometimes be referred to as “a baptism of fire?” _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

10. We could also call this fire the fire of His love. What does the fire of Love do for us?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

11. Read Mark 9:49. Fire is used in the Scriptures to denote suffering, persecution, trial, distress of any kind. Salt is used to indicate permanence, preservation from corruption. This verse teaches that everyone, meaning every follower of Christ, will be salted with fire - will endure a fiery season of suffering. In other words, Jesus is saying, "Every disciple of Mine shall have a fiery trial to undergo.”

12. What do many people do when they get salted and then God turns up the fire? _____ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

13. Why does God need to purge our souls of sin and self? What is He really after? (Thought Question) ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

14. Philippians 3:10 outlines the final result of the sufferings we will endure during our night season.

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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Therapon University: Validating People – One Degree at a Time


7 What is the Dark Night of the Soul?

1. What is the difference between the “dark season of the soul” and the “dark night of the spirit?”

a) During the dark season of the soul, God focuses on ________________________ __________________________________________________________________

b) During the dark night of the spirit, God focuses on _________________________ __________________________________________________________________

2. In the dark season of the soul, God asks us to surrender or to sacrifice to Him ______ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

3. What were the two dark nights that Jesus suffered?

a) _________________________________________________________________

b) _________________________________________________________________

4. What exactly is our soul? _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

5. What are the two possible conditions of the soul?

a) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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6. What did St. John of the Cross, a Carmelite priest who lived in the 1600’s, say was the only appropriate response to suffering? _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

7. Who will experience the dark night of the soul? (See pp. 143-144)

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________

f) __________________________________________________________________

g) __________________________________________________________________

h) __________________________________________________________________

i) __________________________________________________________________

8. What three things is God looking for in each of our lives?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

9. God wants to know the full proof of us. He wants to know our real heart. What two questions is He seeking the answer to during the dark night of our soul?

a) __________________________________________________________________


b) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

10. What is “naked faith?” _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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11. In her audio tape titled “In the Fire,” what does Joy Dawson say are God’s seven purposes for allowing the night seasons into our lives?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________

f) __________________________________________________________________

g) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

12. What are a few of the blessings and benefits that will result from the night season?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________

f) __________________________________________________________________

13. If we begin to doubt God, His love and His faithfulness during our night season, it will affect everything we do because:

a) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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14. What are the three primary sources of doubt?

a) __________________________________________________________________

i) through ________________________________________________________

ii) through ________________________________________________________

iii) through ________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

15. Is it okay to question God during our night season? ___________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

16. Psalm 42 is a psalm that David sang while he was in exile and wished to return home. What are some of the questions asked in this psalm?

a) _____________________________________________________________ (v. 9)

b) _____________________________________________________________ (v. 9)

c) My enemies ask, “___________________________________________.” (v. 10)

d) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 11)

e) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 11)

17. Where did David put his trust after asking these questions? ____________________ _______________________________________________________________ (v. 11)

18. (Personal testimony – answer optional) What are some questions you have asked God when you found yourself in a night season? _____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Were you able to come to the point of trust in God’s faithfulness, even though you still had questions? ____________________________________________________

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8 Passing Through the Night

1. Read Psalm 88. It is believed that this psalm was written by Heman. Heman was a musician and seer, a Levite, son of Joel and the grandson of the prophet Samuel; of the family of the Kohathites (1 Chron. 6:33; 15:17). He was appointed by David as one of the leaders of the temple-singing and he took a leading part in the administration of the sacred services. Heman had 14 sons and 3 daughters who assisted their father in the chorus. Heman was also a man of spiritual power; and was called "the king's seer in matters of God" (1 Chron. 25:5 and 2 Chron. 35:15).

Between verses 1 to 9, Heman cried out to God with 18 expressions of personal distress. List a few of his laments.

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________

f) __________________________________________________________________

g) __________________________________________________________________

h) __________________________________________________________________

2. Was it wrong for Heman to express his feelings to God in this way? _____________ Explain your answer. __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

3. In the 88th psalm, Heman only made two requests of God. What were they?

a) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 2a)

b) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 2b)

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4. Heb. 13:5 promises, “…I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Why would this be a good verse to memorize and hold on to during our night season? _______________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

5. Why do friends and family often seem to have withdrawn from us emotionally during our night season? ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

6. What are nine very effective and quite practical things a person can do while going through the night season?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________

f) __________________________________________________________________

g) __________________________________________________________________

h) __________________________________________________________________

i) __________________________________________________________________

7. What are the seven elements of the Armor of God in Eph. 6:10-18?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

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e) __________________________________________________________________

f) __________________________________________________________________

g) __________________________________________________________________

8. What are things we can we praise God for in the middle of a bad time?

a) His i) His

b) His j) His

c) His k) His

d) His l) His

e) His m) His

f) His n) His

g) His o) His

h) His p) His 9. God will not lift the darkness of a night season until He ________________________


10. Does God reveal His plans and purposes as we are going through our night season, or does He just let us go through it in blind faith? (Thought Question) ______________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

11. (Personal testimony – answer optional) Have you ever trusted in your own abilities and strengths to end a dark season – instead of God? __________________________

How did that work out? _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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9 Our Human Spirit

1. Proverbs 20:27 states, “The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord.” According to the Scriptures, what must happen for our spirit to have light? ___________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

2. God gave us a …

a) body to ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

b) soul that __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

c) spirit so we could ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

3. Watchman Nee gave us a great analogy of how our body, soul and spirit work together like a light bulb. He said our

a) spirit is like the ____________________________________________________

b) soul is like the _____________________________________________________

c) body is like the _____________________________________________________

4. Which part of man did God intend to be the master, the dominant force or head?

_______ a) body _______ b) soul _______ c) spirit

5. When we are born into the human race, like Adam, which part is the dominant force?

_______ a) body _______ b) soul _______ c) spirit

6. When we ask Jesus Christ to come into our lives, and become our Lord and Savior, which part becomes the dominant force?

_______ a) body _______ b) soul _______ c) spirit

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7. What is the difference between a spiritual Christian and a carnal Christian?

a) A spiritual Christian _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

b) A carnal Christian __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

8. What is an “unregenerate” man? __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

9. What are the three main functions or operations in our spirit that are essential to communication with God?

a) ___________________________________

b) ___________________________________

c) ____________________________________________________

10. What is our conscience designed to do? ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

11. According to Romans 2:16, where is the law written? _________________________

12. How is our conscience limited? __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

13. It was customary in ancient times to mark criminals with a hot iron, so, according to the heathens, the eternal judges would know their crime and appoint them punishment accordingly. What happens to the skin if it is marked with a hot iron? ____________ _____________________________________________________________________ Is such skin soft and tender, and sensitive to the touch? ________________________

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14. Read 1 Timothy 4:1-2. What did Paul say would happen to our conscience if we departed from the faith, giving heed to doctrines of devils? ____________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Would such a conscience be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in determining if something was right or wrong? ____________________________________________________

15. What is spiritual intuition? ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

16. A truly spiritual man is one who

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

17. Why do you think communion and fellowship, the third function of the spirit, is so important? (Thought Question) __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

18. What is the one thing, above everything else, that can give clear evidence as to whether a person is truly spiritual or a wolf in sheep’s clothing? ________________ _____________________________________________________________________

19. Describe what sanctification really is. _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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10 What is the Dark Night of the Spirit?

1. What is the difference between the dark night of the soul and the dark night of the spirit?

a) The dark night of the soul is the time ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

b) The dark night of the spirit is the time ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

2. God wants all of our self-centered ways removed, because they not only affect our communication with __________________, they also affect our communication with _____________________.

3. In order to enter the Holy Place of our hearts where God dwells and fellowship with the Lord, what two things must happen on a regular basis?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

4. Name some examples of self-centered ways.

a) d)

b) e)


5. In Psalm 139:23-24, what six requests did David make of the Lord that should also be our prayer today?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

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d) __________________________________________________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________

f) __________________________________________________________________

6. Jesus is the perfect example of a character from the Bible Who exemplified the deeper death to self. Read Phil. 2:7-8 to find the five ways in which Jesus humbled Himself and died to self.

a) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 7a)

b) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 7b)

c) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 7c)

d) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 8b)

e) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 8c)

7. Read 2 Cor. 6:14 through 7:1. In 2 Cor. 6:16 God promised to dwell in us and walk with us. He said He would be our God, and we would be His people. Then in verse 18, He promised to be a Father unto us, and then He said we would be His sons and daughters. However, to receive these promises, we must become purified and freed from all soulish influence. What are the 6 conditions for receiving the benefits of the promises God made?

a) ___________________________________________________________ (6:14a)

b) ___________________________________________________________ (6:17a)

c) ___________________________________________________________ (6:17b)

d) ___________________________________________________________ (6:17c)

e) _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (7:1b)

f) ____________________________________________________________ (7:1c)

8. How do we feel during the dark night? _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

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9. If we insist on “feeling” God’s presence, why will it be impossible to make it through our dark night when we can’t find the soulish emotional support we are so used to? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

10. Hope is the confidence that God will do as He says, and must be the anchor of our soul. Romans 5:3-4 explains the steps by which our night season leads to hope. Paul said that tribulation brings forth ______________________, and patience brings forth ___________________________, and experience brings forth __________________.

11. The dark night of the spirit occurs when the __________________ possible thing that we could imagine happens.

12. What is the difference between abandonment to God’s will and just plain apathy? __ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

13. How long will God allow us to remain in the dark night of the spirit? ____________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

14. What are some of God’s goals and purposes for the dark night of the spirit?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________

f) __________________________________________________________________

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11 Dwelling in His Presence

1. What is Christian mysticism? ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

2. Who will enjoy the blessing of an intimate relationship with the Lord?

a) ________________________________________________________ (Ps. 15:2a)

b) ________________________________________________________ (Ps. 15:2b)

c) ________________________________________________________ (Ps. 15:2c)

d) ________________________________________________________ (Ps. 24:4a)

e) ________________________________________________________ (Ps. 24:4b)

f) ________________________________________________________ (Ps. 24:4c)

g) ______________________________________________________ (Ps. 140:13a)

h) _______________________________________________________ (Ps.140:13b)

3. Incense was kept burning perpetually before the Lord (Ex. 30:1-9). In Psalm 141:2, David asked that his prayers be __________________________________________. How should our prayers also be like the ascending vapor of burning incense? ______ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

4. How can the intimacy of marriage be compared to true intimacy with God? _______ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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12 Results of Intimacy

1. To have a renewed spirit means:

a) our conscience _____________________________________________________

b) our intuition _______________________________________________________

c) and our communion ________________________________________________

2. Why is it so important to deal with even the slightest accusation in our conscience? _ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

3. What are some of the benefits of a renewed spirit?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________

f) __________________________________________________________________

g) __________________________________________________________________

4. Give a Scriptural example of a Bible character, or a personal example of someone you know, who experienced a truly intimate friendship with God. ________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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13 Further Blessings From Intimacy

1. Psalm 30:5 assures us that weeping may endure for a night (season) but joy comes in the morning. What must be the source of our strength to endure the night season? ___________________________________________________________ (Neh. 8:10)

2. Where can true joy be found?

a) __________________________________________________________ (Ps. 1:2)

b) ________________________________________________________ (Ps. 16:11)

c) ________________________________________________________ (Hab. 3:18)

d) ________________________________________________________ (Isa. 61:10)

e) _______________________________________________________ (Matt. 28:8)

f) ____________________________________________________ (John 15:10-11)

g) _______________________________________________________ (John 16:24)

h) _______________________________________________________ (Rom. 5:11)

i) ______________________________________________________ (Rom. 14:17)

j) ________________________________________________________ (2 Cor. 7:4)

k) ________________________________________________________ (James 1:2)

3. Why will we have a far greater capacity to genuinely feed and teach others after we have endured a night season? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

4. What does it mean to be a “reproduction of Christ?” __________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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5. Contentment leads to the rest of God or “the promised land” that the Old Testament talks about. When do we finally reach this point of contentment and rest? ________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

6. Read Phil. 4:10-20. The Apostle Paul was forced to live in numerous places. Conditions and provisions varied greatly. He traveled back and forth between luxury and poverty. Do you think Paul was a naturally contented person? ______________ _______________________________________________________________ (v. 11)

7. List some of the circumstances in which Paul learned to be content. (v. 12)

a) d)

b) e)

c) f)

8. How was Paul able to adjust and find contentment, even in his night seasons? ______ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ (v. 13)

9. Many people believe that if they just had more money, that would make them content. Read Ecc. 5:10-17. What did Solomon discover about money?

a) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 10a)

b) ___________________________________________________________ (v. 10b)

10. How do riches interfere with one’s life?

a) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 12)

b) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 13)

c) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 14)

11. What is the attempt to accumulate money and “things” likened to? ______________ ____________________________________________________________ (v. 15-16)

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12. Read Hebrews 13:5-6. How can we be content, even during a night season? _______ _______________________________________________________________ (v. 5c)

13. What two things will the contented person proclaim during the night season?

a) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 6a)

b) ____________________________________________________________ (v. 6b)

14. Today, many experts in child rearing and child discipline recommend that parents use a “time out” for a child who is unable to control himself and behave. During a “time out,” the child is to sit down in a specified area and remain quiet for a given period of time. The rule of thumb is that the “time out” should last one minute for each year of age. And so, a child five years old should be asked to sit quietly for five minutes.

God has always recommended that adults take “time out” to spend quiet time with Him - every day. What would happen to our spiritual growth if we began each day with quiet time with the Lord and used the same rule of thumb - one minute of ”time out” with God for every year of age? ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

15. How does God give us rest during the storm of our night season? (Isa. 25:4)

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

16. What can happen during our time of quietness and rest? _______________________ ___________________________________________________________ (Isa. 30:15)

17. What did Jesus tell his disciples they needed to do? __________________________ __________________________________________________________ (Mark 6:31)

18. Who needed “time out” in this verse? __________________________ (Matt. 14:23)

19. What advice are we given in Matt. 11:28? __________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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20. Describe the truly humble person. ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

21. Read Phil. 2:3-4 and list the negative and positive characteristics of humility.

a) Humble persons do not do these things.

i) _________________________________________________________ (v. 3a)

ii) _________________________________________________________ (v. 3a)

iii) _________________________________________________________ (v. 4a)

b) Humble persons do these things.

i) _________________________________________________________ (v.3b)

ii) _________________________________________________________ (v. 4b)

22. Who displayed this attitude of humility perfectly? ______________________ (v. 5a)

23. Did Jesus’ humility result from an inferior character? _________________________ ________________________________________________________________ (v. 6)

24. The whole secret of the Christian walk in the night season is detachment from sin and self and abandonment to God’s will. What are some practical guidelines that will help you remain abandoned to God’s will?

a) __________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________

25. Give a Scriptural example of someone who was totally submitted and abandoned to God’s will. ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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14 My Own Love Affair With Jesus

During our night season, negative thoughts may enter into our “self-talk.” For every negative thought the devil can throw at us, God has a positive answer. Find God’s positive responses to the negative garbage that sometimes will enter our minds during the night season.

1. You say, “It’s impossible.” God says, “_____________________________________ _________________________________________________________” (Luke 18:27)

2. You say, “I’m too tired. I can’t go on.” God says, “___________________________ ________________________________________________________” (Matt. 28:11)

3. You say, “Nobody loves me. All my family and friends have turned against me.” God says, “ ______________________________________” (John 3:16; John 13:34)

4. You say, “I can’t go on.” God says, “______________________________________ _________________________________________________________” (2 Cor. 12:9)

5. You say, “I don’t know what to do next.” God says, “_________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________” (Prov. 3:6)

6. You say, “I can’t do it.” God says, “_______________________________________ __________________________________________________________” (Phil. 4:13)

7. You say, “I’m not able.” God says, “_______________________________________ __________________________________________________________” (2 Cor. 9:8)

8. You say, “It’s not worth it.” God says, “____________________________________ _________________________________________________________ “ (Rom. 8:28)

9. You say, “I can’t forgive myself.” God says, “_______________________________ __________________________________________________________” (Rom. 8:1)

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10. You say, “I can’t manage.” God says, “____________________________________ __________________________________________________________” (Phil. 4:19)

11. You say, “I’m afraid.” God says, “________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________” (2 Tim. 1:7)

12. You say, “I’m always worried and frustrated.” God says, “_____________________ __________________________________________________________” (1 Pet. 5:7)

13. You say, “I don’t have enough faith.” God says, “____________________________ _________________________________________________________” (Rom. 12:3)

14. You say, “I’m not smart enough.” God says, “_______________________________ _________________________________________________________” (1 Cor. 1:30)

15. You say, “I feel all alone.” God says, “_____________________________________ __________________________________________________________” (Heb. 13:5)

16. You say, “My night season is so dark. I can’t take it any longer.” God says, “______ _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________” (Ps. 112:4)

17. Can you think of a negative “self-talk” thought that was not included in this series? Perhaps it is one you have said to yourself in a time of darkness. If there is one that comes to mind, write it here and then write the positive response that God gives, including the Bible reference. (Personal testimony – answer optional)

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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In Chapter 14, the author testified about the storms in her own life. She has said that if we keep our eyes focused on the Lord, we can let the storm bring us closer to Him. Then we too will be able to soar above our problems and our enemies, just like the eagle.

Has there ever been a night season in your life? Did the night season pull you down, or bring you closer to the Lord? If you would like to share the story of how your own love affair with Jesus developed during your night season, or how you allowed it pull you down, please do so here. (Personal testimony – response totally optional)

















________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________



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