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Page 1: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

AOf Local

People And EVenta


•M IU R W O . K 4 T A V 4M

« • ■ -


fAMt YCAR — 44H» W K K MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1965 Member■ttto&al Editorial AaaocUttoi Singh Copy To aC ohH

Utility Improvements

f t i U W l r t n i y r ip a r t to tfM H H n m T e w a s b I p Commit-

IM M m M w K gb t, Tpwiwhlp Eagla-

ea r Kart l iM M f a it fn p te d tt would

a M M S J N I » w <w I i i m < im- p m t l f c a a M a k e ip i l v t t t r a y a tm

U f c f c a a m i CW fwead M d (Im

Mwr flwdm Mdliw Hr neon I B * ------ ----

i i the

I le e m m ie d s t to M «f Dm ia a te a eM rtw »-y*tr

I k * M ttC ip ltM (O M

a M d a t ln i* would be

__________t h i i ym r. H ie c a t *

■llw n fM to d It hoped lo dnl|-

e m M w phaaa* to b * acted a p t*a t f t a a M ta ie i l la g J u m 7.

H m 1 eag ia ie tfr i io n a m ia d i H n u

M a M : Raplae lag tfca TtHMtoe-

a aria a l* pum p ;to lh « praw at w ill

w M i« W M U tM H M n iiu it* p um p i t tan. hMtafiatioa of • « M » l> 00-«-

M lm U l llltor, | M ,M , ond oooftruc-

U m a f IM a c k m i i u on Cllttwood A w ., M d Gordon St. u d dght-

lack M l « o a M y rt li St., Smith

M, aad C av ity ltd . for M M * .

A U e arecttoa o f a M .N tg a l lg n

d m p ttk k 31 ( e « h igher than the

a d a M f I N . M a*Uoa tiafc, eon-

v K W d to n M Uaat w ithia the J a n iy s A « e .j ta a t a ad bw tallitloa ot boost-

or pam pa lor W ,7 » ; eoaiM ctfaM

at o r i r m i M la the Cliffwood m yw n c t io a oa At last ic Ava.,

A im A rt iu po a Ava. aad M a >

WHO Av*. i T m W aad. iaatalla- » m * f i mt aaltoa a wih M a fcoa

raaw yal p laa t f a t t l7 M N .

Alaa aoaatwcttoa of llaaa ia thi Uheripw Parfc .aactioa M Laka Mvd. pad levealh. ateth. Filth, ftanfc tiad.laqoad lu at tn jn ; laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a hr I1 7 .M aad aoaftmctloa at aa ttftNach Uas tom Couaty Rd. ta

% OffMod Ava. at UT*.’ M r . H n iaar aiU aM tad tha ijrttam

laat yaar aarvad a population a l

0 N t a d m d te ta d that by 1I7S with

la e rm a d aaada tor industry aad p te| ic ta l g ird s a apartn ioati, a

— ‘ “ taa t l 11,M would have to

wd. T ha M g la e ir aaid tha

i da ily coaauanftiM oa tha

i i W . m |aUaaa aad la id i d r f y draw b a t fb e M M -

'iaaapttaa l’M a M b a I J M . iM galHas.

T ha M raaM tt M itM t ly h laatall-

h i t a aaw m i galla* a reinuta w ill

a ad M a w ith Mn raeammoadad Im-

p ravam M U m u M pravid* aa am-

p t*p ** k supply tor tha m c Um .

M ataw an Y o u th

In Peace C orps

Ooroi*eol.Edmond Ta V^wt Africa

C la ie a te E . Edmond, m m o f Mr.

aad Mra. A da m M . Edmond, I ttill-

wall I t . , M aU W M , h a i beaa a im ed a Peace Carpa VotuMeer after com­

p i l in g three moitths of intenaiv*

' '■ a t Souttnro Univeulty ,


. Route, L i . , m d I* now an

la iv * at home prior to departure

for Guinea, Weat A lr lc i, Sunday. IV aetr volunteeri will expend thi>

S N i e a C w p» ' a g r lc u ltu n l program M Aulnea in d hedin n i n l communt.

ty development.

VotuMarra wHh og rku ltu r il

train ing M il work i i n te n tio n

a g M tl, g iv ing advlca on (aadlng,

haw iag and c i r i oI cattle, ahtep, (continued on page four)

Cnvarwr To Ba Guoif Af Dotno Totfimonial

Oov. R ichard J . Hugh*!, will

b a d M dhtinguiahed guvati i t thi1 taaH menial dinner-dance apnnioreti

i by Mm M atawan Borough Dtmt>' crM ie C lub Sundiy i t •: M p.m. In

Mattaaww d Manor, M itaw an.

I h a honored gueaia w ill indudc

Ml* p a n a ad p rtien t u>M<ncllmen a ad awyara of Matawan Burwigti

F lM l p i in a ware made i t I com'

■Ntaa m a it ln g lueaday evening al

V m 'i Agency, Matawan,

I h a eam m ltlae iIm i aniHwneed

MMI atlaadanoe i t the dinner l i t v parted ) • eaceed )M pmiplr,

A M l p ra iraM report will be

a n i a M Mm regular D cm w r it lr

a h * Hwatlag IM i llm rn ia y even,

lag at I ; » a m . In Ilm Htnth m il

‘ “ 1 P lr# llm iic , Hriinii HI., M a i

Sonofor To Spookfew. W iy a a D u moot w ill ippear

W adaeiday, in the w d ita r ium o( M atawaa k a g io a il H igh School un-

dor tbe auiptoea of die Republican

Chiba o f the bay ihora area. The

Repub licM C h ib i o f M aU w aa Bor-

awgb, M aMwaa T ow aM p , Keyport

aad U a iM Beach m o among the a tfa a lta tlo a i in charge of the

1, H a public I t invited to at-

P o lice H a n d lin g

O f Case Q u e rie d

Obtorving R19KH Of Dofgfltlont An luuo

A day - long (p eda l court ses-

•ion befora M agialrat* Lloyd D . E l­

gart, M itaw an Townihip, Friday,

did not produc* time aulficient to

even complete the preaentatlon of

the ita te 'i caae on a drunken dr iv ­

ing count against John E . Donnelly,

2M F lrtt S . . Kayport, and It waa put over for rM umption June 4.

Tha d i e waa m arked by I dec-

iaratioa of intention by one lawyer

to N b po e iii another, Sidney I. Saw­

yer, Keyport, declaring h i would mahe Norman J . Currie , Keypurt,

M« w ita a n la hia endeavor to

ahow that M i t iw in Township po­lk a procedure* after Mr. Don-

aetly w a i browght to h e id q u ir te r i

Mar. i f . 'ware lacking la proper

ofaaarvinca of a defendant'a right*.

It w u M r. Currie who w a i aunt-

BKNied to act lo r M r. Donnelly that

lig h t whaa .the defendant'a wile

gM M tf p a rm iu io a from Pitrol- a u n Frank S w ia , townahip po lic i,

(ccntinued on page four)

Borough GOf CommKtot Kich Off Compgign

Tba 1 W M itaw an Borough Re-

a ub iic ia C am p iig a w u kicked off

Monday ayeaiag whew fte cam-

«oentmiU*e was o rg ia la itf for-

M i r the aaw c h a lm M . Sta-

W d m a EaM rliae, ia the M iddiasei

U R m m m I i i Cm Ioc . M r . C a iit*

■ am h ir o f the M atawan Regional

Board o f Educition .

M ua idp a l Chairm an Ooodwyn

floodhart Introduced M r. Entarline (o tha group atteading. Appointed

to th* cam im iga committee w»re M n . Beatrice Duffy, correepondlng

aacratary; M n . O i d y i Crawford,

adm iniatratlve au l.itan t; Mrs. Ma­rio Dietriefi, treasurer, and Jam es

U n a aad Frank Sturt, publicity.

M r . Enterline raqueitod that wprkera try to get new voters reg­

istered before the September dead­line, as “ new people are moving

into the borough every day. I f we

don't get them registered, a ll our

campaigning w ill be in va in ." He

M id am phaaii w ill be placed on the

candidate* knocking on doors lo

aieM th* piople, so iaauea m ay be clarified.

Anyone w lih lng to work for the

G O P i i l ik e d to c iH Mr. Enterline

a t m * M

Condidoto'i Infol a tba Imae af M ay t t , The

Matawaa Jawraal w ill puM M i the

riM m es sad ans-cah in ta pic-

ta tc i ef i l l candidate* m n i t g in

th* prim ary d e c iiM m Ja a e I, M the M a rm a th a reaches thia al-

Ilea by M ia d iy I I o 'daek aoon.

M any baekgraanda and picture*

are m file In thi* office, but dti

aat take aaythiag for granted, it

you waat yaar biography prlat-

" ‘ ‘ ta m ake aare It is avail-

Pietaraa tbM ir e the regular

eae • cetama aiie , waHM a in ,

o W be pabHahad tree, If a rephe

lagraph b a i ta ba made, there

i M h a dkarae a f I t .

N a eaadmate'a baekgreuad

ir , N

------------- ---------- Jafer-

m a llM w a i a n rwW ved by this

Cub ScouU Visit Fori Oh Saturday, Armed Forces Da

Pictured m a a aaM M l a t Fart M eam ew h ea A naed Faccoa Day, | M a thrf; M a t t Ferraaa, Fraacia Ferraao, Bobby Cawgrande, Peter

flatarday are members a f Cab Scaat Pack t t , M aU w aa. Mlawa abave, M aaaing aad M ark Clark. The boy* are observing radio sets exhibited

(h f t ia righ t) ara S/Sgt. HaBet Clark, Cahm aalar i f Pack M ; M ark by Sp. I U w ls Falls, St. Lauls, M s., aa instructor at Ihe fort, g is a lg . M ichael C lark, P aa l Cm agraade, M rs. Hal let C lu k , D ea I

Squad Aik* Halp

Th* Matawaa Tawaahip Firat A id aad R m cae g^oad appealed t a ta w M h lp r n ldra ls t* help

A a m rodac* tk* aamber i f * a ia — •mergeacy ambalaace tranaparte.

Acaardiag U F r ia k B erta lii, cap- M a i f ta* ig M d , tke m am bars

d the agaad, w kb a few axcep- th a a a il work dariag daylight

b i a n m weekday*. The few aw a

available <* aaswer day call*

f ia a o t p m ib ly faactioa far tb i

■sad aad weifara af th* tawaship

h a a fa r as f im a id emergeacle* aro roac iraad , which h ifte a a

aw tter i f HI* aad death, whaa they a r* averbandeaed by aia-

B a ta a n a l thia Capt. Bertslis

' 1 wUI pravMs

vie* h r b i lH M s a patieats ealy,

oa th* request o f tbsir dactors to

aad from bamea. docter’* ofllcM ,

bosptu ls aad aursing harnco.Further becaaa* ef the ahorlaga

t t day men the aquad appeals to

ag , to lim it requests for this type

at aervice to Saturday aad Sun­

day or l i te r 1 p .m . on weekdays. However, Capt. Bertulis assured

tawaship residents that emergen­

cy calls w ill be answered any

Hate a l day or Bight.

T o N am e C respy

T o H o im de l Post

Will Raplaca Ford At Suparintandont

H. Victor Crespy, a JJ-year-old

adm inistrator, will be appointed su­

perintendent o f schools by the

Hoimdel Township Board of Educa­

tion tonight at the Village School,

Hoimdel. He w ill succeed Richard

M . Ford, who submitted Ills resig­

nation last week to take an admin-

iatrative post in New England.

More than 90 applications were

received by the board for the post

of auperlntendent. Mr. Crespy,

married and the father ot three

children, was selected by Ihe l>oard

alter personal interviews with 10

of the applicants.

At present, lie is an instructor

and area supervisor in the internal

teachinR program at the Collette of

Education, T e m p l e University,

Philadelphia, Pa. lie Is completing (continued un page four)

Natic*Cat'N F iddle will open Friday

M ay 31st. Discotheque Amateur

Night Wednesdays. Bands oti week­ends.

w jlp—adv M

To Curb Water UseThe Matawan Township Com m it­

tee and units of the police depart­

ment this «<eek appealed to resi­

dents to voluntarily, cut down on

H ouses O n 50 F t.

F ro n t L o ts H it

R-75 Zona Owners In Protast Ygrigncos

M atawan Borough Zoning Board

of Adjustment found itself caught

Monday between the stand of an

applicant who sought a variance ro

build on 50 ft. by 100 ft. lots in an

R-75 lone because the lots were

bought before the present zoning

came into being ami the protests

of those who did buy properties of

a size to conform with the zoning

and did not want their properties

“ devalued’' by any building on “ half-si/.ed" tots.

W illiam M . Strother jr.. Mata*

wun, appeared for his father and

mother, as owner*, of 50 ft. by

100 ft. lots on Washington Ave.,

Forest Ave. and Highland Blvd.. |

bought out of the original Ravine j

Cardens subdivision in lttfi5. I

First hearing was on the lot on ;

Washington Ave. in 250 ft. from Li­

berty St. An objector wa.s E. Craw­

ford, who did not want the barri­

cade removed from Washington

Ave., as an unimproved street. Mr.

Strother declared Mayor F.dwurd

K. Hyrne was owner of a lot on the

libe rty St. und Washington Ave.

tvjrner and the mayor is trying to

get uli owners on Washington Ave.

to assume the cost of paving it. It

was explained the street is dedicat­

ed but was never officially accepted

by the borough Un'ause it is not

(continued on page fom)

ih?.1*' use of water for non-essential

purpose*, especially durian peak

load (Knodti wt weeketuis.

Tbe appeal was made after resi­

dents complained Monduy night of

low water pressure and shortages

at times lust weekend. The com

plaints were from residents served

by Ito township's system ut well

Watarinq Day*

Th* M alawan Tawaship Will-

IM t Aathartty, which provides

water to homes ia Strathmore, last alght recommended that bameawaers east al Lloyd Rd.

aprlakle lawn* on even-numbered daya and those living w eii of

Lloyd B d . water tm odd-miniber

94 days ol (he month.

Lawn sprinkling on even num*

bered days was recommended on

a voluntary basis In Andover, Ivyhill* Juniper and Waverly

Parks. Watering on odd*mmtber- ed days wan urged in Northland,

Deerfield, Brookvlew, Cambridge,

F tfd h am and O iford Parks.

as those who receive water from

the Strathmore Water Co., operated

by the township’s utility Authority.

Mayor Henry Traphagen, who

(continued on page four)

Would Help Aidmen

A bill authorizing municipalities

to pay the premium* on group life

insurance policies for volunteer

first aid squad members was pass­ed by the State Assembly Momljy,

S3 to 0. It now goes tn the Senate.

The policies could L>o in amounts up io 919,001). The bill, sponsored

by Assemblyman Irvinn K. Knth. also would authorl/H mimic.ipalities

fo pay health insurance premium* for first aidmen.

Mayor Henry Traphagen IjiinielieM l*op|»y Sal<‘

\ M d V m Nm w

Ttial m ora th in 11,1m iilian iiscy

Mmim i r a I n tM iit 'l l l) l« / We *lvc a Fra* T in t o r v l i i to m ir tuniti

m#f*. M i l iw in Drug1*, III! Main » „ M iiaw att, m m i ,K p~ ldv N

T h i M M a l s a il a l Buddy P ip p lM was lau iw hrd i Abav*. Marry l,h*g*t < M 0 V IW p a s t (halrm un

this w**k by f ia a d ilra a a l PaM <711, Veterans *f w itches a« Mayar llenry Traphagen purchases the F ire iga W i n la M i I iw m Tawaship, The ittle i l f lr n Buddy Pappy front M ia , Nttheri i'nlllns, i h i l t -1 ~ “ U p p l n w ill ta a lla a * thrw igh M tm a r li l O i y . 1 m i* a l tlw M l* l« r tlw la d le s A u illls ty , j

P o p u la tio n Boom

fn B ayshore A rea

16,850 Increasa In

Fiva-Yaar Pariod

Population in the eight communi-

tios comprising the bayshore urea

has reached the 7*1,00) mark, ac­

cording to a survey released Mon­

day by Charles M, Pike, director

of the Monmouth County Planning

Hoard. The 1.9C5 figure shows an

increase of 16,850 over Ih** 18W fed­

eral censiLs,

The county’s estimate, Mr. fJik•*

said, was based on a revised meth­

od taking into account the large

number of apartment buildings.

Prior itadle.i, he la id , wpre based

on ths number of electric meters

installed, but the latest study wus

hased on tho number of occupancy

perm iU Issued by local building In* Apuctnrs.

(continued on page four)

Stnior Class Play

Th* Senior »l Maliia'an

Regional High School will pre­

sent ita annual traditional Senlur

P lay thia week aa Thursday, Fri­

day, aad Saturday at t :M p.m . IntlM high achaai auditorium . Th|«

y*ar‘i ptay I* a threa act cnmetfy,

" O Mea, Am en" hy Dvnaid

C a in p M I. II la under Ihe dlrec- tlaa f t iaaeph Murray a f the high ichaa l faculty.

l b * l i s t caasisls a f lea la ri D arlea* B*d«*, Ratten Br<fl*, 1.1*.

da Cagat, Raaaan Fas, (.orralne

Kapervm , Patricia Martuccl, He­bert Malhewsoa, Jenaifer Nelms

fH aa i* Ratves, Karan Smith,

M irgara t Its w ir l, l.lnda Vanre, M d Retort W**li«y.

BaMad Mw scene* are «'iiliir<

W ilm a B a lm *, Rabsrt Ifuilsim, W s r w la rd in , Anna JurKehi-

w lc i, Ronald Mesar. iliwnlil

Pease, W iyne .Vpsfforit, an<l Ini',

ulty advlsars M re lls Ander^iiii,

F.llrahetb Bensan, John l in e r ,

Frank Plnkus, am) Helen Volk.I '» r aver M years Matawan

•enlnrs havn presented ..... lot

u liys la raise innney lot

Ihelr m m i I trip lo Waslilnglon, l>,t;. This year the trip will lake

p tw s lim a 14, 11, I I ,

Memorial Day Parada

Cauaciimaa Frank J . Ferrano,

chalrm ra al the M atiw an Parade

Cammissiaa, announces that the

M emorial D ay parade will be

held ta Matawan Borough aa

Monday, May I I , starting al I t

a .m . Irom the Freneau Railroad

Station, l lw parade will proceed

down Main SI. to Memorial Park,

where services for Ihe war dead

w ill be held at I I a.m , under the

direction of Commander Joseph

Haseman, of American Legion

Post 171, Matawan.

A committee meeting w ill be

held this Thuraday at 7 p.m . In

the Borough Hall when final

p lans w ill be discussed. Particl-.

pants are urged to reply ta the Commission m later thaa tamor-


M r. Ferraao requests that any

group, which m ay have been ov­

erlooked, due to the Increased ■umber a f new organisations,

contact h im If interested ia pa r­

ticipating la the parade.

N on-State A ided

Bus R u n s V iew ed

Madison Will Act If

Bid Figures Permit

Transportation at less than the

state aided distance of two miles

from school will be provided by

the Madison Township jioard o/ E d ­

ucation for smaller children who nui.st walk along or cross Routes

.15, fl and 516 to the lim it funds

in tbe 1M5-86 budget allow, Undley

Higgins, transportation chairman,

revealed at Thursday's meeting. II funds are slill available after

the state highway route* are

covered, then other heavily travel­

ed roadways will be covered.

Mr. Higgins «aid no determ ina­

tion of the extern this bus travel

can be provided will Ik available

unif! bids come in on state-aided

transportation and it is revealed what funds remain in the account

after these costs are covered W il­

liam Kerr, a board m em lvr. was skeptical the board .should be com ­

mitted to non-siaie aid<‘d tran-i-

porfanori in view of if.s jiersisf

budgi-taiy difficulties.

M is. Trances While announced a

plan to rename the new seliooU in

honor of American astronauts. She

explained that after a meeting with

civic groups it w ai decided using

(continued on page four)

Urge Mobile Classes To Ease CrowdingMatawan Regional Board of E d ­

ucation was asked Monday by

Franklin Gilbert, head of the edu­

cational committee of the Strath­

more Civic Association, to consider

anew meeting i u impending double

session crisis, particularly at Lhe

Strathmore School, by use of trailer

mobile classrooms. W ith double

sessions reaching the fifth grade

level next year, M r. G ilbert could

W ork O n B ank

N ears C om p le tion

Modernize CJ Bonk And Trust

An extensive renovation and mod­

ernization o( Uie Central Jersey Bank and Trust Co., Main St., M at­

awan, has been underway lor the

past five months with n m in im um

of inconvenience to customers. The bank has been altered inside and

out and a new wing has been add­

ed. Ninety per cent o f the work has

been accomplished, w ith completion

scheduled for June.

To allow for "business as usual," the construction schedule provides

that most of the heavy - work, such

as breaking down walls, plastering,

and masonry, he done before and

after banking hours and on Satur­


1'lie front exterior haa been rede­signed in die Federal Style and

newly laced In pale red Colonial

brick. The rear o f the building, visi­ble from JsckMm St., h a j been sur­

faced in clsar white which serves

to brigluen tiie parking lot at night.

The i t by M foot sddilion oontalns

commodious office space and a new

entrance vestibule. Construction Is helng done hy Charles B. Hem ti­

ling and Son.

Landacapiag Work

Landscaping work which will be­

gin next week will feature exten­

sive lawn and planting areas in from of ihe building as well as

alongside and in tiie center of llie

parking lot.Interiors are being decorated in

contemporary style, using walnuts

highlighted by gold, brown and

rust,. Tha carpet has been specially

designed for offices o f the Central

Jersey Bank and Trust Co. Eight

new tellers' booths are equipped

(continued 011 page four)

Now Apportionment Bill Panes Assembly

The Slate Assembly approved a

hill Monday lo revise the basis for

readjusting the basis for determ in­

ing the share which members of

regional school districts must pay.

The vote was 58-0. The measure,

hacked by the administration and

sponsored by the Monmouth County

delegation, now goes to the Senate.

Provisions nf Lhe bill are similar

to the one which was opposed by

Matawan Township last year snd

was pocket-vetoed in January by

Gov. Richard J. Hughes. Under the

hill, enrollment figures on Sept. 30

would be used to determine the ap­

portionment each memlier of the

regional district would be assessed

In the following year’s budget. The

average dally enrollment of the

previous year now is used to de­

termine the shares.Thu hill has an added clause,

however, which gives municipali­

ties w-lio feel the effect o l the

chai\^« Ui he detrimental the ri^lu

lo ask nnd obtain a one-year delay

before having tlw provision go into


not see what basic objection th*re

could be to use o l mobUo c liu -

rooms on a tvro-year lease bas il

until some of the new schools q f tha

12,625,000 building program coma into use.

Mr. G ilbert spoke of the 1 Long Island school districts ha4

h id in meeting the double seaskMM

problem by this means, lie a ikgd

thst (lie school administration-make

Inquiry about the manifest advan­

tages of full-time classes In port*

able units. Mr. Gilbert commenlctl that at Levittnwn, I..I. they had

been the means of surm ountm g 'M

unpredicted enrollment Jump. H*

noted they can be leased lor D M to 140(10 per year and that some

firms build a foundation free if a two-year lease is signed.

Luther A. Foster, superintendent,

told him the board had been ia

touch with the State Department ot Education and the county school

offices on the subject and had a

stack of data nearly two-foot high.

The superintendent noted the us*

of portable units involved h iv ing

sower and water tie-ins readily

available, ebn the cost become!

prohibitive Mr. Fuster observed

that a long-time location on a foun­

dation far a mobile classroom

might work out economically for a

school district. But be saw a cer­

tain detachment from the total

achool activity an adverse factor.

For two years or loss, the superin­

tendent opined there was no use ia

diverting to mobile classrooma

funds that could be put into a regu­

lar school ex|Kinsion program.

Tennis Courts Soaght

Alfred K. Manville, chairman of

the building committee, suggested

the board pass a resolution by which plans for tennis courts at tha

regional high school could be put

out to bid, even though sction can­

not be taken until the Slate Depart­ment ot Education gives approval

(continued on page four) .

T ax R a te C u t

M ore In M ad ison

Occupancy limitation On Apartments Passed

Middlesex County Tax Board h a i

allowed an additional cut o f M

cents per 1100 on a 50 per cent ol true value ratio for Madison Town­

ship taxpayers, the township coun­

cil was informed by Paul Hermann, township manager. Monday. Tha

new Madison official rate is 15.11

per IIM . In 100 per cent of t ru i

value lerms, such as is used ia

Monmouth County, this would he a

J2.St per 1100 tax rate.

The township oottnci! passed 5-2 a

measure which would lim it tbe oc­

cupancy of garden apartments Ut (continued oti page four)

Held After Raid

l.eon Hill, Second St., Matawan, and 13 other men and w'oinen were arrejted in a narcotic* raid In

Perth Amboy Monday. 'I1m M sus­

pects were scheduled to he arraign*

ed in rttunicipui court. Hill la

charged with possesion and sata '

of marijuana. The others •re c h a rg ­

ed with possessing or selling nar­

cotics or aiding and abetting in the sale. Suite, county, und local police

; made tho arrcst.s. Most of ths other

| susjK'cts were Perth Amboy real-


Notice ,Our yard and office will be

closed Salurdny afternoons during

llie month of May. l*’or oil or ser­vice chII 2<i I 02W).

l^uiia StulU Jr., Inc.

w jfp—adv 27

Free Rabies Vaccination ClinicMatawan Township Board of

Health will hold u free clinic for

lhe inoculation of (fogs with anti*

rabies vaccine from II) ».m. lo 12 noon on Saturday, May 22, 1905, at the Matawan Township (lose A

Chemical Co. Tire House at 75

Lower Main Street, jfp— adv 20

Golden Key Winners

Winners of tiie "(rolden Key”

contest S|»insoied by tha promotion

committee of I Im Key|«irt CIiiiiiiIm'i of CominiTi'i) linve been announced

They are Linda NhIi'III VI Idol-

slonn I.une, Matawan, a hairdryer;

Mary Ann Nutt, W Third St., Key­port, clock radio; Ulennor Doian,

1854 Union Ave., Ila/let, »li>am and dry Iron; J . Lsmborwin, 770 Green­

wood Ave,, l.surenre H a tlo r, hand m iner, and A. Halonon, IM I 'io v

poet Aviv, Kryporl, toaster,

T ow nsh ip D em ocratic R i f t W idens

Whale Crealt PluggedM ayo Henry ‘1iaph<ig“n Ihls

(Homing e t / o e i s e d I ) i ,m

, dredged ftom Ita ilian tiny 1i,is

been ti sed hi phi^ tip Hi<« inouih

j of Whale Cfef'k, <*epafrtlbt({ Mad* j

! son and Mntawan Tow nsh lp i I I «• I

; CHpie^-d fear thal n iddrn storm* I vvoiitif lesiilt In rt (i«vert« flooding

, fondiiinn in att'tii im'UI III" rn-ek 1

lie ha i asked the |i s Atmv

of I'niOncei* In Im I'Vlgnh* th"


Old Wagon I armWe ft <ve j/ef (fMinot'*, M ile m , t»o»

wood, ii I , In fan evi'ivihinji you'

net'll Im yfit11 i ^ineieiv pioi < imt<' loow-m fl'mimd Nuuia .n, fMir Mi of

MlddlHowh I

wjlp- «dv M |

With little more than a week left

before the June I primary election,

Matawan Democrats, who nought

to maintain a balance between

Strathmore Democrats and candi*

dates from lhe other two townihip

( ’tubs, now are split wide apart.

'Hie United Democratic Clubi, wbo arrt to^w rtlrtg Leonard Morii-

lo, Daniel Downey, Jo*>ph Zmnbor,

and r.dward lavtford for nomina* (ion as candidate* h r four of t(ie

seven seata at stake on the Town*

ship ('<Mincil, have a cc uw l Ihe S'traifimore Democrats of vtoia'ing

an ag;een>e»l to have a U ] p r i­

mary (wmpelgn Umler the agn*emenl, fllnithmore

wet« to work for four

of ihelr own Ciindidfitt*a with th*

United faction, *u|>|«oiMim |mo can

d idale i fiom cm Ii of (lie otti^r (’ah

DotnocfdUc elubs In Ihe lownship Shocked Al l,lte<alyre

Hi*) Unlied DenMn.'railc llckel r t

it wrM shfM'kf^l at dt« lifor a ln ie and |ii'*n rs lfa ^B ImikhI hv

'he Sti Hhmor*! |)‘'iihm I alh e Cluh " f ln 'ie h id been a I.lefltiite utldei

sliinding beiweitjj |Im* Ihn 'e rhilu

thitl If the i-j t N llo of crtndliln»,i Wrts appioveii f»V eneh i (uh Mi ll lltif

fflMtlldale* Mooid CO/ldiM I

*ne MllMpSitjin b'tfl'vl oti Ih** i an

didiiie^' fiteiiiq and ijiialliu itnd fiv Jitatitt^ tle*M ptafi*? Uh ship opHNM'hl If elei H i "

Meanwinle, Karl /ii^«iui>ni(

campaign m a n a ^ r for regular

Strathmore cnndi(Utes Ifenry Ar*

noid, M n . Marilyn Urenoer, Wal­

ter Gehricke in d Jetome R. Kay*

announced a canvass of about I t

l»‘r cent of tho eligible voters Indi­

cated h li rand ld ile a ara running

tar ahead of all others In tha Dem ­

ocratic primary.Mr. Zukerm ai claimed voter*

wer* favorably Im printed W tbs candidal**' atand again*! Mlarga-

ment of lit* d/wn*hip ItaU and their

attack on tlw am nintm ent of May­

or Henry Trapfisnen I * esacutlv l

director nl (lie Townslilp U tllitlM


IH M M M U P lIM k ll t W N

Mrs, Angt>la Schneider, aa lada-

pendent Kelorm Uemocrstli'. Candl-

dal* for Township Ctsmcll da ­, inniiK'od tlx p illt li a l clutja (if M ill-

i wan 'l'iiwiuhl|t for tltelr attempt*

I in IntliK ltlnaW Iha vuteri I lM glv> In* up limit voting frincltlM .

catttiMlgn i l t e n t u n aad <)«m* all ov*r town ara iM t^utOna

ilia voter* to side for only a "OH

of 4 i.and ldaiei whll# tlier* ar* f ! niinu tl hi i,f> filled," Mn*.

i Si Intelil"! ttaled. Hhi lihieit th ii

1 Ihls "a ilem iil Itv the |ailltlt‘it! olulti

, to "in t''lu ll (Ill'll own i*o*er i t th* i " , fii’i i n l ihe v u l» n »nd ttirtf

1 ii,|i|i hiia mil"! lie untile to ( i l l i t : tho ikiIIs VI that the |iiliii lp le i (it our Ik'nim i in y M il not l « aaffllis*

1 im| n u i l ia K l im o r p t w e i g n b t l lN Ci |»ilHH■taiia.1'

Page 2: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa



THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. HiufHhy, Mey 20. I96^y

: tt s: i : ;s : : : : : s it t : j : : : s : : : : : t

FRIDAY - SATURDAY — MAY 20 - 21 • 2 2



F R E E B a llo o n s — L o llip o p s

A n d P e p si Fo r T h e K id d ie s

R e g iste r Fo r Fre e D o o r P r iz e







f o r 1

f t l t l l l m h t *

F O R *

■TJti Mar l i a i l l taMm





Our •eonom ypriead tb e— M t 4mfr low prfettf • ir* w ilh T u fq n ruM ar a n d J-T Nyton

mmimwmm $1

tm fl

83«s* * 9SUM

•SJWW wrniMM if l I

m I•BWt.'-

* 1 2


Our test wMflf lire nric«t It MM JfMi M N dwln* (Ms ipacMl cf Im.

Htwmtoft tf e * pM M ^

fw l iM **NW. M * M LIwmt, MUM, «kUM, ^ 1 5

iuii), »iuiia

M M IN M t l | * 1ij> cnnm, mp, >"* »i«—s ^ ■ m im* , ■ m


T h* m w w i p a s t t i n l h a l c am * a n new 1964

c a r t a n th T uftyn r u M a t a n d 3-T card .

w in s nicm u l | f ifor nf cttiy If, C o * ■•nd fal

i tmummSJBilS, MM III

i i n im i ifm »teh Sf«elil, Old* f m, Mk, tifKII, Valiant, falllM

fm ____ „ , ..

JJSJi 1®^

• 1 7i l H l J . l M i l

* 1 9f jm u mui ia

m t t l i lln

r = a * 2 2

■Maa a u a flaaMil an u n kkrvmif « Chawiat, for^WUPiMB, MHtwfi M I m,tomtitit, S ^ M a r, *>H|4

mmm m l» fjmu. tint tmm t t li lilt












SER V IC EM W I 34 m i MAIN IW B T 5 6 6 - 9 8 1 9

W I CIV f HAM) STAMM | S p e c ia liz in g In N ew C o r Serv icin g

O P E N 2 4 H O U R S R o ad A n d W re ck e r Serv ice



FR O N T EN D S P E C IA L IS T Si t s : : : : i : : u i : i : - - - ! ’•

ti : : n :: s: ti t: it - i' ■' :»i ! i i i ; i : : : i : u i t i t u : : i ( U t t tc is t : n i t a u n t t i t u i t I I M i t I I ts i : U t l I t t t » i : t t ( } i t t l t t U I I I I t l t l i t t l u n i t w t i t : : : i t i>

: l l i t i : t t I ! l i i t l l 19 t i a ! l I I I I I I t ! t t t i n I t I I l| I t t l | l t l t l I t I t t l l l l l I t t t t t t t t l t t I t I t I t t t t t t t t i t ! t t n t t U I ! t i I t i ; n t i t : t i

Page 3: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

Hp ifc y. May 20, IMS THE MATAWAN JOURNAL', N. 'J. Paga Thraa

.. C o lle g e S ho rtage

^ F o r A b le S tude n ts' ' N s w ' l i f i e y ' i most chocking

(c a a ta l fcas brakea into the t>pes,

' A* faUuie «f th* stats lo take

c a n a f Ms able young people. The

-. aaM ic caKeae* h a w lent over : ( H refactions lo New Jersey

ey o M ig itrn seeking sdmisaion ia

I t p N t w . Over IS,CM of (he re- tiaa* have come (rom the »Ui I t Colleges, now Inadequate io

aceam aM teta even the honor grnd- aata* a f Near Jersey's high schools.

B a tg tra ,th e t u t * University «- )ec«e4 a k M M N applicants, M N

’J " « ( vfeeai m r t fully qualified aad a a M hava been adm itted w en

. The Newark Collage

of Engineering. the other college ia New Jersey heavily mbtbUtei by

the state, rejected 147.

At the sis t o t e College*, Glass- horo, Trenton, Mewaifc, Montclair,

Jeraey City aad Peterson, the ut- missions story this year waa:

"You 're In; you’re out; you're out. You're ia; you’re out; you're out.”

Although the applicant! were the

finest aver to eesfc entrance, the Stata Colleges had claaaroom space for only one of every three.

Heaer « h i« s s li Mia* Ta*

Among those turned away were high achool valedictoriana and ma-

ay others of high academic stand­

ing glowingly recommended Iw their teachers, counselors and ad­


The s i i State Colleges received over 24,N T applications this yenr.

Because some students applied to

R an W . Maghaa Agaacy

In a l b t o t e - In su ra n ceMATAWAN OE M * St LOwaB M003

‘m i

more than one, theae applications

represented 11,00a actual appli­cants. But the freshman classes st the Stste Collegea w ill number only

452J In September. Some SOW of the applicanti w ill be looking else­

where for higher education.

While some students are kept on wniting lists, only a few of thoae

rejected ever get a second chance. Those originally offered the accep­tances are prim e candidates lor

scholarships elsewhere and many

make last - minute decisions against attending a college which

will prepare (hem only to teach.. This year, when the State Colleges'

didn't get their full quota of accep­tances, they gave reprieves to a

small number ol students who had previously been rejected.

At Rutgers University, 15,500 ap­plications were received this year for 1580 openings at Rutgers Col­lege, Douglass College, the Newark

division and the' Camden division.

About MOO of the applicants did

not meet Rutgers’ admissions standards but 560# of those who re­ceived letters of rejection were ful­

ly quslified for admission. They

were turned swsy for only one rea­son, no room.

Newsrk College of Engineering received 1BST applications for <54

openings. Says Bernard Reed, di­

rector of Admissions at Trenton.

State College: "W e've started

classes esrlier and we’re running

them later. We give exlenslw:

courses in the evening and on Sat­

urday. We still csn't meet the need. I ’m not a director of adm is­

sions any more. I ’m a director of

rejections,” he said.

Hospital Association Elocts Naw Officer*

M artin S. Ulan, Hackensack, hus­band of the former Miss Gladys Olsen, Keyport, has taken office as

the 42nd president of the New Jer­

sey Hospital Association a t the Association’s 47th Annual Meeting.

Mr. Ulan will serve as president during 1965-1966. He succeeds the Right Rev. Msgr. Alfred W . Jess, Catholic Diocese of Csmden, for­

merly of Keyport.Mr. Ulan, Administrator of Hac­

kensack Hospital since 1*54, served as president - elect IN4-IM5; as

vice president during 1N1-1W4 and Is the delegate to the national bo­

dy, the American Hospital Associa­tion. He Is a Fellow in the Ameri­

can College ot Hospital Adm inis­trators.

Representatives of the iM-mem- ber institutions of the New Jersey

Hospital Association also elected

George J . Bartel as the president­elect for 1465-M. Mr. Bartel is the

administrator of the Monmouth

Medical Center.

FOR THE MONEYin a 1965 G eneral E le c tric

7300 N it M ir C onditioner

u » P K t* n » m R o o u c o o u m

Plug* M a anv adequate ap<

p lianca outle t 112 am p. U S

v»M) Fita m oat any w indow.

W ringa axcasa m oisture from

ha t, hum id a ir . Perm anent,

washab le a ir OHsr ratmwaa

moat a lrb a rm d u a l and. pollen,

k a ap a h o m e e la a n a r , m o re

healthfu l. 10-poaitlon temper*

a tu r a c o n tro l a u to m a t ic a lly

NO DOWN PAY me NT I IASY JtU¥UI ^ Uint dM,r*d flom,ort^ • Wfce* wiring asnformi H focal ofscMcal ee'dts.

M l l N If M M M M m « i Dm N N « U la » , M I f f . < • •m, |n r francMMd O C 4«alar, la* Mir eariaat 4i*laf, prim m t lama. AAM

m m Ii m i M Nm i M N * m tjtm

i lh M W a i

M*M ELECTRIC APPL, me136 Moin S t, Matawan • 566-2277

v 3 >


we JUST w a s h > Tnew, la d y . wB


ueT r e l ia b l b

■ IL L _

LAMZAROir o n o u t y o u r

Dif f ic u l t ie s with ONe OFTM6IR FINC

Saya:"Summer Driving Weather If

s s * And MU LANZABO Nat

B£/r£fT'-SEO CARS,

* A L J i M A l k l l A W Spoft S*dan, Pull Power, A ir Conditioned, W , W . ^

W t Q I n i Q Q I l f Tiroii R iH . lufAuoiw. * ■

A f P k A M a A l A A Impsfi Convertible. 8-Cyl., Aulomitlo, P.S., R iH , W .W .

w ■ Tlrti, Ifown wltfi W W t« Top, ™ ■Tlr«ti Vrown wltfi Whlt« Top,

I M ^ % M J m W«qon, l-Cyl., Autofr^ld, P ,l, W .W , Tlr^v

V f l R IH . Air CondiMon^tf Tin.

----------------- ----- TMSWmSSPKIAl-------------$AVK

'62 BUICKSpecial Siyltfk ConvrlibU, l-Cyl., Automatic. W .W . TtrMi R IH , Rtd wHh WMl* Top, Wttll* laaltipr

\nht\<3f* , * SAVE

' * 0 B u k fc El#etr* '1111 Convwtlbl*, Pull Pow*r, R IH , W .W . Tlf#i, R*d wilh $ A V I

H I m ____ A A ------- Si.Oft Cnup«, J » r v i , ?Htfc Shift, W ,W . Tlr^i, f A l / I

r V v V H IM , Of/jan wHh lUck Vinyl R<wf.

3 0 - D A Y 100% G U A R A N T E E1 AHM 'M N M S iu t ifk '«

Driven Panaliiad

Six bayshore area motw iata had

their driving privileges suspended under provisions of the point sys­

tem snd mandatory speed plsns, it was announced by the State D iv i­

sion of Motor Vehicles. Thoae penal­

ized were Lloyd Storms jr., Union Beach; Wayne E. Noss, Keyport;

Robert F. Connors, O ld Bridge; Ed- wsrd Dubesky, State Hospital,

Marlboro; Thomas G. Hudak, Laur­

ence Hsrbor; Robert I . Johnson,


U tility E x p la in s

P lans F o r F u tu re“ Our residential customers are

U9ing more electricity and it is

costing them less than ever be­

fore/' W illiam H. M cElwain, presi­dent ot Jersey Central tow er and Light Company - New Jeraey Pow*

ei and Light Company, reported last night.

Speaking at the utilities’ 17tli an­nual “ Report to) the Press” at the Crystal Brook Inn, M r. McElwain

*aid JC PL - N JPL 's average resi­

dential customer used about

4325 kilowatt hours (K W H ) of elec­

tricity during 1964. This is an in* orease of 381 por cent over the 1940 average of 900 KWH.

The oast for electricity, ho con­tinued, is about 2.69 cents per KWH

compared to 5.21 c in ts per KWH in 1940. This reflects • 48 per cent

reduction to the customer over the

24-year period. In recent years, the

company has Instituted a number of new rates for special usage of

electricity. Among them are rates

for water heating and area lighting.

Special Rates

A special rate is also in effect

for Wa] - electric homes. Since the

total - electric home rate was in­

stituted about five years ago, about

5000 total • electric homes have

been built in the area served by the utilities.

In addition, Mr. McElwain con­tinued, the 43 per cent of the land

area served by JC P L • N JP L is

one of tho fastest growing in the

state. New Jersey's average popu­lation increased about 6.6 per cent

from 1%Q to 1963. The average for

the 13 counties or sections of coun­

ties served by JC P L • N JP L was about 9.56 per cent during tiie M in e


To keep ahead of this growth.

JC PL • N JPL in 1965 will spend

more than $60,000,000 for new and expanded facilities. Almost 50 per cent will be used in the field of gen­eration.

today it is 7.7. The decline is at­

tributed to better medicines, new

equipment, and improved treat*


The average patient’s hospital stay is nearly half as long today

as it was 25 years ago. The aver­age stay in 1935 was 14 days and

for tha vacation ef Your Draaim

You hsvs the fun . .do the planning

and arranging. Whst's more, there’s no estra cost for our service*

Brown Travel Bureauray Callc: Vallaj M il l - ll« EmllN El., P»rtli Am to*

6 roa«war. I tm » t - MUM* Call £OUai t-MII

W«V G&T STBAW per?

W t J E AHEAP f lo * flfcSWATiOMSNetar Jstsey M


Window Screens & Screen Poors

Keep Flies and Insects Out!

Matawan Lum ber Co} h i b r it n u // 1 ;/ I i i } .

Sutpfiin Ava. 566-4500 Matawan

"Yw'n San WHh Acaw Incastar Brand"


6 * 7 9 - 8 9Qaalftr laacesftr Iraarf






6 » * 1A P r u s A u a



I0 « 8 9 <E h le r 's C o f f N


• M 6 9> ,aeOlOM»IAN •llNOfb11

M ai corns ' Ut

W A T E R M E L O N S 5<

LEM ONS 6 2 9 (






* 5 9 * 7 9 - 8 9 .



k m

m. y«wiiits ■ iocai


» A'A I





GREEN BEANS I ' ‘1.00lO tA l

PURPLE PLUMS 4 *1.00m « i ■ n iN cH ir r it


MARGARINE ^ 4 l f «

L A B G f S U N K IS T


cucum bers 3 - 1 9 * Don't Forget Your

CELERY ,9 . f M l " l U C K r C H K K "WIN UP TO $1,000

: i 9 c

iai o * u m






1 0 >

Wteziaamuf EVAPOUm,

; ; 1 0 >

•rarfa A WHIta IMAl IAROI

ECGS2 <*»• S5(

«sM ca ' » m v « . . . » • * m t u a a j j f ,

Srapalwlt ' 1 T 4 / 9 ? *

" J6 3 *BlaaM Jaka —' *T 2/77* M t Plaaapfla Jaka 2/37« Piaaaffla Jaka ^‘ 2/37' W-C Dr Mil V3/97em I INftTANf IS.OM • M. %%m B B BB fl C O ffll U M I w

lattaat Caffaa *{?*}"Prmrm _ «.•»• a*— 57* MaaM^Mt ^ ’X' 2/WH ^ i y a --1- ^ l f . a •«.NWTTv , . . . hd *9w

•--- - ^ * ia* 14 ft.M v i m WTf M U o* T T *

SrMa Saap fwdt

Brava Plaar Waa

............ . f t 3 *

4 J ** n . | ^ a

$ •«.


JSIy Pafcani............. jLV 29«iaN V lafeai SatNr....^ SI*SwIh Mkat a*«fl N«*w«l

MHhflMiia l, r 3/93cSad'i Raat Saar.......KraH BarWcaa Saaca 39° Piaaaffla laka 4/09*a.-t. _ flaau|i|tla OfajtaliuM 4 at. A /nftf- ^ 9 » B OttlaPraian »*»h ^ / U T ^

Oraayt Jalca llM,» *'' 5/99*


• / • I

• / • I


» ! •

SN> / S 1 «




Oraiift Jvkt 6/M

* / • «

• / • I



Page 4: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

:1hfrffNr. THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, May 20, If AS

n i no k u ^ t r W i W when Uie N .J . H ighway Authority had cen-

irtnicted an in tcnfcang i lor Bell

Lafaa t n l l l c a t D w i« l* M . W i l l im

H . M c a fM , a political t o d the ia c w e h tm ada iia ia t 'a lio a ia the

c m ln g p r im u y , p M e c d lha aid f t W i (ro u p la p M K t the fiahte c l homrowncta against a further in-

g rtw io a cf com m ercial traffic.

( ■ t o (to p * .

— W — » * w » — M t r a a S artat.

IV p e fm M ia l avtaia ta I 1 1* taa a m <* * a i c m

^ rr s y w f T ?

S M f c K

1 H U M O A V , M A Y » , I M

ProclBiaatioaEAS, tre a t ack ic ia

a t M toac*, a rW ng atan-

M u g a r i N t l a working

• tmm laaKkaaad tm bu-

W H M E A S , tre a t .achi

la ' '

t u t r f

, a taa We a a a and m a d rp n M ib k

• active aad haahhy la t t r j« a r» ; aad

W H E M M l • « * M k w e n t aad

lachab tH tca l « < v r i a i a a i have ■ prov ided more free U n a ; aad

W H IR E A ft , retiramenl y e * *• ih o u M .fe a a parted a f w a ttauad

, graw tll aad, dcvekpm tn t added »

m t v p i r t N a a al-

w » i iM iw f t m t - . ■

V H M A t . a ll a t* T w a ifcaM t l dW lb a m M p a f M ktaw aa * a id d

' k M M a M M M t y ta A a r a h l y la t t a b a a iM i a f a v t m a m k ,

. .- '■ . kX _ —M a,,■ 'j

■■'l * * ; .v . ! - •; W HEAEAS. every m ean i abouU

ha a n d to f m lif an antiltoawanl

hi wMch our o lder citlxena can gain

thia opportunity and can lead inde-

aaadent, productive, aand latM Jriac

llvea coaaMent w ith Ihe ir c a a a M £ tka ; and

W HEHEAS. Uwra la a aaed to

■nobiiie a ll o f o u i taaoaroaa to help our older c itiiaaa n ra a in an iate-

gra) part of tka canaaan ity ;

j Nwnom w?]


Y O U K N O W ,


N E W H O M E ?


H o n m wtu..c a u w it h

ftlFIS ANB M l t N D L Y

«M tT IN 6 S M O M IM I




W I K O M t W A G O N

NOW , T H E M JK IR E , I, Henry E . T rap ha ttn , M ayor o l the Townthip of M alaw an, do h w ih y proclaim

tha waafc a f M ay M . I M ,

w n o B c n i z E M w e e k

ia our lownaWp and 1 arpe all per-

aoaa aad public a nd private or-

p a k a H a n a ta cooperate in promot-

f i * abaarvaaca o l th ia week. Henry E. Ira p h a g fn

M ayor, Township of M alaw an

L lo y d R d . B rid ge

B id s A re S tu d ie d

_ _ $12*. t i t to t » . W . f a r caaatvacllon af a aaw L loyd Kd. hrtdjw over ihe

New York and Long Branch Rail road track* linking Keyport and

M alaw aa TownaMp a ra bring Xud-

led by the railroad and the State Board o f Public U tility Commii-

CIm t Way For Cfik To Buy KoUa Tr«d

M alaw aa Towaahip Fltmmlnfnard iaat sight approved a plaa

rav itloa fey which (l it Kolda tract,

waat o f Cauaty R d . and near Whale Creek off Route IS could be coa-

ytyed lo .Caifc Brwthera, Kayport.

le r aa aa yet «n d i< c lo «d uae. The

Kolda r u ld e a f i waa aet apart Irow

the rcm aiadar o f tha IM a m


The board received a report from

ita M atter P lan conauhaala on pop-

alatioa ia which i l waa aow asti- a u le d I * be over I S .M w ith the

praapect It would riae lo W.9W by

IV » and to V m by I M . Th* M a i

tar P laaaara ia a ad Ihe iacraaae ia population bore more heavily on the

under 14 bracket! and was moM

proanuacad in I M I yaara adult ifen. They called Ihe township a

rnunicipolily in which the average nue woaid ba awre. youthful than lhat o f a ll caauaaaitie ii around.

0 . W ic t ta r* aad Co. la c ., P erth Aatfacy, w u tha low

bU dar. H m aacaad low bid waa

Hakl, U acro lt, Mid-

Ttowanhln a t tW J U . The CoWeilo Contracting Co. Inc.. New

York , robm itled the fcigheat bid.

Tke PUC haa ordered tha rail*

road to replace tha existing bridge d ia l carriea traH ic over the track*

a t U oyd Rd. Whea tka order was

iim cda M ay ) l t M l . was the dead­line for completion. Under the PUC

order, the rlate w ill pay 7 t per

cant o l tbe project cost, the ra il­road IS per cent, and the townihip,

which petitioned far construction ol

tha new bridge, IS per cent.

R o a d P rog ram

N eed Q uestioned.M in im i a f an ordinance to n-

a li« a a a eatensioa of Longstreat

Rd. from Holmdel Rd. to Route 34

Monday «n< accompanied by criti- rlsm * lm *n ipectatora at the Holm-

dal Townahlp Committee meeting that any aueh e itm a io n wac now

unn ecm ary . The extension wan provided in the orig inal | 7 M ,M

aaadtap fe r “ R oad i to Belt Laba.”

The a r# aaace p w d a tor a rcvi- a iaa a f Ma route thraagh tha lands

o f Susan Creenwall Foundation,

from whom there had been auch

p ratta t againet tha la a la originally

la id ea t d ia l tha townaMp was tak-

aa .ta ewart a h n t I t Th* aew route

w aa aae acceptad h* aaaipromise

b y th* owner* aa leta daaug ing to “ ‘ fwoperty.

C . Heath, a spectator, declared

• had taken a traffic count or

raffle com ing Irom Bell Labs on

LaaiM ree t Rd. w hich convinced M a i Butch harm would ba (tone to lh a l tenideattal araa if any further

roadw ay waa pa l oato thia (tract

l a b r h « ia a a avaa greater Ilow. .W illiam J . D m ca a , aerretary of

lh a p laaa ia p board aad a Laag-

aftaat ltd . ra a id n t , a h a feH tha dr- aarting o f traffic over - that road



A M M IM IO M fll

A 1MAMM 10 I M

Matawan DrugsM3 MAM ST. - MATAWAN

r™. » « • S * M 0 M

P o p u la tio n Boom(caatiaued from pane one)

Mr. P ike said the study showed a reinforcement in existing popula

tion patterns w ith the majority ot

new rtaidaata living in th* bay­

shore coaatal region. At expected Matawan Township, with the huge

Strathmore Levitt development had the greatest increase in the

county with 8301 more residents

than five yeara ago.County Figures

M r. P ike said the population

jumped Irom 134,401 according to

Ihe U.S Census figurea in 19M to

a a entimuted 392,871 on Jan . i. This repretents an increase of 174 per

ceat. according to figure* released

by the hoardBayshore a r e a municipalities

showed the lolkiw ing increases

f "m’ the I M census, with that

yea. 'n ligurea first: Matawan

Township 71SP, IS,MO: Matawan Borough, S$n, 8510; Keyporl, (440.

7W I; R aritan Township, 15,334,

11,120: Holmdel Township, 2ftSS,

4«W; Union Beach, 9162, I2M:

Keansburg, H M , 7270; and M arl­boro Township, 8038, 8310.

H ouses O n 50 F t.(continued from pape one)

paved or in other ways improved to meet the borough ordinances.

O ppw Smalee LetsDeclarations of opposition to 50

ft. front lots being uM d continued

over into the hearing on the lot on Forest Ave., near Grant St. Mrs. J . Hedglin, 155 Washington Ave.,

M d Mrs. P. Farrell, owner of •

fract joining the Strother lot in the rear, were objector*. Mrs. Hedt’lin

told of lack of water pressure, only

one-half the street w ith sewers and

muddy roads as a basia for her op ­position. She did not feei the facili­

ties would befit adding lo the pop­

u la te * in the area a t thia lime,

eve* w ith an application from one conform ing to the R-75 zoning.

Thomas Ryan, board secretary,

suggested a sale of enough land by

Mrs. Farrell to Mr. Strother thnt he would comply with the 9000 sq.

ft. m in im um lot size plus meeting

the 7$ ft. w idth in most of his area. But Mrs. Farre ll indicated there

had been talks and they had broken (fawn on the prfce issue.

The third lot. on llard ing Blvd., provoked the ire cf an adjoining

owner. Thomas Kuchinsky, Jersey

City, who declared he had bought A M l ft. by 100 ft. lot in 1965. lt

was suggested here Mr. Kuchinsky

sell a 23 ft. strip to Mr. Strother as

this wouk) create m o 75 ft. freint lots. But Mr. Kuchinsky declared

they had attempted this, but price was a Mumbling bk>ck. Mr. Stro­

ther felt his Tather .should not be

called on to buy “a ll of Ravine

Gardens.” But he <M write down hia buying price and Mr. Kuchin­

sky his sale price to d Mr. Ryan found I hey were only S5A0 apart.

M r. Kuchinsky objected he wanted

10 sell his entire HA ft. by 100 ft.,

not break il up.

The hoard decided it would give decision on the Washington Ave. and Harding Blvd. lots nest month,

hut would V'M a special mertinj!

June ] oo the Forest Ave. propo&a].The application of NichoJafc Fran-

tu c o to erect an oversized sign st

the present patio Pit fvofteny on

Route 34 in connection w ilh the operation o f « Hew gaa station had

been held up tor wrvice of the Es­

tate of W illiam Bechalein. It 'was

verified this parly w ithin 2 0 ft. had now been *:erv«d, but the board de­cided the matter would have to be

put over a month more.

Non-State A ided(continued from page one)

the names of astronauts would have more meaning for the children

than taking names of persons back

in history. The six schools involved

were approved for renaming as fol­lows:

Naoies Of Sc heels

The G sub School will be the Wal­ter M. Schirra School; School 21,

M. ScotC Carpenter School; Cliff­

wood Beach, LeRoy Gordon Coop­

er School; School Id, Alan B. Shep­

hard jr . School; School 19, Virgil f. CrisAon School, and School 30,

the John H. Glenn jr. School.

lo addition, the board designated that the entire comples of Ihe Reh-

fuss - Whited Brown .schools am)

a IVroom addition will be jointly

designated as the Cheesequake School. However, the buildings will

retain their respective names. F i­

nally, the board indicated that

School 9 will be redesignated as the Laurence Parkway School.

The "phantom pam ph le t/' a bro­

chure in favvr of garden apart­

ments which is circulated in tke

township without lei>n] sponsorship

came to the board's attention anew

when representatives of the C iti­zens Committee for Better Educa­

tion demanded explanation as to n

board member, Dr. Margery Turn­

er, being quoted in it.Declines Te Answer

Dr. Turner declined lo answer “questions leading lo political in­

volvement’* and called the CCED

queries "another means of involv­

ing the board in a political row."

Charles E. Thompson, a board

member, sustained her position, holding questioning of the board

by organizations should be done in

writing so the achoolrnen would

have assurance that the matters being presented to it were duly au­

thorized by the organization as a

whole.Alfred J . Hill, Perth Amboy, the

board’s atiorney reported he had discussed with R ichard Plechner,

the township attorney, the legni

facets of having a “ moratorium”

put on garden apartments building,

to control school enrollment prob­

lems better. Mr. Hill reported the projxjsiil of Councilman Richard

Dealy to lim it the ratio garden apartment building to one-family

dwelling unit.s to a 15 to 85 per

cent of total construction approved

would accomplish the ' ‘morator­

ium 1’ design.A letter Irom State Sen. John A

Lynch a d v » « j the prospect for leg­

islation to compel developers to contribute to schools wa* not pro­

mising and advised the board to

press for zoning regulation* to

“ upgrade" subdivision and building

requirements until the school en­

rollment crisis is eased.

M ataw an Y o u th(coM inued from page one)

goota and pigs. They will also intro*

<fc«oe poultry raising, help build

chicken houses, and demonstrate incubators, brooders, vaccination

methods and improved feeds. They also w ill try to increase crop yields

of native fruits and vegetables.

In community development the volunteers wiH help villagers define

their problems and determine how to solve them. The jobs develop

from the needs of the community

where a volunteer is assigned. Some ti® Peace Corps volunteers

are presently serving in Guinea as agricultural workers and secondary

school teachers. During training

the new volunteers .studied French, tiie history and culture o f Guinea,

and reviewed American history and world affairs. •

The departing volunteers join the JO.WW other Peace Corpsmen now

working in 4$ nations of Asia, Afri­ca and Latin America. Despite

these numbers, many more volun­teers are needed. Applicants inter­ested in starting a two»year peace

Corps assignment this summer should complete and submit a Peace Corpn QueMionnaire as m>on

us possible and take the Peiuc Corps Placement Test, which is

given throughout the countty ihe second Saturday , of each inomh

All peHinestl information can be ob­tained at port offices o r by writing

the Peace Coipo, Washington, D .C.


P o lice H a n d lin g(continued from page one)

to call s lawyer that her husband could be advised In his difficult sit­uation.

Mr. Donnelly's troubles grew out of an Accident w ith a car operated

that night by Mrs. M arilyn Hill, F a ir Haven, who testified under examination by R i c h a r d T. Schwartz, Matawan Township m u­nicipal attorney, that Mr. Donnel­

ly's car, headed north on Lower

M ain St., had miflsed the turn at the hill just below the township hall

and had for cad Mrs. Hilf, driving southbound, to veer to the right

side o l the road where the Donnelly

auto sideswiped the H ill car. Mrs. Hilf related thot the Donnelly car

glanced off hers and appeared

headed to the other side of Ihe road. It waa stopped near s tele­phono booth about 75 yards to the

tooth when she saw it again.

T ax R a te C u t(continued from page one)

225 square feet per person lor all

over the age o f four. Mayor Harry

Messenger and Counciimen Victor

O 'Brien. Leonard Hornster, Don­

ald M acRae and Vincent Cancellari voted for it. Councilman Richard

Dealy and Dunak] Tierney voted

“ no.”

Thomas Miller, a political candi­

date, declared he had been a prime sponsor of auch a measure but that tlte council has ’ ‘watered

down” his original proposal which

would have set the occupancy limit at 325 square feet per person.

Queries Spotting Violators

Mrs. Jean McNiff, a spectator,

wanted to know about the proced­

ure of sporting violators. M r. Her­mann averred a close watch would be kept on addresses supplied by

school children o f the same Ininjly

name. Jf an undue number come from one apartment address, there will be an investigation, he explain­

ed. But Mr. Dealy did not think

this effective. He reckoned on the 225 square feet ratio, (here could

be 1.2 average o f school children per apartment, more than the tax


Robert Reed, a spectator who

heads.a civic group combatting the

coming o f more garden apart­

ments, called the measure a “grandstand play’* by the council to

give the appearance o f doing some­

thing about garden apart ments.

Mr. M iller agreed that if the gov­erning body had taken n forthwith

stand on lim iting the number of

garden apartments to be approved,

by a “ moratorium ,” the council would not have had to enact an

ordinance so obviously fraught

with enforcement complexities.

Congregation members of Sayre Woods Baptist Church were heard

by the council in their objections

to the transfer of the plenary re­

tail consumption license of Peter and E lizabeth Condo irom 3!'!i En­

glishtown Rd., O ld bridge, to Lil's

Diner on Route 9. Attorney for the applicant argued that as the new

location wos more than 200 feet

from the church, the church mem­bers’ objections were invalid. The

matter was adjourned tn June 7.The council passed an ordinance

frrhirfding the removal of top soil

from the bounds of the township for

commercial purposes.

M r. Werder said pressure ahould

be lowered on the lower (ections

ao residents in the higher elevation could obtain water. Henry Traut-

m an of Kl IdoJbrook Lane backed ihe &uggc«tjon.

L*-© Marks of I f JdoJ PI. com­

plained ol rusty water and that

some neighbors ignored police re­

quests to stop /awn sprinkling.

Mayor Traphagen said the rust might remain ae king as water ;s pumped directly a/uj cannot be

tr ia led .

Mr. Traphagen believed residents

uou/d voluntarily a id the drive to

save water. He said lawns in

Strathmore are established and need only one leaking a week.

Ceraer-Lat O r t a c t

An ordinance regulating corner

lot setback requirements was in­

troduced by the committee. T V measure, recommended by the

Planning Board, was scheduled for

public hearing on June 7.

Under the measure, cornrr lots in all zones would have two fronts,

two sides and no rear*. The set­

back line, in the R-50 zone is re­

duced from 25 to IS feet. Mayor Traphagen said the proposal is in­

tended to prevent owners building

towards the street af one side oi their buildings.

Mr. Traphagen also announced that streets in the Lakeview Park

section had been included in the

proposed resurfacing program, rais­ing the estimated emu ot the proj­

ect lo $321.(MG. Township Attorney

Richard T. Schwartz said a bond issue for the improvements will

totu) either S3M.OOO or DM,000 and

the committee scheduled a meet­

ing for Monday, hoping to Introduce

the ordinance.


To Nam e C respy(continued from page one)

| tturk now at Ihe university lor his

j Doclor o l education Degree.I Masters Fram I w p n

The new superintendent graduai-

i ed in llljtl Irom Central High

! School, Philadelphia, Pa. and re-

| reived his Bachelor of Science De. ! prcc in 1954 Irom West Chester

I Stale College, Pa. He received hia

[Master ol Education Decree from

Rutgers University ir. I960.lie was employed as a mathema­

tics instructor at Freehold Regional 11 i j:h School Irom Wifi to I9C0 and

was a Jun ior H i^h School Principal in Lower Dauphin Jo int Schools,

llnnuneistown. Pa., from 1960 to

1!)V3. He has been in his post at

Temple for the past year

lie served with the US. A rm y’s

counter intelligence agency Irom 1M4 to 1556. .

MOftt] ON THE police department survey and study in Kfyport . . . Wags have it that Hoy C . McLaren, w h o

t!;<! tiie field work on the report stopped in town only four time. »nd made one night patrol . . . Think there must hava bren a lot more to it than that though . . . If former Chief Leroy Sproul gets angry at ’em and takes all his personal property out of headquarters (five desks, gun cabinet, fin* pVipriuling cabinet and other items) it ’ll look pretty barren - in liu i r . . . On the other side of the ledger, the report clearly r S| Mimv. the town did little for the policc department other than buy a new car every two years or so . . . During soma ten'-p drtys last summer, police couldn’t even get the town to furnish them with riot hats . . . h a d to a s k b u d d ie s in c o n ­

struction business or utility work for their hard hats . . , Tilings are going to get worse before they get better . . . thd n'< parr merit, already undermanned, is going to lose another• 'H ire r . . . probably next week.I.N COMPETITION WITH private industry for engineering .'■iifluiitt's, the Now Jersey State Highway Department for 10

yt-iirs has hnd a college recruitment program ol' visiting (fMifjusCS' (o talk with June graduates in civil engineering . . . Itrcruitment officials visit with students at colleges in N’rw York, Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey, v ho hiive shown an interest in highway engineering as a t iireci. The Department woos the June graduates in an ef- ^ im i in l.uep its engineering bureaus fully staffed . . . C iv iK ^ rntiinf-oring graduates who are accepted for employment by tin State Highway Department receive a starting sal­ary ol £(>324, with regular annual increments. And the new eri^mccr is given basic training and experience in all phases ol hij;hway engineering.

TI IE CURRENT SKATE-BOAHD craze which seems so popuh.r with boys and girls everywhere has many New Jersey physicians worried. The members of one county medical society are so disturbed that they have recom- intrnfitvl a ban oa these miniature flying platforms. Their• niidi iiination of this newest form of dangerous locomotion i‘ ba.-.t.d upon the mounting number of serious traumatic in ­juries that it causes . . . Parents and their offspring 'alike slhHild i I'iilize thnt the rider of a constantly accelerating skate - board who hurtles down a paved hillside with only his sense of balance and his luck to protect him — or those tWi.i j;et in his path — stand a good chance of breaking. ;ioyihin$ from his arm to his neck. Serious contusions, con- ui.-Vinns. nnd fractures are pnr for the reckless indulgence nl this i«irm of recreation. A skatc-board ridden on a smooth Mirfnce with limited downward pitch may give pleasure mik! >-r;n e to a rider. It should never serve as the prelim- inury to a longer ride — to the hospital or the morgue.

A ppea l T o(continued from page one)

also f« the salaried executive di­rector of the Authority, explained

that Strathmore residents drew over 3.400.(HM) gallons of wilier Sat­

urday nnd Sundny. He warned the

Slrathmore system iv permitted by

tiie state to draw an average of 1.000.000 gallons a day. Several

times he said, water wns pumped

directly Irom the wells into the mains in order to keep a reserve in the water tank for emergencies.

May Invoke Curbs

Mayor Traphagen warned lhat

officials would probably wait lo see if reader** voluntarily curb their

use f*i wntf*r before determining whether on emergency sh<mld be

declared and invoke powers of an

nrdinance rrgulating waU-r usage.

kdward W. Weider of 81 .Juniper

Pf. complained his homf» whs with* out water from ti to H p.m. on Sat­

urday and from 5:30 to !*. It) p in .c\,n .f. u

W ork O n B ank(continued from page one)

with the most up-to-date facilities

that are available.“The new layout is keyed to mod­

ern banking operation, wirti a ll fa­

cilities handy to the tellers'* Charles W. Mandeviile. vice president said.

He went on lo explain that the sale deposit department is ort the same

level as ail other banking services and includes three room-sized cus­tomer coupon booths.

New Drive-In W iratar The new drive-in window which

has been functioning tor three

months along with the original one.

is already operating at almost m axim um capacity. Thr winAiw i>

connected to the building by an un­

derground tunnel.Mr. Mandeville noted that there

has been an increase in new ac­counts since the renovation began and he feels that many people have been attracted to ihe bank by the construction in process. ‘‘All

comment* are favorable aboot the

improvement fo Main S t.," he said.

Miss Klsie Heiser, Mr. Mande- ville ’s secretary, said, “ This is like

< moving into a new house, it's hard

: to find things.” Buf Miss Hei.w

j doesn't m ind working amid dost

* and disorder temporarily. She feel.v 1 that it will nil be worthwhile. And j .she nnd tbr other bank employees t are pleased with their new lounge

io n the second floor, complete with | stove and refrigerator,

j One interesting aspect o f the con­: struclion i.s that windows with spe-

rial bron/e - finished frame* arr

, being cuiMom - m ad* at the »ite. ll j takes two men an entire day tc do just one window,

Urge M ob ile(rontinuerf from page one)

of the spi’Cihcations, H r asked tin

fa m e 'o r an i m ‘,-l,!n** f in e s t

•etup ai the athletic field involving

jt weil pump. Herbert Feder.

Sirathntore resident on the board, rasst'd on both these resolutions.

Hut they v;ere voted 7-6.

Han>:d .f Dolan reiterated, in vot­ing. “ no" on the bills, his opposition

ie puy<.i/ bills to the Matawan

low-n.snip Sewerage Authority. But ■ ih t^ pasted 7-1* Dr. S. M. Laanw

'asrs r*^i.-vd as school physician at

j . r year and Thomas tfegan

i ; • a un u i; ,\ce officer at $1080. A

; iMaior asked lor a detailing of

: mules iM-riormed by the school phy- ‘ v • ii»A for ,*uch salary for the office. ; vtr. S»Mer enumerated them.

v)r. v^uv ille was questioned

-Uuu ■•».{« lays*' on the K-fi Lloyd

Is cL Si;h..oJ. He rejected a sugges*

, i.'.n : i; i >ii5 preparation was undu- a holding op the project.

. lU jr t i Traaspartatiw i BUs

fcifts i <•«reived for pupil bus traas-

t-oruiH.n were rejected by the coton!. 1'vH.) bids, received Apr. 2*. from MiriiHef P. George and Fred- m d . .J. Wehrle, both of Cliffwood,

h?il heen under study by the board * ;r»nsportation committee, boih im‘« on the 19 bus routes ex- ue tlM l <u* 135,200 allocated for hus

:t^M»*>«ir.'»:ion in the 1965-M budget.

lr.«- r<>(it! »r bids was near £17,000 huiiiii p i'- ident John J . Bradley

(</ {,»»• fw 'blem i5 still under stu-

ti'- by i:»r transportation committee

anti . i;»i >u> date has been set for

•he leuiug ol new bids.

T V twiis’ d approved the renova- f«vn of • portion of (he siding on

(*ri; : umi Klementary School. Work

*»’.l le done by the Brickote Co, Sou.’h fciu i , for J525. Board secre-

^ ry f.i;’ ** rd J. Scullion said that uioM o' Tie lenkage problem exist-

■’ig •<! t;'» >chool has been corrcd-

Mi. bm iiu-1 new siding will have

to i>e io;i.vdered.liie po.’uliase of MM fet't of snow

ft nci/ip ;*iui posti from the Keyport

L i .- e r Or. was authorized. The

fe in \r\? ••ill be used fo protect two f ^ r t i ' T fi^fcls at the high school.

; I eacfcer Resigningi H. Dudley, a teacher in

the focal school system for 29

years, resigned his position be­

cause of poor health. The bonrd acfcpted a resolution noting th«t Mr,

Dudley had (aught in Matawnn for

29 years and a l Philipsburg for six years. M r. Foster told the lx)ard

Vlr. Dudley has been in poor health “ for a couple of years.’* His resig­nation. and that of Joseph R. Prin-

za, were accepted effective June 30,

Teacher* hired for the J9B5*fl6

school year are: Mrs. Luisa Levy,

Metuchen, elementary art, at a sal­

ary of $5475; Mrs. Sandra K.

Schmidt, Princeton, elementary music, $5200; M i s s Uoseanr

Strange, h igh school Spanish and English, $3200; Miss Margaret D.

Miske, Passaic, elementary, $0200;

Mitts Carol J . Volk, Long Branch,

elementary, 15200.

Miss Patricia A. Kavalek, Ire n

oti, elementary,. $52M; Mias Elaint

M. Persson, Tenafly, high school mathematics,. $5475; Mrs. Margaret

Hutchinson, East Brunswick, ele­mentary, $5475; John C. Rogos- ta, Trenton, elementary, 15*75, aatf

: Mrs. Gladys U. Hvidding, Neptuae

elementary, $6025.

I C a S ra r t Awards

1 Contract awards for fuel oil sup>­

; plies were made lo Royal Oil Ser-

: vice, Clilfwood; Dean Oil Co., F a * ­

; .vood, and Seaboard Servee, N ep : tune City. Science supplies coit-

i tracts were awarded to the Welch j Scientific Co., Skokie, 111., %$)\, and

i to the Coinboscn Scientific Co., i Boston. $276.

I Electronic supply contracts were

i awarded to Allied Electronics

; Corp., Chicago, fur $7W),. and tt

i Brodhead Garrett Co., Cleveland,

■ for $1772. Oeneral shop and wood

: shop supplies contracts went i Hrodhead Garrett, $22tM. Keufto

and K'iser Co., Hoboken, was lo*

J bidder on mechanical drawing sup | plies at $755.

: Tabulation on bids for athlctfc

; and physical education equipment j and general supplies has not ym i been completed.

1 2 5 P R O F I T P E R C A R ! : d o n ' t p a y m o r e !, . . . - . _ • If WI CANT MAt ANYONt'J MllCt—CAR FO* CA«—L o w t it W t t k ly r« y m « n H ^ w iil iuy you a m w hah

'HfORO I1 Q Q CHT | iN h l

‘44 DOOM 9IM0 Hwaha



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741-67003-HOUR D ELIvtRY

AM C«fi Ri(6ndltle>n*d And Su*rsnl*«d






AR0UNI YOUR NOME?Hi mmhi in ? Kmnily (iruwini! l<m lari'e for your ptv.i-

* ill iiomt' ,’ Dump your liny tcpi« e for » mom iMijuyw

.li.lr cimiIi?! (let lim *lM.'U!iiri|i ri>uu your fiitnily

il*i with oni' jicr.woiKih/rtl h<mi•’ Joiui.

I! ly or huilil, il'.i up lo you. Our n'mlcrti, IWlhlq l,i-i ii lon ii p lum ! iiro iiii lull-'*! to l i t y o u t u n i i iu u d r-

,!■ iliiin-i'.'i nml :mvn inniicy, Ino. 'J'lu-y /fiitiii'u a iik ilownpnymeiil, IrndKctrtl monthly rfVdyni'-nl* r *'!I )iny-iillf(w! )I|-Ivl|i-I!('!l All'l re-bi'ITowlllg J)iAV«r !• i‘ futurs rmancliil nvedit,

fi veMliiiiU’ nil (lie iwlvniilnitfs In juirsim. Vlall our it; ■* soon,

L l l H A l B u U M N t t L o A N A S S M IA T IO N ^

159 jMhiii Street — Vlatuwim

Page 5: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

H » * r ,M « y 2 0 . IH 5-# »> . :t ;S. , . .■■■

THE MATAWAN JOURN M, N. J. raga rivm

Nalairan Regional High School Class Of 1950 Holds 15th Reunion

t M — l I M i i i M u


A aa ( V p O X M r k , M n .

K t o i l ) M v M r i , M n .

I c M d w *1 M t held

•rdejr evening. r k t t n 4

f i n a l , M n . Im m

0 m m M U . Mr*.

■ ( O n M M c G w m ,my ...... ..... . wu-

b t a r f i h : I n m R tM w a a , Jaaanfc D i M r i t , M r*. Palrle la (M lll»r) France, Mra. Edaa (Beye*) H t n ag. Mra. E l i l* ( G U M m i ) (M m M , Mr*. M ary Aim (Coffee) Hleslger,

M n . H evard Walverten aad Mr*. M l ld n d c iaa i advt*r s. Mra. Kathleen (John-aaa) l i l a i a , M n , Jeaa <H*ne*r) I n a f a t i , M n . Karea (Aam ot) Lawman, Robert MMHmM, Jak a H . Lyle, M r*. E r a ( L l t o a ) M aaM aa, Mr*. E liiab rtii (P in iua ) Vlsconl.

T hird raw: B ihert Flge l, W a m a Leag. M m u M Well*, K a m e l W ltani, Stephen llyer, A r t ta r fa aaaa , iumtm Htjgtt, S * lv* ler» l a w f a H M a k e A . l a a w a , Jaha Roberts, J . D engke AM aad f w a cl l n a t a t a r t Calat. .

. Personal Items About Matawan Residents1 • W B* U W p l TWmUmji P v N W>i

■■*. Vw**M

I a f Iba F l n t B a p t t t . C h u n k oa

Thoee attending

_______V l l l a n E . Im lth ar.,

M r*. W IDlaai B . t a t t k Jr., Mr*.

D a a M W aaar *r., M n . George Duacaa, M n . M yron Bailey, M r i.

. Lawraaca B ir in a * * , M n . Holme*

L a m b e rtm i m t M n . O n to 81c-

- I I * . ‘ v- ■■

M r. m 4 M n . C lyde Fre irt and fc a l ly , S tr a tb a o n , spent Suaday

t t UN W trM '* Fair.

■ - M r. aad Mri*. R icha rd l ig a m a n a . v ^ t c h i l d n o , K rathm or*. w e n th*

T iQ k q r M M U a t M r. a a i M n .V tt lta a M o t t , Valley S traam .L .I<

Sunday aftaraaaa | u M i o f M r .

- a a i M r*. Gerard Lo ltu i. Straw-

a r ite ,i* * r * M r. aad M n . Tcrraaca

Maekwiril aad chlldrea, O ld Brlda*.

. IbO m F latten , Fa ll* Church, Va.,'

. wa* the g u e s t t t hi* b n th e r - in *

' ’ ■ law and sister, Mr. and Mr*. K . J .G iery, Strathmore, laat week..

; M r. and M n . Ra lph Job , Ash-

■ H ad , Pa., (pent la*t week a* the guest* '■ n l ..the ir ; *on-lii-law and laughter , M tV and Mn.>Steveason Enterline. \ Vi!- 4

1 . . .o tP a S a tu r ih y evening,'' the Jbrews-

Chorale pneeated thekap ring : conceit at tha R u n fo n • Fa ir Hav-

aa R «a kx u l H igli/School. Among s from ‘ ‘_____ ______ M atawan a n a attend.

lag were M r. and Mr*. Stockton

■ Hopfcin*, M r. and M n . Walter Pike,

‘ M r. and M n . Steveniaa Enterline,

. M r. and M n . Robert" Shafto, M r.

; - tad Mr*. P au l Durkin, M ri. K . C. ~ W ychoff, Charle* Mandevllle, M r.

;k aad Mra. Thoma* SkkJom. A lio

S 3 M r. and M n . Ralph Job, A ihiand, y ,1 Pa., and M r. and M n . Ralph Hart-

f ^ a w a , O ld Bridge,

ia O n Saturday evening, Mr. and.

M n . Saul J ta t f lb la tt , Strathmore,

were the gueaU a I M r. and Mr*,

t o u RoN nM att, F huh lng , N. Y ,/

M r*. Edw in H. Dom inick at-

la a d id tha P enh Amboy Teacher*' Aaaoclatioa dinner at Shadawhraok,

■ vew ilw ry , aa Moaday evening,

-*WK>riag M il* Mary Em m a Stack,

I t retiring u vice principal ht Perth Amboy.

M r. a ad Mr*. Thoma* Petteraen

aad chlldrea,. Paul and Todd, Schf-

aectady, N .V ., were the weekend

gua*t* c l M r. and M n . Trygve Pat-

l in e n , Proipect Point.

M r. and Mr*, ja m e * Healy, Itrathaw re , attended a dinner-

dance at the Chateau Renaiiaanc*,

N a ith Bergen, on Saturday evettlag.

M r, and M n . W illiam Quinn and fam ily w ar* th* Sunday dinner

• m m a l M r. and M n . Jerome

Read, New Shrewibury.

M r. aad M n . Bennett Oworkii aad children, Strathmore, w e n the

weakead gue it* o f Mr. and M ri.

Heriw irSorJe at the Normandy Ho­

tel. Loch Sheldrake, N. Y . They at- teaded the Bar M ltivah o f their *na, Paul. '

M r*. W illiam Bowie, Ml** J . M*- bel Brown, M k * Geraldine V.

Brawa; M ia* M arjorie M. Bronk-

kurtt, M n , Johnaon Cartan, Mr*.

Joha H. K inney, M n , W illiam J.

M iller, M n . Leon Blumenthal, M n . Sophie W*in*tein, Mr*. Albert

A M I , M r*. Robert Read, M n . W il­liam B u rm M e r , Mr*. Edw in H.

Dom inick, Mr*. Ralph W . Herrick, M n . H arry Clune, Mr*. Calv in D. Pearce, M r*. Vernon Achenberg,

and Mrs. B . M. Barr, members of

the M alaw an W oman'* Club, at­tended the New Jersey Federation Convention in A tlantic City list week. M n . Jay F . Hostetler, M ata­wan, also attended on Thursday.

John Valentino, Marc Woods, has been named the New Je n e y district

Manager for M .A .I., and w ill trans­fer from the New .York office In the near.fu ture .

Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M cM urriy , M arc Woods, enter:

talaed a t a barbecue. Their-guests were M rs. Brenda McMurray, Mrs.

Kathleen M cM urray and daughter,

O ina, Eugene McMurray, Yonkers,

N . Y ., and M r. and Mrs. John Val­entino. M arc Woods.

Mias M ary Lisk entertained at

canasta on F r id iy evening when Ihe birthday* o( Mis* M ir y Em m a

Stack, Perth Amboy, and Mrs. E. M urray Todd, Holmdel, were cele­

brated. Other guests attending were Mrs. H . O . Jones, Miss S. E llen

Haney, Freehold;' M iss J . Mabel Brown, Keyport; Mra. George F.

Hoatetter, Lancaster, Pa.;. Mra. Jay

F . Hoatetter, Mra. J . F . Dominick, Mra. Edw in H. Dominick, and Mrs.

Ralph W . Herrick.Mrs. Grace DeMont, Upper Main

S t„ la a patient at Monmouth Med­ical Center.

M r. and Mrs. Harry Hanna and m i l , Doug and Robert, 8 North- field Rd ., had breakfast last Wed­

nesday at the Hotel Commodore

w ith T im McCarver, catcher for

Ihe St. Louis Cardinals. In the af­ternoon they attended the game be­

tween the New York Mets and the St. U m l* Cardinal* as the guests o( M r. McCarver.

M r. and M r i. John Valentino,

M a n Woods, hav* returned.after M ending two weeka vacationing in Florida. On F riday evening, Mr.

and M n . T hom ai McMurray were

their gueit*.

M n . Herbert Staer sr., Ravine

D r., attended the Northern Atlan­

tic Region Soroptim iit Federation o f the America*, Inc., 1985 Spring Conference Banquet at the Waldorf-

Aatoria Hotel, New York, on Satur­day evening.

Miss Dolores DellaP ietro,. Mor­

ganville; M iss Lucille DellaPietro,

Keyport, and M is* Toni DellaPie-

tro, Matawan, are on a cruise to

N aw au aboard the S.S. Oceanic. They expect to return home on Sat­


The Rev. Eugene Gregory, chalk

artist and pastor of the F irst Bap­tist Church, Keyport, w ill be the guest apeaker at the next meeting

of the United Presbyterian Women

on Monday evening at 8 p.m . All

women are invited to attend.

Miss Esther Blau entertained at

bridge on Tuesday evening. Prize

winners were Mrs. Warren Vree- land, Mrs. R. L . Cartan and Mrs.

Paul Egan. Other guests present

were Mrs. Howard Erdmann, Mrs. Karl Heusor, Mrs. Helen Quinn,

Mrs. Louis Pazienia and Mrs. Ger­a rd Devlin.

Mr. and Mrs. George C lark were

the Sunday guests of Mrs. Robert Cooper, Middletown.

M n . Bertha Story Schanck, Mrs. G erard Devlin and Mrs. W illiam J: Rebel were the prize winners

when Mrs. Frederick Dederick en­tertained al bridge on Wednesday.

Other guests were Mrs. Joseph Demberger, Laurelwood D r., Colts Neck; Mrs. E lmore Kattncr, Mrs. Frank Bliss and Mrs. Marguerite Laird,

Ens. Patrick J . Devlin, Corpus Christi, Tex., i i spending this week

at the home of his parents, Dr.

and Mrs. Gerard Devlin.

M r. and Mrs. W illiam E. Smith Jr. and children, Lois, Billy and

K fm , were the weekend guests of

Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Fredda jr., G len Burnie, Md. On Saturday they

visited the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md.

M r. and Mrs. Edward Giblock and children were the Sunday

guests of his mother, Mrs. Katie

Giblock, Whippany,

Mrs. George F. Hostetter and

M iss Elizabeth Groff, Lancaster,

Pa., were the weekend guests of M r. and Mrs. Jay F. Hostetter.

Woman's Club Of Matawan Honors Charter Member

Altort A M , right, mtlgelna president nf

* Jfci Wanen'i Ctah *1 Malawan, Im1., placed the nnntv

I , Mafeel Iritwii, » eharier mrmher, on I ho N e a a r M l el New Jt>r*#y Sidle IVtlernlloii nf

W*mm'* CM * m I'hurMtoy *1 llie 71*1 Annual ('»»• VcMIm e( lit* Feileritlloii, lielil at ( littlfuiiliMlmliloji IM I, M ltaUuM y, .

The t l la t lm read a* fo llnw ii "Tha W mnanS

(Huh » ( MutHtmn, Inn,, lit tumid to pinei< on Ilw llm m Nell (if tho New Jcmvy M ale I'cdpriilloti nf WiiiimmiS

I'lu lw I Iim minttf »f ntti’ of II* clinrli'r ineiiihrrs, M l*1! J , Millie! Itrown, wild lum lii'iyi mi lii<i|ili'nlliiM In lii'r

fMmmuitlly liy her miMimtllitjf lemlcrdlilp mul iiMI niilhrii|ik' s m l i 'c i In (MiIIiiiuI, ciIikkIIuiiiiI, IiW IuiuiiI,

tilvlo Mid itfd iil avUvlllvi.”

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kreb*.

Strathmore, were die weekend

guests of Mr. and M n . W illiam

Heron, Round Hill Rd., Greenwich,


Mia* Phyllis Maghan ha* re­lum ed to her itudies at Moravian

Seminary lor Girls, Bethlehem,

P t ., after spending tne weekend at the home d her parent*, M r. and

Mr*. Ross W. Maghan.

Mayor and Mrs. Henry Trapha

gen and Mra. Nat Rlppel attended

the New Jersey Conference of

Mayors at Princeton University on

Friday. Mrs. Traphagen and Mrs. Rlppel attended a ooffee hour with

Governor and Mrs, R ichard Hughes

at Morvcn, and they a ll attended

the Mayors' luncheon which was

held at the Nassau Inn.

Mrs. Joseph Pisano and daugh­ler Revia, Elizabeth, w e r e the weokond guests of her brother-in-

law and sister, M r. and Mrs. Pat Manzo.

On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. R u ­

dolph Fraebel, Mrs. W illiam Bur-

mester and Mrs. Lydia Walling

were Flemington visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin S. Thomp­

son were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pollock, W ar

minster. Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lewis were

the guests at a dinner party at the home of Miss Flo Grunder, Belford

on Sunday.

Mrs. Lydia W alling was t h e Thursday dinner guest of Mrs. W il­liam C. Ludi, Sum m it.

Miss M arie Gaub, Browntown,

was the guest of her uncle and

aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gaub, Ov erhIH Rd., at Peddler's Village, La-

haska, Pa., on Thuraday.

Mrs. Bruce MacCutcheon and

Mrs. George Deitz were the prize

winners when Mrs. Joseph Rankl

Jr. entertained at bridge on Thurs

day evening. Other guests attend­ing were Mra. John Carney, Mrs, Nicholas Francisco, Mrs. Roy Kai

aer, Mrs. Frank Jablonski, and

Mrs. Vincent DeVito.

Mrs. George Deitz, Mrs. Charles

Geran and Mrs. Robert Mcseroll were the Tuesday evening bridge guests of Mrs. W illiam Nixon. Mr*.

Deitz held high score.

Edward W. Currie attended the

father - son weekend at the Trinity

Paw ling School, Pawling N .Y ., as

the guest of his son, W illiam .M n . Rudolph Fraebel was the

Monday guest of Mrs. Barney Veri­tas, Jersey City.

On Monday evening, Mrs. W il­

liam R . Craig, Mrs. Thomas Wei- stead, Mrs. Frederick Noble, Mrs.

Edward Currie, Mrs. W illiam J. Rabel, Mrs. Frank Bliss, Mrs. Paul

E|;an, Mrs. R. L. Cartan, Miss Pa­

tricia McKeen, Mrs. Marguerite

Laird, Mrs. Leroy Sickcls, and Miss Catherine McDonald dined <11 the

Bow and Arrow Manor, West Or-

anfie. Later they attended a card party and style show at Mayfair


Mr. aad Mrs. J . Thomas Free­man, Freehold, and Mr. anil Mrs.

R ichard Burket attended a dinner- dance at the Brunswick Inn, New

Brunswick, on Saturday evening.

Dr. and Mrs. Zaven Ayanian and

children were the weekend Hues's of Mr. and Mrs. John Connelly, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Dr, and Mrs. G. A, Devlin have

returned from Corpus Christi, Tex.,

where I hey were present nl the ceromony designating their mn, Ens. P. J . Devlin, as n naval offi­

cer. Uns. Devl/n's mother had the honor of pinning her son's "W ings" on his uniform,

Ml'S. Arthur Noe, lloim ilel; Mrs. F lunk DeKiso, Hrielle, nnd Mrs.

Hdwnrd W. Currie attended H luncheon and fnsliion show .it Hi mii

K lvngu, Spring Lake, nn S.iiuiday

given by the Monmouth County U>-

gill Secretaries Association.

Mrs. W illiam Qulnu, M m . Cal­

vin Penrco, Mrs, Milton (Junkie, M ri, W i n s t o n Schaffer, Mrs.

Kvurctt Curlson, M r * . ('Italics

Lockwood, und Mrs, Rollin W ell­

ards were (Im Wednesday ovi’iiiiw bridge' guests of Mrs. Robert I.a-

Mur«.Mr, nnd Mrs. .luck lln ist, Stiuih-

mor<\ nponl the wi'eliond nt Ihe New Hilton Hotel, New Yoik,

On Sunday, Mr. nnd Mrs, Stnn ley Seaman, Hiruihmniu, w e r e

the gui'st* of Mr. uml M n M n illn Steel, tlrooklyii.

P-TA To Moot Thtiriday

T h e I t o v , W i l l i a m l l m e l i , S i , J o iM 'p ll'H Church, lv 'V |> o H m i l l l ie I t l i e i t u p c i ik e r nt i’h " H im ! Iim < -iH i.* o i l l l i e V e in n l Him K - v i ' o i l l ! l ; : ! i S c h o o l I ' a i e i i i - l e n , l i , - i A v .-h -m I I ' l l to l ie Ip ’ l i l f l i l -1 I 11. i , il tv , \ <’ HO IK I I I II, 11 | l III In th e l l l l - l l =' l i i . i ' l

f l f e t i ' i h l . I ,J-I I l ic e I'.|H |-.| I ,'- , I . , , , , In ,

i l ' r v e i l l l l j t w i l l I I I ’ " I e e lC 'l ' .e I ' l e n l s . "

Irw in Speaks T o

B orough C O P

Jo ieph C. Irw in, Director of the

Monmouth County Board of Free-

holdere, was the gueit speaker at

the meeting of the Matawan Bor­

ough Republican Club held in the

Hook and Ladder Fire House.

Stevenson M. Enterline, presi­

dent, conducted the brief buslnoss

cession and Introduced the guest

qieaker. He also announced that

Ihe Young Republicans of Northern

Monmouth County meet the fourth

Friday of every month in Ihe

Strathmore Bowling Lanes. Elec­tion of officers will be held at Ihe May M meeting.

Mr. Irw in discussod Monmouth County’s economic opportunity pro­

gram which gives |>eople a chance

to help themselves. Ho slated that

f . i ) of every tax dollar goes to wel­

fare. He said money is available to start a program for the pre­

school child, for children who need remedial help and for small busi­

ness administrations.

Sound F inancial Basis

The a im of the Republican Party

I* to put the Stato of New Jersey

on * sound financial basis, he udd-

ed, and the party has selected

Wayne Dumont to be their candi­date for Governor, R ichard R.

Stout and W illiam T. Hicrlng for

State Senators; Alfred N. Deadle-

ston, Joseph Azzolina and James M . Coleman for Assemblyman; Jo

ceph A. Shafto for Sheriff; Kather

Ine K. Neubcrgor for Slate Com m it

teewoman; Edward C. Brocge for

State Committeeman and Benjam in H. Danskln and Joseph C. Irw in for

Board of Freeholders.

Reports were given by Mrs

Frank Ferrano and Mrs. Dorothy

Rinear who attended the convention of tho New Jersey Federation of

Republican Women In Atlantic City

Jam es She* reported on the Gov­ernment Institute at which form ­

er Governor Alfred Driscoll spoke on taxes and state aid. He said that the dollar spent closest to

home was the best dollar spent. He advocated aid in the form of a loan

such as a bank would make.

Refreshment* were aerved by

Mrs. Howard Henderson and Mrs. John Shea.

N C jW U n it P lans

F o r In s ta lla t io nAn installation dinner is planned

by the Matawan Branch of the

Greater Red Bank Section of the National Council of Jewish Women on Monday evening, May 2-t at 8

p.m . The dinner will be beld at the

Lincroft Inn on Newman S p r in g

Rd. in l.incroft.

The newly elected officers who

will be installed that evening are: Chairman, Mrs. Herbert Barrack;

vice chairmen, Mrs. Albert Prolut- sky, Mrs. Joel Goldschmidt a r id Mrs. Eli Dworkin; recording sec­

retary, Mrs. Gilbert Noren; cor­responding secretary, Mrs. Stephen

Rosenblatt; f i n a n c i a l secre­

tary, Mrs. Robert Tannen; treas­

urer, Mrs. Norman Posner and di­rectors, Mrs. Stanley Silver, Mrs.

Sheldon Pivnik and Mrs. Jack Piv-


The guest speaker and installing

officer Is Mrs. Albert Const on of

Somerville. Mrs. Conston is Vice

President of the N .J. Regional ol the National Council of Jewish

Women, who successfully combines

volunteer work, part-time employ­

ment and college attendance.

Farm er President

A farmer president of the Somer­

ville Section of NCJW , Mrs. Con»-

toa h id also held leadership posts

in the Philadelphia Section of Coun­cil before moving to Somerville. She

I* currently the V.t*. elect of the

Women's Auxiliary to the Somer­

set County Medical Society.

Mrs. Conston is a graduate of the Albert Einstein School of Nurs­

ing In Philadelphia, attends State

Teacher* College and Is a sub­

stitute school nurse.

Tickets can be Obtained from

Mr*. Bernard Finkclsteln, 32 Ice-

meadow Lane, Strathmore. Every­

one Is cordially invited to attend.

Woman’s Club May Breakfast

Plan Candidates' NightTho Cliffwood Community Civic

Association w ill hold a “Meet the

Candidate" night at the Cliffwood

First A id Building this Thursday

at 8 p .m . H ie public is invited.

Malawan Juniors Win

Convention Award*

Approximately 1000 young women from the State of New Jersey at­tended the Mth Annual Spring Con*

vention of the New Jersey State

Federation o f Women's Cluhs,

Junior Membership Department, held at Chalfonte « Haddon Hall,

A tlantic City, over the weekend.

The Jun ior Woman's Club of M ata­wan was represented by Mrs, Frank Panek, president; Mrs. John

Kovacs, delegate; Mrs. Robert Mor­

rell, Mrs. Ralph Dabrisky, Mrs, Henry Becker, .Mrs. W illiam Rose,

Mrs, Edward Potts, Mrs. C. Gen­

tile, Mrs. Jane Semonelt, Mrs. Marty Mahoney, M i s s Gladys

Fleck, Miss Jeanne Gregorson; re­

tiring state membership chairman,

Mrs, Barton Hoeg, and Miss M ar­jorie M. Bronkhurst, club advisor.

The Matawan C l u b received

awards for 100 per cent participa­tion in the Stamp of Approval

Headquarters Project; 100 per cent

convention boosters; first place Art

Department award and a special youth award for conducting a baby­

sitting course.

M i s s Dorothy A. Krivancik,

Jun ior Chairman, announced that the olubs had selected the chil­

dren's section of Atate mental hos­

pitals as part of their state project

for 1965-66. They also will raise

funds for the headquarters building of the N .J. State Federation of Women's Clubs,

Dwayne Stevenson, Director of

Community Relations for Peace Corps, announced the building of

two Peace Corps schools in Brazil

and Iran, with funds contributed by

N .J. Juniors,Mrs. Frank A. Pettisani, Vine*

fund, served as Chairman of tha Convention. Her committee included

Miss Grogorson and Miss Fleck

who served as pages. The theme

for the convention waj “Holiday


Newly elected o lfkers ul the Woman’s C lub e l M atawan, Inc., were Instilled Monday at the May B re ik lu t at the Lincroft Ian . Pictured above are M n . Albert Abell, right, retiriag president, handlag ihe gavel U> Mrs, W illiam Bowie, new president, w ith Mrs. Jahnsea Carta*, l i n t vice preddcnl lo r IM i-M, (landing ea the left.

A two-part program and the in­

stallation of the officers for the

I965-G6 club year highlighted the

M ay Breakfast of the Woman's Club

of Matawan, Inc., held Monday al

the Lincroft Inn.

Mrs. Albert Abell, retiring presi­

dent, introduced the guests of

honor, Miss Geraldine V. Brown,

Southern Vice President of the New

Jersey State Federation of Wo­

men’s Clubs, and * member of the local club; Mrs. E. D. Chase, South

Amboy, newly elected vice presi­

dent of the F ifth D istrict, making

her first official visit to the clubs In

her district; Mrs. John Kinney, Editor of the New Jersey C lub Wo­man and Even'Tide, and i member

of the local club; Mrs. T hom ai T. Starnes, newly elected chairman

and Mrs. Arthur Rothman, retiring

chairman of the Matawan Evening

Department, and Mrs. Frank Pan­

ek, president of the Matawan Jun­ior Woman's Club. Each brought

greetings m d spoke briefly.

Mrs. George Miller pronounced

the blessing before the luncheon.

Fir** Aid Auxiliary

Card Party Tuetday

Final plans were m ade at the

meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of

the M alawan First Aid and Rescue

Squad held In the Squad Building

for the card party Tuesday evening

in the American Legion Hall, Matawan. Tickets are available

from any member or may be pur­

chased at the door. Door prizes will be awarded and refreshments

served. Mrs. Theodore Phelan jr.

and Mrs. John Nixon are co-chair­


The auxiliary is conducting a

rummage sale this week In Ihe

squad building on Little St

Mrs. Lawrence Walker jr. pre­sided at the business meeting. Mrs.

Frank Cordasco and Mrs. Phelan

were hostesses.

You advertisement In this paper will reach prospective purchasers in every community In the bay- shore area.

Outdoor Art Exhibit

An outdoor art e ih lb k w ill be

held on Saturday a l the home

e l M n . R . S. Burket, IM Main

SI., Matawan, frem I I a .m . I* 7

p .m ., under the ip ensa n h lp ol the M atawaa Baraugh Auxiliary

te the Bayshore Community Hospital.

Over It* painting* wiH be ex­

hibited hy professional and am a­

teur artist*. Soma a l the paint­

ing* will be for ssla. In addition, artists also will sketch children's portraits.

Each artist will pay aa eatry lee to exhibit In the shew, and

proceeds from the entry lees and

Ilw refreshment stand, sponsored

by the Matawan Jun ior W oman’s Chib, w ill be donated to the fund

drive af the Bayshore Communi­

ty Hospital.

The Rev. Isaac Rottenberg, Shrews,

bury, was the guest speaker. He discussed "H um an Behaviorism.'* Mrs. Theodore Tollman, dramatist

and a member of the Toma River

Modern Muses, presented a skit « *

“Costume* Through the Age*."

C aadM ig tt lM l*lljrtl*a

Miss Brown described her expet*

lences at the convention held la

Atlantic City last week and the re­sponsibilities and duties a l her o f.

lice, which is the second highest la

the state. She conducted the candle* -

light ceremony installing Mr*. WIU liam Bowie as president; M n .

Johnson Cartan, lirst vice preal-

dent; Mrs. W illiam J . Miller, *ec- ond vice president; Mrs. W illiamC. Noddings, recording secretary;

Mrs. Karl H. Muller, correspond*

Ing secretary; Mrs. Charles B .

Springhorn, treasurer, and Mis* Adele Vigne, financial secretary.

Miss Brown also installed Mr*.

Vernon Achenberg as chairman at the American Home Department;

Mrs. Edwin II. Dominick, civic* and legislation; Mrs. Maurice L.

Roussillon, drama; Mrs. Starnes,

Evening Department; Mrs. Abell,

ex - presidents; M r s . Bernadeaa

Barr, Fine Arts; Mrs, John C. Eg­

gleston, garden; Mrs. Harry Clune,

music; Mrs. Harold Fogg, house


As delegate to the convention from the club, Mrs. M iller included

in her resume the fact that th*

club had received two citations, one

for their Meals for Millions project

and the sccond for 100 per cent

contribution to the stamp project

for the new Headquarters building

on Douglass Campus, lic r report

was entitled " I Had A Ball," she accounted for the week's activi­

ties.937,M t Toward Building

Mrs. Bowie, the other delegate, reported on the workshops attend­

ed and the tact that the Federation

has $57,000 toward the Headquar­

ters Building.

A large representation from the local club also attended the conven­tion and witnessed the ceremony

placing the name of a charter

member, M iss J . Mabel Brown, oa

the Honor Holl of the State Federa­

tion.Before the lighted silver candela­

bra, a gift o l a club member, M r*.

Grace Curran, Mrs. Abell present­ed the gavel to Mrs. Bowie. M n .

Abell then was presented with her

past president's pin by Mrs. Calv ia

D. Pearce, past president. M r*. Abell closed the program by repeat­ing her required two - minute re­

port at the Fifth District Confer­

ence of the activities of her club.

The new and retiring Board at Trustees will meet Monday at 1

p.m . in the club house on Jacksoa St. Final plans will be made for

the card party, sponsored by th* houiie committee, on Wednesday ev­

ening, June 2, at 8 p.m. in the c lub

house, and for the final businei*

meeting of the club Monday, Ju n e

7, at 1:30 p.m.

. . . FREE GIFTS for Naw Dopositori at Our Cliffwood Offico. Open

Your Account, Today I





with our L O W C O S T



NATIONAL BANKi U m O I4**l l u l l I* M otm twOi Cavafr

• IV T A B M 8 H E D I M •


Rout* 84 li A Muln Str««t A

Lluyd Road Kavln* DrWa Matawaa

Cllllwutii) nml Mnlnwnn Aval,,

nu tw ood

Page 6: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

Green Hiiiab h Cub Pick Hum. • m t e k i n Dm tkasaa lor

h M rack » laid

.to f t * R M k Ha* a l tk* Bay«laar N * y n A > dwrck. cun- m at ta c k . I k t apaaiac caraa*

Ufltew Awfary B i d s li i M iH b t f sWl IV M IN N nV

Aariliary lo Aawrl- _ t a l 40. Marlboro

TowaaMp. afactad Bfltcen TUas- dajr aaaatoB- Hm aaar afficert milly ^ l | m rM ptttf ib itit iN to

• — M i i i l t l ky Dm f , Mate ' taa 0mtkm a l Mri. Rdbtrt B«rfc-

M tn t a ad v m iHMm . g . f t . l M f a . k , l a U w i r kuaat

■til, praaitoal; Mr*. Hotawa Um- kirl— , Viet | W lM ; Mrt. l a m t ■rank Iraaaarar; Mrt. Hear* Sa- M t , kktarlaa; Mr*. Jottpk La-

• Q ft— Or B start Orafcs dsatrto. ■i’ k t O k trip I t * o CMhtwd Ptoa Nnm ml ika M m Mta*

l a a t a l te m'■■■nil' MMM/HRBVOO ■ MN ■■

H m k ttry att - at • a rm ; Mn. Madia M O t r / , cka*Uia.

Mra. DaMaa aad M n. Satitk tr. ta w amaaad a f t m display ia

tka wimtm a l Doa’t TV Kora, Teaaaat Rd., MorgtaviHe. Hie. pop­py drive will start Friday.

A CWaeae auction ia acheduled for Ihe latter part ct Ium.

Mr*. Ptraell, Mr*. Brown, Mri. LaMura tr., Mn. Deaton aad Mrs. Jateph Lauiaro jr. attended the couaty aiaetiag Friday, htid at Matawaa Fuat 171. M n. Denton plaead die memorial flowers at the county meeting ia the place ct Mrs. Smith ar., retiring pretldeat, who anas unable to be pretent.

If yoa aeed printing Ot any Und, we ara here lo aerve you. Our quick aervice aad raasuublt price* wUI plaasa you.

' MBBB OBIL BNP (NO'ffllMOQf ItC ! & 111 M I t o tM M IM J n a id i ■ A a d h ma * M r *

J M Bacralltr btdj t i were.............to Richard flettof, W il

too, Mark McGuIm m , Lon 1 'L M Campaaalll, Hobart

a, Clifford Oroht tad Joha

A akfc tattled "The Jolly Greaa n a V a w pwaeated by Dea J, •a la r Ika diiaetion o( Mrt. Thomai OMaa, aad by Den I, under tbe dkWdta of Mrt. Oeorgs Brenoa,

: Ota Motbar. ■ : -

The toUowiag awarda were pre- aaalad: Lion badges to Bryce Cra- Vtr, Bruca SlncJare and William tlM ao ; under ■ the • lion badge, M * aald and one silver arrow to WUUam Brenon; one gold arrow to “ Sinclair and three sliver

to Robert Flynn and one I and (ia ailver arrows to Bryce



Jo h n L T a ss in i A g en cy1 1 7 M A I N I T . M A T A W A N

5 6 6 4 0 4 3

■ M amCravsr.

Alao under • Ihe-bear • badge, two d w arrows to George Giardello; • deaner't stripe to Robert Schar aad in assistant denner's stripe to Ktvin Poulten, were awarded.

_ Alter the closing ceremony by Dos i, under tbe direction ol Mra. Rfbert. G rohe , refreshments mtte

Cubmuter Grabe also aa- that “Cubby” had been to,Pack 11 at the April

i mating.

• Plaaa wera oompteted for the door - to - door ticket atlas On Sst- arday lor the Scout Show in Asbury Rsrt. lt Is hoped thst each family Will purchase «t least oae ticket for ttia worthy ciusa.

CoHoton Lh jim

1«A5Y * * * ,n m ’* *° ** y**n and aBgible forth* Ed Carleton League ■ ** rtgiiter soonl Registration •111 be held at the Msinet Tract Mated at Uurei Ave. and Lacodla Oairt between Route M and Middle Rd., Hulet, tt S p.m. on Satur­days, Mty 22 and 29.

All the baseball games wiil be played on Saturdays at S p.m. and fcndsya at J p.m. Wa would ap­preciate having all parenta and

come out to the gsmss. Competition is high and the boya ■aad and want your support!

/ V ' ^ V V V V ,Y ' \


t f S c f "



K IN G S D R U G SHwy. 35 ft Cliffwood Ava., Cliffwood

(A . A P. Shopping C tnfor)

• 566-5050Faaturlag

Rnwll Stovw Caadin

• Ftm DelWary

Smiling Tony Says: * i- “THIS IS IT !!”


• • . ind (S cO tt^ have

ill* Product!! I


CLIAM ou r


bucUiorn. bUcft inafiifc

tfattjr, fiUra*, dovcr, h«nkil, fround Ivy, p i iM lm t , fcnotwttd,lh«ph»r^i yillow roeli»K


C L IA M our 14 C O M M O N


Two b ig l«wn jobi a t onc«, Sa v h vou »im« and money,

9 u«r*nt««J cr montykick.

2 “ • 3 ” 3** • 6 ”


Rag. 4.98 '3aai j

4 lb. ROSE DUST Ro9, J.98

Both for ^ SAVE » 2 ° °

|IV l(K irvpstnti A


i n * ” n mIM I. ••

M i r l l i N I

r i g * * * * * *


*m t PAINT• C lM M M jl tN l l II C A A C

•MMtor. n _____________ SB* * dallon

CALL 566-1013 _Tony's HARMS HARDWARE

THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. N. J. Tfcundoy, May 20, I9M

p u u o n u f f s

TURKEY ROASTS 79!“SapH.m J * r latt. fraab traaad Maay Ttaaa Bally



C i »

cmck 59 cIk


■ m w o i


RIBS « BSFS W I F T S l O T i - a k a .


s s :

CVI ROM mm r 4 m s

i b .


I m I■ I h ( l a n k s WORT CUT H I B » « O H ( ih h C d . InchM )

a i i c k M S t o c k i

C k l c k M I a m o WithTfifghiw | ' N O N I PHICED H IG H E«l

# t l r L , - ■ ________With Klbt—NONEM I C K V R ■ ■ W to S lf M ICEDHI6HERI

C m a L a J l l a t M a “fcpar-WgM*m i v k v w n y f l i a WHOLE ONLY


l« o 7 lb « .T u r l i o y B r t o t f t

C a u M j to^ 1 Fradily 6i*aad

■ ■ ■ * Maay Timat Dallyl

» 7 9 «

*49**59«k 5 f

t i *




HlMrtlMf honV S h?6h«. "59* C«lffonl«StMkc CHUC,t Voal Cubod Stodu »"»»• ‘ f f Bm I I Ivw Froth CmHIsIi Stodu ‘ 33- S IM


lp«l«ll|i SaUctad


AWawd Iraod

Tsa Quilfy


LARGE EGGS 2!^87cTap* ia Natriliaa

m u m MmIQuality ^ ctM.



h a th M I doL

S ra d aA A «*»•

6 1 Ib. I 01.•IM



39*F R E E

Ml flann .



IVORY SOAP 2 -u 35*BaltrtaatFar Waablai

RINSOBLUE _Iw l i d *




:s .4 3 ‘

>0< OH lABfeL

8, Opp IAB61

I lb.• IM Ia b U H

I qt. 14 fl,Z - I M



- lo w



Frnk-UM E SiZC N K n ic t l NIBNERI



8 93 9 '2 9

NONE PRICED HIGHER! I«a. t in CaMonila Saadlaas

P i n o o p p l o Hawallta 4 9 * O f W f l M u u 1 l l fc' 4 9 ‘

o rI V


B l c c k G r a p o s


10 0J> c#)j0


L m m m 4 £ , 3 3 *


Rhubarb 3 bunetiM 29*NONE PRICED HIGHERI

S ffllliM S 3 bunchoi 19*N O N I PRICED HI6H H I


Breccoll flwaiad N O N I PRICED HIGHERI '

F r o s h N i s 2 ^ 3 9 *


R « 4 I s I m i w 2 1 9 *


C i K M i i b o r s 4 ' “ 2 9 *

U.1 # I Grada-NONE PRICED HIGHER a — I . . Roma "


Rom* l«auty 3^ ,45*

U m H 2 ^ 2 9 * t a f c a l C o l o r y

M o r e G ro c e ry B u y s ■MAXWELL HOBSi

1.49JHMII1 4 i . )a r


•kaaaltia Flivand

NanhaySyrvp 5 99*BUN OWN — h aw Ham — la|ar tdM

lead Ta« Mix 3 ’ 25*

SAVE 20' 39*lA V IIe


PEACH PIElarge Blag

Angtl Food Cake 49*Ulaad U V t ta

Italtai Oread TL~49'I-Ik. Laat M W I I I

Data ft Nat U «f 39*


99* 35*

|-Ib-, 4 S «oi. phg,

Froncb 4 o l 27*

6 61.

com 4 ox.





M s e s l l s e fUNCH—luniMno J l q t . H M l

Yolfow, Roiy Ro^ • fl. «om

r e n n e t CUSTARD f . | | a All Floveri— 2« off lib tl ™ ®

Mnwlf NtrgariNl i l j ORANGK DRINK

Conconfrottd U l l f l l l l MILK SHAKI

All Ffdvori

l»riMD HNarcariROl l o a a l l B ^ILLSIURV or IALLAR0 •

(In Dairy C ««t) •WimmOII l.liJl, Frylnq BitingMtoOt R t h u HICKORV or


kmiehNmMn F»nn Dutch

IimMr’i Olitpped Mam ImiIr Oat Fool 2 NaiaMltophliii Alt r ro,o„ „,I00'NviiMBalbTiMui 4-»-05#Hwl— Uno ^ p»«H*


l - l b .M t

p i t * 1

,ij i

s wi i o i . f f akot. * *

6 ot.UM

Pi». J j t

l l | h t O ,C lM h ^ £ 4 9 < ^ 1 .99M C itth - 7 3 * r .2 .0 9

f VI«a>otM I Wlaay

Rich I l - l b . 7 « a

PvH lod lad ba« » • . . .

Lit'75* *£ 2 .1 9

Ubfey » or Stnoc# 1 A Bog. or Pi*4 "

A t f C n p t M n 2

Dotmm Bokod P«Mhi R m I L Oaloii R i i i f « w „ pk, .

--- Sauul $iaiiL ihiaiuL----V K H T A B U S IN BUTTH S A U C I

■ ________ KITCHEN « f oi.wwwwm H H I SLICH # # T

P a ^ a n ia d

n n a i M I B CaraNlfclati

C toM to t P lM to m w u m 2

NallaOftMBMM 2 £ « *

Ca#'i Ja li'i F r o s t * S e a f o o d


'-ih-pia- I 7R a J i a d l a a l l e a e » * L i

^ " 1 8



A & P ' S D A I R Y B U Y S !A»P or Victory Brond—-Potfeuriiod

Crow nCIm o m 2 )^ 19*AIP Croow d floooppto or Voyotoblo i«lo4


M B B w H t f S lico i 35*Mild

WluomfoA IP — ImpOfttJ I oi. 41*


ChMMflf Ch#9S9 6ratod O w oso

4 1 *

Pormoton, Romano plq. ’

— C n ' i JtIM Filial

, P*B»-

89‘ShrhRparSaalltpOiMNn ';;M' IM M Filial XbM‘



H i l t h 6 B e a u t y A l d t l

I m a J m I b h r l i M o f P ili IA VI a i yI X I B B T I f l feoltUaof 100 lie

Vh t". bol, SAVE M A S

PlutF.E.Tai lOo "MOUTHWASH I A V I ^ «

Siach 9*4 Trwmtilm m Km, m m i om bt-aii vwt«n«

C lio c o lo to B o r f 3 ^ 1 . 0 0TIMOR HUB—A ll VtritNaa

C o n n o d S o d a 1 2 l MB 9*

P ro tio lf * r 3 S * lfl,„!u:;..3 1 -

Jorgon’f UtlM ColyH o 100 1 oi, bottl* 10.

Vorl-TW« ^l>(. 10 oi. a>«

M o r v o l I m C r o M R 4 ” " ° " ' t ' * ' ' S 9 *

P o t a t o C h i p s } z 15 ; 4 9 *

f ^ d l f Wortiimoro M/4 Ib. O O f

Chock Pull O’ Nvts Ctffoo

_AN I-Ih

Btw M«Nli*WrnpRffvlar I I ' »ldH)

I v o r y S o a p I v i l i q u i d J o y l i q u i d

For Title! oftd Bolh BftOCROMf 0 a § o c ^ a i i 9

^ 4 ••‘•<29* ipi.m-MAfaaa. alarfla

•»«-l*d iHtM.X9a

0v«IHmMatwal m I« Im Ckoeol.t*



I v o r y S n o w

P * Laa»df|f II ei. « f |

a«J DMiat pig, * • *

H b .M ia

pk«. • *


m m m i***** 1 p*me im tt**** , m

s u p e r J v | a r l < c t !

PHaat aWaitlva Ifcrv May Mnd In la par Mmfcato m*4 laH'Sarvlta Staiat anty In Narttiarn Naw iartay, Oranfa and latklnnd Cavntlat,

All Tiilmmi I'rniliiHp, I tr^li Milk unit Ali'iliiillu IfevcrtKPs h«« i ii|i| l i i i in I’lulil .HIkiiiu nlfer.

CLIFFWOOD KIANSBUROHlflhwof 95 and Cliffwood Av*. Rt. 3* and Main ft.


B k w C h o o r

P o d * Paw ly

Wad!'X ‘ 32* !■*.* a t IV

W i i k l l f n l d B « l i r « M r t

ip*. 1#a i i i^ a t .f jaM*U ftloiMo *

69i99i• i f . 3 9 .

i i i a T


PORT MONMOUTH Rt. 1 6 and Wilton A v o >

Page 7: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

7lwr*J*y, Mey 20. 1965 THE MATAV/AM JOURNAL, N. J. Pea* Seven

M in e ra l G ro u p

P la n s R ock Show“file only cure for "R ock Pox,’’

according to the Matawan Miner-

•log ica l Society, i« a visit for 'he patient to Ihe nearest rock show.

THe Society haa announced furth­

e r arrangements far the Mineral and Rock Show to be held in the

M a t iw U Regional High School, At­, laatic Ave., M atawan, Saturday,

May M , I r o n I I a .m . to M p .m .

and Sunday, May M, fram I I a .m .

to t p.m .fe n . R ichard Stout Will open the

aho* Saturday morning and pre

■eat th* plaque to the dealer w ith . the w inalng display. Pointa w ill be

Kiveti far ahowmanship, variety of

d lip lny and special arrangements.

. v Swap' S top '

Dealers from all parts of 'he

United States have contracted to show. Thefe will be a “ >w*p shop” for "pebble puppies" as well as for

“ rock hound*."

Arrangements have been made for a special, display! o f fluorescent

minerals, m any of which come from local sites In New Jersey, Col­

lectors from all parts of the world

are. interested, in obtaining them. The display w ill be arranged in a dark room w ith Mack light. The

variety of colors from reds through

violets, gtow tef in the dark,, will

be most unuaw l. .Demonstrations o f jewelry-mak­

ing w ill be presented and finished

products w ill be sold. The public is

Invited to attend.The Society w ill hold its next

meeting Friday evening, June 4, at

S p.m . in the Matawan G ram m ar School, Broad St., M atawan. Steven

Pochek w ill present slides and will

describe the Zeolites of New Je r­sey. Officers for the 196M4 club

year will be elected. New members

are invited to attend.

O f f i c e r s I n s t a l l e d A l C l i f f w o o d P - T A M e e t i n gLE G A L NOTICE

At Merchandise ShowRichard Kerschner, owner of the

Western Auto Store, M ain St., Mat-

awan, announced today that he and his wife, Florence, attended the

May Western Auto Christmas mer­

chandise s h o w ln Baltimore, Md.,





*139M Ik.

With All Ai — Limit 1


Mey Only — W ith $1 Purcheie

Contractor and Do-It-Yourself Items

Gran Saadi ToniMarion Blua G ran

Kentucky Hue G ra il

Pennlewn Fescue

C reepiflf Fescue

Monmouth Green Mi*

Superior Mis

• Groan Park Mia

Wfcil* Clever .

Fertilixeri TomFertrell Or§eni«

Green Send

Pfio* Rock *

C ation Seed Moal

Iona M a il

A frn ita '

I«vuii9 -

Sheep Manu#e

Tract Minereit

Meed Moal

Nitrete of $c4» ' •Super Phetphefe . _

Muriafe af Pefeifl

Mulches TomCocoa HulU ,

U U 4 fee t

Salt Hay

Straw 71c S p,

Humus bulk



MiiceH'neoui ProductsGreenfield


PiHifcurfh Paint

ftelled Kooflnf

Rolled Fence

fa ff . Pipe

Wheel H a n a Irk

Pro Hardware


Rental 30 type#

W all Drlvo to ,

farm Du»< A Sprayl

Cannsl Coat, *t«.

Purina Chews

Pifaon So.

Sand ana Saknta Hay I Grain H T H CMorana Ip .Salt I typei

H ee ltap Sealen

H o u Mli1#*

Call for Quantity Pricai 5 Warahouiei

Full Inventory (Dry Storage)

SWARTZELSf$tm and G irdan SuppliM

Pfa Hardware



MOUKfi I A,M. to I P.M Monday Thru Aridity

Saturday! I A,M. to I P.M


Mra. Csorge W ttwr, ccntcr, representative of the M '-rm iinh County i F ilia l reports of chairm en were given at Ihe meeting, conducted In

Ceuncll of Parents and Tenehvrs, installed the otflcer* ol the Cliffwood i Mrg j otm ScaUu, retiring president. Melvin A. Philo Kevport atParent-Tenchcr Association at a recent meeting held In the school .______ t u . i „ . . . , . ,, •eafetorlum . Pictured, left to rl«h t, are Mrs. R ichard Whltlnq, IrtNis- ,orn(-y. showed slitles and discussid his trip lo India.

erer; Mrs. Robert FrHnels, corresponding secretary; Mr.v. Joseph filaMs- i It wus decided lo have as Ihe project for next year llie purch.is*'

ford, recording secretary; Mrs. Weber; Mrs. Albert H iii l, president; '■ of a class overhead projector.Mrs. F rank Kubak, first v ice president; Mrs. Stanley O r ear, second - Tiie attendance award was won by Mrs. Lois Whiting's first grade, vice president. I

Sunday. He Joined Western Auto

Associate Store owners from a sev­

en-state area in the viewing of

Western Auto's 1935 lines o l Christ­

m as toys, g ift items and expanded

Catalog Order merchandise.

T em ple B eth A hm

T o H ea r C arm e lAbraham f. Carmel, educator and

lecturer w ill be the guest speaker

at the regular meeting of the con­

gregation of Temple Beth Ahm on

Thursday, May 20, in the cafeteria

o f the Matawan Regional High School, 8:30 p.m.

Also on the agenda w ill be the

election of three trustees to serve a

three - year term each. The polls

will be open from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.

for the convenience of married cou­ples with children. Temple m em ­bers must .have paid their full fi­

nancial obligation in order to vote.B om Kenneth Charles Cos, Mr.

Carmel was accepted by the Brit­

ish Beth Din into Judaism in 1953, after a testion period of five years.

This step climaxes a religious jour­

ney in Mr. Carmel's life, for he

had left the Catholic Priesthood to become a member of the Jew ish faith.

Ordained Aa Priest

M r. Carmel was ordained a priest

in 1943 and began work as a parish

priest in the neighborhood o f Ed in ­

burg, Scotland, where he worked prim arily with the younger genera­

tion. During this time he lived as a

teacher in the Clayesmore House

High School, Dorset, England and Carmel College, near Oxford, Eng­land.

M r. Carmel stayed for 16 months

in fsrael at which time he studied the Hebrew language and taught English to Israeli Navy Cadats al the Rali School, Haifa.

. Everyone is welcome to hear Mr. Carmel tell o l his experiences.

Sponsor Tag Days

St. James A .M E . Zion Church, 100 Atlantic Avo., Malawan, wi'!

sponsor tag days on Friday and Sat­

urday for the benefit of (he church.






STITUTION, a hanking corporation organized under the laws of the stale of New Jersey, P laintiff vs; FRED- EK1CK J . POST. Defendant

Hy virtue of ■ writ of execution in tiiu above stated action to me direct­ed, I shall expose for sale at pub­lic vendue, at the Court House In the Borough of Freehold, County of Monrnnuth. New Jersey, on Monday thu 24th day of May, 1005. at 2 o'clock. P. M. Prevailing Time.

All the following tract or parcel of land and premises hereinafter particularly described, situate, lying and hong in the Township of Mata* wan In the County of Monmouth, in tho State nf New Jersey:

B E ING designated as Lots 106 nnd 10’/ in Block 47 on "M ap of Section No, 3, Cliffwood Beach, Matawan Township. Monmouth County, New Jersey, March, l!)25H filed In Mon* mouth County Clerk's Office on 7*27*25 as m ap No. 68*5.

COM M ONLY known as IM West Concourse, Cliffwood Beach, New Jersey.

The approximate amount ot the Judgment to be satisfied by said talu Is the sum of 111,000.00 togeth* er with the costs of this sale.

JO S E PH A. SHAFTO, Sheriff.

Dated April I f IMS Micks, Kuhlthau, Nagle A M roum taoi. Attys.

120 *35.20

4*13S H E R IF F ’S SALE




AN'D LOAN ASSOCIATION, a cor pi>i-4tlon of the State of New Jer* :<rv, P la in tiff vs: JO H N H. KOPF, et uU. Defendants

By virtue of a writ of execution in above stated action to me direct*

rd, ( sha ll expose for sale ot pub* lir vendue, at Ihe Court House in ()•<; Borough o f Freehold, County of Mimmouth, New Jersey, on Mondav tbt> 24th day ot May. IMS, at 2 o’clock, P . M. Prevailing Time.

AM that trac t or parcel ot land

M . MARK 8. MUSCAREUAOptometrist '

EYES EXAMINEDm o k s s w n a i a r t s w u m n o

n m a i n * r . a v r a i






Staaley 6. SiebenlMrgHIGHWAY 14 MU loo

Opp. Strathmar* Slt«ppinf CanterMAfAWAN

STRATHMORE PHARMACYStrathnr.or* «t Matawan Shopping C«nt«r

Rout* 34 — Mat«w«n


• Prescription Specialists

0 Cosmetic* # lartons Candy

Our Pricas Ar* Always Right!

Every thing for tho Strm ip ^iid Coin Colloctor THE LARGEST STOCK OF ALBUMS


Scott Harris WhitmanMinltui Grosman Library of Coins

Whit* Ace Elbe Showgard

"All 1964 Supplements Now In Stock"


W a lu y Untied §U tM aim/ I ti* v\ Stamp* anJ Coin*

Maamaatli Stamp I Cala Stop39 Monmouth St., Red Bank — 741*0626


and pri'inlscs, hereinafter particular* Iv described, situate In the Town* *))lp .*/ Matawan, in lh« Counly «)f Monmouth and State oi Now J u ik c n

Beginning at an iron pipe on the norther) v side of Countv road, sairl pipe is distant 102.30 fret westerly from the intersection of tiie north*erly sidp of Counly Hoad ami \w-.t* criy side of Gordon Street; thc.'fuc i l ) nl«>n»? County Hoad, South f>7’ 07’ .*wr \W*t 32N.22 fee! to an iron pipe; thence (2) North 32* 52' 10*' West i#7.71 feet to iin Iron pipe; thence (-If South 573 071 50” W ist 40.(1 ieet to a stake; thence (4) North 32’ 52' 10” West A7.7I feet to a stnkc fn (he southerly »Jdc a! Delaware Avenue: thence (5) alnnx above mentioned Avenue/ North 57 07' 50" Fast 325.611 feet to a stake; thence (6) South 45* 06* 10” East SOO feet to the point or place ol Beginning,

Being Lots 37C. 37D, 37E. 30E, 39E, 4»E, 41E, !8C, 1BD, O E , IE . 2E, .IE and 4E and most nf Lol no. 37. Block D. as shown on 'M ap of Cliffwood Heights" situate in Cliffwood, New Jersey. Revision of the m ap entitled Map of Rose Farm, situate In Cliffwood, New Jersey, filed fn the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office June 17, 1010, as M ap no. I , Case no. 14.

The property Is located on the North side of County Road, 103 feet West of Gordon Street nnd runs through to the next street which Ik Delaware Avenue. Township of M at­awan, New Jersey.

l l i e approximate amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said snie Is the sum of 910,500.00 together with the costa of this sale.


Dated April 19, IMS A. D. Glass, Atty.

ISO »!>5.20


NOTICETake notice that Abe Solomon, trad'

ing as Morganville General Store, has applied to the Township Com* mittee of Marlboro Township tor ■ plenary retail distribution license for premises situated at corner of Old Tennent and Spring Valley Rd„ Marlt>oro Township, N. J .

Objections, if any, -should b « made imm ediate ly In w riting to: Floyd Wyckoff, CJerk, of Township of M arl­boro. .

(Signed)A B E SOLOMONBox 455Morganville, N. J.

J2T $7.20




Pursuant lo the order of DONALD J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the County of Monmouth, this day tnnde, on the application of the undersigned, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Com' pnny (formerly Manufacturers Trust Company> Sole Executor, of the es­tate of the said J.imcs E. Taylor, de­ceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased io pre­sent to the satd Sole Executor their cla im? tinder oath within six months from this date.Dated: M ay Mth, 1UC5

Manufacturers HanoverTrust CompanyBy: Edward E. Bremner,Vice President 350 Park Avenue New York, New York Sole Executor

Maurtce B. Me Laughlin, Esq.40 Journa l Square JerBe.v C ity, New Jersey Attorney JIO $25.6(i


Committee of the Township of Mat .iwan, as follows:

That nn Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Limiting and Restricting to Specified Districts or Zones nnd Regulating Thnrrin Nuilding and Structures According to the Construc­tion and the Nature and Extent of (lie Use of Land: Providing1 for (he Administration and Enforcement of the Provisions of the Ordinance: Es­tablishing a noarti of Adiu«trnent, and fixing Penalties for Violation* In the Township of Matawan," shall be amended as follows:

Sortion II (page M» «nd Srhfdule for Section II Ipatces II and 12) is amended a# follows:

In construing and applvlng the set hack requirement.-* for pnch /one a* listed under "prlm-fuat buildings." all corner lots snail be regarded as having two (Zi fnmis. t\w» (?) Hides and no rear. Uie two fronts being those which border on the two streets which form the coiner lot.

In construing Die *lde refiulrrnirnta where tbe two CJi Ironls are uneiiusl, Ihe smaller front .shall be used In coinpidlrix ihe 2.V; tutnl width ra* iiulroinem,

In /one R*IH> llie fi>>nt M>i|iitta* ment shall ha 13 frt't.

Hertlon V paragraph K - To Ihe Jh/tl D)l» spitloii imposes ia>

HtrlctloOH thst conflict with thn.«c Im­posed hi HtM tion II (nuKr .'I i and Hchednli* for Si-dii-Ji II < / > « ! ' II and 13), snd to that PKlenl nnlv such tiSRtrii'ltons h'iiiII l»« InapiiHmlile and ju their the rr*nilt ement» *»fHection II |>ai[c>i it, II iiMil l ‘J, as ntnemlod, shall i>e In effrt I

Th/s Ofd/Mrtitf#* sh/ill »«>ie effect upon Its final and |inbllcst|onas tiravlded liy law

PlMH.lt* NOTH’K I* hetrhv «iv»n lliitt the fiiiegnliitf Oi illnttiM-s v* s» In* IrndMcert at n reHulai ittrfiln* af tli»» Tnwnstdp Cofitfn/HM o( the TitWft* elilp nf Matawan »>n Mav I?. Iltfll, and |i*in*i{ oti firat leailltii', and Ihe anny wss ufd«red /<* he pnbll4he<1 aF« cniduiif to law, anil thst ouch »rdl<MHitt'tf aliall Ih» fuitlier conihleied for flttrt/ pMssrtge «f a cetfKhtf fucr/htg nf till* T(iwiisltli» I'fUtmilllMP tif the Town«hlp of MntawriM lo he held at (he Mutdc/pfil Miilldlnrf af 141 t,nw> i»r Msln Ht * , l1 In the 'I'muixhlp of Mntrt«’nn, New Jnisev, nn Monday, (he tth d/iv nf ./line, fo<ii, nt eight mYIoch, pttt., p i t i m e , him! nf nwv Hint* mml place In which tha eiifd ihMelinrf Him tie ftorti iffite to time mlI'liiimkiI al t‘ lihh iitne and phu'e a ptihllu healing will be iieiii

and all persons interested will b*' tiiven au opportunity to be heard concerning Mich ordinance.

HOSE K. W E NX EL, Township fh>rk

m $18.20


BOROUGH OF MATAWAN Notiee Ik h«ieb> given that th t

District Boards ol Election and Hep Istry in and for the Borough of Mata wan, County of Monmouth, State of New Jersey, will meet at the nlnce.« herein-iftr*r desltTnat'-d on

TUESDAY, JU N E 1, 1985 O f t v . r v i t}ir Unur;. n l \OV(‘n H itt « n n

eighi p.m . (Eastern Daylight Saving Time), for the purpose of conducting a prim ary election for the nom ina­tion of candidates for

One Governor Two State Senators.Three members or the General As*

•u-mbly.One Sheriff,Two Members of the Monmoutn

County Board of Freeholders.Three Coroners.The election of one male and one

female member of the Republican State Committee.

The election ut otic male nnd an t female member of the Democratic State Committee.

The election ot one male and one female member of the Republican County Executive Committee for each district.

The election of one male snd one female member of the Democratic County Executive Committee for each district.

At said prim ary election nom ina­tions shall also be made for the fol­lowing municipal officers:

Mayor.Tnx Assessor.Tax CoJiector, (unexpired term>. Two Counuilmen for the full term Notice is hereby given that qualliieo

vnters of the Borough of Matawan not already registered In said Bor- nugh under the laws of New Jersey governing permanent registration, may register with the Borough Clerk, or notify said clerk of change of resi­dence. at the clerk's office. Borough lla l), 150 Main St., Matawan, during business hours or dircct to the Com­missioner of Registration in Freehold, at anytime between Wednesday, June 2, 1985, and Thursday, September 23, 1905, during business hours.

Notice of chanKe of residence ot application for transfer of registra* tion shall be m ade either by written request forwarded to the Borough Clerk or Board or by calling in per­son at the office of the Borough Clerk or Cnuntv nnnrd of Election* up to and including September 23, U*fo.

On Thuraday, September 23. lltOS. thr rc^J.itrot/on books wil) be closed until after thr» forthcoming General Election on Tuesday, November 2, IMS.

Notice Is hereby given that Dis trlct Boards of Election and Regis try in and for the Borough of M a tawan. County of Monmouth. State of New Jersey, wil) meet at the nlaros hereinafter dp«?/‘'nated on TUESDAY, N OV EM B ER 2nd, 1003

between the hours of 7 a .m and * p.m for the purpose of conducting the genera) election for tha election of

One Governor.Tw'o State Senator*.Three members of the General As­

sembly.One Sheriff.Two Members of tiie Monmouth

County Board of Freeholders.Three Coroners.Mayor.Two Councilmen for the full lerm. T a i Assessor.Tax Collector (Unexplrcd term) The sessions nf the reicistry bnaro

will b « held at tha following polling olaces'

FIRST ELECTION DISTRICT AU that oart of the Borough ol

Malawan, B EG IN N IN G i t a point wfcera the center Une of Main Street Intersects the boundary line of th» Township of Matawan thence (1) along th# aald center line of Main Street In a southerly direction lo the bridge on Main street south of South Stratt; ihence (2) along a line draw), down the center of the gullv crossed by the said bridge to Lake Lefferts: thenc# f3) Jn a northerly direction along th t easterly edge of Lake Lef- ferta to Prospect Point; thence (4) along a line drawn across Lake Lef* fart# from Prospect Point In a north­easterly direction to Ravine Drive; thence (9) along a line drawn ncroax th t fu lly to the left of Highland Avenue to a point at lha end or T ib e r t f Street, thence it) along a line narallel with Matawan Road to the tu lip which runs along Aberdeen Ftoatf, thence (7) along ■ line down tha center of this gulley to a point where same Intersects with the cen'

*«*f if Mataw<in Road; thence (Bi a H a* '!'•* said cenler Hoe of M ataw jn Ko i:> t i a northerly direction t j th- :>-j. it "ere said center Line of Mat

:fjad Intersects the boundan it the Township of MaUssart.

• — 1 1>> ')> along the said boundar>' • f >f the. Township of Matawan tr• ,r- ;>.rl it or place of Beginning

P , place. V M C. A Building : . . .n St

'I1COND ELECTION O ISTHIC I *.li that part of the Borough of

-■ j : .-.-.'in. B EG IN N IN G at a point *. *m <- the center tine of Main Streei ■ •(I'i-f’ uls the center fine of Church

thence (1) tn an easterlv di - * ;<>n along the center line ot r .i.c-h Street, thence ( I I tn an eav '» i i , direction along the center line

Church Street to a ooint wher**• .,•1 renter line of Church Street in- •• —cts the boundary Une of the i.<t -ship of Matawan; thence (2) . • * c itd boundary Une nf the !■>- .iship of Matawan to a point

i-re said Doundary line intersects ><• rentctr Une of Atlantic Avenue.

-re (3) along said center line of ‘ 'tn tic Avenue to a point where the • I center line of Atlantic Avenue

sects the center line of Main thence (4) along aaid center

-e of Main Street in a aoutherly ' “ction to the onlnt or nlnce of n- 'inning

P-ttling place, Washington Engine Companv Fire House on Little Street

T H IRD ELECTION DISTRICTAll that part of the Borough

B EG IN N IN G at a po


Enjoy family protection wHile

you tave for retirement.

Angelo J. Tomssello

Metropolitan Inturanc. Coniult.nt



P i . . . . . . Offle* 747-JJ04r n 0 n # l ' R«(ld«ne. S44 J8!?

I wouM Ills information on 1ti4 plan

faaturad aboy*,

Nam# .............. .......................

A dd few .............. ..............................

C ity .......... lane ,,, lis t* ,..

Mull rot


2? 0e*c!iwoed T#<fat*

Matawan, N, J,

Metropolitan Lift*Inturanes Ctintpisay

Waw Yotl, H, V,

• itawan. B EG IN N IN G at a point -’''H*re the center line of Mein Street

•ersects the center line of Church '-•reet, thence (1) In a southerly di- M-tion along the aaid center Una of

Main Street to the gulley south of 'vmth Street, thence (2) alone the * ne down the centcr of said g u lk to Lake Lefferts; thence '3) In a -Mitherly direction alonR the easterlv •d-'e of Lake Lefferts to the center ;tne of State H ighway 34: thence (4) along the said center line of Statc- (fixhwav 34 in a westerly direction to a point where the said center line of state Highway 34 intersects th<* boundary iine of the Township o’ Mndlson: thence (5) alnntf the said boundary line of the Township ot Mndison to a point where said tine intersects the center line of New Brunswick Avenue; thence (6) in a northerly direction along the eusteriy edge of Lake Lefferts to the gull.v that runs in back of Locust Place; thence (7) along a line drawn down the center of said gully to a point where the center Une of Schenck Av­enue intersects the center line of Main Street; thence (8) along ihe center iine of Main Street tn a nor­therly direction to a point where the said center line of Main Street inter­sects the center line of Slate High­way 34; ihence (91 along Uie snid cen­ter line of State Highway 34 in an easterly direction to a point where said center line of State H ighway 54 intersects the roadbed of the Central Railroad of New Jeraey; thence (101 along said roadbed to a point where said roadbed Intersects the center line of Churcb Street: thence (111 along the said center line of Church Street in s westerly direction to the uoint or place of Beginning.

Polling place. Midway ilosa Houi* on Washington Street

P'OURTH ELECTION d is t r ic t A ll that part nf the Borough ot

Matawan bounded on the east and northeast by the boundary line of the Township of Matawan, on thesouth by the northerly boundary line* - • • * Ma • - -

iy the boundar.Township of Matawan and on the

of the Township of Marlboro, on the west by the boundary Una of the

north by a line extending aa follows to wit:

BEG IN N IN G at a point where the center Une of New Brunswick Ave­nue Is intersected by the boundary Une of the Township of Matawan thence (1) tn a northerly direction along tha easterly edge of Lake Lef* ferta to the gully that runs In the hack of Locust Place; thence (2) along a line drawn down the center of «aid gully to a point where the center line of Schenck Avenue Inter­sects the center line of Main street: thence (3) along tha aald centex Une on M ain St. In a northerly direction to a point where tha aald center line of Main Street Intersect* the center line of State H ighway 34; thence (4) along the m id center Une of State H ighway 34 to s point where the aaid center line of s ta t« H igh­way 34 intersects the roadbed of the Central Railroad of New Jersey.

Polling place. Freneau Independent flrehouse, Freneau Ave.

FIFTH ELECTION DISTRICTAll that part of the Borough ot

Matawan bounded on the west by the boundary lin t of the Township of Madison, on the north by uie boundary Une of the Township of


Matawan and on the soulh and eaM

hy a line extending as follows to wit

BEG INN ING at a point where thr i-t-niei fi le- ;ii Stale tii£hwd> HI u terseets the boundary line ot tb: Township of Madison thence H» ;• an easterly direction along the saic? center line of said State Highway 34 io a point where the easterb edg« of Lake Lefferts intersects said cen ier line of Slate Highway 31; thencr (I) along the easterly side oi Lakr Lefferta tn a northeri> direction 1- Propped Potni: thence CD along s lln# drawn serosa Lake l^ f fe rU frntp prospect Point in a northeasterly di rection to Ravine Drive; thence <4 along a line drawn across the guil- lo Ihe left of H ighland Avenue to »


j omnl at the end of Liberty Street;

' thence (5) along a line oaraJlel with Matawan Road to the gullev which runs along Aberdeen Road: thence • 6i along a line down the center of said gully to * point where same Intersects wjih the center line ot Malawan Road: thence (71 along the «aid center line of the Matawan Hoad in a northerly direction to the oojni where the said center line cf Matawan Road Intersects the boun­dary Une of the Township of Mats .van -

Polling P iece. Borough Building eo .Middlesex Road

Margaret Viebroch Borough Clerk

jS7 $120.60







566-9712 585*1126

R E N T - A - C A R

$5QQ Pill 0 A Y

9 9 ♦ 9 < A M i l !



Route 9 V/\ Mi. South of Sayre Woods

Shopping Center

PA 7-0479


M U l l A N E Y ' S


ftt. )4 and Main St.


m e m o

From The Desk of Suienne

n o t i c e

T o T h e P u b l i c

The FRICNDLY SHOP154 Mein St.. Matewen

w , ^ I i s .

e>«t you K.v. b « n «»>*!"• « f-




NOTICET o O U l s m o b i l c O w n e r s !

Y o u r N e w O h l s m o b t J c D e a l e r

H a s C o m e T o T o w n !




e Excellent Service

WATCHFo r O u r G R A N D O P E N IN G

l t 4 ‘ f r < ‘ M l m i 4 ! i i l r t - ( r i f t * F o r A l l


Page 8: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N .J, Hwndiyr M«y-20, 1969*

M in* Mbdk JbD A«iuiuil> Card* Party

Akm n, ( k f l ) M rr. IM ward IVarsaa , In c h k r g e o f d e n r i l M i , iltc um t», plum » M i M rs.. Viotar Rasa,

general cha irm an .. M rs/.Rabet* L m , 2 t t4 U I , ' la 'ln d u r a * a l tickets andVefreshnseaHwHI Jbknervedby.

M ra . Ca* n * Cyllldeaw.

Final p lus have Urn - made (or $ U> Paid-Up MenrtenhlppParty of

B'nai B'rith Women, Ayelet tr, Bay*hore Area, in the Oak :.Ffife:Hduse: WftlAeuUy ev 4t S p.ni. Punch, smorgaa-

a faihion show will be | iffilights. Fashioaa-wili be shown | y the House of dcy.;.Uncrott.

Anyone, other tkaarwid-up men- J ifi# , wishing to attend, will be £ (Mlgad’ an admission;. which will || • ip>M f i laward dues: if nheyywiah*

t.ttMqme memMrs.

M ilt Arthur Percy, IS Island Pi.,, ( M o a n , membership chhhrmaa;

1 1 Ifrxharge of th ii affair-aadishe " b t contacted.. foe., further in-

ayt 1,771 «f jm M^btn.kM M aw ith aa


M rs. IVT^A .P liilo

E lfecfed To; PfosfMrs. Melvlii'AVRhilo o f l l 5 Maple

P I., Keyport, was elccted State

Chairman, International'- Relations Department of the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs

at the annual convention in Atlantic City May 13_.The State Federation

has a membership of over 44.000

M R N E IM N A . P M U D

members comprising 486 cliibtr I Mra; Philo, daughter oftf Mrs. Katie Ceriiani and the lateeHtns C«rtl*ai.ofrfVr»eamassa and vaMwt Melvin A. Philo, a Keyport a*ar- My/tbbs year completed two yftts aa Fifth District InternationallRfr- laUou .Chairman.

I Shbc h its btm ri aa nsatnberiof-f tha

W y n n * 'U M — rr 'O W to r r r tw p a e t

19 y e a n and h u served as hospi­

ta lity ,, m iu ic . aad legislation..chair- n m r /*> addM nr,' she° i t ' a " pa ir preeident and la presently serving

aa corresponding secretary.

Artlve la f awmaaHyMfc. PMtoM:coamMtty«ctiTiUM

id c M e t. t tn icM a t, Hcypprt: Au*. ifH ry of'M onmouth M edita l OSnter

o f Long Branch; trustee of Keyport Public. Health;., Muaic<. AssociaU te and-1 past• president,' O to d ' FWtow-

A lp Club of Reformed Church of


Mrs. Philo's major Interest has been trail al auL (or the past 10

years- she lias traveled'extensively; In thfe.iCaribbcan,., Europe, MfddlS

Easty. F a r Eaat, completing a w orld


J u n io r W omen:

In s ta l l O ffice rs ;Mrs: Frank .Panck^was Installed

as the .new/presiddnt o f .the M4ta* wan'JnniorrWoman*s.-ninl>; M ^v I h

Other-officers who took o ve r ’their new- positions .were isowly, r-lea:d

Mrs;- Robert: Oi'oy, vice'president,"

and Mrs. J ic k ’ CottrcIl,'.treasurer. Flor their second iyear;, Mrs;> Wii

lihrm Conway; recording: secretary

and- M iss 'Jeanne Qregerson,. cor- respotulihR. secretary, werei a lso , in­stalled.' Mrss Barton i Hoog,> a. past

president,acted !as.: the installbtton officer: and . the trad itional. candle,

light ceeemonywas carried out.'M rs; MSrty Mahoney, retiring

president, presented the-president’s

RS'urt- a a i pin to Mrs:- Panefcwish- ja g ; her- success? a n d ! then- turned tha, program , over, to^hor. A .short

meetfcig.'fotMwed thece rem ooyand

numeroos pcoj^cts .were discussed.1.

HetreahtneaU.s term inated , the ev-. ening,

Rrepprations >are being. made for thMutdoor-Art Exhibit at the home of’Mfs.' R? SV BtT|let,l ,2M‘-Main-:St MiUwaiiv.oii.SiUirdiy, a t.Ilians . The? Matawaa: Janiort will sponsor the.refftahtaient :standSvhere;home- nsadK cakaet cookies, , and.: salads will : bb' soMt along. with': hot ■ and cold~dririkK. All: profits., w ill' go,;to the Bayshore Community Hospital Mrs. Edward] Potts- is the - chair­man for: this. project.*

Gn.,U*i( 27,amL2S.: the. Matawan. JfeaiorSf are»- holding - a nnnmage s i l t . at ‘ the- club house,-. M ain : St.; Mstawan.' The- chafrmefi- are- Mrs.*

Edward Potts and Mrs. Andrea O ’Neill. Clothing and furniture

w ill be sold and all profits are for

charities.The M ay I Clean-up Day was a

success, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Jack Cottrell. The Juniors worked together and cleaned up

tha- playground at Jackson St. in

MStawan and the Middlesex Ave.

Recreational Building also in Mat- awMU.The girls brought their rak­

es, hoes, and brooms and worked

foe. a cleaner Matawan.

Announcing C«niqufib SmSm ft Imrik (kb



It'S MUM'. . .. UCLUSW tA whoft n#w world of’iummtr ((in fir Y6u, Y6ur Family and Frl*nd»



• H i y y u i A M a uW N r n N f P M V n lN


* o o u i n » • • i m m t i a u '. • h a n d r a il

• V O t llT IA U • fA D C ll T INNII • IHUFFU IOA ltD

• ______• PICNIC M O UN W • C H IIO M N 'I >LAY6*OUNO

• '•W fM M W W - A N f t - T l im 'IN m V C n e f f l- fO r O m D M N AND ADULTI

M R M T IO N Ii lautk M m Malawaa HyM aa M ila I* , an lanta 14 ta V#ll»y Inn, rlaht

« • »*nh # e . l e w iw » M H m . M .1 adlaa »«-Ca «a»Hi ^ i .feiio-tedViMafe-Clufc.M i M m fraai h M — aat

W IIT I OR C A lt i

IN TlmW Drlv*, l«Hi*iaiy Hd|Mi« N. J.

H o ffm an lo in s


B r t r e t l : IV)tfmaa, a : resident' of

L ta w w Jfarborrfd r over 40 years

aad^activOyv ideetified ' with busi-

neaaiinrthM are*. is-one of three re(j»t*f«dJepreiefltatm-B who have

beoomaiaisoctated with the New

YolkiStock-. Exchange firm of O'- Hriea,:,Suiiivan &: Co., Inc., in its

Asbury, Hark- office, 'llie others were.CIiarles Muilenr Asbury Park , and A rthur W. llsnkins, West Ijjh r


' F b r a num ber of years. Mi*. Hoff-

m aar owned: and ; operated1 Hoff­m an's. D rug , store ' a n d . Ilotfman's

Liquor-Store in Laurence- Harbor,• which he-has sold; During his own­

ership of-tho^iquor store, Mrr Hoff­

m an was-: vice* president of the New i Jtrsey , Retail Uquorr Store

Aisociation: l le still owns and op­

erates :■ the - Ilcon-O-Waih, an auto­

m atic : coin: operated! laundry , in

Laurence Harbor where, he makes his home with his wife, the former

Miss R ho d i Ryan; and ’ their three

children, at 14 I.aurence'Pkwy,

Mr. Ifoffmaa waaiborn- in . Cald­

well, and received his learly educa­

tion in the schools of Long.Brancb,

R ed ; Bank- and ; New, Brunswick.-

After his graduation; from : St.

Peter’s : H igh School,', New; Bruns-

xvickf ho attended"Rutger* Univer­

sity, He served three aad one tiaK

years in the U.S.- A rm y in World War- II ,: s ix : months, o f'w h ich lie

spcn t:in .A fr ica . IM >i s ' a : member

of th e : Am erican ’. Legion; a n d : the Veterans-of .Foreign Wars.

Although M r. Hoffman was active

in fraternal and ; civ ic; affairs' in Madison Township,-the.-only.public

office he has held-was o a the M adi­

son Township Planning: Board

where Jie served .five yyan .i two of

them-as-chairman; Mr.' Hoffman

i>erved:for-a:short period: as real estate ‘ sa lesm an, for :h » ■ J . J. itar-

rigaa Agency,

Wfth the addition : ot-. Mr.- Hdff-

m aa. Mr. M u lle n ;a n d !M r ; Hank­

ins ,, the O ’B r ie n . It. SaUivaa; firm now haa, IS S registered; representa? fives,- making it one.^)t 'the largest l>rokersge anLd:invMUBenl tirms in

Monmouth County,

1 Hdw about business, cards? We can supply them qulckly ond'at the right price,' C a m * aad try us;

Rufgers Specialist’

Too AddrestjGOP Gltibfe

: n i i s Thursday, the Sayre. Woods

South Republican . C lu b w il l have

Df- Ernest C. Reock ;r., Associate

Research Specialist ai.xi. Director,-

Bureau of Government Research, Kutgers University, as vvect speak­

er. The meeting w ill be held at

School 18, Bus>hnell Rd., Madison Township, at 8:30 p.m .

: U f. Reock will discuss the Raulk-

jier Act as it applies to the Madi­

son Township municipal govern­

ment. An expert on local govern­ment, Dr. Reock has watched with

jntere6t the effect of these last 17 months o n Madison Township's

adoption of the Council - Manager form of government;

i His experience in this field may. h » determined by the following:

D r. Reock- has a Research Fellow,

Departments of History dnd Politi­

cal Science, Rutgers University,

JM8-40; Teaching Fellow, Rucgerg,- Sinco 1950, he-has l)een‘on

Jhe staff of the ttureau of Govern­

ment Research, with the exception o f'tw o yt'urs in iho Navy where he

served as a-Lieutenant. Me became

direclor of Lho bureau J n 1960.

V FW 'A u jtiliary PrettyjnstaU*: M*w O fficers <.i

‘ M rs. Harry Kern, Cliffwood.

Beach, president of the Ladies Aux­

iliary, of ! he Sixth D istric t,. Veter­

Ans of Foreign Wars, installed the

new officers of Highlands Auxiliary

6902, v r w . Mrs. Martha . Reed is

the presioerf of the H ighlands Aux­iliary,

■ Mrs; Kfrrn was nccompanied by Mrs. James F lt ia im m n s , presi­

dent of ihe Ladles Aw tiiia/v ♦he

Guadalcanal Post 474S n

Township, Mrs. Robert' Cou. Mrs. Joseph bienkowski, and Mrs. Frank-. Mitchell.

Mrs.: Kern partic ipated’ in the

parade and memorial services. a t

lteverly National Cemetery, Sun­

day. She was accompanied by Mrs.

Fitzsimmons; Mrs. John W illiams And Mrs. Joseph Smith, members

o f3 the. same Auxiliary, and- Mrs.- Daniel Rineur,* Keyport - Auxiliary 4247.

Claims^ Fihe'Arrati*

Ih Suit,Fer<-Dimag»s.

Rodney Dawson, Fort Hancoclt,.

has filed suit in . Superior. Court,

against-a Matawan Township drive*-

in restaurant and its president forr

charsing him with embezzlement.

The suit .charges that the.Dutch

Hut System - Cliffwood Inc, and i ts j

president, Bernard Hollander, filed i a complaint in Matawan Townshipr

Municipal Court on Apr. H 'ch arge- ing him with embezzlement of-one< set o f . worki uniforms, a i chicken

dinner am i a. m ilk .shake oa ..A pr..

Mr. Dawson-said he was arreib.-

ed :and forced.to post bail on tha ; charges, which,were heard;before:

Magistrate Lloyd Elgart on Apr. 2#

and.dismissed on Apr. 27 with tha permission of the Monmouth .Coua-

ly Prosecutor’s Office. The. su it ’ asks: for compensatory and ' punl-1 live damages against the defen­

dants. .

Your advertisement in this paper will, reach prospective purchasers

in jovery1 community Id the bav- shore area.

! If .you need priniinR.ol'atiy.Uild,"-. fve a r e .hererto .serve y ou .. O u r .

quick scrvice nnd,'reasonabl4 prices,

w ill, please .you..


T l ia t S o f a , D m ih ^ R b o r a , C b a ir ^

B e d r o o m . . . o r A n ^ t h i i ig iE ls e Y o u 1

H a v e D e s ir e d ,T s N o w o n S a le !


„ D in e t te s ! M h ih g R o o m s !

Potm al \ err Inform al,', alls reAice«Uf4e< Im m ed ia te ; d e a ran c e I ' F n e ra a a m p li^ k la j

IB iitt- p i s ta M ^ r . reg|i I a rl y $399 .


D a n is h P r a c t ic a l i t y ! ;

• AN SU ep jT w o. C onvetH b ls i

< * f A*.Baautifiil Chair

•.A iV eria lile 3>pc. Sectional

. , . A ll'O ur fmo-lino Daniih on-Salo Now I

(Scctionul'sHown^ rcg. ^239|now $ W)l

S p a n is h E lf tg a n c e !

5AV*'I#%-on: iofs), fa bios, chair*, and oil: fine* aeceiiorl**.-. Durina.our. 9rsst clearance I

Bedrooms! Bedrooms! Bedrooms!'. . , with bad* fer 1h*!” litll» prlncou” or. ths.> "overiized” King and hit Queen I During our annual cloaran«o we’ve priced B-pc, Bodrootn Suilet ai low ai. ’

s h » p D n U f * m f /h Hit

I h l t ’ t t t i t /h m ,

Kmfi 31 at tm*t Av*., W«

Page 9: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

w » m i w i THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Pag* Nhe

Tafate Of Tax

*JS20£n tm m rn m -

immmim aeMHe m haMkr i mm Mag. ttay mm tm d­' t lf Aa javanaMat ia a m *2* ef aa to pairtot kto to*

Mftatf «Ma» to to ga .arav eaiafltoaal a n a a l t o ________• dadaaMaa. Ude to Mm Sh i jaarAM ;' M m m ! B fM W f lf ila n a iM a avw vB avv o m v m i

M » t S iU r S i ! S lSlaillal choice it made ta i r w f a w with prs dsMn nlned gnMrilaw b f Mm computer* wMch p r o f m leiurna la Uh Ragloaal Service

First NMka The N n t aotiea A c t ■ taapayer

deceives 1< a letter which states, " Y o u r Inoosne tax return «a which

you request a refund h u been ae- lected for an examination.” It tells

. Mm taxpayer that additional infor-

a a t i a i w ill be requested and asks Aat he toke no farther action until texece ives a second notice.

T heseoond notice identifies the

additional Information needed to ' aemolete tha audit of the return.

Ordinarily, it requests cancelled

Checks, receipted bills or other evi­dence to support a particu lar de-

• duct'na or iaeludes a questionnaire to be completed. Taxpayers should

w a d the iaatructioaa carefully and bilow them as closely "

Night On The Town For F&M Bank’s “Millionaire For A Day”

SMftayerr should submit Mm re- « u 3 u information wttMn M d m .

The Itaveaue Service has taied tMs correspondence tecMqae lhe most efficient w«y toaudtt indl- vMual income taa return. Moat taxpayers dtotlke to take Mm tlate necessary » naka a paraaaal ap­pearance. However, II M enial Rev- eaue or a taxpayer J M i Mart a particular caat caa batter ba han-

by aa

Tanned.latow l«* . mm caa be

Fenaaa B lvd ., Cliffwood Roach, who was made a Far A Day” la the opaalag celebration at tbe C lillwood Office of the Farm ers aad M srrhaals Natlaaal Baak. M i ia w ia , is shown, tap left, planing an orchid corsage on his wife’s, Katkleaa'a, dreaa while getting ready for a n ight on the town as guests o f lhe bank. Pictured, lower left. Is the happy moment n they a rt helped Into the limousine

ky llaa cbaalleur, E d Shea *1 (h ea 's l im m n h m , wbe called lo r them a t their bame.

Top right, Frank Petersoa, proprietor of Peterson’s Buttonwood Manor, Route 31, M ata­waa, greets Ike couple aa they eater the restaurant. R igh t ccnter, shows M r. and Mrs. Amatel aa they were about to order a meal “ fit for a m illionaire .” Lower right, alter a pleasant repast, the couple wave "Good night” as they entered the limousine lor their return home to their seven children.


M dhaveoaa tasaai Kavenaa eal at Nm M e e l*

raturaa ara refunds are aM an . Ths

pays par cent a

on any

» .

refunds not issued by May


sale at

Estate L isting Carda tor

this office.

Nam* Vic* Pr*»d«nt

M orris Steinsapir h u b e n MRI'

ed v ice president - c d in l t e r o f A t



flbriaaa aindttM day* ara ih a d l Oet sst la relax aad live auldooag to a Mlllaa ot •radeus chan* sad aaatfMt a * baaataJuUy aytod groups aquaa? -at Imm** aa pati* partly toww, or in tba lamily room. You’ll

Mad our pttoar towai ea «iaM|y t f fte tau t.

One o f tha leraaat diealaya a t better qualityaun im cr furniture Tn the county Includes brand

Arlington Hotmii, Telescope, Lloyd, John Han- 1, Etnbee, Mddlesw.

CanvattWnf MwtMy Pcynwnfi C*n •• ‘Arfitiflwi for Your PurcKaiH



1 B 6 9 ■ 1 9 * 5




Berg Agency residential real estate / today by owners Kenneth and Leon-

firm . The announcement was made ' a rd Berg.


^ Largo Variety of Petunia*

• Rot* Bush** • Tropical Horn* Plante# €erenfumt • Pachyiandra • Rhododendron! • Evergreens

# Hewirinf Shrub* • Shade end Fruit Tn«• Tep M t • P««t M o » • FartiltMfi and O th«r



TaL 566-1709 or 566-4156

Cancer Society Dane*U ie Monmouth County Chapter

of the American Cancer Society

w ill hold its annual dinner dance at the Deal Golf and Country Club

on Saturday evening, May 32. Mra.

Bobert Patton, Middletown, aad

Mrs. Bernard Sieple, Asbury Park ,

are co-chairmen of the affair, tha

net proceeds o i which w iil be used for the benefit of cancer sufferers.




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a pickup specially c iiljrjMil for caitip«r scrvict!M m t m W § c « n p « r b o d y a n d h e a d f o r N m h W s f T M s m w p j e k u p c o i M t

• f u i H M d ( o r v a c a t i o n ( u n w i t h h e a v y - d u t y r o w a t i o c f c a k o o r b e r a a n d

a u x i l i a r y i p r l n g a , o v e r s i z e 7 . 5 0 x 1 6 t i r o s , f r o n t s t a b i l i z e r b a r , a p a i r o f b t g

d f c m i r r o r s , r a d i o a n d d e l u x e h e a t e r , t i n t e d w i n d s h i e l d ,

f i d i d e p t h f o a m s e a t p l u s many o t h o r p l e a s a n t a p p o i n t

m a n t a C h e c k I n t o C h e v y ' s b i g c h o i c e o f a H k i n d s o f f

p i c k u p s a t y o u r C h e v r o l e t d e a l e r ' s I n o . 1 w a y t o W O R K

•eeyewChovre/of doeforeboulamf fypoof free*........ ............................ . -— a.i. . ■■i.e.-----a ................................................... . ---------------------- . . .



Page 10: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

Tan THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, May 20, (96S

Keys No-Hit Matawan, Lose To Raritan 6-5; K tfp o r t H igh'* baMball k u m

: I tC M M t a K C W Monday. whal-

W e r t f * I M a M VWte’i w o b-Io m

( • o n * M t f t f h t . h r Billy <W a*r. the Meys «pee»aM pitcher, b ltnked

J tU ta M a wMi • ao hitter H . He

M n ick out I I u 4 fullered no d im -

aae ia haviag walhed eisht Maroon

By Keyport reeonh , thia n e u i

I I Mtleaf aad aooreleu inning i

a c ila a t M ataw aa over two le u o n s

ktr O ttfrr . W ith one m ore gam e to g * M ay 11, The Keya wanted t h i i fa m e n m uch that o n Satur­day , at the dedication o t the new R ir i ta a T ow nih ip High fieW, they

la llM I lo ca ll Geiger Tn relief alter he had V orted four in n in g , lest

h it arm be aore tor the Matwan game. Thl» Keyport hum m ing

around on the lentimental side

m eant nothing to the hard-headed

Rocketa, now p laying good ball, and

they dam m ed through (ar a last

inn ing M victory over the Red Raider* that waa Ju»t a i iweci in

the ir record hook aa was the de­

mise, at M atawan in the Keyport annals. I t meant more, tor it put

t t * Rockets oa the w inning tide the

lirs t tim e this aeaaon, at six wins

to (K a looses, and gave them an m i la w chance c t making the Mon­

mouth College tourney.

; A t M ataw an, Geiger pitched him- aelf lolo a hole in the second inning,

the fifth inning and the seventh in­

n ing by Issuing two walks and each t in e pitched himself out of it via

the strikoout route. The Huskies

had man on second and third w ith none out in the second, yet could

not acore. The chagrin of MRHS C oad l George Deitz w a i heightened

by tha m h b e r knowledge that this

game meant hla charges had gained lust two earned runs in the last U

inning*. This I* Indeed hard tor the

Matawan alum ni, fierce in their

prida o f athletic traditions, to take.

! D avM Works Six bn lag s

Ronnie D avid worked the first

six Innings for M atawan and he pitched heady ball in a desperate

causa. Keyport got men on second

and third against h im with one out in the aecond. He retired the side

with ao runs on a popup and a

strikeout. In the third sgaln the

Red aad W hite got men on second

and th ird w ith one out. This time

D av id fanned Geiger in the du tch , then retired the side scoreleea by

getting Fred Sieben on a bouncer to shortstop. In the fourth, M ario

Lo Sapio led o ff with a h it for Key­

port and Denny Halloran walked.

But. a strikeout and a Frank D ’Apolito to Chuck Geran to Steva

Rusaell double play set the Red

Raider* down without a soore.

But the averages were running

against M atawan and David in this •o r t of thing and in the fifth th^y

caught up w ith the Maroon and Steel. W ith one out, Petey Burke

banged the ba ll down. It rolled in front o t the plate. Paul Eovino,

M RH S catcher, fired too late to

firat. Hla throw went wide and

Burke waa o n second. Coach Detti protested the ball had bounced off

the phrta and hit Buike 's suit but

it waa not allowed. Lou Kalutlen-

akl fanned, but Geiger drilled a bouncer at Geran, Matawan short­

stop. H ie ba ll took a sudden hop

over the short fielder's head, to

bring in Burke with the first run

o f the game. Sieben then drilled a , hit up center and Geiger scored,

l o Sapio waa hit by a pitched ball

and Halloran walked, loading the

lacks. But D av id fanned B ill Kohl-

•scker to retire the side without tirther scoring. . . .

S q n it o cam e on to p itch the sev-

m th. Th* Kays touched Mm up for

m other m o a a walk to Kahuien- *1 , a w lld .pKch and Sieben's sec-

M d hit. D avM fanned seven and

M ike d three In six Innings. Styar-

to whiffed two aad walked one in

m alan lag .

, A t R a ritan Saturday, Walt Bau­

m an took t h i m ound after being out with aa IHnaaa. H a showed his

shaky s late bv walking the first

three Kayport b a tte n , Lou Rlccar-

di, Burke M d Kahutenaki. Riccar- dl waa out Healing but Geiger

singled, aeoring Burke. Sieben was

hit by a pitched ball. Lo Sapio

singled hom e Kaluiienski. Hallor­

an fanned, hut aa error by M ark Howard, R a ritaa short it op, on BUI

Kohlbecter'* rap let In Geiger.

I4ark Wootey farced Kohlbecker at

second, ending the frame with Ge i­

ger having a three-run cushion on

which to work.Geiger mowed th* Rockets down

lo r three irmlags, but la the fourth

Larry Roaal hit safely with one out. The Keyport pitcher poured It on

to fan M McDonough, but

Charles Alhano slapped the speed-

ball for a Mt to acor* Roasl, who

had gotten round to th ird on a

throwing error, Geiger had eight

strikenjla and Ihret walks when he

quit the mound a ltar lour Innings at Raritan .

It m imed safe for John Ham il­

ton, righthander relieving Oelger,

when the Keys ran their lead to

$-1 in the top of the fifth. Kalutlen- ski was aaf* when G lff Halls;*)

dropped his fly, Geiger singled, ad.

vanclng KahitlenriU. Siehen popped

out, hut the n inM re advanced to

scoring posltkm when a plckoff

throw got away from Dan Me-

Douusl, Oreen and G ray first sack­

er. Lo Sapio then lofted a fly thsl fall safe In left held, Kalutlenakl

ecoHng and Geiger moving to third.

Halloran drove a long fly to right

and Geiger cam e In with the fifth

K ltS run after th* catch.B a rte l* Thwetsa

In Ih* bottom o f Ih* fifth, the

Rockets mud* ■ A am h le* of the

Keypnrt lead. W ith on* out, Bau­

m an worked Hamilton h r a walk. M ike Bergen M te d • d n g l* ovpr

the Infield, (tinkle M oriarty then lilt

a Him* between right and center fields that W M g m d lor Ihree t>ast>i,

Retiring Bauman in d HergMi. How­

ard fanned, but Koail walked and

stole m wvm , McMonmiili tlivn

drove a ourvlna fly to Ion center

thnt ilm ftptd off t m glove ot Hli'-

Iicii, M oriany and Rom I cumin#

Immn w ith fn* lyltin rum mi llio

mln-iK'.‘J'lii1 Kryn ho( lilts In lull li lliu

sixth and seventh but sharp field­

ing by ihe Rockets held them in.

Raritan Coach Walt Jubinsky made

a signal riiove la sending Mike

Cohen to oenterfield for the sev­enth. Cohen hsuied down drives by

Lo Sapio a nd H allm an which would

have broken up the ball game if they had gotten away.

Ham ilton got through the sixth without dam age. But, in the bottom of the seventh, M orisrty led off

With a hit. Howsrd again tanned,

but Rosal walked a second time,

moving Moriarty along. Hallgran could not get McDonough’s roller

o lf the grass in tim e and the run­

ner was i»fe, loading the sacks with one out.

W inning Run

Albaiio ran the count to 2-3, then

sent a »hot over third that dropped in for the hit to win the ball game.

It waa notable that when Hamilton

was in this tight spot, K ltS Coach

J im Zdaniewicz would not lift hit

reliefer and bring in Geiger agaijt,

fearing to tighten the arm of hi) speedballer.

The Keys also played a game

Friday, but It wss a bit on the un.

mentionable aide. Rumson slaugh­tered them 16-3. Larry Phillips,

aophomore lefthander, started for

the Red Raiders, but he was blasted

out in two innings, Hamilton fin­ished it out, but he too was rapped

the Purple Bulldogs batsmen

freely. Je ff M iller and Duke Ham-

m ill divided the pitching dutiei in Rumson's easy win.

The only good feature of the day

for Keyport was sensational fieldin,?

by Halloran at th ird who cut off a lu lin g belts by Rumson batters

into his hit corner with exceptional plays.

Keyport’* next game Is with

Mater Dei 10 a.m . Saturday at the Leonardville Rd. School diamond

In Leonardo. Then, on Tuesday,

they play Southern Freehold at the Freehold Regional High School field.

Keyport (I) Matawan <l>ab r k i s r k4 0 0 Geran,ss ' *4 1 1 Testino.cf I 1 1 RuiiseU.lb 4 11 David,p 4 0 S Vena.if 3 0 J Silvers,3b

--- . t o 1 Ssyarto.rf-pKohlnJt«r.lb 9 0 0 EovJno.c Woolley,M 3 0 0 E .H a ’ton.ph

D ’olito,2b*g

fllccftrdl.Sbflurke.sxKaluc’skl.rfGeiger, pSleben.cfLoSapio.cHatloran,3b


2 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 00 1 0 0 J 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 a o o

SO 0 0>9 3 Tu 0cefe S r (M iacs: -Keyport ooo :oo 1—t tMatawan ooo ooo o— o

BarNaa Tv*. <«>. ah r kfisrfsn.Sb 1 1 1 M orurty .c 4 s s Howard,m 4 0 0 Rossi,If 1 1 1M cD ’fh.rf-cf 4 0 0 A lba no jb 3 0 3 KcDouga l.lb 3 0 0 H allam ,cf S 0 0 Cofccn.cf 0 0 0 Baum ann,p . 1 1 l

....... >7 a tfcjr laalaai:

Kayport Raritan Twp.

I t n o r t (3)a b r h

Rlccardl.Sb * ' ‘ B urhc .u Kaluz’fiki.rf D.Bmwn.rf Geiger,If Sieben.cf LoSapio.cHalloran.3b ____Koh1b’ker,lb 2 O 1 Phillips,p 1 0 0 J.llam'lon.p 3 0 0

4 I 13 0 03 0 2 1 0 04 1 1 3 1 0 3 0 1 3 0 0

Bayport (SIab r li

R lc c a rd ljb 3 0 1Burke,as 3 1 3Kalui'nsfcl.tf 3 t 0Geiger,p<rf 4 3 3Sieben,cf 3 0 1LoSaplo.c 4 0 3Halloran,3b 4 0 0 K ohlb'ker.lb 3 0 0Woolley.rf 1 0 oD.Brown.pti 0 0 0J .H 'm lllon .p 10 0

39 S 8

300 020 0—9 000 140 1-4

R i r i i m (t l)ab r h

Pettiffrew,ab a 1 i Dclcker,3b 1 1 1Sanborn,aa " Bell,If Johnsoa if Ryan.c V e tle r ljb Drighton,2fa MijTer.cf-p Swenson, rf Babcock, rf Hamil,p>c(

M 3 • •care by la a ia f i :


40 16 14

OOO 012 0— 3 340 333 M~lt

Flotilla 23 Offers Fra* Boat Impaction

Flotilla U , U.S. Coast Guard Aux­iliary is offering a free boat exami­

nation aervice. Your boat will be

inspected by a qualified inspector examiner. He will inspect your boat, offer courteous advice In s neighborly fashion and point out to you any defective safety or legal re­quirements that your boat may be lacking.

If your boat ia in good and safe condition you will be awarded a

Decal which when properly affixed to your boat, will give you the re­spect o t your fellow boatsman and tne United Statea Coast Guard who w ill not require any further inspection of your boat.

Thia inspection may very well

save you an expensive fine It you go out Improperly equipped, but above all, it m ay save your life or that of your loved ones. Should

your boat not pass inspection, no one but you and your examiner

w ill know as you are the only one to receive the Inspection report, the F lotilla reported.

Tight Honors Raca In Bowling League

Broad St, Cleaners snd Keyport

Boro Csb* are battling down to the

wire for tup honors In the Fun Club Mixed Bowling League, Raritan

Township. Wltn only three (,'nme.i

remaining to be rolled, Broad St.

Cleaners with a 5e'/4-40Vi record

holds a slim one-half gam* edge over Keyport Boro Cabs, M-41.

Airport P ia ia Lanes I* In third

place, M-41, and only ha i an out­

side chance to come out an top In

Ihe loop. Salad Master ia In fourth

place, IH-44, followed by Shore

Point Inn, Mfr+V/y, Twin Ook Dairy, JO-W; Monmouth Lam's, 4i»-

50; Harry’s Liquors, 41-52; I’etnick

Construction, M-IM; M nm ulu’i, 41 Vr PC/ll Airport Liquors, 49-M[ Ilo!

tom's lip , iVA-U'/j,Individual lionori w«r« wun by

Haiti flros, MM high serlm i I ’ete

Terranova, 211 high game; Ps;n Kaccavale, W I high icrles; Evelyn

Low, IM high game.

CYO Golf TournayCntliollc t)nyn nnd wlrli atlcndliiit

high ndtmsls cun t‘im ill at their

)>j»l'l«hi's In thn Mnnmoulh County CYO itolf Imirney lo lit' held i t IM-

Aire lliilf Club, Wnll Townthln, 10

n.m ,, Mny 27. Wnlly NHf, Union lli'iirli, itlntrlcl rPiircurnltitlvc, mi

in iiiihv i Mr, Neff t'.in lie idiittii'1

ed by llwsi; Itilttri'iU'd HI ifOI-OOtffl.

Keyport High’s No-Hit Pitcher

B illy Geiger, from whom Matawan batters hsve gotten nothing but geeseeggs oa the scoreboard over a two year span, la shown above w arm ing up for an early April game when It was necessary for him

la keep ia the shelter ef a achool building w a ll, lo keep out ol a cold

w lad that caa put knots In a pitcher’s arm.Geiger has pitched live ao-hltters I* his high school career. He Ii

currently batting .42* aad he make* a lively topic a l conversation

fer M g league scouts. 1 _______

C urfew C lam p O n

S tock C ar RacesFriday n ight’s stock car racing

program at the Old Bridge Stadium

was halted by Madison Township’s

11:30 o’clock curfew. The 2-lap

sportsman - modified stock car

feature race halted by two mishaps,

was postponed until tomorrow

night. The m ain event starter with

Don Stumpf of Toms River and Rene Charland of Agawam. Mass.,

duelling for the lead. On the fifth

time around the race was halted

when Elton Hildreth of Bridgeton

smacked the railing, spinning out

into the onrushing field.Once restarted, Joe Kelley of

Conshohocken, Pa., and Tom E l­liott o f Toms River, led with Watly Dallenbach of Hast Brunswick,

Robertsville’s J im Hoffman and Charland following in close order.

Stumpf, riding hard on the outer

groove of the track, sailed his

mount hard into the third turn

fence on the sixth lap and he was

out o f the race.

Later Elliott, running in the top spot, hit the first turn fence, his

car rolling over Ihe guardrailing

and landing upside down outside the tTack. Dallenbach, Kelly and

Ray Hendricks of Richmond. Va.,

copped the heat races earlier in

the evening. Novice qualifying win­

ners included Mike Grhac of Frank, lin Township and Harry Taylor, who won the first novice stock car

contest.Second Fea tun W in

Kelly streaked to his second fea­ture win in three tries when he

captured the 30-lap moditled-

sportsmen stock car race Saturday

at Wall Stadium.

Kelly defeated a field of 22. with Hoffman finishing second almost

half a lap behind. Third place went

to Bill McCarthy, Freehold, who set a track record of 7:58.4 in win­

ning the feature Mny 8. Dave Huise.

Point Pleasant, was fourth and El­

liott finished filth in a sportsmen

car. Kelly, Hoffman, McCarthy and

Hulse drove modified*. There was

no time on the race because of a

restart on the fourth lap.

Eillott, who started on the poln

dashed off to a short lead and af­ter the field completed only thrw lap* the race was halted when

Johnny Luhrs’, Red Dank, car en­

countered trouble and a four-car accident resulted. Luhrs, Hendricks

and Dick Lewis, New li«y)>t. were forced out of the niuln event at that

point. After the restart Kelly made

a dash for Ihe lead and ruptured It on the seventh l*p. IIl> steadily

widened his margin and, except for

some traffic on the 17th lap, Kelly had clear stilling, The hat lie for

second spot then provided most ot

tlw action with Hoffman hanging

on to runner-up honors over M c­Carthy and Hulse.

The victory lor Kelly widened

III* lead In the modified dlv lilon polnl standings, The t«i|wlur Key-

slone-Sinler Ii defentflng m o d lfM

champion, In nielltnliinry action,

12-lap mortified • sportsmen heat) w<*rs won hy lllll Clicvnller, Sayre-

vllle, in d Hulse In a light buttle

over Kelly and Hoffman. OievnHer, after qiuilMylnu for tiie number

litre* itarlliiK t«altlon was Injiiieil

In III* warmup tesslon for tint main

event snd wns liken to I'll kin Hos­

pital In Nepiim* w lieri Its wn< h ealed and rclonsril,

R a r ita n 2-1 O v e r

M anasquan N ineRaritan H igh's bascballers en­

hanced their chances of getting a

nod to the Monmouth College tour­

ney Tuesday by defeating Manas­

quan 2-1 on the new RTHS field.

The win put the Rockots at 7*5

on the season.

Pat McDonough hurled the vic­

tory. He was tapped for a run »t

the start when he walked Butch

Macciano who was sacrificed along

and cam e home on Rick Lord’s

single* After that, only one other Manasquan player got as far as second base, Bink Moriarty, Rar*

itan catcher, sparked a tight Rock­ets inner defense that blotted out

the harm done by McDonough is­suing five walks, two pickoffs and

a cutdown on a steal forccd the

Big Blue bascrunners to hug ti^ht onto first when they did get on. McDonough got stronger as he went

along. He struck out seven.

Bruce Haver, Squan pitcher, de­served a belter fate. The first

thrust again&t h im by the Rockels

came In the fourth when a hit by Larry Rossi, a w flk to McDonough

and Charlie Albano's perfect hunt filled the bases. But Haver got Pat

McDougal on a short fly. fanned Mike Cohen and retired the side scoreless when V ia Battaglia foul­

ed to left field.But Haver tired In the botiom of

the sixth. McDoaough set up a

win for himself w ith u double to left. He moved Id third as Alhano grounded out. McDou^nl bounced

a single off the sMm of Pete Smith, Squan thirdsadkiT. M cDonough

scoring. Cohen sacrificed, then Hat

M ataw an In C-J

Vs. B ound B rook

taglia dropped a triple ia'n deep

winning run. ”left field, McDoHgaf

M atawan’s chance of redeeming

this baseball season w ill come into

ita first stage 10 a .m . Saturday at

the East Brunswick High School

field when they take on Bound

Brook in the opening round of Cen­

tral Jersey, Group H, play. Should

they be successful, they w ill then move on to face an undefeated

team, Middlesex High next week.

In the other Group II games, once

defeated Highland Park w ill be tak­

ing on Shore Regional’s Freddie Kam pf and Rumson w ill be en­

countering Upper Freehold Region­

al (Allentown). Bound Brook is

JO-2 on the season.

The Maroon and Sted about ex­

pired in so far as Shore Conference MB " honors is concerned when they

failed to hold together against the

slants of Shore Re^ional's Kampf at the MRHS field Friday. The Blu?

Devil righlhander let them down

7-0, a nn-hilter on the Shore book and a one-hitter on the Matawan book. But either way it was just

as bad for the Huskies. And their

chances of making the Monmouth College tourney took a slump Sat­

urday when they lost 4-3 to Nep­

tune after leading most of the way

on the Scarlet Fliers’ diamond.The Huskies were never in the

gam e agoinst Shore. The Blue

Devils scored twice in the first in­

ning. Bill Bechtold led off with a triple and scored on an infield oul.

Kampf then beat out a hit and Don

Klein scored him with a double.

Enough Fer Kampf These runs were enough for

Kampf for he was striking out 16

Matawan batters and walking onty

two. The Huskies had one chance

against him, in the bottom of the

fourth, when Bob Testino beat out

an infield bouncer and Butch Ham '

ilton got a walk, putting two aboard

with none out. But Kam pf struck out the next three batters w ith ease

to demoralize the Mntawan side., In the top of the fifth, Ken Szyar-

to, Matuwan southpaw, walked the

first man up, Jay Franks. Bech­

told hit safely. Bill Andrus popped

out, but Kampf singled to score

Franks and make his own game secure. Klein followed with a triple

to score Bechtold, but Kampf was out for failing to touch second.

However, he had enough runs, nnd

three* more scored by the Blue

Devils in the seventh with the help o f some inept play in the Matawun

outfield were only a bit of window

dressing. Szyarto struck out two and walked two.

Matawan’s game with Shore Con­ference *‘AM champions Neptune

Saturday was a duplicate of rather

unchampionship play comparable to

their first meeting, except this

time the Scarlct Fliers won 4-3. The outcome of the error-and-

blunder contest rc5ulted from a

right decision by Neptune Coach

George Spillane to send light-hit­ting but good fielding Terry Eckert

to right field in the top of the sev­

enth. Terry Eckert made a perfect

throw to the play that cut off the

tying run, retiring the side with the Neptune victory preserved.

Starting Pilchers Shelled

Neither starting pitcher, M ala ­

wan sophomore lefthander, Gary Walsh, or Neptune’s Richie Haller,

lasted. Matawan jumped off in the

lead when Duller hit Chick Geran,

first up with a pitched ball. Geran

stole second. He came around on (wo infield out.s. Haller then vvalked

Ron David and Billy Vena. Uut for

the oddity of trying to steal -third,

the Hu- r?s might have chased

Haller a :d ended it right there. But David was out on the foolish

play, letting the Scarlet Fliers off

the hook.

Matawan picked up two more in

the second. Paul Eovino singled

with one out. Steve Russell bunted

and was .safe on a fielder’s choice.

Walsh doubled, Eovino scoring, but Russell was cut down at the plate

by Sarn Martuscelli’s relay. Geran then hit safely, scoring Walsh.

Neptune missed out on a score in

the first when Frank Lineberry made a foolish try to score from

j first on Martuscclli’s two-bagger.I But the Scarlet Fliers got into the

j scoring column in the bottom of j the third when Ron McLaughlin ! singled, went to sccond on Geran’s

; error, and scored on two infield

scoring tlie|,,uls-

Haver struck <Mt four and walk­ed four. This waa Ms second "hard luck" gam e as b# dropped a 10 decision to Keyport's h illy Cieiger a week ago.

■arllan (2> (t)Ik r k all r ti

ftorffenOb J O # H srrlam M ' 2 1 <> Morlnrty.c 2 0 1 AAdem>n flown 9 0 • fjtrrf iUoBBi.lt S O IMcDon’Kh.p I 1 I M i* p ir jh Alh*no,2b S O I fiflK ljr

.1 1 I K?>lm.'i.'\!f Colieru'f Z O O BuUm •l>* MflftHflU.'i.rf I 0 I RJcJk'v I'M


f 3 « 0 3 0 2:t o o2 ij n2 il it;i o i1 0 'I I !> I) l o II

il l

(100 O -\ 2

The Hveraite coil lu lit* shutt­le n il aeneral Itonpllil for eaeli day

it pat lent simkl* In tiie li<w|iltal i* Mg.HI, I'or tliitl sum tlio lioijiitttl

urovidtm Ihe ttuniilfii* ln.Miliiteiil, lii'il, ftHiil, nml iiiit'sliiK letWi'c

iinw iid • llw • tlix'k,

H 1.0 14 3* 49 fl4 A:i 44 «2 7

i j i **<■«rt by litith iftf

M »n ft n'|ii it n loo . .KrtrtUn Twjj. Q<ut (U)2

nhor* Cmhtmrr Niirih ” H " itaru lliijn

Wmrfl Krgtoiifil siat/i wim Uinifnn Twp,UiimmtiiSo. f*r«*ehnirflltuiry lludx'HiKi*vp«irfMniifl((|iiir\

Fir* Co.Wini Pin Tourney

At the iiniKiul rot) off nf tlio four Hofimfol Fire Co,, vs, H .i/Ih Flu-

Co., howling team#, l la /M I h*’ fo. milt'd a tot nl of |M0 pin’, [w Hm'<’ j-.iunri SMrtiitri l l t f f«,r I M i i h H

l'lr« Co, (tarn*. Th* Ifww liopliv

was awarded l i the lU fh i tetmta,

H«rv«y W fllltagef fW lw 'iVum 2 wss awAfdfd t m fertmhy for Itkh*litgl<* usme w m a 317 and nhn won tlio high t f M Knttm mi tm

phv trith a m a t pto fsll of M L 'l lw cnii<mlNtlnn t fo p w w ai won liy Jim1

IIU llitM of Holm 4s(TM m 1 Fntiou

In* Die stimuli rail o ff * diMtw fin1' «■§ tH d st th*

HolmtM Flr«

Now Is ih# time to ridvpitltf iIiimm un tied articles fnr- m(*v A qffiftll ltd fn th# ela4*if)nl m lum i)

will tufti (Hem Ihie m\\ fur yuu<

Another Threat FallsMatawan had a chance to go fur­

ther ahead in Ihe top of the fifth

when Charlie Silvers walked and was advanced to third on Vena's

two-bsgger, but Bob Testino rolled

out tu .shortstop fur the third out.

; In tho bottom of the fifth, Lou Rug- • gerio, first up for Neptune, was

i safe on Ron David’* error. Me*

: Laughlin and Haller both singled, filling the bases with none out.

' David cam«* on (o pitch for Main-

wan. Mi l.oughlin canu* home on n i squee/p play. Martuscelli also

f worked the iqiiee/e, and when llie jbal) got away from D'Apolito at ( first, Haller and M d.ough lin both I scored.

I Matawan .still had a chance to

pull It out in the top of the sixth when Eovino walked, was forced

hy Russell, Doug Fdward* singled

and Gernn walked to U>ad thr sacks with one out, Hut l>‘A|xiiilo was

fanned by Dick Smith in relief and

Ken Szyatto popped oul. Again In

Iho Seventh, tlw Huskies canv*

rhue. David singled hut wu* fniced by Vend, 'IVsMfio fn/i/ied, hu! I*ilh

l.fivlno and ltus,sell hit salelv, (>n

’ ItUHirll’s eh'ut, Teriy h'tketi matlf

j Ids perfect pitch to home plate to I cut down Vi’MS iryjng lo nuiiii In

! with the tylnK niti Ami It was all( tiViT,

mi# (h _ uli f Iin ^ tii*. m it u ii

I I 1UiiM.m i V,?h 1 ll IMi'fli niiiti.m | u iiMtti S a I|iMv.t<f I) n <iVml-.hi.rf » n uI Ir* I'iiIii, II) JI II ii

a o nW 1 . I o ii

| I) 11i i' ( i«im i t f a ii ii

,1 O "WlllhiiiUM" If ! 0

if 'i I i*Mr|, ll".*« -!l» r'It ‘Jim/Hm* a » '*

;i ,1 III 21 I **Nl'lfn liv IhlllllK*:

M if-.'t -mi l?<) non n iNtHiiilittf WI UW A —4 ’

M a t a w a u H i g h J u n i o r l e a d i n g S p e e d b o a t D r i v e r

Kay Itam m ond, Cliifwood Beach, is shown In his ■ Ham m oad has set Iris ;; .s in to b'g ob}ecii*':st AU racing craft with which he had won three races , the Muy 91 regatta in t>uU*:wuotl and the annual out*

in four tries so fur this season. In 1964, he was | board regalta at Keypnrt, 'vhere hu can show his victorious In 2ft races out ef 27 starts. Ilam m und, racing skill before his friends and townsfolk,

now Ift, has been driving a speedboat since he was 14.1

Matawan (®)ah r h

Kdward^.cl ICovlno WaJsh.cf Tcstlno,2b llaniiHon.L' Huust’U.lb Vcna.if Gcrnn.as Sxyarto.p Shnw.rf .SlJvers.ab

22 0 1 Score by tim lngi:

Sliure Regional MuLuwon

Hhore K f|. (7)

ib r IiHecMuld.ss Andius,2b KurnpMi Klcei.rf IJLTirer.c DlNapoll.cfIjL'Mjrfii.lf Hieit’.Uh KrajiksJb

3 3 34 1 1 4 1 2 4 1 33 0 04 0 0 4 0 1 3 0 0 2 1 0

200 020 3—7 000 000 0—0


M arlboro Central School put a blight on the hopes of Coach Dick Wolf’s Keyport G ram m ar nine of overtaking the powerhouse Middle­

town Township schools, Thorne and

Thompson, in the league race by upselling the Keyporters 10-9 on theCentraJ School field last week.

Keyport hopes had soared the

day before when Boh Flowers had shown Billy Geiger is not the only

no-hit pitcher in the borough. Flow­ers had sot down Keansburg with­out a safety 8-0.

B illy Roberts started on the

mound for Keyport G ram m ar in the game at Central School, but he was shelled out by the fourth

and Flowers came on In the relief role. Dave Lawson came on in the relief role for Marlboro Central to

be the winning pitcher after Bucky

Howard had been shelled from the mound early in the game by the Keyporters,

Buster Bradley's wallop with

Howard a n d Skip Vanderweil aboard in the bottom of the sev­

enth won it for Marlboro. Keyport

hnd gone out ahead in their half of the inning on two walks and

Rocky Pallcnte’s third hit of the day.

K*y|»ort firammarm

ah r hP.Keimedy.c 2 1 J Robinson,c 1 1 0 KIoM 'rji.2b'SS 5 0 1 M nckliiU b 2 2 1 Frantz .Ib :i J j Pallente.rf Depko.rf Thorne.If D isbiow .lf Hnwe.ss Itohcrts.p 1’edraz.a.p

5 2 n 5 0 2 4 0 0 1 fi 0 2 I 0 0 i fl 2 0 0

Marlboro Central (50)

ab r hAjJrierson,2b 3 2 1 llt)\vnitl,|> 4 2 0 Ijiivsrm .p’cf 3 2 3 Vimd'\v!ol.3b 4 2 3 SfiKJJ/mo.ocf 5 0 0 Oslonsky.rt 4 1 0 llrarite.v.ib 4 0 1 Erdmann.vs 1 1 0 /Irejfiiev.sji 1 0 0 EldrldKe.lfT iuirdus.if

1 0 0 3 0 0

35 10 832 a 9 Score bv Inn ing i;

Kcyjxjrt CJmmmar 122 O0.1 01— ft Marlboro C fn tn il 102 400 22—10

Kayport firammar<*)

ah r hI*.Kennedy,e 3 I 2 Flowers.a .1 tt 0 Mat’k)ln..'ll>Frantz. Ih Dcpko.ct f'a llante.rf 'n iorne.lf Otfrar.a.Sb Huwc.sa

:< o n3 0 I2 I 03 I 1 I) 2 0 2 2 1 3 I 1

Keariftiurf (♦)

i b f hVallone.3b 2 0 0Sctuiehter,2b 2 0 0** * 1 3 0 0

3 0 01 0 0t 0 01 0 02 0 00 0 0I 0 ii1 0 01 0 0] U 0

Mflevi. Outlty.tb Itotslntf.p ' Nupp.p KdMrint'.Hi Nferntnolo.if Urrry.lf Mellio .rf J.Smith,rf I.ovctl.rf Moore,rf

22 a fl Score liy liming*:

Ki'aiuburjj Ko>pttrt (Jr.iinnm r ‘

ly 0 0

S t r a t h m o r e

S o f t h a l l L e a g u e

A three - team race is developing

in the American Division of the

Strathmore Softball League as the

Anchormen, Angels and Pioneers all won Sunday to keep their un­beaten records in tact. The Anchor­

men outlasted the Oxbows, 21-20,

while the Angels oulslugged Ford- ham, 23*13, and the Pioneers clip­

ped Cambridge, JO-6.

Elsewhere, Poison Ivy (3-CJ) took command in the National Division by beating Deerfield, 7-6; Four-

Fifths stopped the Oxmen, 10-6,

and Juniper Park overwhelmed Brookview, 22*4.

The Oxbows jumped on the An­

chormen for 11 runs in the first

inning but th<i Andover team peck­

ed away, tied the game at 15 in

the sixth frame and added six runs

in the seventh to take a 21-15 lead.

The Anchormen needed every one

of them as the Oxbows poured ac­

ross five runs in the ninth before stranding the tying run on third

base. Ed Courtin led the winners

with three hils.Counter-Attack

Bernic Zeacon’s grand slam and

seven R B I’s propelled the Angels

into an 18-4 advantage before Ford-

ham rallied belatedly with nine runs in the eighth inning. Bob

Schtissel and John Piescn Jed the

counter - attack with three - run

homers while Fordham ’s Jules

Lerner and Bill Newman of the An­gels cracked three hits apiece.

M ark M uller’s triple sparked s

six - run third inning that gave the

Pioneer.s an insurmountable 8*3

edge over Cambridge. Dave Cai­

man stroked three of the winners’

IG hits and Bob Conover scattered

eight safeties to pick up the win.Deerfield took a 6-5 advantage

into the seventh Inning whereupon

Howie Winters rocked a two-run

homer to left to turn the gam# around. Winters, Tony Femioola

und Ab Levine each contributed

two hits to tiie Pioneers' 14-hit of­

fense.J im Lynch pitched and batted

Four-Fifths to Its Initial victory.

Lynch hurled eight - and - one -

third innings before Paul Esperin

bailed him out of a ninth Inning

Oxford jam , and smashed two

home runs (Ross Esperin added one) to lead the attack. A five-run

fourth inning was decisive.

Juniper Park became the first

' ‘expansion" team to win two gam ­

es as it scored early and often

against Brookview. Bob Ellis and

Jack Riskin each had three hits while Riskin and Dave F iiedland

batted in five runs apiece.RfnuMa Hunda^r

l*ot»on Ivy 7. DeerfteM

Anchormen 21, Oxlrjws 20 Angr»ls 23, Kordharn J3 IM.mers 10, Cambridge 3 Four*rm»!.s 10. Oxmr-n li Juniper I’ ntk 2'2, Brookview 4

Mamlinp 41/ The Tram* Aiu»*riran Division

w L »»ri. o nAnchormen a 0 I.0IMI _Antfcls 2 0 LOWPioneers 2 0 1.000 \tJuniper Park 2 1 .or, 7 1Four-Kifths 1 2 1Deerfield 0 3 .ow 9

Mallunal IHvMoiiW L IMI. CIS

Poison Ivy 3 0 1.000 —Fordh.im 1 J .5 » iVtCani'iriJgc 1 1 .5110 I ' jOirmen 1 2 .333 2Oxbows 0 3 .000 aBrookview 0 .1 .ooo i

This week, why don’t you look through the windows of your church . . . from the inside,

W IIM SH O ES. . . I t -THI M M M T


M Y D M U M !'

(100 00(1 no not

MAtAH'ftR 19)• h r ti

th'fnn, i t I 1 I D’Ah'n.?t>,% 4 D o

'I V illn jf T oo iM U 'Ub’p I n i V-I.itf i n t

I ......... U,«f■|S iNh.fl

'.abr/ I ” I l t .14 It I t >11 i I I

| Moit Valuable Player

At the annual uihlciic banquet

held recently at Belmont Abbey

College, Belmont, N . f ., W illiam ! Vincent Collins received the most i

valuable play<T baseball award. A ‘ risijjj* senior at the Ablwy, he is co- ■ captain of the baseball team and a I member of Phi Kappa Thota Fra-

lerniiy. The son of Mr. and Mrs.

M. H. Collins, C liffwuxl, he is a! giaduate of Malawan High S rhm l

If you need printing of any k in d ,: we nrn here to setve you. Our i quick service ««d reasonable pric en w ill please you,

W#b«r Head Coach

K d w im l WclNir, ln u r e m i ' l l i i r .

hor, w ill nppo liilr il l in i i l toothull

H in d i nl S ity rrv lllu l l lu l i .School

T hursday lo re fillin ' I Io i i i i t l l l l l

w ho roVl«iii'il r iT w illy . W i'b i’r,

wImi cu iiio lo tlio k'IkmiI Iiim yciir

im aftslnniit loo ih iill coiic li, h H

p t iy i ln i i cdiK iitld ii lio tr iK to r .

I lo wa* m iiii'iiiIh t ot tliv all-

Unti' foolhull li'ilin of 11117 whin Ik' utti'iiili'd MiKiiwiiii IIIkIi HcIiidiI mill wu* nn un I it it ikIIiik iirldili’r

al W illiiini and M m y CoIIcki'

» lic r f li<< wim mi u iilitu iil rn iid i lor * ycitf, Wi'Imt w m rliin i'ii mi

All • Siiutlii'rn t'niili'ri'iii'i' pliiyci anil (iurll('l|>iili'<l In thi' Nurtli-

K iiilli ||iiiiii> in iik m'iiIiii yn ir,

W i'h i'f h m lii'cn ii Ki i i i Ii i i II

t'liiH'li fur tin' In it (‘IkIii v m u « m id

Ml otu< H im 1 kIkiii'i I ii I 'o iilrn ii

w itli th r l o . A »h '’ Ii"> I tm iK , lit'

n iiic lii 'i l nl I , ii In'iv mul lii'lu re (to-

Ing In .Hiyii'VlIU',

Tha Immortal H.nk W illi.m ,

Liv., A ).ln , Slnfi Afala

6aorfla H .m lllon

Suian Olivar

It .d Button!

ArtKur O'ConnaH



A r. W . All Potential K lllanff

Joanna Woodward

Stuirt W hitman



How Thru Sal. fv#

7.00 9 ] M


Rolmfl MitcluimO Af roll — In


Sun, • Mon, - Tua., Contlnuou. Sunday

"YOUH® D llL IN S M 1 I i4t . I CC ■ ( i l l

"BUS R a S Y 'J .IA C K .IN .rO W N "

hJ7 ■ h *r- M T

Mon, tflif fuat, f > .

■’B i l . / ’ (,:4I . 10:00

’ D illlngar1 l i l l

* M ..I W . . I

" f i . t Ytiun.lf A Coll.fla tftlll'* and ’‘Hi* R oun J .f."

t u a a m i 1 |


V IC T IM Kmw TtcnmcoLQM

J e J l i 'n H . t u r . « r r


I S ta r ts W ed ., M ay 2 6 th I

' MMH I0NB It IU K f t MCK!



V tH t t+ t id i S tarlla f

— — T h"nlrf» — —

vdu im i aaav al» im i «u


» p asrt o '



Page 11: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

’2 7 - , .. : -•

f M y , Mky M, IfM THf MATAWAN JOURNiAE, Wt J. Bbmm

N i p M s t s w a a F o r S h o r e

I M T i t l e ; G J , C r w p I I ,

o k£ S l ! m £ ? « S m m " i E i V v m *j i * W f i* m r i “B" dump- IW M 9 I V i « i H l U r a f aa inch a t

• taain that Matawan

M M * 6aah—Time IM . 1. Mavr ■alter: HH; >. Kuehl,. K-rw a. U »— ----- .. _ . . n - ^ , -

S £ f i f i . 4each; ft.

. H I* ia a dual■ M fcM rfr ia e rfa il tbe dape*ter* by

M U a * t a m t o t o n and the “ B” « M M a « M » V a a lM ^ w ith M M n u V U J t a q r l M M A a MMaaa- m m m a m * m t i u n F r a * a U ta g io a a l a t U .

th* Huai event, lhe

■ ■ a t r m m i m u » - n « t n

K r y iM m at m w iw n« H «M M h «| r M * * N l w ith 17

’ fB M fe S m tm H W l t t J blaf , a f a:mmmtrim f t * Jaw U * hr— # ir t eM m aad1 Steri. » a ta 17 m i l'mt0 t tt I W l l l I f that, thay coold:■Ml « t k thv m e n i f they Ifnlahedi

M M ' i H r Im a # jump.C tm ia g ’ i n * me- flaaV rouncf of!

ta n a in g , i i lU M a a > i( ' th e Hualue*m u m da jiiat th ii. W ilbert U n­

- - -- at.- mm> tt---C W i H i M v C IN N M ipwm m m .

— t f t iTmr TTIT 4 Htf. and a fis 2! taa. N a M M - n a t over M ft.: MMtl W all'* Al Shim lio mddenly:

a M N M N i fH» p ro M it iw M H aH w ii ,- jlfcO M r* w ith a lum p o f 20 ft. 8 Ins.

J w a f m f a i p a v r

I fc tN a d a a l m w d i« n p ih K Hen- n H t r i n f i Steve1 Baker crashed!

'-alt the board out for 20 ft., 7 ins.

H w » i t looted as. though Ihe Ad" aatnri* m i l p is* up five pomts;

aad the meet would wind up in ai • » between than , and Rumson..

But. not io , Shim lio shattered the! Hkaey H t t a m dream , and seem-' te jfy , alio,, th* Matawan dream,,

w ith a phm giag io m p o l 20 ft., II!

ia i.

Underwood and Hamilton had! each a jum p left: Underwood gave!• tremendous heave off the board that carried him. out 31 ft., two-and- tfenw quarter Inche*. I f Ham ilton

?a u H exceed the Shimko m ark fbr

• aaeond placa, the meet w a i M ata ­'s: HantHWn leaped out. I t was a a m m d ’spot J im p ltut it llmfced

0 * i ’ e iwuftt tor a t+iird a a d a tie

WttfT BUwiw fbr toner*. But, atecft, i t w av the doty o l none other

tllan M M awan C itach Barry R in a H imself ta m eaiure off the- jum p M t aanauace it fell short, by ana

M k 3» fL « ins. to Baker 20 ft.. 7 bitt.v « » M ataw an ga ined only seven paint* ia tba broad Jump^ m aking

theaH 24 points and Rumton,. at K i tfia. .“ ■!*. division. champions o f the Qanlerence.

H am ilton ’! m issing by an inch t l lhe broad jum p h id been more

kaaa atoned for by setting a new •e Conference record in the high ' t- ft, t ins., braafcian the

in ark o i I ft., one-and-scven-eighths

Bruce _ __ tha O r *

o m ol th t various records ie t by J a c k a a . m k a l i i a i , RM silton

a las p k k a * u b i * » M ia ia for Mat­aw an ia the h igh hurdles, so his

ta ta l aaateihaxiM to tk a Ateeaan and SleeT cause waa nine o f 14 points.

D ave Munson, M atawan, who raw a f t * m ite Is » d e a l mast tkraa days baser*. eauld: aal: foUaw

tha U M ar ia ir paca ss t b v E 4 Sha t tack , H a a s C aaa ty C a a irw fs n la a

s i; an# B M f i l « a s t l . M a sa ap aa ,

k» t k a n t f a a n * kadi m> saltte Car a

tW a« 6 t r > H ist* pfcaaga* ka fo r a k a r th i » tka: M a a tf lt a a i» Cariaa-

g a t * fMtkr in lk» m (a r M ila w sa ’s aMMr anawa. ftnM k kj> gaatin* h li

saamxTin Hwjaawiiat h m tha H u » kiaa is oootaauioa aiaca BUl Manley got ‘ Bumsoa a th ird ’ ih dte- event:

O f B arilaw and. Wsypost, M in W « a u p l u s ^ n j at tha. w ire past

BU I Amkraae,. P o io t - Plaasaat

‘B M ih . to t the Roclieti a second' ih) tha M t. Bui nobody could, gat. near the winner,. H e iuy Hudson's. Art! Sm ith, whs-erased^ the p r io r record!

w ith a I:SB dash. Joe Page annex- eif ar Iburth in the m ifir and'Buclriv:

Ruocco a fifth' in the High jum p fa r ’( h r Rockets: Ch ipper'Eaw son 'r two*

th irds iir the dashev, behind1 Rum- nott'r P m f K iiehl and fla kw , were.'

Keyport's best showing. Greg' Se m e n u , de/endinj;. tillist in the javc

lin, tightened’ up and1 could1 Ref nw better than a fourth with a 1GC ft., heave.. Je fl Patterson, Pt. Pleasant:

Beach, wns> way out in> front.

Rumson got only Kuehl’s firs t im the 23t- fair go ld m edal place but’, came in heavily oai seconds and thirds. Matawan had Underwood! a nd H am ilton as winners, Southern

Freehold’s. Clarence Lida as. a rec­o rd breaker tn the hurdles; Henry Hudson h a i three top medalists in

Baker, in. the I OS, Sm ith in the M0 a w f Charlie- Canty in the. 440'. Steve

Woalley, pola vault; and AT Shirk, shat,, were Shore Regional’! record


A Keyport performer who was, un ­

able to break into the point scoring, Jerry Madolla, did break the KHS school, record in the shot put with a 49 ft. heave. Matawan, Keyport and-Raritan Townihip, all swept to victory in dual meeta preparatory to the Conference meet and, odd-,

ly enough, M atawan’s victory was a decisive trium ph ovcT Rumson.

Ntatr Saturday, in, the Central

Jersey, Group II meet at Highland

Park,. Iha Huskies, should, pm vu they are actually better than tho Purple Bulldogs, if they do not ac ­complish: anything, else. But M ata i wan truly should: ba a Group II t;"

tie onatnidar..


• • O •Ju t A . bttM'Pkki*' Minute!

If you're waBfing tim* ruiHtmy a i o*«r bohan?. for

• hotter mod cor, tho hunt’s ovor for you.

Yoo emff dm botfor anrywhwo thou! you wil witfc oao-ol Aow ywiiino ■ .............


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35 ft M« M., Ktyprt

■W+y*. dmb—Timm S-t. t Vratf BmU. M-FBi. 2i Bmkmr, MM; 1. Lm »

Ib y ; « Maitfc» Mat; %Lata,

440 yd. dash—Time- 52.5. 1. Charles Canty, HH. (tied, school record); 2.

.Hammond, R-FfT; 3. Hansen, Man; i 4. Cooper,- CB,. 5. Sharp*,. UA«.

88»ytf< dash*—Time l:5§ (nwvs rec- <«4t; 2. Axt Smith, HH; 2. Wenta. Rarj 3. Ambrose, PP Beach; 4. Calla» h*n, CB; 5. Gerient, Mat.

MU» run—n m e 4-.29.5, (new rer^ ord) ). Ed Shaltuck, CR; 2. Cald* we}), Man; 3. ilunKon,. Mai;; 4. Paaa. Rar; S. Payne, Lake.

Freshman BM relay—Tima 1:42.4. J. Southern Freehold1 (Stave-Armktronf, Vic Gryiir.klewicz, Sandy Davio Rodney Jon«t; 2. Manasquan; 9. Rumton-Wair Hav»>.

IW yd’, Hiafi hurdle*—Time 14.X 1. Clarcnce Lldai 3PR; 2. Haleb. PP Boro, X Broderick. R-Fff: 4. Ham* llton, Mat; 5. Pourchier, PP Reach,

J»i.Yd. low' hurdlaia^TJina 19’U. 1. I.ida, STR; 1. Keyes. R’-FH; 3. Kntch,, l*P Boro; 4. Brodwlclr; R*FH; 5. Poufchler, PP Beach.

Dlwuiiv-DUtence- 14V It. 2 lo. 1 J<m Ueug. Mam;. 2. Pyott* WaU*.. 3.. Paterson, PP Beach;. 4. Nutand, fff K; ft. Sfhrls, Lakr.

Shot nut—Distance 57 M., 2\» In. 1..: John Shlrfc,, S»: 2: lFalteraun, RP: baach; .1. Lv(*ni„Man; 4. Uetig. lfan;; 9L nuntt, Wail:

Javaiin—Dlstanea- 170- ft., 11. in. 1. Jaff PattersoiT, PP IJcach; 2. Smith, Mat; 3. Manley, Jf.FJf; 4. Semenza,, Key; 5. Llcng, Man.

Brnai. jum{>—Dlctanca- 21 ft: In. 1. WJJbert U/)(ferH7jf;d. M;it; 2. .Shim*- No, Wall; 3. Baker, HH; 4. Hamilton, Mnt; 5; AllJinn.

Hifih jump—HeJpht 0 ft. 2 In. (new, record) 1. Edmund Hamilton, .Mat; 2. Clark. Man; 3. Hnrvie, PP Boro; 4. ^Ile) Groeock, IIJI; JlUflocd, Rnr; Pa«?* Im , I.ake,

PoJe vault— lleiclil 13 ft» in, (n«\\s record) I. St«v* SJi; 2. Fon-tnner.. SFIt; 3. Orriuin. SFH; 4. But- ryn, Jack; 5. nivnlo, Lake.

MaUwaa (»)>Ruinsvn (47>

100*yd. dash-Tlme- 1();!, 1. Fred Kuehl (ft), 2. Keith (M), 3. Testa <M).

220*yd. dash—Time 22.21. 1. Kuehl (R), 2. nelth (M), 3. Bond (M).

440-yd, dash—Tlinu- 3a. 1. 11 Oaia Hi*mmoi»ct <n), Z. Underwood (M), 3i (.atiro f^ ) .

BB0>.vd. dash—Tltne Stilus. 1. Kevin Gerien tM), 2* Mciieii (M). 3. Shana* hnn 'M).

MllQ run—Time 4:35.ft 1. Dftve MUn. son IM), 2. Thomas (R) 4:37.1, Stockt>ine- tMV.

120-yd. high hurdles-TImo 1.3. 1. Ilob Droldrick (It), 2. Hamilton (M), 1 Pease (M).

, IW-yd. low hurdles—Time 2i),5. h Fred Keyes (R), 2. Broldrlck (ft), 3J PaKlfone (M).

Discus—Distance 16 ft., 2Vj In,:' 1. Conley (II), 2. Marluccl (M), 3. M.nn> ley (R).

Shut |)ut~Dlstmice 4€ tt'., 2 In.; 1'.' J«hn CrtnJen a- (M), 2. Conley Mnnlfiy iRK

JavHlIn—DlstanL’o lfl9‘ ft.. 10!|| Ih; I. Smith- (M7, 2. Manley Grin*aid! IM).

Broad jump—distance 20 ft., 0 in. 11 Wllhcrt Underwood <M), 2. Edmund Hamilton (M). 3; Paglione (M).

High j ump— 5 11., 10 in. V. Edmund Hamilton (NT). 2. Russell |M), 3. Pease (M).

Pole, vault—Huight 10 ft., 8 !n. 1. Rod Moses (M'), "i. ATatcjcyzk (fl), 3; Rice (M).

Keyport- (M)Shore Keg. (4?)

100-yd. dash—Time 10.2. t. ChQRi Lawson- (K), 2. Vulcnzolai <K); 31 Ramsey (SR).

220*yd. dash—Tlme 23.1. J. Chnsi Lawson (K), 2i Ramsey (SR), 3. VaK vnznla (K)*.

440‘yd, dash—Time 55.5. 1.. Tony AlessL (K), 2. Bill Lawson (K);. 3. Wiley (SR).

BflO-yd. dash—Time 2:07,9. 1. Ron Hammett' <K)» 2,- Vhccaro (H), 3t Strano (K>.

Mile run—Time 5:01.8.. 1. Bi>b Wright (X), Z.MaJJey (K). 3. Hendon (f l).’

lao-vdi hl«ti hurdle*—Time 17.0; II Jbe Lawlor (K ), 2. Spitz (SRJ,, X

BIthopr (ft); ■llQ>yd. low hurdliia—TJmo 21.2. 11

Joe Lawlor (R ) , 2; Netoufr (K )„ I Spitz (SR).

DJscub—Distance 147 fti, 1 in. 11 John. Shirk (SR). 2. TTavlos (ST? (SR) 3: Mednlln (H).

Shot put—Distance .59; ft;. 2«fc; In.I. John Shirk (SR), 2. Medolla (Hi. 3.. Semenza (K).

Xavetln—DJstanae 171 It , • ' in. H GreK Semenza (K), 2. Ramsey ISRV.3. Shirk (8RV

Broad jump—Distance If? ft., S5* In;1. Chiis. Lawson (K), 2. Cook (SR)^9. Woolley (Aft).

Hfgtn jump—Height § ft., i in. 11 John Coy* (SH). 2. Bill Lawson (Kr.

Pole vault—Height 12 It., 9 in. U Steve Wo«liey (SR), 2;. Spitz (SR), X Wu (K).

Raritan Tuwnshlp (€7)Poinr Pteanant Mem (55)

100-yd. dash—^Time 10.5. J. Rob Welsh (R ),. 2. Swanger (R), 3. Johm ® n, IP ).

220-yd. dash—Tlmt\ 23.7. 1. (Tic) Welsh (R) nnd'Swangcr (Tl), 3, (Tie) Johnson. (P) antt Durd (P).

440*yd. dash—Time 54.4. 1. Dave Hyman (R), 2. Seidnl <R), 3. Butka (H).

8i0»yd; dash—Time 2:0,1 1. John Went?. (R), 2. Mooney (P), 3. Cullen (R).

Uile ntn—Time 4t5.li 1. Dnve Smith (P). 2. Page (II). 3. Davis (H).

120-yd. high hurdles—Time 145. 1. Pete Hatch (P), 2, Hune (P), 3; IlnrvJe (P).

120*yd. low hurdles—Tim« 14:. li Hatch (P), 2: Eyskens (R). 3. Han vie fp).

DlRoua—Distance 133 ft. 1. Bill MH* dei (R), 2. Shaffer (P), 3. EJerkoulti CR),

Shot put—Distance 4fl' ft., 7' in. 1. (Tie)' Shaffer (P) and D*v«to (P), 3’. Kile Iff).

Javelin—Distance HO ft., 4 in. 1. Torn Shown (R), 2. Schroeder. (Pi,3. Shaffer <Pj.

Broad juinn— Distance 10 ft., 91'* in. 1. Mark Herman <R), 2. Sorerio *1*1. .1, tfmith (P).

High jump—Hoight 5 ft, 10 in. U Bruce Harvie (P), 2. (Tie) Korkcr (R) mid ftacco (ft).

Pole vault—Height 11 ft., 3 in. 11 John McGttehtm (P), 2. Ferbush (R)l 3. Bendlx iP).

S p a r t a n s O p e n G l , G r o u p I V , P l a y

b A C a m e i t E w i n ^ M o n d a y ; T o p PA *

Three - Tonrths of all drugs, anti* blntics and vaccines in hospital

use' toddy werv unknown 10 y m


C O O K • B u m f

Abo** /!M m r s M t

m One Coat Satf Priming


I * XtUbVAHCmwMl m maatHi mmhitt^ v

ffllCID AT

r t / m b w l U i i n t M i i M


f t W , f n r i t f„ K tyftit

264-2000Fh i Dalivary . I^ iy Chary*

Pink In Bear ______

Madfson T ow rjh ip H igh's base­

ball team will, move- Into Central Jersey, Group 17; competition next Monday against Hwiag Township

High a t tba W«M* Traoloa- school's diamond. Team* in the tourney

with the Spariana and Ew ing are Trenton, Perth Amlmy. Rahway, and Union.. The. charges of Coach

Bill M cKam i ara « * c i a l l y hopeful

that the tourney w ill’ bring them to a second1 im M ln f,w ith 1 Uhion High,

the current top scholastic team of

the state.

The Spartans' got* Back on the

winning side of the ledger Tuesday

by defeating Perth> AHmkap &L al Waters S iarilunn .Caq i' Vawtar El*,

Madiaani pitcher; I M a w ai, the better days of' his career, eflirtrol-

ling the situation nicely whenever

the Panthers got m ew on baareven

tHoughi having' only * H mark, as;

to w'alks ancf sttilwoiKfi Ganrga Fiier: ArnHoy. M it a r , ran,

into arm trouble-iir tha‘ li)|rof the: fourth inning and wa*' replaced; by1 Stan Swisl. Tbe Ci|Hf Hlia> andi

White tooK udvantaga offttto' pitch­

ing, changeover in- the1 Panther

ranks1 to score their M n t ruai Van- der Els gnt a liffe-om Ray RMnde'si

error at’ !He- start1. The' Mkdlwmi pitcher wan advanced, td' ttiirdi om

Steve- Pan«pinto’!i singlh, Hten dksfi-

ed on home when ths Panther out- tileders dawdled around in recov­

ering the ball.M n Saaaari MMa

The Spartans Kain«i< their second:

run im the top 'o f th* fifth when a> Kein^le error again put tiie first!

Sparran. batter, this t im r Joe Mc- Cullion, on base. And McCullion

stretched Ihe worth of the oppor­

tunity by maklnHtsacondi McGullian

stole- third a»-GJenn. Oavis walked: Vander Els- bounced to Dan Travin*

ski,, Perth Amboy, thind sacker. Mtr

Culllon held on. so Travinski tried for the force’ on Davi* a r seenndl

Tlien McCullion broke fo r the plat*

and made it when the throw from ,sccond was wide.

Perth Amboy picked up tHelr lone

run in the sixth. W ith Peta Savino

on- first and. two out, Vander EUs walked Frank Eancer, Pete Cost el,

lo cam e in- to run. Savino m ade a daring steal,of third. Then, he and

Costello worked- an equally darlnH double steal, Savino scoring,

The win aver Perth Amboy was

a‘ bracing' restorative to morale: for the Spartanr after ta r in g »■ game

on walk* and error* to South River

Fridny: Joe Masker and1 Georjje ’A*pinwa!l took a cuffing; at the- ihsndi o f a . Ram. sophomore;, ta rry

Omwikif who slammad twn, hom-

:ers,. one of: tile grand (lam variety.• The-Spartan* will h a w warm-upi

g am er for. the Gentrai Jersey tour- n ,y when they play home' games: w ith J . F. Kennedy (Woodbridge))

today,. Edison. High tomorrow anill 'F a it Brunswcik SaturdflV,Maatron Twv. (2) rank Vmhny ( l)

»•> r ti ab r hiZIm'man,3b t o ir PultoaJb Davle.rf 1'fl' li, Chestnut.cf

;VancferEls,p 3 I! a Hevino.c Panepinto.cf 3 d V, Taylor,rf Hogan.c - 3 D O' «atroeh,rf iMllfl7.wi.cf 3 0.11 Ben’figo.lf Kostluk.lf 2 0 1 Rancer A'milno.I))! 30 r Ca«tello>McCullion,ss 3 1 0 Iteiniile.ss


’ 20 2 4. Srore by inulngr Miiditon Twp. 060Perth-Amlroy 000Madison’ Twp. (6)

ab r hZim*mnn,3b 4 0 1 M!I.V.zo,2b 4 0 0 McCullion,ss 3 0 0 Fr?.yo\vic7..ef 1 0 1Davlsirf 3*0 u . ......Hhgan.c 4tl i Thiaam’n,MS‘ P ’cpinto.rf.cf-T 0 0 Kornaeki.31) Aquino, lb 3 2 2 Svanft.cf: KOsltuk.lf 3 2 2> Jvnwiez- Maffker.p 2*1 0- Nieol.cf Awpinwailjp r o 1: HUlyer.c Lopaz.fi 0 0 0 lU u

Tttom> reaalar.p

3 O'OJr cr.o* 3 .1 IS 2 0 11 2 o a z o o :0 o uO'O'tC

.... - 3.0 11 nski,3b 3 0 i:

1 0 (1' ii. a (i i' o a



Vav.U ' Koalowski.lf

BrBsno.21) Simdny.rf Oeowskl.lb'

nu o oor o— Mlveff (10)

ab r rt2 1 1 f* 1(14 2 2 122 4 2:2:i n i 10 Ir o o ! » i) 0 0,(1 I 1.0 » 0 f> 0 0 0 2-1 (I

310.11'. 25 10 10

C M winm I Boxers

Score W ith FansClilfwnod boxers proved to be

crowd-pleasers ih thoir Ijnuts at th» Veteran* Hall, Carteret,. May. 12

and at the Woodbridge High charily

benefit bouts-Saturday,, even if the referees were not so taken witli them. Thia wa* particularly the case with R lc h ib ’ Grande, 135*

pounder in M anager Frank Boyle’s

camp, whose showing, against Frank- Azers, Garfield;, was such at

tiie Woodbridge show that a near­

riot w precipitated when the judges brought in a one-point mar­gin decision- against’ him:

Grande had dom inated the bout up until the last m inute and one^

half, when the battered but more experienced Alters made- a corner

back effort to save himself. But when the- crowd, saw. the punched!

up Azers’ hand being raised a v ie

tor, a wild howl ol protest emitted from, a ir sections o f Uie stands and it continued' in such volume that the announcer was unable to make

himself heard' all through the next bout.

Grand.* lost a decision to Paul

Slitter, Elizabeth Recreation, in the Gkrtaret stmw which also, went by

aae-paint, in, that in, three-round amateur bouts, the officials cannot

call i draw. Sammy Britt; Cliff­

wood welterweight, put. on, a great showing, a r Carteret, when he floon-

ed M ike Standsberger, Highland ParJr,. twice in the first round, then came on to' deliver one punch lo his1 rival in 15 seconds of lhe sec­

ond, round of such force lhat the referee stopped tiie fight to spare

the Highland Park battler any more punishment.

O the r Decision*

John Bulmer,, Keansburg, a Gold­en Gloves battler of UO lbs. in the Boyle camp,, decmioned Don Ed*

ward*; Elizabeth BWreation, with plenty to- spare in the Carteret

bouts: Ricky Hall', Cliffwood, und Terry McDonald, Carteret, put on such a crowd-pleasing exhibition at

the American Legion boms they wore rematched at Woodbridgo and

at>ain drew the applause of tnu

fans for their tireless'punching and pressing. The decision went lo Mc­

Donald by, one point only each time:

Mike Corbitt, nnotlter I IS Ib, Cliffwooder, lost a close decision

to B illy Deain, E iiiabeth R e n t a.

tion. Huyle was particularly pleased that'in the seven bouta in which his

boxers participated in the two shows, not one of them suffered a

knockdown: But he ha« relused to enroll, them, in the Bloomfield out'

door shuw tomorrow because the

sponsors, o l that cord are bringing in boxurs from New V o ih and 'Ph il,

adfclphiu of too (nucii prior ling ox- perienue for Tighten Just: starting

out. Accordingly, the next fight for t lw Boyle battlers wiH be: the' Un. ion PAL bouts, June 19 followed by the Holy Numo: card at Roaelle, June 30.

M a law an Blanfcs

H e n ry H udson 2 -0.Matairan Jligh’s balltosscrs yes­

terday broke the string of' defeat

that, lias been huunting them of

late. They blanked Henry Hudaon 2-0 at the Firemen’s F ie ld in .A tlam tic. Highlands. The win brought the

Huskies back to win-side margin on Lhe season, 8-7.

Ken Szyarto went four innings

andi Gary Walsh fiiAriiad. it: up, lor the Maroon and Steal. Th* Ad­

m iral*. had. repeated chances to

score, but each time frittered it

<iwwy by totally ine|t baaerunning:And one- totally, ia tp t lid d in g play

nave .Matawan the ran* tor victoiy.

Billy Vena-led'off with a hit against Bob Sundin,. Admiraia righthand­

er, in. the toy> o f the second. Ron

David, fanned; but Bob Tcstino sin­

gled; sending Vena to second, l-'rank Devino also whiffed, but,

when Tesflno was caught off base,

J im Stiles, Ifcnry Hudson catchcr,

threw* the ball into centeriiekl; Ve­

na galloped home on tbe tniscue and Tesiina. miide third. EdMlamiU

ton beuneedi a hit off the glove

of llruce' Breuning, Hudson third sacl4er„ Testino scoring. Szyarto

fanned: fo r the third out, but tho

Maroon, and Steel had a ll lhe runs

they needed for this game.Henry Hbdsnn lost runs in the

second:and third on foolish tries to

come hams on short hits to the out­field.

S indtn struck nut I I and did not

walk a man in toiling on the mound in a cau ia to> try any pitcher's

heart. SzyarU» fanned (dun and, walked, two in hi* four Innings

while Walsh walked two and did not fan anyoae.

Town TovmM IC K Y 'S K IT C H EN



Fith and Shrimp Plaitari on Friday*S a n d w ic h # *



Tabloa in Roan

PhoneS U 9 1 6 5

W W I I I M M I W H I I M i a M H W M i m w i l H

HOT WEATHER NEEDSe Fans e Pools 9 Chemical*

e Picnic Grill1; 9 ChoiU 9 Jtign

e Swim Ring


• OoaI Ctflhlnh^

anil JacVeli

Coma In anti Get Your


a a u t o sueniei a m a h cw a re a vu -nn eooos/!/tt• SKATI HOARDS • HIKES a W A U O II$ a TOYS

n 2 MAIN ST., MATAWAN - 566-3152

Coach Gasrg*. D e ib , Matawan,

laontmiicwd! yesterday; th a t the

game: o rig ina lly vjiBriuledi with

Carteret: for Saturday/ ti aft been, p * f aft to at June dale: bacauae. at' tiie

i Hu sk ier N JS1A A , gam e w ith . Bound:

Brook at East Brunswick High in

the m orning. Matawan will, other­wise p lay Southern Freehold home tomorrow and Haritan home M on­

day-.W e m u ii (t)> H w i i M n , (•)

s b r i i ate r li:SerAn.ss 4 0 0 Hart&tfr've.U' 4 0 3 H»Ap«m».2b 3 '»‘1- Ciirtls.lb 4 0 1 nuasril.Jb 3 0 1 C.Ve'Jglia.rf fi0 :l Venaiif 2’1 1' Brmining,3h 3 01............... l i <» 0 Sttieb.a 3j01

3 0-0- Fernandez,*! l iO t f 31! 2 ' Ht?rdricks.2b'4*0 0 3!«’(i SoyMa,ss 3-0 0: 3’0/2. E .W m iin c t 2<ao. 2 0 0 Sundln.p 2’0 11

3ilv«rs.lf !>AvJd;3b. Te^tlno.cf □evlno.cft Rafniltoa.a

.Siyarto,p W<i1sh,p 1 0 0

2*’Z-7 Barer Hy iaelsigei

Mbtbivan Henry-' lludsoni


(oc naa o*-a o m oao (W i

, Hhiwe- nm fKrne*I (Kcvibca SianatnBe^ to 3i>!

H* lllvi»l<»--N«rtb’

Shore- Reg, (1JU4)'.. MitawanHuinurm Kcff. ie-6)> lle iilun TVvp. (7<B)) K*>yt)urt. (5r8/,So. Freehold. Reg.. 15-7) Henry HmltDn Ran;. (3<J0)

w/ Itle 1r .1* n5- 4♦. II4 n2 72. 7i

Rlch«fd>OJV Tkltev

| State Council1 Seat

1 R ‘ay^ion il: T. RicHardSon,, p&rti Monmouth. waii sworn, in last' week*

as a membur oi* the N«w Jwsay. f)ish> and Gama. Council! by. Camr

,m issioner Robert A. Roe ©!.' thu New Jersey Department of C(ms«r- vallm i a n ii Ewm uniiu Qevek)pment;

Councilmaa Richardson succocds

W illiam C: Lunsf6rd,. Wil(!Wood Crtwt, 35 J commercial'fishing rt*p» rescntutiw .

Councilm iin, Rlchanlson. is. a lia doing a- sorond (oor off daty, hav­

ing served <»n the- Council from IB58 to» Ittfi®..He operates a subatan. tlal pound'net* fifrfiery out ol Pori M onmouth, and Isia-member of tho Belford Seafood Co-operative. H« snves a« fTnandiii aeemmry tiV tha North) .lorsey Commerciftl Fisher?

men’s- Assacfn(ion.All phAfiet. ofi fish: and i;ame a a

tivity interest h im , .since he ha» done conkiclenible.-huiitinK and sport fiahing, and was. engaged in fnrim

mR for ten; years. He is a past G onim undtr o f the Middletown Township- Post of the Voturanr of Korci^n WarH'Und wav listed in th«

mosl recent’ edition off“ Whofs; Who

in tbe Eaal.’'

By: SUm IiUmi II., Ifopkfn*

Loui* Pagieur, a F r .o n e ] ) schoolmaster, in u s t* he con­

sidered one of t h e greatest ; fittuntos in. the history- of. inedi-

\ cine. Although- nor at medical man, Pasteur's offect on medi* cine* readied, our. in« alt< direc­

tions, opening great: new- vistas [ of1 research and' leadiiiK to ttie

aatabiishment of the* im ­

portant field of. bacteriology.

Althouuh a few probing minds

had long contended that many illMasM-wars dlie to infbetiona,

] it- remained) for Paaleur. io: sup* ply definite evidence, that: ttie germ-theory of disease was ac­


F b r combating' disease, pre- acriptiona are becoming incroaB- ingly important. For your pre­scription needs and medical sup­

plies, rely on SANDFORD'S PHARM ACY , 128. Main Street. Phone: 5C6-2376 . , . F r e e Delivery . . . Domestic and im ­ported Greeting Cards . . . Fanny F anner Candy . . . Free D ru^ Income Tax Service . . . 55 yean in bu.vinesff . . .

THIS W EEK 'S : HOUSEHOLD* HINT: Cellophane tajK* strips placed over luin-ls on medicine

b^ttlfcS' vvill: keep directions and: prescription information de a r

and unsinudged.

County Jail' Tamt<

I G eo rge D . H io * . 3 i, .a f , SeutJi, At.-

la n t ic 'A v e ., MtatawairTownship,*,ai^-

H t n d l b y S tn te . P o lice Investigator.

: Wad ta r K in g and ' cHargedt with-

s te a l in g rad ia to rs ,, w a* sentanced-' to:

.f iv e m on th* , in . tb a coun ty ja i l , by

M a r ih o ro T ow nsh ip M ag is tra te

E a r le lia r r in g to a Sa turday . Rice-

j « u > fo u n d oT ta k in g , t iie

■iatnr* fro m M arifaaro ' A u to W n #

‘era, .X ennen t. * d , , M o rg an v ille ,, A p r

l i H e h a d ' been freedi in ' bati p M i>

inn; ® e S a tu rd ay m o m in g : Hearfng.

! Now. la: tba: tim a. to adV dA ta liioae unuaedi article*, for. sala.. A •m a ll ad. in the classified colum n w ill turn tfeami lntn> cjatt for you.

[ A K t Y O U P ' - Y-

r ^ ; , - i d • >

m a t a w a n

SUM MAYM . Hralaaai IIKI 1* *-M '



S B * T R Y ! B U Y !

Used Cars• FROM FOLKS YOU’ KNOW !’ •

’59 PONTIAC. BonueviOc $; S652-Door • Hardlop • Powor

’61 OLB& Cclebeily “HT 125t4-Door - Power

’64 FOWD4 Falcon 115#Power>

’ 6 2 F f M t n I Z m m l a y S i p w e J 2 9 5

’63 CHEVROLET Pick Up 995


Established 1925



Open Daily 9 ’til 9>- SaftirAy 8 'til S


m v s k :Every; Friday and Saturday Evening,

Come Ih and' Sing Along WitH

BIL11 FROST a* iha Hammond Organ

9 40 Professional <AMF Lanas

9> Spaeiaur Hlliard Room,

• Caffe* SHo|f a aid' Olningil


9 Cocktail Loungac

# (njfay Daliciaua Faod1 Ik Our Ominy Hkam> and1' Snacft



• Free Baby Sitter

' • r r yBomnsmz ]E n r o l l I V o w F o r S u m m e r

MONDAY: Mixad L e a g u e and

Womon'i Laagtta.

TUESDAY: Tri-Major W o m o n , Tri- Maj or Mun and Mon's Handicap,

WEDNESDAY: Womon's Lcagua and Toon Atjo Mixad Laaguo.

f i W I U I I C Hn

........... _

THURSDAY! Miwd Loaguo

FRIDAY: Man's Handicap Loaguo and 21 Point Loagiio, also Poronts and Cliildran's League,OPEW BOWLING ALSO

Cbmplet* Supply (A AMP


Now On SaU In 0>/r Pro Shop

PttUtl MHInq By Ptenk-

All Wmlf



STRATHMORE LANESKoiite 'M (nt Slmlliniont) IVIuliiwmi

Page 12: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

fe ft Tw«fc» THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, May 20, I96S

"se tfieWant Ads tojL j# vN » ’ \.vU **/ / / / M /

FOR RENTS STORY ham* IliS par month;

• I m M t a r 4 r a m * M d bath

M l p a r / n m b . p tw wHM *a. *er- : l a g M eCaaa, R aa l E a ta u . U a fc r

Tha t t t Maat, H ig h w a y M , M i #

*— TwwuKlp. M M M t . • t i n

CLIFPWOOOt BEACH. 4 ' ‘ a h a lt . aawly 4ac-

i: fo r aM tr ly couple

. j n m ; fu fp ly own •H U liw . IT4 M r moath, I month

r a q J rW . C a ll M U M * .

A P A R lM E N T h v n l ib e d * room i

a r f bath, cn f l t oa ly I I N par ■Math; a lw 4 targe roowu, cauiptc

a a ly f l i t , Starling M c C a w , Real

E a u ta . Uadar The Rad Root. H igh­w ay M . M adiaoa T o w W p . W *

K E V PO R T , a p t r tm a n t . J room*. ■ rtfrlaara tor aad a ll itiiHtlea aup-

pliad. C a ll b a t w w n f c l l aad 7 :M_ ------- ' w j »

HAZUCT aaa rtia aat l r i m and bath; aacfaaatf parch, private aa-

Ira ac a .B M taa aa coup la prefer r*4. C a ll IK -M H , wJM

’ v M ' t t i r



IH E ' F IN EST , ■ ■. .. ' IN





K 4 4U 1

CL IFFW O O D BEACH , modern aj>

artm ent 1 n o m a and bath, alau

I ftirnlahfld room, beat and hot

water aupplled. parking lot. prl

*a ta aatraaca. C a ll W i t t : . w|il

T H R E E ROOM S and bath, heat and hot watar auoplied; W pet

moath. A M I* aaly . Im m ediate oc­cupancy. Call Oaborn 14743 or M4- I M I . _________________ / w jtt

LA RG E fw m lihed room available lo r gentlaman. CaH JM-74M or

iaqulra IK Atlantic St., Keyport.w jtl

K EY PO RT apartmeata, tpacloua m odem l and IU n o n i . Call'

' 8 M H M taaaloa M S ; after 4: p .m . 447-4M4. . w jlt

F U R N ISH E D RO O M (ileep ) for!gentleman; SoutkwMt Matawan.

t a l i m um . _________ wj2a*MATAWAN modern apartment V/i

large raam i and tile bath; adults only. C a li after f :M p m SM-4S46.

__________________ wjtf

HOUSE located a t 7 ) f Fourth Street, Union Beach, 4 room*.

Call 244-7125__________ ___ wj20

MATAWAN, apartm ent 2nd floor, 1 room i and bath, heat, hot wa­

ter, refrigerator and electric range aupplled. Call t tl- M tt. wj2«

v w i i M y i



DINNERS . . . Now Being

Sarvad unNl 9:30 P.M. Nightly

* . . Pricad at 3.50 up ‘

Alio A La Carta Mann As Usual

• Complete Banquet Sarviea

• Fun and Cocktaili jn Tha Lounge

CALL 7 4 1 -U 4 4 • Miss Lafayatta


Highway 35 - MkMlatown — 741-1344

Complata Cataring Facilitiat

FOR RENTM ATAWAN apartment I rooms and

bath, including all utilities and garage. M I per month. Call 566- IflKS. wjtf


K EY PO RT , lovely furnished room,

tile hath aad ahower in residential area; near a ll transportation. Call 2*4 7060 or N4-M49 after 4 p.m.

______ wJ20

PORTERS over 20, full time, day and night shifts, excellent fringe

benefits. Apply personnel office. Perth Amboy General Hospital, Perth A m bo y .___________ wj'ii)

K EY PO RT , apartment, J rooms and bath, heat and hot water

aupplled; near transportation, idea! for newly weds or business couple. Reference* required, immediate

occupancy. Call 2444774. w j20

UN ION BEACH, apartment, un­furnished, J rooms and bath, en-

cloaed porcbea; clean. Available immediately. Adults. Call 144-7897.


« a d aMa aad woman Stan lic aaaa i Call M M I I I . M atawaa, N. I . a tt t

CL IFFW OOD Bearding Horn* for aMerly men aad woman, private

and M ata m a a u . LteaiM rt b » the Stata. la m e * L. Lawaan. R.N M yrtla Ava.. C liffwood C a ll M l O I w|tl



Grading, Land Clearing, Top Soil, Trenching, Laterals, F ill D irt etc. Call Sll W t or 566-1992. I f no anawer ca ll 534-3525. w|tf


COM PLET E L IN E O F FOODS 264-3142 OR 568-9890


_____ _________ ___________________Wj27

SPR IN G SPECIAL Antenna installation complete with proper grounding only $25. Call 2444144. w)20

YOU bust ’em, we’ll fix 'em. Glass

and screen repairs. Bayshore Hardware Co., Front St., opposite Post Office, Keyport. Call 264-1145. . ________■ __ _______ wjtf

DOM ESTIC and foreign bicycle re­pair* our specialty. Bayshore

Hardware Co., Front St., opposite Post Office, Keyport. Call 244-1145.__________ _______ wjtf

LAW N SERV ICE mowing, tr im ­

m ing, reasonable, expertly. Also grave yard service. Call 566-6795.

■ ■_________________ wj20

BOAT OWNERSBefore you put your boat In the

water check our low rates for

quality boat insurance. Stanley G.

Siebenberg, Highway 34, Matawan. Opposite Strathmore Shopping Cen­ter. Call 583-1300. wjtf


A ll office services efficiently rent­

ed, reasonable rates. Desk spacc available.



M IDDLET OW N 471-9366

__________ ‘ wj20

X-RAY O R D E R L Y over 18, full time, day shift, excellent fringe

benefits. Apply personnel office

Perth Amboy General Hospital, Perth Amboy. w)20

M A R R IE D LADIES, work several evening hours as fashion stylists,

free wardrobe a ml training, no investment, deliveries or canvass­ing, $12 m in im um average guar­antee per evening. Call 774-7622.

_ _ _ ___________ wj20

R E L IA B LE woman to clean house, one day a week. Call 566-8462.

■_______________ wj20

W AITRESSES from 12 o’clock noon lo 7 p.m . Apply in person, must

he over 21 years of age, Ye Col- tage Inn. Keyport. wj20

F R Y COOK, trainee. Apply in per­

son, Ye Collage Inn, Keyport.

. _______________ wj20

TRUCK D R IV E R , garbage truck

Call 671-0118 for complete infor /nation after 4 p .m ._________ wjW

CLEAN IN G WOMAN, general cleaning duties, year uround po­

sition. Apply in person Brookdale Nursing Home, Highway 35, Hazlet.

_ _ _ _ _ _____________________ wj20

NURSES A lD E S J ,a .m . lo 3 p.m., and J p .m . to I I p.m ., 5 day

week, good wages, 5 paid holidays.

Apply in person Hrookdale Nursing l lo m e J l ig h w a ^ S S ^ H a i je ^ ^ ^ w M







1161 FO RD Ranchwagon, one-own­er 6 cyl. Fordomatic. Radio and

heater, good tires, condition. 11200.

Call 264-5050 6 to 8 p.m. or inquire

at this newspaper._____ ____wjtl

1960 FORD Suniiner, convertible, power brakes, power steering,

cruiseamatlc; T-Hird engine, or­iginal owner. New top, new white wall tires plus snow tires. See at

Rice Sinclair, Main St. & Route 34,

Matawan. ______ _______________ wj20

1954 M ETROPOLITAN NASH, best offer. Call 26-1-86,18.__________vvj20

1961 FO RD convertible, red with white top. Call anytime 261-1673.

__________________________________ wj20

1956 BUICK Special hardtop, radio and heater, automatic transmis­

sion, good 2nd car for $95. Call 264-2163. _____ wj20

1959 PLYM OUTH 4 door, radio,

beater, automatic transmission. Must sell, bargain. Call 566-2642.


J959 F Ia T, good condition 1125. Call after 6 p .m . 566-2779. wj20




Expanding department in our mod

ern new plant. Should have ex­perience on industrial single-needle


Benefits Include:F U LL T IM E STEADY W ORK






U N ION SHOP Apply Monday • Saturday at our personnel office from 9 a.m . to

] p.m . Write or contact your local

.State Employment Office.


RT. 35 H O L M D E L


WOMAN or girl lor delicatessen

store, 3 to 11 p .m . Apply in

person Lillian's Delicatessen,

Broadway k Front St., Kcypurl.

T H R E E experienced presscrs, Un Ion Shop, piecc work rates. Ap

p ly in person. Morris Manufactur­ing Co.. I Johnson Ave,, Marawan






NURSES 3 to 11 shift. Call 264-2027. ■' ______________________ ivjtf

HOUSEW IVES— Would you like to earn extra money? All you need-

are 3 evenings a week and tht; use of a car, m in im um of training required, no investment. Call 566­1174.______________________________wjll)




CALL ALL W EEK 261-1394_________________________ Wj20

WOMAN to help with housework;11.25 per hour. Inquire ISO Main

St., Matawan. wj2l)'

LOCAL manufacturer has openings for 2 men 18 to 35 years of age.

Call 560-43+4, ask for Mr. Valler. ___________________________wj2l)

E X P ER IE N C E D , mature, efficient

woman, capable of managing C girl office; also factory personnel.

Apply Ballard Advertising, 133 First ■St., Keyport. _______________wjU


H O M I O W N BItS a n dD E V E L O P E R S

17 WIST FRONT STREET, KEYPORT Branch # Hafmdat • Oakhurst t Mlddlatown Shopping Cantar

IT’S A FACT NOT A SLOGANWhafhar tha financing Involve* o few thousand dollar* or o million — SHADOW LAWN CAN HILF TOU( Wa hava th# experience, tha por- •onnal ond tha resources to render genuino tor* «k# to tha young couple aspiring to their own home m well aa to tha seasoned builder or ddvol* oper.

Shadow Law n counselors are alw ays ready to give freely of their tim e and expcrlcnce , , , whether or not Shadow Law n Is elioscn for flic financing, V isit an y of our offices or phone 222-1100,

TWO WAITRESSES, no night work, experience necessary. Apply in

person Triangle Diner, 576 New Brunswick Ave., Perth Amboy.

__________________________ wjl!7

F K M A U i presser for dry cleaning.Single System Laundry Iik\,

Broad & First Sis., Keyport. C;ili204-0757.__________________________wpd

WOMAN, Keyport Dairy Delicates­sen, part time. Call CH 9-3740,

_ _ _ _ wj'20

Large split level with pool $21,000

Large bi-level $19,000.

Small bungalow $6500.


HWY 35 HOLM DEL67]-9009





Keyport, older 2 story home in need of repair, 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen only 18500.

Holmdel Township, V/2 story home, 3 bedrooms, in need ol repair, lot approximately 73x397 $7500,______






Two bedroom Cape Cod with ex­pansion attic, living room-dining

room combination. Nic't location. Near schools, excellent condition,

only $13,^00.


Five room ranch, forint'! dining room, modern kilchen, full base­ment, city water and sewers $18,­


Three bedroom ranch with dining room, full basement and breeze* way, beautiful location with lot

75x150, lake privileges, city water and sewers $20,JH)0.





MATAWAN 566-1881




3 bedroom home with over 24 ft.

recreation room. P/j baths and attached garage. Located near schools, shopping aod local and

express bus transportation. 45-50 minutes to Newark and New York. Have key, will show. Call now!

Take over low Interest VA mort­gage for $1,800. Immediate sale

price $KJ,650.


29M Highway 35 Midd.'etown-Holmde), N, J.

Multiple Listings

And Trade-in*Phone: 671-33)1

Send for Catalogwj20

ATTRACTIVE married ladies work several evening hours as fashion

stylist*. Free wardrobe and train­

ing. No investment, deliveries or canvassing. $12 m in im um average guarantee per evening. Call 21H-

1 4 5 1 . ___________________wj20

PART T IM E afternoon help wanted for farm work. Call 264-0924.

'________________ ___wj20

LiCFNSI’T) r«al estate salesperson needed for Colts Neck-Holmdel

area. Part time basis also con­sidered. Please call J . J . Ilarrigan Co. Inc., 946-4611 for appointment.__________________________________ wj2(l

WAITRESSES, experienced. Apply

in person Shore Point Inn, Hwy. 35 and Holmdel Road, Ha/.lct. wj20

K EYPO RT 7 rooms, large corner

lot, hot water heal, basement, garage, near schools $14,500. Cull



Low Down payment, financing ar­

ranged, built on your lot or ours



264-3454 264-1210wjtl



Im m aculate a ir conditioned 4 bed­room house, cedar closets, modern kitchen, separate dining area, for m al dining room. Cathedral beamed

living room with fireplace. Pan elled den with bar, many extras

Carpeting, freezer, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer. 2 cai garage; beautifully landscapeo Walk to schools. Priced to sell.

Cal) 264-3518 evenings. wjtf

W E W IJLL B U ILD Custom 3 Bed room Ranch complete with tuil

cellar for $11,500. Send for free book of plans. Northern Homes,

Rt. 79. Morganville, N. J . 591-9100 wj5/2?



I-arge selection evergreens and shrubs, lime, fertilizer, insecticide, tested grass seed. Merion blue sod^

; wholesale and retail.

I Oppn daily 8 to 8, Sunday 9 to % . • 4 $

Highway 35, Soulh Amboy. Call‘ Parkway 1-0208. ______ w jtl


Veigela, Mock Oranges. Fire Bush, .! 10 for $5; some 3 for ( I . Dig your

: own. Call 946-4733. WM




If your credit i l good you can Duy th ii I bedroom h « ie « ith ao

money down, located In Uhios Beach Immediate occupancy For

information call Scoraa C o n d u c ­tion, 364 4167 wjtf


Being transferred? House too

sm all? Mortgage payment too high? Don’t wait, call u i now. we'll buy your home


__________________________________ wjtl


investigate the jxissibilities of this

centrally u ir conditioned fully in ­sulated Strathmore Knncher with many extras; including alum inum

.storms and screens. Convenient to transportation; al a new low price $19,000,










w j’ i)

C A S E Y 'S S U G G E S T I O N


Practically new 3 bedroom ranch

situated on 50x100 landscaped area.

P U R C H A S E PRICE $1 1,850



261-8442 OPEN 9 9 7 DAYS



6 FOR $77 I

Triple track, fully weather a tfln pa^ genuine Alcoa alum inum , E-Z t i l t Caa b* cleaned from maid* TarOML

PROW N'S ' 'n Broad s i SH 1-7500 Rad t a i *










_______»i<tROOF SHINGLES *}Ts per bw id lft*>v .

roll roofing 11.50 and up F « r V ' 11.75. asbestos and brick aiding t i t a aquare; also garage dotira 11171. Finer Roofing Supplica, Old Bridg* Road, Englishtown Call Glhwna 6 6 * 1 1 __________________________

SHOES—For work, dress or play.

Fnr the whole fam ily, expertly •

fitted, widths to E E E alwaya la

stock Selling at 20 to (0% belnw . regular retail prices Alexander’s Discount Shoe Center, Route N

near Poole Ave., Har.let Call Jf4- 1MJ. _________ w jtl


AN TIQ U ES W ANTEDFurnitur*. china, glass from on« piece to an estate. What have you?

Catl anytime 566-6410. wjtf

BU ILD IN G LOTS Individuual or small trarts. W ill pay top dollar,

no real estate brokers. Call M0- 5200, if no answer call Murdock 7­0767. wjtf



2l/: acre ranch foreclosure sale; just outside of Matawan. 3 bed-

looms, rec room, attached garage, best neighborhood, freshly painted inside.

FH A $800 DOWN

ASKING 118,600








Blue stone, road gravel, sand, tilldi rt. etc.



CALL DAY OR NIGHT 591-9707 •

_________________________________ w jtl

W ELL R O IT E I) manure, nn odor, by the bushel or ton; also mulch

hay, feeding hay and straws; fire

place wood. Deliveries on all. CaE

264-0924._____________ ____wjti

M OBILE HOMR 51x10. 2 bedroom* washer and dryer; aluminum

awnings and .storage shed. Call

501-9778_nfter J p.m .

PONY 9 months Call 261-1373.

old. Will sacrifice.wj20

CRIB , excellent condition. Call1860. ______________________Wj20

G A R A G ir b o o V and fixtures,’ Vis!_Cal I _264-65Q7._________________w j20

FIVE P IEC E kitchen set, lawn mower, 2 bedroom chairs, 2 din*

iny room chairs; also two 2UM bicycles, boys’ and girls'; many

other household Items. Call 509 7210. wj3

.SEARS Craftsman 25” lawn sweep er as new $17: Eska self propell­

ed rotary mower, good condition

$20. _Call_W»6-H594.___________

T H REE jalousie sections,

(•lass, screen and hardware, inches long by 39 inches wide. (Ml Call 264-11766 after 5 p.m. W jll

*7*1961 ADM IRAL console TV 1100. Call 264X621 after «


•M A LL JOB S P E C lA L im

Catpaatry — to o n , atalri, caillaga. paaalln f, eta. InaMa pa la tla f.





RT. 7!l M OKU ANVIU .U11)1 IW22

I,awn Hoy, Sprlnitlli'ld uml llotnko power innwei'1 , II A S, 'IVcmmeh, Clinton cngliin service Expert i«-

pulrn uml prompt aervice,

___________________________________ l i i i

T o g ^ S o l^


C lnd ert, W it* ulonc, d tlvow tiy grav-

nl, fill d lt l , c lm l'.'is, t ie n il i l i ig and


DIM R IC H HP,0 5 .


M w n ■ m i

fff lii l, M in tr ; ti'ltijiiMtiiinti unit mt I'tinilllliiniiiK si’iv iv" timl n*|inli

U m l ft)iiijjiiit'iii ImhiuIii and until t a l l M t W l , w jj;

Miicffllancoui C o n t r a c t o r i

OFF IC E EQUIPM ENT, tlnllm lled savlnxs new A used desks, cha in ,

fllc«, metnl .shelving, slora^a bins

and drafting tallies. Cash registers, typewriters and lidding mnrhlue*. Economy Office Furniture A Equip­

ment Co., Inc., 2SJ Washington St.,

Keyimrt, IM-lftiA. wjtf

w i u a a ' c » A i R s 7 c r u i i : i t o l ' jetc., for rant or aai*. Charge |

accoiinla lavllad. M iiaw aa Drug!, IU M a lt l l r M l, Matawaa. Call I 5M0OJI. wjtf


DON'S TV SCRVICEPor fait itfncleat radio and (•!•- Tlaltin Mirvn-e ' «ll 510 3144.

.... IV SERVICE?>66' 16 0 0

T «N liY t K HON'ii).'< II4C.



---------------------------- £11!


l/ l'IK ll.S ’l l i l f Y mill lit: ’illtll t, Ti ptilrlng . AH 1-ulitti i nm l I 'l l .'ii

NiIII|!i||iViI» Vlitvl -\ N tn «K . IMtl!

W iisliitiiiin ii S i c " ! , K f y w i i . ( n i l

J8i-3liiit. ‘ w jll I



Complete building tla» Carpaatry, masonry, p a ln tin i k ilum ia iim produda.

114-2214_ _ _ wjtl

C’A K I’I.'.Vf l f< »nd building contra* lor, J, G, Metsger, Florence Ava.,

Kev|wnt. New homes (ira itea , all

a lte tatlosi aad repalri. Call 264- 4I5»._ wjtf

* I 'h W A K i) SPROUL


W atm a ir heat, air coailtina lifl, general tlirri metal,

M l I.IM

C l.lM M ItT T iL ft “

WmiM yim liko a mmlurn farm tili MIm bitlntoiMti or k lM h'fi f l tt luw j Mint, l ‘i»’e r-illiMiti'-t. ( ‘all 211 J.’Mii 1


K O M O lK . r h CUPhf.l-',

t i l ! l l ; l tA I , CON I UA( I OHM ,

H I'M o t>1 I,IM I, A l . l l . l tA l lo N : . ,

(IAHA i .I « Al t ill I IONS I

I 'K H li m i i m m i .h m omn 1w jl i

21"p .m

w jlj

1S5S V IN DALE mobile home 48xl«|

12700. Call 264-6621 after 6 p.m

_ - _ _ WJ3SW IM M ING l-OOl 15x3S, 2 yean

old »50UC;.1I 264-1713._ _ WJ2I

SPEEDY 14 foot Craftsman Runa* Imut with steering and 12 h.p.

Evinnuh* motor. Excellent conol* tion_ $175. Call 2ti4-:UOn. wj2f)

COCKIC R IM' PST beuiiliful'blondti- rwl; AK (’ registerod. May Iw

jsei'M. Call SM 5. )2.

R lK iS used 1-lxlH. very |»<hhI. 12x 15,

25-0x12, Kx 10. #1x9, scatters. M ar iilo top drop leaf iifid console tablet

Wash st.ouls, antitjue rrib , hi>9 chair, Vjricit ian diesser. bric-a brae, antKjues, Shon* iMirnilurfl,

Highway 35, Lfiurenep Harbor. Op en 9 to K. wj'ij

POODI.r. '"PU PPIES AKc: ‘ reKl*. ti*M'd, Kiiuill mlnialurcft. (’a ll !H4

or*74 w j’i i

H I'AGLi; PU PPIES , nice ly mark"

«h), thoiouglibred, B weeks o lj,

W AN TEDIO H M ( Alt POOL In Rut gem, New

Brunswick, summer tension evft- nln«s. Call 566-7IHI _wj2f

COMPANION In eirterly iaily wwii* ends W 1111> Mux V. In ciiri' (4

tills newspitper.__ w jtl

IIAHY S flT EK or iiousoiii'i'per tilf Itiollierii-ss lionie, J boyj *«<•» 6

and 111. H n in. to 9 p m ., a day week; dully or live In Job, Apply

In Itetsim IJ I'rnnrls I ’lui'i*, I IH-


ONI' null jri< k"l, ('miikI I Mill jick'

ft Miiv 4lb oo Pohll#1 ■**<•/Wre Moj io Siihiliiooto ( ‘.-ill vm


KI' YPOMT, HifiiiilWitv V m k iiiii not!Intlli, (mt witter oil ln 'n l, on Ihi#

lino, noni I) lo in e is . Cal) RtJl) 035T,

Page 13: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

H m * t. M r * n m THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, K J. Pbgr ffifrifc**

jn A G M MK S r L I L C M• Tk* WmnmM Ck* af l i w i M d ta r N M tv a * • % m c M Aehteve-

M r f A * N t « A n e y Fc4*r*lion

rf I M i CJuke at- Ow IIM Am- Mai C «v*a tka hddi> A llude O-(y ! * • » • « • * * • .

■Mt M m f t Tiar. efcfrdtatr- mm a t tk* w U ar*i*cr, an-apt- •4 « * d u tk * Ihr tk* dafeT n* a— ft . wm in >w>plH— t f i d a * ■amtaraAaMfag; awt* e ‘ a*ar a f ift* « fa r« of

H a PrtNn h aa’t i H M k wMcfc DaaCkMCaaow.

; M a i Bnia— ldu ■ » !*>■<« > !r V ■, Bae^ i«eM«ef awiiaa~ (heiv- a t by ih* c to b aw M L o fN n I * ,

Mn. l ip K M n , clafc. a n i • a t , a a *M m NhraM JU ta i fM - mtUorn Sac rad ry, wan dfleu** tf* Womaa'a CJbfr t l Latraa h i t o r lo th * e e av i i a tw i

■MMioa, war* Mr*. Law HaUw. Mra. H>rn Fo4 A a r, a » t « •„ n a ajp i

_ 1 h r , M « .

B nnM' We*eat,:n&a.’ B a ia e M ' " “ . l a l E H h a i ■

------k. Mat. A I4M W a______, M h . E H -M m m . WL-

a # __ ’ a^^L‘ Reea^ NgkB^^^<abug^Mrt. Frtdiiiali fcaar a

Caatertnca* aa M . C M a a * latM*lloa, Drama, Literature, Ed- m t tm aad Callese. American, (o a t a r iO a a M U i m t t e M a r , **»■ afMedkrf #y th» eh* la p m m uiivaa:

Mr*. OaaHa aad Mri. ZuW * ta»d*d Um Parliamentary Vmk- M i a r i k M ^ m t . mmaf x;MtCartaay, Official ParHanmlar- J*a at Ih* Fadtratkm.


. . . EdMlfe U d a a i l t t l o b Iba* ot * t — m ad P laa ia

to y School M arty r a ( M * d • «*atin i at tka aaa SM * BMatt- aaao t E duca te S M M ^ iirftaifr Im along wkk Mkar ia*BMaal» dvM ot tlw N a* fmmj B a * » tary Teachcaa AaaocJatkn ind aKtnbara of Me Stau DepartMcot Staff.

Comnilaaioiar ol EducaUon Fred­eric* Raubias*' a d t a a a t tkakrtxip in the morning and; follow­ing luncheon, there wai aympoaium lad by MIm Aim* Hoppoch, Direc­tor of Elementary Education in

Jersey. The topic under dis- TcCarton waa “How Cm Wm Uttm Children Who Are IdmtiMed Aa Serious Behavior ProMtan?" Each representative gathered suflgeatiaaa offered by colleaguea concerning thia question, -

: Squad RaporH

Capt. Frank Bertulis of tka Mat» *ah TownaMa-First'Aid aH «e»- cae Squad released the Squad's ac­tivity report for the month of April. The Squad answered 09 calls last month among them nine accidents, M emergency transports, 27 tranr- porta, 14 fires and 11 community lervice calla. The Squad's four am-

W i M b a n : k a b/hNtaay OtrMtaaa Mtod ftif mmm- k a n h i f a ta lu a a r d w • q s a d 'a M a y

ibaataaa* — Hag. IW l« a t f *ImpartlripMa* at a um tf mUt driii

;c»j auaatf AmiU » m • *

aaick aad at tha‘ B f ia :

i i iw lararx Kate B ^ m w X• f I M I S m ic r B o i i l iM m r

OpMr la caiaahK, IT mini— raa<

S ? « j »

t ri n


V M O iim c o u n t y

" muom m a

i m l iMOHAWK SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation of New ta u iy , Plaintiff vb: DONALD MOR- r n ^ BT AL. D tftn d in li

M r vlr(u« m m writ a t inlk » atoova i l a M a v tln M' Mw(<

t iliall aipoaa for aal* ft* pub* Ifc- sendee - •» Um f —V tfanar tn

•srM S ft CbM tr o(_ mouth, Ntw Jcrivy, on Monday

mm mm day or ar«r» m i . * iP. M. Tim*.

Altf lfev following trad or parcal t f ]m i' an# «w « it« a hcnrtNaflar

0M«Vlr ^ t Pf a ^ , altttM»; lyln* M i l In lit* Townahlp of Mai*

____ f In tha County of Mamn n th andStata of Naw Jcrgcy:

■EOINNIING at a aolnt In the NbfllMtlir M r ef A iMdtcn Road dlvtant SM.fli fvvt Waitcrly atom tha aama from ita intereactiun with tha Waitarly lina of [anda now or

anvavad to Hala* Jastrab 4mm mtm im M a n * ift I V in

Book 1491, P a ir m an* run* t i * * dMHaa (I) Aloa#- Q » Barth- •rly iIda of Abardcair flaad flbrth 71 dacraat, 45 m inutm Waal; UB faat to tha point of intariaction with Bm yaatartl’ lte« o t m- aartais #.4W ACRE TRACT convayad to William Arnold and Mary Arnold, hia wife. mr daad racordad in Daad Booh .1074, Fa fa M7 and ruonina; thenca (2) Mmm- m m jm rnm * mm ** ArniMd

‘ (H fcuNaTtdaaBaa*

» d S n S■wm*- m - tm t' l » mm I M a r i r ald»

tn ss& s?- '*’ Rdward- C la i i l r

______ p.m:m ts ., rarthiK _J .„ datad Aucaat 1ft IM

daaa cuvtmaalV known 4 IM r RaaC Malawan

___ ________ __________ at'Judfmanl lo ba aatisfied by said lale la tka aum af $14,900 together wilh----- — af aaia.

JOSEPIT A. jmAPTO, Sheriff.

______A#ftt n itmI M * / . CaMan, Atty.

H0 IS1.N





at cor^arattan of the Stata ot New Jerier. PTaintiff va: THOMAS BAT­KIN, JR . and SHARON F. BATKIN, bln wife, Defendants

By virtue of a writ of execution In tha above atoied action to me ‘directed, I iha!l expoia tor aala at H * lic vaadue. at the Court Houae m lha avough ot Fraehald. County of? Monmouth, New Jeraay; on Tues* day the lat day of June, IMS, at X o’efarir,. P. M. Peayaillnk Time.

ALL- that tract or phrcti of land, situate, lying and being In tha Town* *hip of MAtaivan, Jn Ihe county of Monmouth, in tha State ol New Jer- fley: NUMBERED and distinguished on tha M m defllgnatad ai Qiffwood Bench, in Matawan Townihip. Belna Sccllon No. 5 dnted June, 192S which map has been filed in the Monmoulh

GaaM p M i e m « a m tar- N k i m f f d tfm mUmtminm (H I oB Lot.Me, Iwt in Nloca No. SS, aaid Map W ad ’AMfnat JI, im aa C*m No. • - £ H i a alao In aw n aa I d i fmrvw

P laaa, ClUfwaaA Maach, Matawan Vawftaftip, M atim o tM Caunly, N tw

N ttf lO tha aam* prcmiaaa oen> vayad te Thttfnaa Bathin. i r . hy daed- f H « Ganrta Ifullay. Executor of tha Laa* WIN and Tavtamant of Albert BanMar. aaraBiiri, at al, datdMt Juna St.. l i t * and racordad July 1, laa* ia tka Otflca o f the Clerk of Mon- aaaMi County in Bonk XM4 ot Daada fea m *t‘ f aygrty at pa ta sta.

ftKlada* aa part of the nKirfiacad' p a a i M ia • G « i Ran|(et. er any r«» alaaaiaant: tharaof aa daccribed in mm Plnaaalng’ SUtamaat Form CJCCif.

TW at^raa lm alr amount of cha- fbdcinant to be aatiiiflad hv aaid aaf» ia Mir awn of f i, 909.&■ toaathar wSB SM unata at this aal*


Daaatf Afirli i|, IMS MaCartar * BngUah^ Auya.

m SU M

MONMOUTH COUNTY______ SURROGATE'* COURT•■T i e r TO^ CREDITORS TO PRW-. *e A iw rr b s t a t bK l ” .?. ° * ‘ LOBEWCa !». TAY- U m . DCCEA8EO.

. ord» r nf OONAtDJ. CUNNINGHAM, Surrocata tha Caaaty uf Momnnuih. thia day madia, £ • tha- aopitcaltoa of tha under*ianatl,. Manufarturars Hanover TniKt1. Com* paajr (By: Edward E. Bremnar. Via* Praaident),. the Safa Cweutnr, of the- estate <>f tha iHiiti Florence pT Tavlor, deceaiad, notice is harabv awan ti) tha oraftttnra of said daranaad to preiiant t* the aaid: »ata Encu ior their ciitlmv under oath wilhin alx maatha from- this d»ta:Dalad; May 7th. IVSS;

Manufacturars Ranover Trtirt' Company (By: Edward' E„ Bremnar: Vica Prasidanl}ItSti Park Avanua New Vorfc City; New Yorte

. . , Sola Baacolor.Manrira B. M^IlaucMin, Ea^(48 Juurnnl Sauara Jaraey CJfy, New Jaraay..




. Docket No. F-20R9-64 J. I. K1SLAK MORTGAGE COn*

PORATION, a corporation of New U n tf. PlalnUlf vi: DONALD H.ao a tt . hm aoaMA aoata . m

vtrtnr W » wrtt ■# nacuUon ta air. t»mm autnl. arum ts mr • J M A I * (U H i m for u l a «t ■ M ia M a , sl* fea Court Ifatu* « * • Boro«ah or Tr—tmM, Counly • I Mmmnulli. New Jaiw v, on ruai-

® » 1«« day at Juna! lies, a t 1 PrawUI"* TIib».

aa ta* toUnwina. tract or parcC. J i : *** * * luralnartcr

narttculflrJy described, situata,. iv- It!* **n-' M n t in tha Tbwnnhip- of Matawan In tha County of Monmouth and Stata of Naw Jersey:

BEING known and designated 11 gftft 97S and 080 In Block SS> on Map of Saation 1 Oiffwood Beach. Matawan Township, Monmouth Coun* ty„ N. J., which map was filed In tba County Q art'a Office aa Caie No. Sb-i filed April 3; law.

DESCRIBED in accordance with a survey made by Edward C. Reilly and Co. dated January 10, 1064.

BEING commonly known as 879 'Woodmere Drive, Cliffwood: Beach. New Jersey.

TOGETHER with ail fixtures now or hereafter attached to or used In connection with tha premises herein Ascribed and tha foJImving house* hold appliances or fixturai whieir are port of the realty; Range, 13 ^hjm. S&S and 2 ajum. doori.

The approximnte amount of the judgment to be satisfied by said aale i« tfia au mof 911,500.00 togelher with the costs of thia sate.


Dated April 14, IMS Rovace, Anderson, Horowlli A Rader, Attya.

j27 $47.52


TOWNSHIP OF MATAWAN NoUca ts r.ereby given that lha

District Boards of Election ind Rti* iMrv in and for the Townahlp of Matawan, County of Monmouth, Stata


In A l\ffuller “Quafify, Procewiecr Car at

M u ller C h ev r o let

Atlontk M ATAW AN

and Routs 34

;J -

*44 FORD FAIRLANE 500 Sport Coup*, V-8, Dork Blue, Cruise-o-meiic, Radio end Heater, W .W . Tir#*, Powar Steering, Plus Lots More,

'44 CHEVROLET IEL AIR A-Pa«. "Waqon," Je! Black, V-8, Powerglide, Eldctric Window, Vocation Car.

'44 CHEVROLET IISCAYNE 2 Dr. Sadan, tC y l. economy with Auto- tnatic Shift, Radio, Haatar, Flbnty o f comfort,

’44 IUICK SPECIAL OoLum, Madium Blua, Autometic, V-6\ Radio, W .W .Tires, An exceptional car.

'43 RAMSiES 2-Dr., Whit* with IFaci, Easy To Drive, Good Economy.Big value for a small price.

*41 CH iVY N Convertible Coupe, White, Black Top, 6-Cyl., Automatic Shift, Radio, Heater, W .W . Tire*, and more for lesi.

'Al BUICK SPECIAL, Green, 4-Dr. Sedan, Standard Shift, R a d i o , Heater,

'41 FALCON 4-Dr., Delux*, Radio, Heater, W.W. Tire*, Fordomotlc, Light Blue. Easy on the eyes end the budget.

L o o k F e r T h *

O K S y m b o l

O f

Q u a l i t y A n d

S a t i s f a c t i o n

tJfZmSSStrSSJSSS ■*jeae i fc iee

bHhaaasa ttar baaap a* aaaan *ita. and:

W tS A

THraa maabaiV: t f Mrs e m b Jy .

Ona Shanr.Twa; Ma«abav» aF IBs

Cr^aatja Boaid- af.Thraa Cmrmmmm. fhm a larlii’ af

fbjaal* mantar State Comlalttaa.

Tha eiaatlaa oF /kiaala iwaaihar <Slat* CnwaHBaa..

TRa ewaHB«i ag ttmaim ' ST tbrBeeabBeaa

t e M a f e t M k

--- — — bi. m m

Maiir SI;. I»w in; d s r ln f.________ ______to tha Comaalaaiawer eF Bagtatrattaa in: FraahnMi heliwaaa' Wadna^by, Juaa a,, itm, and* Thuradar.. S a » M bar S ; IMS,

Notica a* eBeniB u» raaldaaav aa ■pplieadon (b r ti a h l b o f lagiaO a Um shall- be mada althar by airU* tan. reguasT fa rw anM Ur tft* Ttewh* • a ir CTarti a r ttm CdamHaaloaaa aF Registration In Freehold om lavaaa* provided by aaid Township Clark; or Commissioner or by catling In panon af tha ornca or ma Townihip Clark or Commissioner of Registration up te and Including Septambar S i 18dS.

On: Thursday, Septambar. tt. SMI, tha registration boots trill ba closad until after the forthcoming General' Election on Tuaaday,- November S, IMS.

County of Monmouth and Jkraay n ill maat at tka plarea bera* Inaflar daalgna4ad on

TUESDAY. NOVEMBER I, IBM between the hours of 7 a.m. and S i.m. for the purpose of tonduetlng ' general election for tha elaation

'aa:Ona Gaveraar Two State Senators.Thraa taarabara of tka flafwral' Ap

samkly.One BuitE-Tw* Maauimm * ttia- Moamaaur-

County Board «m Fwsbnidars.Thraa CaranarK Saran Caanclbnaa»a» Large.Tka aaaakaw of tb« ragtstry

«IU ba bald a t t ta fcHaarlaf place*:


U>r centar Une of Stata HighwayRoute H5 and the center line of Mat­awan Creek;. thertce (1) Southweater- Ir along: the centar iitia of Matawan Creek to the boundary line betweenthe Township of Matawan and’ the Ba rough af Matawan;. thenca- IZ) Norlhwaitarly along tha To wort ipof Matawan • Borough of Matawan boundary lina to ita intersection with the center line of Matuwan Av­enue; thence (3) Northeasterly along the Center line of Mntawan Avenue to its intersection with the center line of Cllffwood Avenue: thence (4) Easterly along, the center iine of Cltffwond Avenue tn Ha intersection with tha center lina of tha Stata Highway Routa 35; thence (S) South* easterly ainnir the centvr line of Kiate Highway Route 35 to the plnce of BEGINNING.

Polling Placa; Cllffwood Memorial School, Cliffwood Ava.. Cliffwood.


the cantar lina of Stata Highway Routa 3S with tha cantar lina of Cllff­wood Avenue; thenca (1) Westerly along the centar lina of Cllffw^oa Avenue to its intersection with the centar line of Mntawan Avenue: thence (2) Southwesterly along (he center line of MaUw.m Avenue to I tha boundary lina between the Town-! ship of Mntawnn and the RnrouKh t( { Matawan; thence (3) Northwesterly, I Southeasterly, Southwesterly, North* i westerly, Northerly, and Southwest- ! arly along tha Township of Mntawan- . Borough of Matawan boundary line j to its intersection with the boundary • Una between tha County of Middle- ) aax and the County of Monmouth; I thence (4) Northerly and Northeast* ; arly along the boundary Una between ; Middlesex County and Monmouth : County to tha centar line of Whale ; Craak; thenca (5) Southerly and) Northeasterly along tiie center line . af Whala Craak to ita intersection' with tha canlar lina of Stata Hiuh- : way Ruute 3S; thenca (6) Southeast- j arly along' tha eentar- lina ot State Highway Routa- 31 ta lha placa of . BEGINNING; !

Polling Placa: Cilffwood Voluntaar ; Ft re Co. Flra Houaa, Canter Ava.. Cilffwood; ;


tha cantar Una of MATAWAN i CHEEK with the canter line of State 1 Highway Houta 3S; thence (1) North- ' westerly along tha center (hie of State Highway Route .15 tu its Inter- 1 section with the center line ot Clift*-■! wood Avenue; thence (2) Northemui ; arly along the center line of Cliff, wood Avenue to its intersection with ; tha center line oi South Concourse; i thenca (3) Easterly along the center : lisa of .South Concourse to the mean ;


U tf* M a r Una a f Karitan Bay:; Hama* (4) SoiHherlir alor-s ibm maan Maa v a tu Una of Barlton la y ta ItsiiMwaaeiton ivilh tha c«nt»r Un# at M auw aa Cnth-, tlwaea <sy W otarlv •«a *auttiWMtarly alona Hla crjil.r Una ar Matawnn Cr a d , to ttia rluc. ar BBS1NNING.Polllna Place- rirat Aid BuUffln*. C a iaar Amboy Hoad: and Procpeet Ava:. Cliffwood.


tka eantar line of- Stata Highway Bauta » with thar eantar lina of Cliff- •aad: Avanua: thenca (!) Nnrlhvest- arft» along the centar lina nf Stata Highway Roufa a to its intersection wttk tha centar lina of Whale Creek; tkaaea d ) Eantarly along: the center lina of- RFftafa Cniak ita meandering eoursaa to the mean high water lina tf* Raritan Bay; thence (.1 ) Sfluth- aaatarfy aJnn» tm mean high watar lina of Raritam Bay to ita interMc* Ban with the cantar lina o f Snuth Gancotiraa;: thane* f4) Weeterly •laag tha cantar Una nf South Coii* aaarea to ita intemccuon with tha aaMer Hoe' of Cllffwood Avanuar SHner (3) Soutliwastarly and W««t» arlv ainng the cantar Una o f Cliff- — a d Avanua ta tha placa erf BE- GtNNINCk! BelUng Plaear Vetarana* Memor­ial. Ktmav Cllffwnad Ava. * Haw-B sm Straat. CliffWiMid. j FIFTH Er.ECTJON DISTRICT 1 BEGINNING at tha intaraet'tinn of M a eaatt lln». of the Frwtwiid * Atlantic Highlands Railroad! and: tha

' lina of Atlantia- Avanua: (V)' Northerly anil' North'

ly along the Tmvnirhip o f Mnt^ * ■amuih' of Matawan brmnd>

Una,, aaid. boundary Una beinr . osa' canlar /Ine of Atluntlc Avertua jMd: tha cantar line of D«iek Street to Me. Intaraaetlnn with the canter Un* a f Matawan' Creak:, thenca (21 Northeaaterl.v and Easterly along the eantar line of Matawan Creek to thr ^ t n t of boundary between the Town- aliip> o l MaLawan und the Boroufih of Kayport; thenrc (3) Snutherlv alonif Ihe Township of Matawan • Bnrough o f Reyport boundary line to ita inter­taction with the center line of the pNehnlg! k Atlantic Highland* Rail* road;, thence 14) Southwesterly nlont Ilia cantar Une of tha Freehold A At' Untie Highlands Ratlmari, passing aver the place nf beginning to the intersection of ihe renter Une of State Highway Routa M; thence (9V BaaMierly along the eentar line of Stale Highway Route 34 lo lie inter* aactlon with the center line of Snuth AUintia Avanua: thnca IflV Eastarly and Northerly along tha canlar line of South Atlantic Avenue to its In­tersection with the center line of Church Street; thence <7i Easterly along the center line of Church

iflM iaC ta ita Intaraactlon. with the ; Banter lina’ o f Atlantto Avenue; B a is a (S) Northerly along the cen- ’Ipa lina of' Atlantic Avenue to the glaea of BEGINNING, i fhlUaB Placa: Matawan: Township ■asa ^ Chemical Co.. Fire Houae, 7* Lewar Mnin StrMr.! SIXTH: ELECTION D ISTItlCT . B EG IN N IN G ’ at tha Intersection of ttia eantar line of' Churuh Street with tka canter line o f CJoyO Hoatl; tkaaea <1) Westerly xilong the center line o f Church S treet to ita internee- tton with tha center line of Atlantic Avanua;: thenca 12) Northerly alun^ the center line of Atlantic Avenue to ita intersection with the center line of tha Freehold A AUunilt' H igh­lands Railroad; thence (*)) Noith- easterly along the centar line of the Freehold' A Atlantic liitffilnmls Rail- rnad to ita intersection with the cen­ter line of IJoyd Road*, thence (4) Southwesterly and Southerly almitf the ccntcr line of Llovd Hoad to tht plnce of B EG INN IN G .

Polling Place: Matnw;m Regional Hiuh School, Atlantic Avenue.


the center line of Church Street anil the center line of Line H ind, the cantor line of Line fioad being the boundary line hetween Matawan iiiid Hnritan I ’uvvn.^hips; thcnce O ) Westerly and Nurthtvesterl.v along the center line of Church Street to fit interficctlon wilh the center line of Lloyd Rood; thence (2) Noitherly and Northeasterly nlong the center •with the Mfltawvin Township • Itari- line nf Lloyd Road to its intersection tan Township boundary line; thence(3) Southerly along the Matrnvftn Township • Raritan Township bound- nrv line to the place of B E G IN ­NING.

Polling Plnce: Matawan Township Municipal BulUllnfi, 117 Loner Main Street.

F!ir,HTH ELECTION DISTRICTHKC.INNING at the intersection ol

the center line of lvyh ill Drive and the center line of Line Hn«ni; thence(1) Northwesterly al»ng the center line of lvyh ill D rive to Its intersec­tion wtth the center line nf Lloyd Hoad; ihence 42) Southwesterly alunif tiie center line of L.loyd Road lo ita intersection with the center line ol S la t* H ighway Route 34; thenca (3) Northwesterly along Ihe center Una of Stata HlRhway Route 34 to its Intersection with tho center line of South Atlantic Avenue: thence(4) Easterly and Northerly along the center line of South Atlantic Avrnut to Its Intersection with the centei ilne of Church Street; thence {5) Southeasterly a/onff the center line of Church Street to Its intersection with the cantar line of Line Road; thence (d) Southerly along the cen­ter line of Line Rond to the place of BEG INN IN G . ,

Polling Place: Strathmore E lemen­tary School,. Church Street.

N INTH ELECTION DISTRICTB EG IN N IN G at the intersection ni

the center? line of State HlRhway Route :J4 with the boundary line be­tween Matawan Township and Mari- boro Township; thence (M Northerly .•dong the eenler line of State Hiuh- way Route 34 to Uh In tm ve tion vsith the center line of Lloyd Road; Uii'tue(2) Northeasterly along the center

FREE! at CERLI0NE S“Sunbeam”

Lawu SprinklerReg. 9.95

(Quantity Limited)

F R E E !

Witfc The Purchase of a

SCO ITSi No. 35


FULL LINE OF GARDEN SUPPLIES• n*r moss e shruss e trees e lawn skd

• milm e tools e fertilizers a lawn mowerse- MOMS * SMINKIIRS e LAWN ORNAMENT!

Large Selection ef



(We Grow Our Own).




4 i iand


C e r l i o n e ' s G r e e n h o u s e sHY. 35 — HOLMDEL

(Botwevn Hrtilef nnd MlddMownj

IWGAl I—BCEUna: of Lloyd, load: t& ita lntane-intam wilh- tba cantar lina- of Ivymll D.v*;:. thence' (3V Southeastariy aloon eenter line- of lvyhill Drive to iti* u:> iarsectioo with tba cantar lie* nr Lina* ftnad, the hcundary line c* tween Matawan Township and frJiin’ del' Towaship; thence 14) SuuTheriv and Southwesterly along the Mmm wan Township * Holmdel Towr^np boundary Una to a comer conrinr.jr to the Township of Matawanv rii* Townchip ot: MarJboro,. an/i Towmhip of Hnimdei;. thence U- Northwesterly along tha M;.d««.v^r.' Township - Marlboro Township rmw- gery Une te tbe placa of BEClIJi N1NC.

Foiling Placet Strathmore -tary Sehool. Church Street;


BEGINNING at tha intaraacUrir: «*: StaBa Blgpway Boala 34 wiih: Diet


boundary line between the Township of Matawan and the Township ol: Marlboro; thence (1) Northwesterly- along the Matawan Township•- Marl< boro Township boundary line to its Intersection with the centar line ot Gravelly Brook, the boundary line hetween tbe Township of Matawan und the Borough of Matawan; thence 12) Northeasterly. Easterly, North­westerly, and Northeasterly alonn the boundary lina between tha Town* <hip of Matawan and the Borough ol Matawan to its intersection with the center line of State Highway Routa M; thence (3)' Southerly along tha t’tnter Une of State Highway Route .11 to the place of BEGINNING. TRACT TWO:

BEGINNING- in the centar of Tea. os Road at a corner common to the Township of Matawan, Ihe Township of Marlboro, and the Borough: ot iietawan; ttaace (1) Northwesterly

along the boundary Une betwean tha Township of Matawan and tiie To wo* skip of. Marlboro ta ita intacaecfloa- with the boundary Une betweaa tha Countv of Monmouth and tha Ctunty of Middlasaa; thenca (3) MortheaejjL arly along the Monmouth County ? Middlesex County boundary Una to* ita- intersection with tke eantar lina of: New Brunswick Avenue: thenca <S) Southeasterly, Southwesterly, South*- earteriy, and Northaaaiarly along the boundary line between the Townahlp of Matawan and the Borough, of Mat* awan to ita intersection with tba can* tar Una of Tarea; Baad;: thenea- (41 9uiOiiwestarJy along tha cantar lioa. of Texas Road to the place o f BE* GINNING,

Polling Placet Matawan. Ragbuuli High School, Atlantic Avenue.

Rosa K. Wantei-Tbwnahlp Oarir-

JB7 tl7«.4*



RtNSle 36 * Opp. Acme Shopping Center • Keyport

Must Make Room For Our Mew





TO * 1 0 0 0 DISCOUNT





RAMBLER SfcHScw Wagon with Automatic Tr^nsinisii’on.

RAMBLER 2-P o o r Sedan;


CHEVROLET 2-Dcor Sedan

40 OLDSMODLE 2-Door Sedan

41 MERCURY’t4 RAMBLER' American

’43 RAMBLEK American Convert­ible


F R E E - F R E E

LfcenM* Plates On All Purr liases of

New or Used Girs Daring; May I

P H O N E 2 6 4 - 4 3 3 5






R u g S p e c i a l !

140% Virgin Nylon Ritgi 13 Tweedi end Selids9x12—3 fM

12x12—51** 12i1S-6ln 12i18-7RN

Cnliwn Included A* NO EXTRA COST

An Entira Room ofD A N I S H





* 2 fc rm lce to p en<T Itib let

* I formic* lop tteltail teble

* 2 fable lewye* I d e ce re ta r piUvwi


SatUaaal Cita Al Santa Price

DANISH CHAIRSZippered Cushions, Genuine wet

nut, end feem with cembwetlon

•Irfpe and solid.

*24"F I E L D F U R N I T U R E C O .

7-11 I . Front St. Keyport 264*3020Opn Mn . t Fri. Nl|lit Otkw tiH 6 P.M.

Page 14: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

Th ITMATAWAN JOURNAL, N. Thurufay. May 20, IMS

•• '■'■fi'State Highway Depirtant Reports Interstate Phigrew

at*te Highway DtfartMal caastnicUoa, Waal eanatructlaa1 all V U mUm al tk* to* drawings gad right of way acauiii-

• la New Jeraejr (ton » m m ltr way oa aaother II............ ... . J e ‘'ac tive", atalaa. per ccat aad the an iineerfag mud-

k O ^e r ta M a l *o fc «a aa a u l d that wa required lo r public heariag i

t N aa to r ^Mrttriy rrvtnr h r tha war* a id e r way o a tha ram ain iaa

?J . lwreaM af Pimic Roads Apr. II per ccat af Iha syatem. Thii ia A e m d that aipm l a i M y 41 par spil» ai the many long delays la-

laat af tka lotal atileaaa waa opea currad aad beyond tha depart-l i traffic, II per ceat waa aadtr inenri ooalroi.

Secoad Tank In Operation At Cliffwood Plant



'1i ■ , . " ,

’ Erosion Control— taiting — Sod

L LUCAS, Inc.MW0«I ou 264-1415

ROT FOR SA LEThis miniature LemiKeebtake Chest is free...our graduation giftfor eatkprl in the senior elass of

• Keyport High School• Matawan Regional High School

• Raritan ,Township High School

I t ’a m a d e o f f r t g r a n t r e d c e d a r a a d coaaee w i t h lo c k

a n d k ey . W h i c h m a k c a i t a d a a d y p la c e fo e y o u r d ia iy ,

le tte r* , m a p h o U , p r iv a te l i t t le t h i n p .

T oe b ig p re c io u s i t u f ! l ik e a I r o tu a e a u , w e h a v e m a g ­

; a i l c a n t fu ll-a iae L a n e d tee to . L e t a b o y g iv e o n e t o a g i r l

M i l , 4 l i a M o u t o f 5 , th e y g e t m a r r ie d in a y e a r . (

8 o * e e o u r f u l U i * L a n e c b « U w h e n y o u c o m e i n f o r

y o u r m in ia t u r e . Y o u ’ l l k n o w w h a t to a i k f o r w h e n y o u r

■ a n a i b y o u . _


IM t I9M

^ K E Y P O R T


Matriag teehaMaa at Aawrteaa Caa Ceaipaay’s CHffweed, glaa* plaat. cheeks tmperalare threap

Ihela la Iha starfcaard ragaaeralar af a mem, taa- ' ' m taak aa U lU l erwaaJlriag af ImIi

begins aa heal. The aew '(lass

months ahead a f set

_ p atored I pat lata speritiea aia

A review of the atatus ol each o f

Ihe individual rou lej in New Jersey follows: Interstate Route 76, (a g.3

mile long 142,OOO,MO section that

rum between a connection with In ­terstate Route 195 a t Bellmawr in

Camden County to the Pennsylvan­

ia Slate Line on the Benjam in Franklin Bridge, Camden), SO per

cent of its length is open and <1

per cent In Ihe advanced engineer­ing stage.

Interstate Route 78, (a $401,000,­

000 freeway that h a i a total length of M.4 mile* between the Pennsyl-

vanla Slate Line near Ph illip ihurg

ia Warren County and llw New

.S ' TC/l T J i ’


h r tht frH ta tl da^rw *f «f*

ftciMcy In your futl eil, c*H

hi. High quality plui rMionablt

prises can't k* beat, '

York State Line ut the Holland

Tunnel in Jersey City, Hudson

County) currently has 3(> per cent

of its total m ileage open, another

20 per cent under construction, fi­

nal engineering fur right of way acquisition is underway on another

40 per cent and the rem ain ing four

per cent has had prelim inary stu­

dy in preparation for a public


Other Route*Interstate Route BO, (a $317,000,­

000 freeway that covers 68.4 miles between the Pennsylvania State

Line at llie Delaware Water Gup

la Warren County and ( connec­

tion with Interstate Route #J at Tea-

iieck in Bergen County), currently

has 3t per cent of its mileage op­en, more than IS per cent under

construction with final plans anld right of way acquisition underway

over SI per cent of the total length.

Interstate Route 93, (a $431,­

000,000 route that will traverse 73.4

miles between the Pennsylvania State Line at the Scudder Falls Bridge west of Trenton in WerctT

County snd the New York State

Line at the George Washington

Bridge in Fort Lee, Bergen County)

currently h s i 65 per cent of its mileage open, aliout two per cent

of I u m iles under construction, one per cent undergoing final en­

gineering, and 12 per cent ia the pre-public hearing study itage. All o f tiie latter percentage reflects a recent approval for change In the

route's ulignment aouth of New Brunswick.

Interstate Route 278, (a $84,000,­

000, nine-mile connecting route

proposed betwwn Goethals Bridge in Elizabeth, Union County and In ­

terstate Route 78 in the vicinity of

Springfield, Union County) current­ly has 10 per cent of its length op­

en, 12 per cent In advanced engin­eering and right of way acquisition

stages, w ith the remaining 7S per cent tins subject of intensive a lign­ment studies now underway.

Interstate Route 280, (a $143,000,­

000 connecting route that w ill tie Interstate Route 80 in a Parsip- pany - Troy Hills Township, Mor­

ris County, with Interstate Route 95 In Kearny, Hudson County). This 18 m ile facility Is known locally as the Essex East-West Freeway. Its

Apr. 1 status review showed six per cent of its mileage opened,

eight per cent of its m ileage under construction, final plans being read­

ied on S8 per cent of its mileage

and only 18 per cent yet to be sub­m itted to public hearings.

Interstate Rout* J87, (S4.I miles

long and an im ated (o coat $IJ2,-

000,000, running between Interstate

Route K ia South Bound Brook,

Somerset County, to th* New York State Line at West Mahwah in

Bergen County), w u ihown to be

open over 33 per cent of lt« length, nine per cent o f l i t mileage, final

engineering plans and right of way

acquisition taking place over 24

per cent of its miles, w ith 34 per cent of its length being readied for

public hearings.

Interstate Route 295, (a $152,000,­000 project 71.3 miles In length run­

ning between the Delaware State

Line and Deepwater in Salem Coun­ty and Interstate Route 95 in Hope­

well Township, Mercer County)

had 35 per cent of Its mileage open,

10 per cent under construction, fi­

na l engineering plans being devet-

oped and right of way being a » . » .

quired over 3S per cent of its le a g C * -

and pro-public hearing eng iaaaria f

taking placa on the rem ain ia f M

per cent of it i length.

R e n a m e d S e c r e t a r y 1

Joseph D. Maeario, 17 Eaaie D r.,

Matawan, has been re-elaotad as©-netary of the Alumni Association M the Rutgeri - University School of

Business. Mr. Maeario, a IH I graduate of the State University Dustneaa achool, ia a computer pra- grimmer for Western Elactric ia Kearny. He previously aerved treasurer of ths association. Frota 1952 to 1154, he served as a oorpor-

al In the U.S. Army.



Own Your Own Cub Cadat Today!




-' ? ' ' i

whe h a t baa** M n4 for the pait tavtral yeart, owns

tn4 manage* Trans Travei Ine.. at 1M 6 Sprlngflald Avenue In M a#t«wgod.lnMsbutfnes$Mn«*4itou«athet«le0honaafreatdaal.

A trut story about an original Idaa— combining Bralllo with a taltphono

U n M r a c t f l t ly M l f W « in lM r | H a d t r o u b le t r y in g t o r s m a m b e r t h s

ln a n y » m a n y b u s l n n i p h o n o n u m b e r s t h a t h « c a l ls f r e q u e n t ly . I I

j k a a o p r o b le m t h o t h e m e n t io n e d t o J a c k S la t te r y , o n e o f o u r C us«

t o m e r S e ls s R e p r e s e n t a t iv e s .

■ K e t t a r y h a d a n M o o : c o m b in e I r a l l l e w ith t h a C a r d D ia le r p h o n e -

t h e t e le p h o n e t h a t a u t o m a t ic a l ly d i a l s a n u m b e r w h e n a p u n c h e d

c a r d Is I n s e r t e d I n t o • M o t

O n a p o d a l t o p e M a t t e r y p u n c h e d o u t In B r a i l le I h e n a m e s s n d

a d d r e s s e s o f t h e m o e t f r e q u e n t ly c a l le d n u m b e r a , T h a n h a a t t a c h e d

I h e t a p e s t o t h o b o c k s o f I h e C a r d O la ls r c a r d s . I t w a s a s im p le b u t

I n g e n io u s s o lu t io n .

T h e s e p u n c h e d c a r d s a r e n o w a t M r, W « ln b « r g 's fln g e rtlp a - m a k -

In g I t p o s s ib le f o r h im t o t e lo p h o n s m o r e c o n v e n ie n t ly , A n d m a n y

t im e s t h e c a r d s t h e m s e lv e s s e r v s a s r e m in d e r s to p h o n e b a c k o r to

t r y a b u s y n u m b e r a g a in ,

w o r k in g o u t I n d iv id u a l s o lu t io n s to In d iv id u a l t e le p h o n e p r o b le m s

l a a b ig p a r t o f w h a t w a d o a t N e w J s r s s y B e ll .

New Jeraey lefl

S a v i n g s

S A V E 1 .90Acrylic Latex House Paint



Ncctls no priming. Paint in any weather,

even after a lieavy rain. Dries fast —

luiifs won’t slick lo llie surface. Colorso

won’t fatlc, slay bright looking.


M a s t e r - M ix e d l l o o f ,

B u m a n d F e n c e I ’ u i n l

Reg. 8.99 Gal.B a r u Hr<t mitl While 2 8 8

( • a l l o n

M i ld e w , f i i t H M m l a t a n t . . . e x r r l t r i i l for b a r n a , m e t a l

M M ifa , c h l r l t f i i I i ik m i 'h , n li i't l it , K iH M H iic it, r r l lM , a llt i i t ,

n i ib h t i l l t fh iK * . ( 'm i i 'i I i h i ' i i i a i i i f i t a l * Ih w h iturn | * Jg m « 'f ile

a r e l**«< l- fm *.






i i » ®Aulotiialii; S a f e l y b x 'k itiakt** ta ls liiH aittl IwHrrinp •aay. fla t w rra lrd runpa aittl iiuM-sllp nihltnr f«*el for alriMiK ftNilli(tl<li

• ^ 2 ^ '

■hop «t Honra Miitl HnvaSstlsfciUiin Uuafaatesd w Vsur Mu ih i Hath S E A R S - M i d d l e t o w n

i w m i m u i w u . i f

Op*M Men, Ihni Sat I'H ltW

I*ti4*ii«* (1 7 1 ■ IIIW O

Page 15: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

i | 4 |f W f i wmmf m §f i i m

thf. M *'-* WAN jo u r n a l , n . j . Patjefifterf'a1& jSrfJrftfcjk ‘Hf** Monmouth Scout Officials Inspect New Camnsite

M m b w i j Hadrt (M l) petals ta tk* lecatlea at eae at the eew w a r iM i H ta M k t* Uw ; r i i m l Maaaiaalfe Caaaty Bay Scaal C aa* la Maaila>aa TavaaMp. With Mas left (a right arc: Geerae Page. Oaaaa TawaaMpr, Oscar A. NewqeM, Fair Havea, Camp Chalr- M a lar MaaaMath Cmmtf h y ieeet* al toariea aa i Jaka Wjnaaa,.

Middletown Township, member ol Um camplag cammltlee. The Maa- mouth Council recently purchased Ihe M t acre hilltop property aear the Monmouth Battlefield nnd will build a camp aad tralalag cealer. They are currently caaductlng a U St.M capital campaign.

H o q p i t e l A u r i f ie r ie i

v O n T f f lV I IN I V t M I

Mra. Erie Nl. Bayaea, PeansvlUe,

vice prciident and conference

chairman of the New Jersey Asso-

ciatjon of Hoiplial Auxiliaries, hat announced that Nila Magidoff, hero­ine of the best-seller “Nila," will

F u i r I n f o r m a t i o nOn A l Leading Makes

Dial 264-2100S A L E S SERVICE

be the featured speaker at the 17th

annual conference of the associa­tion at the Ambassador Hotel, A t­lantic City today. Mrs. M ag i­

doff, u4io was born In Russia and

Is the wife of the former N.B.C.

correspondent. Robert Magidoff,

has entitled her talk, "My Discov­ery of Am erica."

The annual state-wide confer­

ence, representing 109 auxiliaries,

which opened on Tuesday, featured workshops on fund raising, health

careers, organization and member­

ship, psychiatric services, shops,

volunteers, public relations and pu ­blicity. Tuesday afternoon a spe­cial "Pro jects Parade” will dra ­

matize several outstanding pro­

jects conducted by hospital auxil­

iaries In New Jersey. Commercial

shop exhibits and auxiliary exhibits

was on display throughout the three-day conference.

Monmouth College an Saturday,

May 15. The conference is spon­

sored annually at colleges in New

Jersey by the State Education De­

partment,'Office of Child and Youth

Study. The theme o( this year’s

meeting was "Individual Responsi­bility for Leadership."

Monmouth students invited to attend included Mrs. Madelaine An- ostasio, Matawan; John Chunco, Old Bridge; Edward Healey, Keanshurg, and James Wood, Haz- let.

R e ta rded C h ild

C am p ing P rogram

Applications for the 1965 Summer Day Camp for Retarded Children,

sponsored by the Monmouth County

Unit of the New Jersey Associa­tion for Retarded Children, Inc. are now beiwj accepted, announced J o

seph R. Prinzo, Hazlet, C am p D i

rector, and a teacher of the m et

tally rcarded in the Cliffwood

School, Matawan Township. Camp information and applications may be obtained at Che Unit office, 30 Hudson Ave., Red Bank, telephone 747.2928.

Camp will be in operation for six weeks from June 28 through Aug. 6. Enrollment is lim ited to 70 men­

tally retarded individuals, six years of age and over. There is no maxi­

mum ap,e. Campers are acccpted on the ba: is o f earliest application.

The campsite is located at the Boy Scouts of America Camp Hous-

man, Farm ingdale, and operates

under the supervision of a profes­

sional staff of qualified teachers

and counselors of the mentally re­tarded. M r. Prinzo listed the follow­

ing goals of a camping program

for the retarded:

Goals Of Camping Program “ To provide enjoyable, recrea­

tional experiences which are essen­

tial to realizing potential growth; to accept a peer group and to socialize within the group on a peer level; to develop motor oon- Irol, dexterity, co • ordination,

speoch, performance skill, and re­

sponse to authority and discipline;

to provide an environment in which

success can be achieved.”

The Camp program operate.* Mondays through Fridays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m . Dus transportation

is provided from central points in

the county.Full or partial camperships will

be available through local men's and women’s organizations for youngsters whose parents arc un­able to meet tho cam p fee.

The Monmouth County Associa*

tion for R e ta rd s Children is ff non-

V J H Y W J lC ?

■ f i M K

p v ' w o H e .

N iw JanavB *

Caaaly far 11 Vaars.




profit organization devoted to tbe

welfare of all mentally retarded children.

Red Cross Dinner

The Sea G irt Inn will host the an­nual dinner meeting, the first auch joint affair of the Monmouth and Ocean County Chapters o f the A m ­erican Red Cross, Sept. 1*. The speaker, whose subject will be

“ Patterns for Success," will ba

James Q. du Poot of the famed du

Pont family. His talk will develop

the 10 basic points which guided his great - great • grandfather's on*

man operation to the large enter*

prise it is today. Wayne D. McMur-

ray, Editor of the Asbury Park Press, will be muter of ceremo­nies. More than 354 people ar* be­ing invited to attend.



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Qorilomoni 1

I wish t t t d t idvmlflf.e of tliesa s.itc pricr, PImw Imlall on my pioporly th* Da) Grill(s) nnil/or Gat Ll|;lilh) which I havo m.irkrd. It Is undoistood thnt for each Gas Grill ordered I will pny $?. per innnlli wilh my On Dill ond for each (las Lli;ht ordered, I will pay $1, por month wilh my Cm Dill until Ifto M il amount hr, Imm pj.'rf.

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I prufor lo |iiiy c/i lii iilc;r,n bill mn [ j I11 “A |

A G U n i ' I M E N T

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1, Hcmovfl the Cla>’ G rill nnd lit In*

Mallniion tit (ti own expemt, nnd nl

no cost to tfio purchiocr*2, Kcfuml nny moiilri which tlic pur-

chitM-r inny Imve pnitl townnln the p u r ih iir of niltl (.bin (iilll on 1110 f lm c -p a v iiN M if n f f c t r d fft t l t l i or thr lull tttM'Hinl, If pnitl id I'nnh.

Ml VI II UM Y IIAM ll-'AI r;A', ( ( i

m im m m s jm

THE CHARM H O H - tJ Iltd'll flitlfecMj elrgonce H

eievir Imtuileii ye»# r»i»ertr,

Tllf CRANflflOOK...$Mt< ...i.c..«.il

t|h < tt<4i**««» u-d hr I *

Page 16: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

'VtaffrSMmm THE MATAWAN JOURNAL’, N. X Diundiy, May 20, 1945


M iu Joyce Seeley Fall*, daugh­ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J . Falls, who has made her home wKh Mr. and Mn. Kenneth E. Conklin, 228 Mato St., Keyport, be­came the bride of Joseph Andrew

, Christman jr., aon ol Mr. and Mrs.' Joseph Andrew Christman ir., M

Trafford St.,- Shrewsbury, on Satur­day, May 15, IMS at 11 a.m. The wedding took place in St. Jamea Church, Red Bank, with the Rev. Richard Leaden) officiating at the ceremony and celebrating the nup­tial mate.

Given in marriage by Mr. Conk- 11a and Howard A. Slayback, Chatham, th* bride n o n • wed- dbg gown of white linen. The neck­line and etbow-length aleevei w an trimmed wMi • cut-out leaf dealga d tulle and the full - length iheath aklrt « « • fashioned with a flat hew ia the back from which extended a dhapel train. Her atnulder • length Mti tt lllaaloa « u fattened to a <trclat tt Uaaa wfth tha cut-out lace Maiga aad she carried a bridal kauquet ot wMte raaaa aad baMaa'-

Mr. and


M n. Joeeph Gutridge,. Bfcmdi Ava., Cliffwood, art parenta af a n o born Wednaaday. May U, MS, at R im viaw Hotpktl.

OrayA daughter wat bora Wednesday,

May II, IMS, to Mr. aad M n. Hay­wood Cray, Second Ava., Cliffwood, at Riverview Hospital.

Mr. and M n. Alvin Margullct, D nx ti Lana, Matawaa, are partnta af a aoa born Wedneedey, May U, IMS, at Riverview HoepKaL

Mr. and M n . Loula Biuff, Lake, aide Dr., Malawaa, ara parenta ol a aon horn Thuraday, May 13,1965, at Riverview Hoapttal.

A daughter waa bora Tkieaday, May II, IMS, to Mr. aad Mrs. Har-

ClMfc, Stanford Dr., Haiiet, at Ivarview Hospital.

Mr. and M n . Thomu Antonucci, Prospect Ave., Keyport, ara parenta af a aon bom Tuesday, May II, MU, at Riverview Hospital.


A daughter w u born Tuesday, May II, IMS, to Mr. and M rs.

Thomaa Gaffaey, Hurley St., Key- port, in Rlvervtaw Hospital;

Mr. and Mra. William Mc­Donough, Octavia PI., Keyport, are parenta of a dautfrter born Wed­nesday, May 12, 1983, at Riverview Hospital.

Mr. and Mra. Alfred Washington, H* Atlantic St., Keyport, are par­ents of a daughter born Monday, May 19, IMS, at Monmouth Medi­cal Center,

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rapoza, Fir PI., Hazlet, are patents ot a daugh­ter bom Thursday, May 13, INS, at Riverview Hospital.

Mr. and M n. Lowell Spencer, ■ecley Ave., Keansburg, are par* M * of a son born Friday, May 14, INS, at Riverview Hospital.

Mr. and Mra, William Meni, Broad St., Matawan, are parenta at a daughter born Thursday, May II, INS, at Monmouth Medical Cen­ter.

A aon was born Wednesday, May 12, IMS, at Monmouth Mcdi- cal Center to Mr. and Mrs, Vin­

cent Higgins, Foreet Ave., Keans­burg.


Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mullen, Ox­ford Lane, Matawan, are parents of a daughter born at Perth Amboy General Hospital,

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ollvcro, IIS Cindy St., Old Brldue, are tlw parents of a daughter born Tues­day, May 4, IMS, M St. Potor's General llospital.

TravisMr. and Mr a, Joha Travla, 21

Nicholas Dr., Old lirldm, ara the parmls aI a daughter bnm Ttmrs. day, May I, INS, in « . Pirter'i Hospital.

A daughter was bora on Satur­day, May 1 IWtJ, to Mr. and Mr*. Albert C, iVttrow. I Huxley Dr,, f 'd Bridge, In St. Peter's tloapltal.

naasaMr, and Mrs, Henry D. Benin- o, M Gaub Rd., Old Krldue, arc parenta ol » aim bora Monday,'

May II, IMS, In St, I'eter'a lioapl iai.

Miss Patric ia Ann D ’Onofrio. Lit­tle Sliver, was the mold of honor. Her floor - length gown lvas daffodil

yellow linen, designed w ith an Em

pine bodice, marked with a band of

olive green satin, and an A-line skirt. She wore a matching yellow linen bow in her hair and carried a nosegay of yellow daisies and

babies’-breath. -

Four BridesmaidsThe bridesmaids, whose gowns,

bows and (lowers were the same as the honor maid's, were Miss Ju­dith Lambert, New Shrewsbury; Miaa Loma Davis, Worchester, Mass,; Miss Judith Cushing, Mid- dleboro, Mass., and Miss Judith Christman, Shrewsbury, sister of the bridegroom.

John A. Christman, Shrewsbury, aerved as the best man for hia brother and ushering were Joseph Thompson, Robert DeAdder and James Ilch, all of Red Bank, and Jeffrey Slayback, Chatham, cousin •f the bride.

For the wedding Mta. Conklin clioae an afternoon dress of tur- quoiee crepe with a aheath skirt and ribbon knit bodice and wore matching accessories. Mrs. Slay- back was attired in a pink silk matelaaae cocktail suit with match­ing acceuories and the bride- gfoom'a mother wore a pale blue silk sheath with matching Jacket and accessories. Their corsages were made of white cynr.bidium or­chids.

' Receytlaa FeilowaAfter a reception at the Molly

Pitcher Inn, Red Bank, the cou­ple left by plane for a .wedding trip to Nassau. When they return, they will reside in the Keyport Gar­dena apartment, Atlantic St., Key­port.

For traveling the bride wore a three-piece aqua knit suit with black accessories.

The bride waa graduated from Red Bank High School and Green Mountain College, Poultney, Vt.

The bridegroom, a graduate of Red Bank High School, la employed by Sarbo Inc., Middletawa.

B a rb a ra H a h n

Is C h u rc h B r id eMiss Barbara Ann Hahn, daugh­

ter of Mrs. Edward J. Hahn, 31 Clintun Ave., East Keans­burg, and the lab Edward J. Hahn, became the bride ol Robert John Tillyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Tillyer, SO Navcsink Ave., East Keansburg, Saturday, May IS, 1963. The Rev. Thaddeus Wojcie- howski, pastor, performed the dou­ble ring ceremony and celebrated the nuptial mass at 12 o'clock noon In St. Catherine's Church, East Keansburg.

William Byrnes, Bayonne, escort­ed Ms niece. She wore a Itoor-length white silk organza and lace gown designed with a sabrina neckline, Jong tapered sleeves, lace - border­ed apron, and chapel-length train. Her two - tier French illusion chap- el-length veil was attached tc her twotier pearl and crystal crown and she carried a white missal adorned with a white orchid and streamera at stephanotis.

Miss Margaret Noon*, Hazlet, was the maid of honor. She wore a light blue peau de sole floor - length gown styled with a scoop neckline and thrae - quarter • length sleev­es. A circular veil foil over her matching flower hoadpicce and she carried a cascading round bouquet.

Bridal AttendantsThe bridal attendants, who wore

identical gowns and hcadpieces,

were Miss Patricia Reuter and Miss

Maureen Byrnes, Jersey City, cou­sins of the bride; Miss Joan Slans-

field, Port Monmouth and Mrs.

Daniel McAfee, East Keansburg.

They carried old fashioned bou­

quets o ' blue carnations.

Joseph O ’Connor, Middletown,

was the best man. Ushering were Sg,t. R ichard Tillyer, Fort Knox,

Ky., brother of the bridegroom; E d ­

ward J. Hahn, Belford, brother of the bride; Robert Scharr, Jersey

City, cousin of the bride and Ro­bert Crawford, East Keansburg.

For her daughter’s wedding, Mrs. Hahn wore a beige dress with lace bodice and crepe street - length aklrt. She wore a matching hat, bone accessories and a white orchid corsage. The bridegroom’s mother selected a {rink lace atreet - length dress with matching hat and ac­cessories and a white orchid cor­sage.

Receptioa HeldA reception followed in Buck

Smith’s Restaurant, East Keans­burg, after which the couple left by plane for Bermuda. For traveling, the bride wore a navy blue dress, white and blue accessories and a white orchid corsage.

The bride was graduated from Red Bank Catholic High 8choo! and Is employed by the Keanaburg- Mlddlatown National Bank, Middle­town.

The bridegroom was graduated from Middletown Township High School and Is employed by In­ternational Flavors and Fragranc­es, Inc., Union Beach. He served four years In the U.S. Navy. They will reside at 129 Marvin Rd., Mid­dletown.

ObituariesLloyd C. Walling

Lloyd C. W alling, 77, of 10 East F ifth St,, Keyport died Friday, May

14, 1965, in Monmouth Medical Cen­

ter, after a short illness. He was a

lifelong resident of Keyport.Mr. Walling was an employee ol


Miss Jo-Anne Cannin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cannin, IS M arc D r., M atauun , became the

bride of Anthony Toro, son of Mr.

and Mrs. PaMjuale Torn, !!!)

Broadway, Keypoit, Saturday, May

15, 1965. The Uvv. lulward Slntno officiated at the double rin^, cere­mony and celebrated the nuptial

mnss a l I I a .m . in SI. Joseph’s

Church, Keyport.

The bride was given in marriage

by her futhcr. She wore an A-line Umpire gown designed with a fit­

ted bodice with v-ncckline and lung tapered sleeves. The front satin panel of the Chantilly luce skirt was

appliqued with matching lace and

terminated in a chapel train. Her

fingertip - length veil of French il­

lusion was attached to a high satin pillbox accented with orange blos­

soms and she carried a flour-length cascade bouquet of white cymbid-

ius, ivy and greens.

M iss M argaret Cannin, at home,

was the m aid of honor for her sis­

ter. Her pale orchid silk shantung

floor - length gown w at styled with

an A-line silhouette. The fitted

sleeveless bodice hnd a round neckline. A circular veil /elI over

her matching headpiece whicli re­

sembled a six - pointed poinsettia and the carried a floor-length cas-


The wedding of Miss Patricia Hanaway, daughter of Mr. and

M rt. W illiam E. Hanaway, Station

Kd., W lckatunk, to Arthur J . Ruf- falo Jr., son o f Mr, am i Mrs. Arthur J . Ruffnlo sr., Phalanx Rd., Colts Neck, took place Saturday after­

noon, May 15, IMS, in St. Gabriel's

Church, Bradevck. The Rev. Vin­cent A. Lloyd, pattor, officiated.

The ohurcn wns decorated with

palms, white gladioli and thnsta daisies, Miss Kathy French, Tren­

ton, n cousin of the bride, was tho

•okilst anil D r. Frederick P, Staf- fllnger, Mntawan, orftimlnl.

Escorted by her father, the bride worn a wedding gown of hand- dipped Chantilly lira nnd organ/.u. Tho fitted bodice of luce hml » aooop neckline trimmed wllh crys­tal*, long slmves, pointed at ihe wrist*, and a bouffant A-llne over­skirt of or^nnza with the back nf five liars ot the lace, Her finger­tip vail of lingllih Illusion, cut. away design, was caught to a crys­tal crown and die carried a cas­cade bouquet of wliH« ahsstai,

MWdOt lunarMlsa Sharon llanaw ay, Wlcku-

tunk. titter et th* bride, wa* thu

mala ot fwnar, Iha mrt a aimrt gown of auu# tuttimer brocade

Jwhloned wwi ihuti aiem-s, a

balteau ncckllne and sheath skirt with a bouffant overskirt and front

panel attached by small bows. Her

headpiece was a matching scallop­

ed open crown trim m ed witli seed pearls nnd a brief veil. She


blue - tintedrled a cascade shastas.

The bridal attendants were Mrs. R ichard J. Cotlivll Jr., I.akehtirst,

ulster of the brlile, nnd M is, |)omi- nlck Kuffalo, Colts Neck, sister-ill

law of the bridegroom. Their gowm

and headpieces were like the liomir maid 's nnd (hoy carried round Ihiu-

quota of blue-tinted thastiis.Dominick Ruffitlo, Cotta Neeli,

s rrw d as best tniili for Ills brother. The ushers Were Terry I'eleuilno,

anil John Mlsiit'hen, F a ir ­field.

After a reception nl Colts Neck

Inn, Colts Nock, the couple lell for n wedding trip lo I-'loilda. When

they return, they will reside In

Atlelphla.Tho bride was uraduitled from

freehold Reglonnl lllg li Seltmil fltul It employed its n seerelnry m the

I'lnanca and Amounting Officer,

Port Monmouth.Tha bridegroom, also ui iiduitttMl

Imm P rm M t) HighSchool, ami Is eitipluyrtl by Maniu Cwitrucilun Ct),, Malnwitt,

the Jersey Central Power & Light Co. for 33 years. He was a general

Une foreman when he retired. He was a m ember of St. Joseph's

Church, Keyport, and the Royal

Arcanum Lodge, Keyport.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ver­

onica (Buskey) Walling; three sons,

Fred W alling, Keyport, Edward

Walling, Union Beach, and W illiam W alling, Arlington Heights, 111., and a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth DeFeo,

Nashville, Tenn.

Funeral services were held Tues­

day at 8:30 a.m . from the Day F u ­

neral Home, Keyport, to St. J o ­

seph’s Church, Keyport, where the Rev. Cornelius J . Kane, pastor, of­

fered a requiem high mass at 9 a.m.

Bronislaw Kraszewski

Bronislaw (Benjam in) Kraszew

ski, 111 Pleasant Ave., Edison, died

Saturday, M ay 15, 19(15, at Perth

Amboy General Hospital. A native

of Poland and a former resident of South Amboy, M r. Kraszewski lived in Edison for 14 years. He was

a member of Our Lady of Peace Church and the Polish Roman

Catholic Union of America. He

was a retired employee o f the

Crossman Clay Co., Sayreville.

Survivors include three daugh­ters, Mrs. Helen Vereb, Wtxjd- bridge, Mrs. Irene Nowakowski,

Harbcrstown, Mrs. Patricia Geycr, Perth Amboy; five sons, Chester.

Perth Amboy, Frank, Laurence

Harbor, Edward, Edison, Henry and Arthur, both of South Amboy; a brother, Joseph, South Amboy; 23

grandchildren, and three great­grandchildren.

Funeral services were yesterday at 8:30 a.m. at the Flynn and Son

Funeral Home, 23 Ford Ave.,

Fords. A requiem moss was offered at 9 a.m. at Our Lady of Peace Church. Burial wns at Sucred Heart Cemetery, South Amboy.

Mrs. Walter Each

Mrs. Susan Ench, 85, of 15 M ichi­

gan Ave., Hazlet, died Sunday,

M ay 16, 1965, in the Hilltop Nursing Hume, Middletown. She was born In New York, and had lived In Ilaz-

let for four years. She was Ihe wld ow of Walter Ench.

She is survived by a son, Walter

W. Knell, llazlet, and two grand­children.

Funeral services were held Tues­day at 1 p.m . st tlw Bedle Funernl Home, Keyport with the Rev. Nnr-

mnn It. Riley, pastor of St. John's •Methodist Church, linzlet, officiat­

ing. interment was In Shoreland Memorial Gardens, ilazlct.

Ocorgp Kotsak i f ,

Gt’orgn Kolsak ar., 501 Charles SI., lVrth Anilxiy, died Suliirdny, May 15, IIM).1), at home, He was a

iel ired employee of the American Smelting imd Helliilug Co, where

Iw hnd been employed In Ih* tiialii tonance department,

M r, Kodak was « parishioner of St. ,lnhn> Church and a member

of tho Carptillio . HitMlnn Llheily Socfufy, Si, John'* Society nnd lhe Sulirititln Society,

S i w IvImk nrr h li wife, Mn.

Mary Kotsnkl n Mtn, George h .

Avenel; four jtnmtMtlltlren nnd a

g re a t ; grandchild, Mr, KoM ik *t,tvitx llie father ttlm of miolhei

dittmhler, llie laic M n , Aiinti Hilo,

I ’w ih Amboy,

Funerttl wrvlctts wen) held Tues

flay at » s.tti, at Ksln M oHum ii s Inc,, Perlli Amlxty, wllh tt tetnili'tn

lilgli m m a i l i JU a,id, In Julm 'u Clitifcli, Interment waa ia lhe

thuteh cam tK fy ,

cade bouquet of lavender cymbid-


Three BridesmaidsThe bridesmaids, who wore iden­

tical gowns find headpieces in fu ­

chsia silk shantung, were Miss

'njL*rosa Pirozzi, Matawan; Miss

Denise Botes, Hazlet nnd Miss Mnr-

{;nret Straniero, Hn/.likt, niece of the

bridegroom. They curried floor- length cascade bouquets of deep-

toned assorted flowers with ivy und


<Six*year-oId Christina Toth, En-

glishtown, was the (lower girl. Her

two'toned floor • length gown was

styled with fuchsia shantung hus­

tle nnd ruffles at the hemline and neckline of the pnle orchid

shantung gown. A circular veil fell

over her three - pointed headpiece and she carried a basket of pastel

spring flowers.

Paul Toro, at home, brother of

the bridegroom, was the best man.

Ushering were Joseph Nuccio and

Dennis Nuccio, M atawan, and

George Sullivan, Keyport. Alfred Cannin jr., at home, brother of the

bride, was the junior usher.

A rcccption for 150 guests was

held at the Magnolia Inn, Matawan.

The couple plan to motor to Flori­

da and cruise to the Bahamas. For

traveling, the bride wore a burgun­

dy and pink silk £uit, bone hat and

accessories and a white orchid cor­sage. When they return, they will

reside in Keyport.

The bride was graduated from

Baysidc High School, Duysidc, N.Y ., and Mandle School for M ed­ical Assistants, New York. She is

employed by Dr, SnmucJ Bar, En-


The bridegroom attended schools in Italy and is employed by Atco

Ceramics Corp., Keyport.

B arba ra P flu g

W edd ing H e ld

Miss Barbara Jean Pflug, daugh­

ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pflug, 58 Bay view Ave., Keansburg, be­

came the bride of Jerry W . Brown,

Saturday, May 15, 1965, in St. Ann’s Church, Keansburg. The bride­groom is the son ol Mr. and Mrs.

Scott Brown, Paul’s Valley, Okla­homa. The Rev. Frederick Valen­tino performed the double ring cer­emony, at 2:30 p .m .

The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a street- length lace gown designed with a

sabrina neckline and long pointed

sleeves. A circular veil fell over her crown of pearls and she carried

an old fashioned bouquet of white carnations.

Mrs. Robert Shull, Matawan, the matron of honor, wore a tur­

quoise chiffon with sleeveless fitted bodice, v-necklinc and strcet-

length skirt. She wore a matching

birdcage headpiece and carried an

old fashioned bouquet of pink flow­

ers with turquoise net and bow Also In Bridal Party

Brian McCaffery, Keansburg, was the best man.

A reception followed at Ihe home of the bride’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. nnd Mirs. R ichard White,

Cornwall St., Ilinhlands.

The bride was graduated from

Red Bank Catholic High School anti is employed by llie- Prudential In ­surance Co., Newark.

The bridegroom was graduated from Paul's Valley High School and

is employed by National Lead, Sayreville.

They will reside at 20 Church St., Keansburg.

B irth sFinney

M r. and Mrs. C. Gahr Finney,

2GJ Cindy St., O ld Bridge, are the parents of a son bom Monday, May 10, 1965, in St. Peter's Hospital,

CozzaltiM r. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Cozzatti, 705

Centcr St., Union Beach, are the parents of a daughter born Tues­

day, May 11, 19C5, in St. Peter’s llospital.


M r. and Mrs. Frank Nebus, 38F

VanHrackle Rd., Matawan, are the parents of a daughter born Sunday, May 9, 1965, in Perth Amboy General Hospital.


M r. and Mrs. Arthur Cross, Rose

St., Cliffwood, are parents of a son born at Perth Amboy General


KotakM r. and Mrs. Alexander Kozak,

Second St., Old Bridge, are parents of a son born at Middlesex General


DeerinMr. and Mrs. Joseph Deerin jr.,

Stratford, Conn., are the parents of a daughter, Donna Marie, horn

M ay 4, J965, in the Bridgeport Hos­pital, Bridgeport, Conn. They have another daughter, Cheryil Ann. Mrs. Deerin is the former Miss

Barbara Navlany, Sayreville. The couple formerly resided at 8 Sea-

glade Circle, Cliffwood Beach.

Miss Jud ith Ann Coniforto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Michael

J . Comforlo, 175 Tenth St., Bel­

ford, became the bride of DuWayne

V. Mi'yer, Sunday, May 10, 1965, ;n

St. Ann’s Church, Keansburg. l lw

bridegroom is the son o f Mr. and

Mrs. George Mayer, Willis PI..

Keansburg. The *Rev. Frederick Valentino performed (he double

ring ceremony at 3 p .m . Mrs. M il drcd T m villige r, soloist, accompan

led herself on the organ.

The bride was given in m arriage

by her father. Her floor - length

gown, which flowed into a chapel train, was designed with a long­

sleeved Chantilly lace bodice with

high round necklinc and an alpaca skirt. Her fingertip - length veil of

French illusion was attached to a

triple • tiered crystal crown. She carried a cascade bouquet of white

roses centered w’ith a white orchid.Miss Barbara Comforto, at home,

was the maid of honor for her sis­

ter. She wvre a peppermint green

taffeta floor - length gown styled

with short sleeves, round neckline

and back bustle. A circu lar veil fell over her open - crowned match-

.nj; pillbox and she carried a cas­

cade bouquet of tal\nmnWear Identical G v is

The bridal attend^.n's, who wore

identical gowns and hcitilpiec’s in

nile green ta'fcla, were Mrs. .Mar*

lin Loh*?n, Keansburg nnd

Donna Mayer, at home, sis’ ?r ot the bridegroom. They carried cas» cade iKwquels of talisman roses.

George May<»r, River Plaza, was

th^ be.ct man for his brother. Ush­

ering were Salvatore Salerno and M rt i n Loh.se n, Kcansbu rg.

A reception followed in Duck

Sm ith’s Restaurnnt, East Keans-


For their motor trip to the Po-

conos, the bride wore a navy blue and white summer tweed suit, nuvy

blue accessories and a white or<

chid corsage.

The bride and the bridegroom aro graduates of Middletown T ow nsh ip-*^

High School. Mrs. Mayer is employ­

ed by Roberts, Pillsbury and Car­

ton, Atlantic Highlands.The bridegroom is an advertising

salesman with The Daily Register.They will reside at 31 Church St.,



Miss Sara Jane Prichard, dnugh

ter of Mr, nnd Mrs. Marvin W.

Prichard, 91 Ravine Dr., M ata­

wnn, lx'C.ime the bride of Hardmg

Mudge Bush, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert D. Bush, H!J Kim SI,, Wake field, M ii'S. on Saturday nft«‘r-

wxm, May lf>, l !M'r'» at 2 p.m . in Christ Church, Slm-wMmry,

'Mw church was d^fnr.Ued with v.liitr flowers and offinntm n ai the

double ting ccremony was lhe Rev,

Ronald Albury.Given in marriage by h»»r father,

tho bride worv a wedding gown uf

while French faille, Itim m ed with Alencon iiU’e. The fitted bodice, U|>|>ll(|ue(l with la o 1. h.id long «IC"\rfi /ind th'* Cv.nfiMlIrd >)>#<;»»h

ikil't H’VtMiod l» del h.ihle over

'.kiif /'*ilmg inlo a r-.nb.-dtnl ti.iln |h*!‘ boiilf;»nt v d it| I n.di .li illusion u-,i4 Iir)d in j>l;ice hy ;< < loi be cnji

of Iim o :i|»|di'|in d with |><iii K nnd i vw.il; ;"id he can n-d » u liilr

nl in-’ R.iinbmv lllble on

whii h w.m i.iMem'd while orchid*; I ..ti | 't in .ili’..

M ilium Of Honor

M r. I* ' id Jinhbcrg, Cltnfon,N.Y , ’.I iei III llie In hie, \vn«! t lr

matron of honoi. Her r.oivn was .<

fninud I' 'W’.lh Ium(iioi:-h' KUln jieaii d'j'dMnrd '.will mi l;m|>lft’ k j I ’ IIim/ and FiiipM'MB Jmophltie luuk . Sin

wmw n mntrhhm n>/> t>t /i r n i ‘»he,i

row and pet a Is with it bouffant veil nnd cariit*d « rn.it’ndt1 bouquet ol whlld glium'lllit*,

The bHdftl AlU'ttdriblft, M m Mom Hid Aliniry, Shipwubtuy, nnd Mr«,

John Mktilo, Long lira iuh , wvru

sim ifar gowns in «qua sata-peau,

with matching caps and veils and afv) carried cascade bonquet.s of ss bite ^larnellias.

Mark Bush, Wakefield, Mass.,

b.other of the bridegnxxn, was the bcsl man and ushering were* Henry

It. Koehler, Cranford, and John Krciuor III, Berwyn, Pa.

Attire l ;nr Wedding The btido’.s mother wore n slrwt-

b-tigth rose lacc and chiffon vlwath 5 with matching aeeeswme.H nnd an

|off wlute <’vmbi<iium coinage,

j Tht* bridegroom's mother c.Ik>so n (stieet - h*ngtb dress of blue and

g n r n brocade Wi'h uhich she wore

a matching hat and b '-ig<» acccv« •lorlcc She nKo worn nn off white • •vmbithum ci »>.age.

After a recejiiitin nt Colts Neck 11ui. Coif; Neck, the couple left for

n wedding trip to (Quebec, C*nn-

ad.i. For tiaveling the inhk* won* a drcji )iink hheatli dress with

tnati hing, hat, belg.ft acre .!;ti[ii'S and an o t< hid corsage. 'Ihe couple: u ill be al home lune I m Rrx Im llc ,

Md,‘Ihe In idi* w,r; gradnaled f mm

M alau;in Regional High Scfnifd and Monmonill Colleg.e. p ilo r to hej

m a irtugr she (aught Ihifd gmdi ui I mm Brnnfh. She is ptr«iele»i ol ihe Junior W om m i1') Club of Konih Ninlioy iini| a tnembci of th«> Mala

wan Plnycr.i, ItK',

Th** bt Idegroom wm'J y iaduaird fm m Wakefield High S' hool mtd Iki^hm UnlveiMly, ||e N h ••nleh

f»>r Ti'flwlrrti Mea.^ne- metilH Coip, hi the Wtighington, L),U, urefl.

H ill

Mr. and Mrs. Jerem iah Hill, Crest Circle, Matawan, are the par­

ents of a daughter, bom Monday,

May 17, 1905, in Monmouth Medical


MarkowilxA son was born Monday, May 17,

19G5, in Riverview Hospital to Mr.

and Mrs. Barry Markowitz, 174 Van

Brnkle Rd., Matawan,

L as te lla

Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Lastella. Centerville Rd., Holnidel, are par cnts of a daughter born Friday, May 14, 1965, at Riverview Hos


nomanMr. and Mrs. W illiam Boman,

B iandcn PI., Keansburg, are par­ents of a son born Fridny, May 14,

1965, at Riverview Hospital.

Dahrcnburg Mr. and Mrs. E lm er Bahrenburg,

Hoimdel Rd., Hazlet, are parents

of a sun born Friday, May 14, 196G, at Riverview Hospital. The buby weighed nine pounds, seven ounces.

IlradyMr. and Mrs. R ichard Brady,

Orchard Dr., Hazlet, are parents

of a son born Saturday, May 15, 1PG5, at Riverview Hospital.

H ickman Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert H ickman,

Atlantic Ave., Mntawan, are par­

ents of n son born Saturday, May 15, 1565, at Riverview Hospital.


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bohnsack, Broad St,, Keyport, are parents of a daughter born Saturday, M ay 15,

1965, at Riverview Hospital.

Schwartz Mr. nnd Mrs. Donald Schwartz,

Andover Lane, Strathmore, are the parents of a daughter born Sunday, Mny 16, 1965, at Riverview Hospital.


Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dueifer, Palmer Ave., W eit Keansburg, ar« parents of a daughter bom Sunday,

Mav 10, 1965, at Riverview Hos­pital.


Mr, nnd Mrs. Thomas Donner,

Orchard St., Keansburg, i r a par­ents of a son born Sunday, May 16, 19(15, at Riverview Hospital,

W allingM r nnd Mrs. Jam es W alling Jr.,

G4 Monroe St., Keyport, are par* rn's of a son born Sunday, May KI, IMS, at Monmouth MedicalCehtrr.

communicant of St. Joseph's Church, Keyport nnd vice president of St. Anthony's Society. A veteran of World W ar I, he was a member

of the Veterans o f Foreign Wars,

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Philomcna (Esposito) D iBiase, a son, John, a l home; five daughters,

Mrs. Stephen Jannos, Morgan; Mrs.

Theresa Partridge, Matawan; Mrs.

John Murphy. Morgan; Mrs. Sam­

uel Camp, Nixon and Miss Rose

DiBiase, at home, and 11 grand­

children. ^ Funeral services were held yer-'^w*

terday at 8:30 a .m . from the Day

Funeral Home, Keyport, to St. Jo­

seph’s Church where a high mass

of requiem was celebrated at 9 a.m .

Interment followed in St. Joseph’s


Mrs. Samuel McMullen

Mrs. Charlotte E. McMullen. 89,

of School Rd. West. Marlboro Township, died Saturday. May 15,1965. in Garden Stale Manor Nurs­ing Home, Hoimdel.

She was the widow of Sanmel

McMullen. Mrs. McMullen was

i>orn in Chainrock, Newfoundland,

daughter of the late Stephen aqg H y

Louisa Cadwcil,

Surviving are two daughters,Mrs. Beatrice Warren, with whom she lived, and Mrs. Margaret Go-

den, Mjnchpster; seven grandchil­

dren, 26 great • grandchildren and

two great « great • grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements were un­

der the direction of the W. H. Free* mun and Son Funeral Home, Free­hold.

ObituariesJnM'pli U llllaM

Jow p li U llllaM . 74, Of Cliff-

'.m «nl Ave.. Cliffwood, died Sunday, M.iy 1(1, lltflli, nt h li Iwimp. I(» w m

l«>ni In Italy and llv td In Cliffwood

lor llwi post 55 years.

A plumber by trade, tin waa a


i>«. i * »

B.rcUy A. H .nd.rion, Prop.



D ia l 7 4 7 - 4 8 8 7


I C h .p .l Hill Rd. I H l .U .y I I




cumimoMm aad h n M t a p

w. m x at Ibyptrt



l» M A IN *T „ K ltVPOHT -

Page 17: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa

Ifcn iay , May 10.H « IH E MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Pag* Seventeen

-Scenc Of WeddingMra. Marilyn Joyce Tfcertlldaen,

1 l H»e St., Kayport, aad U m A. 'VWKTt MmMmc PI., KeaaAarg, « i l H t d i e Mr. u i M n. Ed­ward Warn, Keamtwrg, w en mar- rM Saturday, May is, IM , Is ft.

Mettodiat Church, Hulet. T it M de li the daughter of M n ’« n CampbeH, Toma Rhwr aad UlradW. M om , Eaat Oranae. The la r . Normaa R. Riley peifcrmed ha douMe ring ceremony at 11

Tie brtfi wat aacorted by lar 'attar. S m m m • f t t d n a r * •

k IgMd wMi a tace bodice, scaDcp- ■■*** v-aacMat ind kmg rieevea,

«Mi a m i ' haft* dacroa d kMn. A circular i* ll M over her

KMri M t crystal crown aad * e :«rried aa oid fashioned boujutt ol ^Rfc aad white camitmoa.

Hr*, lea* E. Waltt, Manasquan, iaeghw - ia • law of the bride- 'UBom, wat Ihe matroa of hnaor. Mar lurquoiae silk dacron atreet- !aa|tJl dreaa w u ityled with a aeal

neckline and three - quarter - itagth sleeves. A circular veil veil over her pearl crown and she car­ried an old fashioned bouquet of urquoiie caraationa.

Same Aa Beat MaaLeon E. Waitt, Manasquan, was

-.'ha best man for hia father. Charlea giOwkey, Trenton, ushered.

After a reception in Buck Smith’s Restaurant, East Keansburg, the TOIiple loft on a motor trip through :h* New England States. For trav- *■ 8 . Mrs, Waltt wore a yellow tad white tweed suit, yellow hat, *fclte accessories and a white cym- Jldlum corsagc with yellow ribbon.

Mrs. Waltt w u employed by the ffansOfi-VanWinkie-Munning Co. Di- viaion nl M i T Chem icals Inc.

Mr. WaKt is also employed by he Hanson-VnnWinklc-Munnlng Co. OMsion of M & T Chemicals Inc.

’ad is a member of the Charter •lady Commission of Keansbwrs. :ie is a former Councilman aad member of the Keansburg Board al Education.

Kirehnar Wad*WiKam Youneofski

Miaa Maureen Kirchner, daugfc- ar el Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Kirch- «er, Clovtr Dr., Hazlet, becamc the bride o( William Youncofiki, « a of Mr. aod M n. Victor Youa- *1*1, 400 Maple PI., Keyport, m May 3, 19(3, at i l a.m. n » double ring ceremony waa Mrformed by the Rev. Frank S. tkrwood, St. Peter PI., Keyport.

The bride wore a wWte suit with tiae acceaaories.Miaa Audrey Kirchner, Huiet,

;T iae maid oI honor lor her aiater. She wore a yellow dress with notching acceaaorle*. -John Youncofski was best man

tor hfs brother.A buffet hmcheoa waa held Hal­

lowing the ceremony at the home rf the bride’s parents, alter which ke couple left on a abort wedding

d p . - • - ,■ ■■ ■Mr. aad Mra. YouacofaU will


At a double ring ceremony, per­formed h y |hs Rev. Leon Kaspr?.yk,

at the Sacred Heart Church, Soulh Amboy, Miss Carole Joy C ilany i,

(laughter nf Mr, and Mrs. Alex

C ilany i, M Revcrly D r., Cliff­

wood Beach, hccame the bride of Raym ond W illiam Ploskonka, son o f Mr. a m lU rs , Raymond Ploskon­

ka, 5J4 V u h u ig to n St., South A m ­boy, on Salur«lay, May 15, 19(5, at

3 p.m .The brid(, £ iv e n In m arriage by

her father, wore a gown of delustre

satin, w it Ji A lcncon lace appliques,

fashioned with a scoop neckline, long polnttd tleeves, snd a bouf­

fant skirt *i*h a chapel - length train. A four - tier veil of Illusion

waa attached to a Bishop crown of crystals «»i pearls. She carried a cascade of white carnations with a white orchid center.

Miss CTitryl Meeker, Cliffwood,

w u til? M M ! o l honor. Brides­

maids welt M ita Beverly Erdody, linden; Nil* Sheila Varga, Me- tuchen. M ia Shlrhy Cilanyi, Perth

Amboy, cousins o f the bride, and

Miaa Carol la m e s , Ciltfwood. They wore ataeath gowni. «4th Em pire

tops, the mild of honor In pink and

bridesmaids in mint Breen. Veils were atl ached lo a rose and petals

for headpieces and they carried pink and green nosegays respec­tively.

Cousin la Flower GirlDenise Varga, Fords, another

cousin of the bride, was Ihe flower girl. She wore a pink dress and

carried a pink nosegay.R ichard Ploskonka, South Am­

boy, brother of the bridegroom, was the best man. Ushering were A r­thur Kowaleski, Thomas Nebus, Ed­

ward Cieslarczyk, South Amboy, and Henry Mitchell, Linden. Arthur Varga jr., Fords, cousin of the

bride, was the ring bearer.The couple left for a trip to the

Pocono Mountains, P a ., and w ill re­side in Dover, Del., where the bridegroom is stationed w ilh the

U.S. Air Force.The bride w u graduated from

Matawan Regional High School, Clau of 1M3, and w u employed by the Perth Amboy General Hospi­tal in the medical records depart­ment. The bridegroom w u grad­uated from Hoffman High School. South Amboy, class of 1963, and Is serving In the U.S. Air Force.

make their hoine at 2 Mill Rd.,

MMawan. Vtr, YcuncoMi ia em­

ployed at Cottrell’s Restaurant,


Real E ilite Listing Carda for

u le at tUi office.


|0M Sandra Lee Head, daughter

oI Mr. and Mrs, Russell Head, 85

Lakeview Way, CHffwood Beach,

. Iiecame the bride of Roger W illiam

r^ffcleme, Saturday, May 15, 19(5.

The bridegroom la the son of Mr.

ind Mrs. Harry Thlemc, J* Wott

'oncourse, Cliffwood Beach. The *ev. William J . Bausch performed

he double ring ceremony In St. Jo­seph’s Church, Keyport, at 3 p.m.

The bride was given In marriage

iy her father. She wore a flonr-

ength gown which terminated into i chapel train. Her tilted lace bod- ce was designed with long sleeves

md scalloped neckline and the silk :rn»mg aklrt fell over matching

ace. Her fingertip • length voli of ■u lluslon fell from a crystal crown

*»nd ahe carried a crescent bouquet

1 if wldte roaen, atephanotls nnd var-oaated greens.Mrs. Oeorflo W ard, Keyport, wus

he matron o l honor for Iter cousin, he vwtro h floor • length peach silk

irganza gown w ith round neckline,

ap aleeves am i M l shaped skirt,

ler circular veil fell over her natchlng fkiwer headpiece and she arrled a crescent bouquet of yel- jw aad white ear nut Ions,

Wear Identical Oawa*H ie bridesmaid* In the rnlnlxiw

/adding wore Identical sown* and ■ ■ ............. .... ’ W ‘ ‘ "eadptacae, Mlsa Kathy walsh, Co

ml*, eniala of the brid ore green; Miaa Karen

t\ eypart, m e in ol the brid*) yellow 'r id Mies JIN Cunningham, Union,

wa, Ite y carried crescent bou- mM; of camatiaae, matcWag thahr

year • aM tMble Aaa

Head, W u l« l, nloce of the bride,

was the llowr girl. She wore u pink silk organia floor - length

gown wilh full skirt, round neck­

line and c a p sleeves. She wore a matching llow or headpiece and car­

ried a toikct o f pastoi roses.

Raymond Vickery, Union, waa the best n n Ushering were Ronald

Head, ( ln l« t , brother of the bride; George ta r d , Keyport, and Keith

Grisshotler. Union. Joseph Mehlen-

beck, cousin of the bride,

was the ring be«ret.

All Bf e Far WeddingFor her d augh te r 'i wedding, Mrs.

Head silecletl a Blrect - length

dress datpsned with a yellow silk o rgnn ta liodlce anil a white lace

over ye lkw organ ia skirt. She wore

a mntc li'ni; list and nccessorles and

a corsafo o f |>rctn cymbldiums.The bridegroom's mother chose

n IK-Ige luce street • length dress wilh im lch lnn h»t nml nccessorles

and n »Mte orcMd co isnja1.A fter I rcc«iM loii In the Veterans

Memorlil Homo, Cliffwood, the couple motored to Florida. For travellnj, the brklc worn a three- piece [Ink silk nhanluiiK stilt, matching f loii'er lint am i nccessor-

tes a n d * cerango o l while cytn-

bli)lun>*, W ill'd Ihi’v return, they

will reiklt* In tfio Skytop Gardens,

Sayre vlllf.The brick was urudunted from

MatsM'iM Pt«v,lonal lligli School and was miilipyMl at thu First Nnllonal City Binlt. New York. Her tiushand waa KiiiiuatMl Irom Union High School, Union, and served three yean It IBM U.H, Army, Me ia «m- plnyeB'M • eametiwr hy ttecket ConatrwiUon Co., Newark.

Funeral Services

Funeral services were held Fri­day at 8:3# a.m. f io m the Day Fu­neral Home, Keyport, with a re­quiem mass at 9 a .m . in St. Jo­seph's Church, Keyport, for Oscar Morrell, 71, of 292 First St., Key­port, who died on Tuesday, M ay 11,

1985, Bt home.

Mr. Morrell was a native of Brooklyn, and had lived in Keyport

for 50 years. He was B member ol St. Joseph’s Church, and the Rari­tan Post 23, American Legion.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Hel­en (Stodolak) Morrell; a brother,

Clauson Morrell, Jacksonville, Fla., and a sister, Mrs. Gertrude Craven, Keyport.

Interment was in St. Joseph’s Cemetery.

Mrs. W illiam Gregory

Funeral services were beld in Ar­

lington for Mrs. Mary A. Gregory, 81, of 107 Herbert St., Union Beach, who died at her home Wednesday, May 12, 1965, The Day Funeral

Home, Keyport, bad charge of local arrangements.

Mrs. Gregory was the widow of W illiam Gregory. She moved to Union Beach six months ago, pre­

viously living in Kearny.Surviving are three sons, F.dwin

Gregory, with whom she resided,

W illiam Gregory of Kearny, and A l­bert Gregory of Saugerlies, N. Y .:

a daughter, Mrs. Ann Salustri, Un­ion Deach; 10 grandchildren, und two great - grandchildren.

Mrs. Hallack J . NeillFuneral services were held Sat­

urday afternoon in the Mason-Wil- son Funeral Home, South Amlwy,

wilh the Rev. Meynard Hatch,

pastor of the First Baptist Church, South Amboy, officiating for Mrs.

Leila L. Neill, 73, of 231 Sccond St., Soulh Amboy, who died Wed­nesday, May 12, 1965 ut ihe home

of her daughter, Mrs. 1 ,ois N. Mor- riss, 719 Charles St., South Amboy.

Interment waa In Christ Church Cemetery, South Amlwy.

Mrs. Neill had been employed as secretary of the South Amlxiy

Hoard of Education for more than 30 years. She was born In Mntn­

wan nnd was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Oscar i,lsk. Her hus­

band, Hallack .1. Neill, died in 1034. Mrs, Neill was a member of the

First Baptist Church, South Amboy, its Ladies' A id Society and M is­

sions' Circle. Site was a charier member of the Amboy Chapter No.

151, Order of Eastern Star, and the

Ladles Auxiliary o l the YMCA In South Amboy,

Surviving Is her daughler, Mrs. Morriss,

Frederick W. PhohlkeFuneral services were held Sat­

urday for Frederick W, H ioliiko, 58, of M2 Movnliic.sldo Ave., Union

llonch, wlw died til Ills homeThursday, May 13, IlKlfl, .Services

wero hold at J p .m . In the Dny Fu- nerttl Homo, Keyport, with thr

Hev. Normnn Ulley, pastor ol SI John's Methodist Church, llazlet, offlclnllnu. Ilurlul waa In Shorelnml Memorial Garden*, llnzlel,

lie held llio |kisI of pluilllilim In speclor In Union Dm c Ii belwi'Mi IIHM) and 11X13,

Horn In Germany, he wns a r»s- hlent of llie nn'ii lor 30 years.

Surviving ai« four sons, John l’hohlke. North Itnunwltk, Fred­erick II. Pholtlke, Jackson, and Raymond and Lawrence PhnWke, Unit* Beach, and two graatkhl!' drwi,

T h e re sa H u b b a rd

Miss Thereat M «ry Hubbard,

daughter of Mr. and Mr». Thomas R . Hubbard, 51 Church St., Key­

port, became the bride id Dennis

Raymond Creed, Saturday, M ay 15,

1JH55. The bridegroom ia the son of

Mr. and Mra. Raymond Creed, J45 Fourth St., South Amboy. Tl»e Rev.

W illiam J . Bausch performed the double ring ceremony at 2 p .m . In

St. Joseph’s Church, Keyport.

Thomas J . Hubbard, a l horn*, w- oorted his sister, She wore a s*ree<* length white brocade drew with high neckHne and kmg sleeves. A face veil was attached to her cloche and she carried a prayerbook adorned wilh a white orchid.

Miss Karen Mahon* Keyport, WM the maid of'honor. She w re a bwe satin street - length dreaa trimmed with white lace, a matching head* piece and accessories and rtw car­ried a cascade bouquet of blua rot­es.

Serve* Ay le a MasRonald Creed, a t homa, was the

best man for his brother.Open house was held after the

oeremony at the home of the bride­

groom’s parents. When they return

from a motor trip , they will reside in the Skytop Apartments, Sayre-

viifc.The bride was graduated from

Keyport High School and was em ­

ployed by Mattel Toys, Holmdel.The bridegroom was graduated

from St. Mary’s High School, South

Amboy and is employed by E . I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc.,


Funeral ServicesMrs. George Foeri

Funeral services wore held Mon­day for Mrs. M inerva L. Focri, 64,

of 115 Rose Terr.. Dania, Fla., who died Thursday, May 13, 19*5.

The funeral was held at 2 p.m. ia the Worden Funeral Home, Red Bank, with the Rev. Otto C . F. Jan­ice, F a ir Haven, former paator d Keansburg Methodist Church, offi­ciating. Burial waa ia Fair View Cemetery, Middietowa.

Born in Cheater, Pa., rite waa the daughter of the late Amoa aad Marie (Phifer) Emmons.

Mrs. Foeri spent aummera at I I Lawrence Ave., Keanaburg. She was a past president of the Ameri­can Legion Auxiliary in Keanaburg, a Gold Star Mother, and a member of the Woman's Association of Keanaburg Methodist Church.

Surviving arc hor huaband, George Foeri; a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Engel, New Monmouth; two slaters. Mra. LaRiaa Dey, Red Bank, and Mra. Dorothy Dwyer, Pasadena, Calif,; three brothers, Amoa and Leroy Emmonf, Middle­town. and Burgesa Emmona, Sea Bright, and three grandchildren.

Mrs. Aaguata MeKeaaFuneral services were held Sat­

urday at 10 a.m . in the John W. Mehlenbeck Funeral Home, Haile t, w ith the Rev. Theodore C. Muller, paator of Faith Reformed Church,

Hazlet, officiating for Mrs. Augusta

McKeon, 83, who died Wednesday,

May 12, 1965 at the home of her son, Arthur A. McKoon, 39 Buck- nell D r., Hazlet, with whom she lived. Burial was in Rosedale-Lin- den Cemetery. Linden.

Born in Germany, Mrs. McKeon had lived In Newark moat of her

life before moving to Hazlet tour

years ago. She was a retired hat trim m er and was a member of the

United Hat Trimmers of North America, Newark.

Also surviving are another son, Frank O. McKeon, Iselin; a daugh­

ter, Mrs. Ellen Licht, Clifton; eight grandchildren and two grcal-grand- children.

R ichard J . HurdFuneral services were held Tues­

day for Richard J . Hurd, 53, of 83 Maplewood Ave., Keansburg, who

died suddenly Friday, May 14, 19B5.

The funeral was held at 8:30 a.m .

from ihe Daniel A. Reilly Funeral

Home, Bclmar, with a requiem

mass at 3 a.m . in the Church ol St,

Rose. Burial was in Mt. Olivet Cemetery.

M r. Hurd was a painter and dec­

orator. He was born in Brooklyn,

son of the late Richard F. and Charlotte Belle Estes Hurd. He was

a Navy veteran of World War II.

He was married to the late Mrs.

Mae (ileale) Hurd, and is survived

by a si.ster, Mrs. Gertrude Cowell, Beverly Hills, Calif., and a brother,

John Wallace Hurd, Farm ingdale, N.Y.

Frank D . MeFadden

Funeral services were held Mon­

day morning from the John J . R y ­

an Home for Funerals, Keansburg,

to Holy Fam ily Church, Union

Beach, where a requiem mass was offered by the Rev. Joseph G. Fox,

pastor, for Frank D. MeFadden, 70, of 781 Poole Ave., llazlet, who died

Wednesday, May 12, IM5 In Veter­

ans Hospital, East Orange, after ,t long Illness.

Born In Jersey City, M r. Me-

Faddcn was an Army veteran ol World War I, Ho wns n self-em­

ployed Iflndscnpcr. Mr. McF<nlil<vi

was n communicant of Holy Fam ily Church.

Surviving are two brothers, John

MeFadden, Asbury Park, and Hugh MeFadden, Jersey Clly, nnd three sisters, Mrs. Catherine C la ik , l ’all-

slides Park; Mrs, Susan Vogt nml

Mrs. Fll/aheth Vullee, both of Fast Keansburg,

Mr*. .Stanley Yffting

Funeral services wero held Tuos

day nt II a.in. at tho Armltflfte Fit-

iwnil Homo, Kuai nv, for Mrs. I la

yol Ymuitf, SO, Of 101 Brighton Avo., Kearny, who died Salurdny,

May 1.1, 1(103, nt W<wl Hudson Hos­

pital. InliM'inent wns In Arlington O n ii'le ry .

Slid was n lifelong n*fil(k>nt (il Ketirny, mul In survived h,V her hus­band, Manley J , Voting; a'son, lia r

ry S. Young, Kearny, ami Iwo Im i lliors, Charles A. I ’ indie, Wesl Or-

uitgi) and Ui'orgn I'urihe, Malawan.

Know what happens wlu'it some ihi* asks you to buy it U.H. Having*

Itord? You're being given tli# op,

twrttinHy lo hecmtt a tfwrrlmltkr In America. A wuad tovwtawal,


Miss Lynn Bowie, daughler of

Mr. and Mrs. W illinm Bowie, 280

Prospect Ave., L illie Silver, form ­erly of Ravine Dr., Matawan, be­

came the bride of Wayne Lamken, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lamken,

Lincroft - M iddletown Ud., Lincroft, Saturday, May 15, 1D65.

The Rev. Ralph Barrelt perform­ed the double ring ceremony in tbe

Embury Methodist Church, Little Silver, at 6 p.m .

The bride was given In marriage

by her father. She wore a strcet- lenglh whiLe peau dc r.nie gown

with an Em pire waistline, and A­line skirt. Appliqued flowers bor­

dered the short sleeves and square neckline. Her shoulder - length veil

of French illusion was attached to a white pillbox and she carried an

old fashioned bouquet of white dai­sies, m iniature carnations and gladioli.

lienor AttendantMiss Nancy Granger, Matawan,

was the m aid of honor. Her strcet- length dress nf yellow crepe wax styled with an Em pire waistline

and A-line skirt. A circular veil fell over her matching headpicce

and she carried nn old fashioned bouquet of yellow and white m in ia­

ture carnations.M ichad Murphy, Red Bank, was

the best inaa. Joseph Fasso jr., Roselle Park, brother-in-law of the

bride, ushered.For her daughter’s wedding, Mrs.

Bowie selected a blue lace sheath

with matching hat and accessories

and a white orchid corsage. The bridegroom's mother chose a two-

piece aqua crepe sheath wilh

matching hat and accessories and

a while orchid corsage.

The bride was graduated from Matawan Regional High School,

Class of 1%4. and is attending Berkeley Secretarial School, East

Orange. The bridegroom was grad­

uated from Middletown Township High School, Class of 1903. and is

employed by Lavoie Laboratories,


A reception waa held at Alpine Manor, Highlands. The couple will reside in Red Bank.

ObituariesMrs. Howard F . Stryker

Mrs. Marguerite D . Stryker, 54,

of 328 First St., Keyport, died Tues­

day, M ay 18, 1965, at Riverview Hospital. She was born in Key­

port, the daughter of the late An­drew T, and Margaret F . (K ripps)

Dolan, and was a lifelong resident.

She was the widow of Howard F. Stryker.

She was a communicant of St. Joseph's Church, Keyport, and a member of Lady Colfax, Rcbekah

Lodge, Keyport. She had been em­

ployed as a bookkeeper by the Key­port Lumber and Supply Company, Cliffwood.

Surviving arc several nieces and nephews.

Funeral services w ill be held Friday at 8:15 a .m . at the Bedle Funeral Home, Keyport, and a

solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrated at 9 a.m . at St.

Joseph's Church. Interment will be In the church cemetery.

Charles WitkowskiCharles W itkowski, 70, ol 128 Lup-

patatong Ave., Keyport, died Sun­

day, May 1C, 1W5 at Spring Lake

Heights Hospital. He was born in Jamcsburg, son of the late John

and Constance Witkowski.He was a former police chicf in

.Marlboro Township and an exempt

member of Ihe Helmetta Fire De­

partment. He was a communicant of St. Joseph’s Church, Keyport.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Anne (Valek) Witkowski, a son, Ed­

ward Whitney, Keyport; two daugh­

ters, Mrs. Harold Steneck and Mrs.

Edwin Costic. both of Keyport; eight grandchildren and one great­

grandchild; three brothers, John, Englishtown; Frank, Parlin; and

Conrad, Old Bridge; five sisters,

Mrs, Frances Swiatkowski and

Mrs. Catherine Quinn, both of

Jameshurg: Mrs. Sophie lluKe ;ind Mrs. Constance nodiewski. Ixiih ,if

Ilelmetta, and Mrs. Ju lia Nagle, Parlin.

Funeral Services will be held to­day at 8:.'10 a .m . from the Day

Funeral Home, Keyport, to St. Jo ­

seph's Church, where a high mass

of requiem will be celebrated al !l

a.m. Interment w ill follow in St. Joseph's Cepietery.

Antonio Della l’ ielroAntonio DellaPietro, 7,1, <if Route

30, West Keansburg, died on Mon­

day, May 17, 11)00 at Riverview Hospital, lie was born in Italy and

liad lived in this country for the past 60 years.

Mr. DellaPietro was a communi­

cant of St. Ann's Church, Keans­burg. He was the husband of the lale Mrs, Joseph (Sappio) Dclla- 1’ ietro.

Nun-lv/ng are five sons, Samuel.

Ilayvllle; Charles, Antliony Jr., and

Frank, West Kennslmrg, and Car­men, lltizlel; lliice daughters, Mrs. Ajjuslu.i H oltig lin i, mid Mrs, J o ­

seph Costic, Key|iort, and Mrs. G a ­briel Alloci'o, lio lm drl; 21 grand­

children; a hrolher, John Delh il’ie-

Uo, Union Beach, uad a sister, M is.

Joseph Mnvlmi, (.'rimlinry.Funeral services will be held |’ri

day ill 8 a,ill, ut his late i esuleiice. Al II n.m. U solemn high mass ul

requiem will l>u olfered ill SI. Ann''.

Chinch, lllli'M iicnt, under d im Hon

of ihu Duy Piiiicrul Home, Keypml,

Will IM In St. J(Xie|lh’s O llle le iy .

Jacob SheldonJacob W lllln in Sheldon, 08. nl

HO Fulton St., Keyport, died in hia hoina Tuesday, May lu, |!i i ,.i

II* waa born In ch ive iink , N. V.. and had lived lu Clilhvond piloi lo moving lo Keypuil,

Surviving nr# bin ivlfe, Mrs. Den dice (C lifford), Sholiloii, KcypoM, two daugh te r, Mlsn Manilla liheld on, al lionifl, and Mra, Noriltie Intika , New York litntiv, mm nun,

Klchmd Sh.ldoii, New York Slim ,

mm airier, Mra, llvnry A itluu Xlr/ty, A lbany, N , V ,

Funeral atrv lce t wilt lie held

I'fJday i t 1 p m , a i the Andie

Funeral Home, Keyport. Interment w ill be in Shoreland Memorial G ar­

dens, HarJet.

Joha Laugh!laJohn Loughlin, 77, of 1 Duke

Lane, Hazlet, died Monday, May 17, 1965, in the Veteran’s Adm inis­

tration Hospital, East Orange, where he had been a patient fnr

s i* weeks.He was bom in Ireland, the son

of the lute Patrick and Ann (Len- non) Loughlin, and came to the

United States In 1900. lie lived in New York until five years ago when he moved to Hailet. He was employed by the New York City Police Department and retired eight years ago. He was a veteran oi World War I. He was the widow­er of Mrs. Bessie Loughlin.

Surviving nre three daughters,

Mrs. Elizabeth Cirner, with whom he made his home; Mrs. Catherine

Newman and Mrs. Mary Everdell,

Woodsidc, L .I., and (our grandchil­

dren.Funernl services are being held

this Thursday at 8:30 a.m . at the John F. Pfleger Funeral Home, Middletown, with a requiem high

mass at 9:30 a .m . at St. Benedict's Church, llazlet. Interment will be in

Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Middletown.


Mr. and Mrs. John J . Pierce, 32

Sycamore Dr., Hazlet, announce

the engagement of their daughter, Carol Anne, to George Frederick


HeckHmnnn, son of Mr. und Mrs, Gcvft^i* P. Hwkelmann, 708 Brook Ave.. Union liencli.

Miss Pierce, a graduate of R a ri­

tan Township llifih School, is em ­ployed a*; a Kecretury hy O lanese Corporation of America, New York.

Mr. Ileckelniann, uhn was grnd- uato<| from Keyjxnt llif.h School, is

employed hy the American Can Co ,

CliffuM<i(l.No date has been ‘.et for llie wed'


Mrs. in d M ih . Joseph W. Drerln,y Seai’J.i'te Circle, Cliffwood Reach,

daughter, Verna Elizabeth, to Lt. Robert W. Hyland, son of Mr. and

Mrs. Walter F, Hyland, 6 Lincoln Court, Keansburg.

Miss Deorin is a graduate of Ma* dison Township High School and

will graduate from Claremont Sec­retarial School, New York , May 28.

Her fiance was graduated from Bishop Loughlin Memorial High

School, Brooklyn. N .Y ., and from

Rutgers University, New Bruns­wick, where he majored in econo­mics. He is a member of Sigma Phi Fraierniiy.

Lt. Hyland was commissioned in Ihe A ir Force Reserve Officer Training Corps after graduation

from Rutgers University.

A Sept. 11 wedding is planned.


Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R . Cor­bitt, 46 Avalon Lane, Matawan, an­

nounce the engagement of their

daughter, Rhoda Anne, to Michqpl J . Barrett, son of Mrs. George E .

Rarrett, C^nterport, N .Y ., and the late M r. Barrett.

Both Miss Corbitt and Mr. Bar*

rett are graduates of Harborfields

and M rs. John P . Temple, 499Shipley St., Seaford, Del.

Miss Moore was graduated fro it Keyport High School, Class of 1960« and is employed in the computation


Hifjh School, Creenlawn, N.Y.

After a six months tour of Eur*

ope, Miss Corbitt presently is em ­

ployed with Doctor Arthur E. Co­

hen, Maatwan.

M r. Barrett previously played for

the Milwaukee Braves and present­

ly is employed with Je rry ’s Ser*

vice Station, Grcenlawn, N.Y,

No wedding dale has been act.

Temple-MooreMr. and Mrs, Jam es M. Moore,

330 Route 36, West Keansburg, an­

nounce the engagement of their daughter, Miss M argaret R. Moore,

to Thomas M. Temple, son of Mr.


ccnter of Bell Telephone Labor*.tories, Holmdel.

Mr. Temple, a graduate of Se» ford Central High School, Seaford, Del. and Capital Institute of Tech*nology, Washington, D.C. also la employed by Beil Telephone Labor* atorics, Holmdel, as a technical aide in (he electronic switching di­vision.

Colts Neck Farmer It

Honored By Society

Tunis Denise, Colts Neck, a pro*

m incnt fruit grower and farm lead­

er, received the Gold Medallion of the Now Jersey Agricultural Socie­ty recently in recognition of his distinguished servicc to New

Jersey Ajiriculture. The highest

award of the 135-year-old society, the mcdnllion wns presented at the

organization's annual dinner meet- inn, in Mercervilie.

Mr. Denise Is a past president

of the New Jersey State Horticul­

tural Society and was one of th* founders and a long-time director

of the Jersey Fru it Cooperative Association. He was a member k

of the State Board of Agriculture from 1947 to 1951, serving as vice

president during the last year ol his term . In 1961, he received a citation from the State Board dur­

ing New Jersey Farmers Week ia

Trenton. .

Now is the time to adverttoe those unused articles for tale. A small ad in the classified columa w ill turn them Into cash for you.

Come meat thaR U S S E L L M E N "


They'*# bMK sailing '4$ O ldsm ob ita lit* h«t

H yeu'v* tn mAtktt for • «*t, ft will pty you to

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top tr«d« «How«nc«s and good fashioned top quality


Huttl# in today and a il for ClSff Doting, Prank Rcod,

Fr«d Koaier or Bit! Holioy, If you're looking for •

snappy cor, a d for Bill Dccfctr. Ha’l our mod car

mar - gar,


100 Newman Springs Road, Red Bank

741-0910 — Open 'til 9 P.M.

Miss VI;itNA i:, nt i.KfN

tumuuiKii III ii wigniimenl ol Iholr *



A First Merchants Bank Loan, . . B E ST f o r a n y p u r p o s t l

INw Iwyw umrti • Hmm PurnliMtfi •U m » Travel * Mtiul • M * iUn i%

tlifro aro mftny ff<ui<! h a io m for fiorrowlnfl money. Et#a villi llio n in t rnrfful hu<lu<:(lnp« ihrro arc vdics mk

•mcr**my u« major uiiia im wore ru b ik u toeI iai on baud*

Cvcrjf wide r in l MrrrfciHta Malta finnifrfcf* o f foew, Ifftyda *o tunny people *ltli money prolilema coma tn *»? tmiid liicy iuiotf (fifit n«r f.onn O ffltrri are PMJt’/ i!, 1< a • » vdie llvo In ilia arra * m n • « . ami hava loti t

Wire in ftfthhifl Jlmm;)*) p roM m * l'toa '? tw YOUypnl money for nny ((oral rrumn, Juil coin* lu lo tlifl l l r i l alwdiatila offloA tbrara* ye*, taw*o«1 hank Int^rf* rate# and tiitivriiicutly arraugoJ repnjmoul t * m i ara alwtyi avftlliililtft

u m cnm-irwr rowtH'*ii-r <>rrifaatot * M M • ■*•«•*•!* i n* 4tun • mitt § *•<•** I ItM 4 ft

iMi 0#M/ «ft| Maioi.<4 ,lt-», >»«!«<» *>«IBKmNMH I iM4«4 Ha.,I At Atl OOif*

INwWr fw**! bn*i» /***»**## <"**

Page 18: fAMt YCAR — 44H» WKK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 20 ... · laylag al maiaa la VoolNqr. K.;' light whaa .the defendant'a wile Cn m Ava aad Oak.Miadaa »acU*a gM Mtf parm iuioa



F a re w e ll D in n e r

F e r C B A D ire c to r

i M l* af r f t o ,■M l M . wia Imm id p rn c m m

e ra n w j —

w b i ef l in s l t v % ■ l « . H M t . B. ilt ir f lta a ta r 'e


m o i n h b u u m r o , r j x .

B a tn t f la English fram Msnhat- (M College. From IMS lo 1M7, he w se jr lM m l of the high school at t e M to Military Academy, Oak­dale, Lonalilaad. New York. Fran N t » MB, to wai sub-diractor of tL fW f k ' i Normal Institute, Bar-

1 wtowa. la n u h i we* assigned aa m f ln t dnc tar «t tha d rM iaa

' Q iM k au■akkt Mucria L. riilrfnttlg

t e f e vU rfitfiw U M l . a » . « oa Friday, I M by a M k Car- vieaa « • : » • « . ia the Fir* Aid Buiidiag. Chun* I t Mania L. Ruhiaateia wU deliver a ■ a n n escitM “Ethfca af tka Father*."

latwtlay at • a.ai. followed by Jita- tor CmgragaMne at W i n .

I w . Itea ia i H. McNaUf Miaistai

"Tha Secret Conversation" will be the pastor's sermon topic Sua­day st me 11 a.m. worship service. Sunday School meet* at S: 45 a.m. and Youth Fellowship at 7 p.m. ia fellowship haM.

, LndMff M m e r a i C h w d


if lH t dkoctor ot dm ■ntfMra Oay luniorate.- Thereafter!# IM*, Brother B m end waa aMofcrtad aa <he drat di­meter af ■* Chrtstiaa Brathan AeadMny aad ha* served oonrta- •oualy ki Hm opacity for Ike part ata yean. Duriag h a administra­te * , lha Aoidairiy haa bean award- id OMMindlsc fteatfendc aad Aik* M e hoaor*.

H la achool wMi a student body df M students drawn ham m •oaMMMltie* ia rtaffed by 31 Broth- a n aad *U laymen. Honorary eo- Chairmen o f the dinner committee are Vincent T. H indi, Spring Like, •ad Lawneoce J. Durltin. Middle­town. Others terviag on the com- eilttee are Al Murphy, Middletown; Eugene F. Croddick, Matawaa; William J. Oakley, Freehold; W. Norman Broderick, Spring LakeHai^Ma; Charles Cokelet. Hazlet; * ' ) Purcell, Haziet; John Higgini,Waif Township, and Ibomai T. Wanhaw, MlddMown. Edmund B. SaHlvan, preeident of the CBA’i Faikara Club will be toastmaster.

M em bersh ip C to r m e n

Ifca National laatitute of Red ■Mali Broken haa amounted the aMpiatmeat of John C. Conover, AUsahunt, a governor of the Moa- ■rnxh Couaty Board of Realtor*, a* dWrlot maMbenhip chairman. M a P. Ourtta, Leonardo haa b w

_____ \m K M M !. _awaHaal of * a Moamouth County Seeid.



, 0 CAff IRON





orwmkino* 264-5697

Nm B n M b a vDtalel 0. Rainheli

-■ Paitor Sunday School aad Bible classes

meet at B a.m.; worahip aervice, 10:3t a.m. during which a nursery if provided. Walther League Rally Will be held at 3 p.m. at the Prince ol Peace Lutheran Church, Howell Townriilp.

Ascension Day aervicea will be held Thuraday at 7:4$ p.m.

Flna RMkadM Chareh t t Chareh « t , Kaaaabara

Rav. Ntwtoo W. Greiner, Mmlnar The pastor will presdt at both

•ervioee oa Sunday at the 9:34 and II a.m. aervices; church school, 1:41 a.m.

lha Faith keferawd Chanfc MMBa Rd. Pasta Avfc

Rav rbaodore C. Muller, F a a »

Sunday School classes are held tor all age* at S:30, 1:30 and' 11 a m. Morning worahip services w4M be at I: JO and 11 a.m. The Junior choir will Mag the anthem at the early aervice and the aentor choir it 11 a.m. The paator wiH have aa hie sermon topic, “Some Things Can't Be Shaken.” Pilgrim Youth will hold an open houae for all fifth graders to Join their fellowship at S: 30 p.m. ln the educational wing.

fiW ty■ Msto I t , Matawaa

Rev. Carroll B Han.Rector

Sunday, matina ind Holy Com­munion will be at 7:45 a.m.; Holy Eucharist and church school, 9'IS a.m,; morning prayer and sermon, II a.m.; Convocation fon Episcopal Young Churchmen at St. Mary'a, Keyport, at 4:30 p.m.; evening prayer a n d Junior Episcopal Churchmen, 7:30 p.m.

w a n at I ' M a.ai. with daaaea for all ages. Ths Rev. Mr. Hiroaa will bring the mwaage at tha avsalrg w o rd * aanrlce at T pm . -

MsaaaaMk RaOma ImaftrHIP

RabM Richard F ItaiaferMlahbath Eva Services will be held

Friday at l:M p.m. During the ser vice, aiambers of tha faadty of the reUgioui achool will ha lonoredoommaawrating Teacher Reoogai tioa Service. Rabbi Richard F. Steinbriak wiH preach. Oaeg Chab- bot will Mlow.

On Saturday, lha religious school wHI hold lu final aeaaion ind dos­ing assembly at • i.m .

Mwfak'a «M

* W « .Klagdan Hall. ■ W iW sa Rt


Gene Leininger, in aaaoclate min­ister of the local congregation, will lecture at 3 p.m. Sunday on the subject "What Does the Bible Teach About Jesus Christ?” The Watchtower Bible study will follow the lecture at 4:15 p.m. with a les­son entitled "The Coming Banquet For All the Peoples.’’

St. Mary’s gptscapai Chank Eaei rraat i t , Keypad

Rav Heary A Male. Rector On Sunday there will be morning

prayer, 7:45 a.m.; Holy Commun­ion, 8 a.m.; family aervice and church achool, 9:30 a.m., and Holy Communion md sermon, II a.m

Weekly Holy Communion will be Wednesday at 9 a.m. and Friday it 6:30 a.m.

lha Refena Caagregatiaa ttrathman frhaal

Rabbi Mordecal Schretbei Sabbath eve services conducted

by the Rabbi will he held this Fri day evening at 0:30 p.m. at the Strathmore Elementary School fn the all • purpoae room. The Oneg Shabbit will be aponaored by Mr. and Mr*. David Wolfe.

M l Male I t , MatawaaPriak B. Sweeten. MinisterDonald W. Shaner, Assistant

The pastor will preach Sunday at both the 0:45 and 11 a.m. aervicea. Music will be by the chancel choir «S:4Sa.m . and by the chapel, cru­sader and chmcel chain at 11 a.m. There wiH ba reoepbon of mtnrters at the later service. Sundiy School meets at 9:45 and II a.m. A special Senior Youth Fellowship meeting will be held at 1 p.m. .

OaoiflsMtvMatfeadl CMfa ia l

•e r . Fraaft E. Swaetaa, Mlnlatai DoaaM W. Shaaer, Asalitant

Mr. Shaner will pretch Sunday at the I i.m . worship aervice; Sunday School, 10 a.m.

9 .MMe M M lharck

(A IsM la r BapdR O m N M o aU., HaaM

Morning worship service Sun­day will be at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Noel W. Hirom of the Bible Christian Union, Brooklyn, bring­ing the mcjjane. Bible school con

Rov. Eugene^?*Sr^jory, PastorAt 9:30 a.m. Sunday classes arc

held for all ages through adults. A nursery is provided for infants and toddlers during Sunday School and church. The morning worship service is at 10:45 a.m. A concert of sacred music will be presented at 7:30 p.m. by the sanctuary, chapel and crusader choirs of the church. It will feautre request se­lections made by the congregation. Baptist Youth Fellowship meeta at 6 p.m. and Young Adults at » p.m.

nrat Chareh Ol Chflel. M sbNbi M Bread It., Kaypon

ftiaday s e r v ic e and SundaySchool, 11 a.m. Wednesday, taati- away masting I p.m. Reading rooai opan Saturday from I to 4 o.m.

“Soul and Body” is the subject at Christian Science churches this Sunday. The Responsive Reading will include this verse from Paalms: "My soul longoth, yes, even fsinteth for the courts of the lord: My heart and my flesh crieth out for the living Cod” (Ps. 84:2).

Vailed Hebrew Ceagregatlea Keypart

The United Hebrew Congregation of Keyport, will hold Sabbath ser­vice* at the synagogue on Friday, May 21, at 8:30 p.m. The talk of the evening will be devoted to dis­cussion of the Counting of the Omer which is done for 49 days from the second day of Passover to the first day of Shevuoth, and the holiday of Lag B’ Omer which Is literally the 33rd day since Passover.

Participants in the scrvice are as follows: Saul Diamond, Hebrew Prayers; Dr. Walter Ogens, Eng­lish Responsive Readings; Joan Schwartz, Kiddush; Milton Marko­witz, Talk; Irving Bauman, Sab­bath Hymns; David Goldstein and

T O M S A Y S : m m m * m

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- TO M S FO RD, Inc. -60 Mnin Sl. Maliiwuii


Joyce Savitsky, (U.S.Y.), Prayer

Boofcs; Mils B. Dorothy Cohen, announcements; Louis Rosenthal,

Torah Reading and commentary.

Services are co-ordinated by M iu

Cohen. Th* next service will be

held on June 4, when the holiday of

Shevuoth will be honored. The

June 4 service will be the final one of this seasoa. Services will be

resumed again in September.


I t M I t . Keypart

Rev. David Propeit


Church School will be held at

9:30 a.m.1; morning worship service

at 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. Hie Junior

Choir will sing at the 8:30 a,m. service and the Senior Clioir at the 10:45 a.m. service. The pastor will speak concerning "Christian Responsibility." Preparatory class for church mcmbershp will meet at 3 p.m. Senior Youth Fellowship will be held at 7 p.m. with the theme "Man's Most Deadly Dis­ease.”

Vtost Praabyterlaa CharshRaate M aad FraaUe It .

MalawaaRes Cheater A. Oalloway.

PastorMorning worship services will be

at 9:30 and II a.m. “What Is True Success?'’ will be the Pastor's ser­mon topic, Sunday School meets al 9:30 and l i a.m. Bahy-care is pro­vided every Sunday morning for children under three years of age during both services.

F M Bapdat Chank

M Mala I t , Matswia

Rev. William Biagrove

Interim Paator

Church School will be held at

9:41 a.m.; morning worship, 9.-49 and 11 a.m., children's church, 11

i.m., a nursery is provided during

both servlon. The Junior B.Y.F.

will hold a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Swanson at 4 p.m. and the Junior High and Senior High groups will meet at 7 p.m. ‘

Rsfanasd Chars* al Keypad Wanaa I t , Kayport

Hie Rev. Vernon H. Kooy, D.D., a professor at the New Brunswick Theological Seminary, will be guest preacher at the Reformed Church of Keyport, on Sunday, at both the 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. services. Sun day School meets at 9:34 a.m.

layre Weeds Baptist Church Reale 9, Browalowa

Rev, Richard Jones, Pastor Sunday School will lie held at

9:45 a.m.; Morning Worship, 11 a.m.; evening service at 6:45 p.m. The evening message will be on the book of Revelation. The Rev. Rich­ard J. Jones, pastor, will speak at both services. The Pilgrims group of the Pioneer Girls will participate at the evening service for an En­campment (Award Night). The girls will receive ranks and badges which they have earned.

OM Brick Reformed Bradsvalt Rd., MarRiereRev. John Hart. Pastor

Sunday School will be at 9:30 a.m. st the Chapel. Morning wor-


"S U P C O V E R S f t Q - Maad 2 CHAIRS 'W W




i l







3 r a t 3 4 ”


o | :

: PRO WNS2 Budget Terms • E-Z Charge

^ Daily and Set. 8 A.M. • 5:30 P.M

0 Wednesdey end Friday 'til 9 P.M. A

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"A stones throw ritOM sicAtiiwoht."

ship will be at 11 a.m. with the

theme ‘‘The Earth is The Lord’s.’’ Confirmation Class will meet at 5:15 p.m. in the Chapel, Youth fel­

lowship at 6:30 p.m.

Craas Of Glerj Latheraa Church

Matawaa-Marlber* Itrathmer* Seheet Matawaa

Rev. Richard A. Weeden, Paator

Church School will be held st 9

a.m. at the Strathmore School. Worship service will be at 10:10

a.m. with the sermon ‘‘No Park­ing." There is a supervised nur­sery during the service. lYie pas­tor’s adult class will meet at 3 p.m. at the parsonage; Luther League beach party at 2 p.m.

First Ualtariaa Charch Of Moamouth Cssaty West Fra»t St., Llacraft

Rev Harold R. Dean, Pastor Church School will be held at

10:30 a.m. Morning scrvice also will be held at 10:30 a.m. when Walter Marvin will speak on “Firearms Legislation: — The Im­pact on Negro Rights and the Lib­eral Premise.” A coffee and fellow­ship hour will follow the service.

Qraca Methodist Charah Bt. Jam** PL llalea Beach

Rev. Harlond M.' Baxter, Pastor Sunday services will be conducted

by the Pastor at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church Sohool meets at 9:30 a.m.I'HIHMIMItlllHmillHIIIJMHIIIimlllHltlllimiMIIHW*

Just as flower* need water and treos need sunshine, so also you need the spiritual refreshment that Qod alone can give,

^ j f c Mokos l lf i Cowplit*

You a re Invited to a t t e n d the worship s e r v i c e s of the St. John's M e t h o d i s t Church e a c h Sunday 9:00 and 11:00 A.M.



St John ’s METHODIST CHURCH1(Serving tha BayihoraAras) Normin R. R il«y , P is to r

Bajrtl** Freeh ytattaa florae

Rav. David L Bucci, Pastor

Morning worship service 1> at 11

a.m. Sunday, when a nuraery is

held for young children; older chil­

dren are to accompany their par­

ents to church. Adult membership

class will meet at 9:30 a.m. and at

12:05 p.m. to be received by the

Session. Church School meets tt 9; 30 a.m. A family night has been planned (or 9 p.m. Each person is asked to bring s box lunch. Re­freshments will be served. After the supper a “Hymn Sing” will be held In the sanctuary; special mu­sical selection also will be given.

Thursday, May 20, 1965

Young Dems To Meet

Donald J. Cunningham, Moa­mouth County Surrogate.sjll ad­dress a meeting of MonrflCWj)!^' County Young Democrats tonight at 8:30 p.m. at the Admiral’s Table, Deal. Area residents who were named as alternate delegate* to attend the Young Democrat! convention in Atlantic City, June 4.3 and 6 are Leonard Calandra, Un- ' ion Beach and John Fiorino, Mata­wan. Membership in the organiza­tion is open to Democrats in Mon­mouth County between the ages of 18 and 40.

This week, why don’t you look through the windows of vour church . . from the inside


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... • Church Services .

end 11:00 A.M. ^




• Supervised Nursery for Children Under Thras Ysara. e Church School at 1:30 and 11:00 A.M.


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