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Page 1: Fashion spread evaluation

Fashion spread

Page 2: Fashion spread evaluation

When taking this photo I intended to show as much as the clothing as possible but also with the skate park and in a relevant location. I intended to take this photo at a skate park because my theme is skateboarding. This image does fulfil my intentions because you can see the cloths and the skateboard, I also did it at the skatepark so the location was relevant. This image is appropriate because it is set at a relevant location for the theme . Its also appropriate because I used a teenage model. There is a chilled meaning created in this image because the model looks relaxed and is smiling.

Page 3: Fashion spread evaluation

Fashion spread 1

The combination between text and image works well in this one because the dark parts of the background give a good place to add bright text. The meaning created in this page is a happy one because the title is about a “new look” and the model is smiling. This page is appropriate for the target audience because it colourful and looks inviting. My intentions have been fulfilled because its appropriate for the target audience and looks good

Page 4: Fashion spread evaluation

When doing this image I intended to create an image with happy meaning and something that's relevant to the theme and audience. This image had fulfilled my intentions because there's a happy meaning to the image and its also relevant to the target audience. this image is appropriate because it is relevant to my theme skateboarding and because I have used a teenage model to create something that appeals to the audience. The meaning created in this image is happy because its sunny and the model is smiling.

Page 5: Fashion spread evaluation

Fashion spread 2

Because the fence is a dark colour it meant I could use the same colour for the text. The page creates a happy mood because of the bright colours and the model is smiling. Its appropriate to the target audience because its colourful and will appeal to the target audience. This page fulfils my intentions of creating a happy mood and also being relevant to the theme.

Page 6: Fashion spread evaluation

When taking this image I intended to create good quality photos relevant to the theme. This image has fulfilled my intentions because it looks god and is also relevant to my theme of skateboarding. This image is appropriate because it a got a skateboard in it and the model is also dressed like a skateboarder. The meaning created is a calm relaxed one because the way the model is sat down.

Fashion spread 3

Page 7: Fashion spread evaluation

Fashion spread 3

The ground made it easy for me to keep with the white text because it is a dark colour and it also meant I could put it under the model so its not the first thing you look at. The meaning is relaxed because the model looks happy and is sat down. This is appropriate because the teenage model can help the younger audience relate. My intentions have been fulfilled because I have made a page that is relevant to the target audience and theme.

Page 8: Fashion spread evaluation

When I took this image I intended to use something that everybody thinks about when skateboarding park I was also trying to create a happy meaning by getting the model to smile. I think this has fulfilled my intentions because the model is smiling and I also did it on a ramp at a skatepark. This is appropriate because its relevant to my theme and also has a teenage model.The meaning created is happy because the model is smiling.

Page 9: Fashion spread evaluation

Fashion spread 4

The dark ramps mean I can have a brightly coloured text that will appeal to the target audience. The meaning created is a happy because its bright and the model looks happy by smiling. This fulfilled my intentions because it looks good and also gives a good meaning.

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