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  • 8/8/2019 Fall 2010 Level 6 Noncredit ESL Newsletter


    net, on the left side,

    stands the overhead and

    on the right side, stands

    the printer. The window

    is located behind the

    printer, while the desks

    are in the middle of the

    classroom. The classroom

    colors are gray and blue,

    which make a good com-

    bination. This is how my

    small classroom looks,

    but everything is clean

    and organized.

    My classroom may be

    small, but it is tidy and

    well organized. First,

    when you enter you can

    see the teachers desk. On

    your right side you can

    see a blackboard and a

    bookcase with three

    shelves. On the back wall,

    you will see the clock, a

    small calendar, a poster

    of a big hamburger, other

    posters with school infor-

    mation, and gray cabi-

    nets. At the top of the

    horizontal cabinet, you

    can see a stereo, an elec-

    tronic sharpener, and

    some books. On the front

    wall is the white board

    with a screen is on top of

    it. In the corner of the

    white board is the U.S.

    flag. The projector is to

    the right of the board and

    the LCD projector is on

    the ceiling in front of the

    white board. On the left

    side of the projector there

    is a cabinet with a lot of

    shelves where the NEOS

    go. On the top of the cabi-

    My Wonderful Classroom

    Inside this issue:

    My Classroom 1-3

    My Favorite Room 4-


    New Years 12-


    Using Comics in

    the ESL Classroom



    MiraCosta College



    ESL Newsletter, Level 6 Morning Class

    Fall 2010by Liliana Rodriguez

  • 8/8/2019 Fall 2010 Level 6 Noncredit ESL Newsletter


    computer and in the middle of the classroom are

    the desks for the students. In the back, there arebookshelves and one cabinet that has a lot of differ-

    ent books. This is all thats in the classroom. I learn

    a lot of things about English because my teacher is

    very organized.

    Every time I come to my classroom, it

    is very organized. In my classroom, I have awhite board and a flag on top of the board,

    with the fifty stars and thirteen stripes. In

    front of the white board is the teachers ta-

    ble, which has books, a laptop, paper, pens,

    and pencils. Next to the teachers table is a

    My Classroom by Precy Cabrera

    My Super Classroom by Erica Silva

    Every day, when I enter my classroom, everything is organized. My classroom is blue and

    white, with two windows. The carpet is dark blue and the chairs are mixed with blue and white. We

    have one blackboard and in the front a white board. In the corner of the white board there is an

    American flag. In the back, we have one bookcase, a round clock, and light blue cabinets. In the front

    corner, we have bulletins. In the back, we have a sharpener and on the walls, we have papers and a

    hamburger poster. In short, my classroom always looks nice and organized for studying.

    Page 2ESL Newsletter, Level 6 Morning Class

    My Favorite Classroom by Mark Bermas

    My favorite classroom is very nice because it is organ-

    ized. My classroom is beautiful too. In my classroom we have

    a computer and black and white boards, tables and cabinets.

    My classroom has pictures and a radio, books and a shelf. My

    classroom has a clock, a globe and also a heater. My class-

    room has nine lights and a fire alarm. My classroom is very

    nice and I also see a sharpener, a tape and a flag in my class-

    room. In my conclusion, my classroom is big and organized

    and we can find a lot of material there.

  • 8/8/2019 Fall 2010 Level 6 Noncredit ESL Newsletter


    A Nice Classroom by Rene Castillo

    My classroom is comfortable and it has a lot of things in it. This classroom is number 111 and it is very

    big. Inside it has a lot of things. In the front, we can see a big whiteboard and a nice computer too. On the ceil-

    ing, there are nine lights and in the middle is a nice LCD projector, which the teacher uses to show the class

    something on the big screen. Now, to the left is a blackboard and on the wall is a fire alarm, which will turn

    on and start ringing in case of an emergency in the school. In the back, there is a Sony CD player and a lot of

    papers on the wall. This classroom is very nice and has a lot of space but sometimes its very cold. In short,

    room 111 is a big classroom and is always organized.

    A Great Classroom by Faustino Marquezdows. The window that is next to

    the door is big and you can see the

    hallway, while the second win-

    dow is small and you can see the

    parking lot. The entire floor has a

    great rug that is nice and clean.

    The classroom has two boards.

    One is in the front, in the middle

    of the classroom and it is white.

    The second is on the right wall

    and it is black. There is a big, blue

    bookcase on the back wall. The

    ceiling is square and is an excel-

    lent white color. The back wall has

    a small black clock. The right and

    left walls are gray and white while

    the front and back walls are

    cream. After talking withmy classmates about our

    school, we agree about eve-

    rything in the room. In con-

    clusion, I think describing

    my classroom is a great

    way to improve my Eng-


    I take an English class at Mira

    Costa College four days a week.

    My classroom number is one

    hundred eleven and is the big-

    gest classroom on campus. The

    room has wonderful lights and

    two big tables. The table in front

    is for the teacher while the other

    table is on the right

    wall for the assistant.

    The teacher has a com-

    puter and works on it

    every day for every-

    thing for the class. The

    room has thirty five

    chairs that are in good

    condition. There are

    two wonderful win-

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    The kitchen is one of my favorite places in

    my house. On your right, you will see thelittle kitchen and on the left is the dining

    room. The kitchen has many cabinets

    which have pots, pans, plates, cups, forks

    and spoons. Also in some of the cabinets, I

    have cans of food, rice, beans, oil, sugar,

    salt, coffee, cereal, cookies and more. On

    the right, theres a phone, a cup with pen-

    cils, an address book, a sink, dish soap, and

    a microwave. Between the cabinets and the

    refrigerator that is on the left theres a trash can and above it is a plastic fish. On the refrigerator, I

    have some pictures, phone numbers and some plastic toys, that my kids play with. Next to the re-

    frigerator is a small cabinet, which has a blender. As you can see, my kitchen is small but its enough

    for me to prepare the best food for my family.

    My Comfortable Bedroom by Yolanda Munoz

    My favorite place in my house is my comfortable bedroom. My bed is small and comfortable.

    It has a blue comforter and attached drawers underneath where I have some stuff. Over my bed, I

    have a nice flower painting. On the right side of the wall, I have some

    pictures of my nephews and a small wooden cabinet. My bedroom has

    a nice small closet, but it is organized. I like my bedroom because it is

    the place where I feel the most comfortable.

    My Kitchen by Alicia Estrada

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    The room, which I am going to describe, is my

    bedroom. My room is on the first floor of a two

    story house. You enter the house from the sec-

    ond floor and the stairway, inside the front

    door, goes down to my room. It has a nice tem-

    perature because of the location. In the sum-

    mer time its not hot. The door to my room is

    always open except when I sleep or focus on

    my homework. Through the open door you

    can see a wide clean window that looks out

    onto the lawn and trees. Thanks to this large

    window and location, on the Southwest side,

    my room gets plenty of sunlight. On the door

    side of the room, I have a huge mirror closet

    that takes up the entire wall which gives the

    illusion of a larger room. I love the reflection of

    the window in the mirror. A twin sized bed,

    covered in dark blue, is opposite to the closet.

    Next to the bed, I have a dresser with a lamp. I

    dont know what I would do without the dresser

    and the closet, which are overcrowded with my

    clothes. I try to keep my room clean and in order. I

    dont have a lot of decorations here, just a big pic-

    ture on the wall of me kissing the Sphinx. The last

    two things I have in my bedroom are my laptop

    and a tall bookcase full of English materials. Every-

    thing is in harmony in a deep blue tone along with

    a warm yellow color. In conclusion, I love my

    room; I feel peaceful, comfortable and protected.

    My Favorite Room by Tatsiana Anoshka

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    My favorite room in my

    house is the living room because

    when I spend time there it is com-

    fortable for our family. I spend

    many hours relaxing, watching

    T.V, listening to music, and speak-

    ing with my family. The living

    room has a beautiful design with

    family pictures on the wall. Some

    pictures are from a long time ago

    from my mom and my dad and

    my children. When I see them, I

    remember those times. The liv-

    ing room has two windows with

    fashionable drapes and two com-

    fortable sofas. When I open the

    window I see a beautiful view

    outside and have relaxed with

    the view for many hours. Some-

    times my husband and I enjoy

    sitting there with our chil-

    dren, grandsons and daugh-

    ter-in-law. Spending time

    together is our favorite pas-

    time. Finally, I think every

    house has a favorite place for

    the family to spend time and

    enjoy their family.

    My favorite room is my living room because I spend a lot time there watching television. My

    living room is very organized, small and comfortable. On the left side there is a closet with well or-ganized shelves for shoes and t-shirts. On the right theres a nice window and a little table with a

    lamp on top. My television sits on an entertainment center and has a DVD player on top of it. Be-

    tween the television and the closet, there is also a coffee table with books and magazines. There is

    also a big sofa with pictures hanging on the wall behind it. In conclusion, my favorite place is my

    living room because I can watch television, and spend time with my family.

    My Favorite Room by Guillermo Castanon

    My Favorite Room by Gity Kobra Metanat

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    My favorite room in my house is my living

    room because I spend most of my time there with

    my family. In my living room there is a modern es-

    presso colored leather sofa with a long chair on the

    left side of the wall for nice TV evenings. On the left

    hand side of the wall, where the long chair is, there

    are family pictures in dark brown and champagne

    frames. Also on this wall there is a window with

    nice looking red and espresso drapes. They match

    very well with all the decoration in this room. At

    the end of this left side wall there is a modern glass

    vase with long dark brown and champagne decora-

    tion sticks in it. Straight ahead, on the wall, is our 52

    in. flat screen TV. Against the wall is a dark brown

    cabinet with a champagne colored door and next to

    the cabinet is a fireplace. Over the fireplace, there is a

    shelf with red, dark brown and champagne colored

    decorations. On this wall over the shelf there is a big

    picture with an old German car on it. Next to the pic-

    ture is my husbands Shadow box with all his awards.

    On the right side of the room is a dark brown book-

    case which is connected with another cabinet, like the

    cabinet under the TV. On the wall are family pictures

    with dark brown and champagne frames too. The

    floor in my living room is tile and in front of the sofathere is a round carpet which matches with the living

    room. I like to be in my favorite room because its

    modern, nice, clean and organized.

    My Favorite Room by Nicole Vose

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    There are many rooms in

    my house but my favorite is my

    own room. My room may be the

    smallest in my house but for me it

    is the most comfortable. I dont

    have too many things in there. I

    just have my bed, a little table

    where I do my homework, and a

    big HD television. I never use the

    HD television because it doesnt

    work and also my uncle covered it

    with a big blanket, so I cant use

    it. My bed is very small but very

    comfortable because I have a lot

    of pillows on it. On the right

    wall, there is a big window and

    you can see everything that is

    happening outside. On the four

    walls there are posters of my fa-

    vorite super heroes which I have

    for decora-

    tion. When I

    am in my room, I have pri-

    vacy. I can listen to music

    that I like, peacefully do my

    homework, play the guitar

    and do the things that I like

    to do. For this reasons, my

    favorite room in my whole

    house is my own room.

    My bedroom is not too big or small and it is really cool because I get to watch T.V quietly. The

    outside color is blue and inside is white. When you open the door, you can see my comfortable bed.

    Next to my bed is the dresser where I keep colognes, letters, and my bills. On the other side of my

    bed l have my T.V, radio, and my computer. l love these three things because when Im tired of

    watching T.V, I can listen to music or when Im bored of listing to music, I go on the computer. In

    front of my bed, is my closet where I put all my clothes, shoes, and books. My closet is always or-ganized and clean so when I look for something, I find it easily. On the wall, there is a big flag which

    has three colors green, white and red. In the middle of the flag there is an eagle devouring a snake.

    This flag represents where I come from. I also like my room because I can lock it, so no one can

    judge me on how my room looks. As you can see, I have a lot of privacy and for all these reasons my

    bedroom is my favorite room.

    My Bedroom by

    Pedro Martinez

    My Favorite Room by Mario A Martinez

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    My living room is my favorite place in

    my house. It is not big, but it is clean and very

    organized. On the right side, there is a window

    with curtains. In front of the window, there is a

    sofa. On the opposite side of the room is an-

    other large sofa, which is made out of leather

    and cream colored. On the left front wall, there

    is a rectangular mirror. In front of the room

    there is a cream colored armoire that matches

    with the sofas. In the middle of the armoire we

    have a plasma television and under the televi-

    sion there is a DVD player. Over this armoire

    there are three cars and in the

    back of these cars, on the wall, is

    the air conditioner. In two of my

    living room corners there are

    two flowerpots with natural

    plants. Also, there are two

    flower paintings, one on each

    side. On the back wall, there is a

    cream, leather individual sofa

    and an ottoman. On the back

    wall, there is a picture of a

    bridge with green trees and two white birds.

    Next to the ottoman, in the corner, there is an ar-

    rangement of artificial flowers. Over this arrange-

    ment, there is a beautiful picture of my daugh-

    ters quinceanera. Finally, in the middle of the

    room, there is a round coffee table with four

    short legs and a top made of glass. On top of the

    coffee table there is an arrangement of flowers

    with three candlesticks. Although it is a small

    room, it is always very comfortable, clean and


    The Living Room by Maria Ramos

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    My favorite part of my

    house is my bedroom because

    when I have time for myself, I like

    to go relax. My bedroom is very

    comfortable. When I enter my

    room, on the right side of the door

    is a little brown table and on top

    of the table there is a brown wa-

    terfall, white candles, incense and

    a beige little Buddha. There is a

    little black refrigerator and on top

    of it there is a black remote con-

    trol for the television. On the left

    side of the bed, there is a little

    ivory dresser and on top of the

    dresser there is a picture of my

    husband. In front of my bed I

    have TV entertainment cabinet

    and inside there is a black televi-

    sion, a gray DVD and two pic-

    tures of my husband and me. On

    the bottom of the TV entertain-

    ment cabinet are four drawers

    where I put my clothes, but I

    only need two drawers. On the

    right side of the TV entertain-

    ment cabinet is my closet. My

    closet has a mirror door, and

    next to the closet there is a win-

    dow where I can see the play-

    ground. I have pink lights all

    around the window. Next to

    the window there is a picture

    frame with three Buddhas.

    Next to the picture frame is a

    large black circular clock. All

    of my sheets and blankets

    are white. I have four pillows

    and two red cushions on my

    bed and beige carpet. In con-

    clusion, my bedroom is my

    favorite space because I feel

    good energy and can relax


    My Relaxing Bedroom by Elsa Schreiber

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    My favorite room in my house is my

    bedroom because my bed is there and I love to

    sleep. In my bedroom there is a brown wooden

    king size bed. The front and the back walls are

    green, with a forest picture frame on each one,

    while the right and the left walls are yellow.

    The right wall has a sliding door with light

    green drapes while the left wall has a closet. At

    the front wall, there is a tall table with a candle

    and pictures of my roommate and me. On theside of the bed is a brown bureau and next to it

    is a box with my dogs toys. The carpet is

    brown and on the ceiling there is a fan with a

    light. All this makes my bedroom very comfort-

    able and that is why I love it.

    My Favorite Room by Uriel Bautista

    Page 11ESL Newsletter, Level 6 Morning Class

    My Comfortable Living Room by Bertha Torres

    and on top of the table

    theres a lamp with a

    brown vase and a

    matching lampshade.

    Next to the table there is

    a big gray sofa and in

    the corner, next to the

    sofa, theres another

    small table. On top of

    that table there is an-

    other lamp with a brown

    vase, a matching lamp-

    shade, and a picture

    frame. On the large wall

    there are three art paint-

    ings with purple flow-

    My favorite room in my

    house is my comfortable

    living room because it is

    the place where my fam-

    ily spends a lot of theirtime. My living room is

    small but its nice and

    well organized. On the

    right, there is a small

    gray loveseat. In the cor-

    ner, there is a small table

    ers. In the middle, theres a coffee table and on top of

    the table there are magazines and a crystal candle.

    Below the table theres a striped rug with many col-

    ors. On the wall in front of the coffee table, theres a

    burgundy, entertainment center and on top of it is a

    big, black T.V. Next to the T.V, theres a D.V.D.

    Player. On top of the D.V.D player there are DVDs

    and other decorations. In the corner next to the enter-

    tainment center theres a small table and on top of it a

    white and purple vase with flowers. Above that, onthe wall theres an antique clock with roman numer-

    als. My living room is very comfortable and organ-

    ized. It is my favorite room in my house where my

    family spends a lot of time. I like my living room.

  • 8/8/2019 Fall 2010 Level 6 Noncredit ESL Newsletter


    During New Years, my

    family and I celebrate the first day

    of the New Year. On New Years I

    like to buy cohetes (firecrackers)

    and spend the New Years in Ti-

    juana, Mexico with most of my

    family. My mother prepares

    punch, which is very good, and

    for food she likes to cook a lot of

    things, for example, tamales and

    turkey. We also like to buy a dead

    goat and a lamb and prepare it the

    day before New Years. I like to go

    to the mall and buy new clothes

    and shoes. After that I go to Ti-

    juana where all my family is and

    we celebrate New Years over

    there. When it is midnight, we

    hug each other and we wish

    good luck to each other for the

    New Year that is starting. We

    start eating turkey and drinking

    punch and we listen to music the

    rest of the night right next to a

    bonfire until 5:00 or 6:00 in the

    morning. Sometimes we go to

    bed for three or four hours or

    sometimes we do not even go to

    sleep, we just stay awake.

    The next morning we eat and

    drink punch, tamales, goat

    and lamb. After we have

    breakfast we all go some-

    where like for example last

    year, we went to Ensenada

    B.C. We enjoy that day and

    we have a lot of fun. I know

    there are a lot of ways in

    which people celebrate New

    Years but this is how we

    celebrate New Years in my


    New Years is a great celebration. For New Years, I prepare dinner. I go to the store for food

    and drinks and I buy new clothes and shoes. We decorate the house specially with flowers, candles

    and lights in the living room. We go to church at night. We eat turkey and the most popular food is

    tamales. At midnight we eat grapes and a lot of candy. After dinner, we go outside, make a bonfire

    and play music so everyone can dance. In conclusion, I have a great time with my family during

    New Years.

    Happy New Years by Rafaela Acosta

    New Years by Diego Benitez

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    New Years Day marks the beginning of

    a new calendar year and in many cultures, theevent is celebrated differently. In Mexico, one

    week before, everybody starts planning what to

    make for dinner or where to celebrate that spe-

    cial day. We cook turkey, tamales or pozole for

    dinner. We also have fireworks, music, drinks

    and wear some red clothes for good luck. That

    day, we celebrate with family and friends. One

    week before, we call all the family to invite

    them to dinner. First, we go to the market to

    buy some food for that day, like turkey or

    sometimes tamales. Then on dec. 31st, my dad

    starts cleaning the whole house and my mom

    wakes up early to

    start making theturkey and setting

    the table. When eve-

    rything is ready, we go to the store and buy some

    fireworks for the night. My family starts arriving

    at our house by 8:00 pm. Then, we start eating

    and talking about what we will do for the next

    year and around 11:00 pm, all my cousins start

    with the fireworks. At 12:00 am, everyone starts

    giving hugs to the family and friends, saying

    Happy New Year and they start to toast. New

    Years is a day to celebrate with family and

    friends all over the world.

    New Years Celebration by Alex Villanueva

    Page 13ESL Newsletter, Level 6 Morning Class

    For New Years, all my family comes to visit

    us: our uncles, aunts, cousins, and our friends. In

    my country, we prepare for New Years three days

    before. We start by buying new clothes because

    one of our traditions is to wear colored underwear:

    red for love and yellow for good luck. Two days

    before the new year we clean our house and keep it

    clean for New Years. The day before, we go shop-

    ping for groceries to prepare our New Years dinner. We make mole, tamales, pozole and for drinks

    we prepare hot chocolate and punch, to drink with our dinner. After dinner, we dance and drink

    beer and tequila until four in the morning. In my house, this day is extra special because it is my fa-

    thers birthday and we continue partying the whole day.

    My New Years Celebration by Arturo E. Lopez

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    a student at


  • 8/8/2019 Fall 2010 Level 6 Noncredit ESL Newsletter


    ESL Classes

    For more information, call


    (760) 795-8710


    About the Instructor:

    Elizabeth (Eli) Dinamarca Clarke is a

    former ESL student who moved to the

    USA from Santiago, Chile in 2001. Eli

    has taught ESL and Computer Softwarefor Santa Ana College Continuing Edu-

    cation, Southwestern College and San

    Diego Community College District. She

    has been teaching for MCC since the fall

    of 2006. In December of 2005, Elizabeth

    earned her Masters in Education with

    an emphasis in TESOL at Alliant Inter-

    national University. When not at work,Eli likes to enjoy time

    with her family. She

    also likes to read,

    swim, walk, ski, and


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