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  • 7/30/2019 Farm Store Deliverablee


    Berea College Farm Store Project: Marketing and Consumer Survey Analysis

    Anne-Sophie Gabriel

    Berea College

    Professor Eric Kinnamon

    BUS 395 Internship

    14 August 2013

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    Farm Store Marketing Project 2


    The Berea College Farm was created to enable students to acquire knowledge and experience in

    agriculture and natural resources. As the facilities expanded to include bigger projects, the need

    for cost marginalization increased. The farm is certified organic and has been Animal Welfare

    Approved by the state. The farm is a part of Berea Farmers Market as well. Considering the fact

    that the revenue from the stand was not enough to cover all of the costs it takes to run the farm,

    the idea for a Farm Store came to light. The new idea for the project implemented the creation of

    a new business plan. The main goal of the Farm Store is to minimize cost of running the farms

    facilities. The Farm Store is to be designed as a regional example of financial sustainability and

    profit from which the students will be able to learn. In its marketing plan, the Farm Store will

    enable Berea College Farms to expand its facilities. Seeing that the store will be open 25 hours

    per week, management will be looking to increase the number of local customers and tourists

    through a marketing plan.


    The marketing aspect of the farm store project was created to learn and assess production

    processes, pricing decisions to develop a new marketing plan. The results of the marketing

    project are to help set up measurable goals for the farm and for future data collection.

    The reason for conducting the surveys was simple: Having a clear idea of what the customer

    needs, expectsalong with understanding who the customer base of a market isare an

    essential of maintaining a successful balance between the shoppers and the company/businesss

    goals. Since Berea College Farms is a part of the farmers market, creating a survey that would

    accommodate for both the Farm Store and Farmers Market was ideal to get a better

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    understanding of what the customers thought of the Markets products, the prices, convenience,

    etc. The survey was to focuse on the general demographic of the shoppers, their opinion on the

    convenience of the market, the importance of having locally grown foods available and their

    expectations of Berea Farmers Market.

    Creating the survey

    Due to the fact that the surveys were going to be conducted during farmers market hours, it was

    ideal to keep it short and somehow obtain crucial information. The process of the creation of the

    survey encompassed many aspects of merchandise marketing based on consumer behavior and

    decision making. To be able to gain relevant information, the survey was designed with the

    consumers perspective in mind. Evaluating the demographic of the market requires asking the

    audience their age, gender, location, income, household without being overly intrusive.

    An ideal survey would keep the person who is taking it engaged and interested. An article titled

    Online Research: Now & Next 2011 revealed three main points that proved to be great

    difficulty. One of the pints advised the reader to consider the survey as a form of communication

    that keeps the survey taker engaged (Puleston & Schillewaert, 1993, p. 557). This means figuring

    out ways to ask mundane questions in an innovative and interactive way. The second point it

    brought up was to keep the readers attention from the start of the survey. Some tips were to

    warm-up the survey taker by introducing to the topic little by little. To put it in their own

    words to keep the survey interesting, breaking the information into sound-bites, telling a story,

    adding some imagery and humour, results in respondents investing more time in the survey and

    giving more thoughtful feedback (Puleston & Schillewaert, 1993, p. 558). The third point it

    brought up was focusing on social psychology. A good way to help a survey feel less

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    overwhelmed with imposing open-ended questions was to give them an example of a well-

    written response to establish a social benchmark that they copy (Puleston & Schillewaert,

    1993, p. 558). Giving the survey taker the option of participating in autonomously is another way

    of receiving authentic answers since the survey will then have taken more time to continue with

    the survey (Puleston & Schillewaert, 1993, p. 558).

    Another article revealed the way consumers make their decisions based on the amount of choices

    they have presented to them. It article went on to state that the more options a consumer has, the

    faster they will make choices which could possibly result in a poorer decision that leaves the

    person less satisfied than they started off (Levav et al, 2012). The article also went on to state

    that, Peoples cognitive limitations lead them to seek ways to simplify their decisions. [...]

    cognitive constraints can drive people to simplify decisions by adopting a satisficing goal

    (Levav et al, 2012, p. 586). The consumer behavior research was to see what kind environment

    and elements had to be present to aid the consumer in making their choices. The information

    from these two articles was used to create the survey for Berea Farmers Market.

    To enable the effectiveness of the survey, questions were modeled after a report called Farmers

    Markets: Consumer Trends, Preferences, and Characteristics, written by Ramu Govindasamy,

    Marta Zurbriggen, John Italia, Adesoji Adelaja, Peter Nitzsche and Richard VanVranken. The

    journal focused on the consumers knowledge of farmers markets in 1998.

    Their survey took place in New Jersey from July to September 1997. Five hundred of these

    surveys were passed out in 21 different farmers markets throughout North and Central Jersey

    (Govindasamy et al, 1998, p. 3). 336 of the 500 questionnaires returned were found useful (p. 4).

    According to the report, consumers considered the farmers market produce to be of higher

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    quality (about 98.5 percent) and famers market prices were lower (p. 2). The average money

    spent at farmers market was and out 16 dollars (1998). 56 percent thought there was a higher

    variety of produce. 30 percent didnt expect the variety to change and 16 percent expect less

    variety (p. 9). The top five common ways the shoppers learned about farmers market were s

    follows: 50 percent said roadside signs, 49 percent by newspaper and passing by, 42 percent by

    word of mouth and 15 percent by flyers (p. 15). According to the results the most popular

    method of recognition for the farmers markets in the area was by roadside signs. At the end of

    the report was a survey used as a reference to create the survey for Berea Farmers Market.



    Participants in this study consisted of 52 females, 16 males and 8 who did not disclose their

    gender for a total of 76 between the ages of 18 and over.


    The entire data collection process lasted a span of six weeks from June 22 to July 20. The

    surveys took place every Tuesday from 3:30-6:30PM and every Saturday from 9AM to 12PM for

    a total of twelve days. The shoppers were to come to the survey booth willingly and to

    participate in the survey. Each survey took about 3-5 minutes to complete and as a token of

    gratification, a Farmers Market bumper sticker was given to each person who took the time to

    complete a survey.


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    Figure 1

    As seen in Figure 1, 45% of the market goers had first about the market through word of mouth.

    The second most popular choice, with 26% of the participant votes, was other. The other

    column had an option where the survey taker could write in their form of discovery some of

    which were working in the ANR department, vendor, newsletter and Facebook. The

    least popular columns were Radio, TV and Magazine.

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    Visits and Spending

    Figure 2

    Based on the average responses, shoppers came to Berea Farmers Market once per week which

    averaged out to be about 44% of the shoppers, which meant that 40% of the shoppers come to

    market for times per month. According to Figure 2, the second most popular answer, with a

    percentage of 20, came from people who were visiting or shopping at the farmers market for the

    first time. The third most popular response came from the shoppers who shopped at the farmers

    market once every month who made up 13% of the chart in Figure 2. Fourth and fifth most

    popular answers come from shoppers who frequented once every two weeks (two times every

    month) and twice per week (eight times every month). On average, shoppers spent about $316 on

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    groceries. The percentage of their shopping budget shoppers spent at farmers market average

    out to be 14.


    Figure 3

    When it came to the shoppers expectation of the produce at farmers market, 73% thought that

    the prices of the products were higher than retail stores, 21% thought that the prices would stay

    the same and 7% thought that the prices were lower than they expected farmers market produce

    to be. Fifty-nine percent of the market goers thought that variety was higher than they expected

    at a farmers market and ninety-nine percent of the that the quality of the produce was going to

    be better that of a retail store.

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    Priority and Distance

    Figure 4

    For this question, the shopper was allowed to only pick one of the choices given. The most

    important conditions that shoppers took into consideration while looking for a place to purchase

    produce were quality (39), freshness (21), price (8) and convenience (5).

    The average distance that shoppers were traveling to come to farmers market in Berea was

    about 14 miles. The most popular form of transportation for the shoppers was driving. The least

    popular form of transportation was biking.

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    Most Popular Products

    Figure 5

    According to the results, the most popular products at Berea Farmers Market were as followed:

    vegetable (71), fruits (51), baked goods (41), pork (6), poultry (6) and nonfood items (11).

    Seventy-one out of seventy-six participants selected vegetables as the main product that they buy

    at Berea Famers Market. The least selected option was the nonfood category. This category only

    had 11 people and had an average percentage of fourteen.

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    Factors of the Farmers Market that Are Important to the Shoppers

    Figure 6

    The last section of the survey focused on the participants view of what they thought was

    important regarding the farmers market. The options consisted of sentences the participant could

    choose to either agree or disagree with depending on how strongly they felt about the statement.

    The statements were measured on a scale of 1-6 where the higher the number was, the more the

    participant strongly agreed. Supporting local farmers and buying local were important factors to

    the shoppers. These two options scored the highest on the importance scale with an average of

    5.6. The factor that scored the least was the importance of price. According to the results, the

    price of the products do somewhat matter to the shoppers.


    The main reason for the survey conduction was to get an overview of who the shoppers of Berea

    Farmers Market were. The results of the survey showed that 68% percent of the shoppers who

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    came to the market while the survey was being conducted were females and 21% were male. The

    rest was undisclosed. There were many limitations to this study because it was not a

    representation of everyone who comes to the market. Since the survey was conducted during the

    summer, some of the shoppers who typically come to the market during the fall, winter and

    spring seasons were not present. On the terms of fist time visits, it is possible that the 20% is

    larger than the normal average percentage of first time visitors. This could be to the fact that

    there was a 5K run on the first Saturday this survey was conducted. Since it was summer, a lot of

    tourists come to visit from out of state which also helped contribute to the large number of

    market first timers.

    Price is an important factor to the market goers (see Figure. 6). The reason it scored so low was

    because the question was negated. In the survey the questions says, The prices of the products

    do not matter to me. Since the average answer for the question was somewhat negative on the

    agreement scale. It is safe to say that the participants did not agree with the statement which

    meant that price was actually an important factor but could be looked over when it come to the

    quality of the product when (see Figure 4). This can also be seen with what the participants were

    expecting when they came to market (see Figure 3). Of the participants, 73% expected the prices

    to be higher than that of a retail facility and 99% expected the quality of the products to be

    higher than the quality of the products of retail facilities.

    When evaluating the survey itself, some things will have to be adjusted to pertain to the Farm

    Stores future surveys. Some of the items that come to mind are the choices for the popular

    products, the age category and the way the advertisements options are set up. The popular

    products section was missing options that shoppers wrote in items such as Beef and Goat.

    The age category will have to spread out to get a more detailed overview. The advertisement

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    section of the survey would in the sense that the Magazine and Radio option would be

    omitted. The new options would be Facebook and Newsletter since these are what most

    participants included.

    Instead of traditional marketing, the style of marketing that both Farmers Market and the Farm

    Store are focused on is direct marketing. This is where their strength lies. The difference between

    direct marketing and traditional marketing id the way the products are sold. Direct marketing

    relies on the differences in produce because products vary with each consumers unique taste and

    preferences. Traditional marketing involves selling a commodity and not looking at the

    difference in products. Traditional marketing is more focused on the pricing of the products

    (Stern & Swisher, 2003, p. 1).

    The Farm Store and Farmers Market are basically based on direct marketing because they both

    deal with the customers on a daily basis and because of that they can provide their customers

    with products they will likely not find in larger retail stores. Another way direct marketing is an

    advantage is the fact that both can focus on the differences between them and retail stores

    through the diversity, quality and the convenience of products. An example of convenience is the

    fact the Farm Store will be able to offer ready-to-eat food to customers. Vendors are able to offer

    bread and bakery items shoppers will most likely not find in a retail store. Another example is

    the difference in the quality of flavor of the products. This can make a big difference. According

    to an article written by M.E. Swisher and James Sterns, Consumers often list taste and freshness

    as the top reasons for buying directly from farmers. Producers who get their products to

    consumers the same day they are harvested will always win on this issue. (p. 2)

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    In conclusion, the Farmers Market and the Farm Store have a lot of potential to draw in a bigger

    audience in terms of consumers through different marketing techniques. Since the most popular

    style of advertisement has been word of mouth, expanding the form of advertising leaves many

    choices open. Passing out flyers and possible newspaper ads will likely increase awareness of the

    markets. Social media marketing is becoming a largely popular platform for marketing. The next

    steps of the project moving forward would be to conduct another survey directed towards the

    Farm Store and to set up a secure internet presence through Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, website

    with an independent domain, etc. Cooperative marketing between both the Farm Store and

    Farmers Marketing is always an option with the likelihood of a wide range of positive results.

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    Govindasamy, R., Zurbriggen, M., & Italia, J. (1998).Farmers markets: Consumer trends,

    preferences, and characteristics.New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station.

    Levav, J., Reinholtz, N., & Lin, C. (2012). The Effect of Ordering Decisions by Choice-Set Size

    on Consumer Search.Journal of Consumer Research, 39(3), 585599.

    Puleston, J., & Schillewaert, N. (2011). Online Research: Now & Next 2011. The Market

    Research Society (Vol. 53, pp. 557560).

    Swisher, M. E., & Sterns, James. (2003).An Overview of Small Farm Direct Marketing(pp. 1


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    Farm Store Marketing Project 16

    Berea Farmers Market Survey

    Thank you for your time taking this survey, all of your data would be taken

    anonymously and kept anonymous.

    What is your age?

    (under 18) (18-24) (25-30) (31-40) (41-54) (55+)

    What is your gender?

    Male Female

    How did you find out about the Berea Farmers Market?

    Roadside signs Newspaper

    Passing by Magazine

    Word of mouth Flyers

    Radio Television

    Internet Other (specify)


    How often do you come to Berea Farmers Market?

    Once a week Once in two weeks Twice a week

    Once a month This is my first time

    On average, how much do you spend on groceries a month? $__________

    What percent of that do you spend at Berea Farmers Market? ___________%

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    How did you expect the produce at Berea Farmers Markets to be different from that

    of other retail facilities?

    a. In terms ofquality

    Better Worse Same

    b. In terms ofvariety

    Better Worse Same

    c. In terms ofprices

    Higher Lower Same

    When deciding where to purchase produce, which do you consider most important?

    (please select only one)

    Convenience Price

    Quality Freshness

    About how far do you travel to get to Berea Famers Market? ______(in


    What is your form of transportation to Berea Farmers Market?

    Walking Biking Driving

    What products do you typically buy at Berea Farmers Market?

    Pork Poultry Vegetable Fruits Baked Goods


    Please flip over, more question on back.

    How do you feel about the following statements? Use 1-6 if:

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    1. Strongly disagree

    2. Disagree

    3. Somewhat disagree

    4. Somewhat agree

    5. Agree

    6. Strongly agree

    _____1.Buying locally is very important to me.

    _____2. Supporting local farmers is important to me.

    _____3. I shop at farmers market due to my lifestyle choices.

    _____4.The way the produce is grown important to me.

    _____5. The cost of products has the most effect on what I buy.

    _____6. The farmers market location is convenient for me.

    _____7. The farmers market times are convenient for me.

    _____8. I am able to find everything I need when I come to Berea Farmers Market.*

    _____9. The prices of the products do not matter to me.

    _____10. I shop at farmers markets due to my lifestyle choices.

    *If 1-3, what would you like to see more of?


    Comments or suggestions:





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    Farm Store Marketing Project 20

    Berea Farmers Market Survey - Mapped and Coded

    Thank you for your time taking this survey, all of your data would be takenanonymously and kept anonymous.

    What is your age?

    (under 18): 1 (18-24): 2 (25-30): 3 (31-40): 4 (41-54): 5 (55+): 6

    What is your gender?

    Male: 1 Female: 2

    How did you find out about the Berea Farmers Market? 0 or 1

    Roadside signs Newspaper

    Passing by Magazine

    Word of mouth Flyers

    Radio Television

    Internet Other (specify)


    How often do you come to Berea Farmers Market?

    Once a week: 3 Once in two weeks: 2 Twice a week: 4

    Once a month: 1 This is my first time: 0

    On average, how much do you spend on groceries a month? $__________

    What percent of that do you spend at Berea Farmers Market? ___________%

    How did you expect the produce at Berea Farmers Markets to be different from thatof other retail facilities?

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    Farm Store Marketing Project 21

    a. In terms ofquality

    Better: 1 Worse: -1 Same: 0

    b. In terms ofvariety

    Better: 1 Worse: -1 Same: 0

    c. In terms ofprices

    Higher: 1 Lower: -1 Same: 0

    When deciding where to purchase produce, which do you consider most important?(please select only one) 0 or 1

    Convenience Price

    Quality Freshness

    About how far do you travel to get to Berea Famers Market? ______(inmiles)

    What is your form of transportation to Berea Farmers Market? 0 or 1

    Walking Biking Driving

    What products do you typically buy at Berea Farmers Market? 0 or 1

    Pork Poultry Vegetable Fruits Baked Goods


    Please flip over, more question on back.

    How do you feel about the following statements? Use 1-6 if:

    1. Strongly disagree

    2. Disagree

    3. Somewhat disagree

    4. Somewhat agree

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    Farm Store Marketing Project 22

    5. Agree

    6. Strongly agree

    _____1.Buying locally is very important to me.

    _____2. Supporting local farmers is important to me.

    _____3. I shop at farmers market due to my lifestyle choices.

    _____4.The way the produce is grown important to me.

    _____5. The cost of products has the most effect on what I buy.

    _____6. The farmers market location is convenient for me.

    _____7. The farmers market times are convenient for me.

    _____8. I am able to find everything I need when I come to Berea Farmers Market.*

    _____9. The prices of the products do not matter to me.

    _____10. I shop at farmers markets due to my lifestyle choices.

    *If 1-3, what would you like to see more of?_______________________________________________________

    Comments or suggestions:___________________________________________________________________________________________




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