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8/8/2019 Family Connection Newsletter October 2010

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Career Decision Toolkit

Let’s Move!

There’s No Place LikeHome

United Through Reading®

Talent Has No Boundaries

Exceptional Family Mem-ber Program LiaisonAccess

Veterans EmploymentCoordination Service


Career Decision Toolkit

 The Department o Deense

Career Decision Toolkit is a part

o a series o emerging strategic

initiatives that will redevelop the

 Transition Assistance Program

(TAP) over the course o the next

12 to 18 months. It will change

how service members access their

extensive TAP resources; this pro-

cess will begin at accession and

will continue throughout theirmilitary career.

 The theme o the Career Decision

 Toolkit is “Goal, Plan and Succeed”

(GPS). Service members and their

amilies who are separating, de-

mobilizing or retiring are provided

new and innovative tools to navigate a smooth and successul transition. These services are also

available to recovering wounded warriors and their amilies to plan eectively or the uture.

Spouses are encouraged to attend TAP with their service member.

For your toolkit and more resources, contact the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Manager ayour local Fleet and Family Support Center, click here to go to the CNIC Transition Assistance We

page or http://www.acebook.com/DoDTAP.

Let’s Move!

 TRICARE is an active participant in the Let’s Move! program or military kids. This national progra

works to combat the epidemic o childhood obesity through engaging every sector impacting

child’s health, and providing simple tools to help kids be more active, eat better and get healthy

Obesity is one o the leading causes o preventable deaths in the United States, and has reache

epidemic proportions. In the general population, adult obesity rates have doubled since 1980;

two-thirds o U.S. adults are now considered overweight or obese.Make getting t a amily aair! Encourage your children to

participate in physical activity or at least 60 minutes every day,

with you leading the way. And remember, sleep is an essential

part o living an active lie. A recent study ound that with each

extra hour o sleep, the risk o a child being overweight or obese

dropped by 9 percent. Learn more at www.tricare.mil/gett, 

www.letsmove.gov and www.healthierkidsbrighterutures.org .

Supporting the Fleet, Fighter, and Family 


Family Connection is apublication of the Fleet andFamily Support Program.

The Navy's Fleet andFamily Support Programpromotes the self-relianceand resiliency of Sailors and

their families. We provideinformation that can help youmeet the unique challengesof the military lifestyle.

For more information aboutthe Fleet and Family SupportProgram, or to join theconversation about deploy-ments and military life, visit:




If you have questions orcomments about the contentof Family Connection, pleasecontact Bruce Moody [email protected].

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There’s No Place Like Home

Reintegration is the process o readjusting to amily lie, returning to work and coping with combat

related stress and injury. Hanging up the work jacket, going rom small to larger sleeping quarters,

regular sounds o the home and even certain smells may require a moment to get used to.

Education provides solutions ocused on the overall health and well-being o the amily. Chal-

lenges during reintegration are unlike those aced while deployed. Establishing the “new” normor lie ater deployment is the rst important step. Resources to begin addressing reintegration

difculties are essential:

 N Yellow Ribbon Program

 The Yellow Ribbon Program (YRP) provides service members and their amilies with valuable

inormation beore, during, and ater deployments. Through Yellow Ribbon Events, service

members can gain access to a wealth o services and knowledge that can help them prepar

and handle their deployment.

N Real Warriors, Real Battles, Real Strength

 The Real Warriors Campaign promotes the processes o building resilience, acilitating

recovery and supporting reintegration or returning service members and their amilies. Themessage board and live chat helps combat the stigma associated with seeking psychologica

health care and treatment, and encourages service members to increase their awareness an

use resources.

N Warrior Gateway Program

 The Warrior Gateway Program has been designed to promote easier reintegration into home

communities. It establishes a single capability that serves as a trusted and reliable resource o

the military community to quickly locate service organizations, identiy academic programs

and nd employers. This program is non-prot, inclusive, ree to the military community, and

eliminates inormation barriers and overload.

Supporting the Fleet, Fighter, and Family 

 Joint Services Support (JSS)

JSS provides valuable inormation on benets, entitlements, events, trainings and more.

Making it easy to stay connected, anytime, anywhere with online access, mobile device

applications and interactive voice response. Services are available to all military branches;

eaturing a community resource locator by state. http://www.jointservicessupport.org.

Navy Family Accountability and AssessmentSystem (NFAAS)

NFAAS allows Navy personnel to manage the recovery process or personnel aected by a

wide-spread catastrophic event. It is also helpul in providing commands with inormation

to support IA amily members while their sponsors are deployed overseas. Log on to NFAAS

at https:\\www.navyamily.navy.mil.

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Supporting the Fleet, Fighter, and Family 

United Through Reading®

One o the most difcult things a child can experience is

having a parent deployed to a war zone or an indetermina

period o time. The United through Reading® Military Pro-

gram helps ease the stress o separation or military amilies

by having deployed parents read children’s books aloud viaDVD or their child to watch at home.


 N Allows the deployed parent, aunt, uncle, or sibling and

the child to make powerul connections

 N Helps deployed military personnel parent rom aar.

 N Reassures the child that mom or dad is sae and thinking

o home.

 N Provides support to the parent or caregiver at home.

Talent Has No Boundaries

Workorce diversity includes people with disabilities. October marks National Disability Employ-

ment Awareness Month, created to “educate the American public about issues related to

disability and employment.”

 To aid in the process o assisting disabled employees, in 2001 the Department o Labor created

the Ofce o Disability Employment Policy (ODEP). The goal o ODEP is to ensure that disabled

employees have air and equal access to employment opportunities regardless o their disabilitie

 The current administration stresses the importance o this policy and its commitment to service

members and their exceptional amily members. Let’s continue to embrace a workorce that is

inclusive, diverse and accepting o everyone creating a world in which people with disabilities

have unlimited employment opportunities. For additional news and resources, sign up or ODE

e-mail updates at http://www.dol.gov/odep.

Returning Warrior Workshops (RWW)

 This weekend workshop ocuses on making a successul transition rom the warzone to the homeront. The workshops are expense-paid weekend events, set at

our-star hotels, or service members and their spouse or signicant other.

For the schedule, visit the Navy Individual Augmentee website at www.

ia.navy.mil/ .

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Supporting the Fleet, Fighter, and Family 

Exceptional Family Member Program Liaison Access

 To increase support to Sailors and their amilies with special needs, Exceptional Family Member

Program (EFMP) liaisons are now located at the Fleet and Family Support Centers in Norolk, Jac

sonville, San Diego, Bremerton and Washington, D.C. By the end o October 2010, EFMP liaisons

will be available to assist with inormation and reerral at all Fleet and Family Support Centers.

 The Navy developed the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) to support amilies withspecial needs and assure continuity o care, while also supporting operational readiness. The

EFMP ensures that Sailors are assigned to geographic areas where specialized support is availab

to suit the medical, educational, community and personal needs o the amily.

Experienced EFMP liaisons align appropriate and available services to help amilies access need

workshops, counseling and educational assistance through the School Liaison Ofcer program.

Additional resources include special medical, dental, mental health, developmental or educa-

tional requirements, wheelchair accessibility, and adaptive equipment or assistive technology

devices and services.

For more inormation, visit or contact your local Fleet and Family Support Center. Click here or

the FFSP Regional Ofce Program Directory.

Veterans Employment Coordination Service

 The Department o Veteran Aairs established the Veterans Employment Coordination (VECS) t

advance eorts to attract, recruit and hire veterans into VA positions, particularly severely-injured

veterans returning rom Iraq and Aghanistan.


N Veteran Employment Advocacy

N Hands-on Employment Assistance

N Resume Review & Federal Application Tips

N Skills & Qualications Assessment

N Placement Assistance

N Case Management

N  Training and Development Counseling

N One-on-one Peer Counseling

For urther inormation go to http://www4.va.gov/VECS/ , call toll ree number 1 866-606-6206 o

e-mail at [email protected].

IA Discussion Group Schedule

Go to www.sp.navy.mil to view the Fleet-wide list o classes, support groups

and events specically or individual augmentees (IAs) and their amilies.

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