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Assalamualaikum wbt. First of all we would like to thank Allah for giving us the strength to finish up this research within the time given. Family and Gender Communication is one of the toughest subjects that we have to take in this third semester. But, with the guidance from our lovely lecturer, Madam Norhayati Baba, we manage to do the research on The Addiction of Internet: Parenting Communication Style and Roles: A Case Study of Facebook. She is very passionate in helping us to achieve our research objective. She also guides us whenever we make mistakes. Once again, thank you so much to our lecturer for helping us out to get through all the problems that we faced. Besides that, we also like to thanks all the informants that have given very good cooperation to us in giving their opinion on our research including Muhammad Faris bin Othman, Munira binti Zakaria, En. Jalil bin Selamat, Pn. Marina binti Miskat, and Pn. Nor Hanita binti Mohd Shariff. With their helps, we get to complete the research. Finally, to our group members, Mohamad Hafize bin Rosli, Nur Hazwani binti Harun, Zainal Izuddin bin Saharudin, and Muhammad Firdaus bin Daud. We worked so hard to complete this research assignment for the last 3 months. Although we had a lot of commitments in this semester, we manage to find and gather all the information from all resources such as the books, journals, and Internet. With the group spirit that we had, we finally completed this task without having any big problems. We had fun working together. We hope this research can help others as their reference in the future.



We all enjoy the benefits of the internet, and for many of us it is also an indispensable tool for work, education, and communication. While time spent on the Internet can be hugely productive, for some people compulsive internet use can interfere with daily life, work, and relationships. (James Handerson, 1999).

When you feel more comfortable with your online friends than your real ones, or you cannot stop yourself from playing games, gambling, or compulsively surfing, even when it has negative consequences in your life, then you may be using the internet too much. When these symptoms have emerged, one can consider himself as already addicted to the internet. (Kelly Nolis, 2001).

Many people turn to the internet in order to manage unpleasant feelings such as stress, loneliness, depression, and anxiety. When you have a bad day and are looking for a way to escape your problems or to quickly relieve stress or self-soothe, the internet can be an easily accessible outlet. Losing yourself online can temporarily make feelings such as loneliness, stress, anxiety, depression, and boredom evaporate into thin air. (Marion Hewitt, 1998).

As much comfort as the internet can provide, though, it is important to remember that there are healthier and more effective ways to keep difficult feelings in check. These may include exercising, meditating, using sensory relaxation strategies, and practicing simple breathing2

exercises. (Daniall Payne, 2003). Nevertheless, some people still prefer to go over the internet and help relieve those negative feelings from there, such as expressing their feelings on a popular website called Facebook.

As a matter of fact, there are also those especially teens who prefer to express all of their feelings on the internet, instead of talking to a real life person such as family members face to face and can definitely give a direct response. Be it, whether the feeling of happiness, joy, dejection, or any other feelings, teenagers love to express their feelings on Facebook and thus causing conversation between them and their family becomes lesser and lesser. (Jordan Levy, 2010)

What some very few people who spend time online without any other problems present may suffer from is compulsive over-use. Compulsive behaviors, however, are already covered by existing diagnostic categories and treatment would be similar. It is not the technology whether it be the internet, a tablet, the telephone, or the television that is important or addicting, it is the behavior. These technologies are created to make life simpler and help to access information anytime and anywhere but unfortunately it is the people who misuse and overuse them. (Jake Eddinburg, 2009).

In addition, internet addiction results in personal, family, academic, financial, and occupational problems that are characteristic of other addictions. Impairments of real life relationships are disrupted as a result of excessive use of the internet. Individuals suffering from internet addiction spend more time in solitary seclusion, spend less time with real people in their lives, and are often viewed as socially awkward. Arguments may result due to the volume of time3

spent on-line. Those suffering from internet addiction may attempt to conceal the amount of time spent on-line, which results in distrust and the disturbance of quality in once stable relationships. (Oliver Matthews, 2002).



When the topic about internet is brought to the surface, a lot of people will think of its advantages as well as disadvantages. It is undoubtedly true that internet has a lot of positive functions and can greatly benefit mankind, nevertheless, it also has its drawbacks and these negative elements can definitely outweigh its advantages.

The negative side effects caused by internet come in all forms as such social relationship, relationship with family members, health and etc. For example, should one spend too much time on the web, he will be prone to neglect his social relationship with his friends, as well as his family. The person is too addicted to internet that he finds being in the virtual is more significant than being in the real world.

When a person has become too addicted to the internet, everything else seems trivial. The person would give the priority to internet instead of other things and this includes eating, meeting people, exercise, studies and etc. Eventually all these could lead a person into having an extremely negative lifestyle.

In addition, addiction to internet also causes a person to have very minimum communication, be it both verbal and non-verbal. It is a de-facto that when an addicted person is online, he will spend too much time on the web without noticing all of the precious times that have passed. He could have used those precious hours to spend time with his family and friends and of course communicate more with them, but too bad those thoughts never to appear inside their heads until it is already too late.


In this research, the researchers would like to find out how exactly does one of the social medium of communication through internet called Facebook affect the communication level between the family members. Aside from that, the researchers would also like to investigate how does Facebook turn its users into passive or antisocial person especially in family communication. Last but not least, the researchers would definitely like to unveil the necessary steps that are taken by parents to curb Facebook addiction among their children. The researchers genuinely hope that at the end of this research, all of these questions will meet their answers.


RQ1- How does Facebook affect communication level between family members?6

RQ2- What are the factors that have been causing Facebook users to be passive or anti social person especially in family communication?

RQ3- What are the necessary steps taken by parents to curb Facebook addiction among the children?


RO1- To identify how does Facebook affect communication level between family members.

RO2- To identify what are the factors that have been causing Facebook users to be passive or anti social person especially in family communication.

RO3- To determine what are the necessary steps taken by parents to curb Facebook addiction among the children.



The rational of study of this research is to know the acceptance of the teenagers and family institution towards the Facebook. Nowadays there are more social networking site in the internet. One clear example is Facebook and this social interaction website can be considered as one of the most popular websites especially among teenagers and have caused addiction towards them.

Besides that, the purpose of this research is to recognize the effect of the addiction towards the family institution and the parents role in curbing this issue.

The first group of informants in this research is the parents (a mother and a father) because the researchers also would like to study about the parents role in handling this addiction. The second informant is the counselor because they know more about the family communication. The third informants are students (female and male) to get their opinion regarding this research because they are teenagers and are related to this topic.

This research will be conducted from April until July 2012. This research is about the addiction of the internet, parenting communication style and role and the case study focuses more on Facebook.



1.6.1 Policy

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) Act 1998 provides that the power and functions of the Commission shall is to advise the Minister on all matters concerning the national policy objectives for communications and multimedia activities and to implement and enforce the provisions of the communications and multimedia law.

This MCMC are very important to regulate all matters relating to communications and multimedia activities not provided for in the communications and multimedia law and also to consider and recommend reforms to the communications and multimedia law because to make sure every multimedia information not publish without any control.

In addition to this, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission also regulates the Postal industry and is the Certifying Agency pursuant to the Digital Signature Act (1997).

While the Ministry of Woman, Family and Community Development is responsible to monitor the public especially the family institutions because some of them are addicted to the internet and are anti-social. Its mission is to integrate women and community into the mainstream of national development process and to strengthen the family institution towards improving social wellbeing. So it is one of its responsibilities to ensure the family institution to be strong in the future.


1.6.2 Practice

The findings of this research can be used by family counselor in Malaysia because it can be used to monitor the family institution and to know the parents role towards who are addicted to internet.

This research also can be used by parents, teachers and lecturers to be more aware about the addicted of the internet and monitor their child or students for not addicted.

The teenagers also can used this finding for prevent themselves from addicted to the internet or social network like Facebook because it will bring harm.

Then is the media practitioners in Malaysia especially the new media about the effect of addicted to the internet and it will bring more disadvantages compare to advantages.




Information is always seen as a sole way to guarantee ones success and achievement. Thus, it is important for every person to obtain information, be it through classes, online and broadcast media. In relating to the source of information, while there are many explanations and influences as to a people or cultures learned behaviors and responses, none are greater than the news program. Internet as a mass media, comes into every persons life at some point, and the images, morals, values, and stereotypes presented on desktop are forced on people to attract attention and then to make them understand the information to digest it (Caypay.com, 2011).

Internet and certainly all forms of communicating are first of all of information. In sense, effective internet medium is a message to a consumer about information. It gets attention and provides information, sometimes even a bit of entertainment. It also seeks to create some kind of response, such as an inquiry and information. The process of delivering information also same with the news work. It begins with source, message, channel of communication, receiver and lastly with feedback (Ogilvy, 2007).

While opinions among scholars remain divided about the relationship between internet medium, teenager's literacy development and family communication one can say with some certainty from reviewing the research that internet viewing is neither inherently good nor inherently bad. While moderation may be a key to teenagers learning from internet, perhaps an even more important factor is what teenagers gets. More and more researchers have looked at the content in internet and how it relates to teenager's development (Moses, 2009).


Internet medium, in a mere understanding, provide lots of information while educate, all in the same time. This process of educating information and communication through internet channel is not as new as it has been implemented from way back, in various internet web around the world. Malaysia itself has implemented the processing of communication and information programs on internet medium. Among the most obvious examples is Kempen Kitar Semula, formerly has their own web site. The web site gives a huge impact because it uses the good medium and teenagers can accept it because the internet follows the taste of teenagers itself (Tutor.com.my).



Addiction is behavior pattern of compulsive drug used by overwhelming involvement with the use of a drug and the securing of the supply, as well as the tendency to relapse after completion of withdrawal (Freedman, 1992).

Internet addiction is a behavioral, problem. This is because there is a strong correlation between persons involvement with internet addiction and chemical dependency. People who are having chemical dependency problems tend to spend more time per week online chatting than the non chemical dependent users (Stein, 1997).

One way to describe persons infection with this disorder is that they find the virtual environment to be more attractive than everyday reality. Their daily lives are dominated with their need to be online. Sadly, this addiction is affecting millions of Americans and their families in every aspect of their life. The primary areas affected include school, family, work and relationship (Young, 1996).

Like all other addictions, internet addictions is a psychophysiological disorder involving tolerance (the same amount of usage elicits less response; increased amount become necessary to evoke the same amount of pleasure), withdrawal symptoms (especially, tremors, anxiety, and moodiness), effective disturbances ( depression, irritability), and interruptions of social relationship; a decline or loss, either in quality or quantity (Egger & Rauterberg, 1996). Internet addiction can be defined as an impulse disorder. Some of the characteristics of this problem are similar to those of pathological gambling. People who are susceptible to internet


addiction are people who are easily bored, lonely, shy, depressed and suffering from other addictions (Orzack, 1999).

The internet addiction disorder symptoms vary from one individual to another. One cannot gauge the intensity of internet addiction just taking note of the hours spent by an individual with the internet medium, but, one can come across general warning signs that might indicate internate addiction in an individual (Sue, 1994).

The use of the internet can definitely disrupt ones academic, social, financial, and occupational life the same way other well-documented addictions like pathological gambling, eating disorder, and alcoholism (Young, 1996).



Internet is a medium with great potential to influence the lives of teenagers and adolescences. However the bulk of prior regarding the impact of internet viewing to teenagers and adolescents has focused on possible negative influences. Ironically, some internet mediums that contain moral values messages, such as unity, also have their own significant pornography content. Programs targeted at pre-schoolers tend to have the higher rates of moral messages, with adult programs to have a lowest ratio of moral messages (Hardy & Clarbone, 2011).

Internet medium is combined in programming, so most of the attention in media buying, as well as in the measurement of communication and information effectiveness, is focused on the performance of various web and how they engage with the user. To better understand on how internet channelworks; it must consider its structure and programming options. Internet as an communicating medium and also as the way it connects with its user, as well as its advantages and disadvantages (Moriarty,Mitchell and Wells, 2006).

Personal experience and current literature finds that for the most part the programming does have positive effects toward children. Teenagers are easy to shape into as they are in the process of maturing up. They will imitate whatever that is shown on internet channel and practiced it in daily lives. As suggested by Albert Bandura, as a person who watches adult acting pornography on internet, they tend to act the same negative ways toward dolls if they are given the opportunity to (Hardy & Clarbone, 2011).

Nevertheless, teenagers may also learn good behaviours from the modelling mechanism. For instance, the teenagers may learn the importance of sharing from the show that provides the15

values of sharing. Information in the internet may certainly affect the mind of teenagers and teaches moral messages all in the same time. Facebook, for example, promote values such as friendliness and understanding in the means of peers. The users work together to find certain things that is to be connected with one another at all times. This promotes a good amount of team work in teenagers behaviours (Shomaker, 2008).



There is evidence that suggests tobacco advertising and promotion, as well as internet, influence adults to smoke because teenagers can have the information about smoking through the internet. The question yet to be answered is how parents might be able to overcome these influences. These influences on adults smoking may vary by race/ethnicity, education and adolescent age (Distefan, 1999).

Surfing internet or being exposed to a specific message may be enough for effects on people's beliefs which forms a perception about a certain group of people. Internet can influence opinions and ideas of people and form society so their views and attitudes change on some level (Anonymous, 2011).

Pornography effects have an effective role in producing people with upsurge sex drive and the worst case scenario he might end up becoming serial rapper. For children and youth, it is very dangerous to leave them surfing this type of web site as they will imitate what they had seen in the internet and transform it to their own life. Consequently this will create abnormal behaviour of children and youth with others, make them lose the right ethics and so be non-moral, increase the crime thinking rate (Hohopharm, 2011).

A substantial number of laboratory and field experiments over the past half-century have examined whether exposure to negative behaviour on film or television tends to increase negative behaviour in the short term. The consistent finding from such randomized experiments is that youths who get negative information in internet subsequently display more aggressive behaviour, aggressive thoughts, or aggressive emotions than those who do not (Berkowitz, 2003).17

There is some evidence that the creation of attractive information can influence the selfesteem of teenagers, as well as younger children. For example, Facebooks. Although we still tend to think this as a female problem, with teenage girls starving themselves to look like unhealthy people like in the Facebook who had an additional ten pounds shaved off by editors in postproduction, boys are starting to feel the pressure as well (Rabecca, 2010).

Viewing internet or being exposed to a specific message may be enough for effects on people's beliefs which forms a perception about a certain group of people. Internet medium can influence opinions and ideas of people and form society so their views and attitudes change on some level. Younger children can know with loads of violence and pornography so the kids will think that this type of action is normal or accepted in society. People like to be like their role models (Anonymous, 2005).



The construct of parenting style is used to capture normal variations in parents attempts to control and socialize their children (Baumrind, 1991).

Parenting style was defined encompassing both contextual and individual aspects of a parents child rearing, and distinguished this concept from more and goal-specific parenting practices and behaviors (Sternberg, 2000).

Parenting style captures two important elements of parenting: parental responsiveness and parental demandingness (Maccoby & Martin, 1983).

Parenting responsiveness (also referred to as parental warmth or supportiveness) refers to the extent to which parents intentionally foster individuality, self-regulation, and self-assertion by being attuned, supportive, and acquiescent to childrens special needs and demands. Parental demandingness (also referred to as behavioral control) referred to as behavioral control) refers to the claims parents ,make on children to become integrated into the family whole, by their maturity demands, supervision, disciplinary efforts and willingness to confront the child who disobeys (Baumrind, 1991).

Categorizing parents according to whether they are high or low on parental demandingness and responsiveness creates a typology of four parenting styles: indulgent, authoritarian, authoritative, and uninvolved (Maccoby & Martin, 1983). Authoritarian parenting style (dominating) means strict disciplining and total control of parents over their children (Baumrind, 1991).19

Parents, who choose this child rearing style, set up some severe rules and standards, and want their children to obey them strictly. Dominating parents are usually focusing on bad behaviors of their children and excessively criticizing them. They are always closed to children for communication and never explain the motifs of their orders or decisions (Maccoby & Martin, 1983).

Authoritative parenting style (moderate) means still creating standarts and rules, but parents can play more and democratic roles (Baumrind, 1991).

Followers of this style believe that is good for children to learn from their own mistakes. Authoritative parents usually give explanations to their children about established rules or policies, and show much more loves, care and attention to their kids ( Maccoby & Martin, 1983).

Permissive parenting style (indulge) means much more freedom for children (Baumrind, 1991).

Permissive approach means setting almost no guidelines or limitations and giving many choices for children. Parents, who use this style, are very domestic. They tend to accept their children the way they are and only try not to abuse them (Maccoby & Martin, 1983). Rejecting parenting style (neglecting or uninvolved) means totals indifferences to children (Baumrind, 1991).


In such cases parents try to minimize the time spent with the children and frequently remain unavailable for them. This style can be chosen by those parents, who are totally concentrated on making career or are drugs and alcohol dependent (Maccoby & Martin, 1983).


2.6.1 Dependency Theory21

According to Sandra Ball- Rokeach and Melvin DeFleur, dependency theory merged out of the communication discipline. Dependency theory proposes an integral relationship among audiences, media and the larger social system. This theory predicts that you depend on media information to meet certain needs and achieve certain goals (utewente.com, 2012).

In this research, the dependency theory suits the research topic well as well as we are going to study whether the internet (Facebook)caters its users needs and achieve certain goals or not because the users tend to depend on it wholly, which leads to addiction.





3.1.1 Qualitative Research Qualitative research is the research that mainly describes and interprets data with lesser numerical terms used. Basically it is an inductive research which means the data will be gathered and collected first and only then a suitable theory will be chosen (Education.com).

Qualitative research seeks for understanding of a phenomenon in specific setting by using natural approach. Researchers do not try to manipulate the phenomena in real setting. Researchers do not try to change the setting or other variables (Golafshani, 2003).

Qualitative research looks for the reason why situations happens and take insight behaviour, opinion, concerns and motivation through unstructured information



3.2.1 Unit of Analysis The unit of analysis in the research was Facebook, a free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.

3.2.2 Sample Purposive Sampling Purposive sampling, also known as judgment sampling is a non-random technique of choosing informants and at the same time does not require any underlying theories. The informants chosen are those who are related and have qualities that are needed to answer related topics. In other words, only those who are willing and possess the knowledge has been chosen by the researcher to complete the research (Tongco, 2007).

The informants for this research will be as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 Muhammad Faris bin Othman (a student of Communication and Media Studies) Munira binti Zakaria (a student of Computer Science) En. Jalil bin Selamat (Parents, an auditor) Pn. Marina binti Miskat (Parents, an accountant) Pn. Nor Hanita Binti Mohd Shariff (Counsellor of UiTM Shah Alam)

3.2.3 In-depth Interview25

In-depth interview is a way used in qualitative research by intensive one to one interview. The informants usually come in small number. This is aimed to explore their side of opinion on specific program or situation. The respondents might be asked about a situation that they can associate with their life experience and also what they have in mind about the situation. Also, how they perceive something after involving with that particular situation (Boyce & Neale. 2006).

The interviews were conducted based on questions that are semi-structured and also open ended. The informants were not provided with any answer but they have to answer question based on their understanding, experiences and knowledge. All informants have given relevant and acceptable answer by giving more situation and examples.

In order to complete the research, face to face interviews will be conducted with two students from Communication and Media Studie; Muhammad Faris bin Othman and Munira binti Zakaria at their resident at Jalan Ferum 4, Seksyen 7 Shah Alam. The interview will take about an hour for each informant.

As for the working parents, we will interview En. Jalil bin Selamat (auditor) and Pn. Marina binti Miskat (accountant). The interview will be conducted at their own respective house in Seksyen 16, Shah Alam. The interview will take about two hours to complete.

To get an even saturated result for this research, the main interview will be conducted with the counsellor of UiTM Shah Alam, Pn. Nor Hanita Binti Mohd Shariff. The interview will be conducted at her office at UiTM Shah Alam, Level 12 Menara SAAS. This interview will take at26

least about an hour. The significant of selecting the counsellor as the main informant is because she has the credibility in handling the problem of family communication. She can definitely reveal quite an insight about the problem.


4.1. RQ1- How does Facebook affect communication level between family members?27

4.1.1 Communication level decrease because a Facebook user spend more time online rather than spending time with his family. Based on the research conducted the researcher has found that the Facebook affects communication level between family members. Communication level decreases after having Facebook account. According to Mr. Muhammad Faris bin Othman a student of Communication and Media studies state that:

Err..I think before I have the Facebook account, I more spend time with my family. Errmm I love to communicate with my mother compare to my father..hehe!. But then..err..I think when I have the Facebook account I spend more to that.

Then Miss. Munira binti Zakaria a student of Computer Science claim that:

Hehehe! When I in high school and my house not have the internet, I spend a lot of my time communicate with my sisters and I..eerrrrshared anything with them. But then after I came to the university and know how to surf the Facebook, I less talk with them and sometimes I chatting with them in the Facebook.

This is also agreed by the En.Jalil bin Selamat which is a father, and an auditor said that:


Yes!..I just remember that pervious years ago, when I dont install any internet connection in my house, we will spend a lot of time together..errmmespecially when having tea at the evening but know..when I call my children come and join me having a tea..they refuse. It happens when they start to know using the internet and Facebook.

Pn.Marina binti Miskat, is a mother and an accountant also said that:

I feel that now I and my kids are less communicates to each other. They more like to spend their time in their way for example surf the internet. I look they are more chatting with their friends in the Facebook compared to me. Errfor me its good for sometimes, but when continuously happen it will bring more harm.

According to Pn. Nor Hanita Binti Mohd Shariff, Counsellor of UiTM Shah Alam has quote:

There is some different between the children that before they dont have the Facebook account compare to those who have the Facebook account. Hurrm I also have the some experience, my children before this always come and chat to me after I back from work. But now, they will stay in their room and surf the internet and chat with friend by using the Facebook.

4.1.2 Face to face communication level between family members decreases.


Based on the research conducted the researcher has found that the Facebook affects communication level between family members. Face to face communication level between family members decreases. According to Mr. Muhammad Faris bin Othman a student of Communication and Media studies state that:

Hurm..in my opinion that maybe true face to face communication between family members decrease. This is because they more comfortable communicate by using Facebook for those their family members has the Facebook.

Then Miss. Munira binti Zakaria a student of Computer Science claim that:

I think nowadays all the family members have the Facebook account and this makes them easier to contact to each other. For example a person will inform their mother about all the activity in University by post in the Facebook, so the parents will know their children activity.

This is also agreed by the En.Jalil bin Selamat which is a father, and an auditor said that:

In my opinion, by using of the Facebook, it will bring harm. I said like this because the face to face communication will be decrease. They children for example are not interested to communicate face to face with them compare before people know what is the Facebook is. "Errrmy children also doing the same thing they always said to me and ask to create the Facebook account because it will make them easier to contact with me.


Pn. Marina binti Miskat, is a mother and an accountant also said that:

Hehe! This is a good question because it always happen to my family..hehe! I and all my family members have the Facebook account and I feel the different. Before this I always communicate face to face with my family if we were discussing something for example the place we want to going for holiday. But then now we only post the picture in Facebook and then leave some comment on it. Haha! So, I can say here there are decrease of face to face communication.

According to Pn. Nor Hanita Binti Mohd Shariff, Counsellor of UiTM Shah Alam has quote:

Personally I think that Facebook causes verbal communication between parents and children become lesser. This is because children spend too much time on Facebook rather than with their family and this creates gap between him or her with the rest of the family members. Instead of telling their problems to their family they prefer to post them on their Facebook wall and this actually solves nothing. They should speak to someone who can help them to solve the problem such as their parents because they will definitely be able to help them somehow.

RQ2- What are the factors that have been causing Facebook users to be passive or antisocial persons especially in family communication?


4.2.1 People are obsessed with Facebook due to lack of self- confidence to involve in face-to-face communication and expressing their feelings towards others.

Based on the research constructed, the researchers found out that people are exaggeratingly obsessed with Facebook due to the lack of confidence they have, seeking public attention and as a getaway to self-expression Muhammad Faris bin Othman:

I think, I think it has to be about the status update, I mean Facebookers wanna let as many people know what their current situation are, you know and it drives them all insane! Hey look at me, Im on holiday in Mauritius!Hey, Ive got a new haircut, like me, please, blah-blah-blah. And then, there are the photos. Oooo, tag me, tag me, ogle me, Im hot baby,yeah! Yeah, something like that. In a sense, they all lack in self-confidence and need other peoples views to support their clause. As such, this leads to attention seeking. Its pretty much pathetic really.

But to Pn. Marina binti Miskat:

Well...Maybe theyre using Facebook as a medium of self-expression. You know, as a getaway to tell the whole world what they are experiencing, what they are going through, what they are feeling, so on and so forth.

The same statement was given out by Pn. Nor Hanita Binti Mohd Shariff (Counsellor of UiTM Shah Alam):


The term obsess is used to express how much people involved in any cases, and for me it is such a behavior and it can be changed. People become to obsess with Facebook because they lack of self-confident. When they are trapped in this a behavior, they have no other alternatives to make friends, only through Facebook because they felt themselves cant interact directly with other peoples. It is undeniable where ever we go we can meet the people who like to seek an attention for what they are doing. Through Facebook, they also can seek that by updating statuses that shown themselves as active Facebookers and want others to react with them such as comment, and like their statuses. Self-expression here is very narrow perception; it is clearly when people posting something that expressed their feelings such as in love, angry, cool, moody, etc. They want people know their feelings to and maybe can share it with them and give a respond that can make them more happy or cheerful.

Munira binti Zakaria claimed:

For me people become too with Facebook because they dont have real social interaction skills, so they use Facebook to socialize with others. Its like their escapism from real life, the solution they found is Facebook, thats it.

The statement was then strengthening by the statement given out by En. Rasyid bin Harun:


Too obsessed with Facebook? Ermmm, I think maybe they want their friends to know their existencemaybe. They might be ignored or neglected by their surrounding people. So through Facebook, when they update a status and others commenting the status, at least they know they are people who still care about them. They want to be heard I guess.

4.2.2 People spend more time on Facebook rather than interacting and socializing with their family.


Based on the research conducted, the researchers have found out that people spend more time on Facebook rather than interacting and socializing with their family. Such a statement is supported by Pn. Marina binti Miskat who claimed that:

Less than two hours should be spent on Facebooking or otherwise, youre just gonna get distracted from doing any of your work and like they say it in the old days, too much of anything is never good.

Another statement came from Munira binti Zakaria, in which she said:

I think in a day, they should spend at the most two hours, if more time are wasted, then we tend to procrastinate with no motivation, because FB easily draws you in. But, then again, if youve got a free day ahead of you, then it should be fine.

This statement was then supported by Pn. Nor Hanita Binti Mohd Shariff (Counsellor of UiTM Shah Alam):

Surfing the internet should less than 2 hours, because I think this time is very suitable and enough for people who surfing the internet is for leisure and relax. There are no need for more time to surf for a long time because there will brings any more consequences such as boring and, when you already reach that time you will feel uneasy and start to surf for other things. The statement was then strengthening by the statement given out by Muhammad Faris bin Othman.


I think an hour should be enough to access Facebook,but if have leisure time, it is okay as long as it does not affect the productivity of work or study.

En. Jalil bin Selamat claimed:

They should spend the time less than two hours per day on Facebook. If more than that, they can be considered as obsess to that website. Sometimes we should consider to spend our time with family, doing things together, plus, the longer you spend the time on Facebook, believe me, it will turns boring website ever!


4.2.3 People feel more appreciated when they are in Facebook.

Based on the research conducted, the researchers have found out that people feel more appreciated when they are in Facebook is the cause of Facebook users to be passive or antisocial persons especially in family communication. Such a statement is supported by Pn. Nor Hanita Binti Mohd Shariff (Counsellor of UiTM Shah Alam) who claimed that:

People feel more appreciated when they are in Facebook because they are socially affected by FB since they are very vulnerable to the wonders of modern technology and because they are still in the learning process at the time. When they see someone pulling of some crazy stunts like going to some club to party or doing some wheelies on Facebook, they tend to follow the trend because hey, everybodys seeing it and everybodys doing it. Its like some huge phenomena.

While Pn. Marina binti Miskat claimed that:

Well, to me. People feel more appreciated when they are in Facebook Thanks to Facebook, teenagers have become mostly passive shut-ins and it is downright sad to see our peers to be socially affected by FB.

Such a statement is supported by En. Jalil bin Selamat claimed that:

People nowadays are easily influenced by their surroundings and environment. So people can easily feel more appreciated when they are in Facebook. They still searching for an easy way to37

communicate, interact, and make a friends. In this category of age, the other factors maybe can be a caused for them to involve such as they felt lonely and they are already exposed with internet.

Munira binti Zakaria then gave out his opinion regarding this matter.

For me, people can easily feel more appreciated when they are in Facebook, theyre like seeking for attention from others, so via Facebook, they can express their feeling. Compared to other age group, if kids, they dont even know how to use Facebook. For those who have career, they themselves have something else to concentrate on while senior citizens much prefer to be relaxed, mind their own business, watching TV at home, and thats it.

Muhammad Faris bin Othman also claimed:

People can easily feel more appreciated when they are in Facebook because they love entertainment, they want to know more about others, about their friends in school, in the same housing area, or even the enemy they have. They have some kind of social behavior of tell how they feel to Facebook


RQ3. What are the necessary steps taken by parents to curb Facebook addiction among the children?

4.3.1 Parents should be more strict in moulding their children.

Based on the research conducted, the researchers found out that parents ought to be more strict in dealing with their children because should they are too lenient with them, they might be too spoilt and at the end of the day they will do things as they please without having any proper supervision or control by their parents. According to Muhammad Faris bin Othman, a student of Communication and Media Studies:

Hmmm when it comes to handling children, I strongly believe that parents should not spoil their children. If they do, the children will become rude and as a result this will create a gap of communication between them. And that is why I think a lot of children nowadays have Facebook account although they are very young.

Munira binti Zakaria, a student of Computer Science also has the same opinion on this matter:

Facebook.. Hmmm I think the best way parents can curb Facebook addiction is by being strict to their children. Umm I mean if they are fierce, maybe this will create respect from the children. So whatever command or order that the parents give, the children will obey.39

En. Jalil bin Selamat, a father and also an auditor also expresses his ideas on this matter:

There are certain ways parents can actually curb Facebook addiction among their children. I myself practice this method. Umm to be frank, I am really strict with my children. This is because when I am always strict with my children and I believe that my children have a lot of respect for. I also have educate them since they are still in kindergarten that they can only go only for a certain period of time and Alhamdulillah up until today they still follow the rules that I have set.

Pn. Marina binti Miskat, a mother and also an accountant claims that:

As a working mother, I need to be strong not only for myself, but for my family as well. I may look soft on the outside but I am strong on the inside hahaha. Hmm personally I dont spoil my kids because by being fierce, my children easily obey me and that is why I think by strict, Facebook addiction can be curb. But I dont always treat them with fierce, of course sometimes I spoil them too, but not always!

Pn Nor Hanita binti Mohd Shariff, a counselor of UiTM Shah Alam gives her opinion on this matter:

Facebook addiction is a really interesting topic. I personally believe that the best way to curb this problem is for the parents to not be lenient with their children. When they are strict and do not spoil their kids too much, a feeling of respect will be born and prior to this, any request from the parents for the children will be obeyed without fail. I am not saying that parents should fierce or40

strict all the times, all I am saying that they should know when not to be fierce and vice versa. As a matter of fact, love can also be nurtured and of course Facebook addiction can be curbed.

4.3.2 Parents and children should communicate more.41

Based on the research that has been conducted, the researchers have found that parents and children should have more communication between them in order to curb Facebook addiction. This is because when they interact more with one another, there will be lesser need for any unnecessary social networking communication such as Facebook.According to Muhammad Faris bin Othman, a student of Communication and Media Studies:

Hmm I think communication is also important to curb Facebook. The communication that I am referring to is the communication between parents and children. Well maybe because when a lot of communication is involved, there will be more understanding and hence the children will want to spend more time with the family rather than on Facebook.

A student of Computer Science, Munira binti Zakaria also believes:

Well I think communication is the essence in solving any problem. Umm so I think when a lot of communication occur between parents and children, anything problem can be solved and this includes Facebook addiction.

En. Jalil bin Selamat, a father and auditor believes that:

Hmmm as a father, I do communicate a lot with my children especially during dinner. I always encourage my children to talk to me about anything and everything because I want them to be open and I also want to be a part of their life. Whenever they have problem, they will talk to me42

and I dont encourage them to post their problems on Facebook and if they do, I will tell them to delete the post and Ill talk to the about it.. hmmm

Pn. Marina bin Miskat, a mother and an accountant states:

As a mother, I am very close to my children. I always tell them to communicate with about their daily lives. And umm hehe I think they share almost everything with me and I am very glad and flattered. So yes, I think communication is very very very important in curbing Facebook addiction problem. Ive tried it and it worked like a charm for me so I think it will work for other parents too hehe.

Pn. Nor Hanita binti Mohd Shariff, a counselor of UiTM Shah Alam also expresses her opinion on this matter:

Yes to be honest I definitely believe that communication between parents and children will enable the curbing of Facebook addiction. Everyday I keep telling my children to be safe and take care of themselves, and I also teach them to kiss my hand before leaving the house and as a result, they have a lot of respect and honor for me. After dinner, my family will gather in front of the television and well talk about our day. This actually makes our relationship become stronger and makes the need for my children to go online become less significant. So yes I would like to emphasize that communication is very important it undoubtedly can help to solve any problem.



5.1 RQ1: How does Facebook affect communication level between family members? In this research, there are two findings that had been deduced in order to conclude the very first research question. All the informants agreed and provided this research with these two findings.

5.1.1 Communication level between family members decreases because a Facebook user spends more time online rather than spending time with his family The researchers found that Facebook has decreased the communication level between family members. This is because Facebook users spend more time online rather than spending time with their family. When less times are spent together between family members, less communication will take place. Most of the informants agreed that they were too busy spending their time on the internet that they sometimes forgot to communicate with their family members.









Through this research, the researchers also found that Facebook has decreased the level of face-toface communication between family members. Since Facebook is a social networking site, the users do not have to meet their family face-to-face in order to communicate. Most of the informants agreed that most of the time, they just use Facebook to communicate with their family members. 5.2 RQ2- What are the factors that have been causing Facebook users to be passive or antisocial person especially in family communication?


Throughout this research, the researchers have found three findings that can address the second research question. All the informants agreed, and this research has met the saturation by producing three findings.

5.2.1 Facebook users are lack of self-confidence to involve in face-to-face communication and expressing their feelings towards others The researchers have found that Facebook users became to be passive or anti social because they are lack of self-confidence to involve in face-to-face communication and expressing their feelings towards others. Most of the informants agreed that they feel shy to talk and express their feelings in the real world. Therefore, they prefer doing it online, by using Facebook.

5.2.2 Facebook users feel more appreciated when they are in Facebook rather than when they are with their family members The researchers also found that Facebook users became anti social because they feel more appreciated when they are in Facebook rather than when they are with their family members. Most of the informants agreed that they are more comfortable talking to their virtual friends on Facebook rather than talking to their family members and friends. They normally share their problems with their friends on Facebook rather than sharing them with their family members or friends. They feel like their friends on Facebook can understand them better than their family members do.


5.2.3 Facebook users spend more time on Facebook rather than interacting and socializing with their family The researchers also found that Facebook users became passive or anti social because they spend more time on Facebook rather than interacting and socialicing with their family. Most of the informants agreed that they spend more than two hours per day on the internet. They rarely joking around with their family members because of time constraints.

5.3 RQ3- What are the necessary steps taken by parents to curb Facebook addiction among the children?


In this particular research, the researchers have found two findings that can address the third research question. All the informants claimed the same answer for the question and this research has met saturation by producing these two findings.

5.3.1 Parents should be more strict in moulding their children Through this research, the researchers have found that parents should be more strict in moulding their children in order to curb Facebook addiction among the children. Most of the informants agreed that parents should monitor their children in using the internet and allocate the amount of time permitted for the children to surf the internet daily. This will help to curb Facebook addiction among children.

5.3.2 Parents and children should communicate more The researchers also found that parents and children should communicate more in order to curb Facebook addiction among children. By communicating more, parents and children will become closer. Therefore, the children will feel like they are much appreciated by their parents. Most of the informants agreed that they will not have to spend a lot of time on Facebook to feel happy if their family appreciate them.



After conducting this research, there are many implications that cannot be avoided in collecting the findings of the parenting style and roles in internet addition: Facebook. Hence, we concluded that the social networking site, Facebook has both good and bad impacts towards the individuals, society, and family institution.

5.4.1 Implication towards the individuals Facebook has no doubt provided tools by which people can communicate, share information, and create new relationships. Facebook has affected the way we receive information and news. The sites open up different portals through which we get information. Rather than reading the newspaper or hearing the news on TV, we rely on our friends on the sites to give us updates on the world around us. However, a person may suffer from Facebook addiction if he does not know how to manage his time well. A person may also face low self-esteem and lack of communication skills if he depends on Facebook solely to communicate with others.

5.4.2 Implication towards the society Facebook has changed the dynamics of our social groups and friendships. Facebook devalue the meaning of friend. Our traditional notion of friendship embraces trust, support, compatible values, etc. On social network sites, a friend may simply be someone on whose link you have clicked. Facebook creates a new model of social interaction and friendships. As peoples social circles grow, the ties of the online friendships are not always as strong as in person close


friendships. Although these sites can alter the dynamics of friendships in that way, it also creates lots of new friendships and increases our social interaction.

5.4.3 Implication towards the family institution Facebook affects the social interaction within the family institution by changing the way of how the family members interact face-to-face. Although the Internet connects millions of people and allows the users to chat, it changes the traditional in person conversation that is important to the family institution. Even though Facebook has positive effects in terms of attaining information, establishing communication, and entertainment, it also has negative effects in terms of content and of individual, psychological, and physical aspects.


5.5.1 Problems that occur during interview While we were conducting the interview, we had encountered some problems and difficulties that prevented the smooth flow of the interview. One of the interviews that we had was at the time when the weather was rather unpromising. Rain fell heavily and there were also a couple of loud thunder. Furthermore, when we were conducting the interview, the people in the surrounding also made all sorts of sound and causing the recording of our interview become fuzzy and unclear. This had given us a lot trouble to rewrite and translate the interview. There were also times when we had problem with the informants in terms of their schedule. Some of them were not always available, and if they have free time, they would only spend a couple of minutes for us.

5.5.2 Finding the right informants Though there are quite a number of people who actually have Facebook account nowadays, we still found that it is difficult for us to find the right informants to match the criteria for our research. The informants must be related to our research so that the questions we ask can be answered efficiently by them. In order to get a saturated answer to our research question, we had to find the right informants that are professional. This is because, there are many people that we first thought could be a reliable interviewee but it turns out that they were not being serious at all during the interview. After looking for quite a while, we were able to find the right informants and the information they provided us were quite saturated. Apart from that, some of the people we found were also unwilling to be our interviewee because they claim to be shy and does not want his voice to be recorded. According to the ethics50

when conducting research, it is unethical to force an informant to give information and so, we had to find other people to become our informants.

5.5.3 Insufficient time Time was very limited to us as we only had three months to do the proposal, redo if it is rejected, find the right informants, do the findings, finish the whole report and submit it within the time given. Doing research on how appropriate they are to be our informant, asking people around, meeting up with people, doing other assignments and other things that are related is taking too much time. That is why should we did not make proper planning, we would have lost a lot valuable time and thus will more or less affect us especially in the effort of finishing the full report.

5.6 FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS 5.6.1 Duration of the study During our research and development, we came to a conclusion that the duration of time that was given to us was very limited. More time is actually required for us to do discussion as there were a51

lot of issues that had not been dealt with thoroughly. We believe that if we were given more time, plenty more issues can be tackled and resolved. As for future enhancements, many issues and topics will be much discovered and so, more time will be needed in order for them to be resolved. The topic that had been chose is not that difficult. Should there was more time given, we are very certain that a more precise and saturated information can be obtained. Follow ups sometimes had to be done quite a few times due to the fact that we have to deal with people from different background. Time had to be scheduled accordingly before meeting our informants so that our schedule will well fit theirs.

5.6.2 Get the latest tools to assist with the study Provided with shooting and recording equipment will remarkably give a better and more convincing way to make people understand and see exactly the process of how this case study is being conducted. This is because, during our research, a lot of interviews were conducted with our informants. With the gadgets, all the information that were being said can be recorded digitally and can be viewed at anytime for later purposes. Besides, visualization always meets expectations and it can help save a lot of time. This idea is for the sole purpose of better learning in the future. For example, using video camera to record the details that were presented by the informants will provide us a better view for presentation and future preferences in order to get better understanding of the content involved in the interviewing process. Last but not least is of course the voice recorder is also needed as a backup for the recording that was done simultaneously because we would never know if something will happen to the data, or in other word, better safe than never.52

5.6.3 Getting the right informants to answer questions Getting the right informant to answer our question is extremely crucial as it will affect our findings. We cannot simply go to the public, choose random people and ask them about our research and hoping that we will get saturated answer from all of them. It will obviously jeopardize our findings and at the end of the day, we have to redo it all over again. The best for us is to find the right informants and first ask them about their background. Next we tried to find out whether the informant can provide us with trusted and reliable information or not. Should the person fits all the criteria, then only we would proceed the interview session. This is very important to ensure that our full report cannot be doubted and able to answer all questions.


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